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More Shea Farewells
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 26 2008 11:09 AM |
This one from Paul of UniWatch, complete with video.
AG/DC Sep 26 2008 11:17 AM |
I forgot to mention. I met a nice couple of 50-somethings from Westchester --- Met fans in Yankee territory --- on my honeymoon. He claims he has a neighbor who's a construction foreman who has a tile from the exterior in his basement play room, among other Metsorobilia he shoulldn't have. The story goes that construction workers pocketed a bunch and agreed (poorly) that they would never speak about it.
metirish Sep 26 2008 11:28 AM |
Good article from Lukas , Meisel sounds like he will try and accommodate just about anything to get a sale , which of course is his job. A shame about the Agee marker.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 26 2008 11:36 AM |
The Agee marker is a little weird if I may say so.
soupcan Sep 26 2008 12:05 PM |
Prior to the 1988 season my friend Dave and I decided to buy 2 season seats.
Gwreck Sep 26 2008 12:23 PM |
Glad to here the skyline is moving to the new park.
metirish Sep 26 2008 12:24 PM |
Great picture.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 26 2008 12:27 PM |
Yes, they did. It seems kind of silly that a professional athlete would need a ride from the bullpen to the pitcher's mound. They don't shuttle the left fielder from the dugout to his position. Seeing a guy jog in has much more dramatic impact than having him arrive in a little cartoon car. They were using those things when I first started following the Mets, but I don't recall when they stopped. And I don't know when they started, either. Anyone?
AG/DC Sep 26 2008 12:35 PM |
With Moises, it might have helped.
There's something to be said for comedic impact also. Showmanship. Color.
soupcan Sep 26 2008 12:41 PM |
I don't know when they stopped using the 'cap cars' but I do know that did replace them with regular cars. They'd have some local dealer give them a Nissan painted with the Mets logo and pinstripes. Such a disappointment to see those after becoming so attached to the golfcarts. I think I read that teams throughout the league stopped the process of chauffering the relief pitchers to the mound due to insurance issues.
Farmer Ted Sep 26 2008 12:53 PM |
Skyline survives.
soupcan Sep 26 2008 01:19 PM |
Yeah, that is good news. I dig the skyline.