In 2009 the Mets will wear a charcoal gray road uniform with a blue Mets script, with both orange and white drop shadows for all the lettering and numerals.
Can't judge it until I see it, but I like the sound of it.
I never minded (or noticed) the drop shadow, so I really don't care if it stays or goes.
metsguyinmichigan Oct 03 2008 05:53 PM
The charcoal grey the Blue Jays wore was pretty dark, if I remember.
Curious to see.
OlerudOwned Oct 03 2008 07:41 PM
Blue hats on the road! Ditch the black! Oh happy day!
Fman99 Oct 03 2008 08:03 PM
No surprise -- new stadium and new uniforms to sell in those new gift shops.
Sounds cool, though. I look forward to buying the $25 t-shirt version of the same.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 03 2008 09:27 PM
Yeah, it's been an open secret the Mets would make some changes to the unis next year -- this is as specific as its come, however.
Away jerseys should tell the hosts what city they're from, unless they're from a "state" than all bets are off. So while I'm unhappy if they'd take away NEW YORK, which I think looks great -- I'm very intrigued over the grey adjustment, removal of black, the pop, etc etc.
Thanks for passing it along!
SteveJRogers Oct 03 2008 09:47 PM
As one who hated those drab "Mets" grays back in the mid-late 1980s, I am intrigued to see how these will look.
The Old English New York though was classic, even with the black shadow and it being used on a black jersey kind of kept a Metly tradition going that dated back to day one.
Ah well, at least they aren't changing the font... uh, I hope not. No more tails or vague imitations of other team's fonts!

dgwphotography Oct 04 2008 05:41 AM
I have mixed feelings - I love that they are getting rid of the black, but I won't like getting rid of the old english "New York" on the away uniforms...
themetfairy Oct 04 2008 06:52 AM
I didn't interpret that the black would be gone - just that they'd use it less.
DocTee Oct 04 2008 08:33 AM
Ditto Iubitul.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 04 2008 09:11 AM
Re: New road uniforms w/o "New York"? Less black?
I'm confused. Here it says:
="metsguyinmichigan":3uxd8oyy]Although black will remain a part of the Mets color scheme- there will be less emphasis on the color starting next season.[/quote:3uxd8oyy]
But here, it says:
Instead look for a much more 'blue' Mets appearance for 2009 at home.
When I asked if the Mets pinstriped home uniform would continue to be sullied with that hideous black drop shadow, I was told that there is a good chance that that will not be a part of their ensemble next season.[/quote:3uxd8oyy]
The black drop shadow is the only black element on the current alternate pinstripes. Without this element, there would be no black at all on the pinstripes.
And finally, here, it says:
Interestingly there is absolutely no black on this uniform whatsoever[/quote:3uxd8oyy]
So will there be some black, or hopefully, no black? Or was the leaker referring to the new roads only as the blackless uniforms? Also, I suppose that the Mets could add black to a different area of the pinstripes if they really do drop the drop shadow black, while intending to retain some black. Or maybe only the caps will have black. Or maybe all new unis would be blackless but for some alternate uni that will be worn the least. In this day and age, I fully expect that there will be more than just one home and one road version of the new uni.
Good riddance, I hope, to the most revolting uniforms the Mets ever wore, perhaps the most revolting uniforms in all of baseball -- for 11 seasons, no less.
Farmer Ted Oct 04 2008 09:48 AM
Blue, orange and white piping is a LOT of piping.
OlerudOwned Oct 04 2008 10:20 AM
Shot down on the same board.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 04 2008 10:26 AM
Did someone see that jersey in a Sporting Goods store and then assume that it was the official 2009 model? Is that what this rumor is all about?
OlerudOwned Oct 04 2008 10:28 AM
="batmagadanleadoff":1hn9juh1]Did someone see that jersey in a Sporting Goods store and then assume that it was the official 2009 model? Is that what this rumor is all about?[/quote:1hn9juh1] Maybe someone doing that and claiming they had a source, or maybe he did know someone "inside Citi Field" and that person just happened to be a dumbass.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 04 2008 10:48 AM
="batmagadanleadoff":p15wids6]Did someone see that jersey in a Sporting Goods store and then assume that it was the official 2009 model? Is that what this rumor is all about?[/quote:p15wids6]
Perhaps it's someone with an interest in selling that model.
I still think changes, more than a sleeve patch, are coming in 2009.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 04 2008 11:10 AM
="John Cougar Lunchbucket":gh7jdexd]="batmagadanleadoff":gh7jdexd]Did someone see that jersey in a Sporting Goods store and then assume that it was the official 2009 model? Is that what this rumor is all about?[/quote:gh7jdexd]
Perhaps it's someone with an interest in selling that model.
I still think changes, more than a sleeve patch, are coming in 2009.[/quote:gh7jdexd]
I totally agree. I predict that the Mets will wear an entirely new uniform next year, overhauling the current style. The current unis are the longest running style during the Wilpon era, beating out the home pullover racing stripes (11 seasons to eight).
By the way, how could that rumor starter claim the jersey pictured above to be next year's new model and simultaneously say that there wouldn't be any black in the 2009 unis? The jersey in that photo appears to be just as black, perhaps even blacker than the current black unis.
I'd sure like to read that thread. Maybe the leaker was describing a different jersey. The photo above is clearly at odds with michigan's quoted description in the opening post to this thread, which states that next year's unis will have no black at all, or hardly any black.
Rockin' Doc Oct 04 2008 11:40 AM
Id like a more official announcement regarding the Mets 2009 uniforms before I spend too much worrying about this. The report of a bulletin board poster that "spoke with someone inside Citi Field" (like possibly a member of the construction crew?) just doesn't do much for me.
SteveJRogers Oct 04 2008 11:54 AM
By the way, how could that rumor starter claim the jersey pictured above to be next year's new model and simultaneously say that there wouldn't be any black in the 2009 unis? The jersey in that photo appears to be just as black, perhaps even blacker than the current black unis.
I'd sure like to read that thread. Maybe the leaker was describing a different jersey. The photo above is clearly at odds with michigan's quoted description in the opening post to this thread, which states that next year's unis will have no black at all, or hardly any black.[/quote:187c0cup]
Technically, like the MFY Navy Blue, that is "charcoal grey" not really "black" in the color sense.
metsguyinmichigan Oct 04 2008 12:43 PM
If that source is wrong, I'd be happy. I love the Mets basic uniforms especially the pinstripes. I'd be thrilled if they dropped the shadow and wore blue caps all the time.
Was anybody else surprised they didn't wear the pinstripes for the final game?
OlerudOwned Oct 04 2008 12:44 PM
="metsguyinmichigan":pqbnvmo6]If that source is wrong, I'd be happy. I love the Mets basic uniforms especially the pinstripes. I'd be thrilled if they dropped the shadow and wore blue caps all the time.
Was anybody else surprised they didn't wear the pinstripes for the final game?[/quote:pqbnvmo6] Not at all, they suck when it comes to uniforms.
Kong76 Oct 04 2008 01:21 PM
I wore my orange batting practice jersey to Shea's last game because it is, well, obnoxious, and that's how I felt that morning.
I have a pretty authentic pinstripe one, a pretty authentic road grey, a cheap black 'new york' road one, and the snow white which is also pretty authentic but doesn't have a patch for some reason (I bought it on ebay cheap).
I've never gone to a game and thought, "ug they're wearing this or they're wearing that." I used to go to Shea and think I was going to see the first no- no until the first hit -- well we know how that went.
I'm still not sure if my Mets obsession is going to fade into the sunset with each piece of concrete carted out of Queens the next couple of months, and if I'm going to be alienated by new uniforms and a stadium named after one of the four or five banking conglomerates likely to be standing next spring, but my guess is if they come out with some cool uniform that I like I'll pro- bably get one and if I get to Citifield next year I'll wear it and say, "Let's Go Mets" in it and not wish it was road grey or pinstripes. Time marches on, and backwards since it will be in a replica Ebbets Field -- I can't get outraged over what they'll be wearing and where they'll be playing.
A Boy Named Seo Oct 04 2008 03:12 PM
I have some Mets jerseys (how come it's not jersies?) and except for this mid 80's Rawlings pull-over that I got back then, they're all cheapie replicas.
I like having options on crap to buy because I'm 33 and find there to be few occasions a dude like me wears sports jerseys out anymore when I'm not at a game, and nowadays that's not an automatic anyway (I once owned a sweet, blue Clippers alternate road jersey I never wore out of the house once).
Plus the cost of the official ones are downright offensive. $170 for a shirt is not something I will take part in.
Cheap shirts = More money for $12 stadium beer.
Kong76 Oct 04 2008 04:35 PM
I don't really wear them out except for games and an occasional bbq at a friend's house. I guess that makes them all the more expensive and use- less but I like them.
metsmarathon Oct 04 2008 10:35 PM
="A Boy Named Seo"]I have some Mets jerseys (how come it's not jersies?) |
for the same reason its not donkies...
Main Entry:
\ˈdäŋ-kē, ˈdəŋ-, ˈdȯŋ-\
Inflected Form(s):
plural donkeys
origin unknown
circa 1785
1 : the domestic ass (Equus asinus)
2 : a stupid or obstinate person
metsguyinmichigan Oct 05 2008 10:44 AM
Because there is an "e" before the "y." Like in attorneys and monkeys.
metsmarathon Oct 05 2008 09:44 PM
yeah, but donkey was the first word i thought of.
i guess key would've been obvious, too...
Vince Coleman Firecracker Oct 08 2008 07:28 AM
The only jersey I currently wear is a black home replica Reyes jersey. The black home jersey is my least favorite of all the versions the Mes currently wear, but my fiancee bought it for me, so I'm kinda stuck with it. The current grey road jersey is my favorite; sorry to hear the OE "NEW YORK" is on the way out. Not very sorry to hear the black will be reigned in.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 08 2008 07:32 AM
If the black is replaced with a very dark grey, then it's not going to make much of a difference.
I do find the black less objectionable on the road uniforms than on the home. If the road gets dark grey instead of black, and the home uniform ditches the black, I'll be quite happy.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 08 2008 07:34 AM
I've been informed by a reliable source that the denial of that story is credible and that the very same ugly-ass unis will be back for next year, unfortunately.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 08 2008 07:35 AM
Oh well. If that's true, then at least the uniforms won't be getting uglier, which was always a possibility.
AG/DC Oct 08 2008 07:58 AM
I'll agree. I think off-black is likely a step in the wrong direction from black.
Edgy DC Dec 30 2008 12:45 PM
Have you met my friend, Mr. Lee? First name, Ug.
<img src="http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/mets/2009uni01.jpg">
Adam Rubin has this in his blog, taken from some guy who shot it at The Sports Authority. So this may indicate nothing.
On the other hand, all I want is my team's uniform to look better than my uncle's pajamas. Is that wrong?
metirish Dec 30 2008 12:47 PM
Could the ETS be any further away from the M? , h-orrible.
Edgy DC Dec 30 2008 12:49 PM
I'm 68% sure it's not an indicator of anything to come.
metirish Dec 30 2008 12:50 PM
Yeah , it looks like a bad imitation they sell over at Fordham road.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 30 2008 12:55 PM
Isn't it funny how even when the information is wrong, the legit media is scooped by us interneters. I'm pretty sure Rubin's falling for the same falsehoods we did months ago.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 30 2008 12:59 PM
I thought this was the new Mets uniform for 2009.

The ebay seller says "new", so it must be.
SteveJRogers Dec 30 2008 06:12 PM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Dec 30 2008 06:26 PM
="John Cougar Lunchbucket":6a6omkpc]Isn't it funny how even when the information is wrong, the legit media is scooped by us interneters. I'm pretty sure Rubin's falling for the same falsehoods we did months ago.[/quote:6a6omkpc]
It is more of a commentary on how the media, in all forms, has become such a "gotta break the story first" animal.
I mean, yeah this was for his blog, which is different than an article in either the paper itself, or even the online edition, but still it is a small example of it.
Funny about how this technological age is so driven in the point that simple research can be at our fingertips, yet it has created a laziness as well based on the desire to be the first outlet (major or otherwise) with a breaking story.
metirish Dec 30 2008 06:15 PM
Wrong again Bucket , thanks Steve for sorting that out.
Edgy DC Dec 30 2008 06:21 PM
Relaxarino, Steve. It's Rubin's blog, and clearly there's a different threshold for blog content, and little editorial oversite.
SteveJRogers Dec 30 2008 06:24 PM
="Edgy DC":cuzicc6n]Relaxarino, Steve. It's Rubin's blog, and clearly there's a different threshold for blog content, and little editorial oversite.[/quote:cuzicc6n]
Spacemans Bong Dec 31 2008 08:50 PM
I don't really know why the Mets do this stuff. The Mets are unique among expansion teams in actually having an identity (compare to the Astros, who have changed their look four or five times). Blue from the Dodgers, orange from the Giants, a little kooky thrown in for good measure. Blue hats with an orange NY. Mets and number on pinstriped home unis, 1930s Giants-style New York on the roads (I could whine about how it's another example of Fred Wilpon disregarding the Giants tradition). That's it. The Mets butt in on every trend - pullovers, traditional pullovers, traditional-style buttonups, black trim - and it always looks bad compared to the classic unis.

This is the uniform. Now stop fuckin' around.
DocTee Dec 31 2008 08:53 PM
Amen, brudda...but thems roads gotta be gray.
seawolf17 Dec 31 2008 08:55 PM
Bong! Holy cow! Long time no post! Hope to see you around more.
="Spacemans Bong":2pfqsqbh]I don't really know why the Mets do this stuff.[/quote:2pfqsqbh]
That, however, would be to help support Fred's Bernie Madoff habit.
Spacemans Bong Dec 31 2008 10:22 PM
I was reading about some Mets stuff, thought of this place, then I thought "Why did I stop posting here?".
Plus someone's gotta keep the NY Giants torch lit 'round here..
Edgy DC Jan 02 2009 07:43 AM
G-FaFiF's helping on Giant duty, too, but welcome back.
Let's be honest, though, the Mets have futzed around with this stuff before Wilpon came on board and they're as likely to futz around after he's gone.
Spacemans Bong Jan 05 2009 01:54 PM
="Edgy DC":gx7itd7t]G-FaFiF's helping on Giant duty, too, but welcome back.
Let's be honest, though, the Mets have futzed around with this stuff before Wilpon came on board and they're as likely to futz around after he's gone.[/quote:gx7itd7t] True, but in the end between Wilpon, Doubleday (What's baseball?), and M. Don Grant, that's not exactly the Tinker and Evers to Chance of baseball ownership.
G-Fafif Jan 05 2009 01:57 PM
="Spacemans Bong":8ok7rcmx]="Edgy DC":8ok7rcmx]G-FaFiF's helping on Giant duty, too, but welcome back.
Let's be honest, though, the Mets have futzed around with this stuff before Wilpon came on board and they're as likely to futz around after he's gone.[/quote:8ok7rcmx]
True, but in the end between Wilpon, Doubleday (What's baseball?), and M. Don Grant, that's not exactly the Tinker and Evers to Chance of baseball ownership.[/quote:8ok7rcmx]
Your New York Mets Management Team: Tinkers to Evers to Futz
The more NYG torchbearing, the better.