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WSo8M: (8) Tootsie v. (9) Beverly Hills Cop
(8) Tootsie | 15 votes |
(9) Beverly Hills Cop | 15 votes |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 20 2008 08:59 AM |
Lacey Underall Division, Pacific Tech U. regional:
Benjamin Grimm Oct 20 2008 09:09 AM |
I liked both of these, but memories of Tootsie, for whatever reason, have stuck with me more. So I voted for Tootsie.
themetfairy Oct 20 2008 09:27 AM |
Tootsie is a great film with a wonderful cast. The conversations between Dustin Hoffman and Sydney Pollack are priceless, and Bill Murray was incredible as the roommate. I love this film, and vote for it without hesitation.
Fman99 Oct 20 2008 09:29 AM |
Yep. Same here.
Willets Point Oct 20 2008 09:32 AM |
I had a huge crush on Jessica Lange at the time Tootsie came out.
soupcan Oct 20 2008 09:39 AM |
sharpie Oct 20 2008 10:02 AM |
Tootsie by a mile.
metirish Oct 20 2008 10:14 AM |
Beverly Hills Cop .
AG/DC Oct 20 2008 10:16 AM |
Colin Powell endorsed Tootsie's candidacy this weekend, saying that Tootsie can be a "transformational figure."
MFS62 Oct 20 2008 10:36 AM |
Liked both films. But I can watch BHC over again. Can't say the same for Tootsie.
HahnSolo Oct 20 2008 10:45 AM |
This is closer than what the comments here would indicate. I like BHC a lot, so I went with it.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 20 2008 10:53 AM |
Went with BHC. If I wanted to see a short guy dress up as a girl I could look in a mirror.
metirish Oct 20 2008 11:03 AM |
I loved BHC , I didn't know Murphy from SNL as I never saw that show growing up , just loved his character and attitude , now it would no doubt annoy me.
AG/DC Oct 20 2008 11:08 AM |
Beverly Hills Cop is just a delivery system for Eddie Murphy's schtick. Look at the depth of encouraging supporting performances and Tootsie cleans the floor with Axel.
Frayed Knot Oct 20 2008 11:18 AM |
Tootsie and it ain't even close.
bmfc1 Oct 20 2008 11:37 AM |
BHC is the second movie in these polls that featured John Ashton (Midnight Run was the other).
AG/DC Oct 20 2008 11:41 AM |
Some Kind of Wonderful still to come.
Rockin' Doc Oct 20 2008 02:52 PM |
Two very different, yet enjoyable movies. I haven't seen Tootie in 15-20 years, but I have seen Beverly Hills Cop a few times over the years. In a close decision, I gave my vote to Beverly Hills Cop, probably more out of familiarity than anything else.
Vic Sage Oct 20 2008 03:19 PM |
BHC sucks BHMC.
Fman99 Oct 21 2008 06:33 AM |
Wow, a tie. Someone needs to get in here and break this thing one way or another.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 21 2008 06:54 AM |
I think both movies should have to write a song about Bud Harrelson.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 21 2008 07:02 AM |
I think I put a 1-day time limit on this poll too. If that means 24 hours, that would be in a little more than an hour, I think.
soupcan Oct 21 2008 08:03 AM |
An 8 -v- a 9 tied and going into OT!
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 21 2008 08:20 AM |
I thought about breaking this tie by sending it to the Board of Elders.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 21 2008 08:28 AM |
Good idea for the tie-breaker.
AG/DC Oct 21 2008 08:28 AM |
Somewhere out there there's a CPF tiebreaking voter.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 21 2008 08:32 AM |
I think the poll has expired though.