="AG/DC":3ubsxthd]Don't get me started on freaking Erin Woodward. Wouldn't let me friend her at Facebook.[/quote:3ubsxthd]
You can friend me on Facebook.
AG/DC Oct 21 2008 08:12 AM
Sniff. Thanks.
metirish Oct 21 2008 08:15 AM
There are a bunch of us on Facebook it seems
I found the Plain rap on SNL to be nauseatingly cringe worthy.
A Boy Named Seo Oct 21 2008 09:33 AM
All the skeezers and skanks are on Myspace, boys.
AG/DC Oct 21 2008 09:34 AM
When you're looking for Met wives, you hunt where they graze.
metsguyinmichigan Oct 21 2008 10:02 AM
="Willets Point":30rj0vea]="AG/DC":30rj0vea]Don't get me started on freaking Erin Woodward. Wouldn't let me friend her at Facebook.[/quote:30rj0vea]
You can friend me on Facebook.[/quote:30rj0vea]
Me too!
bmfc1 Oct 21 2008 10:49 AM
Should the CPF'ers have their own Facebook group? And how do we find each other unless we know each others real names?
Fman99 Oct 21 2008 11:32 AM
="bmfc1":3fekvxjq]Should the CPF'ers have their own Facebook group? And how do we find each other unless we know each others real names?[/quote:3fekvxjq]
Talk about pulling the curtain back!
Anyone on FB can start their own group and invite those people whose real names they know. Then those people can invite the other CPF'ers that they know/have friended, and so on.
I am on FB but only have one friend there who is a CPF'er.
(I did set up another group on FB for a different message board I frequent. It's not wizardry.)
bmfc1 Oct 21 2008 11:50 AM
Fman--as an aside, your tag has a typo in it
AG/DC Oct 21 2008 12:04 PM
Forgive my ignorance, but what would a Facebook group give us that the forum dudn't?
bmfc1 Oct 21 2008 12:06 PM
I'm not sure if it would add anything--I was just responding to all those that said that they have a Facebook account. It was just a suggestion.
Fman99 Oct 21 2008 12:51 PM
="AG/DC":1n1xz0il]Forgive my ignorance, but what would a Facebook group give us that the forum dudn't?[/quote:1n1xz0il]
The most obvious thing is that it'd put actual names and faces to online monikers. Whether that is a good or bad thing is up to the user.
Having said that, they provide an alternate way to interact with your fellow CPF'ers, find out what is new with them, share links, and do much of everything else that already goes on here.
I use it mostly to keep in touch with friends from high school and college that have moved to various parts of the country and whom I don't see anymore.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 21 2008 12:57 PM
I just learned today that I've had a Facebook account since last November. I must have signed up for it and then forgotten it. I went in there today and ran my personal e-mail address list through and ended up inviting about a dozen people to be my friends. One, who I unchecked because I didn't want to annoy him (yet, anyway) was one of our celebrity guests from a few years ago.
So I have a Facebook account, one friend, and perhaps more pending.
Now what? I still don't really know what this is all about.
Centerfield Oct 21 2008 01:01 PM
I'm not so sure I want to track down old "friends".
More accurately, I'm not sure I want to be tracked down by old "friends".
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 21 2008 01:03 PM
I signed up recently after an old friend reached me by email about my book and suggested it would be a good way to promote it. That ship has sailed mostly, but I've been having fun stalking old girlfriends and stuff.
metirish Oct 21 2008 01:09 PM
I made a profile a few months back , no real reason but then I find an old friend from back home who now lives in Australia and we've not been in contact in 12 years. I spent an hour writing him a long message only for him to write back saying " great to hear from you yybb , sorry I am rubbish at typing' and that was that...wtf? The guys a master woodworker and you can't type....I have since found two more old friends and that has been cool but over all Facebook is bleh.
themetfairy Oct 21 2008 01:23 PM
I first signed up for Facebook in library school, as part of my Social Software Literacy course. A few months ago I started using it for real.
I find Facebook is a good way to keep touch with certain people, like my friend's daughter who is off at college (my own daughter prefers to communicate with me via IM). I have a couple of Scrabble games going, I sometimes learn interesting things from my friends' updates, and it's a good place for photo sharing.
Facebook hasn't changed my life, but it's a pleasant diversion.
Farmer Ted Oct 21 2008 01:30 PM
I opened my email yesterday to find links to old girlfriends on Facebook. Courtesy of my bastard friends.
metsguyinmichigan Oct 21 2008 02:13 PM
I like it because it's a nice way to keep in touch with old friends...and meet new ones like Met Fairy! But I don't spend a ton of time with it.
themetfairy Oct 21 2008 02:34 PM
Michigan just spends his time there plying me with virtual cocktails ;)
Kong76 Oct 21 2008 03:17 PM
I'll become a Yankee fan before I open an account at any of those jive joints. I'm still lamenting registering on classmates dot com what seems like ten years ago. You can't quit, stupid emails that people are looking for you, I haven't been there in eight years and they're still nipping at my heels.
If people are interested in sharing information about themselves for CPF purposes you can just use the member promotions forum and post anything you like. Getting outside sites like facebook or myspace involved here would give me the heebie jeebies.
Nymr83 Oct 21 2008 04:11 PM
i cant speak for myspace but i have not once gotten an email from facebook that wasn't a direct result of my checking a box that says "email me when..."
Kong76 Oct 21 2008 04:27 PM
I don't care about spam, I wouldn't want this place outed as where I hang out because I had some kind of CPF facebook link and someone who I don't want here finds it because they're being nosy.
An awful lot of people waste hours and hours of time here that I'm sure they do not want certain people to be aware of.
I abandoned complete anonimity on the Mets web a long time ago, but having a page on some social site is not something I'm in any hurry to even think about.
themetfairy Oct 21 2008 04:47 PM
For my part, my Facebook page says nothing about this place. And I don't recall anyone else from the Pool mentioning this place on Facebook either.
Kong76 Oct 21 2008 04:51 PM
I'm saying I wouldn't want a page for myself and if there was a page on the site for this place I wouldn't want any part of it either.
AG/DC Oct 21 2008 04:54 PM
And if you can't friend Erin Woodward, what's the point?
themetfairy Oct 21 2008 05:05 PM
="KC":3hvv439f]I'm saying I wouldn't want a page for myself and if there was a page on
the site for this place I wouldn't want any part of it either.[/quote:3hvv439f]
Nobody is making you join.
And there's no page for this place there.
Kong76 Oct 21 2008 05:16 PM
I didn't say anyone was making me do anything!?!?
Willets Point Oct 21 2008 05:18 PM
You two argue like siblings.
Kong76 Oct 21 2008 05:20 PM
We are siblings, don't tell anyone.
Rockin' Doc Oct 21 2008 06:04 PM
I don't think I have ever been to a facebook site. When I wish to communicate with old friends, I do it the old fashioned way, I pick up the phone and call them or write them (a letter or email).
Willets Point Oct 21 2008 06:52 PM
I used to write letters often but got frustrated with no one writing back. I've never been a phone person. Social networking websites have actually worked quite well for me, much to my surprise.
metirish Oct 22 2008 07:17 AM
I think I added the guitarist from Iron Maiden!
metsguyinmichigan Oct 22 2008 07:34 AM
="metirish":3prtyuf8]I think I added the guitarist from Iron Maiden![/quote:3prtyuf8]
Hush. Nobody knows about the secret alter ego. If my editors find out about the side gig, I'm gonna be in all kinds of trouble. Would explain a lot, though.
themetfairy Oct 22 2008 09:59 AM
I can't access Facebook when I'm subbing. The school filters block it (although they don't block the CPF, as evidenced by the fact that I'm posting now).
seawolf17 Oct 22 2008 12:16 PM
I love Facebook. I'm on there all the time. I have a few CPF friends on there.
Kong76 Oct 22 2008 02:49 PM
I get the feeling that a number of people may think I'm dogging facebook or people who like that sort of thing. This subject was buried in a thread and someone posted that maybe the CPF should have a facebook page. Then someone made it into it's own thread and all I meant was I want no part as one of the providers of this site in a facebook page, account, etc. if that's what having a facebook discussion thread was all about.
Nymr83 Oct 22 2008 03:12 PM
well we stopped talking about he election and had 30+ posts on facebook so it needed its own thread even if we're not doing anything with it
Kong76 Oct 22 2008 03:19 PM
It's like I'm speaking another freakin' language sometimes. I didn't say it didn't need a thread and I'm not soliciting an explanation as to why it got one. It's like freakin' fairy yesterday telling me no one is making me join ... no freakin' kidding and I didn't say anyone was.
Farmer Ted Oct 22 2008 03:41 PM
Ran into a friend the other day whom I've lost contact with (my fault). Been about 8 months or so. I said "hey, what's your new phone number?" He replied, "Well, are you on Facebook?"
Nymr83 Oct 22 2008 03:43 PM
i can probably count on one hand the number of people my age that i know who don't have facebook, though many dont actively use it.
themetfairy Oct 22 2008 04:11 PM
="Nymr83":qao58mgl]i can probably count on one hand the number of people my age that i know who don't have facebook, though many dont actively use it.[/quote:qao58mgl]
That's because you're a Digital Native, while most of us here are Digital Immigrants.
Nymr83 Oct 22 2008 04:38 PM
and I'm strongly anti-digital immigration, it freaks me out when older people i know show up on facebook.
Kong76 Oct 22 2008 04:45 PM
I suppose it's funny that there's an internet generation gap.
I'll stop shouting at the clouds now.
themetfairy Oct 22 2008 05:07 PM
="KC":lfofm25z]I suppose it's funny that there's an internet generation gap.
I'll stop shouting at the clouds now.[/quote:lfofm25z]
The things we learn about in library school these days....
Kong76 Oct 22 2008 05:30 PM
We're on two totally wavelengths in this thread.
OlerudOwned Oct 22 2008 11:00 PM
You guys aren't real Facebook users until you start making all your statuses riffs off of song lyrics or get a concerned instant message over fluctuation in your Relationship Status.
Nymr83 Oct 22 2008 11:32 PM
="OlerudOwned":32qzt2cv]You guys aren't real Facebook users until you start making all your statuses riffs off of song lyrics or get a concerned instant message over fluctuation in your Relationship Status.[/quote:32qzt2cv]
change your status to "engaged" (or "single" if you are engaged) and watch how many people IM you within minutes, its funny.
themetfairy Oct 23 2008 10:48 AM
Somebody (who shall remain nameless but he knows who he is) owes me a move in Scrabble....
themetfairy Oct 23 2008 05:32 PM
Facebook is nothing compared to Second Life. There's a huge learning curve to the place, though. I created an avatar, but I got frustrated when I couldn't get my hair to be one uniform color, and I decided to delete the account.
I know there are supposed to be educational benefits associated with the community. On the other hand, it seems like it's also full of pervs (some guy kept coming on to me in the five minutes that I was there).
Is there any compelling reason why I should give Second Life a Second Try?
Benjamin Grimm Oct 23 2008 05:34 PM
How about because some guy kept coming on to you in the five minutes that you were there?
AG/DC Oct 23 2008 05:41 PM
="themetfairy":3ayjtmgx] (some guy kept coming on to me in the five minutes that I was there).[/quote:3ayjtmgx] That was you? Oh, God, I feel so stupid.
A Boy Named Seo Nov 01 2008 11:40 AM
="themetfairy":1hm0aqwo]Somebody (who shall remain nameless but he knows who he is) owes me a move in Scrabble....[/quote:1hm0aqwo]
They got chess on this facebook, too?
themetfairy Nov 01 2008 01:47 PM
At a quick glance - yes, there are chess apps on Facebook.
seawolf17 Nov 01 2008 01:48 PM
Join us, Seo. Join us.
Kong76 Nov 01 2008 02:06 PM
Don't drink anything they offer you the first two weeks ... it's a trap.
A Boy Named Seo Nov 01 2008 05:16 PM
="KC":1tan7px8]Don't drink anything they offer you the first two weeks ... it's a trap.[/quote:1tan7px8]
My bro and sis-in-law just got on board and sent me an email saying "Drink the kool-aid".
Is there some kind of drinking app, too?
Sounds culty.
I love cults.
seawolf17 Nov 01 2008 07:06 PM
Then welcome aboard. (Ick.)
themetfairy Nov 01 2008 08:46 PM
="A Boy Named Seo":1vplwkcu]
Is there some kind of drinking app, too?
There is, actually :)
Willets Point Nov 01 2008 09:48 PM
="themetfairy":sezzzcry]="A Boy Named Seo":sezzzcry]
Is there some kind of drinking app, too?
There is, actually :)[/quote:sezzzcry]
Sadly, it's purely virtual.
A Boy Named Seo Nov 01 2008 10:47 PM
Irish, I think I just poked you. I don't know exactly what that means, but I feel sorta dirty.
Nymr83 Nov 06 2008 11:47 PM
just a warning to those of you on facebook who want to keep your privacy private... if your email address is visible on facebook anyone who has you in their email contacts can accidentally find you if they click a button to import their email contacts, and it'll tell them your real name and stuff even if all they had was your email. (this message came about because i tried importing my contacts earlier and was suprised to learn that i'd once sent an email to a particular person on this board and now they're showing up on facebook even though i didn't know their full name before.)
themetfairy Nov 07 2008 05:44 AM
You can go into your settings, and under privacy there is a Contact Information settings page. You can fix your settings so that nobody can view that information.
Edgy DC Nov 19 2008 11:15 AM
I'm getting some odd requests.
One from a guy I worked in the parks department with one summer twenty years ago, another from a guy who I wouldn't expect liked me much in high school. He was at the high end of the funny scale (I went to perhaps the funniest high school on earth) but definitely had successful lawyer all over him, while I had slacker.
Then he sends me a message to friend up an old sorta mutual friend I knew better, JPH. I knew JPH better because we had been in school together since kindergarten. But, you know, JPH was the captain of the football team and I was one of the tackling dummies. He was also at the high end of the funny scale.
"Look under JPH's desk," MM told me during my senior college writing class. And there JPH was, listening to the lecture, taking notes, participating in class, with his meat out of his pants.
Bizarro funny when you're a high school senior (and not the exhibitionist who is begging to get nabbed), but I'd kind of be surprised if JP didn't graduate from Horny High Schooler to Adult Sex Offender.
But I clicked the "what the hell, why not?" button, and, in a way, I guess I'm looking under his desk again.
Willets Point Nov 19 2008 11:35 AM
So if I friend Edgy I can be one degree away from a juvenile sex offender!
themetfairy Nov 19 2008 01:32 PM
Edgy still hasn't friended me yet :(
And btw, it was because of Facebook that I found out about Willets' birthday yesterday.
Edgy DC Nov 19 2008 01:35 PM
My page consists of one video of Dabidrye. Why anyone would want permission to look at it boggles my boggled mind.
themetfairy Nov 19 2008 01:36 PM
That was a great video, though.
Willets Point Nov 19 2008 01:45 PM
It also has a cute picture of Bud Harrelson with a puppy in his mitt.
Edgy DC Nov 19 2008 01:48 PM
True dat. A puppy is a puppy.
It asked for a portrait. Usually when I have to upload a self-portrait to some profile, I search my hard drive and select Cleon Jones. Buddy and his buddy popped up this time.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 19 2008 02:04 PM
Mine is me as an M&M.
themetfairy Nov 29 2008 02:52 PM
Does anyone know how we could start a page for [url=https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=144384&supid=162321295:20mkcofn]The Miranda Fund[/url:20mkcofn] on Facebook?
Edgy DC Nov 30 2008 07:17 PM
On it, Baby.
Benjamin Grimm Dec 11 2008 07:17 AM
This ain't much, but it is <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ultimate-Mets-Database/39897746391?ref=s" target="_new">what it is.</a>
themetfairy Dec 11 2008 07:26 AM
Looks good to me.
And Edgy finally friended me :)
Vic Sage Dec 11 2008 11:30 AM
me too!
I'm as happy as a little girrrl... :)
Edgy DC Dec 11 2008 11:44 AM
Now what do we do? Do I swap tapas recipes with you, or post a message that I'm getting on the elevator?
Because I don't have any kids photos.
]So if I friend Edgy I can be one degree away from a juvenile sex offender! |
Could be.
Methead Dec 11 2008 12:19 PM
="Benjamin Grimm"]This ain't much, but it is <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ultimate-Mets-Database/39897746391?ref=s" target="_new">what it is.</a>
I'm now a fan. Not that I haven't always been.
seawolf17 Dec 11 2008 02:23 PM
="Edgy DC":2k1hsq37]Now what do we do? Do I swap tapas recipes with you, or post a message that I'm getting on the elevator?
Because I don't have any kids photos.[/quote:2k1hsq37] You should post photos of kids eating tapas on an elevator, then.
Kong76 Dec 11 2008 02:57 PM
I got my first facebook invite today (maybe my second) from a handsome poster (not named Edgy) here. Am I the only poster here without a facebook account? If I get one can I check out a few of your pages or do I have to be invited to do so? What's in it for facebook if it's free? Is there a lot of ad- vertising? Do they inundate you email offers and sell your email to others? I feel like a dinosaur.
Benjamin Grimm Dec 11 2008 03:03 PM
They do sell ads. And because people put so much information about their age, their interests, their location, those ads can be very specifically targeted. I guess there are a bunch of advertisers who see value in that.
HahnSolo Dec 11 2008 03:08 PM
I just became a fan of the UMDB.
Valadius Dec 11 2008 04:04 PM
So did I.
bmfc1 Dec 11 2008 07:12 PM
As did I.
cooby Dec 11 2008 07:14 PM
Am I the only poster here without a facebook
OlerudOwned Dec 11 2008 07:49 PM
Best part of the UMDB Facebook page is that I now know to imagine MGiM as the guitarist from Iron Maiden.
SteveJRogers Dec 11 2008 08:48 PM
="OlerudOwned":1hz7mcu6]Best part of the UMDB Facebook page is that I now know to imagine MGiM as the guitarist from Iron Maiden.[/quote:1hz7mcu6]
WOW! That is SO not how I imagine MGiM!
metsguyinmichigan Dec 11 2008 09:01 PM
="SteveJRogers":374bfkcl]="OlerudOwned":374bfkcl]Best part of the UMDB Facebook page is that I now know to imagine MGiM as the guitarist from Iron Maiden.[/quote:374bfkcl]
WOW! That is SO not how I imagine MGiM![/quote:374bfkcl]
Dude, I can head bang with the best of them!
SteveJRogers Dec 11 2008 09:08 PM
I'm sure you can, just not in terms of how you look! =;)
Rockin' Doc Dec 11 2008 09:22 PM
Am I the only poster here without a facebook
I too am faceless.
themetfairy Dec 12 2008 05:22 AM
For those of us on Facebook - who here minds if I match up Poolers I know with other Poolers? I don't want to give out anyone's info without permission. But if I know and trust someone here, is there anyone who doesn't object to an intro over there?
SteveJRogers Dec 12 2008 06:00 AM
="themetfairy":2rinyunj]For those of us on Facebook - who here minds if I match up Poolers I know with other Poolers? I don't want to give out anyone's info without permission. But if I know and trust someone here, is there anyone who doesn't object to an intro over there?[/quote:2rinyunj]
Pretty sure you got me covered!
<---- =;)
Edgy DC Dec 12 2008 06:24 AM
I ain't said no to anyone yet. I may regret that later, but I think the pool is cool.
dgwphotography Dec 12 2008 06:29 AM
="Rockin' Doc":ixgpy3rn]="cooby":ixgpy3rn]="KC":ixgpy3rn]
Am I the only poster here without a facebook
I too am faceless.[/quote:ixgpy3rn]
I blocked facebook and myspace on my firewall at home to keep my kids off of them.
Fman99 Dec 12 2008 06:58 AM
="bmfc1":36ebwkhh]As did I.[/quote:36ebwkhh]
Benjamin Grimm Dec 12 2008 07:23 AM
="themetfairy"]For those of us on Facebook - who here minds if I match up Poolers I know with other Poolers? I don't want to give out anyone's info without permission. But if I know and trust someone here, is there anyone who doesn't object to an intro over there? |
I prefer to stay as anonymous as possible.
I'm not even in the UMDB Facebook fan group, although I may create a Benjamin Grimm pseudonym on Facebook for my Mets-related activities.
SteveJRogers Dec 12 2008 07:38 AM
="Benjamin Grimm"]="themetfairy"]For those of us on Facebook - who here minds if I match up Poolers I know with other Poolers? I don't want to give out anyone's info without permission. But if I know and trust someone here, is there anyone who doesn't object to an intro over there? |
I prefer to stay as anonymous as possible.
I'm not even in the UMDB Facebook fan group, although I may create a Benjamin Grimm pseudonym on Facebook for my Mets-related activities. |
Interestingly enough there is a Ben Grimm over at the MOFO that signed up around September/October, but once the poster admitted that he/she was a Phillies fan I figured it wasn't you.
Benjamin Grimm Dec 12 2008 07:40 AM
No, it's not me. But whoever it is will be hearing from my attorney, Matt Murdock.
Mendoza Line Dec 12 2008 10:06 AM
I'm a UMDB fan. The guy holding a wiffle bat. Lefthanded because I'm batting against my niece.
Vic Sage Dec 12 2008 01:35 PM
="Benjamin Grimm"]Really?
No, it's not me. But whoever it is will be hearing from my attorney, Matt Murdock. |
I'll let Matt know you're looking for him.
Edgy DC Dec 16 2008 07:07 AM
Wait a minute... no cursing?
HahnSolo Dec 16 2008 09:03 AM
="themetfairy":1k6ahyqy]For those of us on Facebook - who here minds if I match up Poolers I know with other Poolers? I don't want to give out anyone's info without permission. But if I know and trust someone here, is there anyone who doesn't object to an intro over there?[/quote:1k6ahyqy]
Not at all. I'm not sure who anybody is over there. I'm in the UMDB Fan club. Look for the picture of the Average Joe with the pretty wife and two pretty kids with the Shea scoreboard in the background. That's my profile photo.
Edgy DC Dec 16 2008 09:11 AM
Funny thing is getting friended by poolers who I don't know by name.
"Who is this guy? Oh, well, he knows a buncha Poolers. Must be kosher."
Seriously though, I got slapped down by two prodigious cursers for using profanity. No cursing?
I got my kharmic payback as Steve has already embarassed me. Thanks for insulting my brother and his sensitive self-image, Steve.
SteveJRogers Dec 16 2008 09:58 AM
="Edgy DC":rh91zjav]Funny thing is getting friended by poolers who I don't know by name.
"Who is this guy? Oh, well, he knows a buncha Poolers. Must be kosher."
Seriously though, I got slapped down by two prodigious cursers for using profanity. No cursing?
I got my kharmic payback as Steve has already embarassed me. Thanks for insulting my brother and his sensitive self-image, Steve.[/quote:rh91zjav]
Hey how the heck am I supposed to know someone would be INSULTED by being compared to Richard Belzer!
themetfairy Dec 18 2008 08:26 AM
="Edgy DC":39scsvo8]On it, Baby.[/quote:39scsvo8]
And you've done it! Thanks Edgy - good job!
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 18 2008 08:35 AM
One thing I don't get is this whole accepting cupckaes and Family Guys and snowballs thing. I ignore all requests I get to do that. Is that obnoxious of me? Is there something that whole throwing shit at people is supposed to do?
Fman99 Dec 18 2008 09:06 AM
="John Cougar Lunchbucket":14o6nx1c]One thing I don't get is this whole accepting cupckaes and Family Guys and snowballs thing. I ignore all requests I get to do that. Is that obnoxious of me? Is there something that whole throwing shit at people is supposed to do?[/quote:14o6nx1c]
There's no negative consequences to it... I have 60-70 pending requests too that I don't tend.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 18 2008 09:11 AM
But what's the point?
seawolf17 Dec 18 2008 09:19 AM
It's just goofy.
FMan, you can just "ignore" those -- or block them -- and they'll go away. That's what I've always done.
Benjamin Grimm Dec 18 2008 09:32 AM
="John Cougar Lunchbucket":349erjoo]But what's the point?[/quote:349erjoo]
I think it's a way of communicating with someone even when you have nothing to say.
Hey! I'm here! See? I threw a snowball at you!
I've received Christmas treats in the last couple of days, but when I click on them I don't see what the "treat" was, I just see a link to an online IQ test.
Rockin' Doc Dec 18 2008 09:41 AM
My wife signed on to Facebook yesterday and started a page. She contacted our son who friended her and soon she had 27 requests to be her friend. She showed me a little of what was going on with it, but i just fail to see the attraction so far. Maybe I'll change my point of view in the future when she gets a better handle on it and how it works.
metirish Dec 18 2008 09:51 AM
Imagine Doc you could have your patients friend you, how cool would that be?
Or not.
themetfairy Dec 18 2008 09:55 AM
="John Cougar Lunchbucket":3axv7twv]But what's the point?[/quote:3axv7twv]
It's just a way of saying hi to someone. Sometimes it spurs further conversation. Sometimes it doesn't. But it's a way of touching base with someone, just to say that you haven't fallen off of the face of the earth.
No consequences if you don't accept something.
Willets Point Dec 18 2008 10:38 AM
="John Cougar Lunchbucket":29xp7bla]One thing I don't get is this whole accepting cupckaes and Family Guys and snowballs thing. I ignore all requests I get to do that. Is that obnoxious of me? Is there something that whole throwing shit at people is supposed to do?[/quote:29xp7bla]
No, my Facebook experience is definitely better for ignoring all that crap.
OlerudOwned Dec 18 2008 11:46 AM
="Willets Point":3fuowayo]="John Cougar Lunchbucket":3fuowayo]One thing I don't get is this whole accepting cupckaes and Family Guys and snowballs thing. I ignore all requests I get to do that. Is that obnoxious of me? Is there something that whole throwing shit at people is supposed to do?[/quote:3fuowayo]
No, my Facebook experience is definitely better for ignoring all that crap.[/quote:3fuowayo] Yeah, that's the kind of annoying garbage that caused so many people to jump ship from Myspace. Internet equivalent of a shiny object.
Benjamin Grimm Dec 19 2008 05:59 AM
I've been playing around with RSS, and I have UMDB memories posting to the Facebook page. Right now I have to consciously push the memories to the page, but I should soon have that automated.
Once that's working, I'll post a link so that non-Facebook users can also subscribe to the RSS feed.
Edgy DC Dec 30 2008 06:19 PM
I search for "David Wright" and find out that he's got 7,902 fans.
I search for "Al Leiter" and find out that he's got 17 fans.
metsguyinmichigan Dec 30 2008 09:16 PM
="Edgy DC":3re33do3]I search for "David Wright" and find out that he's got 7,902 fans.
I search for "Al Leiter" and find out that he's got 17 fans.
That's because David Wright is cool and Al Leiter is a traitor, and Yankee fans who might friend him only get to use the computer at the library -- and they're busy checking out other sites first!
Edgy DC Dec 31 2008 07:09 AM
For what it's worth, he's dressed as a Met in his profile.
metirish Dec 31 2008 07:11 AM
You are one of his thousands of friends?
I saw something about edgy and David Wright on the facebook news feed.
Edgy DC Dec 31 2008 07:12 AM
Yeah, we're kind of an item.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 05 2009 08:15 PM
Help me out. a few days ago I got this message in my box:
]from the University of Delaware?
Looks like you, tho it's been what, 25 years???
Deb |
I can vaguely place the name and face -- I think I knew someone with this name once, but I have absolutely no memory whatsoever of from where or why.
What is the appropriate response? Time is becoming of the essense...
themetfairy Mar 05 2009 08:28 PM
Do you think you want to connect with Deb? If so, reply to her message. If you think it's best to let sleeping dogs lie, then feel free to ignore her.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 05 2009 08:34 PM
Well, the question was reply how.
soupcan Mar 05 2009 08:49 PM
'Hey, how've you been?
Nice to hear from you, what have you been up to?'
Go from there.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 05 2009 08:55 PM
So you play the ignorance close to the vest?
themetfairy Mar 05 2009 09:00 PM
Yes - keep it casual. Let her lead the conversation until she says something that causes you to actually remember who she is.
metirish Mar 06 2009 04:40 AM
" Deb how are you...ah was I mean to you in any way..if I was then sorry , married? , kids?, divorced?"
Edgy DC Mar 06 2009 05:32 AM
1) Google her and see if there's a photo out there.
2) Write the boys and see if they remember her.
If there is any benefit to fraternity brothers, it's times like these.
themetfairy Mar 06 2009 05:33 AM
Or you can say that it's been a while and ask her to refresh your memory.
Edgy DC Mar 06 2009 05:48 AM
You've clearly never had your heart broken by John C. Lunchbucket.
I, on the other hand, have, and that would be like turning the knife.
themetfairy Mar 06 2009 05:50 AM
True - I'm the one who broke Bucket's heart....
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 06 2009 07:09 AM
Yes, first of all, I can't believe you guys are suggesting a strategy where I intentionally play dumb. For one thing I suck at that, and for another I am certain that if she really knows me than a generic how're you doing twill totally give me away.
I've checked out the photos, her friend list and asked two friends if their bells rung but no dice yet.
Yes, I think there's a chance I had sexual relations with this person. That wouldn't explain why she's seeking me out, necessarily, but it does raise the danger stakes.
What I'm looking for is a clever but gerntle and non-insulting way to say, "Um, whoi the F are you?"
themetfairy Mar 06 2009 07:21 AM
There is none.
You either have to play dumb or bite the bullet - there's no middle ground.
Edgy DC Mar 06 2009 07:25 AM
It's e-mail. How hard can it be to give a generic greeting and not be caught out?
I do that with all the time. There's this guy Jay who writes me e-mails about the Mets and I'm just keeping it cool until I figure out who he is.
Yeah, there's a chance that she could come back with "How am I? How the fuck am I? Lousy since you left me and my Nissan Centra in the Delaware River, you asshole!"
But what are the odds of that?
I've had three or four friending attempts where I had no idea who they were, and they were all women who seemed at least a decade younger than me. I think they were just hyperfrienders or something. At least they never wrote to me.
"Deb! Wow! How have you been doing?" It's not even technically a lie, and it spares her any amplification of the humiliation she felt at the Spring Fling 1989.
Edgy DC Mar 06 2009 07:26 AM
Are you afraid that Junior might have an older brother?
metirish Mar 06 2009 07:37 AM
Yes, I think there's a chance I had sexual relations with this person.
Yeah I've heard Gene Simmons say things like that , a busy boy back then huh?
Fman99 Mar 06 2009 07:58 AM
="John Cougar Lunchbucket":bnd5m6he]Yes, first of all, I can't believe you guys are suggesting a strategy where I intentionally play dumb. For one thing I suck at that, and for another I am certain that if she really knows me than a generic how're you doing twill totally give me away.
I've checked out the photos, her friend list and asked two friends if their bells rung but no dice yet.
Yes, I think there's a chance I had sexual relations with this person. That wouldn't explain why she's seeking me out, necessarily, but it does raise the danger stakes.
What I'm looking for is a clever but gerntle and non-insulting way to say, "Um, whoi the F are you?"[/quote:bnd5m6he]
Send her the lyrics to "Billie Jean" and be done with it.
Edgy DC Mar 12 2009 08:58 PM
This is totally happening to me RIGHT NOW!!!!
metirish Mar 13 2009 07:12 AM
Do tell.
Edgy DC Mar 13 2009 07:29 AM
I had a long midnight conversation with a lady who was a year behind me in high school. I certainly recogniced the name of the guy she married.
She seemed very nice, and I lied through my teeth about remembering her, while hemming and hawing that my memories are kind of foggy (kind of!?). Her profile was filled with photos of her kids and her flowers, so I couldn't glean anything there, except that her son had his dad's nose.
Edgy DC Mar 13 2009 07:33 AM
Just found an interweb photo of her 40-year-old self and am trying to mentally turn her back into a 16-year-old. No bells going off at all.
themetfairy Mar 14 2009 02:57 PM
[url=http://www.facebook.com/pages/Faith-and-Fear-in-Flushing-The-Book/88028715280?ref=share#/pages/Faith-and-Fear-in-Flushing-The-Book/88028715280?ref=share:361t3x5f]Here's a Facebook page we should all join![/url:361t3x5f]
cooby Mar 17 2009 03:19 PM
Thanks to all of you (5 or 6!) that asked me to 'friend" them at Facebook during the night! It was a neat surprise to wake up to. However, I must confess that I don't have a Facebook page.
I'll be friends with you here though :)
themetfairy Mar 17 2009 03:22 PM
Sorry about that. I thought that if I sent you a friend request and told you who else was on Facebook that it would entice you to sign up - I didn't realize that our mutual CPF friends would also receive notifications to try to entice you as well.
Live and learn....
cooby Mar 17 2009 03:27 PM
:( I appreciate that metfairy, but does that mean theirs were all form letters?
A Boy Named Seo Mar 17 2009 03:29 PM
So, Lunchbucket, how's your story end?
Vic Sage Mar 17 2009 03:33 PM
all stories end the same way, if you continue them long enough... with the death of the protagonist.
A Boy Named Seo Mar 17 2009 03:49 PM
I guess I want to hear about the sex part in act II before we skip straight to the dying.
themetfairy Mar 17 2009 04:16 PM
="cooby":2b1t7sp5]:( I appreciate that metfairy, but does that mean theirs were all form letters?
No cooby - for you, we all wrote heartfelt, original messages!
cooby Mar 17 2009 05:25 PM
Edgy DC Mar 31 2009 08:06 AM
I'm growing disenchanted. Few to none of the applications I want/need to use work very well, if at all, and the whole site seems to have become a delivery system for those damn "Which sweathog are you?" quizzes.
themetfairy Mar 31 2009 08:51 AM
With D-Dad in SoCal this week, I'm finding Facebook to be a good way of touching base with him.
Facebook is as much or as little as you want it to be. And the quiz things are very ignorable.
Benjamin Grimm Mar 31 2009 08:54 AM
One of these days I'm going to write one of those stupid quizzes.
Edgy DC Mar 31 2009 08:57 AM
Send it right to my cousin Janice. She takes 20 of them a day.
themetfairy Mar 31 2009 08:58 AM
="Benjamin Grimm":vmz6slny]One of these days I'm going to write one of those stupid quizzes.[/quote:vmz6slny]
I won't ignore yours :)
metirish Mar 31 2009 09:14 AM
There have been rumors that FB will start charging a fee , and I am sure you have all come across groups apposing this. I am reminded of an article I read last year about how that might work.
A Radical Business Plan for Facebook
Charge people.
By Farhad Manjoo
Posted Friday, Oct. 31, 2008, at 7:11 AM ET
A couple of weeks ago, TechCrunch, a blog that hit it big by chronicling the rising fortunes of Web startups, launched a decidedly downbeat new feature: a layoff tracker. Silicon Valley insiders have long wondered how deeply an economic downturn might hurt tech firms; after all, companies here in the Bay Area weathered the worst of the last recession, and since then, they've all adopted leaner, less profligate business practices. (E.g., there are no more Super Bowl ads featuring sock puppets.) But hard times are here again. Venture capital firms are telling their clients to batten down the hatches because free money is gone. Share prices for the biggest tech companies have plummeted over the past year. Per TechCrunch, dozens of companies have announced plans to let go of more than 24,000 workers, and no one doubts more cuts are coming soon. Even Google's fabled free-food privileges are being cut back.
The worst-hit companies are the smallest—the startups that are the star players in the Valley's recurring tragedy of flameout and rebirth. With the market down and the financial sector in distress, startups that launched with only the haziest plans for making money now have nowhere to go. Young entrepreneurs flock to Silicon Valley to win billion-dollar IPOs or to sell out to Google or Microsoft for huge sums, but neither option is feasible anymore. Now startups have to think of other ways to make money. The bad news is that the Web economy is dominated by advertising dollars, and advertising often suffers during a recession. So what to do? In the absence of ads, an IPO market, venture capital funding, and guaranteed acquisition, how can startups make any money?
Allow me to propose something crazy. Tech companies should start charging people to use their services. No, seriously. Let's take the biggest example of a Web site that has no clear path to profitability: Facebook. The social network attracts more than 100 million "active users" around the world, but as of now—as even its founder Mark Zuckerberg admits—it's still looking for a "business model" (that is, a way to make tons more money than it spends).
But let me say that again: 100 million people use Facebook regularly. Judging from some of the folks in my social network, a sizable minority of Facebook users have hundreds of "friends" and check in to the site multiple times a day—call them superactive users. Let's imagine that Facebook became a tiered service. A free plan would limit you to 200 friends, one status update per day, or some other non-Draconian combination of restrictions. But for $5 a month, the limits would be lifted. Certainly, many users would balk; tens of thousands would join Facebook groups to protest the new pay model. Let's assume that 95 percent of users will refuse to pay a dime. That still leaves 5 percent, or 5 million people, to pay $60 a year. That's $300 million in the bank.
I confess that I didn't come up with the idea for this radical business model on my own. I stole it from David Heinemeier Hansson, a developer at the innovative Web software company 37signals, a firm that has long proselytized the advantages of asking people to pay for stuff. The firm makes a tidy sum by charging small businesses—companies in what it calls the Fortune 5 Million—$50 or $100 a month to use its suite of excellent project-management and collaboration apps.
"We've found out that having a price is really cool for making profits," Hansson pointed out last spring in an entertaining presentation called "The Secret to Making Money Online." "You have customers, they pay you money for the product or service, and you get profits! It's almost too simple to work." Of course, 37signals didn't come up with this idea on its own, either: "I've heard that over time—hundreds of years actually—this has been how most businesses have made their money. But somehow that notion got lost in the Web world."
But wait a minute, you might be thinking. That can't really work—perhaps Facebook can make a few hundred million dollars a year by charging people to use its site, but Facebook's investors have valued the company at $15 billion. Facebook harbors Google-like aspirations of changing every facet of society—by mapping our social relationships, it aims to alter how we make friends, how we do business, how we understand the world around us. That sounds like a very grand plan, a plan that deserves to make billions—not just a few hundred million.
But does it? What exactly is so bad about making a few hundred million a year? Is that anything to scoff at? A strange delusion overtakes the tech industry in good times. When entrepreneurs see a few startups selling for billions—in 2006, Google snapped up money-losing YouTube for $1.6 billion—they believe that they, too, can realize billion-dollar dreams, and in the process they overlook million-dollar opportunities. "People tend not to look closely at the odds," Hansson told me. "There will always be people winning the lottery, but that doesn't mean a good financial strategy is to go out and buy lots of lottery tickets."
Instead of taking a heap of venture capital money—lottery tickets—in the hope of one day getting a huge payout, Hansson says that Web entrepreneurs would be better off starting their businesses in the way most offline entrepreneurs do: Use a small amount of seed capital to make a good product that appeals to a client base that is willing to pay you for it. Then, over time, use the money you make from your customers to improve the product or to create more products—allowing you to attract more paying customers, which then lets you invest more into the business, and so on. It's a cycle that has proved quite successful over the millenniums that humans have engaged in economic activity.
Hansson calls this the neighborhood Italian restaurant model of Web commerce: It's a lot easier to start a nice neighborhood restaurant than it is to start the best Italian restaurant in the world (the Google of restaurants). But just like their bigger brothers, neighborhood Italian restaurants make money. Sure, they don't make as much as the best restaurants in the world, but they do well enough—and it's not nearly as much of a headache to run a neighborhood restaurant as it is to run a place where investors, critics, and the world's press are breathing down your neck.
Indeed, launching a small business online is much easier than starting one offline. Startup costs have plummeted over the last few years; using application-hosting services from Google or Amazon, one or two smart developers can cobble together a Web app with just a few thousand dollars. And the Web offers numerous ways to charge for your wares. Like 37signals, you can levy a subscription fee. But Hansson points to other firms that have seen success with different strategies. Freshview, a software company based in Australia, runs a service called Campaign Monitor that manages e-mail newsletters. There's no subscription fee; you just pay per use—a flat fee of $5 plus $.01 for every recipient. (E.g., sending a newsletter to 4,500 subscribers would cost you $50.) The Web also lets businesses offer tiered pricing. FaxIt Nice, a clever startup that lets you send faxes from your computer, charges $4.99 to send a single fax or $.18 per page if you buy in bulk.
The beauty of such small Web businesses is that they are well-positioned to survive downturns. Software from 37signals replaces collaboration tools that cost thousands of dollars; as IT departments around the country shrink, Hansson predicts that his software will increase its market share. Contrast that to the fate of Web firms that rely on advertising to make money: When the economy turns sour, large clients will stop buying ads, and suddenly the Web firms are sunk.
Hansson told me that many aspiring Web entrepreneurs thanked him for the presentation he gave last spring. "Many felt that being in San Francisco, they were being pushed to start the next billion-dollar social-viral-whatever thing, and if they were not doing that—if they were just trying to think about a business that makes money—they got the feeling that they were doing it wrong," he says.
Since then, however, Hansson has seen some evidence that rationality is coming back to the startup world. Consider the nascent microblogging sector. The much-ballyhooed startup Twitter now has more than a million users, but it still has no way to earn a single penny from them. But in September, a new microblogging service hit the Web. Yammer is pretty much identical to Twitter except in one major way—it charges businesses a fee to manage employees' Yammering. It's unclear whether this is the right model, but at least it's a model—something Twitter might have thought of, Hansson notes, if it hadn't been given a free ride by investors. Incidentally, Twitter seems to have heeded the message; the company says it'll reveal its business model next year. Hopefully that won't be too late.
Fman99 Mar 31 2009 09:37 AM
="Edgy DC":1j79wddv]I'm growing disenchanted. Few to none of the applications I want/need to use work very well, if at all, and the whole site seems to have become a delivery system for those damn "Which sweathog are you?" quizzes.[/quote:1j79wddv]
So are you Horshack? Or Boom Boom maybe?
It's more fun to just put the answer, without taking the quiz. Here.
I am Epstein. Discuss.
Edgy DC Mar 31 2009 09:46 AM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Mar 31 2009 10:14 AM
You are a mixed breed, and therefore find youself a pretty comfortable in any company, but never fully at home in any company. You are a mama's boy, and though you adore her, you use her to avoid work, and this impedes your maturity.
As Juan was clearly shaving at the age of 11, but never fully grew to a man's stature, you too have different aspects of yourself frozen in various stages of growth, some impressive, some regressive. You are proud/ashamed of this, and keep a chip always balanced on your shoulder.
You protect yourself with a hostile anti-social reputation, but those closest to you know you are a teddy bear.
Nailed it, right?
Edgy DC Mar 31 2009 09:48 AM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Mar 31 2009 10:13 AM
="Fman99":2l6ldwjy]So are you Horshack? Or Boom Boom maybe?[/quote:2l6ldwjy]
Honestly, I think I'm Gabe.
Fman99 Mar 31 2009 10:03 AM
="Edgy DC"]You are a mixed breed, and therefore find youself a pretty comfortable in any company, but never fully at home in any company. You are a mama's boy, and though you adore her, you use her to avoid work, and this impedes your maturity.
As Juan was clearly shaving at the age of 11, but never fully grew to a man's stature, you too have different aspects of yourself frozen in various stages of growth, some impressive, some regressive. You are proud/ashamed of this, and keep a chip always balanced on your shoulder.
You protect yourself with a hostile anti-social reputation, but those closest to you know you are a teddy bear.
Nailed it, right? |
Closer than not.
themetfairy Apr 03 2009 06:22 AM
With Passover approaching, [url=http://9a4440c5.fb.joyent.us/haggadah/ultraModern2.php:69umcpix]this cracked me up[/url:69umcpix].
Benjamin Grimm Apr 03 2009 06:39 AM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 03 2009 06:48 AM
="metirish":34szyvtc]There have been rumors that FB will start charging a fee [/quote:34szyvtc]
People would leave in droves. And then it would lose its whole purpose. What's nice about it is about half the people I know are on it, and if I want to find somebody there's a decent chance that I can.
If it goes down to a point where only 1 in 20 of the people I know are there, it's a lot less useful.
As it is, I wouldn't pay more than $10 per year for it. And if it wasn't free, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 03 2009 06:42 AM
The thing is, the minute it stops being free, a would-be competitor that is free would grow to replace it. That's the evil wonder of the Intertubes.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 17 2009 10:04 AM
Very nervous today. Somehow made a Facebook "lunch date" with a friend I haven't seen in 25 years, or hung out with in 30.
I thoiught passive friendships were what FB was all about.
"So... what's new since your bar mitzvah?"
metirish Apr 17 2009 10:09 AM
I hope he's an obnoxious yankee fan....kidding....
Edgy DC Apr 17 2009 10:10 AM
Fuck that. You're a published author. He should be nervous. Order your lunch like you're taking really good care of yourself, asking for everything on the side. Take cell phone calls during lunch.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 17 2009 10:49 AM
Thanx for the pep talk.... here goes nothing...
seawolf17 Apr 17 2009 11:50 AM
Okay, everyone start calling JCL with offers to appear on morning shows and the like. I think I have his cell number around here somewhere...
metirish Apr 17 2009 11:55 AM
I hope he didn't wear his John Gruden hat that he likes to sport .
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 17 2009 12:37 PM
OK, wasn't that bad. Plus, my lunch was made by Top Chef Dave (the weepy gay one from the first season? Didn't even know he was there!)
Fman99 Apr 18 2009 08:15 PM
="Edgy DC":mn6j8pdb]Fuck that. You're a published author. He should be nervous. Order your lunch like you're taking really good care of yourself, asking for everything on the side. Take cell phone calls during lunch.[/quote:mn6j8pdb]
Even better, order off the menu. Danny DeVito in "Get Shorty" style...
Fman99 May 08 2009 09:05 AM
Wow. I got a Facebook message this morning from my kindergarten teacher, who saw a post of mine on the profile of one of my little classmates. She was my teacher during the 1978-1979 school year.
Kong76 May 08 2009 05:46 PM
Another reason not to join Facebook. I'd have a week of nightmares if Miss Wolfhart, yes wolf fart, contacted me from the elementaskoopast.
Rotblatt May 08 2009 08:24 PM
I made a [url=http://apps.facebook.com/what-kind-of-fccbbhw/:1otv205g]silly little Mets quiz[/url:1otv205g] during our rainout, in case anyone gets bored on Facebook.
seawolf17 May 08 2009 08:29 PM
Re: Quiz
="Rotblatt":3jlpjnt4]I made a [url=http://apps.facebook.com/what-kind-of-fccbbhw/:3jlpjnt4]silly little Mets quiz[/url:3jlpjnt4] during our rainout, in case anyone gets bored on Facebook.[/quote:3jlpjnt4] Dude. You spelled "Johan" with two Ns.
metirish May 08 2009 08:35 PM
Dude that's hilarious...can't believe I'm the John Rocker of Mets fans
Edgy DC May 08 2009 08:43 PM
I really don't know who Dennis Duffy is --- doesn't seem like kin to me --- but that was well done.
Rotblatt May 08 2009 08:52 PM
Re: Quiz
="seawolf17"]="Rotblatt"]I made a [url=http://apps.facebook.com/what-kind-of-fccbbhw/]silly little Mets quiz[/url] during our rainout, in case anyone gets bored on Facebook. |
Dude. You spelled "Johan" with two Ns. |
Doh! I'm gonna fix that ASAP.
]Dude that's hilarious...can't believe I'm the John Rocker of Mets fans |
Hah! At least you didn't get, "You are not a Mets fan."
]I really don't know who Dennis Duffy is --- doesn't seem like kin to me --- but that was well done. |
Yeah, it's a 30 Rock reference, and sort of obscure one at that. His character is really more like the John Rocker of Mets fans, but I think he's hilarious, so I took some creative license with his character . . .
Willets Point May 08 2009 09:46 PM
Is Duffy really a Mets fan? He is such an annoying yet funny character.
My result is Obsessed Fan
When the Mets shave their heads for luck, so do you. You have a man crush on David Wright, follow his whereabouts on Gawker, and hope that some day he will see you across a crowded room and become the Vince to your Turtle. Even your fellow Mets fans think you're a little off your rocker, but they respect you for your encyclopedic knowledge of Mets lore, and your uncanny knack for scoring tickets to the big games.
Benjamin Grimm May 09 2009 05:06 AM
I got Dennis Duffy.
Fman99 May 09 2009 06:18 AM
Terrific quiz! I am the Mr. Met of Mets fans.
Mr. Met
You are Mr. Met. You root for the laundry, and have defended every decision Mets management has taken--including those made by Stephen Phillips. You can't speak, have an enormous head, and children inexplicably love you. Though you're always smiling, you are secretly tormented by the tragic disappearance of Mrs. Met and your three children.
Willets Point May 09 2009 06:31 PM
If you check off all the "I'm going to get a beer" options do you get to be "Belligerent Drunk Mets Fan" or "Lenny Dykstra"?
Rotblatt May 09 2009 07:38 PM
="Willets Point":3fy95r8q]If you check off all the "I'm going to get a beer" options do you get to be "Belligerent Drunk Mets Fan" or "Lenny Dykstra"?[/quote:3fy95r8q]
You get: You Are Not A Mets Fan.
You are a Yankees, Phillies, or Braves fan who took this quiz out of spite. You probably went to Shea at least once a year so that you could parade around in your team's uniform and give us all the finger, then bragged to your friends (who probably refer to you as "an acquaintance") about getting kicked out. You give your fellow Yankees, Phillies, or Braves fans a bad name, and even your mother is embarrassed by your assinine behavior.
metsguyinmichigan May 09 2009 09:46 PM
I got Dennis Duffy, which works because I think Tina Fey is hot!
I liked the questions that mock Clemens and Jeter.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 23 2009 07:54 AM
I have to say, a good 30-some percent of my FB friends, mostly the peeps I haven't seen in 10 years or more, have turned into hardcore republican maniacs -- I mean, like seriously hard-core and kinda, you know, gross.
Has this happened to you?
Nymr83 Jul 23 2009 08:02 AM
most of my friends are disgustingly liberal, but i hear conservatism generally comes with growing up, so i'm holding out hope for them.
Edgy DC Jul 23 2009 08:05 AM
Just one for me. But he's not a Republican so much as a sociopath (which he'd always been) whose sociopatholgy finds common cause with those who hate Obama for regulating his cigarrettes and planning to round up his guns. He hated Reagan just as vituperatively back when we were in high school.
Most talented artist I ever knew, but he was too terrified of the world to actually pitch his work as an illstrator, so he moved to Georgia and became a tatoo artist. Most of his FB posts are about how he hates his customers. The remainder are about how he hates Obama.
He was the catcher on my Halperin Shoes baseball team.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 23 2009 08:07 AM
]most of my friends are disgustingly liberal, but i hear conservatism generally comes with growing up, so i'm holding out hope for them. |
Yeah, good luck with that. I've become more of a Commie Pinko Fink as I've grown older.
But I was remarking more on the phenomenon of people you knew as apolitical college drinking buddies or softball teammates or whatever disappearing for 15 years and emerging on the other side re-invented as angry Limbaugh Dittoheads. It's just weird is all.
metirish Jul 23 2009 08:12 AM
Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Jul 23 2009 08:18 AM
I don't think any of my old friends are republicans , actually they probably are , but Irish Republicans , which is different.
I have noticed most of them have terrible grammar and very poor spelling skills , at times I feel embarrassed for them .
I have also noticed a trend among people , the snappy one line status update that leads one to ask follow up questions.
themetfairy Jul 23 2009 08:13 AM
My friends are pretty mixed, politically speaking. But no real hard-liners.
The worst I've found on Facebook is a casual friend who is a Yankees fan; I decided to hide his status updates in the interest of my sanity.
Vic Sage Jul 23 2009 09:58 AM
i don't know why conservatives are so down on Obama, since he's continuing Bush's monetary policies and foreign policies. But he sure talks perty.
"change you can believe in!"
bite me, Bam Bam.
Willets Point Jul 23 2009 07:44 PM
I went to a Catholic high school full of young Republicans and yet on election night in 2008 they were all posting about their joy of Obama's election. I of course am pretty close to Vic's opinion on Obama so didn't feel like celebrating with much more than "at least he's not Bush." I'm thinking my HS friends and I haven't changed much politically, it's just that national rightward shift that has put Obama & the Democrats in the same place the Republicans were in the 80s.
A Boy Named Seo Jul 24 2009 12:18 PM
Re: Quiz
="Rotblatt"]="seawolf17"]="Rotblatt"]I made a [url=http://apps.facebook.com/what-kind-of-fccbbhw/]silly little Mets quiz[/url] during our rainout, in case anyone gets bored on Facebook. |
Dude. You spelled "Johan" with two Ns. |
Doh! I'm gonna fix that ASAP.
]Dude that's hilarious...can't believe I'm the John Rocker of Mets fans |
Hah! At least you didn't get, "You are not a Mets fan."
]I really don't know who Dennis Duffy is --- doesn't seem like kin to me --- but that was well done. |
Yeah, it's a 30 Rock reference, and sort of obscure one at that. His character is really more like the John Rocker of Mets fans, but I think he's hilarious, so I took some creative license with his character . . . |
Well done, man. I'm apparently gay for David Wright.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jul 24 2009 01:06 PM
Re: Quiz
="A Boy Named Seo"]="Rotblatt"]="seawolf17"]="Rotblatt"]I made a [url=http://apps.facebook.com/what-kind-of-fccbbhw/]silly little Mets quiz[/url] during our rainout, in case anyone gets bored on Facebook. |
Dude. You spelled "Johan" with two Ns. |
Doh! I'm gonna fix that ASAP.
]Dude that's hilarious...can't believe I'm the John Rocker of Mets fans |
Hah! At least you didn't get, "You are not a Mets fan."
]I really don't know who Dennis Duffy is --- doesn't seem like kin to me --- but that was well done. |
Yeah, it's a 30 Rock reference, and sort of obscure one at that. His character is really more like the John Rocker of Mets fans, but I think he's hilarious, so I took some creative license with his character . . . |
Well done, man. I'm apparently gay for David Wright. |
You needed a quiz to tell you that?
I got the same. Nicely turned, Blatt.
smg58 Jul 24 2009 01:10 PM
I know somebody who was a very hawkish Republican back in college but now works for Human Rights Watch. I don't know anybody who went in the reverse direction, though, probably because I was in the political minority at my high school and college and didn't know enough liberals. I certainly haven't drifted rightward, though.
Willets Point, you didn't go to Chaminade by any chance, did you?
SteveJRogers Jul 24 2009 09:35 PM
="themetfairy":opqictxm]My friends are pretty mixed, politically speaking. But no real hard-liners.
The worst I've found on Facebook is a casual friend who is a Yankees fan; I decided to hide his status updates in the interest of my sanity.[/quote:opqictxm]
Speaking of which, my brother-in-law's sister saw Willets "liking" a recent status of mine, and when she saw me she asked "OMG, you know [Willets' real name]!" I said I knew him from an internet message board and she said that she used to date him.
Well, it turns out she was talking about a completely different Willets, a Yankee fan from Long Island!
cooby Aug 02 2009 07:17 PM
You guys kill me! I set up a page about 3 minutes ago and three messages on my wall already! Hilarious! :D
One was my daughter, I must admit. In fact she was first.
metirish Aug 02 2009 07:36 PM
Not my fault if you are so popular.
Farmer Ted Aug 03 2009 11:22 AM
The proverbial gun was put to my head a few days ago. I'm now on. God help us all.
Edgy DC Aug 03 2009 12:56 PM
Facedudes who share my name:
<img src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v229/69/113/n1724940628_6056.jpg">
<img src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/profile6/1707/24/n1333754070_6381.jpg">
<img src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v230/1829/121/n1037051389_4145.jpg">
<img src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v223/90/0/n179700382_4033.jpg">
<img src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v225/717/78/n1244350564_7608.jpg">
soupcan Aug 03 2009 01:11 PM
I got Casper the Friendly Ghost, Halloween Costume (I hope) Abortion Doctor and Screech.

Fman99 Aug 03 2009 01:24 PM
="Edgy DC":pr7mdvui]Facedudes who share my name:
<img src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v229/69/113/n1724940628_6056.jpg">
<img src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/profile6/1707/24/n1333754070_6381.jpg">
<img src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v230/1829/121/n1037051389_4145.jpg">
<img src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v223/90/0/n179700382_4033.jpg">
<img src="http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/v225/717/78/n1244350564_7608.jpg">[/quote:pr7mdvui]
The other Edgys all look like losers. Not you though.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 03 2009 02:43 PM
3 out of 5 Edgys appear to favor My First Facial Hair goatees.
1 out of 5 likes a nice, bottom-heavy James Lipton number, and the other guy looks discomfitingly like Dirk Diggler, Midwestern Versiontm.
cooby Aug 03 2009 05:06 PM
I woke up feeling edgy this morning. I don't know if it was something I drempt or what.
soupcan Aug 03 2009 06:08 PM
That's not just a typo. Some actual thought went into this.
cooby Aug 03 2009 06:27 PM
You better believe it. Some actual thought goes into everything I say.
A Boy Named Seo Aug 12 2009 05:40 PM
Disappointed that FB Keith Hernandez isn't the real Keith Hernandez.