="Frayed Knot":12ngkcxw]Born same day/same year:
Tom Seaver, Jim Boeheim, Lorne Michaels, Danny DeVito[/quote:12ngkcxw]
So Lorne Michaels produces Saturday Night Live, Tom Seaver appeared once on SNL, and Danny Devito is in the Five Timers Club. Jim Boeheim is the outlier with no known SNL connections.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 17 2008 08:18 PM
I have no idea who Jim Boeheim is.
themetfairy Nov 17 2008 08:22 PM
When was Seaver on SNL?
Edgy DC Nov 17 2008 08:31 PM
About 1983, playing himself as NBC sportscaster.
themetfairy Nov 17 2008 08:39 PM
Was he any good?
Willets Point Nov 17 2008 08:50 PM
Sadly I cannot find the video online but it was a cold opening to the show where they made it look like there was rain falling in the studio and that umpire Ron Luciano would call the show.
<a href="http://snltranscripts.jt.org/83/83graindelay.phtml">Transcript</a>
themetfairy Nov 17 2008 08:53 PM
Good find. Thanks Willets!
RealityChuck Nov 18 2008 08:07 AM
Will you still need me; will you still feed me. When I'm 64?
metirish Nov 18 2008 08:18 AM
Happy birthday Mr. Seaver.
G-Fafif Nov 18 2008 08:19 AM
="RealityChuck":3ibqb112]Will you still need me; will you still feed me.
When I'm 64?[/quote:3ibqb112]
Not really a problem for Tom [url=http://www.daylife.com/photo/0dyx1Y6dNucGd/Tom_Seaver:3ibqb112]when he was 63[/url:3ibqb112].
metirish Nov 18 2008 08:21 AM
="Benjamin Grimm":3p9ulhnh]I have no idea who Jim Boeheim is.[/quote:3p9ulhnh]
I knew the name but googled to make sure, he is the basketball coach at Syracuse .
G-Fafif Nov 18 2008 08:32 AM
Top of the head list of Mets on "SNL" besides Tom Seaver (which I had completely forgotten about):
Ed Kranepool and Steve Henderson in Spring Training Chico Escuela comeback sketch, 1979 (count ST invitee Nelson Briles, too, if you like)
Todd Hundley in the Chris Kittan as kid being visited in his bedroom by succeedingly disappointing sports heroes sketch, 1997 (Not Mets at the time, but Gregg Jefferies, Todd Zeile and Cliff Floyd also appeared)
Ron Darling in a faux press conference apologizing to "SNL" for allowing Game Six to go on so long, thus causing the show to tape for later showing, 1986
David Cone, albeit in his unfortuante MFY phase, in drag with David Wells when Derek Jeter hosted, 2001 (Cone, Mike Stanton and Felix Heredia also did cameos after 1998 World Series with Ben Stiller)
Anybody remember any others?
Willets Point Nov 18 2008 09:20 AM
David Cone, albeit in his unfortunate MFY phase, in drag with David Wells when Derek Jeter hosted, 2001 |
That was a pretty hilarious sketch though.
Edgy DC Nov 18 2008 10:12 AM
="G-Fafif"]Top of the head list of Mets on "SNL" besides Tom Seaver (which I had completely forgotten about):
Ed Kranepool and Steve Henderson in Spring Training Chico Escuela comeback sketch, 1979 (count ST invitee Nelson Briles, too, if you like)
Todd Hundley in the Chris Kittan as kid being visited in his bedroom by succeedingly disappointing sports heroes sketch, 1997 (Not Mets at the time, but Gregg Jefferies, Todd Zeile and Cliff Floyd also appeared)
Ron Darling in a faux press conference apologizing to "SNL" for allowing Game Six to go on so long, thus causing the show to tape for later showing, 1986
David Cone, albeit in his unfortuante MFY phase, in drag with David Wells when Derek Jeter hosted, 2001 (Cone, Mike Stanton and Felix Heredia also did cameos after 1998 World Series with Ben Stiller)
Anybody remember any others? |
Only Met to host: Garth Brooks.
Frayed Knot Nov 18 2008 10:39 AM
="metirish":kmt911pg]="Benjamin Grimm":kmt911pg]I have no idea who Jim Boeheim is.[/quote:kmt911pg]
I knew the name but googled to make sure, he is the basketball coach at Syracuse .[/quote:kmt911pg]
And has been so for like the last million years. ESPN's 'PTI' program always mentions a sport or pop culture related birthday during its close and used Boeheim yesterday (not surprising that a college hoops coach trumps a Tom Seaver on the planet of ESPN). I just happened to hear about Michaels on the radio yesterday and the age coincidence struck me. Then in re-checking Michaels' age I saw DeVito's also.
I suspect that 4 people as famous as them sharing a same-day/same-year b-day is rare - especially in an era with fewer births due to so many men being overseas. (So what were their fathers doing anyway?)
Edgy DC Nov 18 2008 11:03 AM
Charlie Seaver's war years from stanfordmensgolf.com:
<blockquote>After Stanford, Seaver moved to Fresno, California in 1939. He worked for many years in the California food industry, and at his suggestion, raisins were first added to breakfast cereals. While in Fresno, Seaver won the Fresno City Amateur Championship six times, winning four consecutive titles from 1945 through 1948, and again in 1950 and 1954. In 1949, he started what would extend to 39 consecutive appearances in the Bing Crosby (now AT & T) National Pro-Am tournament. Teaming with professional Mike Fetchik (winner of the Western Open) in 1964, Seaver won the pro/am division by one stroke over Tony Lema and John Durkin. Seaver served on the Board of Directors of the NCGA and he was elected its president in 1980.</blockquote>He was born in 1911, so he would have been 30 when Pearl Harbor hit. They were drafting up to 45, but I'm guessing the draft boards were looking for men under 30 first.
With a Princeton/Stanford education and leadership in a crucial industry --- dried food --- he was probably seen as more valuable on the home front.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 18 2008 11:25 AM
Two scoops of interesting stuff.
Frayed Knot Nov 18 2008 11:39 AM
- So Seaver's father was tied up in industry. - DeVito's father may have been too short to serve. - And who knows what the rules were in Canada that allowed Lorne Michaels father to be lazing around the house in early 1944
Now we just need to figure out what Boeheim's father was up to that contributed to this pre-baby boomlet.
Willets Point Nov 18 2008 12:55 PM
Lorne Michael's father probably had already been serving for 5 years and came home on leave.
soupcan Nov 18 2008 01:23 PM
Boeheim's dad was a leader in another crucial industry - amusement park shilling.

metirish Nov 18 2008 01:27 PM
I really dig how threads at this place can turn informative and funny and interesting in a short time.