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Wilbur Huckle Revisited
G-Fafif Apr 25 2009 07:26 PM |
I seem to recall Tom Seaver's Jacksonville roommate (or his ghostlike presence) coming up a while back. Keith Olbermann is on the case [url=]here[/url:3rmierkv]. He mentions a non-playing callup and someone with the program to prove it. No number cited there or on MBTN.
metirish Apr 25 2009 07:35 PM |
Oh that's cruel... That's an interesting blog , bookmarked it.
batmagadanleadoff Apr 25 2009 07:52 PM |
I've got a "Wilber Huckle for President" pin. I wonder how Wilber made out?
Edgy DC Apr 25 2009 08:57 PM |
Well, that allows me to make my first update to my Wilbur Huckle page in six months.
batmagadanleadoff Apr 25 2009 11:25 PM |
I skimmed through my copy of Jones, Cleon with Ed Hershey, Cleon, Coward-McCann (New York), 1970 (1st Ed. - Hardcover) for any Wilber Huckle references, being that Huckle and Jones were both, supposedly called up in September of 1963. There were none. But I was reminded that Cleon roomed with Paul Blair in St. Petersburg during Blair's only Spring with the Mets; that Casey Stengel was the most knowledgeable baseball man that Cleon ever met, and that Cleon thought the Otis-Foy trade would help both teams. There's also a full page B&W pose of Cleon wearing a Mets #12 home 1965 uniform, and a picture of Cleon and his wife Angela in a supermarket, shopping for hamhocks. Cleon loves hamhocks.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 30 2009 05:59 AM |
I'm calling bullshit on Keith Olbermann. He's a guy who is capable of doing real baseball research (he's a sabr guy and all) so I don't know why he'd grant admission to the Sharman Society based on what a friend told him about a scorecard.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 30 2009 08:29 PM |
Edgy DC Apr 30 2009 09:47 PM |
That's some sleuthin'.
Met Hunter May 01 2009 05:09 AM |
There are two Wilbur Huckles that have telephone listings in the Texas phone directories. Wouldn't it have been easier for Olbermann to call Wilbur to find out what happened that year?
batmagadanleadoff May 01 2009 07:42 AM |