="metsguyinmichigan":cjnjj8nb]"Citi Field - the not-so-impressive new park ...[/quote:cjnjj8nb]
I think that, regrettably, there is some truth there. Citi Field is very impressive when compared to a nearly 50 year old Shea Stadium, but not very impressive when compared to the other new baseball stadiums.
Benjamin Grimm May 01 2009 10:16 AM
I skip over his column every day in the print edition of the Inquirer.
That paper uses a lot of column inches to mock the Mets and their fans. I've learned to not even skim it.
Philadelphia is a very low-class sports town. I should move.
metirish May 01 2009 10:16 AM
For those that have been to both CF and CBP which would you say is more impressive?
Edgy DC May 01 2009 10:18 AM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 01 2009 10:20 AM
It doesn't matter. Writing to talk shit and find new ways to make people feel like shit hardly deserrves analysis.
He's basically trying to provoke fistfights.
soupcan May 01 2009 10:19 AM
I think its a craptastic column as well, but what did he write that's not true?
batmagadanleadoff May 01 2009 10:22 AM
="batmagadanleadoff":2xe7aylf]="metsguyinmichigan":2xe7aylf]"Citi Field - the not-so-impressive new park ...[/quote:2xe7aylf]
I think that, regrettably, there is some truth there. Citi Field is very impressive when compared to a nearly 50 year old Shea Stadium, but not very impressive when compared to the other new baseball stadiums.[/quote:2xe7aylf]
="Benjamin Grimm":2xe7aylf]I skip over his column every day in the print edition of the Inquirer.
That paper uses a lot of column inches to mock the Mets and their fans. I've learned to not even skim it.
Philadelphia is a very low-class sports town. I should move.[/quote:2xe7aylf]
I should've added that I also agree that the article, as a whole, is an embarassing piece of junk. That is, if Philly fans have enough sense and selfe-awareness to be embarrased.
metirish May 01 2009 10:28 AM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 01 2009 10:34 AM
="soupcan":rv8zmkjz]I think its a craptastic column as well, but what did he write that's not true?[/quote:rv8zmkjz]
I think the way that it was written is what's shitty about it , the mocking tone to it and so on...
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 01 2009 10:31 AM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 01 2009 10:36 AM
="metirish":ionzsggb]For those that have been to both CF and CBP which would you say is more impressive?[/quote:ionzsggb]
Same HOK/Populous design (wide concourses, retro-y touches). Aramark-run concessions with a soupcon of genuine local fare (i.e., their ice cream is Turkey Hill, their cheesesteaks are from two actual well-known local purveyors of same, Rick's Steaks/Tony Luke's).
Their park isn't exactly set flush into a city block either-- it's in a Meadowlands-y complex at the south end of Broad St (right by the Eagles/Sixers/Flyers stuff).
The club did seem to put a lot of attention into acknowledging its history (the restaurant is "Harry the K's," pictures abound, caps from EVERY era of Phillies-dom available at their New Era shop), so that might give the Bad Guys the slight overall edge.
(Oh, and on a tangential, Paul Lukasesque note-- those cream-colored red-and-blue trimmed alternate home unis they brought out last year? Bee-YOO-tiful.)
Edgy DC May 01 2009 10:33 AM
Edited 3 time(s), most recently on May 01 2009 11:16 AM
="soupcan"]I think its a craptastic column as well, but what did he write that's not true? |
I'll bite.
]We love to hate each other, sure |
Speak for yourself, hatemonger.
]You probably saw most of it on TV since you didn't have much else to do after September. |
New Yorkers have plenty to do after September. A lot of them live in and around New York, you see.
]You remember all the pageantry that goes along with being a world champion, right? No? Well, maybe you have some faded pictures of 1986 in a shoebox somewhere. |
Yeah, or a Giants Super Bowl.
]This might be overstepping our relationship, but can we tell you something? You guys seem awfully haggard. It looks like you haven't slept much lately. Guess choking away two straight division titles will keep you up at night. |
Well, one, fans didn't choke away anything. Two, it's impossible to not sleep since last September. And that isn't "lately."
]It has to be brutal to be a Mets fan. The Fightin's got off to a typically slow start and still managed to finish the first month of the season with an 11-9 record. That's where they were at this point last year - two games over .500 - and we all know how 2008 worked out for the Phils. |
The contextualizing and rationalizing about the Phils doesn't support the thesis sentence.
]Meanwhile, the Mets enter the series having lost seven of their last 10. They're three games under .500 and looking sloppier every day. |
Oh, here's where he supports it. I guess he needs those paragraph breaks to keep the inches flowing. Um, life is not losing seven of ten all year every year for Met fans.
]Their season certainly hasn't gone over well with the New York media. Stories about the Mets are frequently peppered with words such as "pressure" and "anxiety" and "failure." And the headlines are even more vicious: |
True enough. People don't write shit in Phillie papers I guess.
]Things have gotten so ugly that David Wright has been openly booed at Citi Field. (A little advice: that kind of behavior is so unbecoming. You should try to be more like us - cool and calm and supportive.) |
Here he even knows he's full of shit.
]On top of all that, you're forced to pay outrageous prices to watch bad baseball at Citi Field |
Not forced to do anything.
]- the not-so-impressive new park that the team plunked down next to a shanty town of shabby auto body shops. |
It's not like that site was scouted. It's 35 feet from where Shea was. Really, is the Iron Triangle an issue to New York Met fans at all? At least bring up the planes from LaGuardia or something.
]Even visitors from Detroit would find that area crummy. |
Yeah, because a lot of tourists stroll around there, to the express embarassment of Met fans, who lay awake wishing they had a city free of blight like Philadelphia.
It's all kinda sorta true is no excuse for douchecraft.
soupcan May 01 2009 11:10 AM
'Douchecraft' - I like it.
Nymr83 May 01 2009 11:33 AM
]On top of all that, you're forced to pay outrageous prices to watch bad baseball at Citi Field - the not-so-impressive new park that the team plunked down next to a shanty town of shabby auto body shops. Even visitors from Detroit would find that area crummy |
I got in Monday for $11, I sat in seats better than the entire upper deck at Shea, I was mostly impressed by the ballpark, and I'd rather have a shanty town than have the government using its eminent domain power to tear down businesses. And there are no "visitors from Detroit" to find the area crummy because the people who leave Detroit don't go back, making them "migrants from Detroit who chose the big apple over your crappy city"
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 01 2009 11:46 AM
="soupcan"]'Douchecraft' - I like it. |
That baiting crap in ink
With that peculiar stink
Your payslip should be pink
It's... douchecraft...
metsguyinmichigan May 01 2009 11:51 AM
I won't get to Citi until the first week in August, but I did get to a game at Cit Bank Park a couple years ago.
We went to PNC in the same weekend, and I thought it was far better.
We had a double header, so there was plenty of time to walk around and check it out.
On the plus side, the giant bonging Liberty Bell is a nice touch. I found several statues, though the Robin Roberts one is a little strange. Greg Luzinski has a BBQ stand and was there to sign autographs and pose for photos.

I found some neat mosaics of players and some other nice touches.
On the negative side, there's no focal point to the thing when you drive up -- no "front door," if you will. It looked like a jumble of bricks and black steel piled in the middle of a parking lot. It's an ugly "building."
Say what you want about Citi, but it's beautiful and orderly from the outside, with the brick arches. It looks like what it's supposed look like.
soupcan May 01 2009 12:08 PM

Benjamin Grimm May 01 2009 12:15 PM
Time for pitchforks and torches.
G-Fafif May 01 2009 12:17 PM
Do sportswriters down there get fired for displaying too much professinalism?
Benjamin Grimm May 01 2009 12:21 PM
Seems that way. I think they're instructed to pander to the fans' baser instincts. They have to sell papers, you know.
metsguyinmichigan May 01 2009 12:45 PM
Dude...? |
I know. Bastard Luzinski called on his minions to refuse to sell me a pulled pork sandwich or sign an autograph or pose with the photo until they slammed on my head what in hindsight appears to be a Phillies cap.
I wasn't gonna do it, but the pulled pork smelled really good.
Plus, I was undercover. Shhh.
HahnSolo May 01 2009 12:46 PM
="G-Fafif":28rkd6zs]Do sportswriters down there get fired for displaying too much professinalism?[/quote:28rkd6zs]
It is the city that made Stephen A. Smith "famous".
And MGIM, wtf?
Benjamin Grimm May 01 2009 12:49 PM
You sold your soul for pulled pork???
seawolf17 May 01 2009 12:56 PM
Wait, WHAT? I'll get the roasting spit ready. You posted the picture yourself... the least you could have done was photoshopped that out. Bad mgim.
Better or worse that Steve professing his love for the Yankees? I say worse. This is an actual rival.
soupcan May 01 2009 12:58 PM
String him up!
metsguyinmichigan May 01 2009 01:00 PM
It was really, really good pulled pork.
That, and I have a lot of caps. I usually wear the home team, if I have it, unless they're playing the Mets. The exception is the Yankees.
So, um, what do you guys think about Jerry's decision to pinch-hit for Castro this week? I'm a little concerned about Wright's strikeouts.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 01 2009 02:53 PM
="metsguyinmichigan"]It was really, really good pulled pork.
That, and I have a lot of caps. I usually wear the home team, if I have it, unless they're playing the Mets. The exception is the Yankees.
So, um, what do you guys think about Jerry's decision to pinch-hit for Castro this week? I'm a little concerned about Wright's strikeouts. |
"Usually wear... the..." WhatwhatWHAT? So you're not a traitor... you're a mercenary? (And a cheap one at that!)
[Plus, MGIM, the pulled pork isn't soul-selling-great. Now, the Tony Luke's roast pork Italian (roast pork, sharp provolone, and sauteed broccoli rabe)... maybe.]
Swan Swan H May 01 2009 02:55 PM
I saw Tony Luke on a Food Network show. Phillies Lovin' Douchebag, with the emphasis on the 'bag.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 01 2009 03:13 PM
Edited 3 time(s), most recently on May 01 2009 03:17 PM
="Swan Swan H"]I saw Tony Luke on a Food Network show. Phillies Lovin' Douchebag, with the emphasis on the 'bag. |
Saw the same show... and have been to the mothership (went to school in Philly)... and hells yes, he is-- the entire place is plastered with starf*cking photos and the like, and both he and the rest of the management (mostly extended family) carry themselves with a pronounced "F*ck you-- buy something" charm. (The guy who owns Geno's-- of "English-only" fame-- is cut from the same cloth.) That said, the sandwiches are delectable. And there's a place around here on 9th near the Port Authority-- Shorty's, I think it's called-- that used to be a Tony Luke's demi-franchise, but had to change the name due to ownership issues; the sandwiches, though, are straight out of the TL playbook. (Also, good beer selection.)
The Schmitter-- also worth a stab (and, shortly thereafter, stabbing pains up and down your left arm).

themetfairy May 01 2009 03:15 PM
That thing probably has more calories than I eat in an entire day....
seawolf17 May 01 2009 06:56 PM
Focus, people! Focus! His hat!
Benjamin Grimm May 01 2009 07:00 PM
Like I said, pitchforks and torches. And pulled pork.
He may be a Mets guy in Michigan, but when he's in Pennsylvania he's apparently a Phillies guy.
metsguyinmichigan May 01 2009 07:03 PM
No wait, that Schmitter looks pretty good. Do they sell those in the stadium? We went to Pats, the epicenter for all things cheesesteak, earlier in the day.
Anybody ever go to Pat's?
Oh, wait a second. Did you think that was me in the hat? No, no, I'm the guy in the sun glasses going hatless.
There was a time when I kinda looked a little like Luzinski. People would pass me in the concourse saying, "Hey! Bull!" and "Bull, why are you wearing a Mets jacket, Mets socks and Mets crocks?"
soupcan May 01 2009 08:37 PM
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 01 2009 08:55 PM
Yes, they do serve the Schmitter there. Also, we win. WOOT!
Back to serious business... what shall be MGIM's penalty? There's got to be some sort of penance thing here, no?
(And hat off to Soup. Nicely turned.)
metsguyinmichigan May 01 2009 08:59 PM
="soupcan"] |
Bad ass!
Edgy DC May 01 2009 09:37 PM
I think I just realized that the Capital City Goofball is somehow descended from both Mr. Met and the Phanatic.
<img src="http://www.rob-clarkson.com/duff-brewery/goofball/01.jpg">
Edgy DC May 01 2009 09:42 PM
And by the by, I guess we're supposed to be all "in your face, phuckin' phils and phils phans!" and spoilin some shit, but the real enemum --- to Mets fans and Phils phans --- is this Gonzalez guy, whose allegiance to the Phils and contempt for the Mets is all bullshit, but he's collecting a check for stocking the flame.
Number 6 May 01 2009 11:44 PM
I honestly never knew that Phillies fans cared so much about the Mets, but they've certainly come out of the woodwork since the Series. I've never really given much of a damn about the Phillies, and their victory has only increased the damn-giving quotient slightly. Maybe I care a tiny bit now, but they'll suck again before long, and go back to being just another team.
Personally, I'd rather this "rivalry" be defined by schmucks like this guy howling into a wind tunnel on one side, followed by disinterest at the other end, so I'll keep any further thoughts to myself.
Benjamin Grimm May 02 2009 03:47 AM
Yes, it's been a one-sided rivalry for a long time. I was surprised, when I moved to the Philly suburbs back in 1988, to find so much hatred for the Mets.
Philadelphia also has a one-sided rivalry with the Eagles/Cowboys.
And in both cases, they have no idea. People here are surprisingly provincial.
metsguyinmichigan May 02 2009 07:57 AM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 02 2009 08:59 AM
="LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr"]Yes, they do serve the Schmitter there. Also, we win. WOOT!
Back to serious business... what shall be MGIM's penalty? There's got to be some sort of penance thing here, no?
(And hat off to Soup. Nicely turned.) |
I throw myself on the mercy of the Pool.
When I was young and foolish, I was young and foolish.
As a penance, I pledge to wear my Mets cap -- blue version -- to any and all sporting events and other functions that are appropriate.
Plus, when we arrive at Citi Field in August, I'll bring the sidewalk chalk for Edgy's scheme.
And I pledge not to be wooed into misbehavior by pulled pork sandwiches. Again.
Benjamin Grimm May 02 2009 08:14 AM
That's what we want to see. Remorse.
Rotblatt May 02 2009 08:51 AM
I have to say, their ballpark is really pleasant and very similar in layout to CitiField. The edge definitely goes to CF for me, though, partially because, as traitorinmichagan says, our facade and rotunda are just gorgeous.
I was actually in Philly for the last game of the Series (campaigning for Obama), and got placed with two Phillies fans. They gave me a good-natured hard time, but were also gracious hosts, and invited me out to watch the game with them. Pretty crazy night, but fun (and yes, I rooted for the Phillies over the Rays--gotta root for the NL--but I wore my Cyclones hat).
I did find myself thinking that the Mets team should have been there incognito, because I suspect watching a rival team's entire city turn out to celebrate victory would give them a little extra motivation. I know it made me pretty eager for a WS pennant . . .
Ashie62 May 03 2009 08:20 AM
="Benjamin Grimm":sddeci55]Yes, it's been a one-sided rivalry for a long time. I was surprised, when I moved to the Philly suburbs back in 1988, to find so much hatred for the Mets.
Philadelphia also has a one-sided rivalry with the Eagles/Cowboys.
And in both cases, they have no idea. People here are surprisingly provincial.[/quote:sddeci55]
Mets fans aren't..what about the MFY's
Fman99 May 03 2009 08:40 AM
I detest the Phillies and their fans. It took going to a Mets-Phils tilt at Shea in '07 just to see how obnoxious they were.
SteveJRogers May 03 2009 08:44 AM
="Benjamin Grimm"]Yes, it's been a one-sided rivalry for a long time. I was surprised, when I moved to the Philly suburbs back in 1988, to find so much hatred for the Mets.
Philadelphia also has a one-sided rivalry with the Eagles/Cowboys.
And in both cases, they have no idea. People here are surprisingly provincial. |
I'm pretty sure the Dallas side got reved up during the halcyon days of the 1990s, probably still to this day. Dating back to Buddy Ryan supposedly putting bounties on several players, including Troy Aikman, all the way through Michael Irvin's career coming to an end on the Vet turf, and Philly fans cheering the injury.
Benjamin Grimm May 03 2009 09:17 AM
I've been to the Dallas area several times, and it appears that their rival there is the Redskins. I see all kinds of anti-Dallas Cowboys bumper stickers and stuff in the Philly area, but nothing at all about the Eagles in Texas.
Benjamin Grimm May 03 2009 09:19 AM
="Fman99":e7xldmhk]I detest the Phillies and their fans. It took going to a Mets-Phils tilt at Shea in '07 just to see how obnoxious they were.[/quote:e7xldmhk]
I was at a Mets-Phillies game in 2007 too. I'm not going to go back. It was such an ugly atmosphere I don't want to go there with my kids. (Carlos Gomez, I remember, injured himself and the fans were whooping and hollering with joy.)
MFS62 May 03 2009 10:20 AM
="Benjamin Grimm":3mzmcfb5]I've been to the Dallas area several times, and it appears that their rival there is the Redskins. I see all kinds of anti-Dallas Cowboys bumper stickers and stuff in the Philly area, but nothing at all about the Eagles in Texas.[/quote:3mzmcfb5] Agree. I was on a business trip to Dallas a number of years back with an associate who was an avid Redskins fan. We went to a bar to watch a Redskins/ Cowboys Monday night game. The 'Skins were beating up on the 'Pokes that night, real bad - IIRC around 40-something to nil. As the game progressed, he was cheering louder and louder, the patrons were getting madder and madder and I was moving farther and farther away from him. I think the fact that he was a 6'3" 240 lb ex-Notre Dame football player was what may have saved his reckless hide.
BTW - it appears that you only need two things to open a bar in Dallas - a liquor license and a full sized poster of the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. Back to the main point, the Eagles were never mentioned other than on game day during my many trips to Dallas.
We now return you to the Philly talk.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 03 2009 01:24 PM
="Benjamin Grimm":rc5gkky6]="Fman99":rc5gkky6]I detest the Phillies and their fans. It took going to a Mets-Phils tilt at Shea in '07 just to see how obnoxious they were.[/quote:rc5gkky6]
I was at a Mets-Phillies game in 2007 too. I'm not going to go back. It was such an ugly atmosphere I don't want to go there with my kids. (Carlos Gomez, I remember, injured himself and the fans were whooping and hollering with joy.)[/quote:rc5gkky6]
There's a difference between actual Phils fans-- a loyal, pretty well-informed group-- and college kids/dropouts who need somewhere to drink between Flyer season and Eagle season (steadily increasing in number since 2004 or so, roughly coincident with the rise of Utley and Hamels and Howard).
I went to yesterday's game via public transport sporting the usual complement of regalia (away Santana jersey, trad blue-and-orange hat), and ended up having a nice little chat with two Phils-cap-wearing strangers comparing the relative bench strengths of the '69 Mets and the '08 Phils.
Thanks to a train delay, I got inside the game in the bottom of the first. I asked a group of twentysomethings in red if they knew how the Phils' runs scored, and got called a "New Jork (think bad imitation of a Hispanic accent) queer" by a leering dude in a "World Phucking Champions" tee for my trouble.
There are some in every fanbase... the ugly ones are just as bad when they're wearing blue and orange camo.
Fman99 May 03 2009 02:22 PM
="LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr":25pp1ahd]="Benjamin Grimm":25pp1ahd]="Fman99":25pp1ahd]I detest the Phillies and their fans. It took going to a Mets-Phils tilt at Shea in '07 just to see how obnoxious they were.[/quote:25pp1ahd]
I was at a Mets-Phillies game in 2007 too. I'm not going to go back. It was such an ugly atmosphere I don't want to go there with my kids. (Carlos Gomez, I remember, injured himself and the fans were whooping and hollering with joy.)[/quote:25pp1ahd]
There's a difference between actual Phils fans-- a loyal, pretty well-informed group-- and college kids/dropouts who need somewhere to drink between Flyer season and Eagle season (steadily increasing in number since 2004 or so, roughly coincident with the rise of Utley and Hamels and Howard).
I went to yesterday's game via public transport sporting the usual complement of regalia (away Santana jersey, trad blue-and-orange hat), and ended up having a nice little chat with two Phils-cap-wearing strangers comparing the relative bench strengths of the '69 Mets and the '08 Phils.
Thanks to a train delay, I got inside the game in the bottom of the first. I asked a group of twentysomethings in red if they knew how the Phils' runs scored, and got called a "New Jork (think bad imitation of a Hispanic accent) queer" by a leering dude in a "World Phucking Champions" tee for my trouble.
There are some in every fanbase... the ugly ones are just as bad when they're wearing blue and orange camo.[/quote:25pp1ahd]
I will admit, there were more thugs in Met gear that day in '07 than I've ever been around in any other Mets game. In addition to the brutes in red.
People are animals.
metsguyinmichigan May 03 2009 03:18 PM
="Fman99":1ib6d02i]People are animals.[/quote:1ib6d02i]
But, if you pretend to be one of them by wearing the home cap when they're playing the Diamondbacks, they let you pose with their heroes and buy pulled pork.
Or so I've heard.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 03 2009 04:08 PM
="metsguyinmichigan":ers845mm]="Fman99":ers845mm]People are animals.[/quote:ers845mm]
But, if you pretend to be one of them by wearing the home cap when they're playing the Diamondbacks, they let you pose with their heroes and buy pulled pork.
Or so I've heard.
I actually sought out Luzinski twice-- once pre-game, once in-game-- to see if he'd take a picture with a guy in a Johan jersey. Swing-and-miss both times. Perhaps he had a derby party at the Murray house to attend. :)
metsguyinmichigan May 03 2009 05:45 PM
="LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr"]="metsguyinmichigan"]="Fman99"]People are animals. |
But, if you pretend to be one of them by wearing the home cap when they're playing the Diamondbacks, they let you pose with their heroes and buy pulled pork.
Or so I've heard.
:) |
I actually sought out Luzinski twice-- once pre-game, once in-game-- to see if he'd take a picture with a guy in a Johan jersey. Swing-and-miss both times. Perhaps he had a derby party at the Murray house to attend. :) |
Totally. And here's proof:

I tried taking a photo of the race off the telvision, and I'm like, "Bull! Down in front!"
And the thing is, he wasn't even a good houseguest.
I'm like, "Greg, not for nothing, but I took a lot of heat from by friends this week for hanging with you. And all you bring to the party is a bag of chips that you got at the gas station on the way here? Not cool, Bull. We were hoping for some pulled pork."
And he was like, "Whatever. Where are the julips?" And he made fun of my daughter's hat.
My wife said I can't invite him next year.
Frayed Knot May 03 2009 06:06 PM
="LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr":19k9poyd]="Benjamin Grimm":19k9poyd]="Fman99":19k9poyd]I detest the Phillies and their fans. It took going to a Mets-Phils tilt at Shea in '07 just to see how obnoxious they were.[/quote:19k9poyd]
I was at a Mets-Phillies game in 2007 too. I'm not going to go back. It was such an ugly atmosphere I don't want to go there with my kids. (Carlos Gomez, I remember, injured himself and the fans were whooping and hollering with joy.)[/quote:19k9poyd]
There's a difference between actual Phils fans-- a loyal, pretty well-informed group-- and college kids/dropouts who need somewhere to drink between Flyer season and Eagle season (steadily increasing in number since 2004 or so, roughly coincident with the rise of Utley and Hamels and Howard).
I went to yesterday's game via public transport sporting the usual complement of regalia (away Santana jersey, trad blue-and-orange hat), and ended up having a nice little chat with two Phils-cap-wearing strangers comparing the relative bench strengths of the '69 Mets and the '08 Phils.
Thanks to a train delay, I got inside the game in the bottom of the first. I asked a group of twentysomethings in red if they knew how the Phils' runs scored, and got called a "New Jork (think bad imitation of a Hispanic accent) queer" by a leering dude in a "World Phucking Champions" tee for my trouble.
There are some in every fanbase... the ugly ones are just as bad when they're wearing blue and orange camo.[/quote:19k9poyd]
I think the sports media in Philly tends to drive a lot of that kind of stuff. Even the worst of WFAN sounds like 'Masterpiece Theatre' compared to most of WIP. Encouraging callers whose sole point is to say 'Cowboys Suck' seems to be considered standard programming on some shows.
I've always thought of Philly as more a football & hockey town as compared to baseball & hoops so maybe the macho attitude of those two sports help give the city its rep. The anti-Met thing I think it more just an extension of an overall anti-NYC bias that exists in a lot of places - just even moreso when your city is only 100 miles down the road. Perhaps the attitudes in Philly - like Boston in many ways - were formed way back by people who never got over NYC supplanting their towns as the dominant city on the eastern seaboard all those years ago.
Kong76 May 03 2009 06:09 PM
This was really funny ...
seawolf17 May 03 2009 06:10 PM
I've always loved Greg Luzinski -- my coach in baseball camp one year called me "Bull" because my power, speed, and remarkable ability to strike out reminded him of Luzinski.