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Obama nominated Sotomayer to Supreme Court.
Nymr83 May 26 2009 07:34 AM |
Obviously as a conservative I'm not going to agree with the views of anyone this president appoints, but I'm glad he picked someone with judicial experience rather than some Harriet Myers-esque friend. Any bets on how long it takes her to (a) get out of commitee and (b) get a vote? I'm guessing the REpublicans put up a big fight in committee but no meaningful fight on the floor, and she is confirmed almost strictly along party lines with perhaps 2-3 republicans voting for her.
Edgy DC May 26 2009 07:38 AM |
She'll fly through.
Benjamin Grimm May 26 2009 07:39 AM |
As long as she doesn't have "empathy." Didn't the Republicans threaten to filibuster anyone with "empathy" or "feelings."
Edgy DC May 26 2009 07:59 AM |
Easy, cowboy.
metsguyinmichigan May 26 2009 08:06 AM |
Nymr83 May 26 2009 08:23 AM |
i can't watch youtube at work, did she say its their job or did she just admit to the reality that it happens? the former would be disturbing, the latter doesnt raise an eyebrow for me.
they should filibuster anyone who makes decisions based on "feelings" rather than the law. this need not be a conservative-liberal divide either, Justice Black was a strict reader of the law and was considered "liberal", it is too bad (for the law but mainly for my personal amusement) that he and Scalia never served together.
metsguyinmichigan May 26 2009 08:32 AM |
CNN - In a 2005 panel discussion at Duke University, Sotomayor told students that the federal Court of Appeals is where "policy is made."
Frayed Knot May 26 2009 08:54 AM |
If anything is going to get the backs of conservatives up it's going to be her ruling in the New Haven fire fighters test case; that's the one where she ruled the results of a promotional test could be negated based on the racial mix of the outcome.
RealityChuck May 26 2009 09:29 AM |
Otherwise you get something like the Dred Scott Decision -- legally correct, but wrong in every other respect. Or Plessy v. Ferguson. Note that empathy also includes empathy for both sides. Conservatives are using their usual tactic of redefining things for political advantage, but it would also apply to, say, the hardships a business might face by meeting pollution standards. The current court is no paragon of rationality -- we see the justices making choices on their own feelings all the time (and rationalized later). The issue is that conservatives like when justices's feelings are conservative.
Swan Swan H May 26 2009 09:39 AM |
As a liberal I will tend to agree with the views of most, if not all Obama appointees, but there is a huge red flag for me regarding Sotamayor. The woman has spoken out on several occasions in support of, gasp, the Yankees. How on earth am I supposed to trust the judgment of someone so easily deluded?
batmagadanleadoff May 26 2009 09:40 AM |
I thought that the Supreme Court was the law. And is the law.
Gwreck May 26 2009 10:19 AM |
I think the trump card for the Democrats here is that Sotomayor was first appointed to the federal bench by Bush 41. If she was an acceptable Republican nominee in the first place...
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 26 2009 10:33 AM |
Isn't that Judge Dredd? And Sotomayor was appointed by Bush I... but that was a FAR different Republican party, and her name came from Moynihan and the Dems to begin with. Her name was bandied about when Bush II was looking to fill O'Connor's slot, but I think that, too, came from the Senate Democrats. The scuttlebutt is that, personally, she ain't the most conciliatory sort when pushed... so these could be some firework-filled confirmation hearings if Cornyn or Coburn are feeling ornery.
sharpie May 26 2009 10:42 AM |
Seven current Republicans (+ Arlen Specter) voted to confirm her for the Appeals Court when Clinton nominated her despite a full-court press by Trent Lott to block her because he was afeared that she would eventually be tapped for the SC.
Nymr83 May 26 2009 10:43 AM |
it was certainly democrats who suggested her to fill o'connors spot, as republicans were already against her by the time she was elevated to the circuit court by Clinton only a couple of years after Bush nominated her to the district court.
Nymr83 May 26 2009 10:46 AM |