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OOTS 9/17

Sep 17 2005 03:20 PM

Johann Santana started his day off with 5.1 innings of perfection against the White Sox and allowed only 2 singles and a walk, striking out 13 of the first 24 batters faced.

Up 5-0, he entered in the ninth to finish it out, but gave up a bunt single to Ozuna, then a single to center by Iguchi followed by a walk to Konerko to load the bases.

With the win in jeopardy, Ryan pulled Santana & called in Nathan, who proceeded to strike out Everett, Rowland & Dye swinging.


This, by the way, is Nathan's second year as a closer. Prior to closing, he was a failed starter (4.18 ERA in 99, 5.21 ERA in 00) for San Francisco before emerging as a quality reliever in 2003.

The Twins decided last off-season that, despite only one year as a reliever under his belt, he would make a quality closer and immediately gave him the role. Since then, he's saved 82 games while posting a 2.29 ERA and a 1.00 WHIP, with a 3.95 K/BB.

Sep 17 2005 03:26 PM

Phillies at Fish, Padilla v. Willis. Fish up 1-0. Both pitchers with 7 K's through the 7th. Willis has only allowed three hits. Padilla not quite as sharp, with 3 BB & 4 H. He walked in an unearned run in the bottom of the third.

Willis, by the way, is batting 7th, ahead of the shortstop Andino.

Frayed Knot
Sep 17 2005 04:11 PM

Dontrelle took a 2-zip / 3 hitter in to the 9th, but a couple walks & hits plus 3 Marlin errors have given the Phils 8 runs (and counting).

Oooh, that's gotta hurt!

Sep 17 2005 05:41 PM

Joe Nathan, Stony Brook University's proudest athletic alumnus.