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Jul 10 2009 08:17 AM

Barack Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy turn their heads towards Brazil's Mayara Tavares at the G8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy. Photograph: Jason Reed/Reuters

Edgy DC
Jul 10 2009 08:25 AM

Too easy.

"I just want you to know I'm here for two reasons: to shine the light of freedom, democracy, and prosperity in the world's darkest places, and to get me a slice of that sweet sweet booty."

"My campaign stands for hope. And I hope your fine self isn't doing anything tonight."

Nothing personal, Mr. President. It's just, you know, a funny photo.

Jul 10 2009 08:28 AM

I do like the way Sarkozy is looking at Obama ....."yeah I know what you're thinking"....or the French equivalent.

Jul 10 2009 08:33 AM

"Barack, and to the left... Barack, and to the left..."

Jul 10 2009 09:52 AM

"Waitaminutewaitaminute... did someone drop a quarter over there? You know... behind that juicy BEhind?

"Nicholas... could you point me to the nearest toilette? I've got a... um... stimulus package that needs a bailout."

Jul 10 2009 11:31 AM

"Oh, that reminds me. Michelle wanted me to ask you, who is your designer?"


Jul 10 2009 11:51 PM

] do like the way Sarkozy is looking at Obama ....."yeah I know what you're thinking"....or the French equivalent

thats by far the funniest part