="John Cougar Lunchbucket":19fb0u4r]Not if you don;t want to. But I should mention this poll was inspired by my having found KKII in its entirety on youtube, and watching it yesterday while doing work. How about that?[/quote:19fb0u4r]
In this economy being able to toss of like that at work is pure gold.
Edgy DC Jul 23 2009 07:25 AM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jul 23 2009 07:30 AM
Well, I assume we're voting for the characters and not the young actresses --- or the grown up actresses they became. Meanwhile, you've got the name of my selection wrong. It's Tamlyn Tomita.
Tamlyn had depth. The tea ceremony, the fan dance at the temple, the dancing skills, the devotion to her wizened elder.
Besides, for a Big Date<sub><font size="1">TM</font></sub>, an Okinawan retro-50's sockhop (what the heck?) trumps Golf 'N' Stuff anyday.
<img src="http://cm1.theinsider.com/media/0/1/0/Elisabeth_Shue_2.0.0.0x0.549x544.jpeg" width="250"> <img src="http://www.hanamiweb.com/img/tamlyn1.gif"> <img src="http://www.lazydork.com/movies/teenwitch.jpg">
And how about Daniel-san confessing that he had all his 50s dance moves down because he was the dance partner for his lonely mom still living out her perpetual girlhood. Did you really believe after the first movie that they could find a way to make his childhood seem any more pathetic?
"Hi, I'm Danny. I've come all the way to Asia, blowing my life's savings in an attempt to get away from my Mom. Hey, you're cute. Let me tell you about my mom. D'oh! I blew it, didn't I?"
Frayed Knot Jul 23 2009 07:29 AM
="John Cougar Lunchbucket":1lq391ki]Not if you don;t want to. But I should mention this poll was inspired by my having found KKII in its entirety on youtube, and watching it yesterday while doing work. How about that?[/quote:1lq391ki]
Well in that case: Shue is hot, I don't know either of the other two, and wouldn't watch the movies to find out unless you stuck a gun in my ear (and even then I'd probably flip a coin.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 23 2009 07:38 AM
Yeah, I'm like a big Shue fan, but that's mostly because of Adventures in Babysitting.
Even though she's Daniel's only fan, she leaves him for a football player. Maybe she saw how douchey he'd already become signing autographs outside the All-Valley Karate Championship Arena, presumably leaving her inside.
]And how about Daniel-san confessing that he had all his 50s dance moves down because he was the dance partner for his lonely mom still living out her perpetual girlhood. Did you really believe after the first movie that they could find a way to make his childhood seem any more pathetic? |
Not only that but the love of dance he inspired in Kumiko winds up costing him a chance to score on both sides of the world when she chooses to attend dancing school in Japan rather than accompanying him back to Racida. She's a cuteypie tho, and I think she might take this vote.
I confess I've never got into KK 3 enough to know if he even scores with the 3rd chick or not, but she grew into a shapely redhead so I thought she might get some votes.
Vic Sage Jul 23 2009 10:01 AM
Tamlyn is hot... she reminds me of Boomer, from Battlestar Galactica.
Is that a racist observation on my part, or do they actually have similar features?
can anybody post pictures side-by-side?
Fman99 Jul 23 2009 10:12 AM
Where is the "I choose all three and a vat of lubricant" option?
I will admit bias here, in that Fwife has her own Shue-like vibe going, or so I've always thought.

Technically, Shue is the best catch by Daniel only because he's a big puss when he meets her in KK1. By KK2 he's got a trophy and some moves and therefore should rightfully be landing a higher class piece for himself.
Centerfield Jul 23 2009 10:52 AM
Ali with an "i".
How is this even debateable?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 23 2009 11:03 AM
="Centerfield":1ewj8qqy]Ali with an "i".
How is this even debateable?[/quote:1ewj8qqy]
Easy, she's a rich whore who thinks she can have whatever she wants and gets a thrill out of outraging those people who care about her.
I mean she dumps Cobra Kai Blondie for the New Kid in Town, simply for the rise it gets out of her parents and the thrill of having guys fight over her... then she moves on to the football player, directly from the prom! By now she's on her 4th husband, on his way to jail for securities fraud no doubt, but she'll keep the house.
Edgy DC Jul 23 2009 11:06 AM
]<img src="http://images.myphotoalbum.com/f/fi/fin/fing/finge/fingermanfamily/albums/album31/img_3774.sized.jpg"> |
How do you ugly fuglies keep pulling this off?
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jul 23 2009 11:11 AM
]And how about Daniel-san confessing that he had all his 50s dance moves down because he was the dance partner for his lonely mom still living out her perpetual girlhood. Did you really believe after the first movie that they could find a way to make his childhood seem any more pathetic? |
D'you mean apart from his only friend being a drunken elderly super from Reseda?
Though I'd have a suicidally-drunk weekend with Ali-with-an-I any day, I am not putting myself at risk for that girl. (JCL summed it up quite tidily-- a hybrid of rich-girl/drama-junkie.)
When you've won Kumiko, you've won her; Kumiko strikes me-- as my imaginary gangsta grandpa liked to say-- as "one o' them ride-or-die bitchez." Oh, yeah, and she grew up all right, too:

What I want to know is, who the FARK voted for "Teen Witch?"
RealityChuck Jul 23 2009 11:23 AM
I would fight for this woman's honor, which is probably more than she ever die.
Fman99 Jul 23 2009 11:27 AM
="Edgy DC"]]<img src="http://images.myphotoalbum.com/f/fi/fin/fing/finge/fingermanfamily/albums/album31/img_3774.sized.jpg"> |
How do you ugly fuglies keep pulling this off? |
Sparkling wit, giant hog.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jul 23 2009 11:28 AM
Dark horse candidate? (Emphasis on...)

Here's the catch, though:she fights for your honor.
Edgy DC Jul 23 2009 11:30 AM
Entering the Next Karate Kid in the contest at this juncture is simply not fair.
As for Fman, I'm looking at your crotch right now and I'm just not seeing it.
With the two of you at opposite ends of the hirsuteness spectrum, the fates of your kids are really hanging in the balance.
Centerfield Jul 23 2009 11:53 AM
="John Cougar Lunchbucket":orw5tdzr]="Centerfield":orw5tdzr]Ali with an "i".
How is this even debateable?[/quote:orw5tdzr]
Easy, she's a rich whore who thinks she can have whatever she wants and gets a thrill out of outraging those people who care about her.
I mean she dumps Cobra Kai Blondie for the New Kid in Town, simply for the rise it gets out of her parents and the thrill of having guys fight over her... then she moves on to the football player, directly from the prom! By now she's on her 4th husband, on his way to jail for securities fraud no doubt, but she'll keep the house.[/quote:orw5tdzr]
No argument here. If you're looking to settle down, Ali is your worst option. But no one rocks your world like Ali. She's a bad person...selfish and arrogant...but she's the one that stays with you. See, one day, Daniel will settle down and marry a nice, pedestrian looking woman (he is a dork after all). Things will be nice, they'll have nice kids, a nice job, a nice house in the burbs. During his mid-forties, Daniel will go out and drink with his buddies. He'll talk about his trip to Japan, moving to Receda, the All-Valley Karate Championships. And eventually, his voice will drift off as he thinks about Ali. Spoiled, psycho, smoking-hot Ali who ripped his heart out and fed it to the tight end from UCLA. He'll look longingly into his mug and tell you how those six months were the best days of his life.
metirish Jul 23 2009 11:59 AM
This is why I love this forum........
themetfairy Jul 23 2009 12:18 PM
="Edgy DC"]]<img src="http://images.myphotoalbum.com/f/fi/fin/fing/finge/fingermanfamily/albums/album31/img_3774.sized.jpg"> |
How do you ugly fuglies keep pulling this off? |
Um, you didn't do badly for yourself Edgy. Cha Cha is beautiful!
Edgy DC Jul 23 2009 12:19 PM
Yeah, but I know how I got her. Some of these guys... it's a mystery.
seawolf17 Jul 23 2009 12:23 PM
="LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr"] |
Plus she's got the Mets thing going on.
But really, people. This is Elizabeth Shue. I don't even know why there are other choices.
="Edgy DC"]Yeah, but I know how I got her. Some of these guys... it's a mystery. |
At least for me and fman, it was the 6:1 female:male thing at Geneseo. They just didn't have a whole lot of choices.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 23 2009 12:30 PM
="metirish":138xvmh9]="John Cougar Lunchbucket":138xvmh9]Not if you don;t want to. But I should mention this poll was inspired by my having found KKII in its entirety on youtube, and watching it yesterday while doing work. How about that?[/quote:138xvmh9]
In this economy being able to toss of like that at work is pure gold.[/quote:138xvmh9]
Thanks, man. It means a lot.
Fman99 Jul 23 2009 12:33 PM
="Edgy DC":1lvioukh]Entering the Next Karate Kid in the contest at this juncture is simply not fair.
As for Fman, I'm looking at your crotch right now and I'm just not seeing it.[/quote:1lvioukh]
"The Next Karate Kid" NEVER happened.
And, Edgy, the important thing is that you're checking out my hog on the Internet. So, nice work.
TransMonk Jul 23 2009 12:38 PM
But really, people. This is Elizabeth Shue. I don't even know why there are other choices.[/quote:3rw053dj]
Yeah, agreed...how'd this thing even get to second page.
Edgy DC Jul 23 2009 12:51 PM
But we're not. We talking about Ali. And Kumiko and Jessica.
A Boy Named Seo Jul 23 2009 03:25 PM
Highly entertaining thread. 100% agree w/ JLC on "Adventures in Babysitting" Shue, but KKII Shue is a different bird.
I was taken with that Kumiko chick when I saw the movie in the theatre and wondered where I could meet a girl like her in New Mexico. You know, one of them ride-or-die bitchez. Love her.
And kudos to her for not going back to the fuckin' valley with Danielsan and choosing dance school instead. She woulda ended up some cute, anonymous porn actress when dance school in Thousand Oaks didn't work out.