="Gwreck":1grw0525]Sheffield scratched.
NOW what?
Gwreck Aug 20 2009 03:04 PM
"Just the best thing for lineup today, I guess," Sheffield tells the [url=http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/mets/2009/08/sheffield-scratched-from-lineu.html:1e4surt7]Daily News[/url:1e4surt7]
Edgy DC Aug 20 2009 03:07 PM
I'm guessing a transaction is going down. Sheffield is only getting paid $400,000 this season by the Mets, with the Tiggs getting the rest. I imagine that makes him appealing and may even incent a team to throw in a few ducats more for him to accept the deal.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 20 2009 03:14 PM
Good thought. Trading Sheffield makes every bit as much sense as trading Wagner.
bmfc1 Aug 20 2009 03:50 PM
After Sheff was scratched, Jerry's presser was delayed so reporters speculated via tweet that Sheff was being traded--but The Post guy then wrote that Sheff can't be traded, only released. Then Jerry said that Sheff asked for a day off.
20 pitch limit for Wagner tonight.
And--get ready--Redding gets the start on Saturday!
John Cougar Lunchbucket Aug 20 2009 04:48 PM
Thanks but no thanks, Sheff.
bmfc1 Aug 20 2009 05:24 PM
NYPost_MetsGary Sheffield is in uniform and on the #Mets' bench despite his threat to leave the team because they turned down his extension request.
metirish Aug 20 2009 05:25 PM
Everyone wants a fucking extension .....
G-Fafif Aug 20 2009 05:41 PM
Somehow this makes me like Sheffield more. Who on earth would want to be contractually bound even longer to this team?
Brian Schneider now 8 for his last 66.
metirish Aug 20 2009 05:52 PM
="G-Fafif":14amsstj]Somehow this makes me like Sheffield more. Who on earth would want to be contractually bound even longer to this team?
Brian Schneider now 8 for his last 66.[/quote:14amsstj]
Schneider should ask for an extension with those numbers
John Cougar Lunchbucket Aug 20 2009 05:56 PM
="bmfc1"]After Sheff was scratched, Jerry's presser was delayed so reporters speculated via tweet that Sheff was being traded--but The Post guy then wrote that Sheff can't be traded, only released. Then Jerry said that Sheff asked for a day off. |
Does that mean that Sheff had been claimed on waivers but pulled back?
That would be certifiable wouldn't it?
Frayed Knot Aug 20 2009 06:01 PM
Not really. It costs nothing to keep Sheffield so if the claiming team didn't want to work out a deal where we'd actually get something for him there's no reason not to pull him back.
Edgy DC Aug 20 2009 06:05 PM
I thought, if he gets claimed and the waiver is withdrawn, it means he can be traded, but not to any team ahead of the claiming team in the standings.
bmfc1 Aug 20 2009 06:06 PM
SI_JonHeymantoo late to trade sheff, by the way. was already blocked on waivers. #mets
Frayed Knot Aug 20 2009 06:10 PM
]I thought, if he gets claimed and the waiver is withdrawn, it means he can be traded, but not to any team ahead of the claiming team in the standings. |
No, either he is; - awarded to the first team in the pecking order claiming him (Rios to ChiSox) - a deal is worked out with the team claiming him - he clears all teams and can be dealt to anyone - or he's pulled back in which case he not be traded at all within this same waiver period.
Nymr83 Aug 20 2009 06:28 PM
Burkhart talking about Sheff. Apparently the career malcontent is back to his usual bitching-ways, i guess its suprising that it took this long.
Kong76 Aug 20 2009 06:31 PM
Someone with good split abilities should probably make a 'Sheffie wanted to leave and could of but couldn't' thread.
He can't be on a team without it becoming about him at some point no matter how much his teammates and the fans embrace him.
seawolf17 Aug 20 2009 06:34 PM
They may not be able to waive him, but they can certainly cut him if they don't feel like he's part of the picture for 2010. He's costing them virtually nothing.
Kong76 Aug 20 2009 06:43 PM
Gmta, Ben G lol.
Frayed Knot Aug 20 2009 06:56 PM
="seawolf17":28lwwmgr]They may not be able to waive him, but they can certainly cut him if they don't feel like he's part of the picture for 2010. He's costing them virtually nothing.[/quote:28lwwmgr]
Sure, but it's costing them virtually nothing to keep him too and cutting him would just shove one more minor league bat into the lineup.
So unless he's going to pout to the point of becoming a major distraction (and what exactly is he going to be distracting us from?) keep him and tell him if he wants to play here next year we'll talk about it over the winter. And if he doesn't like that give him the choice of playing for the next 6 weeks with the intent of impressing either the Mets or someone who could use him in 2010 or polishing the bench with his ass for the same length of time.
Nymr83 Aug 20 2009 07:06 PM
]give him the choice of playing for the next 6 weeks with the intent of impressing either the Mets or someone who could use him in 2010 or polishing the bench with his ass for the same length of time. |
Edgy DC Aug 20 2009 07:12 PM
I guess I could stand to see more of Evans. Why not?
Ashie62 Aug 20 2009 07:41 PM
If Sheffield was claimed and pulled, and not traded, I'd probably be pissed also
Ashie62 Aug 20 2009 07:45 PM
Well...we got a nice round of guessing 1960's TV voiceovers from the booth
A Seaver sighting
A Wagner sighting
An audible lets go MFY chant
and a Citified Travelouge for a few innings
No casualties in this 1 of 81 at home
Ashie62 Aug 20 2009 07:47 PM
="metirish":awuus1x2]Everyone wants a fucking extension .....[/quote:awuus1x2]
Thats why "Enhanze" sells so well
bmfc1 Aug 20 2009 07:51 PM
Jon Heyman tweets that the Giants claimed Sheff but the Mets "pulled him back." Wouldn't any minor leaguer be better than the nothing they're going to get when his contract expires at the end of the season?
Kong76 Aug 20 2009 07:56 PM
bmfc: Jon Heyman tweets (sorry Kong) <<<
I thought it was Joel Sherman?
bmfc1 Aug 20 2009 07:57 PM
="Kong76"]bmfc: Jon Heyman tweets (sorry Kong) <<<
I thought it was Joel Sherman? |
Accuracy is my motto! Sherman was re-tweeting Heyman:
nyp_joelshermanstill don't understand y Mets didn't take Grade-C prospect back RT @SI_JonHeyman giants were team that claimed sheff b4 mets pulled back.
Kong76 Aug 20 2009 08:05 PM
Just wanna say the original, "sorry Kong" made me lol.
I feel like a dinosaur sometimes.
Frayed Knot Aug 20 2009 08:26 PM
If all you're getting is some low-level minor leaguer with little promise I'd pull him back too. Those guys are findable under every rock. If you let him go you're looking at making this year's team even worse than it already is with little hope that you're doing anything for the future.
Gwreck Aug 20 2009 09:05 PM
The way I understand it, when a team claims the player, you either have to work out a deal within a set time period (48? 72? hours), or if you can't they get the player for the waiver fee ($20,000, I think), or you have to pull him back.
Waiver claims can be risky because if the player is claimed, the team who waived him can refuse to work out a trade and just stick his contract on the claiming team (ie. Rios). But here the Giants have most of the leverage, given that Sheffield's contract costs nothing.
Frayed Knot Aug 21 2009 06:36 AM
]Now Tim smith chimes in on the Mets holding Sheffield "hostage" - WTF? |
Smith: Since the Mets blocked him from moving to another team, Sheffield logically deduced that he was a part of the team's future plans.
To make sure, he went in and asked the Mets Thursday to extend his contract. They refused, a clear indication that he's not part of the picture for 2010.
And the hostage crisis began.
Right, refusing to extend a contract in mid-season to a 40 y/o still is akin to being held hostage.
I could parse this thing some more but it's not worth it. Suffice to say he uses the word "hostage" about six more times.
Kong76 Aug 21 2009 06:43 AM
Jeffie tweeted the ransom note about 5am for those who don't follow.
Frayed Knot Aug 21 2009 07:04 AM
[url=http://www.nypost.com/seven/08212009/sports/mets/loaded_handgun_finally_goes_off_185580.htm]Joel Sherman[/url], on the other hand, seems to get it.
"The Mets rejected his bizarre request for a contract extension. So Sheffield, according to sources, initially became verbally abusive, then demanded he be released or traded to the Marlins, then threatened to return home to Florida, and finally just pulled himself from the starting lineup. He struck out as a pinch-hitter in the eighth inning and then ignored reporters' interview attempts after the game."
Not quite the innocent "victim" Smith portrays him to be.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 21 2009 09:20 AM
If the Mets had only signed LaWanda Page at the break, we'd all be sitting in butter.

Anyway, I know Smith had to file and all, but he should probably check out [url=http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/mets/2009/08/on-sheffield.html]his colleague's blog[/url]:
]Let me weigh in with the obvious on Gary Sheffield: If you sign up to play for a team, and that team decides to keep you for the entire season, how exactly can you have any legitimate gripe? |
metirish Aug 21 2009 09:48 AM
Is it a sign of the bad times with the downturn in the economy(how I hate that term) that the likes of Smith is covering baseball . From what I know of him he is a boxing guy.
duan Aug 21 2009 10:05 AM
if sheffield wants to have an extension at a modest raise to what the mets are paying him this year, I'd be all on for that. I wouldn't just double what we're paying him I'd treble it. And if he isn't happy with his 1.2 million well then maybe i'd go as high as 1.6. But I AIN'T paying him 10 million next year to be Moises Alou renewed contract part 2.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 21 2009 10:09 AM
And I'd bring him back with a role matching the expectations that were had for him in 2009; a pinch-hitter, fourth/fifth outfielder. Not as a starting regular left fielder.
Nymr83 Aug 21 2009 10:53 AM
]Is it a sign of the bad times with the downturn in the economy(how I hate that term) that the likes of Smith is covering baseball . From what I know of him he is a boxing guy. |
Tim Smith is already figuring out how to look like a NYC baseball writer though, he already knows to blame the Mets for everything even when its somebody else (Sheffield) being the douchebag. All he needs to do now is add a paragraph about how "this would never happen with the Yankees"
Frayed Knot Aug 21 2009 12:54 PM
Very little is worse than non-baseball writers (talking heads, "opinion makers", etc.) opining about baseball. They either seem to hate the sport and rail against whatever attention it gets (and takes away from football) or simply don't know it very well but feel obligated to sound off anyway.
I recently stumbled across some televised round-table chat-fest not long after Randy Johnson's 300th win. When the topic turned to whether there'd ever be another one of the heads started squawking about how it would never happen because there's too much money in the game now and so today's players all retire early because they're too rich to care. That opinion is obviously so stupid and so wrong that it's not even worth debating, but boy whoever this guy was he was very loud and very sure about what he was saying.
Valadius Aug 21 2009 03:34 PM
If he wants to go, let him freaking go. It's not like this team is actually going anywhere this year anyway.
metsmarathon Aug 21 2009 08:28 PM
if we offer him arbitration, the lower limit on that is based on the contract he's signed with the mets, right, and not what he's still making from teh tiggers?
Frayed Knot Aug 21 2009 09:03 PM
="metsmarathon":23bdu89e]if we offer him arbitration, the lower limit on that is based on the contract he's signed with the mets, right, and not what he's still making from teh tiggers?[/quote:23bdu89e]
No, he'd have to be offered 80% of his current per/year amount, not just the NYM portion of it.
There's no reason to offer Sheffield arbitration. If you want to keep him next year you simply need to negotiate a deal.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 21 2009 09:47 PM
="Frayed Knot"]="metsmarathon"]if we offer him arbitration, the lower limit on that is based on the contract he's signed with the mets, right, and not what he's still making from teh tiggers? |
No, he'd have to be offered 80% of his current per/year amount, not just the NYM portion of it.
There's no reason to offer Sheffield arbitration. If you want to keep him next year you simply need to negotiate a deal. |
He wouldn't have to be offered 80% of his current per annum, since he's a free agent. The salary floor only applies to those under team control.
It's another reason the arb offer for Country Time makes sense.
Frayed Knot Aug 21 2009 09:52 PM
But offering him arb (and him accepting it) would prevent him from ever getting to the FA stage and that's what you want to avoid here! Once he declares for FA he's not under your control anymore so arb doesn't enter into it.
I have no problem negotiating a separate deal w/Sheff if he's willing to be reasonable but it can't be at anywhere near what he was making in the final year of the Detroit contract.
PiggiesTomatoes Aug 21 2009 10:03 PM
Wouldn't touch him with a pole. Like Tatis last year, I appreciate his contribution during this mess of a season but I wouldn't bring him back.
metsmarathon Aug 22 2009 06:48 AM
="Frayed Knot":2g03z1lv]="metsmarathon":2g03z1lv]if we offer him arbitration, the lower limit on that is based on the contract he's signed with the mets, right, and not what he's still making from teh tiggers?[/quote:2g03z1lv]
No, he'd have to be offered 80% of his current per/year amount, not just the NYM portion of it.
There's no reason to offer Sheffield arbitration. If you want to keep him next year you simply need to negotiate a deal.[/quote:2g03z1lv]
well, if that's the case, then surely i wouldn't think of offering him arbitration. if the 80% rule was based off his current contract (what he signed with NYM after being released from DET), then i would consider offering him arbitration.
i guess then there's the risk of what he could actually make if it ever reached arbitration, but i would figure he'd surely refuse it.
really im just trying to make sense of why the mets would want to keep him around this season. if they don't bring him back next year or offer him arbitration, tehn they lose him for nothing. which is the same thing as if they lose him through waivers. so maybe they're planning on keeping him around for the Class B draft pick compensation
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 22 2009 03:35 PM
Considering that he's in the group with the gaudiest stat pool (1B/OF/DH), I'm pretty sure that Sheff won't anywhere near Type B (20-40 percentile) on the Elias ratings.
I think it's as simple as (A) their not loving the claimant's prospect offer/the claimant not really making a serious offer and (B) their wanting to remain "respectable" for the remainder of the season.
(Yeah, I don't really get it, either.)
EDIT: Just checked the [url=http://www.scribd.com/doc/19002885/Rankings-082209:114fboc1]MLBTR-linked Elias projections[/url:114fboc1] (painstakingly calculated/assembled by a guy from Detroit Tigers Thoughts after he reverse-engineered last year's rankings), and they've got Sheffield as a borderline type-B among NL 1B/OF. My surprise... and my bad.
Ashie62 Aug 22 2009 06:41 PM
I don't see Sheff has any future with the Mets beyond this year. Wouldn't it be easiest to trade him or let him go??
might lose a draft pick, but Sheff did well..cut the old man a break, and loose
Edgy DC Aug 22 2009 07:51 PM
Do we know that the claiming team (reportedly the Giants) made any offer at all?
If not, they may well have claimed him just to block another team from getting him.
Ashie62 Aug 22 2009 08:25 PM
="Edgy DC":30mcayco]Do we know that the claiming team (reportedly the Giants) made any offer at all?
If not, they may well have claimed him just to block another team from getting him.[/quote:30mcayco]
Could very well be the case. It seems kind of petty to hold him up
smg58 Aug 22 2009 10:29 PM
Why didn't we just trade Sheffield at the deadline? If the commish OKed the Peavy deal, he'd have approved a deal involving somebody who was coming off the DL on August 1.