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Making a Memory - 9/11
Edgy DC Sep 11 2009 08:53 AM |
This is a photo by an old friend of mine named Adam. Adam didn't want to forget, so he took a picture of himself as the WTC burned.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 11 2009 09:07 AM Re: Making a Memory - 9/11 |
Not to sound like a terrorist but I don't much care for everyone telling me "never forget" today.
metirish Sep 11 2009 09:08 AM Re: Making a Memory - 9/11 |
[quote="John Cougar Lunchbucket":k46oa10s]Not to sound like a terrorist but I don't much care for everyone telling me "never forget" today.[/quote:k46oa10s] Yeah me too , like I ever could.
Edgy DC Sep 11 2009 09:10 AM Re: Making a Memory - 9/11 |
I hear you. Terrorist. Sorry to tell you NTF or whatever. Just found it a startling picture. Not that 10,000 people didn't do the same, but it's a new shot to me and it just speaks of the surrealism of it all, that everybody was so paralyzed that all they could think to do was record it.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 11 2009 09:15 AM Re: Making a Memory - 9/11 |
One of my lesser memories of that day (aside from the shock and horror, of course) was watching on TV as various witnesses were interviewed. Everyone who fled from downtown was talking about the sights and the sounds, but this one guy was talking about the smells and the taste of the air. I thought it was interesting that this one person was more aware of two senses that most others seemingly paid less attention to.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 11 2009 09:25 AM Re: Making a Memory - 9/11 |
I was referring more to the bumperstickers and their repeaters. I dunno if you recall but it was back on the old cpf when I posted a picture of one of Wifey's officemates who shot photos of himself walking thru lower Manhattan while covered in ash from that morning. He wound up getting very sick iirc.
metirish Sep 11 2009 09:26 AM Re: Making a Memory - 9/11 |
In the years since I have done tests on countless " first responders" in the pulmonary lab where I work and it is truely tragic what a lot fo these people are going through in order to get help with their health.
Edgy DC Sep 11 2009 09:46 AM Re: Making a Memory - 9/11 |
[quote="John Cougar Lunchbucket":35s7cbri]I was referring more to the bumperstickers and their repeaters. I dunno if you recall but it was back on the old cpf when I posted a picture of one of Wifey's officemates who shot photos of himself walking thru lower Manhattan while covered in ash from that morning. He wound up getting very sick iirc.[/quote:35s7cbri] I thought that was you. [quote="John Cougar Lunchbucket":35s7cbri]In the years since I have done tests on countless " first responders" in the pulmonary lab where I work and it is truely tragic what a lot fo these people are going through in order to get help with their health.[/quote:35s7cbri] Stanley Jefferson included.
metsmarathon Sep 11 2009 11:32 AM Re: Making a Memory - 9/11 |
i feel very sorry for all the relatives and friends of the victims who are forced to very much publicly relive that day each and every year since. at some point, we've gotta ask ourselves are we really honoring those lost in the attack, or simply trying to show how much we want to be seen as honoring those lost in the attacks?
Edgy DC Sep 11 2009 11:51 AM Re: Making a Memory - 9/11 |
Sounds like you just asked it.
MFS62 Sep 11 2009 11:57 AM Re: Making a Memory - 9/11 |
My own memory; One of my daughters was supposed to fly to California on business that day. For the first time, my wife had forgotten to ask her flight number. She was driving over the Whitestone bridge and saw the plane hit the second building. Then the airport and surrounding roads were shut down. She was stuck in that traffic jam, and her cell phone was in the trunk. It was over three hours before she could get to a phone to tell us she was ok. During that time, her husband was away in the Army. He had heard about what happened and kept calling us to find out if we'd heard from her. It was the scariest three hours we ever spent. Yeah, like I'm ever going to forget that day. Later
seawolf17 Sep 11 2009 06:42 PM Re: Making a Memory - 9/11 |
I consider myself lucky that I had zero personal connections with anyone who lost a life in the 9/11 attacks. My friend lost a friend, and my old drummer worked in the towers but low enough that he got out quickly, and my dad used to work at 7 WTC... but really, outside of the panic factor, it didn't "directly" affect me. But what this day reminds me every year is of the fragility of this life we're given, and that we need to appreciate what we have. Nobody in those buildings, or any of the innocent people on those planes, planned to die that day. But it happened. And people die every day; people we know, people we don't know. But days like today make you really think about it, and make you think that you should take more care in everyday life, and to use your time wisely. Spend time with your family, and with your friends, and with other people you love; and make them know that they're important to you. That's what 9/11 is to me. That, and remembering the plight of Afro Man, whose "Because I Got High" was the biggest song in the universe on September 10, and then completely vanished. Poor guy.