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Westys Updates
Edgy DC Sep 24 2009 07:18 AM |
In news that's bound to reverberate everywhere people like their rock cola-fueled, Skye Rael Lewis (far left, below) and Sophie Doll-Rodriguez Delaney (center, below) have elected to leave the Westys to pursue other interests. Those of you seeing the Westys in the future will be watching them soldiering on as a power trio.
cooby Sep 25 2009 08:12 PM Re: Westys Updates |
Are they old enough to decide anything? Just a question too, why do kids these days all have at least three names?
Edgy DC Sep 26 2009 07:21 PM Re: Westys Updates |
I know, right? Fashionable white folks in Manhattan, baby. You can't stop them. You can only hope to contain them.