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A Series of Unfortunate Events
Edgy DC Sep 21 2005 12:56 PM |
We have no comment in our IGT on that strange play in the seventh that was filled with a Little League cascade of screw-ups.
Centerfield Sep 21 2005 01:37 PM |
Great analysis. I think DeMuth missed the overslide altogether (an astonishing miss). During the argument, I was expecting DeMuth to motion in some way that Castillo had removed the tag, but from what I could tell, McKeon had his hands separated about a foot apart leading me to believe that the overslide itself was the issue.
Nymr83 Sep 21 2005 04:42 PM |
a series of unfortunate events: valentine fired, howe hired, randolph hired...
MFS62 Sep 21 2005 06:24 PM |
I'll cut Delgado (or whoever positioned him) some slack on his defensive location.
Nymr83 Sep 21 2005 07:09 PM |
it is hard to blame defensive positioning there unless you had stats showin that hitter was far more likely to hit it elsewhere. you get criticized for guarding the line or not gurading the line no matter which you do.