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SNY 2010
metirish Apr 16 2010 09:51 AM |
Michael Kay blasts SNY for taking in booth calls during game seven of the season. I'l admit to tuning out when they took calls , I thought it was pointless , someone in the IGT remarked on it too.
Just a personnel observation about the booth. I prefer it when it's Gary, keith and Ron or just Gary and Ron but not so much just Gary and Keith. I think Ron makes Keith better.
G-Fafif Apr 16 2010 10:03 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
This is not a word I use very often, but Kay is a wanker.
Ceetar Apr 16 2010 10:06 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
I particularly like that one. Michael Kay's an idiot, and the show would be much better if they let Don laGreca speak more. (YES might be better, despite him, if they had a regular set of hosts.) He's not great, but at least he's a Mets fan (as is Bonnie) and a wee big more honest. (and there more since Kay misses half his own show anyway) And actually watches the games. Kay only watches the games that happen to be on when he's not working, which is rare, so he just feeds off the lame media buzz to get his 'news' anyway. You'll notice I've listened a lot more to them, especially lately as they've had decent interviews and Francesa's talking NCAA a week after it's over, or 4 hours of horse racing or something.
HahnSolo Apr 16 2010 10:10 AM Re: SNY 2010 Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Apr 16 2010 10:16 AM |
I don't like the call to the booth gimmick. Emails and texts are fine.
HahnSolo Apr 16 2010 10:14 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
And therein lies the reason I listen to 1050 more than before...Francesa is probably better than Kay (imo) but Lagreca makes Kay's show much more listenable. Francesa could use a guy like LaGreca on his show, just for a change of pace. But since FAN's stable of hosts is laughably un-listenable, that guy is not there right now. Plus who's the guy in FAN with the cojones to tell Mike that he needs a right-hand man?
Ceetar Apr 16 2010 10:25 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
Well Francesa does seem to take off most of the summer anyway. Just have someone there waiting for him when he gets back as his partner.
soupcan Apr 16 2010 10:28 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
Ditto, ditto and ditto Molly.
Frayed Knot Apr 16 2010 10:45 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
Not my favorite part either as my tolerance for idiot callers is low to begin with - but, what were there, like three of them?!?
This is my biggest complaint. He proclaims this a "gimmick" that YES would never stoop to even though YES not only put Kim Jones on for sideline stuff but rigged the post-game questioning of the manager so that she always got the first question, a question that was often fed to her by Yanqui head honchos specifically designed to make Torre look bad so as to grease the skids for his eventual departure! But at least YES wouldn't damage their journalistic credibility by taking phone-calls.
Don't you understand that baseball is cumulative? Getting blown out in game 7 affects the remaining 155 games
Montgomerie, who is, in turn, a doppelganger for Mrs. Doubtfire.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Apr 16 2010 11:00 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
After the splitting Sterling hangover I appear to have, I don't even want to get started with this piece of guy. I'll just second y'all, and point out that his stone-throwing wouldn't be nearly as problematic for me if he didn't live in a glass Patrona Towers over there at YES.
I hear "Michael Kay," I picture the actress who played the crazy-slutty prison guard from "Oz"/Alice in the new "Brady Bunch Movie," only less likable and doing commercials for CO detectors: ![]() ![]()
bmfc1 Apr 16 2010 11:07 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
A difference is that SNY, despite being partly owned by the Mets, is an all-sports station. YES is a MFY station (Exhibit A was cited by FK, above).
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 16 2010 11:16 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
Kay's the worst. Absolutely terrified of the Mets. I only listen to him if/when Mike's doing horse racing or has some shitty guest, and I hate Mike.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Apr 16 2010 11:32 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
Same, but... well... Kay's the headliner. LaGreca calling him on his most egregious stuff-- and I've heard plenty, even as a non-listener-- would be like a parent on welfare mouthing off to her caseworker, wouldn't it? It's just not in his self-interest to do it too often.
Ceetar Apr 16 2010 11:37 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
I think it's just that the shows seem almost listenable when Kay's not there. He doesn't really call him on anything, but he does often 'respectably' offer a different option, or thought, which Kay just shoots down and yells about, but at least he's probably watched the games and is borderline knowledgeable. I mean, even Somers and Beningo seem to reach Mets-hating lows sometimes, and often have factually incorrect information.
Centerfield Apr 16 2010 11:53 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
Kay's a douchebag.
Centerfield Apr 16 2010 11:55 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
Which should not be misconstrued as to me not liking Michael Kay. I love him. Sterling too, and Waldman. And Hank. It makes the Yankees look like a douchebag organization and is great fodder for making fun of them. These guys are the Yankee equivalents of Tony Bernazard.
Centerfield Apr 16 2010 11:57 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
And one more thing, I think that taking calls in the booth is a dumb move. I would think that Gary and Keith hate having to do it. So Michael is right about that. It's just annoying because douchebags are annoying even when they're right.
Fman99 Apr 16 2010 07:54 PM Re: SNY 2010 |
Michael Kay is a fuckpickle.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Apr 19 2010 02:38 PM Re: SNY 2010 |
At last night's New York Emmys, a certain, dashing member of the SNY team took home [url]another bronze girl to stare at.
SNY also took home four more (5 total, compared to YES' 3... and local 500-pound gorillas MSG's 15), including a broadcast that went better than the game itself...
... and everyone's favorite viral ad of last season:
seawolf17 Apr 19 2010 05:01 PM Re: SNY 2010 |
I hope I'm reading too deeply into that. Does that mean they nominated Keith specifically for this game? A 10-1 win usually means Keith is complaining about his commute and tossing lollipops into the crowd.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 23 2010 01:37 PM Re: SNY 2010 |
Holy shit-- Cyborg Kiner's Korner! YAY!
metirish Aug 23 2010 01:41 PM Re: SNY 2010 |
it will be must see online viewing...that's a mouth full
metirish Aug 23 2010 01:45 PM Re: SNY 2010 |
Not good
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 23 2010 01:59 PM Re: SNY 2010 |
Hence the need for the Robocop/Frankenstein job:
metirish Aug 29 2010 07:54 PM Re: SNY 2010 |
@SI_JonHeyman: keith henrnandez may be a better announcer than he was a ballplayer. he is THAT good.
Ashie62 Aug 30 2010 11:19 AM Re: SNY 2010 |
or Gary Cohen's?