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The Big Bollox Clemens
metirish Aug 19 2010 11:05 AM |
NYT NEWS ALERT: Roger Clemens Will Be Indicted for Perjury, People Briefed on Case Say
Edgy DC Aug 19 2010 11:15 AM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
metirish Aug 19 2010 11:16 AM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Ashie62 Aug 19 2010 12:18 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
The Feds don't lose.
seawolf17 Aug 19 2010 12:51 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Enjoy jail, Rajah. I would make a joke about him already having experience with getting stuck in the butt, but I won't.
G-Fafif Aug 19 2010 01:19 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
"The Big Bollox Clemens" is so much better a nickname than the Rocket.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 19 2010 01:27 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Wouldn't "Little Bollox" be more apropos?
metirish Aug 19 2010 02:24 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Aug 20 2010 08:23 AM |
Here's what an indictment looks like
Kong76 Aug 19 2010 03:11 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Is there something wrong me being so happy about this news?
Willets Point Aug 19 2010 06:06 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
A True Yankee.
MFS62 Aug 19 2010 09:38 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Not bad. But I still prefer my personal favorite - Fat coward, bat tossing, motherfucker. Later
Nymr83 Aug 19 2010 11:06 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
this rocks.
Frayed Knot Aug 20 2010 07:23 AM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
ESPN put one of their legal beagles on the air who had seen the indictment and he was using phrases like: 'extremely impressive legal document', and 'masterful work', and 'guaranteed jail time if they can make it stick'.
Edgy DC Aug 20 2010 08:00 AM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
MFS62 Aug 20 2010 08:18 AM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Looks like he will finally get to answer in court.
Willets Point Aug 20 2010 08:23 AM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Once he wore pinstripes. Next he'll have stripes - stripes around his shoulders.
MFS62 Aug 20 2010 09:29 AM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Can't wait to see him throw a gavel at the Judge and then say he thought it was a baseball.
seawolf17 Aug 20 2010 01:05 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
I rewatched that exchange on YouTube recently, and it's way worse than I remembered it. Clemens is a doosh.
Centerfield Aug 20 2010 01:11 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Vic Sage Aug 20 2010 01:51 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
SCHADENFREUDE (SHAAD-n-froi-duh) (noun) = Pleasure derived from others' misfortunes.
metirish Aug 20 2010 01:53 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Frayed Knot Aug 20 2010 05:45 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
As Phil Mushnick points out in his Friday column, the YES crew somehow couldn't find time during their usual 3+ hour telecast on Thursday afternoon to mention, much less discuss, the just handed-down Clemens indictment.
Willets Point Aug 20 2010 06:10 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Of course they mentioned it. When the Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz had their names leaked from The List.
Fman99 Aug 21 2010 06:05 AM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Interesting read here by Joel Sherman, who insinuates that Clemens' biggest punishment is being locked out of the game as a pariah.
metirish Aug 21 2010 07:25 AM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Sherman wrote
I don't buy that though , it always sounds like an excuse. I think these guys would have taken the junk regardless , they probably thought they were untouchable. The Snooze yesterday had some quotes from Marion Jones, she happened to be in town with her WNBA team, it's her road to redemption, , maybe we will see The big bollox Clemens in the WNBA soon.
MFS62 Aug 21 2010 08:04 AM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
And that will be the absolute proof that the steroids shrank his nuts down to nothingness. Later
Edgy DC Aug 21 2010 08:06 AM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
I think it's very credible in Bonds' case. He was still great, but the league was catching up to him by cheating, and (the theory goes), he used their means to stay in his deserved place ahead of them.
cooby Aug 22 2010 09:13 AM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
LOL, my mom is so cute... she just called me up to say she thought she had heard on TV that Clemens had died after surgery....of course I gasped and ran to the computer to check it out...
Kong76 Aug 30 2010 02:37 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
The Big Bollox pleads NOT GUILTY .... surprise!!
metirish Aug 30 2010 02:44 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 30 2010 02:48 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Is there any nation, state, or commonwealth where it's allowable to pursue a "not guilty by reason of insanity" plea for perjury? Because I wouldn't think it outside the realm of possibility that Clemens actually believes the absolute horseshit he's peddling, and that he's capable of self-delusion so great that it distorts his view of the world around him and reality in general.
themetfairy Aug 30 2010 02:49 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
Well played irish :)
Rockin' Doc Aug 30 2010 05:52 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
I think you're onto something LWFS. I mean, he did supposedly confuse a broken bat shard ![]() for the baseball ![]() and then apparently forgot the basic rules of the game and tried to play by kickball rules by throwing at the runner Personally, I don't doubt the guy is nuts. 'roids have a way of messing with a person's head.
Kong76 Aug 30 2010 06:44 PM Re: The Big Bollox Clemens |
That's pretty funny.