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Official Rejection (2009)
Indyfest (1/2) | 0 votes |
Lapdance (*) | 0 votes |
48 Hour (* 1/2) | 0 votes |
Sacramento Horror (* *) | 0 votes |
Slamdance (* * 1/2) | 2 votes |
San Fernando Valley (* * *) | 0 votes |
Tribeca (* * * 1/2) | 0 votes |
Toronto International (* * * *) | 0 votes |
Sundance (* * * * 1/2) | 0 votes |
Cannes (* * * * * ) | 0 votes |
Edgy MD Sep 10 2010 12:31 PM |
Couple of guys with a camera make a movie, apply to a bunch of festivals, make the rounds, then make a seond movie --- this one --- about applying to festivals, making the rounds, and the politics and backscratching and egos and corporate interests that govern the film festival circuit.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 10 2010 09:09 PM Re: Official Rejection (2009) |
My brother, who did the indy circuit, met these guys making their film and thought a lot of their work. Haven't seen it yet.
Frayed Knot Sep 12 2010 09:31 PM Re: Official Rejection (2009) |
Yeah, guys who just got rejected from Sundance tend to be a natural audience for films about how it sucks to be rejected from Sundance.
Edgy MD Sep 13 2010 05:46 AM Re: Official Rejection (2009) |
See, I thought their sense of humor was mean, bitter, un-funny, and self-congratulatory. And so I didn't want to see the film they were shopping at all.
Frayed Knot Sep 13 2010 01:29 PM Re: Official Rejection (2009) |
Sure, but I'm also trying not to paint all indie-wannabes with the same brush and those kiosk terrorists weren't, at least as far as I can recall, from the same group making this docu or the movie they were trying to promote, they were just fellow travelers along the same path. The main group did, for the most part I felt, have a sense of humor about their film and their struggles and were in-the-ballpark realistic about portraying the idea that there are simply too many films to fit into too few venues even if cronyism and incompetent festival screeners didn't exist. In fact, had they tried to make it seem like all indie film-makers were pure and good and right while it was nothing less than the meanness of those Nazi-infused corporations that kept their wonderful art from reaching an audience I would have been more apt to dismiss the whole thing as silly propaganda.
Edgy MD Sep 13 2010 02:00 PM Re: Official Rejection (2009) |
I certainly am not requesting that they should hve tried to make it seem like all indie film-makers were pure and good and right. I'm suggesting that my sympathies didn't tend to fall where they seem to be steering them towards.
Frayed Knot Sep 13 2010 08:57 PM Re: Official Rejection (2009) |
Probably give it an average-ish grade.