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what's cookin' good lookin'?
metsmarathon Nov 15 2010 06:29 PM |
in addition to rooting for the mets, running a lot, chasing after a munchkin, and screwing around with my camera, i also like to get busy in the kitchen. i do most of the cooking in our house, and a little of the baking, and if i may be so bold, i feel like a do a pretty decent job at it. i dare say, it's a hobby of mine.
Ceetar Nov 15 2010 06:44 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
I don't get as fancy as all that. (I do do most of the cooking and baking, although I prefer baking)
Fman99 Nov 15 2010 07:44 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Though I tend to follow other people's recipes I, like MM, am the primary cook in my house. My children are fairly fussy eaters, though, so my more adventurous outings are usually accompanied by peanut butter sandwiches for Fboy and Fgirl.
dgwphotography Nov 16 2010 04:45 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Sounds like I'm not the only guy around here who is the primary cook in the house.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 16 2010 04:54 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Hey, I'm the cook in my house too! (I have little interest in baking, though.)
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 16 2010 01:44 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
The cooking's probably about 70-30 me (85-15, if we include baby food), although BetterHalfer's a good by-the-book chef with a nice sense of flavor. Me, I can follow a recipe if need be... but I'm far more likely to improvise. (Like Grimm, though-- unless it's roasty potatoes or chicken/fish, I'm doing no baking.)
Benjamin Grimm Nov 16 2010 02:01 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
I first started cooking for myself when I lived alone. At the time I had no cooking instincts and I followed recipes (simple ones) to the letter. But as the instincts developed, the improvising kicked in. I've learned when it's important to measure the ingredients (like the ratio of liquid to rice, for example) and when it's not (I never measure garlic).
TransMonk Nov 16 2010 02:20 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
I admire anyone that takes the time to learn to make a variety of foods and appreciate bringing different flavors together. My palate is limited which in turn makes my cooking skills very one dimensional. Like anything else, I can follow directions, but lack even basic cooking instincts. My significant other is a truly great cook who has to dumb things down for me. She says that I eat to live while she lives to eat.
dgwphotography Nov 16 2010 02:33 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
BG - DGW similarity score is off the charts here... I'm thinking tonight is going to be a chicken parm night...
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 16 2010 02:53 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
I am Adam Dunn to y'alls Wally Backman/Christian Guzman (or vice versa, if you prefer).
metsmarathon Nov 16 2010 02:59 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
mmm, chicken parm...
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 16 2010 03:03 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Wifey Bucket is always freezing my meat.
themetfairy Nov 16 2010 03:21 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
I cook most weekdays out of default - it just makes sense for me to be the one to do it. But D-Dad is the better cook; he's not afraid to experiment and just have fun with it.
metsmarathon Nov 16 2010 06:00 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
well, tonight's effort is pretty good. though i'm not entirely sure what to call it. "southwest chicken cacciatore" doesn't really seem correct, so i'm open to suggestion.
dgwphotography Nov 16 2010 06:10 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Tonight's chicken parm was good - sauteed some garlic in the oil before I added the chicken - gave it a nice little kick...
themetfairy Nov 16 2010 06:29 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
I made this Hot Dog Casserole this evening. I used low fat hot dogs and cheese, so it isn't unreasonable from a caloric/cholesterol perspective.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 16 2010 06:36 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Nice. I like spiking the breading, myself.
themetfairy Nov 16 2010 06:41 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Bagna Cauda, or baked garlic in oil, is a fabulous appetizer. It's not difficult (the hardest part is peeling the garlic), but it's time consuming (the recipe calls for 90 minutes, but we usually give it 2 hours).
Ceetar Nov 16 2010 06:57 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
My default dish tonight..pasta with meatballs and homemade sauce. (Why yes, I'm Italian, how'd you tell?)
dgwphotography Nov 16 2010 07:00 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Did that too. I usually season the chicken with salt and pepper, and mix in some shredded romano in with the bread crumbs...
Fman99 Nov 16 2010 07:24 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Made some delicious kabobs tonight... Wegman's thin rope pork sausage, roasted garlic flavor I believe, threaded with baby belle mushrooms and a cut up yellow bell pepper. All basted in a mix of 2 tbl whole grain mustard, 1 tsp canola oil, 2 tsp rice wine vinegar and a little dried thyme and grilled for about 10 minutes. Served over rice.
metsmarathon Nov 22 2010 07:46 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
sigh. ya know what's not cooking?
Ceetar Nov 22 2010 07:52 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
My oven is horrible as well. I despise it, and can't trust it. ( I live in an apartment, it's not really 'my' oven, which does limit me) I keep a thermometer in there though. I have to set the dial (analog dial) for about 80degrees below what I want at it, and it sorta works, but it surges way higher sometimes, particularly if i open the door too much. It's a very simple watching and guessing experience as trying to maintain a 160degree temp for my wort on an electric stove.
Ashie62 Nov 22 2010 08:16 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
It is possible the that the problem with the oven is either the broil or bake element. If you take one out you can test the two terminals for conductivity. Also look to see if the terminals are "pitted". With a wall oven its' worth the effort, versus cutouts so to say.
metsmarathon Nov 22 2010 08:39 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
true. before considering replacing it or radically reconfiguring the kitchen, i need to take a hack at repairing the thing. obviously, if i can spend a hundred and get the awful thing working again, that's far better than the alternatives.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 08 2010 10:02 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Anyone been to Eataly yet? They opened an upscale Italian specialty food market at 25th & Broadway modeled after the famous one in Turin, Italy. Me & Lunchpail stopped in recently but only for a short time (we didn't eat there or visit the rooftop brewpub), but we picked up a $7 pound package of spaghetti noodles and a $8 jar of marinara sauce. Whipped 'em up the other nite with some sausage from Fairway, belissimo.
Edgy DC Dec 09 2010 08:21 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Just to ask, but can dried pasta really be justifiable at that price?
Ceetar Dec 09 2010 08:31 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
I wonder that myself. Is it significantly better than the $1/lb I buy the store? Even fresh pasta's less than that. I'm still curious to check it out though. gonna be bouncing around holiday markets on Sunday, maybe i'll swing by there.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 09 2010 08:49 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Prolly not, at least not as an everyday kinda thing. But it was pretty good!
Yes. Maybe not 7X as good, but it was good!
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Dec 09 2010 10:22 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Well-made fresh pasta > Absurdly priced dried pasta > Okay fresh pasta > Reg'lar dried pasta
Ceetar Jan 18 2011 07:01 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Tonight I made Baked Ziti (it's in the oven now). I make a lasagna three weeks ago. I make awesome lasagna. And had leftovers, so got like three more meals out of that sucker. mmm...lasagna. Nice homemade tomato sauce, noodles, ricotta cheese, mozzarella, Parmesan. Baked to perfection. The ziti has two leftover turkey sausages tossed in as well.
metsmarathon Jan 18 2011 07:16 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
oh. my. god. turkey maple bacon. that sounds to die for. and after.
DocTee Jan 18 2011 07:16 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Admit it, your New Years resolution was to kill everyone in your family before Spring.
batmagadanleadoff Jan 18 2011 07:49 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Do me a favor. Why don't you photograph your culinary creations for us? I'd rather look at food than at light bulbs.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jan 18 2011 07:50 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
What's the most you've ever paid for a piece of meat you were prepping at home?
batmagadanleadoff Jan 18 2011 07:56 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
I paid about $50.00 close to twenty years ago for a beautiful leg of lamb that I ruined and ended up throwing out. That 50 had to have inflated to at least twice as much today.
metsmarathon Jan 18 2011 08:11 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
my kitchen is a mess, and i'm not always happy with my plating.
Ceetar Jan 18 2011 09:45 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Frayed Knot Jan 19 2011 07:01 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
metirish Jan 19 2011 07:10 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
My thoughts exactly ...
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jan 19 2011 07:29 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
The Christmas goose that caught fire this year was around $75 iirc. I've seen some cuts of meat at Fairway I'd prolly pay $1,000 for if I had the scratch.
Benjamin Grimm Jan 19 2011 07:54 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
If you're looking for a struggle-free way to get your kids to eat more vegetables, I have a zucchini recipe that both my kids actually like. Zucchini is a surprisingly kid friendly vegetable. (I'm surprised because I remember how my mother used to make it when I was a kid. She must have used some kind of dry-heat cooking that left the zucchini kind of chewy. I might be okay with that now, but it grossed me out when I was a kid.)
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jan 19 2011 08:31 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
Just did $39 for a 22-24 oz. porterhouse-- one of those Fairway prime cuts-- this New Year's, which is the reason the question occurred to me. I've done $70 for organic leg of lamb before, a couple of years ago, but that was by specific request (was cooking for a family/friends thing). The p'house might be the single biggest home food-stravagance I've ever done strictly for a 1-2 person dinner (outside of, say, special-ordered cake).
metsmarathon Jan 19 2011 08:53 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
yes, i've already found that adding grated cheese to warmed veggies is a surefire way to get them a) into his mouth and b) usually get swallowed.
batmagadanleadoff Jan 20 2011 09:22 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
But you're among friends.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jan 20 2011 09:32 AM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
I get what he's talking about; I'm rarely happy with my plating. Maybe 1 out of 3 dishes I make look like something more than "presentable." And really, it feels like the aesthetic problems are only leavened by the (presumably) decent flavoring and taste... which are lost in photos*. *The same reason BetterHalfer loves "Project Runway," but can't sit still for entire episodes of "Top Chef."
metsmarathon Feb 05 2011 09:23 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |
![]() 52. I'm Making Chili by twenny6point2, on Flickr i'm making chili tonight a) so i don't have to worry about spending all day making it tomorrow, b) so i don't have to ferry a pot of hot chili across town to my friend's super bowl party, and c) because its always better the second day. what's in it? well, the exact proportions and process are a closely guarded secret. but i can tell you this... that photo has everything, except for the garnish. to help you out in your game of where's waldo: onions, red and vidallia shallot elephant garlic peppers: jalapeno, poblano, dried puya, dried jalapeno, dried new mexico, cayenne powder, chipotle powder, red pepper flake cumin paprika bay leaf lean ground beef bacon chicken stock tequila (cabo wabo reposado) agave nectar dark brown sugar beans: black, kidney, pinto corn meal ditalini pasta corn diced fire roasted tomatoes diced campari tomatoes cilantro takes about three hours or so.
metsmarathon Feb 05 2011 10:01 PM Re: what's cookin' good lookin'? |