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Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011
Edgy DC Mar 05 2011 10:21 PM |
Phil Collins will not be your whipping boy any more, Brooklyn hipsters.
metirish Mar 05 2011 10:43 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Two things about Phil fucking Collins
The Second Spitter Mar 05 2011 10:58 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
People don't give his pro-wrestling career enough credit.
Edgy DC Mar 05 2011 11:15 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Probably would have been a decent character actor, but when you look like him, and are famous for looking like him, you're expected to be a scene-stealing cutup.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Mar 05 2011 11:35 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Hey, did you know that the song "In The Air Tonight" has been featured in over 350,000 ill-informed, dull urban-legend party conversations?
Frayed Knot Mar 06 2011 06:29 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
I remember seeing Collins in the TV movie 'And the Band Played On' (as a SF bath-house owner IIRC) and also as a short-arc character in 'Miami Vice' (which is weird seeing as how I rarely watched that show).
smg58 Mar 06 2011 11:04 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
I could take Phil or leave him, but unless you were a particularly huge fan of Genesis when Peter Gabriel was the singer, there are far more deserving people to direct your contempt towards.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 06 2011 11:25 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
As far as I'm concerned, any punks making fun of Phil Collins today are about 25 years behind me.
Edgy DC Mar 06 2011 11:38 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Phil's biggest sin was making himself a piano balladeer and performing the likes of "Against all Odds" at Live Aid instead, say, anything else. But he screwed up badly on piano and I had to muster some kind of grudging respect for how much guts it took. Plus, the real sinner on stage at the time was Sting.
metirish Mar 06 2011 12:24 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Having to compete with Bob Hoskins in acting can't have been easy, going for that same Cockney part too.
seawolf17 Mar 06 2011 09:02 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
One thing about Irish. He's not much on the counting.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 06 2011 09:35 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
We watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang this weekend*, didn't see him.
Edgy DC Mar 07 2011 05:08 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Well, he's in Hard Day's Night for exactly half a second, so he's probably easy to miss in CCBB also.
Edgy DC Mar 07 2011 08:30 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Whoever convinced Alainis Morrissette to remake Jagged Little Pill and release it exclusively through Starbucks was a cynical but brilliant bastid who remade the marketplace.
seawolf17 Mar 07 2011 08:34 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Except that Alanis' re-recorded "Pill" was incredible.
Willets Point Mar 07 2011 08:36 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Cracker Barrel, home of the world's blandest food. Not really something any musical artist should want tied to their music.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Mar 07 2011 08:50 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
The Collins retirement was via press release, right?
Willets Point Mar 07 2011 08:57 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Flights are canceled and a Buenos Aires airport fills up with angry passengers, so a beloved pop star from the 80s takes over the PA mike and leads a singalong. Everyone is happy again.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Mar 07 2011 09:03 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Cyndi Lauper never ceases to surprise me with her resilience and musicianship. Like Charo.
Edgy DC Mar 07 2011 09:20 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
I'm certain Kenny Rogers didn't make this maneuver for the tuna melts.
Edgy DC Mar 08 2011 09:06 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
soupcan Mar 08 2011 02:12 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Look for this on Cyndi's reality show coming this summer (seriously).
Edgy DC Mar 08 2011 02:20 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
When did she become a Muslim?
metsguyinmichigan Mar 08 2011 03:45 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
She's so ... unusual! I do like "True Colors" and "Time After Time."
Edgy DC Mar 08 2011 08:27 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
That's because you're human. It's like a Partridge Family episode: "We have an angry mob on our hands. Ms. Lauper, isn't there anything you can do to help?"
Edgy DC Mar 09 2011 07:26 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
TransMonk Mar 09 2011 07:43 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
That Days of the New song popped up randomly on my iTunes on Sunday.
Edgy DC Mar 09 2011 08:15 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
But sadly unsurprising.
Edgy DC Mar 09 2011 08:23 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
It was his fault that Train Guy and Clean-Up-the-Sound Chick ever got together.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 09 2011 06:04 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Your act is having no act.
TransMonk Mar 10 2011 10:55 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
sharpie mentioned in the iTunes thread that he is going to see Lucinda Williams in a couple of days. I pretty much bashed her live show in the 2009 Live Music Thread.
Gwreck Mar 10 2011 11:00 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
I hear it's good. Haven't purchased it yet. My excitement is extremely tempered by the news that they aren't going to be touring behind the record.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 10 2011 11:23 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
I streamed it twice already. First song "Discoverer" sounds a lot like "Finest Worksong." Another track sounds a lot like "Low." A third ("Oh My Heart") sounds like some other REM song I can't recall. I mean, I guess that's kinda good. [youtube]Y7xMUey-wVk[/youtube]
The Second Spitter Mar 10 2011 10:04 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Greatest quote from Michael Stipe:
Edgy DC Mar 16 2011 07:15 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Culture dodged a bombshell here.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Mar 16 2011 09:12 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Thanks be.
Edgy DC Mar 16 2011 10:06 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Oh, I think it's well documented that people tend to feel that way --- sent, as they are, deep into the uncanny valley. I think it's generally accepted as the reason behind the failure of Polar Express.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Mar 16 2011 10:19 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
I just thought about ETA Hoffmann for the first time in a decade.
Edgy DC Mar 17 2011 08:53 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
You know you're old when you see a musician you grew up with --- a guy who was part of a duo with something like eight straight number ones --- has to find some goofy experimental scheme to underwrite his tour.
Willets Point Mar 18 2011 04:34 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Meanwhile, Patti Smith makes an appearance at a cupcake shop.
TransMonk Mar 28 2011 03:27 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Willie Nelson could sing his way out of pot trouble, a prosecutor says
Edgy DC Apr 05 2011 08:47 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Real Kurt Loder Music News.
soupcan Apr 05 2011 08:57 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
The electrician that saw Cobain's body through the window called a local radio station first then called the police!?
Edgy DC Apr 05 2011 09:12 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Me? I would call Kurt Loder first.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 12 2011 08:17 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
69-year-old Paul Simon releases new album.
seawolf17 Apr 12 2011 08:20 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Lotsa new stuff today, apparently. Foos, Trews, and Meat Puppets also.
TransMonk Apr 12 2011 08:23 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
All Things Considered on NPR did a segment on the new Paul Simon yesterday afternoon and compared it favorably to Graceland.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 12 2011 08:31 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Simon stuff is sorta Gracelandish, using African instrumentations, but songs contemplate death, it's kinda weird.
Edgy DC Apr 12 2011 08:38 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Butch Vig is a stamp of quality.
Edgy DC Apr 29 2011 07:45 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
seawolf17 Apr 29 2011 09:24 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
And in prog news, Dream Theater has finally replaced Mike Portnoy -- with Mike Mangini. I just want these guys to get in the fricking studio and put some more music. One of maybe five bands that I'd buy anything they did.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 03 2011 11:16 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Stream the new Cars album start to finish here.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 05 2011 02:41 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
ZZ Top lives! Only, they're Italians. Does this work?
TransMonk May 09 2011 06:16 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Thumbs up, even though it makes me miss Ben Orr. It definitely sounds like The Cars. My favorite tracks are "Blue Tip" and "Free".
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 10 2011 01:08 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
New Sloan:
Edgy DC May 10 2011 01:32 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
seawolf17 May 10 2011 01:37 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
I remember Sloan. College radio band. Just requested their greatest hits disc from the library.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 10 2011 01:50 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
The first 3 songs on the new Sloan album (Unkind is No. 3) all stitch together and totally kick ass.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 11 2011 09:23 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
/Two thumbs raised
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 11 2011 09:47 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
They're playing in Brooklyn on Thurs., June 30, will check them out.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 11 2011 02:13 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
I have an xtra ticket to the show May 25 at Roseland, that's 2 weeks from tonite, lmk if you want it and we can talk deal
Willets Point May 20 2011 01:01 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
The Mothership has landed on the National Mall.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 20 2011 10:23 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
If they're wise, they'll keep it on the lawn.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jun 07 2011 07:10 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Holy gigantic hook, Batman. Same guy who did that other Swedish powerpop I posed a a while back, only this is even better.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jun 09 2011 10:12 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
New Fountains of Wayne due in August. Here's the first single:
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jun 24 2011 10:36 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
c'mon everybody. this is good! Have another! [youtube]O-bikVt01L0[/youtube]
Rockin' Doc Jun 24 2011 04:00 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Fountains of Wayne (Collingwood and Schlesinger) just know how to write catchy pop tunes that tell a story while packing loads of hooks. Looking forward to the release of "Sky Full of Holes" in August.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 12 2011 12:41 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
New album by Yes, FLY FROM HERE, recorded with a new vocalist recruited from a Yes tribute band while Jon Anderson wasn't looking, getting rave reviews. Also the Buggles have returned, with Trevor Horn again producing/co-writing and Geoff Downes playing keys rather than Oliver Wakeman, who is Rick's son. Those 2 guys allegedly ruined Yes when they took over for Anderson/Wakeman on the DRAMA LP although I always loved that one.
Paste [youtube]3amuMwSiPtg[/youtube]
Edgy DC Jul 12 2011 12:43 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Facebook friend reviews of Yes at Jones Beach have been brutal.
Willets Point Jul 12 2011 12:50 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
I know Springsteen fanbois hate "Glory Days" but I've always liked it. Here's anarticle about Springsteen's Little League teammate mentioned in the first verse.
Frayed Knot Jul 12 2011 01:29 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
That article was in the sports section of Sunday's NYTimes; nice of the site to lift it without mentioning the source.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 20 2011 09:50 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
In dinosaur news, I kinda like the new album from Kid Creole & the Coconuts: 1st in six years!
Gwreck Sep 21 2011 11:34 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
R.E.M. officially broke up today.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 21 2011 11:50 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Edgy DC Sep 21 2011 12:07 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Double wow. I'll be interested in reading the whys and hows.
Mike Mills --- my favorite REMmer.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Sep 21 2011 12:22 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
I'm a Berry guy. I think it's partly the eyebrows, partly "Perfect Circle," and partly him getting out while the getting was good. But Mills is a close second.
Gwreck Sep 21 2011 12:28 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
TransMonk Sep 21 2011 12:40 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Mills. He looked right at me when I saw The Baseball Project. Did a bang-up vocal job on "Don't Go Back to Rockville", too.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 21 2011 01:09 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
I used to be a Buck Man but in later years came to appreciate all that Mills had provided when I wasn't idenitifiying myself as a Mills-ionaire.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 23 2011 09:39 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Quick reviews:
Edgy DC Oct 07 2011 08:11 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
At an age when most bands are cashing their checks, New Order is getting catty.
Edgy DC Oct 07 2011 08:25 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Noel Gallagher: "I'd love to do a supergroup as long as it wasn't like SuperHeavy. Fucking ridiculous."
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 19 2011 08:21 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Frayed Knot Oct 19 2011 08:50 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
So I guess the members are now back to filling out and collecting 'UB'-s, those would of course be unemployment benefits, one of the forms required for such led to the band's name.
Edgy DC Oct 19 2011 08:56 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
The future of Sonic Youth is in doubt (which may not much worry those of you who were unsure if they had a present), after this weekend's announcement that co-founders Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon have gone splitsville after 27 years of mawwiage.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Oct 19 2011 09:03 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
"I said I'll cover it." -an indignant Ali Campbell, on seeing a restaurant-lunch check, small grocery bill, or any pop song ever written/recorded
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 21 2011 08:02 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
I can't begin to express how psyched I am to learn about this. The only way this could be any better was if Apatow asked me to write the screenplay.
Edgy DC Oct 21 2011 08:06 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
That's gorgeous.
Edgy DC Oct 21 2011 08:10 AM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Edgy DC Oct 26 2011 02:56 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
[list][*]Paul Stanley undergoes "successful" throat surgery. Being Paul Stanley, he can't not be a dick in the announcement.
[/*:m] [*]Paul's sometimes guitar-mate Ace Frehley isn't about to let Starchild have the spotlight for himself, releasing his underwhelmingly titled memoir "No Regrets" It might look like this: ![]() Or it might look like this: ![]() I think KISS makes a better photo subject in black and white. What else? [/*:m] [*]Steven Tyler, who doesn't hold himself to Paul Stanley's standards, has been hospitalized after smashing his face in a bathroom fall. [/*:m] [*]The Beach Boys, in a development that can't possibly live up to the hype, are releasing SMiLE, or at least a version of it. All the surviving principles are behind this one, though.[/*:m][/list:u]
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 26 2011 03:02 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Brian Wilson released a new record covering songs from Disney movies.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 26 2011 03:10 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Good to see Ace still has the KISS merchandising touch, I was wondering where to purchase butt flossers that show my love for Frehley's Comet.
Edgy DC Oct 26 2011 03:13 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
See, now Rocket Ride would have been a far superior title for his book.
metsguyinmichigan Oct 26 2011 09:57 PM Re: Kurt Loder's Music News, 2011 |
Ace was always my favorite member of Kiss, but I fear that if I read the book I'd be horrified.