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Mejia MCL Tear
seawolf17 May 02 2011 01:39 PM |
...sez the Twitters.
Edgy DC May 02 2011 01:48 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
metirish May 02 2011 01:49 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
that's a Tommy John fix right?
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 02 2011 02:05 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
Tommy John's for the ulnar collateral ligament. But, yeah, same neighborhood.
Vince Coleman Firecracker May 02 2011 02:17 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
Yeah, there's no MCL in the elbow.
Edgy DC May 02 2011 02:25 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
So, we're talking knee? (I know human anatomy like I know Pakistani geography.)
Vince Coleman Firecracker May 02 2011 02:29 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
No, I think they mean the UCL. But there's a whole lot of news sources just copy and pasting the MCL in the elbow thing.
Ceetar May 02 2011 02:34 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
no, the report is correct. it's the elbow. ![]() [url]
metirish May 02 2011 02:42 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
Jennry Mejia will need Tommy John. Mets reporting injury as MCL -- same ligament, different nomenclature. UCL, MCL, same thing.
Vince Coleman Firecracker May 02 2011 02:47 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
Never seen it called the MCL before. Odd. Here's wikipedia:
From From Miriam Webster's medical dictionary:
So I guess it could be called the MCL. Learn something new everyday (I still think it should be called the UCL).
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 02 2011 02:48 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
Same here. Huh.
metirish May 02 2011 02:52 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
No matter, he's not coming back any time soon. Is Omar being g blamed yet?, haven't seen anything but it won't be long now.
Ceetar May 02 2011 02:58 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
I've seen a bunch of Jerry/Omar blame. (leaving out Warthen? dunno why) I have a hard time believing his reliever work last year led to this.
Ashie62 May 02 2011 05:36 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
Pure coincidence..See ya in 2 years Jenry.
Nymr83 May 02 2011 07:36 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
I thought ALL athletes who had TJS went to see Dr. James Andrews!
Ashie62 May 02 2011 07:45 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
The picture looks like Rodans "Thinker" if you look long enough.
MFS62 May 02 2011 09:48 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
Next thing you're going to tell us is that the eyes in the picture follow you when you move. The news still sux, though. Later
Ceetar May 02 2011 09:49 PM Re: Mejia MCL Tear |
Unless you're Dan Warthen, Scott Hairston, Tim Byrdak, or Willie Harris, no, they don't follow you when you move.