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Tablets (iPad, etc)
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jun 02 2011 02:17 PM |
Why do I need one?
Benjamin Grimm Jun 02 2011 02:30 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I have a work-issued iPad, but if I had to hand it in, I wouldn't buy a new one to replace it.
metirish Jun 02 2011 02:41 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I really like the Google chromebook, would I pay the $499 top price Samsung are asking when it goes on sale the 15th?, I and a lot of other beta users in a forum I frequent think Google / Samsung overpriced it. In an oversaturated market you need a game changer like the ipad and for whatever reason Google are terrible at promoting their products.
themetfairy Jun 02 2011 02:52 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
After the lawn guys severed my FiOS connection yesterday, I truly started craving a pad. It would have been nice to have 3G or 4G service last night as a backup.
metirish Jul 01 2011 09:53 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
metsmarathon Jul 01 2011 10:39 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
the best accessory is to buy a car that supports hte ipod, or at least a car radio that does.
TheOldMole Jul 02 2011 06:35 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I love my iPad, but it does not have anywhere near the versatility of a Laptop, the fact that it's not compatible with Adobe Flash is annoying, and I can't run turntable on it.
PiggiesTomatoes Jul 04 2011 09:09 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I have an Asus eee Transformer and love it. Runs Android 3.1, flash, etc and there are no issues. Great resolution and there are more and more apps every day. Not a laptop replacement but great for email, surfing the web, Gameday, video, audio HDMI output, expandable storage via micro SD, Google music, etc. I love Apple devices but too many compromises with the ipad.
RealityChuck Jul 05 2011 08:39 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
The iPad is OK as a way to look things up on the Internet without having to go to your computer. It's no good for text input or anything serious.
dgwphotography Jul 05 2011 09:01 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Between having a laptop and a smart phone, I just don't feel the need to have a tablet.
metirish Jul 05 2011 09:03 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
this , and smart phones are getting bigger...just got the HTC Inspire sporting a 4.3 inch screen. I wouldn't bank on Apple ever incorporating Flash.
dgwphotography Jul 05 2011 09:05 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
yep - I upgraded to the HTC Sensation a few weeks ago - it also has a 4.3 inch screen that is just amazing.
metirish Jul 05 2011 09:09 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Love the HTC Sense UI.
dgwphotography Jul 05 2011 09:12 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Irish - does yours come with Sense 3.0? I love that I can put shortcuts right on the lockscreen, and, if I'm playing mp3's, the player also shows on the lockscreen.
metirish Jul 05 2011 09:18 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
It doesn't have it, apparently some of the HTC phones that were already out didn't get upgraded as they don't have the power to handle least that is what I am reading.....bummer.....4G speeds though is cool.
dgwphotography Jul 05 2011 09:22 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I went from having a first-generation Android phone for the last two years to this - it's like night nad day - the speeds are incredible...
Chad Ochoseis Jul 05 2011 10:27 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Jul 05 2011 12:50 PM |
I have a Xoom. No smartphone, so I can't compare. I bought the Xoom because I had reasons for wanting to have it in mid-May. Otherwise, I would have waited around for the less expensive Android tablets.
themetfairy Jul 05 2011 10:56 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
This is the feature I'm waiting for - the ability to upload pictures from my camera to the Internet while on the road.
metirish Jul 05 2011 11:00 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
This is a feature I am surprised isn't built in to the dslr's surely coming though, not everyone would use it but for your family snaps it would be great.
Chad Ochoseis Jul 05 2011 11:03 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
From Piggies' post, it sounds like the Asus Transformer may already do that. The Xoom doesn't (yet).
themetfairy Jul 05 2011 11:17 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I think he said it has a micro SD; my dream device would handle full sized ones. I don't have any long car trips coming up for the foreseeable future, so I can sit back and see what the technology is like by the time that I need that kind of digital mobility.
metirish Jul 05 2011 06:46 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I asked this question on an ATT Android forum I go to and this is what a mod there said (a guy who seems to know a lot and post a lot about stuff coming down the pipe)
cool, should be getting Gingerbread soon too.
dgwphotography Jul 05 2011 07:15 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
That's great. Gingerbread handles memory issues better than Froyo...
Rockin' Doc Jul 06 2011 08:18 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Wow, reading this thread has really made me feel out and out of touch with the ever changing world of mobile technology. I'm still rocking a small portable flip phone. No internet access. I have tried using the internet on my wife's Blackberry, but I found the experience quite frustrating. I will eventually get a nicer phone, whenever this one gives out on me.
metirish Jul 07 2011 10:44 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I actually used the music player this morning for the first time and noticed I could use the player while the screen was locked, now that is cool....can't seem to add the shortcuts to lock screen though.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Aug 19 2011 07:47 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Well, HP officially declared the Pre phones and TouchPad dead yesterday. The new pad was out only 45 days. The Pre3 hadn't even hit stores yet. I dunno what'll happen with all those new Veers they shipped. I suppose they will go unlocked for pennies. Cool little thing, but looks like support etc will vanish So I'm in the market for a whole new setup. I'll miss you, Palm Pre, you impossible to type on, app deficient old thing. (sniff) It really did a great job synching up addresses, calendars, etc.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 19 2011 07:57 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Me too. As much as I like the Internet, I haven't yet felt the need to carry it around with me.
seawolf17 Aug 19 2011 07:59 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I loved Palm; I started with a Palm III in the late 90s and went through several Palm devices before my Centro finally went kaput and I jumped to the HTC EVO Shift a few months ago. They just couldn't keep up with the big boys.
metirish Aug 19 2011 08:09 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Is this the system that Bono is a big investor in? Bucket , what carrier do you use?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Aug 19 2011 08:12 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I'm on Sprint (it has lower monthly nut than the others), but not married to it. I just found out my company has corp rates with AT&T & Verizon that prolly make the prices more comparable.
metirish Aug 19 2011 08:14 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Go Android though , looks like the Nexus G can be had for $30(I wish I could get one for a reasonable price, it's pure Google)
John Cougar Lunchbucket Aug 19 2011 08:19 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I don't mind what it costs for the phone itself, necessarily, it's the monthly cost I'm looking to wrestle down. I'd hate to buy a phone that'll be impossibly old in 2 years (as the Pre has become).
seawolf17 Aug 19 2011 08:21 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Nah. The Shift isn't appreciably bigger than my Centro was, and if you have a Pre now, then the Shift is about as close as you're going to get.
metirish Aug 19 2011 08:25 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I pay for a family plan $160 a month average, two phones fully loaded as it were......unlimited text because in my wife's job that is how people communicate with her for the most part, talking several thousand texts a month....not sure is Sprint have capped data now as the others have but plans vary.
themetfairy Aug 19 2011 09:49 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I'm in love with my Chromebook after a week.
DocTee Aug 19 2011 10:07 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I have a no-contract Virgin phone: $25 per month for unlimited text and web, plus 300 anytime minutes (which I never use up). And the Droid I picked up for it was under $160. I'm cheap, and happy.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 31 2011 09:28 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Sprint has the iPhone 4 for $100 and the 4s for $200.
Ceetar Oct 31 2011 09:37 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
if you have to ask, Steve Jobs died in vain. (I lean towards no)
There are lots of good androids that aren't the size of a brick. I have the Samsung Galaxy S and like it much better than my iTouch, and I imagine the Galaxy S II is the same. I don't know which other phones Sprint has.
metirish Oct 31 2011 09:42 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Ha! the latest Android phones are sporting 4.65 inch screens....
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 31 2011 10:49 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Looks like and the Sprint has the Samsung Galaxy S II Epic, which I'm against simply because the name is way too long; and the HTC Evo 3D as "comparable" smartphone competitors to the iPhone. Also, Motorola Photon looks good.
metirish Oct 31 2011 10:53 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
The 4G thing is mostly bullshit, apparently only Verizon has a true 4G service, AT&T claims to have one but are in the process of building it..... My phone is super fast is all I know, I read the other day that Apple have admitted the new 4s has some serious battery life problems....that Samsung has a 1.2 GHz dual core processor, fast, get it I say.
metirish Oct 31 2011 11:01 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
One more thing regarding any of the Android phones, the HTC will get the upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich , the latest version of Android.
TransMonk Oct 31 2011 11:19 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
This. There is no reason IMO to buy an Android phone that is not an HTC model. I've never heard of anyone having a major problem with them.
Ceetar Oct 31 2011 11:37 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
conversely, I've had major update issues with the Samsung Galaxy S (Galaxy S is the Samsung name, Epic is the 'spring' name, so really it's the Samsung Epic, not too long) being updating. It came out a couple of weeks after Android 2.2, with 2.1, and took 6 months to get 2.2, still doesn't have 2.3 and I can't imagine It'll ever get Ice Cream Sandwich..(which is 4.0?) You could certainly ask the Ice Cream Sandwich question, but I don't know if I'd trust the answer anyway. As for 4G, I just missed that boat with my phone so I dunno. I know a coworker is having issues with her phone when it switches from 4->3 (which is frequent) and it seems to lose data connectivity for a while when it does. supposedly they're going to fix that soon on her phone, but that's a pain.
metirish Oct 31 2011 12:21 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
great point, it's one of the tings I think Google should get a better handle on, updates can be a real pain in the arse. a good place to see what's going on with your phone ... m-sandwich
Ceetar Oct 31 2011 12:24 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I'm up in May, and will probably upgrade although it might be hard to justify the $100-200 bucks unless I can get another buy one-get one deal like I did last time. Part of the problem is because Android is so open source, everyone tweaks their versions of it so it's harder to do a mass release/update.
soupcan Oct 31 2011 03:54 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Got an iPhone 4s last week after being a Crackberry addict since forever.
Ceetar Oct 31 2011 04:11 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
definitely an upgrade over blackberry. imo the difference between iPhone and Android is the same arugment that's been going on for ever. simple "user friendly" one click Mac, or more options PC?
metirish Nov 01 2011 09:49 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Make a decision yet?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 01 2011 10:17 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I really haven't. Asking my friends of facebook isn't helping either, though my friend who summed it up by saying "Google is weak shit" made me laff.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 02 2011 08:50 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
HTC Evo "Design" is a newly released version of the Evo, slimmer design, cheaper price, in other ways similar to the Evo and Evo 3D only without a 3D camera. Who needs a 3D camera?
dgwphotography Nov 02 2011 08:59 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
That's one of the HTC phones with the Sense UI over android - it's very similar to mine, and I love it. Since it's pretty inexpensive, you may find yourself wanting to invest in a more powerful battery.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 02 2011 09:18 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Thanks for the advice. Is the battery something I can just swap out when necessary? Or would I want to get it installed at the time I buy?
dgwphotography Nov 02 2011 09:39 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
The back is removable - you can swap it out whenever you want.
Ceetar Nov 02 2011 10:06 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Something I believe can't be said for the iPhone. I bought two batteries on ebay for my phone for like $8. they're unsupported batteries so I have to charge them with the charger it came with and not the phone charger, but smartphones eat up batteries when you use 'em so it's nice to have an 'emergency' spare with me.
dgwphotography Nov 02 2011 02:39 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I bought a 3600mAh extended battery for my Sensation, and I can get about 2 full days out of one charge...
TransMonk Nov 02 2011 03:19 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I have 3 chargers for my Droid Incredible (one came with the phone, the other two I bought online for $5 a piece).
Farmer Ted Nov 03 2011 06:47 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Got hooked up with an iPad at work. Other peeps hate the keyboard config and go to the external bluetooth keyboards. I use it everyday and like it. Kindergarten Ted uses it, too, like it's second nature.
seawolf17 Nov 03 2011 07:15 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Have an iPad en route, apparently. "Bonus" of sorts from work that will be regifted to Ms. Wolf as she turns 35 next month.
metirish Nov 07 2011 10:38 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
So , what did you get?, just picked up the Samsung GalaxyS II for my wife, she was eligible for a discounted upgrade, AT&T's "discount" was $299, got it on Amazon Wireless for $149.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 07 2011 11:28 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
We went to the store yesterday to get the Evos but they were out of stock, so went home with nothin
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 08 2011 11:06 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Ordered them over the phone last night.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 10 2011 07:55 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
ok got this thing. now what?
metirish Nov 10 2011 08:04 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Set up your 7 screens, I assume you have signed in with your google email account? Personalize your phone, the tab next to the phone on the screen, in there is where you can do all your wallpaper and widgets, I love the widgets, clocks, calenders etc.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 10 2011 08:37 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
metirish Nov 10 2011 08:40 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
doesn't sound promising
Ceetar Nov 10 2011 08:47 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
click on market. type angry birds. play angry birds. play angry birds. play angry birds.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 10 2011 08:52 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Yeah, wtf.
metirish Nov 10 2011 08:55 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
There is a widget for email, not a fan of friend stream , I do like the twitter widget though.
dgwphotography Nov 11 2011 04:47 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Your phone has the same UI as mine - if you have any Qs, I'd be happy to help...
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 11 2011 06:23 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
youtube don't work.
dgwphotography Nov 11 2011 08:17 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
the youtube app? are you getting an error, or are videos just not playing?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 11 2011 08:29 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I'm using the app, I think. But same thing happens when I try just typing youtube into the browser.
Looked it up on the internet seems a common problem tho no official solution seems like.
Ceetar Nov 11 2011 08:31 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I guess they were trying to make more like the iPhone.
dgwphotography Nov 11 2011 09:00 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I've never had that problem with the Youtube app - could it be an error with the network?
metirish Nov 11 2011 09:11 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Never had a problem with it either and I use it a lot with my son watching cartoons.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 11 2011 09:43 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Yeah, that's the first thing the pail wanted to know
Fman99 Nov 11 2011 10:58 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Is it still a mobile phone if you've always got it plugged in?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 11 2011 12:05 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Plot thickens on the youtube case. Tech support at HTC demonstrates youtube works when connected via WiFi. Will take it over to Sprint store next.
TransMonk Nov 11 2011 12:06 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
metirish Nov 11 2011 12:14 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
for a guy that was wary of going this route this must be a real pain in the arse?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 11 2011 12:22 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
It's weird whatever it is. Seems to have some relation to sprint's routing of data. It streams pandora OK on the network.
seawolf17 Nov 11 2011 12:48 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Got our iPad earlier this week. Nice so far, but not ecstatic yet. Optimum app is brilliant, though.
metirish Nov 11 2011 01:51 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
My Inspire has a problem where the up volume toggle on the side of the phone doesn't work, hasn't in weeks, the down volume works fine but to get the up working I need to really press on it. Turns out it's quite a common problem on this phone.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 11 2011 01:54 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Go ahead and suggest some apps I might like.
metirish Nov 11 2011 01:56 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
metirish Nov 11 2011 01:59 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Postagram is a great app for sending postcards to anywhere in the world for 99c, take s pic and send it as a card .
dgwphotography Nov 11 2011 02:22 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
If you have an Amex card, get the Amex app Chrome to phone - if you use the chrome browser on your computer, there's a plug in that allows you to forward urls directly to your phone's browser. Atari's Greatest Hits. Seriously. Grocery IQ - I use it for my grocery shopping list. You can make your list on your computer if you wish, and it syncs to the app on the phone. Working out? Jefit Dolphin browser OI file manager - an easy way to go through the directories in your phone and your SD card Sporcle - a really addictive trivia game Sudoku Daily WeatherBug oh, and of course, Scrabble.
TheOldMole Nov 12 2011 11:11 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Kindle and Nook. Pandora and Slacker. Wikipanion is pretty good.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 12 2011 11:43 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Thanks guys. By the way when I went to Sprint store to demonstrate what a piece of crap their network is, youtube mysteriously started working. So all good, but still getting used to the look and feel.
metirish Nov 22 2011 06:01 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
How are you liking the phone JCL?, where do you guys stand on phone cases etc? I loathe them usually but bought one for my current replacement Inspire(AT&T replaced it last week because of the volume problem) because I had dropped the other one and it got scuffed up a little and my first thought was why didn't I have a case.
Ceetar Nov 22 2011 06:31 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
I'm always bumping/dropping the damn thing, or shoving it in my pocket with other things. so case and screen protector. I bought a cheap flexible soft plastic case off ebay.doesn't make it much bigger nor heavier, but cushions it plus is really easy to remove for when I freeze the sucker and need to yank the battery. (or swap the battery for the backup one)
Vic Sage Nov 22 2011 06:55 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
got the kids KINDLE FIRE tablets for xmas. i'm curious how they'll take to it. Nothing is as uncool as parents who invest in the wrong tech for their kids.
Ceetar Nov 22 2011 07:12 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
coworker got one (I got my wife the Touch. non-lcd and better battery) it looks pretty nice, although she said Angry Birds kept crashing. Seems kid-friendly.
metirish Nov 22 2011 07:16 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
getting one for myself I think.......if you are not an amazon prime member it would be worth the $79 a year fee......everything gets shipped faster, but the real beauty is the content such as movies to stream on the Fire PC etc......huge selection.
Edgy DC Dec 06 2011 01:30 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Benedict XVI's in the Apple camp.
Nymr83 Dec 06 2011 04:12 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
Clearly Vic isn't up on the latest technology. The kids may enjoy one of these: ![]()
Ashie62 Dec 06 2011 10:03 PM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
It's a cold heart that kills...
dgwphotography Dec 11 2011 10:19 AM Re: Tablets (iPad, etc) |
The Android Market is running a wonderful little promotion. In honor of its 10 billionth download, Google is offering 10 select apps each day for only 10 cents each. It's been running for a few days already, so there are only a few days left - quite a few fun titles have been available...