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Mets Decry Bullying But...
bmfc1 Sep 12 2011 05:20 PM |
The good news is that the Mets held a press conference to decry bullying: Dave Howard, Chris Capuano, and some politicians.
G-Fafif Sep 12 2011 05:25 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Every time I see that acronym in this context, I wonder who'd bully a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich.
Ceetar Sep 12 2011 06:32 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
I'm sure after last night someone can make some "inclusive" jokes about this. But bottom line is that it's hardly only gay youths getting bullied, and I wouldn't be surprised if the younger folk are rather more accepting of it than say their teachers. (At least no more than kids get bullied for ridiculous things like the wrong pair of shoes or a weird haircut)
Edgy DC Sep 12 2011 07:11 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
The Mets need to be bullied into a broader anti-bullying statement.
Frayed Knot Sep 12 2011 07:29 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Always good to distinguish yourself from those pro-bullying organizations.
seawolf17 Sep 12 2011 07:38 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
"Hey, Cap... go film the bullying PSA or I'm gonna kick your ass."
Fman99 Sep 12 2011 07:54 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
![]() "I heartily endorse this philosophy."
seawolf17 Sep 12 2011 08:05 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
I'll believe the "it gets better" and/or "anti-bullying" PSAs the same day that teams stop putting dresses on the rookies and forcing them to get on a plane, by the way.
G-Fafif Sep 13 2011 03:25 AM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
A-fucking-men. (Which is probably a setup for some homophobic locker room joke.)
Edgy DC Sep 13 2011 05:33 AM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Whether it's defying bans on symbolic hat gestures, or forsaking dresses for the rookies, or cream-pie facials, or pink backpacks, or "Rock and Roll, Part II," or "Sweet Caroline," anything that makes a team different from the pack is good.
Ceetar Sep 13 2011 07:01 AM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Weren't the Mets fairly unique with the pink backpack? I know it's been co-opted by most of baseball, specifically the Phillies, lately but were all teams doing it for as long as the Mets?
Edgy DC Sep 13 2011 09:58 AM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Between the 20-50 seconds, Howard says, "In recent years, we've placed a greater focus on that element, because the behavior has now extended to... even extend beyond racial and ethnic issues, and has extended into... certainly to sexual orientation, which is another thing that has to be confronted when we deal with anti-bullying."
bmfc1 Sep 14 2011 12:46 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Nice effort but it's not part of the "It Gets Better" campaign as I had hoped:
Edgy DC Sep 14 2011 12:51 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
But there certainly is explicit mention of it.
bmfc1 Sep 14 2011 01:03 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
By whom? Which unshaven Met says "LGBT"?
Edgy DC Sep 14 2011 01:21 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Nobody specifically says "LGBT." You're right. Few people ever mention the abbreviation when speaking. The Mets representative here refers to these sexual orientations under the umbrella term "sexual orientation." He doesn't specifically mention black people or white people or brown people either, but says "race." Is that a hair worth splitting and indicting somebody over?
attgig Sep 14 2011 01:22 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
so if they don't say things in the exact words or way you want them to say it, they didn't do it right? cmon...
metirish Sep 14 2011 01:23 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Fucking Bay is so dour......
Benjamin Grimm Sep 14 2011 01:29 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
I wouldn't know. I haven't tried it.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 14 2011 01:36 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Its well known the Mets are against bullying Gays and Lesbians but favor bullying of Transgendered elementary school kids. It was a technical thing.
bmfc1 Sep 14 2011 01:38 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Six major league teams say "LGBT" or "sexual identity". There's no code, no "they mean it even though they don't say it". Why don't the Mets say it?
Ashie62 Sep 14 2011 01:39 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
![]() Fuck Bay.
Edgy DC Sep 14 2011 01:59 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
So "sexual identity" is saying it but "sexual orientation" isn't?
bmfc1 Sep 14 2011 02:02 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
The Mets don't say anything about sexual orientation. What video are you watching? I'm watching the one where David Wright is carefully positioned at an angle, Bay didn't shave, Capuano looks odd, that video.
Edgy DC Sep 14 2011 02:08 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Every time I click your link, I initially get a video featuring David Howard, Chris Capuano, Chirstine Quinn, and Julissa Ferreras. I transcribed 20 seconds of Howard's comments above.
bmfc1 Sep 14 2011 02:10 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... | ... 25875-1037
attgig Sep 14 2011 02:13 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
so, it only gets better for young LGBT people, but not for anyone else?
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Sep 14 2011 02:43 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
This antibullying campaign-- like the whole of the "It Gets Better" concept-- is focused primarily on bullying faced by LGBT teens, in the wake of several prominent suicides by such teens over the previous year (Tyler Clementi, the Rutgers kid, e.g.). So, yeah, in brief: "Come ON."
Ceetar Sep 14 2011 02:58 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Presumably we should wait until some muslim kids kill themselves before we promote anti-bullying based on religion.
bmfc1 Sep 14 2011 03:38 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Thank you LWFS.
Ashie62 Sep 14 2011 08:52 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Yup, I'd also like to keep in mind those that are bullied for being fat, mentally ill, special needs people, and the meek. It gets better.
G-Fafif Sep 15 2011 01:51 AM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
"Kids -- we athletes don't say 'it gets better' or lend specific support to you if you're lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, but our always inspiring vice president of marketing alluded to it at a press conference, so next time you're being bullied, remember: Dave Howard had a lawyer suggest it's not OK."
Ceetar Sep 15 2011 05:19 AM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
the other point is that, how much does this message mean anyway? especially to gay teens. how do a bunch of closeted athletes know it gets better when they're too afraid to actually admit it themselves?
Edgy DC Sep 15 2011 07:38 AM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
My greater-than-obvious point is not that a statement at a news conference means a statement in a more widely distributed video is un-necessary. Only that in reading the original post, I had understood him to be referring to the initial link, and there was such a reference.
It was a reasonable understanding if we can all get the chips off our shoulders for a minute.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Sep 15 2011 01:09 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Hypocrites, right? The whole world's full of phonies. Why say anything to anyone? /Leaves school, heads to New York //Calls up Sally Hayes, to see if she wants to run away
Ceetar Sep 15 2011 01:17 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Not saying they shouldn't say anything. But yeah, the It Gets Better videos are a little hypocritical.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Sep 15 2011 01:26 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
I do agree that the first active team athlete making an "I'm gay" announcement-- and the wave that eventually follow him-- will have a much better impact than any PSA, but... hey, what do you want from them? If there are five straight guys who want to speak out against LGBT bullying, should they say nothing, simply because it makes less impact, or means less, than, say, SugarPants coming out?
Ceetar Sep 15 2011 01:30 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
I don't know what the answer is. I don't know if a PSA is actually better than nothing. I do appreciate the effort and commend them for it (and the Mets for their own version of things) but I'm just not sure it's anything more than shouting into the wind.
bmfc1 Sep 15 2011 01:38 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
Maybe it's nothing but show. But I suspect, and truly hope, that a teenager who is being bullied because of his or her sexuality gets some solace when a professional athlete shows some compassion and says that you'll feel better someday.
G-Fafif Sep 18 2011 04:55 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
The important thing is the Mets are against bullying and any bullying-like behavior.
MFS62 Sep 18 2011 05:55 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
They were NOT bullied. IMO they were given some much -needed fashion advice. And they look adoreable. Later
Ashie62 Sep 18 2011 06:33 PM Re: Mets Decry Bullying But... |
It would only be bullying if the rookies were LGBT.