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Gary Cohen to MTV
Johnny Dickshot Nov 09 2005 07:34 AM |
This kinda sucks if you like your Mets on the radio. But ain't nothing wrong with GC.
mlbaseballtalk Nov 09 2005 08:30 AM |
I have a sinking feeling about this
Yancy Street Gang Nov 09 2005 08:48 AM |
Really??? Have Mike and the Mad Dog been taking credit for the Mets getting Piazza? I wouldn't exactly call that "common knowledge."
sharpie Nov 09 2005 08:50 AM |
Cohen is great and a massive step up from Fran Healey. I only hope that they get someone good to replace him in the radio booth.
metirish Nov 09 2005 08:52 AM |
And why would anyone give a fiddlers fuck whay Kay thinks? Gary to the TV side is just great....
Edgy DC Nov 09 2005 09:11 AM |
...ergo the current Met ownership were foolishly badgered into hiring Gary Cohen to be an air personality for their fledgling TV network? Many holes in this line of reasoning.
Johnny Dickshot Nov 09 2005 09:15 AM |
This is common crap. As if a superstar might come available at a position where the Mets have a guy hurt and those dicks wouldn't be pumping the idea ...
ABG Nov 09 2005 10:20 AM |
Dammit....three days after I get XM radio. I was looking forward to hearing Gary next year.
Johnny Dickshot Nov 09 2005 11:07 AM |
In related news, I'm receiving delivery of a ginormous new TV on Friday.
mlbaseballtalk Nov 09 2005 12:42 PM |
:sigh: This is the timeline Piazza is traded to Marlins who then proceed to let it known that his days in Florida are numbered The Mets (Wilpon and Phillips) announce publicly that there is no interest and Hundley is told under no circumstances will Piazza be a Met Doubleday hears Mike & The Dog talking where Piazza should go and the Mets are one of the "good fits" and Nelson decides that the Mets should go after him End result, Piazza is in Flushing Doubleday has said this through the years, not Mike and Chris. In fact it may have been sports radio period and Nelson used the biggest names in town. I mean Mike's first apperance on WFAN he actually thanked Mike and Chris for helping bring him to New York, so yeah, I'd say the buzz on the radio influenced Mike's coming to the Mets My point here is that using this for policy can be a frightening thing. Yeah it worked with Piazza, but thats a rare thing Steve
G-Fafif Nov 09 2005 01:18 PM |
Happy for Gary if this will gain him a higher profile and a bigger payday. But I will miss him terribly from inside my ears. He's been a bigger constant there than wax for seventeen seasons and a whole lot more welcome.
Centerfield Nov 09 2005 01:25 PM |
I am really sorry to hear that Gary and Howie will be split. They had a fantastic dynamic on the radio last year.
metirish Nov 09 2005 01:42 PM |
Yeah Gary not doing games on the radio will be weird, my usual thing was to listen to the last 3 innings on the radio while I was online here, I hope they don't stick Ed Coleman full time with Howie, he's truely awful, how much will Gary have to change the way he calls games ?
Edgy DC Nov 09 2005 01:48 PM |
Is Frannie under contract? He may be the guy Gary bumps.
metirish Nov 09 2005 01:49 PM |
Fran is not under contract, he's an MSG employee, I think he's done with the Mets..we'll see him here more no doubt.
Johnny Dickshot Nov 09 2005 01:56 PM |
Ya know, Gary n' Keith sounds like a good idea.
Frayed Knot Nov 09 2005 02:11 PM |
Essentially none of the holdovers from the TV side are "under contract" since this is an entrely new venture.
Frayed Knot Nov 09 2005 03:04 PM |
Y'know one thing this means is that any potential Gary Cohen post-season calls are gone. Local TV coverage, unlike their radio counterparts, can't follow the team into post-season when the networks take over. We'll also "lose" him for a handful of the more important reg season games - Met-v-Yanx, etc - that FOX & ESPN will carry.
Centerfield Nov 09 2005 03:10 PM |
That's a great point FK. I say we kick Ed Coleman out of the booth (if that's who it ends up being) and give Gary his old job back for those games.
G-Fafif Nov 09 2005 03:13 PM |
GC just on the FAN with Ego & The Idiot. He acknowledged the post-season dearth is the one drawback. Otherwise (naturally), he was practically giddy. Says he's been assured Snigh will be a legit network not one that "drinks the Kool-Aid" (nice knock on Yeech). Also indicated, as others have, that Snigh won't be Metsographic as a rule but a sports outlet that "gets this market," et al. He said this as if it's a good thing. He's moved on. I haven't.
Johnny Dickshot Nov 09 2005 03:20 PM |
Perhaps he keeps his gig with ESPN to do postseason radio and we get lucky enuf to get his series.
Spacemans Bong Nov 09 2005 04:00 PM |
That doesn't mean he can't do radio. The Giants TV guy, Duane Kuiper also does radio, and did radio during the World Series in 02 (since Miller is an ESPN guy too, he did the Series for ESPN radio). Besides, Cohen is so good that I wouldn't be surprised at all if he starts doing national stuff.
Valadius Nov 09 2005 05:31 PM |
GYC Nov 09 2005 05:32 PM |
Please don't ever refer to Met's TV as MTV again. That scared me, and I thought Gary Cohen lost it and started doing shitty television.
seawolf17 Nov 09 2005 05:38 PM |
Heard the same interview on the FAN with Gary. (What was weird was that it didn't sound like him at all on the phone. This is a guy whose voice I know better than anyone's but my wife's, so I can tell you it didn't sound right, but I digress.) He did rip YES a bit, which was funny, and he does seem really excited for this opportunity. It has to be better financially for him, and better from a national-exposure angle. So I wish him nothing but the best, but he will definitely be missed on the radio. Considering I listen to waaaay more games than I watch, this one sucks from my end, depending on who replaces him.
mlbaseballtalk Nov 09 2005 06:42 PM |
People do sound different when they are talking on the radio via a phone rather than a studio/booth According to Cohen doesn't seem that this will be that Metcentric, so no real ongoing Metographies I guess, I hope they still intend to do Mets Classics as they don't have any winter teams lined up Anyone know when the Icelanders are free from Dolanville? They would fit perfectly for very obvious reasons, same with Jet football talk, and the Nets if they weren't locked up for the next decade or so with YES Steve
mlbaseballtalk Nov 09 2005 06:46 PM |
I think my sinking feeling was more towards listeners would be hearing Kay gushing how "This is what I said the Mets should do and they did it!" Then again who knows, maybe one of TPTB at SNNY heard Kay's comments and said "Ya know, Cohen on TV would be JUST the thing we need!" as you didn't hear Gary being tossed around untill today
Edgy DC Nov 09 2005 07:10 PM |
The Mets do a lot of things I suggest they do. Anybody who believes me if I try to claim a cause/effect relationship is a sucker.
mlbaseballtalk Nov 09 2005 07:30 PM |
seawolf17 Nov 09 2005 08:24 PM |
Oh, and Michael Kay can go blow it out his you-know-what. But I think I've expressed that opinion before.
G-Fafif Nov 09 2005 09:30 PM |
You suggested I come to this forum and I did. I think you're underestimating your powers of suggestion.
Valadius Nov 09 2005 10:16 PM |
I don't want Gary Cohen to leave radio. He's PERFECT on the radio.
metirish Nov 09 2005 10:45 PM |
Some news on who will be Cohen's partner...a "rotation of analysts" ..
Edgy DC Nov 09 2005 11:34 PM |
metirish Nov 09 2005 11:43 PM |
LOL..yeah some freaking crazy stuff might happen...Kiner for the ninth is not good, he's at the bar by the seventh....Tom Waits would be a great ninth inning guy, especially if the Mets are getting beat...
Edgy DC Nov 09 2005 11:56 PM |
Ralph is untenable because if his boozing, but Tom Waits is your closer?
Edgy DC Nov 09 2005 11:59 PM |
"That there, Gary, is a pitch we used to call the egg sandwich. It's over easy with a little bit of mustard, heh-heh. Now, if I'm not mistaken, he'll follow up with a pitch we used to call the Puerto Rican backstabbing bitch. You want to know why we'd call it that, Gary?
metirish Nov 10 2005 12:01 AM |
Yes but only if we are losing....if we are winning then I say drag Fran away from the bar..
metirish Nov 10 2005 12:05 AM |
LOL..Edgy your killing me..
Edgy DC Nov 12 2005 01:30 PM |
Ted Robinson supposedly has severed his connection to the Mets.
Iubitul Nov 12 2005 02:12 PM |
Good - sometimes I thought he was still covering the Giants...
Frayed Knot Nov 12 2005 04:49 PM |
I've hear that a lot from Met fans; that Robinson's "when I was in SF" lines bothered them. It never particularly irked me and I found him to be a reasonably good p-b-p man.
seawolf17 Nov 12 2005 09:59 PM |
I enjoyed Ted too. Funny-looking dude, but I liked his voice.
TheOldMole Nov 12 2005 10:33 PM |
I'd like to see them get Gary Thorne back.
Valadius Nov 12 2005 11:08 PM |
I submitted Gary Cohen for Hall of Fame consideration. He's the most exciting broadcaster to listen to.
metirish Nov 12 2005 11:12 PM |
Mole, Thorne was canned I believe because the Mets didn't like him being critical of the team Gary is one of those that works numerous sports,although I have no idea what he is at now that he's not doing ESPN and FOX hockey games, and he won't be the NBC voice of hockey either.
TheOldMole Nov 13 2005 07:38 PM |
I had remembered him being canned for not being willing to give up hockey. I thought he was good, tho.
TheOldMole Nov 13 2005 07:39 PM |
Cohen deserves it. But Ralph first.
Beenso Nov 14 2005 06:11 PM |
ive been out of the loop.
mlbaseballtalk Nov 14 2005 08:35 PM |
Feb-March 2006 it goes online I'm thinking you will be considering the both the mess with the Yanks and recent mess with Time Warner You don't leave Dolanville without a fight By the way, anyone know when the Icelander deal with MSG/FSNY is up? That would be a crucial pick up with the Nets and Devils wrapped up for a while with YES Steve
Johnny Dickshot Nov 15 2005 07:21 AM |
SNY has eye
metirish Nov 15 2005 09:17 AM |
I hope this doesn't happen, I have always found Sutton hard on the ears..
Elster88 Nov 15 2005 09:34 AM |
I think I'm fucked with DISH network.
Edgy DC Nov 15 2005 10:03 AM |
Sutton has been smart and informative. He's seemed short in the personality department, but that may just be something that unfolds over time. If you get too much personaltiy the first time you hear somebody, you get a booth full of Tony Danzas.
Lundy Nov 16 2005 12:15 PM |
New TV network, but the same ol' radio station:
Valadius Nov 16 2005 02:29 PM |
They ought to put the Steve Somers Show from the FAN on SNY.
seawolf17 Nov 16 2005 03:29 PM |
Steve Somers... well... let's just say he has the perfect face for radio. Let's leave him there.
Edgy DC Nov 16 2005 03:32 PM |
I've kind of never really cared what a guy looks like in the booth.
seawolf17 Nov 16 2005 03:35 PM |
Me neither; I'm just saying that if you're going to air Somers the way they air Mike & The Dog...
Beenso Nov 16 2005 06:44 PM |
i love somers....greatest dialogue
metirish Nov 25 2005 01:41 PM |
Looks like Keith could be working with Gary...
Frayed Knot Nov 25 2005 05:26 PM |
Egg-cell-ant !!!
Frayed Knot Dec 02 2005 12:58 PM |
and on the radio side:
Johnny Dickshot Dec 09 2005 06:22 AM |
Backup plan to get go ahead
Willets Point Dec 09 2005 09:17 AM |
Not if he's 35. Someone born and raised on RI would have to be 32 or younger.
metirish Dec 09 2005 12:31 PM |
metirish Dec 09 2005 12:43 PM |
I just moved to a cablevision town and I hope I don't go through any BS with SNY..
ScarletKnight41 Dec 11 2005 01:04 PM |
[url=]Ralph's in, Tom's out?[/url]
TheOldMole Dec 11 2005 01:40 PM |
Keep Ralph. There's no one like him.
Johnny Dickshot Jan 05 2006 07:55 AM |
Cablevision Crooks lose again.
Elster88 Jan 05 2006 09:18 AM |
Is the new Met network going to be on Cablevision? Or is all that crap from last year going to happen again?
Johnny Dickshot Jan 05 2006 09:23 AM |
I dunno. But if I were a Cablevision subscriber, I wouldn't set my TiVo quite yet.
Edgy DC Jan 12 2006 12:18 AM |
metirish Jan 12 2006 12:20 AM |
Cool , Gary will do games on WPIX 11 too, I hope Cablevision doesn't screw us.
Edgy DC Jan 12 2006 02:55 PM |
sharpie Jan 12 2006 03:12 PM |
Someone should ask if he would show up here for a real chat.
metirish Jan 13 2006 08:32 AM |
soupcan Jan 13 2006 09:45 AM |
Its amazing to me that Healy could be so universally disliked by everyone who either follows or is a fan of this team, yet somehow the guy was a fixture for years. How the hell did that happen?
Edgy DC Jan 13 2006 10:01 AM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jan 13 2006 10:07 AM |
The thing about Healy is that he's almost universally disliked (sorry Cooby), but not universally hated (sorry, Centerfield).
Elster88 Jan 13 2006 10:04 AM |
I think this line was talking about Darling. Didn't they mean Hernandez for this? Or does Ronnie do Just For Men too?
Elster88 Jan 13 2006 10:05 AM |
It's really hard to hate Fran when sampling what else is out there.
Frayed Knot Jan 13 2006 10:07 AM |
The answer all along has been that Healy was a favorite of the Dolan clan of Cablevision, the ones who have been responsible for the Met games for 20+ years at this point via SportsChannel/FSNY/MSG, all stations that they owned and operated. My guess is that they saw him as the perfect vanilla-type host who could fill the 20-hour/day with all that off-hour programming while there was no game going on. Of course given the personell decisions that the same crew has made since they've been running MSG and it's two main sports team tenants ... it kinda speaks a lot about their decision making don't it?
Farmer Ted Jan 13 2006 10:30 AM |
Seaver's gone six ways to Sunday.
metirish Jan 13 2006 10:36 AM |
Not to mention that Seaver knew nothing it seemed about the opposing team, he never sounded prepared, I hated listening to him, Fran I liked, Edgy pretty much wrote what I thought about Fran.
Johnny Dickshot Jan 13 2006 03:03 PM |
Darling chat, his answers in bold. I came in late and he didn't respond to my demand to explain his 3 uni numbers.
Edgy DC Jan 13 2006 03:36 PM |
Yeah, Tony Gwynn kicked his ass, but he wasn't the worst of the 1984 Padres. On the other hand, Mike Sharperson went 4-5 career against him. He seemed to have the most trouble with Cubbies.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 13 2006 03:37 PM |
He played for Tony LaRussa in St. Louis? (He must have meant Oakland.)
Edgy DC Jan 13 2006 03:42 PM |
Yeah, I think he liked it like Keef liked it. A nice downtown ballpark and the opportunity to eat and go out and go to sleep at the same time everybody else is doing it.
Johnny Dickshot Jan 13 2006 03:46 PM |
Certainly Gwynn hurt his ass. Just on my perception, I'd guess Tony Gwynn, for his career, was an all-time Met assassin, though I don't know that for sure.
cooby Jan 13 2006 03:47 PM |
Schmidt had to be one of them
Elster88 Jan 13 2006 03:48 PM |
I have never heard Darling do commentary. How did those National broadcasts sound, DC peeps?
Yancy Street Gang Jan 13 2006 03:49 PM |
What's your criteria for "assassin"?
Beenso Jan 13 2006 03:50 PM |
seaver sucked
Edgy DC Jan 13 2006 03:50 PM |
Smart, but a little sleepwalky.
Elster88 Jan 13 2006 03:51 PM |
HAHA. I guess Cactus wants help picking up girls in bars.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 13 2006 03:53 PM |
I would have liked to have seen Cactus' question.
Johnny Dickshot Jan 13 2006 03:58 PM |
Before we give away too much more, how about a query, based on a reasonable minimum PA, of highest BA & SLG against, and most HRs against.
sharpie Jan 13 2006 03:58 PM |
His '98 season vs. the Mets (long past Darling's departure) was unreal with at least 2 hits in each game.
sharpie Jan 13 2006 03:59 PM |
We did a similar thing a few months ago, in terms of most hrs vs. Mets, most stolen bases etc.
Johnny Dickshot Jan 13 2006 04:01 PM |
We did?
Edgy DC Jan 13 2006 04:01 PM |
Where did we leave that?
Bret Sabermetric Jan 13 2006 04:02 PM |
Burrell's got to be on any list you come up with.
soupcan Jan 13 2006 04:21 PM |
Willie Stargell's got to be in the top ten
Yancy Street Gang Jan 13 2006 04:41 PM |
Yancy Street Gang Jan 13 2006 05:00 PM |
Looks like Darling did some of his best pitching at The Astrodome.
Johnny Dickshot Jan 13 2006 05:39 PM |
That's funny. That whole thread took place while I was whale-watching in Nova Scotia.
Frayed Knot Jan 18 2006 09:53 AM |
Back to M(ets)TV news, from Bob Raissman's Tuesday column:
cooby Jan 18 2006 09:56 AM |
Oh sure, since we dumped our dish...
Elster88 Jan 18 2006 10:21 AM |
That was a fun game. We should pick it up again on these slow January and February days.
metirish Jan 24 2006 01:05 PM |
I wonder what impact if any this will have on the 25 Mets games WB11 was going to air..
abogdan Jan 24 2006 01:18 PM |
Anyone know if RCN cable will be carrying the channel?
Johnny Dickshot Jan 24 2006 01:31 PM |
I don't know for sure but pretty certain they will. I don't believe RCN is in position to be throwing weight around: They took YES without a hassle.
Frayed Knot Jan 24 2006 02:01 PM |
Almost certainly none; the Met games are just an arrangement between the new network and the local ch 11 affiliate. Since that station was already connected with WB having a new corporate father isn't going to change this arrangement. btw, they've officially targeted March 16 as the launch date which'll include the Met ST game that night. What remains to be seen is how many systems will be cleared by that point. Even some of those who do clear it won't likely do so until closer to opening day - and some of the carriers ...
Johnny Dickshot Jan 24 2006 02:09 PM |
Every system is different of course but it would be cool if they arranged to put the Mets on say, channel 41. I think that's a hom shopping channel where I live.
metirish Jan 24 2006 02:21 PM |
Thanks Frayed Knot, that makes sence.
sharpie Jan 24 2006 02:33 PM |
Mets should just call the channel Channel 41 and force everyone to use that number.
PatchyFogg Jan 25 2006 12:29 PM |
Last night, we had on Newsday’s Neil Best who is now penning the “Sports Watch” column which focuses on sports media and sports business. He also covered the football Giants for 10 years, and recently wrote a big article on Team Message Boards likes ours here.
Frayed Knot Jan 25 2006 12:42 PM |
So you got into a discussion of fan message boards and don't once bring up the CPF?!?!!?
PatchyFogg Jan 25 2006 12:55 PM |
Well, the first thing that he said was "So, you've got too much time on your hands." I wasn't going to affirm his negative.
abogdan Jan 27 2006 11:09 PM |
I contacted RCN, who said they had no information about this channel being added in Queens in the near future. They pointed me in the direction of their [url=]NY channel request form[/url], where RCN customers can request they add a channel to their lineup. If there are any other RCN customers on the board, I'd suggest they fill out the form.
Frayed Knot Jan 28 2006 12:16 AM |
Not that I want to discourage form filling-out ... but it's not like they're unaware that customers are going to want that channel added to their cable package, it's just whether they can add it at a decent (for them) price.
Bret Sabermetric Jan 28 2006 04:45 AM |
How is it possible that a Met fan wouldn't understand "corporate-speak" fluently? These people have been sucking down that bullshit for decades., FK--they need no translations.
metirish Feb 02 2006 09:46 PM |
Gary Apple has joined SNY and will do studio work and field work.
PatchyFogg Feb 03 2006 10:43 AM |
Here's to many Apples popping up for the Mets this year.
Edgy DC Feb 15 2006 01:28 AM |
The once and future nine.
Frayed Knot Feb 15 2006 10:03 AM |
Aside from old Met games, I'm not sure I've ever turned on 'Channel 9' even once in my life.
martin Feb 20 2006 11:44 PM |
since i have comcast cable i suppose i am certain to get this network. i called comcast to ask when it starts and the lady on the phone had never heard of it. since then i read this thread and learned it starts in march. that still leaves me wondering if they are gonna broadcast all the games in HD. i know there is a limited number of channels the cable company can do in HD at once. i hope sny is one of them.
martin Feb 23 2006 07:50 PM |
hey amigo i learned today that they will have all the home games and "select" away games in hd. cool eh?
de nada.
metirish Feb 23 2006 09:37 PM |
ah here's an informative link I just found....
Frayed Knot Feb 26 2006 09:52 PM |
Cablevison to carry SNY [url=]says Bloomberg[/url] (the business service, not the Mayor).
metirish Feb 26 2006 09:58 PM |
Great news....
Johnny Dickshot Mar 15 2006 10:37 AM |
Broadcasts start at 5 p.m. tomorrow if you get this channel. My suggestion: bring Mark Coppola out to announce, "This is rock and roll" and plant a Met flag on the moon.
Edgy DC Mar 15 2006 10:41 AM |
ScarletKnight41 Mar 15 2006 10:47 AM |
I was watching a test pattern on SNY last Saturday night. I can't wait for it to go on the air!
Yancy Street Gang Mar 15 2006 10:55 AM |
Scarlett, is SNY part of your local cable package or are you getting it off a satellite?
Edgy DC Mar 15 2006 01:13 PM |
I was trying to tune into the Met game and accidentally selected the Yankee game. ".. and that's why Robinson Cano is a special player. A lot of other guys --- Bubba Crosby, for instance --- see the outside pitch and pop it up. It takes a special hitter to go the other way with this pitch. I was telling Larry Bowa that this guy has a chance to win batting titles. Not a title --- titles...."Guys, you've got the job already.
Elster88 Mar 15 2006 01:21 PM |
I saw an SNY commerical on Cablevision yesterday.
Rotblatt Mar 15 2006 01:22 PM |
Am I blinded by my anti-Yankee bias in thinking that Cano isn't that special?
Johnny Dickshot Mar 15 2006 01:40 PM |
Cano does have a nice swing, I'll give him that. But yeah, I'd be surprised if he ever turns out all that special.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 15 2006 02:00 PM |
Cable. For the first time since moving to NJ, having Comcast doesn't suck.
metirish Mar 16 2006 09:18 AM |
G-Fafif Mar 16 2006 12:31 PM |
For what it's worth, Channel 60 on Cablevision Long Island is a listings channel except when there's a spillover Isles or Devils hockey game, in which case the info button one presses to get a description of what's on the channel indicates "Islanders and Thrashers will be coming up tonight". Well, there's been no change in Channel 60 showing listings EXCEPT that the "Islanders and Thrashers coming up tonight" tease has been moved to Channel 14, Cablevision's other listings channel. Gives me hope that the mythical SNY spot on the dial is indeed being cleared at 60. Guess we'll know in 4-1/2 hours.
Centerfield Mar 16 2006 01:03 PM |
As usual, nothing will probably get done until the 11th hour. I don't like how that article describes the Dish Network situation.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 16 2006 05:22 PM |
SNY is on the air. MK and I watched it turn from a test pattern to a live broadcast.
G-Fafif Mar 16 2006 05:32 PM |
And if we can't see you on Cablevision, we'll just have to wait to decide how to respond to you.
KC Mar 16 2006 05:33 PM |
I won't growl too much, but grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 16 2006 05:39 PM |
If it helps, they lost their sound feed about 20 minutes ago.
Johnny Dickshot Mar 16 2006 06:33 PM |
The reception is awful, the picture is jumpy and the sound is distorted.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 16 2006 06:36 PM |
Did Keith Hernandez just refer to the WBC as BS?
Johnny Dickshot Mar 16 2006 06:40 PM |
ScarletKnight41 Mar 16 2006 06:41 PM |
I thought so.
Johnny Dickshot Mar 16 2006 07:04 PM |
he did it again.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 16 2006 07:10 PM |
Yes - I caught that. He also flat out said that he's not a fan of the WBC and he feels it messes up the spring training evaluation process.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 16 2006 07:15 PM |
The Spanish language broadcast in the background is almost as loud as Keith and Gary's English commentary. They need to fix that.
Spacemans Bong Mar 16 2006 07:41 PM |
I'm liking it. I just hope they stay fair, unlike a certain other TV network..
Johnny Dickshot Mar 16 2006 07:46 PM |
I zapped ahead on the schedule to look forward to what else this channel will show:
Rotblatt Mar 16 2006 07:56 PM |
Huh. I bet Keith hasn't watched a single game. Probably too busy dyeing his hair.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 16 2006 08:01 PM |
In response to Rotblatt, Keith just said, "I haven't watched one inning. I have no interest."
Frayed Knot Mar 16 2006 10:37 PM |
"He also flat out said that he's not a fan of the WBC and he feels it messes up the spring training evaluation process."
Johnny Dickshot Mar 17 2006 07:23 AM |
The banter between gary & Keith revealed that Keith's real issue had nothing to do with spring training but the fact that the WBC or (BS as he called it... twice!) was that it interfered with his idea of what was "important."
Edgy DC Mar 17 2006 09:49 AM |
I think Keith finally caved on November being a good idea --- or the best of the bad ones. Hey Keith, they don't necessarily need domes when most of the baseball world is in warm-weather countries. Do we get to always host this thing by default?
Johnny Dickshot Mar 17 2006 09:53 AM |
The problem with November is a lotta guys will be gassed from the long season, and many others would have immediate & justifiable economic incentives not to play, seeing as an injury might interfere with their ability to negotiate their next contract.
Edgy DC Mar 17 2006 10:06 AM |
Well, yeah, any pitcher who threw 200+ innings and had a post-season is going to be seriously discrouraged from participating. Although everybody should be sharp and playing at their best.
Yancy Street Gang Mar 17 2006 10:11 AM |
You could still put together a pretty good tournament if you leave off free agents and guys who are tired from the post-season. In any given year, the majority of players don't fall into those categories.
Johnny Dickshot Mar 17 2006 11:46 PM |
Watching "Mets Weekly" starring Julie Donaldson's Tight Shirt. Yeow.
G-Fafif Mar 18 2006 12:13 AM |
I can't compete with Julie Donaldson's tight shirt. Though I have to confess I've yet to see Julie Donaldson, her tight shirt, Mets Weekly, myself or anything on SNY. But you didn't miss any words of wisdom. I've already been alerted by the producers that I'm seen but not heard in this edition. A more thorough Bloggers Roundtable will be presented in two and three weeks, respectively and, theoretically, I'll be heard and seen in some depth along with three fellow blog travelers. (We taped with Siafa Lewis for like two hours which led me to expect they'll use about eight seconds.)
Johnny Dickshot Mar 18 2006 12:24 AM |
They panned right past you so as to catch a comment from Young Hippie Met Geek. They also showed MetsBlog Guy yammering away while Bearded Met Blogger Guy just sat there in the foreground.
G-Fafif Mar 18 2006 12:41 AM |
I'm put in mind of a radio station billboard that loomed over I-275 in Tampa when I was in college: "John Landis's back." And of course it was a picture of the disc jockey's back.
Edgy DC Mar 18 2006 12:58 AM |
This'll cause some ripples through the blogosphere. MetsGeek gave the death penalty to Fire Willie, their biggest headache of a poster, a week or two ago. This is bound to lead to open specumalation that they did it because they're in bed with the bosses.
G-Fafif Mar 18 2006 01:13 AM |
Such intrigue! Nah, Fire Willie was apparently teetering on the edge of extinction before all this came up, or so I learned that afternoon. Can't say I'm all that familiar with the case.
Edgy DC Mar 18 2006 08:35 AM |
Yeah, I'm not saying there was anything to Fire Willie's banishment except that he got what was coming to him, only that peeps will speculate otherwise.
Johnny Dickshot Mar 18 2006 08:43 AM |
Mr. Society actually resembles Mr. Sabermetric.
G-Fafif Mar 18 2006 01:31 PM |
I think somebody shoved a radio inside my TV because I hear Gary Cohen coming out of it.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 22 2006 09:23 PM |
The new commercial with the TV head guy painting the gir's toenails with Yankee pinstripes is totally unacceptable.
Frayed Knot Mar 22 2006 10:17 PM |
"You were born with a mandate to cover the Mets."
metirish Mar 27 2006 03:49 PM |
John Rocker will be a guest on ' Daily News Live' on SNY today at 5PM.
ScarletKnight41 Mar 27 2006 03:56 PM |
Is he bringing his kitten? ![]()
metirish Mar 27 2006 04:00 PM |
No word on that SK but any excuse to post that pic is cool.