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Pronounciation question: Old Mole? MFS62?

Yancy Street Gang
Nov 10 2005 11:56 AM

Pssst! This is for you guys who predate me as Mets fans...

1966 Met Ed Bressoud:

How was his last name pronounced? (I think I know how to pronounce his first name!)

Does Bressoud rhyme with "food" or "crowd" or "blue" or "cow"?

Nov 10 2005 12:26 PM

Rhymed with food, with the accent on the second syllable.
At times, I heard it with the ending D not pronounced at all (Breh-SOO) , but that may have been more my ears than the correct pronounciation.

Hope that helped. Let me guess without looking, you have him on your parody list?


Yancy Street Gang
Nov 10 2005 01:26 PM

Yep. Just weighing my several options.


Johnny Dickshot
Nov 10 2005 01:30 PM

I tell ya, life ain't easy for a boy named Bressoud...

Nov 10 2005 01:41 PM

Yancy Street Gang wrote:
Yep. Just weighing my several options.


That's sneaky. I like that.
I tried the same thing last year, about a month before the contest, when I posted a poll asking whether the CPF-ers thought rap was music. Based on the feedback, I wrote my Al Leiter "Walk This Way" parody.
Of course, then I got hoisted by my own petard when It lost out to another hip hop song.


Nov 10 2005 02:06 PM

I'd make it like a boy named Bruhss-SUE.

Edgy DC
Dec 22 2005 12:44 PM

I just received my 1966 media guide in the mail yesterday. His was the only name, I think, for which they felt the need to include a parenthetical pronunciation:

(bruh - SOO)

Yancy Street Gang
Dec 22 2005 12:51 PM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Dec 22 2005 01:08 PM

I know that the mail moves slowly during the holiday season, but that guide arrived 29 years late!

ON EDIT: I forgot what year it was. 1966 was 39 years ago.

Edgy DC
Dec 22 2005 12:53 PM

You'd have thought they hired the front office staff by looking at candidate pictures and asking themselves, "Now, who will look squarest in our media guide?"

Dec 22 2005 01:00 PM

I remember when Baseball Digest, in their Rookie Report issue used to give you the pronunciation for almost all the players' names. (Unless they were very common)
Then they would give you the players' ancestry (e.g.- "German-Irish),

I stopped buying that when one year's scouting report said that Bud Harrelson had "good power for a shortstop" when he had hit no home runs in the minors the previous year.


Edgy DC
Dec 22 2005 01:06 PM

I found an annual baseball almanac-type publication from my lucky year of 1966. It was mostly stats of all active players with photos with the logos removed (love that), but what made it different is that it gave the marital status of each player, along with the wife's name and when they got married. They also included hobbies. (I imagine that when they had no hobby informaton they just put "Hunting, fishing" in as a default.)

Nine bucks, though. Seemed too dear at the time, but maybe I can write it off if I ever get this book project off the ground.

Should I go back?

Dec 22 2005 01:12 PM

Do you mean go back and buy it?
Depends on what your book is about.
What is it about? (sorry if you've told us elsewhere)


Willets Point
Dec 22 2005 01:21 PM

That's "hunting, fishing, golf".

Yancy Street Gang
Dec 22 2005 01:47 PM

From the UMDB FAQ page:

When will you list player's hobbies?
Probably never. We acknowledge that many fans are interested in knowing player's hobbies, but we don't count ourselves among them. We suspect that a listing of player hobbies would end up looking like an endless repetition of hunting, fishing, and golf.

Willets Point
Dec 22 2005 01:51 PM

Yeah, I totally cribbed that from you YSG and didn't give you a footnote.

Rockin' Doc
Dec 22 2005 08:56 PM

Hell, I should have been a major leaguer. I have all the right hobbies.

Dec 23 2005 01:30 PM

And the even older ones, where ancestry was included, and they virtually all listed Scotch-Irish.

Dec 23 2005 01:51 PM

TheOldMole wrote:
And the even older ones, where ancestry was included, and they virtually all listed Scotch-Irish.

Yes, I remember those days, too.
