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Occupy Wall Street
Edgy MD Oct 07 2011 07:55 AM |
Are you protesting? Are you being protested? Is this going anywhere? Are you getting the message? Are you writing the message?
metirish Oct 07 2011 08:03 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
The lazy bastards need to get jobs.....oh right, there are none.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 07 2011 08:06 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I'm not sure what they're doing, but I like that they're doing it.
Edgy MD Oct 07 2011 08:14 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
This happened with the World Bank protests. Folks around the office scratching their heads wondering how can there be a populist movement when Democrats already have the White House, as if that's the point of all populist movements.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 07 2011 08:15 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I'm not sure if they have the answers and/or are getting anywhere but I'm sorta with them on how f'ed up the economic scales have gotten. I hope they all vote.
Edgy MD Oct 07 2011 08:21 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Will there be enough air left in the statement when the scenesters get bored and move on to another scene?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 07 2011 08:27 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I think some traditional dems are afraid that this could be seen as "Left Tea Party" i.e.: laughingstock
Frayed Knot Oct 07 2011 10:08 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Listening to some of the protesters trying to explain what they were against and what they were for in its place was down-right hilarious.
Edgy MD Oct 07 2011 10:09 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Link? Transcription? Summary?
Frayed Knot Oct 07 2011 10:20 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Oh there were just a couple of quickie TV interviews I saw in passing. And while the ones I saw certainly can't be passed off as being totally representative, not one expressed anything that was within two drives and a 5-iron of resembling a coherent thought in either causes or solutions.
Edgy MD Oct 07 2011 10:27 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Folks keep posting photos of this lady at Facebook.
metsguyinmichigan Oct 07 2011 11:48 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I don't think they have a clue about what they are protesting about, nor do they have any solutions.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 07 2011 11:54 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
They're protesting about the shrinking middle class. They may be coming at it from all different kinds of perspectives, but I'd say that's what they have in common.
metirish Oct 07 2011 12:45 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Are our elected officials offering solutions?
Edgy MD Oct 07 2011 12:51 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Well, that depends on whether we agree about the problem.
sharpie Oct 07 2011 12:55 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
My son, the erstwhile poster Lenny Harris, has been at these protests for most of the last few weeks. He did leave yesterday to go back to Massachusetts. I went down there a week ago to check out the scene.
metsguyinmichigan Oct 07 2011 12:59 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Spelling seems to be an issue.
sharpie Oct 07 2011 01:03 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
There's some kids there making signs all day and putting them in a pile. You can pick one from that pile or make your own if you want a sign. No big deal.
Ashie62 Oct 07 2011 07:39 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
It's a fucking clown show...
Ashie62 Oct 07 2011 07:47 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
They may need to look in the mirror. I work in an industry they don't care for and nothing was handed to me, nothing.
metirish Oct 07 2011 07:52 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Lenny Harris rocks, good for him.
Edgy MD Oct 08 2011 03:21 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
The internet is a goofy place.
metirish Oct 09 2011 09:06 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
it's spreading
Frayed Knot Oct 09 2011 09:34 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Not sure that the existence of Ron Paul supporters there is all that weird if indeed part of the anger is over the bailouts and the too-cozy connections between business & gov't.
sharpie Oct 09 2011 11:04 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Yeah, but one of the other messages is that big business has to much power and Ron Paul wants to strip away controls on business.
Edgy MD Oct 09 2011 12:38 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
In DC, they weren't not sure where to occupy. If they went after the Treasury Department, theyd last about eleven seconds, so McPherson Square seemed like a nice alternative.
Frayed Knot Oct 09 2011 01:11 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Understood. It's just with admittedly varied and sometimes vague complaints and even more vague goals I just don't find it so weird that some of his supporters would find their way there.
Closed it down for a time too I understand. -- No Justice, No LEM !!
metsmarathon Oct 10 2011 07:33 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
the marathons and marathon-in-laws had been at the air and space museum earlier in the day. we made it out with an amazed and very cranky toddler clutching his cheaply made plastic space shuttle, and no pepper spray. nice of the protesters to wait for us to make our way through.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 10 2011 09:00 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Ashie62 Oct 11 2011 12:26 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I try to keep my mouth shut when I leave work.. The sales assistants are not going out for lunch much.
Ceetar Oct 11 2011 12:51 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Yawn. I just assumed these people were Tea Partiers that didn't like Tea.
Edgy MD Oct 11 2011 01:00 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I just appreciate a protest a lot more with a specific agenda --- "Free Mumia!"; "Stop Abortion NOW!"; "Keep Abortion Legal!"; "Stop the War"; "Down with the Czar!"; "We Want Jobs!"
Vince Coleman Firecracker Oct 11 2011 02:24 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Not specifying an agenda and not having direction are two different things. In fact, not specifying an agenda- not boiling the concerns of the oppressed down to a pithy sound bite or talking point that can be commodified and sandwiched between luxury car commercials on the corporate-owned infotainment systems seems, to me, to be a pretty effective strategy of resistance to co-option. By refusing to speak in corporate terms, you can keep your message out of corporate hands. If you want legislative action, you speak in corporate terms. Corporations speak in monologues along vertical lines of communication. If you want transformative action, you communicate in dialogues along horizontal lines of communication.
Edgy MD Oct 11 2011 02:35 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I don't think stating a demand is speaking in corporate terms.
Vince Coleman Firecracker Oct 11 2011 02:57 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
If that demand can be used as a commodity (i.e. "Free Mumia!"; "Stop Abortion NOW!"; etc) yes it is. That demand becomes a script for the news channels. The corporations get their content and can use that content to sell ads.
Vince Coleman Firecracker Oct 11 2011 02:58 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I'd agree with that. But if it's amidst a crowd of voices, its pretty tough to sell as representative.
Edgy MD Oct 11 2011 03:02 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
John Lennon wrote a song about that. Beyond that, I'm more confused now. I guess that makes me the problem.
Vince Coleman Firecracker Oct 11 2011 03:13 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
If everyone's got an EAT THE RICH sign, you've branded yourself. If ten people have EAT THE RICH signs and ten people have, oh, let's say monocle-wearing pig signs and fifteen people have signs about fracking, etc, the message becomes too diverse to be boiled down to ad copy. That's what they have now, and I think it's to their benefit.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 11 2011 03:18 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I think what they want is the occupation itself, at least now.
Vince Coleman Firecracker Oct 11 2011 03:19 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Ed Zachary.
sharpie Oct 11 2011 03:34 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
What Vince said.
Ashie62 Oct 11 2011 05:22 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
The Dead Kennedy's "Eat the Poor."
Edgy MD Oct 11 2011 05:46 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
But "End the War" rallies have led to the end of wars. "Down with the Tyrants" rallies have helped bring tyrants down. Let's be fair. Persistence and righteousness and momentum better be on your side. They've got all the momentum, but behind what? I don't get how unclear messages protect you from exploitation. It happens just the opposite to me. I saw a generally harmless but inarticulate skinhead movement among my peers get infiltrated and taken over by white supremacists. The peace movement of the Vietnam era got so caught up in the sex, drugs, and empowerment of it all, they grew inarticulate and didn't see the militant anarchists in their midst. I saw the fun, hip, ironic, unapologetically decadent nightclub culture of the Weimar Republic get infiltrated by National Socialists and used for Nazi propaganda. That last one was in a movie. But I'm sticking to it. That headline in The Onion when Steve Jobs died --- "Last American Who Knows What the Fuck He's Doing Dies" --- really struck a chord with me. I get this sense that there's all this passion and desire to be part of something, but no real up front leadership. In government, media, church, and business, nobody has their hand on the stick. because nobody really wants to be alone and holding it when something goes wrong. So we become part of something, get our piece, but hope to get ourselves lost amid the redundancy of it all. I think of it every time I pass some cop who has pulled over a drunk college girl but won't make an arrest without four other units called in for backup. Or more. Just fucking bust her. And the only ones left with the courage to step up and lead are assholes, crazies, and exploiters. I expect that'll happen here. And reasonable people will walk away. Anyhow, I guess I'm wandering far away from the point. I'd be more impressed by this movement if they'd say something concrete I could hang my hat on. Until then, I'm not for you or against you. But my friend Claire's skeezy political operative husband is plotting about how to leverage social media to corral the power of the movement and use it to the Democrats' advantage in 2012.
metsguyinmichigan Oct 11 2011 09:20 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
"The news people are furious because they don't understand that demand. It's not in corporate speak. They don't know how to sell it yet."
Edgy MD Oct 11 2011 09:58 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Come on. Let your fury breathe. Don't hold it in.
Vic Sage Oct 12 2011 02:25 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
i don't think its a choice at all, savvy or otherwise... merely the consequence of alot of different agendas, free-floating disquiet and a lack of leadership. but i think the message is pretty clear: "we're the 99% and we're pissed." that they don't offer a solution isn't a flaw to their message. It just puts them with everybody else who isn't offering any solutions. But its important in dramatizing the PROBLEM. Sometimes its just important to stick your head out the window and yell "im as mad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it any more!"
Edgy MD Oct 12 2011 02:49 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Then "We're pissed!" doesn't do much for me. I'm pissed, too. Are we pissed at the same people? Do we demand the same thing? Is my anger or yours reasonable or well-placed?
TheOldMole Oct 12 2011 06:30 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Well, that's good, although "cause of the day" is a little belittling. It's good to know that there's a core of people who'll stand up and be counted. But perhaps not the case here, in that there are so many more people joining the demonstrations.
Edgy MD Oct 14 2011 09:06 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Ceetar Oct 14 2011 09:22 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I saw somewhere that the "99%" thing is including people making less than $350000?
Frayed Knot Oct 14 2011 10:26 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Ashie62 Oct 14 2011 02:18 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Occupy Citifield with fans..
Ashie62 Oct 14 2011 02:20 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Maybe they can go after the 20 percent.
Vic Sage Oct 18 2011 03:22 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Neil Gaiman as "Lemony Snicket":
seawolf17 Oct 18 2011 04:02 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Edgy MD Oct 18 2011 05:03 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Lemony Snicket isn't exactly clarifying anything for me.
Ceetar Oct 18 2011 05:13 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
that's because there is nothing to clarify. but at least they're providing people like Snicket fresh material of which to make jokes about.
Vic Sage Oct 18 2011 08:53 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
snicket's comments aren't jokes; they're rye observations, leavened with enough distance to provide context.
...and if you don't see the insight, you're not looking very hard.
Edgy MD Oct 18 2011 08:59 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Mmmm.... Rye comments.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Oct 18 2011 09:09 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Like the per-Snickety remarks.
Edgy MD Oct 18 2011 09:24 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Isn't there something there that unsettles you at all? The way it all just lends an air of clever drollery to the idea of class warfare? And makes it more fashionable and attractive?
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Oct 18 2011 09:30 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
The recast might be nettlesome in another world, maybe, but for the four or five thousand other, more unsettling takes on the whole shebang I've already seen (beginning with the "Get a load of this sh*t" treatment it initially received from virtually every news organization with accreditation).
Edgy MD Oct 18 2011 09:50 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I don't know. When folks can encourage class war from a droll and safe distance, there's an ugliness that's not hard to see. I may never get a straight answer about the intended aims of this movement, but the entitlement isn't just limited to the alleged enemy camp.
Ceetar Oct 18 2011 09:53 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Gaiman is inside the walls, but thinks he's safe because he's able to eat all the cake he wants, but he didn't bake it and doesn't own it.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 19 2011 04:40 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
That line that Vic quoted above was the one that most stood out for me.
Edgy MD Oct 19 2011 05:43 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I guess I'm the only one.
Edgy MD Oct 20 2011 02:44 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
And... Alec Baldwin jumps in.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 20 2011 02:58 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
The spokesman for Capital One?
Edgy MD Oct 20 2011 03:06 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Also the lobbyist for New York to give corporate tax breaks to the film and television industry, stating that if (googling) " breaks are not reinstated into the budget, film production in this town is going to collapse and television production is going to collapse and it's all going to go to California."
metirish Oct 20 2011 03:09 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Russell Brand was down there, looking all wet and trying to look like he fits in. what a twat he is, his wife all over twitter letting people know.
Frayed Knot Oct 20 2011 03:23 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Don't you know that corporate welfare is when someone else's industry gets breaks? When yours does it's simply good business practice. See also: - 'these damn ballplayers make too much money ... but I want MY ownership to "do whatever it takes" to get ________ signed to a long-term deal' and/or - 'I want the American people to vote all the bums in Congress out ... but MY guy brings back lots of federal dollars so I hope he gets re-elected'
Benjamin Grimm Oct 20 2011 03:34 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Russell Brand's wife is tweeting that her husband is a twat?
metirish Oct 20 2011 03:46 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Ha ![]() ![]() ... -York.html
seawolf17 Oct 20 2011 04:04 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Katy Perry is definitely in my Top 5. (Like the old "Friends" episode.)
Edgy MD Nov 15 2011 07:16 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Bloomberg News reports on Bloomberg going to town.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 15 2011 07:23 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
F bloomy
seawolf17 Nov 15 2011 07:39 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I woke up at 4:00 am to loud Latin music coming from the room next door (I'm in a hotel in Windsor Locks, CT), so thanks to a Twip, I watched some of the live-streaming from Tim Pool (@TheOther99), who was apparently one of the only folks doing any on-the-ground live broadcast. Watched him get into a scuffle with some protestors who didn't like him taking video of them letting the air out police car tires, but other than that, most of the good stuff had already happened.
Ceetar Nov 15 2011 07:44 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Geeze. Sounds like the eviction was long overdue.
Gwreck Nov 15 2011 07:51 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
So they evict people in the middle of the night while trying to keep the media at bay? (They even "closed the airspace") so news helicopters couldn't cover what was happening.
seawolf17 Nov 15 2011 08:02 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
If they can protest in the middle of the night, then Bloomberg can evict them in the middle of the night.
Ceetar Nov 15 2011 08:03 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
are there different laws about sleeping/camping in public space overnight versus mid-day? Might be. Also, the traffic and congestion angle.
Gwreck Nov 15 2011 08:05 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
The point is public accountability.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 15 2011 08:15 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
They should have waiting until it was 3 a.m. and done it from the West Coast.
seawolf17 Nov 15 2011 08:20 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Bloomberg said as much: they have the right to protest, but not the right to turn anyplace they want into a permanent campground. And realistically, it is probably easier to round up police and sanitation overnight, when they'd otherwise not be doing as much.
Gwreck Nov 15 2011 08:31 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Parroting Bloomberg isn't a particularly compelling argument. Things are obviously much more nuanced, including that the park in question is legally mandated to be open 24 hours. Tellingly, a temporary restraining order was already issued against the City pending a further Court hearing on their actions.
sharpie Nov 15 2011 08:33 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
They did it the cowardly way because the announcing-it-beforehand way didn't work. I would expect an eventful next few weeks.
Jazz Radio DJ Nov 15 2011 10:35 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
"Hey, you have the right to protest but you don't have the right to occupy those lunch counter seats all day, especially if your skin is brown, so get the fuck out before we beat you senseless." "Hey, you have the right to protest, but that factory belongs to GM, so get off your asses before we beat the shit out of you." "Hey, you have the right to protest, but your blocking the road from Selma to Montgomery with your march. Get off the road or we'll have to club you."
Edgy MD Nov 15 2011 10:38 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Things have been nuanced
Vic Sage Nov 15 2011 10:49 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
A protest that isn't inconveniencing the govt (or fellow citizens generally) is a protest that sucks ass...
metirish Nov 15 2011 01:24 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Jay-Z should fuck off
Frayed Knot Nov 15 2011 02:39 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
The revolution will be merchandized
Ashie62 Nov 15 2011 03:48 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Can you turn a private park into a permanent public home?
seawolf17 Nov 15 2011 04:33 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Pretty sure Jay-Z is part of the 1%.
Frayed Knot Nov 15 2011 04:36 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
OCCUPY [crossout]W[/crossout]ALL STREETS
Ceetar Nov 15 2011 04:55 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Depends on how you define the 1% of course.
metsguyinmichigan Nov 15 2011 06:13 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I don't remember those folks pooping on the lunch counter or the factory floor. Very different protests.
Edgy MD Nov 15 2011 06:18 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Nor is New York claiming the right to beat anybody senseless.
Number 6 Nov 16 2011 01:22 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Why not talk about the groups of protestors who regularly cleaned the park? Painting the movement as a whole by the actions of a few... aren't you a journalist?
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 16 2011 01:34 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
The Leiterfamilia stopped by to gawk-n'-chat after a visit to the 9/11 Memorial Monday afternoon.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 16 2011 01:47 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I was thinking that you'd gone and moved there.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 16 2011 01:59 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Naw. We summer at Zucotti, but we winter in the Columbia Law Library bathrooms.
sharpie Nov 16 2011 02:23 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Many NYC parks are filthier than Zuccotti Park was at its worst. They should send in SWAT teams to clean them up as well.
Edgy MD Dec 06 2011 10:32 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
HahnSolo Dec 06 2011 12:25 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Damn. He got old looking.
metirish Dec 06 2011 12:37 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Are there still people down there?, apart of Jackson Browne.
sharpie Dec 06 2011 12:45 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
That isn't Zuccoti Park that Browne is in.
Frayed Knot Dec 06 2011 01:00 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Yeah, but that's only because he's old.
It's D.C.
metirish Dec 06 2011 01:04 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I guess that building in the background should have clued me in.
Edgy MD Dec 06 2011 01:13 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Supposedly, he played for a crowd of 120, 40 of them media. Movement losing steam.
sharpie Dec 06 2011 01:33 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Movement accomplished what it set out to do: get the notion of historic rates of income inequality and government fealty to the business sector at the expense of the "99%" into the national discussion, something which wasn't happening before.
HahnSolo Dec 06 2011 02:54 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Frayed Knot Dec 06 2011 03:29 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I liked the reports - quite possibly exaggerated - that many of the youthful 'Occupy' kids were saying; 'who is that old fart?' after J.B. showed up while other middle-aged women were rushing from nearby office buildings to do everything short of tossing their undies at him.
Mets – Willets Point Dec 07 2011 08:32 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
That's a nice euphemism for "getting pepper-sprayed, beaten and arrested while the corporate-owned mainstream media pulls out all the stops to demonize and discredit the movement."
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 07 2011 08:35 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Obama's speech yesterday expressed a lotta OWSish sentiment, so yeah I think it's part of the national consciousness in a way it probably wasn't before.
Edgy MD Dec 07 2011 08:56 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
No, it's completely not.
Vic Sage Dec 07 2011 10:36 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
yeah, it completely is.
Edgy MD Dec 07 2011 11:21 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Really? You really think you know my thoughts and the hidden meannig in my words? It's my opinion based on my observation of the encampments which I've been walking by and through every day, and by the general population in the encampments nationally.
Mets – Willets Point Dec 07 2011 12:23 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
"Movement losing steam" implies that you believe that people are giving up on Occupy of their own accord rather than as a result of coordinated suppression. And please, you've looked down on Occupy with disdain through this entire thread while repeating the whole BS mantra of "it's so unclear what they stand for" when anyone with half-a-brain cell knows what this movement is about. I don't see you as someone who opposes me but I'm disappointed that someone I know to be smart, empathetic, and passionate as you is simply parroting anti-Occupy rhetoric when this movement is fighting for you and things you believe in.
Edgy MD Dec 07 2011 12:39 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Jesus, stop. If you want to fight, pick a real enemy. I did not use a "nice euphemism" for anything.
Vic Sage Dec 07 2011 01:19 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
no, i really don't. While i'm clearly not speaking for WP, i was speaking in a general sense about the phrase as i've heard it generally, and how I construe it, not about your intentions in using it. sorry for the confusion on that point. i do think your observation, without context, implies that the movement is losing energy due to its own inherent factors, rather than having been battered into submission by outside forces. it certainly can be read that way. so i thought WP's response offered a necessary countervaling view, giving some context to your observation.
metsguyinmichigan Dec 08 2011 08:05 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I like the reference to the corporate-owned mainstream media. As a member of said group, I tell you that there are no such missives handed down from above.
Edgy MD Dec 08 2011 08:27 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I apparently lack half a brain cell.
Edgy MD Dec 08 2011 08:35 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Oh, and I parrot.
metsmarathon Dec 08 2011 09:39 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
as a member of the mainstream media, you're so owned by the corporations that you do their bidding unknowingly, unwittingly, and subconsiously, without prior instruction. it's really quite frightening.
metsguyinmichigan Dec 08 2011 10:08 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Oh hell. NOW you tell me!
Mets – Willets Point Dec 08 2011 11:20 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Occupy Boston was given orders to clear out tonight or else. On the one hand it may be a good thing since winter is coming and it's unclear how well the protest would handle cold weather safely. There's a new effort to help people in foreclosed homes that could use help too. Still it pisses me off that the police will once again be well-armored and armed and march in to forcibly prevent people from their constitutional right to assemble. Some of you may disagree with the encampments but I think they were genius. In the 50s & 60s and earlier, mass protests and marches were very effective at influencing opinion and bringing about positive social change. In my lifetime however there are countless marches on Washington (almost weekly events) that just seem to be par for the course, easily ignored by politicians and the news media (unless organized by a media figure like Glenn Beck or Jon Stewart). In 2004 I walked around Boston during the Democratic National Convention and was horrified that demonstrators were contained in a "free-speech zone" which was a pen under an elevated railway and surrounded by a 12-foot chainlink fence, completely invisible to the delegates and news media. How then can anyone assemble peacefully for protest when the powers that be have made it so easy to contain and sweep under the rug? The Occupy movement's genius is bringing the protests to the doorsteps of corporations who have gained an unfair level of power in our nation's government. The camps were not just a one day "March on [Insert Corporation Here]" that could be easily contained and ignored. You'll remember that Occupy Wall Street was in place for more than two weeks before the mainstream media gave it any attention at all. And they were able to get their message out. For the first time in my life, topics that were verboten in political discourse in the US were being discussed widely - wealth inequality, corporate personhood, corporate welfare, workers' rights and holding to the true ideals of democracy among them. And no, they did not come preaching solutions to all the problems but worked instead to allow many voices to be heard and discuss the options. In a way OWS may have already succeeded by getting the message out and with the public discourse reoriented I feel more optimistic about the political state of our nation than I have in years. Still, the fascistic responses of police armed like soldiers coming down to brutalize peaceful demonstrators terrifies me and makes me fear for the future as well.
Vic Sage Dec 08 2011 11:40 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Ceetar Dec 08 2011 01:26 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
That'd have been me. In fact, I don't know who he is, even after looking at the picture URL to figure out his name. But I'm weird too, so that doesn't necessarily reflect on other 'youthful' people.
Frayed Knot Dec 08 2011 02:09 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
The thing about Jackson Browne was that he's always been high on the socially active type stuff so showing up to something like this is right up his alley.
Mets – Willets Point Dec 08 2011 07:22 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Dec 08 2011 08:10 PM |
I apologize to Edgy for saying that you have less than half-a-brain cell, you parrot, for not finding a more polite way to comment that Occupy is losing numbers due to outside repression, and for otherwise making you feel like I was picking a fight. I am a douchebag and I suck at engaging people in political discourse.
Edgy MD Dec 08 2011 07:47 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Thank you.
Mets – Willets Point Jan 11 2012 07:55 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Zuccotti Park reoccupied.
Ceetar Jan 11 2012 08:04 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
putting an awful lot of emphasis on the location, that shouldn't even really matter. Will it get any real coverage with the primary stuff going on?
Mets – Willets Point Jan 11 2012 10:10 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Well, if they really wanted an emphasis on location they would occupy Wall Street, the actual street, right in front of the exchange. Of course, that would most likely meet with a Kent State style response.
Nymr83 Jan 11 2012 12:29 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
My bus went by there last night about 1130, there were maybe 50 people gathered in the corner of the park nearest broadway. This is fine, as long as they aren't allowed to set up tents and become a menace to local businesses and residents again.
Vic Sage Jan 13 2012 02:17 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
A "menace"? Really? an inconvience for some, i'm sure, but a "menace"?
Ashie62 Jan 13 2012 06:42 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Or your liberal hyperbole.
Edgy MD Jan 13 2012 06:59 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Well, let's be fair. While Vic generally positions himself to the left of a stack of Burl Ives records, he's not actually making an assertion there.
Nymr83 Jan 15 2012 09:43 AM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Theese OWS folks belong in jail (the ones involved in this incident):
Mets – Willets Point Feb 07 2012 02:14 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Zucotti Park occupied again. "The crowd of peaceful, if slightly-scruffy demonstrators have no unified message..."
Ceetar Feb 07 2012 02:18 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
I love that the first two comments are talking about the Bay Area teams.
Ashie62 Feb 08 2012 06:54 PM Re: Occupy Wall Street |
Mets Occupy World Series