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Breaking Bad
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 12 2011 08:24 AM |
I gave in to the buzz around this show and rented/watched the first season finally. Kind of abrupt ending at 7 episodes but realize now it was interrupted by the writer's strike.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Oct 12 2011 08:31 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
The truly remarkable thing to me is that, baroque plot twists aside, you see the seeds of everything that the characters will become much, much later in the first few Season 1 episodes... it just takes years to metastasize (if you will). The writers, Cranston, Paul, and the support have done an amazing job in this respect.
TransMonk Oct 12 2011 08:39 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
I watched the first season...but now I badly need to catch up.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 12 2011 08:55 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
I passed on it when it first came on the air, but have heard so much good since then that I may go to season 1 and catch up. I don't buy or rent DVD's, nor do I do the Netflix thing, so I'll have to wait until I spot AMC airing the reruns.
Edgy MD Oct 12 2011 09:40 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
My set-in-stone predictions for the premises of the next five made-for-cable hits:
bmfc1 Oct 12 2011 11:06 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
A phenomenal show.
G-Fafif Oct 12 2011 11:24 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
To paraphrase a fringe character in Freaks and Geeks when Lindsey (one of the main characters) is introduced to the Dead, I envy that you're about to watch Seasons Two, Three and Four for the first time.
TransMonk Oct 12 2011 02:14 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
I just found out today that Bob Odenkirk now has a character on the show. Now I HAVE to catch up!
Ashie62 Oct 14 2011 05:16 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
I liked Gus with his head blown away...
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Oct 14 2011 09:21 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
He's great in it.
Really, man? REALLY?
Ashie62 Oct 14 2011 09:53 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
He deserved it, it looked great, they wrapped things up nicely, and should end it here. Walter & Jessies shook hands and the Lily of the Valley poison remains a secret.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Oct 14 2011 09:58 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
G-Fafif Oct 15 2011 05:32 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Ashie62 seems like a quiet decent guy. He could be just like you or me. Only he's a Breaking Bad spoiler.
A Boy Named Seo Oct 19 2011 10:55 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Just watched the pilot and loved it. Now will steer clear and pretend I never read this stupid ass thread.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 23 2011 11:17 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
You hooked me, Lunchie. I picked up Season One thanks to you and the rest of this thread last Friday and devoured it in two sessions.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 28 2011 08:43 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
I just inhaled the first three seasons like a junkie. Perhaps the most addictive television show I ever did
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 28 2011 09:14 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
We finished season 2, will start 3 this weekenmd.
Frayed Knot Feb 14 2012 07:33 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Also a late-comer to this one, but am now caught up through Season 3
Frayed Knot May 22 2012 02:21 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
5th and final season set to debut on July 15th.
soupcan May 23 2012 09:27 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
We went on a family trip to Israel in February and I downloaded the first season of 'Breaking Bad' and the first season of 'The Wire'.
Methead May 24 2012 03:42 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
I flew through all 5 seasons of The Wire in about a month. Amazing.
Frayed Knot Jun 10 2012 05:22 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
AMC is beginning a roll out of their 'Breaking Bad' reruns in advance of the new shows.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jun 10 2012 06:46 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
We're in the middle of season 4 on DVD right NOW!!!! We'll finally be caught up in real time to the first-runs.
Frayed Knot Jul 13 2012 09:56 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Caught up with the last episode of season 4 tonight just in time for the debut of season 5 on Sunday night.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jul 13 2012 10:26 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Did the same earlier this week.
Frayed Knot Jul 15 2012 06:52 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
He's become so horrid I bet he's also the one who gave Valley Fever to Ike!
Ashie62 Jul 15 2012 07:07 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Tonight Walt----Break on through to the other side!
soupcan Jul 18 2012 08:26 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Missed Season 5 premiere on Sunday night but was able to watch it last night through the internet tubes. I love technology.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jul 18 2012 09:40 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Not bad. My wild guesses: Walt Jr. ends up hooked on meth at some point (big-money bet); Walt kills Jesse (next "season").
batmagadanleadoff Jul 18 2012 09:48 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Nice guesses, guys.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 18 2012 09:56 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
I see Walt Jr obviously becoming a more critical link between Hank and Walt, perhaps before he dies of a meth OD, he reveals one to the other.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jul 18 2012 10:00 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
I think I'd like Anna Gunn a bit more if she had the range to pull off "terrified"; the season opener's closing moment was tense, but it would have been epic with, y'know, an ACTRESS in the role. [Also, mid-series plastic surgery? NEVER a good idea.]
Frayed Knot Jul 18 2012 11:12 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
I read somewhere that he wasn't supposed to, that the original idea was to just have him to serve as Walt's conduit to the meth world and then write him out (either via death or simply fading into irrelevance story-wise - not sure). But then the writers found they enjoyed the chemistry between him and Walt so much that they re-thought season 2 and beyond with him continuing along. I never try to figure out what's going to happen in these kinds of stories, but I do like how the opening moments of some shows give you a glimpse of future moments as a way to wonder how the story will get to that point. The very first show did that with a scene (Walt madly driving the old RV) which turned out to be just weeks in advance. In this last case it's about a year but it's a year where everything clearly hasn't gone too well for Walt - y'know, with the whole assumed identity and buying some exotic weapon thing.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 18 2012 11:35 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
I was sorta only half-watching at first but that parking lot looked real East Coast to me.
soupcan Jul 18 2012 12:07 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
You mean when she's in the hospital room?
Did. Not. Notice. That. We talkin' pregnant sweater monkeys?
soupcan Jul 18 2012 12:08 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
THe waitress in the diner said they were in California.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 18 2012 12:27 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
See, I gotta watch again.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jul 18 2012 01:55 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
No, I meant "I forgive you." (But come to think of it, that hospital room reaction was a little more than a little over-the-top, no?)
Facelift (and/or Botox?). From Season 3 on, she's got the Joker rictus thing happening. Also: here's a fun tool for real completists: a series timeline (through Season 4), courtesy of the writers at New York's "Vulture." (The way they figure it, at this point, it's likely been about 10-11 months since the pilot/Walt's diagnosis.)
soupcan Jul 18 2012 06:59 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Yes because when the camera turned to Ted, MY reaction was doubling over and guffawing.
I always think her face looks a bit tight n' shiny but I chalk that up to makeup.
Ashie62 Jul 18 2012 10:18 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Walt Jr.'s world will be crushed one day. Skylar will turn on Walt and end the family business with lawyer Saul masterminding a kill by Mike.
batmagadanleadoff Jul 23 2012 10:45 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 23 2012 12:26 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Better call Saul. He's awesome.
metirish Jul 23 2012 12:33 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
I have the first two seasons at home , really need to watch it.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 07 2012 09:50 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Saul Goodman was Porno Gil in season one of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Frayed Knot Aug 07 2012 10:33 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Giancarlo Esposito was 'Bugging Out' in Do the Right Thing
Zvon Aug 09 2012 04:57 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
I just read the opening post and skipped the rest cause I'm also not all caught up on the show. I did just watch ep's s5-1 & 2 this week.
Frayed Knot Aug 09 2012 05:51 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Well, sort of. Part of what you skipped above (and maybe you already know this) was the explanation that, while they're calling the final 16 episodes One season (aka: Season Five) they're going to show the first eight episodes of 'Season Five' this summer (four down, four to go) but then hold the final eight until sometime next year. That kinda suxx for me seeing as how I was a late-comer who basically gobbled up 4-1/2 seasons worth in like the last nine or ten months, and now am going to have to sit out a similar nine or ten month gap before getting to the final handful of shows.
Zvon Aug 10 2012 03:09 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
And in that way they are padding season 5 to get the most out of it. I think that sucks but I'm almost used to they way they parcel a series these days, though this is admittedly thin. My thinking in re: to the wrap is more so about the story, and where else they could take it without getting too thin or incredible in that area. Taking it to it's conclusion is a wise move. Does suck to have to wait. I wanted to get my brothers into Doctor Who so I burned a set of DvDs for season 5 & 6, just what I thought were the essential episodes of the latest incarnation of the Doctor. Still ended up using 18 episodes from those two seasons (and included three from the 10th Doctor/Tennant because they set up some of the newer ones). And when talking to them about the shows they just viewed it occurred to me that I was envious that they could experience in a few weeks what took me a number of years to see.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 10 2012 10:36 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
You're an adult, Z, so do what you want... but I HIGHLY recommend watching "Breaking Bad" in sequence. You lose a LOT of meaning in between the lines-- not to mention scratching your head to the bone over finer plot points-- if you jump around.
Zvon Aug 11 2012 03:16 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
General announcement: A spoiler is listed at bottom. Please avoid... or go ahead, spoil it for yourself, asshole. I agree big time LWSF. I think I've been misunderstood. I have been watching since the pilot episode. It's just that I rarely watch em when broadcasted anymore. I usually record them and watch them at my leisure. I have seen all eps in order (and you are right as rain, don't view this series out of order), it's just that sometimes Ill let 2 or 3 pile up and watch them in one or two sittings. I'm almost all caught up now. It's a lil bit of a hassle doing it this way cause you really have to avoid all commercials and chat involving eps not seen, but so far so good. I feel bad for anyone just jumping in who may have seen some of the commercials leading up to this new season. Cause there's one awesome scene(*spoiler-listed at bottom) that if you can avoid seeing (or even hearing about) until it happens in the show, you are much better off. *-Gus and his send-off, one of the best TV villain demises EVEH!
soupcan Aug 13 2012 08:38 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
After last night's
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 13 2012 08:51 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Great setup, great build, great... everything.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 13 2012 09:09 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Great nothing. Worst episode of the season, I thought. The bread part of the sandwich, featuring desert boy and his tarantula were super. The meat of the sandwich strained my credulity, even by TV standards. That great train robbery lacked any credibility and offended my expectations of semi-realism, even a watered down expectation to allow for artistic freedom and that it's a television show. Maybe Superman and Green Lantern could've pulled that one off in less than 10 minutes, but not Walter White, supergenius and all. They channeled the worst elements of the stupid Summer blockbuster super-action flick last night.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 13 2012 09:23 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Really? So... you'll buy Magnets, Bitch!-- and chem-bombing Tuco, and Gus' self-poisoning gambit, and Gus' death, and any number of other SuperWalt-y bits of business-- but not this?
batmagadanleadoff Aug 13 2012 09:28 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
batmagadanleadoff Aug 13 2012 09:37 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
You forgot about Walt totalling gas station asshole yuppy's car by touching his exposed car battery with a wet squeegee. I once inquired about the science to that. There ain't none. It was total TV fantasy bullshit. I hear you. But what can I say? Everybody's got boundaries. Yesterday's train heist exceeded my limits of believability by a margin so wide that it marred my ability to enjoy the episode. [youtube]6GI4rwSqrEk[/youtube]
John Cougar Lunchbucket Aug 13 2012 10:37 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Interesting that 2 of the Big Ideas in this season so far have come from Jesse: Magnets and the water solution.
soupcan Aug 13 2012 10:46 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
I'll say this about that - I was good with the idea of the heist, the burying of the tanks and the way they they stopped the train, I bought all of it. As it was playing out though and I saw that Jesse's hose had to fit exactly the coupling on the train, and that Todd, had to remove the lug nuts on top of the car, I thought - 'well this is a bit much, how would they know exactly what tools, etc., they would need to do all this?' Then I said two things to myself - 1. Suspend disbelief. Remember you are watching a television show. That worked for a bit but I was still just a tad troubled. Then I said - 2. Self, you don't know the timeframe they were working with - could've been a week that they had to prepare and maybe Lydia did have the information needed to get the proper tools, etc. So yeah, sure it was a bit far-fetched, but not knowing whether the train would pull away before they were done or they would be seen or whatever was great and Todd? Holy. Shit.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 14 2012 09:22 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
... reminds me about our disagreement over the yellow mustard at Shake Shack.
Frayed Knot Aug 14 2012 09:34 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Todd (aka: Landry from Friday Night Lights) taking his foray into serious crime a bit too seriously if you ask me for a guy who's new and only supplemental to the operation.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 14 2012 09:48 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Jesse said it, and Todd took it very literally: no one can know about this. Of course, killing the kid-- considering what he saw/knows/can convey to anyone who'd care, and the likely LE/media attention his death could bring-- kinda seems like it might actually be the riskier move here, no?
Frayed Knot Aug 15 2012 06:52 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Oh definitely. They'll have to move the body so it looks like it was killed elsewhere so as to not draw attention to the immediate scene. But, as anyone who has ever watched an episode of CSI knows, that always gets sniffed out so it'll become just another loose end to contend with as will these extra people (Lydia, Todd, the truck driver, etc.) that they keep finding it necessary to bring into their formerly closed-off world in or pull off these stunts.
soupcan Aug 15 2012 08:27 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
I was thinking they'd just bury the kid where they had the tanks buried. Re: Todd - When he shot the kid, I flashed back to him saying to Walt and Jesse 'You guys thought of everything!' Little foreshadowing.
Frayed Knot Aug 15 2012 09:32 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Right, they'd either have to move the body or simply make it disappear.
soupcan Aug 20 2012 09:56 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
'I'm not in the meth business or the money business...I'm in the Empire business...'
Frayed Knot Aug 20 2012 10:21 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Between his addiction to the action, his 'nothing left to lose' attitude concerning his family, and his desire to make up for the fortune he feels he let slip away years ago, Walt is determined to take this thing as far at it will go.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 20 2012 10:37 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Tuco Salamanca. That dealer from Tuco's crew what got it in the junkyard. Tio Salamanca. Gus and all his henchmen. Jane. The crew and passengers on that ABQ flight (ripple effects from Jane's death). Don Eladio and his whole crew. Whoever was in the Super Lab when it was destroyed. The cousins. The hapless Mexican who noticed the detail on the cousins' cowboy boots and every other illegal alien in that truck trailer. Ted (paralyzed).
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 20 2012 03:22 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Combo. Andrea's brother Tomas (who killed Combo). The OTHER Tuco associate, who got it in the junkyard going back for the other one's body. The methhead who had the ATM dropped on his head. Victor, with the box-cutter. The German Madrigal dude who kills himself with the defibrillator. A bunch of cartel assassins and Fring associates during the truck robberies/shootouts.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 23 2012 05:06 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 23 2012 06:58 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
batmagadanleadoff Aug 23 2012 08:16 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
That woman who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got killed by The Cousins when they commandeered her house. The law enforcement officer who responded and got an axe to his back by one of The Cousins while The Other Cousin ate an orange and watched silently. The junkie whose head was crushed by an ATM (mentioned above) went by the name of Spooge.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 27 2012 05:28 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
soupcan Aug 27 2012 08:09 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Thanks for that LWFS - I agree with Banks - I didn't like Mike leaving his granddaughter in the park, didn't think it was consistent with the character. Other than that, this show always satisfies.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 27 2012 08:28 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Oh, the irony. Earlier this season, Madrigal Lydia avoided an execution at the hands of Mike by appealing to his inner grandfather; in the event Lydia was to be offed, she didn't want her daughter to think she was abandoned, and used that scenario to dissuade Mike from pulling the trigger.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 27 2012 08:07 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Read more ... z24noP2dQS
Frayed Knot Aug 30 2012 01:48 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Last episode prior to a long (ten month?) break this Sunday.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 03 2012 07:33 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
MORE BIG SPOILERS FOR DVRers The Death Tally - updated: Mike's Guys (The Hazard Payees); Attorney Wachsberg.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Sep 03 2012 07:50 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
I enjoyed the direction of this episode a lot; the montages worked (especially the snappiest-prison-massacre-you'll-ever-see and "Crystal Blue Persuasion;" I'm kind of shocked THAT hasn't been used before), and the transitions were showy in spots but smooth (Walt finishing his drink at Hank's, leaning forward, and coming up in full meth-battle-suit). Or, rather, I should say that I enjoyed the direction... right up until the last scene. Considering how elegant most of the important visual "callbacks" have been, and especially coming after the balls-up-into-my-body-cavity tension of the happy-family-pool-scene just prior to it, Hank on the toilet just seemed... hamfisted (compare and contrast to the lily-of-the-valley final shot at the end of last season).
batmagadanleadoff Sep 03 2012 08:13 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
No elegant way to take a shit, I suppose. I dug the ahem, poetic way that Gale implicates WW from the grave. Extra scene points for plausibility. But why would WW keep that book in his home? Same reason serial killers keep trophies of their victims? For a smart guy, WW can be so dumb.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Sep 03 2012 08:20 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
No elegant way to take a shit, maybe... but I'm not sure the blue-washed replay of the first moment with Hank/Gale/Whitman was necessary. Keeping the book-- which did pop up a few times this season, I recall-- may have been a serial killer-trophy thing. But I suspect it was more like the vestigial proud-teacher-who-got-a-nice-gift inside WW... it just seems likelier that he kept it because it was a lovely gift with a beautiful, flattering inscription, from a grateful pupil (see also: Jesse watch).
batmagadanleadoff Sep 03 2012 08:24 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
I like your thinking.
Frayed Knot Sep 03 2012 08:39 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
When Cranston appeared on Letterman in advance of season 5 the always tuned-in Paul Schaefer played that as his walk-on song. I liked the use of Squeeze's 'Up the Junction' in the background of the patio scene right before the Hank shitting revelation that could very well put Walt, well ... up the junction. Or at least that's my assumption. Now, after inhaling 4-1/2 seasons of this series in about ten months, I have to wait another ten just for the final eight episodes.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 03 2012 09:22 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Just caught up tonight. They showed the book in the Walt shower scene early and figured it had to have a purpose. As for the "reveal" I think fans could/would have it together without the flashback but obviously we're getting Hank's perspective.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 03 2012 11:15 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Another binge watcher. Welcome to the club.
So what would you do if you were Hank? Play it by the book and start an investigation on your brother in law? Perhaps lose control because the investigation can take on a life of its own. Ruin your in-laws? And ruin the futures of your beloved niece and nephew? And perhaps your own career because the DEA might not react kindly when it discovers that Walt was under your nose all along, and that Walt duped you so that he could bug DEA offices. But if that happens, Hank's at least got terrific material for a book deal, and maybe even a TV show. I'd name it Breaking Bad. Demand hush money from Walt in the many millions? Then you gotta worry that Walt might turn on you if it suits him. Or that the DEA'll monitor you to see if you're living beyond your means, especially if it learns of Walt's involvement independently. Oh, the moral dilemmas.
Ashie62 Sep 04 2012 07:59 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Fuck Hank...grease him Skylar.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Sep 05 2012 07:33 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Hush money's not an option-- there's no way you blackmail someone who's proven to be as bloodless, resourceful, and lucky as WW... and besides, extortion is not what Hank does.
Frayed Knot Sep 05 2012 07:40 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
And then there's the season 5 intro scene to consider, one which certainly implies that things aren't going well for Walt one year (more or less) hence.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 05 2012 10:18 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
It doesn't have to be pitched as "hush money". It might, for example, be compensation, and then some -- a lot some sum -- for the serious injuries Hank sustained. But what if I rephrased my earlier question from "What would you do if you were Hank...." to "What would you do if you were the scriptwriter"? Come up with any endgame you like, so long as it doesn't offend the spirit and dynamics of the TV show.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Sep 05 2012 11:25 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Lemme pray on it a little longer.
Ashie62 Sep 05 2012 08:06 PM Re: Breaking Bad |
Cancer for Walt and he takes the fall and somehow the son walks away with the dough and opens Corvette dealerships.
soupcan Sep 06 2012 07:33 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
You know what? As CBP was playing I thought that I had heard it before in relation to the show. You reminded me that it was in fact when Cranston was on Letterman.
Ditto. On an unrelated note - I was watching a 'King Of Queens' re-run the other night and Cranston was playing Kevin James' neighbor. So odd to see him in a role other than Walter White. Especially one that is so un-badass.
Frayed Knot Sep 06 2012 07:45 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Cranston was also Tim Whatley the dentist on 'Seinfeld'
soupcan Sep 06 2012 08:05 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
You're right, but while Whatley was no Walter White, he was no slouch either. Having threesomes with unconscious patients and calling out anti-Dentites wherever they may have been.
themetfairy Sep 06 2012 08:15 AM Re: Breaking Bad |
Plus he was the dad in "Malcolm in the Middle."