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Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012
Edgy MD Jan 18 2012 08:27 AM |
Anybody else feeling the Wilponian cloud across the Mets blogosphere? So many blogs I read, the first response and too many afterward is always a fuck-you-Freddie.
Ceetar Jan 18 2012 08:34 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Move the fences in! Freddy Coupon! There's always something.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jan 18 2012 08:42 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
The ongoing Wilpon story is like a virus that infects the team's biggest supporters the most, which is why it comes out in blogs and commenters.
Edgy MD Jan 18 2012 10:38 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Gwreck Jan 18 2012 11:38 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
When was the last time the Mets came into a season having given up before it started? Serious question. There have been some bad years in the recent past, but they have mostly come about as a result of injuries/ill advised acquisitions that were expensive. Yet as annoying as those seasons are, the leadup to them in January/February/Spring Training -- before everything goes wrong -- is a lot more palatable. Here, we've got ownership who has no money to spend on players, let the most exciting player in the league, who was a homegrown talent, walk without making an offer, owes money to everyone, is being sued for hundreds of millions more -- yet WON'T SELL under any circumstances. I don't have a crystal ball but I can see clearly that the next few seasons are going to be BAD. I'm going to guess that other people can see that too.
Edgy MD Jan 18 2012 11:41 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
I'm kind of asking a more specific question than whether or not folks think the Mets will be good.
G-Fafif Jan 18 2012 11:55 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
There is a strain of blog reader who tends to cut through the esoterica and to the chase. I don't care what they wear/where they play/how the broadcasts sound as long as they win. It's kind of an all-purpose comment from people who can't wait long enough for the hardcore baseball posts, so they jump in at will. The Wilpon situation is the proxy for that right now, not without pretty good reason.
Ceetar Jan 18 2012 11:56 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
I feel like it was this way last offseason too, although fresher and we didn't have the hard evidence about the actual team's functioning and there were quotes about the payroll being like $30 million more than it is now. (Think about what you'd feel about the Mets chances if they still had Reyes, had redone the bullpen as they did, AND added say Kuroda) But it sorta became background noise for most once the season started, and it will again. The limited major roster additions also make a lot of the normal offseason stuff, predicting lineups and production and how guys fit, a little redundant.
Gwreck Jan 18 2012 12:07 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
I think I answered your specific question. Why is there a Wilponian cloud over everything? See above
Edgy MD Jan 18 2012 12:18 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
That's not my question nor what I'm speaking of, though it's very certainly emblematic of what I'm speaking of --- that the rage against Wilpon and the demands he sell are un-necessarily hijacking almost every conversation, whether relevant or not.
Gwreck Jan 18 2012 12:24 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Now I'm confused. So your question wasn't really a question, but more of a comment?
Edgy MD Jan 18 2012 12:31 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
No, it was a question.
I object to your objection. And if you object to my objection of your objection, I object infinity. What? I asked if people noticed this cloud, not why it exists. I went on to describe what I meant --- the cloud I speak of not being, as I tried to note, how Wilpon sucks and has ruined everything, or even why folks object to that, but how folks are hijacking conversations and injecting the sell-now agenda into everything, and are almost bitchily offended that anybody should talk about anything else. Which I'm trying to do now. Ironically, relevant stuff, like the potential losses in the clawback suit being limited to the Mets withdrawals from their accounts beyond their principle, protecting $600+ million of their principle, and yesterday's ruling on the appeal, gets ignored.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jan 18 2012 12:48 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Maybe it's just me, but I find myself wondering where all the Norms went in professional sports.
Vic Sage Jan 18 2012 03:35 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
i understand the frustration over this type of "hijacking"; your trying to have a rational conversation about X and people keep interrupting with shouts of Y, Y, Y!
Edgy MD Jan 18 2012 05:24 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Whether Tim Byrdak has a chance to pitch well.
Ceetar Jan 18 2012 05:30 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Pretty much. Shocking as it may seem, there are plenty of Mets fans that don't even want to discuss finances, particularly in a thread about Tim Byrdak. Maybe I should start responding to all of them with "I think Duda will hit 30 home runs this year"
metirish Jan 18 2012 05:35 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Great , if Duda hits 30 home runs then the Mets won't be able to keep him because of the Wilpon's finances.
batmagadanleadoff Jan 18 2012 05:43 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
And that rotunda. How insulting. You could fit over a dozen Mets Halls of Fame into just one of those rotundas for a Dodger.
Fman99 Jan 18 2012 07:33 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
G-Fafif Feb 08 2012 09:49 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Someone with the Zeile of the Converted. Underwent a transformation as the MFYs were about to choke and never looked back.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Feb 08 2012 10:32 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Interesting, honest.
Ashie62 Feb 09 2012 12:41 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
NY Times today "Mets on the Cheap." seems fair with the Sandy can't do much arguement..
Ceetar Feb 09 2012 12:53 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
A disturbing end of this list. On the other hand, every NY team imaginable has made the playoffs within 6 years so this probably doesn't look so dismal outside of New York.
Ashie62 Feb 09 2012 01:05 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Almost as bad as the WHA New York Raiders, remember John Sterling as a rookie announcer there??? Well, do ya!
Ceetar Feb 09 2012 01:06 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
no, JOhn Sterling has been the Yankee guy as long as I can remember.
Edgy MD Feb 22 2012 09:37 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
All Mets questions used on Jeopardy! since 1984, courtesy of Amazin' Avenue.
HahnSolo Feb 22 2012 10:35 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
I think I got all but this one: why weren't the Giants originally offered a ticker-tape parade? Was it because they were a "Jersey" team?
Mets – Willets Point Feb 22 2012 11:21 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Yes, Ed Koch called them a "foreign" team and would not permit a city-funded parade but some corporate sponsors stepped in to allow the parade to happen.
Edgy MD Feb 29 2012 06:50 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Feb 29 2012 09:57 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Oh, you bet. Perhaps it's mostly a function of the guy in the chair above him being who HE is, but Terry's been a fair-to-moderate surprise (Tejada "lateness" shtick notwithstanding) over his brief tenure.
Edgy MD Feb 29 2012 10:43 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Yeah, that shtick --- and that's a good word for it --- was out of the Randolph playbook, I think. I'm sure he'll have a private conversation with Tejada along the "Here's why I said what I said" lines. Doesn't really make it right.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Feb 29 2012 04:06 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Randolphian, yes... but also early-period Collinsian, no? Being a stick-up-the-ass with legs was the ostensible reason players chafed under his watch in Houston and Anaheim, wasn't it? And I like your answer, but there were several dozen ways he could have addressed it without dumping on a guy for showing up on time and sounding like the Friday's manager from "Office Space."
G-Fafif Mar 28 2012 05:24 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Really good one from Ted Berg.
Passage best read in go read it in context.
Fman99 Mar 28 2012 06:30 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Thanks, that was a good read.
metirish Mar 28 2012 06:43 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Yeah that was great, Lewin linked to it yesterday on twitter.....
Edgy MD Mar 28 2012 07:02 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
I was going to link to that today. It's a lovely open metaphor. A lot of folks can take different things from it. Hopefully not only self-affirming things, but yeah.
Edgy MD Apr 09 2012 12:45 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Pitchers and Poets thinks fantasy baseball is the enemy of baseball cards.
SteveJRogers Apr 09 2012 03:45 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Click on my sig around 6pm EST to see a blogger attempt to live blog from Citi Field on his mobile device!
G-Fafif Apr 12 2012 01:26 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Ceetar Apr 12 2012 01:38 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
my arm briefly makes an appearance if you know where to look.
Edgy MD Apr 12 2012 01:42 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Underneath your shoulder at the side of your torso, I would guess.
G-Fafif Apr 12 2012 01:45 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
WAITER: How did you find your steak?
Edgy MD Jun 12 2012 07:26 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Murray Chass, not above grabbing cheap photoshop jobs off the internet.
Edgy MD Jul 27 2012 08:55 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Yells for Ourselves marks the 13th anniversary of the Mercury Mets.
Mets – Willets Point Jul 27 2012 09:26 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Did anyone ever capture the image of Rickey Henderson-come-alien? I've never seen it.
batmagadanleadoff Jul 27 2012 10:03 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
I definitely have screen shots of Rickey's first at bat as a Mercury Met (which was necessarily the first at bat by any Mercury Met) on my hard drive, but I can't seem to find them. Rickey was, no doubt, surprised to see his altered image including an alien third eye between his human pair on the left field Diamond Vision scoreboard. But his expression was more astonishment than anger, I thought. As for me, my vitriol for those uniforms has tempered considerably over the years. With lotsa hindsight, I can see clearly now that the Mercury Mets were just a one-off novelty, and so no need to get so hot and bothered over the ugliness of it all.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 27 2012 10:09 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Turn Ahead the Clock was one of those league wide promotions through Century 21 which was one of the MLB-wide sponsors. There were only a few teams that didn;t participate: The MFYs, Dodgers and Cubs, I think.
batmagadanleadoff Jul 27 2012 10:10 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Here's a Mercury Mets uniform trivia question:
Edgy MD Jul 27 2012 10:12 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Fuck it. I just changed the name of my rock band to the Mercury Mets. We got us a symbol and everything.
batmagadanleadoff Jul 27 2012 10:23 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Hey Paul Lukas: If you ever lurk here, I'll betcha that this one'll stump you.
Ceetar Jul 27 2012 10:27 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
See, I love all this stuff. go over the top. be entertaining and quirky and different. it's a freakin' one off game. Go all out, don't give us half-assed star wars trivia and call it Star Wars Night. Change everyone's image to a wookie or a jedi or photoshop lightsabres instead of bats. There were bloggers BEGGING to help you out with this. Read The Apple made cards and sent them to you, all you had to do was load them into the scoreboard app.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 27 2012 10:27 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Just guesses: Matt Franco and Agbayani
batmagadanleadoff Jul 27 2012 10:30 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
If not for your age, I'd be convinced that you were on the Mercury Mets planning committee.
batmagadanleadoff Jul 27 2012 10:35 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Because I love being a hardass on these trivia questions, I'm gonna say that you're wrong, without saying whether both or just one of your guesses are wrong.
Ceetar Jul 27 2012 10:40 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Olerud? Due to the "wears the helmet in the field" thing? and..Piazza?
batmagadanleadoff Jul 27 2012 10:53 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Pens down. Game over. Hats off to Ceetar. We have a winner! Baseball rules require that the team in the field (i.e., the defense) be attired uniformly. This includes headgear. Because catchers wear helmets in the field for protection, a Mercury Mets helmet was produced for Mike Piazza, so that his headgear would match the soft Merc caps worn by the other Mets fielders. Another Merc helmet was made for John Olerud, who always wore a helmet, even in the field, because of his prior brain aneurysm. Ironically, Olerud did not play in the Mercury game, the only game he'd miss all season. Still, Oly could be spotted wearing the Mercury hardhat in the Mets dugout.
G-Fafif Sep 04 2012 07:35 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
On his online home, Sports on Earth (sort of a Grantland without the frills), Joe Posnanski pays tribute to longtime Braves blogger Mac Thomason who just passed away. He prefaces the obit portion of his piece with what I think is a good contextual description of the genre.
Edgy MD Sep 04 2012 07:41 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
I stumbled on this tribute to Thomason the other day. Loved it.
Edgy MD Sep 06 2012 01:50 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Covering the Mets ruins the Mets!
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 06 2012 02:00 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
He'll be back.
Ceetar Sep 06 2012 02:08 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Wait until someone tells him Ross and Rachel are just regular people in real life and aren't even dating!
Zvon Sep 06 2012 02:10 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Interesting article. Why do I feel bad for the guy? Cause his priorities have shifted? That's life pal.
I enjoy pieces that make me look up a word. Never can know enough words. hydrocephalic — n Nontechnical name: water on the brain accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricles of the brain because its normal outlet has been blocked by congenital malformation or disease. In infancy it usually results in great enlargement of the head. Ha!
Edgy MD Sep 06 2012 02:12 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
That's the funny part. He doesn't even complain that the Mets are a pack of skirt-chasing, entitled douchebags, which would hardly surprise me, but that they're more or less as boring as most people.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 06 2012 02:31 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
SteveJRogers Sep 28 2012 03:30 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
A Salute To The Mets 20 Win Club
Edgy MD Oct 01 2012 09:50 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Third-best homegrown lefty starter in Mets' history?
seawolf17 Oct 01 2012 10:06 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
He even admits that it says more about their history of developing lefties than it does about Niese. If you want to play that game, Josh Thole is no worse than the fourth-best catcher the Mets have ever produced.
Edgy MD Oct 01 2012 10:16 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Hundley, Hodges, and... Dyer? Trevino?
SteveJRogers Oct 01 2012 10:21 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
4th? I'm hard pressed to get past Hundley on such a list off hand. Unless you want to use "dependable big league backup backstops" such as Alex Trevino, Duffy Dyer, Vance Wilson, Barry Lyons, Jason Phillips, etc as part of that criteria.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 01 2012 11:18 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Mike Fitzgerald?
seawolf17 Oct 01 2012 11:27 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
I was thinking Hundley, Hodges, Dyer.
G-Fafif Oct 01 2012 12:27 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Not much competition among homegrown lefties for thirty-plus years, area blog reported in January.
Ceetar Oct 10 2012 08:49 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
on R.A. Dickey, good read.
metirish Oct 10 2012 09:18 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
It was
Edgy MD Oct 10 2012 09:55 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Who wants to invite Sam Page to register?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 10 2012 11:00 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Great peice! Weird and spooky for that kid.
Ashie62 Oct 10 2012 12:33 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
John Stearns?
G-Fafif Oct 10 2012 12:48 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
That was an incredibly good piece by a gifted writer. Love when Deadspin runs something like that instead of what Deadspin usually runs.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Oct 10 2012 01:35 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
That's Sam Page, late of Amazin' Avenue, no?
Edgy MD Oct 10 2012 01:36 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
See, I think Deadspin pieces are usually well written, just fiercely amoral.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Oct 10 2012 01:39 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
You should read some of their takes on sports labor situations.
G-Fafif Oct 10 2012 01:41 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Same. Still writes for AA on occasion. And is in college. College.
Ceetar Oct 10 2012 01:44 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
And I never realized he was that young either. Stupid young people.
SteveJRogers Oct 10 2012 02:13 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Acquired in the Tug McGraw deal. Made his big league debut as a September call up Phillie in 1974.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 10 2012 02:48 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Did anyone click on the WFAN link embedded in Page's Deadspin piece? [youtube]-hzI_aBATO8[/youtube]
SteveJRogers Nov 05 2012 07:41 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Anticipating R.A. Dickey's placement in the 2012 NL Cy Young voting, A look at Mets Cy Young Voting History.
Ceetar Dec 04 2012 07:36 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
The Devil & Angel on Sandy's Call
themetfairy Dec 04 2012 07:46 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Really Awesome!
Edgy MD Dec 04 2012 07:52 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Wow. A hat tip from the man and a comparison to C.S. Lewis.
G-Fafif Dec 04 2012 11:03 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
That was unexpected. I've always been more of a J.J. Lewis man.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 04 2012 11:10 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
Edgy MD Dec 18 2012 09:12 AM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 18 2012 02:08 PM Re: Dispatches from the Blogosphere 2012 |