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R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 14 2012 09:33 AM |
For Mets, re-signing R.A. Dickey likely to be expensive ... ickey.html
Ceetar Aug 14 2012 09:44 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
We're talking about his age 39, 40, and 41 season on a three year deal. Knuckleball or not, he's still pushing off a mound with his leg, landing on the other one.
duan Aug 14 2012 10:17 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
I think if you went to RA Dickey with 36 million for next 4 seasons he'd be up for it.
seawolf17 Aug 14 2012 10:21 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Boy, that's a long time, but the money's not bad. I would.
Edgy MD Aug 14 2012 10:42 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
I can't imagine that, on the verge of a Cy Young Award, he'd cash in for less that $10 million a year.
Ceetar Aug 14 2012 11:26 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
well, he's 'signed' for 5 million next year. Thoughts about knuckleballers pitching until they're 45 are one thing, but does _he_ feel like he can get through 2013 without showing the signs of age that suggest more than a 2 year deal is risky?
Gwreck Aug 14 2012 11:45 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Big money, short years.
Ceetar Aug 14 2012 11:47 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
How about a vesting option for 2016 based on 100 wins? (can tweak it to 105 or whatever works) That probably works out that if he stays healthy and reasonably effective, it'll kick in, otherwise it won't.
Gwreck Aug 14 2012 12:13 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
100 wins for whom?
Ashie62 Aug 14 2012 12:23 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
4 for 40
Ceetar Aug 14 2012 12:23 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
100 career wins for R.A. Dickey. You can't sign him based on the incentive to get (currently 44) wins maybe, but you could pay him for passing Randy Jones (100) on the All-Time wins list. This is basically the deal A-Rod has. It certainly doesn't matter if that incentive is for 4th on the list or 575th does it?
Gwreck Aug 14 2012 12:35 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
But, again, there is no way any player would sign an incentive clause based on pitcher wins.
Ceetar Aug 14 2012 12:37 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
sure there is. Maybe Dickey would sign for 3/30 and the Mets say 'hey, let's add in this incentive bit'. why wouldn't he sign it? Does he think he's testing free agency again at 41 and is going to get _more_?
metirish Aug 14 2012 12:38 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
There's a lot of money been thrown about in here, thankfully it's not ours. I was thinking 3/Y $27 million, he'd take that right now I bet, maybe up his option to meet the $9 million?
Ceetar Aug 14 2012 12:44 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
With Bay (and Santana) big on the books next year there's probably incentive on the Mets part to backload the deal and keep the option what it is. Although with an older pitcher you'd almost want to front load it.
Edgy MD Aug 14 2012 12:47 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
I would love it if every player in Met history got a Randy Jones clause in his contract, reading "Player only gets paid if he doesn't play as poorly as Randy Jones."
Ceetar Aug 14 2012 12:50 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
which one?
Edgy MD Aug 14 2012 01:09 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
I guess Bobby J., but he had 74.
Ceetar Aug 14 2012 01:18 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Well, of course. I don't think they should be either, including the murkier games started/finished/played. I don't think they can or will do something like this, but I was just throwing it out there as a thought experiment. How do you properly compensate a player of Dickey's age when he's performing to the level of someone 10 years younger and could possibly provide the same value as if he were in fact 28 and still guard against the risk of giving a 38 year old player a whole lot of commitment?
Edgy MD Aug 14 2012 01:20 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
You don't. You can try, but life is fraught with peril. You've got to move from risk aversion to risk management. The former is paralyzing. The latter is crucial.
Ceetar Aug 14 2012 01:22 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
well yeah, but the best way to manage risk is option years, particularly ones based loosely on performance no? ;-)
Edgy MD Dec 11 2012 08:27 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Mets, having fielded their share of offers for Dickey, have supposedly returned to the negotiating table with him, sources tell ESPN.
Swan Swan H Dec 11 2012 08:29 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Good luck finding an oxygen mask that fits over that nose.
metirish Dec 11 2012 08:42 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Let's get this done.
Benjamin Grimm Dec 11 2012 08:55 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
I find myself hoping that Texas makes an irresistible offer.
Ashie62 Dec 11 2012 09:04 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Per Rubin Mets offer 2/20 RA wants 26/28
duan Dec 11 2012 10:29 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Going by that he's looking for essentially two extra years @ 13 per, meaning the 3 year costs in 31 million and the mets are offering 3 years for 26.
Edgy MD Dec 11 2012 10:41 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
I was thinking 26 million plus one million each for (a) 20 starts, (b) 30 starts, and (c) making the all star team.
Ashie62 Dec 11 2012 04:51 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Sandy said today the trade environment has shifted of late.. Sounds like 5 prospects for a player..
smg58 Dec 11 2012 07:14 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Well certainly the Shields trade raised the bar for what the Mets need to ask for in return for Dickey -- especially since Dickey is not exactly asking for what an inferior pitcher just got from the Dodgers.
metirish Dec 12 2012 08:59 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
You knew this was coming" Mets insider says Mets brass not happy with Dickey airing his distaste for the process at a Mets event at CF"
Edgy MD Dec 12 2012 09:07 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
"You're an angry elf."
Vic Sage Dec 12 2012 09:34 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Over the last 3 years, Dickey has delivered 12.1 WAR to the Mets. Accepting the Fangraph estimate of $2.5M of salary/per point of WAR, that is about $30m of value that Dickey gave the Mets over the past 3 years. Is is so outrageous for him to ask for and expect $30m over the next 3 years? Especially considering he was only paid $12m for the last 3 (underpaying him by $18m for his production)?
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Dec 12 2012 09:47 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
![]() ![]()
Ashie62 Dec 12 2012 04:42 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
R.A. you are about 100 in baseball years. Try not to let your pride cause you to leave too much money on the table.
Ashie62 Dec 12 2012 04:44 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
You'd think so...its like RA has incurable clap or something.
smg58 Dec 13 2012 07:56 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Fangraphs gives $4.5M per WAR, meaning Dickey has been worth $54M over the past three years for the Mets. (Of course, to be sabermetrically anal, the 12.1 WAR is based on ERA, when Fangraphs bases its WAR on FIP, or fielding-independent pitching. FIP is one of those bullshit stats, predicated on the notion that all balls put in play are created equal, that has become important because the people who made it said it was important. Plenty of good pitchers -- including Dickey and Gio Gonzalez -- consistently outperform their FIP by quite a bit.)
Edgy MD Dec 13 2012 08:02 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
FIP is more meaningful because of where it leads than what is. You accurately portray its flaws, but for over a century we've accepted ERA as the definitive measure of overall effectiveness by pitchers, despite its obvious flaws --- pretending all parks are equal, pretending all fielding is equal, pretending all runs belong to the pitcher who first allowed the runner on base, etc. We can and must do better, and FIP can help take us there.
Ceetar Dec 13 2012 08:35 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Indeed. I saw a better FIP recently (Beyond the boxscore? not sure where..) that took into account, or more accurately, took out of account, the balls in play bit. FIP despite saying it's fielding independent, awards points for put outs. the new formula went by PA instead of IP. Seemed to work better. I tried some similar calculations in the past but these people put in way more time than me. Niese is one of those under perform FIP guys usually. Last year was better though, so it's interesting.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Dec 13 2012 01:23 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Dempster for 2 years/$26.5 M?
Vic Sage Dec 13 2012 01:57 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
|| ... -of-a-win/
Ashie62 Dec 13 2012 04:59 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
RA just punched a wall and broke his ......
Ashie62 Dec 13 2012 05:00 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
ERA and FIP are both fair metrics.
Edgy MD Dec 14 2012 09:13 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Don't know what to make of that. Clarity is tough in the number of characters you get for a tweet, but if "all" signs point to a trade, how is the $5 million looking more attractive? To Dickey? To the Mets? To the Cardinals?
Benjamin Grimm Dec 14 2012 09:19 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
I assume it means to the acquiring team.
Ceetar Dec 14 2012 09:19 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
funny, also a 'report' today that the supposed extension Dickey is asking for would also be attractive to suitors.
Edgy MD Dec 14 2012 09:25 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
It certainly would, as it sure seems to be under market. And even if Dickey gets the full two years, $26 million, he should ask for and would probably deserve a no-trade clause.
Benjamin Grimm Dec 14 2012 09:27 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
I think he would deserve it too, but the vibe I'm getting is that the Mets don't want to give him one.
Ceetar Dec 14 2012 09:29 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Could be something like that is the sticking point, and not the money.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Dec 14 2012 10:00 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Now Sanchez for 5 years/$80M. That's a AAV of $16M. For ANIBAL FUCKING SANCHEZ.
metirish Dec 14 2012 10:20 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Looks like the Cubs drove the price for Sanchez up......that is an absolutely crazy contract for this
Ashie62 Dec 14 2012 10:57 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
The 2 years for Dickey just became 30 with Prejudice. Nice job Fred...
Ashie62 Dec 14 2012 10:58 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Now I'm thinking sign and trade and an eventual Dickey tirade against Met management.
Benjamin Grimm Dec 14 2012 11:45 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Rosenthal elaborates:
metirish Dec 14 2012 11:48 AM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
little progress or little effort to sign him I wonder.
Ashie62 Dec 14 2012 04:31 PM Re: R.A. Deserves His Own Brand New Contract, Too. |
Dickey to Toronto for Arenibia and Gose....seems close