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Jeff Kent, the tribe has spoken

Nov 08 2012 04:53 AM

Realizing that I'm probably the last person watching "Survivor," but it's been fun this season because they brought back several players who left the game for medical reasons in the past, as well as two celebrities: former "Facts of Life" star Lisa Welchel and former Met Jeff Kent.

Kent did a good job keeping his former Met status a secret, engineering the ousting of one player who knew, and he was kicking butt in the challenges.

Maybe a little too much butt. Viewed as a threat, he was blind-sided in a close vote last night. He gave a pretty bitter confessional as teh cameras rolled, noting that he made $60 million playing baseball, but really wanted to win this $1 million, even though it's only about $600,000 "by the time Obama gets done with it." Also lamented losing a World Series Game 7.

He forgot to mention any of his Mets connections!

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Nov 08 2012 05:28 AM
Re: Jeff Kent, the tribe has spoken

There's a thread for that in the nbf, but yeah.

Kent only has himself to blame. Was so determined to make the game go his way he got himself assassinated by his own "target."

Crazy and ballsy move by Penner. Abi may be the stupidest Survivor player since Dreamz. Facts of Life still not wearing a bikini.

Edgy MD
Nov 08 2012 07:14 AM
Re: Jeff Kent, the tribe has spoken

metsguyinmichigan wrote:
Also lamented losing a World Series Game 7.

Lost an NLDS too, that I remember.

Nov 08 2012 07:45 AM
Re: Jeff Kent, the tribe has spoken

Kent was obsessed with Penner (a returning player) like he was Barry Bonds. ... be-harder/