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Sex in Books

Read every word with relish, sometimes many times over 4 votes

Read it but don't really read it, eh... 3 votes

Skip over it, even if it's several pages 2 votes

Nov 19 2012 04:31 PM

Feel free to elaborate. I will go on record as choosing option three

Nov 19 2012 04:36 PM
Re: Sex in Books

no 'depends'?

I only look at the pictures.

Most of the time I read it, but there are plenty of books where there's really no point to it. Twilight, Laurel Hamilton where she basically turned the main character into a succubus and the sex goes on for pages and pages..(those books used to be good too!)

Nov 19 2012 05:17 PM
Re: Sex in Books

The typo in the lead-in to the choices made me laugh and shows that I read every word.

Nov 19 2012 07:21 PM
Re: Sex in Books

If they've taken the time to write it, and I'm taking the time to read their work, I'm reading it.

But it depends, really. There have been bits of Easton Ellis or true-crime or cringe-inducing romances on which I haven't been particularly eager to linger.

Nov 19 2012 07:36 PM
Re: Sex in Books

Me likey.

Nov 19 2012 07:38 PM
Re: Sex in Books

In this case I prefer flip books.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Nov 19 2012 08:46 PM
Re: Sex in Books

I read the title as "sex in boots." That's OK too.

Nov 20 2012 05:20 AM
Re: Sex in Books

Something between the first two options.

Nov 20 2012 06:09 AM
Re: Sex in Books

Sex in Box, Sex in Boots, hahahahah!

Benjamin Grimm
Nov 20 2012 06:38 AM
Re: Sex in Books

None of the choices really apply to me either. I read the sex scenes the same way I read any of the other scenes; I don't skip or skim but I don't add relish (or any other condiments.)

Since I read mostly non-fiction, this situation rarely comes up. Even the fiction I read doesn't get all that steamy. When I was younger I remember reading a book by Harold Robbins that nearly made my eyes pop out of my head.

Nov 20 2012 11:41 AM
Re: Sex in Books

Your answers are making me laugh...

The reason this even comes up is because I have noticed that it seems like most of the woman writers these days are trying to outdo each other with the sex in their books, and it's gotten to the point that I buy more books written by men in order to avoid it. You would think it'd be the other way around.

I don't mind it if it makes sense in a book, but geez, right in the middle of a murder mystery I don't really think the detective and the main witness have to hop in bed for six pages.

:) but then again, maybe that's just my opinion :)

Mets – Willets Point
Nov 20 2012 12:07 PM
Re: Sex in Books

I must be reading the wrong books.

Swan Swan H
Nov 20 2012 12:22 PM
Re: Sex in Books

Fman99 wrote:
In this case I prefer flip books.

Not pop-up books?

Nov 20 2012 07:58 PM
Re: Sex in Books

He claims the femi-nazis and forces of political correctness have banned him from bookshelves, but you can still find the works of John Norman on the interwebs... I dare you to read through his Gor novels, particularly the later ones, without skipping the sex scenes. You'll be selecting option 3 above by the end of the first chapter (and, if you had read the earlier books in the series, you'll be cursing yourself for caring how the main story arc turns out while skipping past all the crap to get to it.)

Nov 21 2012 08:53 AM
Re: Sex in Books

I think you just threw out the gauntlet for a whole bunch of people here to find those books!

Edgy MD
Nov 21 2012 04:45 PM
Re: Sex in Books

First person we met in the new hood was a college-aged young woman just arriving home from Bard for the holidays with her boyfriend in tow. Her name: Anais.

I'm thinking, "Your parents named you after a pornographic memoirist?"

Nov 21 2012 07:22 PM
Re: Sex in Books

I just noticed your new name!

Benjamin Grimm
Nov 21 2012 07:37 PM
Re: Sex in Books

Oooooh! Like Marcus Welby!