JUST finished 'em (at a pace of 1-2 per day).
It's not without flaw, some relatively minor (the slow, tablesetting first couple of episodes; the heavy, heavy reliance on comedic callbacks, especially in those first few) and others more nettlesome (loose editing throughout, leading to more-than-occasional joke bloat and story-situation meandering; significant structural issues). But once it picks up around the second Michael, first Tobias and first Gob episodes, man, you've got something like a stew going.
The structure is adventurous, and takes a little bit of adjustment for longtime viewers, granted... but it doesn't "r" the sainted memory of the original, and it really does work, albeit very differently. People insisting otherwise-- "it's not the original," "it doesn't have nearly the same beats"-- miss the point; the rhythms of a 30-35 minute internet series conceived as a parts of a whole laid side-by-side are going to be VERY different than one laid out in very specific order over 13-26 chronological standalone episodes. I suspect this may reward a second viewing even more than the original series... I'll give that a whirl at some point in the near future.
I really like what they've done with George Michael and-- once I got used to it-- the fallen Michael (there was always a dark self-centeredness/self-blindness lurking under the holier-than-thou bid'ness... if not quite this dark). And Arnett and Dave Cross always get me. But damn my eyes if Jessica Walters-- at the heart of the strongest episode-- isn't this season's MVP. (With John Slattery-- “The Hopi Indians believed that this spot here, when manipulated, can create sexual feeling.” “That’s my penis.” “Well, you don’t have to tell me.”-- as your RotY, nosing out Terry Crews' slightly-slapdash-but-still-great Herman Cain thing.)
I'll go 7, with room for upward mobility.