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Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures
dinosaur jesus Jun 12 2013 12:44 PM |
I've been digging into the history of Mr. Met. I'm sorry if a lot of this is familiar to you guys, but it's new to me, and I thought it might be fun to share it. And if anyone has their own Mr. Met pictures over the years, I'd love to see them.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jun 12 2013 02:02 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Zvon Jun 12 2013 03:11 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
lmao, this one could go on forever. I'll have to look through my extensive Met image files. I'm sure I must have some Mr Met pictures.
themetfairy Jun 12 2013 03:23 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
themetfairy Jun 12 2013 03:23 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Mr. Met meets cooby -
themetfairy Jun 12 2013 03:24 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
With Kase and KB -
themetfairy Jun 12 2013 03:25 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
themetfairy Jun 12 2013 03:27 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Mr. Met loves Banner Day -
themetfairy Jun 12 2013 03:27 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
First through the turnstiles -
themetfairy Jun 12 2013 03:36 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
T-Shirt launch without the gun -
Ashie62 Jun 12 2013 04:20 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
The poor play is getting to him however...
Zvon Jun 12 2013 05:25 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
lol. He gets around. Thats a classic Ashie.
Zvon Jun 12 2013 07:12 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jun 12 2013 08:46 PM |
When Willard got the job as Mr Met he became an overnight sensation. Extremely popular throughout the world, Metz was offered a job by Walt Disney to be Disney Lands' ambassador of baseball. He did not take the job, saying "I'm just a simple plumber from Smithtown whose head looks like a giant baseball. I am nothing special. Neither are the Mets. I belong here in New York with this team, Mr.Disney. I'm sorry, I have to regretfully decline." There was no internet in those days but widespread phone usage passed this legendary tale around the globe in a matter of months.
Fman99 Jun 12 2013 07:31 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Fboy, Mr. Met and I, taken last summer.
metsmarathon Jun 12 2013 08:03 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
this is the most terrifying thread imaginable for minimm. keep up the good work!
Zvon Jun 12 2013 08:47 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Jun 13 2013 04:00 PM |
I wanted to use this post for more about Willard but I came across this Mr Met coloring book. I've seen pages of this online. I was never sure if it was for real or a joke by someone. Because if this is real it might be the worst coloring book ever.
metsguyinmichigan Jun 12 2013 11:21 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
G-Fafif Jun 13 2013 06:19 AM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Zvon Jun 13 2013 03:56 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
That book is full of lies. See, this, the true story of the real Mr Met (Willard Metz) is not common knowledge. This is his secret history. You can consider DJ and I whistleblowers.
batmagadanleadoff Jun 13 2013 04:37 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
I checked out the set on Flickr and the Flickr set is incomplete. I know because I own a copy of that coloring book. It exists. The coloring book is refreshingly innocent and wonderful in that it also depicts an ownership group that can laugh at the Mets' struggles on the field. My favorite page (not included in Flickr) is an illustration of Mr. Met upside down standing on his big baseball head and reading the standings. The caption reads "First place, Mets style". (I'm paraphrasing, going by memory) Contrast this self-deprecation with the current uptight and humorless owners, including Jeff Wilpon and his perpetual sourpuss, as if someone just farted in his face. The Wilpons once controlled one of baseball's most coveted players, Jose Reyes, in his walk year and, knowing that they couldn't re-sign him, let him go for nothing, squandering a big opportunity to help the team, because it was more important for the Mets owners to massage their public images by pretending that they could afford him all along. Those megalomaniacs would never license such a coloring book.
batmagadanleadoff Jun 13 2013 04:58 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Absurd media reaction to Willie Randolph firing:
dinosaur jesus Jun 13 2013 05:02 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
"Full of lies" is a bit strong. Reilly is telling the truth, just not the whole truth. It's actually a Tony Clifton kind of thing, with Reilly as Bob Zmuda. At the beginning, Reilly would step in occasionally when Mr. Met was overbooked or under the weather. Both of those things came to happen more and more often, and after a while Reilly was doing at least half of Mr. Met's gigs. He was good at it, too; even people in the know could never be sure which one it was. (Well, Mrs. Met could tell, but even she had her doubts sometimes.) The two of them got into some pretty sick mind games, like that time in Sarasota with Greg Goossen and the two hookers. I think Ralph tells that one best.
Swan Swan H Jun 13 2013 05:24 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
You haven't spewed your anti-Wilpon drivel in the Oktoberfest thread yet. Hurry before it slips to page 2.
batmagadanleadoff Jun 13 2013 05:33 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Drivel? And all along, I was congratulating myself for the clever way I segued from a childrens' Mad Men era coloring book into another dig at eff n jeff. Howie Megdal would be proud. Because the Wilpons are broke.
Swan Swan H Jun 13 2013 05:45 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Megdal would be proud. I'm bored.
batmagadanleadoff Jun 13 2013 06:42 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
I could see your point.
G-Fafif Jun 13 2013 07:04 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Kinda like Sigourney Weaver in Dave.
G-Fafif Jun 13 2013 07:14 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
I have been ruminating on a piece about how the Mets can't help but be the Mets right now but, per Mr. Bat M. Leadoff's point, they could do themselves a PR favor by presenting a more humble/human face about it. Mr. Met (or Willard Metz) is a great asset in that regard, but a sense of "look, we know we're not there yet, but honest to god, we're trying, hang in there with us," would be better than just the condescending blandness they put out there as a matter of course.
Ceetar Jun 13 2013 07:21 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
I like the Citi/SNY promotional spots. I think they're well done, but granted the specifically just the Mets stuff isn't great. There's more MLB oversight/whitewashing going on, but that's no excuse either. But I dunno, the way the media/public is these days, I'm not sure you could pull off that goofy 'hang in there we're trying' bit these days.
G-Fafif Jun 13 2013 07:24 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
The Mets will be LOL'd at by the usual suspects no matter what they do. Once they accept that, strive for better angels and win some goodwill. Those ads for "family packs" or whatever (to use an example that leaps to mind) could be made by an unimaginative high school junior.
Ceetar Jun 13 2013 07:28 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
They basically are. (well, maybe an unimaginative college freshman) Interns!
Fman99 Jun 13 2013 07:49 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Mr. Met is the best. And I can tell you why, specifically.
Zvon Jun 13 2013 08:28 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Thats just like what Barris did with the Batmobile! ![]()
Zvon Jun 13 2013 08:40 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Some pages are cute but some are out there~~~. Mr Met throwin' bottles at fans in the stands strikes me as insane. Its mostly the captions that are just wack. I'm gonna look for that one with the standings and see if there are more. I'm not trying to debate this. Im just sayin thats one crazy coloring book.
Zvon Jun 13 2013 10:44 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
themetfairy Jun 14 2013 05:25 AM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
batmagadanleadoff Jun 14 2013 07:15 AM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
It's out there, I agree. But that was from a time when it was perfectly acceptable for cartoon characters to shoot each other in the face with semi-automatic pistols, or drop anvils on each other from 100 feet above. BTW, my second favorite cartoon from that coloring book, also not included in the Flickr set, has Mr. Met at a peace rally just outside the stadium, yelling into a megaphone "Hey, Hey, LBJ. How many times have you been to Shea"?
Edgy MD Jun 14 2013 08:00 AM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Great story.
Swan Swan H Jun 14 2013 08:41 AM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
This whole series was fun, and clearly done with the smile and wink that everyone seems to be so fond of. [youtube]zl6fJylEbmE[/youtube] [youtube]qC3vWajGBKU[/youtube] [youtube]7-0HkmEyk7k[/youtube] [youtube]A2JUW8S3ypI[/youtube] [youtube]OdaTk4B1H-U[/youtube] [youtube]sEd8uCcRs2s[/youtube]
Edgy MD Jun 14 2013 08:46 AM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
G-Fafif Jun 14 2013 11:29 AM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
Those were beautiful. The pair they did in 2001 with Piazza being accosted by free advice on his swing as he walked down the street and Shinjo "translating" the criticism of a hibachi chef for Agbayani were hilarious. There have been exceptions in this century for sure. But boy, not lately.
Lefty Specialist Jun 14 2013 11:52 AM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
"Dude, I can see like 80% of your head."
G-Fafif Jun 14 2013 12:27 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
On big league mascot moves, I saw the difference several, now many years ago between Sandy in Coney Island, who broke my blog partner's son's heart (well, his mother's) by brushing him off, and Mr. Met, when the big guy gave the kid all the time in the world and the mom all the time to fish out her camera to record it.
dinosaur jesus Jun 16 2013 08:41 AM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
This is from the tour of Japan after the 1974 season. Torre had been traded to the Mets just after the season ended, and the tour was a preview of 1975. Like many previews, it turned out to be much more exciting than the movie. Torre hit .437 in Japan, but a career-worst .247 the next year.
Mets – Willets Point Jun 16 2013 07:17 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
This reminds me of my trip to Camden Yards in 1997 for the first interleague game between the Mets and Orioles. In between innings the PA speaker played Sinatra's version of "New York, New York" and Mr. Met came out and danced along the base side. It was a weird song choice since the Mets don't usually use that song and weirder still for Mr. Met to be dancing at a visitor's ballpark. The Orioles fans rained down boos on poor Mr. Met. Then it switched to "Surfing Bird" and The Oriole Bird came out and danced to cheers and applause. They switched back to "New York, New York" so that Mr. Met could be booed some more. Then back to the Bird. And so on. Until finally the Bird got a baseball bat and whacked Mr. Met on his big noggin' several times to even more cheers from the Baltimore faithful. It struck me as unusually violent for a mascot skit and very sad for poor ol' Mister to be asked to participate in ritual humiliation (unless for some reason the Orioles keep copies of opposing teams' mascot costumes for such occasions).
d'Kong76 Jun 16 2013 07:34 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
It wasn't a pick! It was a scratch!!
Zvon Jun 16 2013 08:12 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
I love the glove.
Zvon Jun 24 2013 08:48 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jun 27 2013 08:28 PM |
Lets take a leap backwards in the life of Willard Metz. The mid sixites were an exciting time in Mets history.
Zvon Jun 25 2013 05:06 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
From wiki:
Does anyone have an image of these "little Mets"? I was looking all over for the above post and could not find even one image. Anyone here have one by any chance? Dinosaur Jesus: Have you ever visited or registered at Deviant Art? You should. I don't think Ive ever posted there but its a great place to see the art of others. Both there and at Tumblr, you can get lost looking at all the wonderful art work people share. [url]
Zvon Jun 27 2013 08:25 PM Re: Mr. Met: A Life in Pictures |
In the early 70's Metz made the bold move of attempting