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Greetings and Three Wishes

Some Guy
Jun 20 2005 01:51 PM

Good day, all fine fellow Mets fans. Just want to say that Slugless in Seattle was not what I expected to see ... but what was not surprising was Mr. Glavine's outing.

My three wishes for the rest of this season, outside of a miracle turn around to the post-season, are as follows:

1) Pedro Martinez finally gives the Mets the franchise's first no-no;

2) The Mets announce Mike Piazza Night as the team and baseball bids farewell to the game's best-hitting catcher (preferably a night in August or sooner)

3) The Mets announce a news conference for noon tomorrow at which Tom Glavine will admit he has a pitching problem and enter the Smithers Clinic for treatment; his aftercare program will be retiring to a half-way house in Atlanta.

These three events, for me, would be signs of hope for the Gnu Mess.

Edgy DC
Jun 20 2005 01:57 PM


I think addition by subtraction almost never works.

Jun 20 2005 02:08 PM

If I had three wishes one of them would definitely be to wish for more wishes.

Jun 20 2005 02:17 PM

Hello, Some Guy!

I'd love to see a no-no from Petey, and I'd be thrilled to trade Glavine (provided we saved at least some money on the move), but I'm content to let Piazza finish out the season as our catcher.

He's no longer MIKE PIAZZA, but he's still an above-average offensive catcher. We could do worse at catcher this year, even with his embarassing attempts at throwing out runners.

Some Guy
Jun 20 2005 07:13 PM

Centerfield ... I woulda wished that too, but having been given four wishes I mistakenly wished for a place to post about my three wishes and before I knew it they were gone.

Rottblatt ... as to Mikey, I have struggled all year with not wanting to disavow a guy who has been so great and so key some of the finer days in Flushing. And as much as I realize the gene pool at catcher is as well-filtered as the Hudson, I just can't help but feel like Mikey, for Mikey's sake, would just be better off walking away.

He certainly doesn't seem to be having much fun ... not that he's ever been smiley, but there's so much effort in every move he makes and the results are painful. At this point I don't even think he's going to hook up with some AL team as a DH there seems so little left in his bat.