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Edgy DC Dec 17 2005 02:38 PM |
Every once in a while a new "In Praise of Strat-o-Matic" story comes out.
Zvon Dec 17 2005 02:51 PM |
you never played Gill Hodges Pennant fever Edge?
Frayed Knot Dec 17 2005 03:02 PM |
I had that one.
Edgy DC Dec 17 2005 03:05 PM |
Half of me is certain that's a Zvon Photoshop specialty.
OlerudOwned Dec 17 2005 03:16 PM |
My girlfriend's family gave me Strat-O-Matic 1998. I played Mets v. Braves in my first game. Greg MAddux pitched a 1-hit shutout. I haven't played since.
seawolf17 Dec 17 2005 03:22 PM |
I love Strat-O-Matic, but I almost never play it (because my wife thinks it's boring). I bought the All-Star version they came out with a few years ago for five bucks, and since then, I've bought about twenty random teams on eBay. I'll just play little one-off games; I don't have the time nor the energy to replay seasons. I don't usually add all the park effects either.
Zvon Dec 17 2005 08:07 PM |
lol. was an actual game. When I got into baseball and was looking for a game, Id heard about Strat0matic and when I went lookin for it, I saw the Gil game. It was very similar, but I dont think as complex as Strat (from what Ive heard). But you had dice and charts and that board. Results were unique to that game tho, I believe. I remember Id roll ...the chart would say something like : "Grasscutter up the middle." Then my brother would roll to see the result. I googled the game name and found that pic. I was surprised to find a pic. Im sure I mentioned my brothers and I got much more into a game called ALL STAR BASEBALL, a spinner game, which was a most simple game. But hey! Im a simple guy.
Bret Sabermetric Dec 17 2005 08:10 PM |
In the summer of 1967, otherwise known as the summer of love, I played Strat until my fingernails bled. I mixed up the 1966 cards, ranked the players by position, held a draft for eight cities that (then) lacked a MLB franchise--New Orleans, Miami, Buffalo, Denver, Memphis, Seattle, San Diego and Toronto--and drafted players according to a peculiar and individual philosophy. As I recall, Miami wanted pitching, and drafted Koufax, Bunning and I forget who the other two pitchers were. One of them was Claude Osteen. It was a hell of a staff. New Orleans went for sluggers, Toronto went for defense, someone went for basestealers--it was crazy. I kept meticulous records, most of which I have around here somewhere, and was widely considered the least socialized, most-likely- to-snap-and-kill-people-someday kind of kid around.
Zvon Dec 17 2005 08:11 PM |
Zvon Dec 17 2005 08:17 PM |
There would be actual arguments when the pointer landed on a line.
Zvon Dec 17 2005 08:24 PM |
lmao. My brothers and I kept 162 game scorebooks. I think we did it for around 3 years, like that. A draft. Kept track of all the usual catagory leaders. I knew Rod Carew was a good hitter, but he was such a good hitter in this game that he became a favorite of mine in real life too.
OlerudOwned Dec 17 2005 08:25 PM |
Nymr83 Dec 17 2005 08:39 PM |
LMAO what was everyone else's moment like that, the one they won't admit to their significant other means more than sex? i'm with Pratt's ball goin over the fence....i was 16 and it was my first playoff game.
Matt Murdock, Esq. Dec 17 2005 09:12 PM |
i inherited my brother's Strat game in 69, and later got All-Star. Loved the round discs in the spinner.
Bret Sabermetric Dec 17 2005 09:21 PM |
I loved Coover's book, read it for the first time in 20 years this month, and realized for the first time that his protagonist, who rules omnipotently over his made-up baseball-centric universe, is named Yahweh ("J. H. Waugh.")
Edgy DC Dec 17 2005 09:31 PM Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Dec 17 2005 10:18 PM |
The ambiguity of the the line killed me with All-Star. Couldn't do it.
cleonjones11 Dec 17 2005 09:48 PM Extra Innings and statis pro |
Extra Innings came out in 1970 and disclosed the formula for creating your own teams. Jeff Sagarin did the ERA chart and was listed on bio as MIT 1970
Nymr83 Dec 17 2005 09:56 PM |
years of AD&D has told me otherwise... ROLL ON THE TABLE YOU *$#@$*@($ !!!!
Rockin' Doc Dec 17 2005 10:13 PM |
LMAO Edgy.
ScarletKnight41 Dec 18 2005 05:59 AM |
We were in the City yesterday, and we drove by Virgil's. MK specifically commented that now he's a real Crane Pooler because he has eaten there (that was in November, the day we saw Spamalot).
MFS62 Dec 18 2005 08:40 AM |
I was wondering why you posted to a strat thread, Scarlett. (Saw your name there when I joined the page)
Frayed Knot Dec 18 2005 10:13 AM |
My next door neighbor as a kid had a dice & card game - sort of a kiddie version of Strat - called 'Challenge the Yankees' (he was a MFY fan).
Bret Sabermetric Dec 18 2005 10:30 AM |
I owned that stupid game too.
smg58 Dec 18 2005 10:46 AM |
I played a 40-game season with my brother and a friend of mine that actually survived through the playoffs (in which my 1984 Tigers overcame a mediocre regular season to kick some serious playoff butt). Otherwise I played a handful of games here and there (including with PatchyFogg), but something always kept getting in the way of seeing a season through from start to finish.
TheOldMole Dec 18 2005 12:59 PM |
My first game was APBA, then on to Strat, and now Diamond Mind.
MFS62 Dec 22 2005 08:38 AM |
Here's something from a strat website that my friend pointed out to me.
Edgy DC Dec 22 2005 09:20 AM |
It's always nice to see players contributing on the research end.
Nymr83 Dec 22 2005 09:30 AM |
its nice to see a player calling the gold glove award bullshit...which it is.
vtmet Jan 14 2006 07:17 PM |
I remember that game from when I was about 10-14 years old...I didn't have it but I played it over my friends house alot...had a lot of AL players that don't really remember, a bunch of Johnsons, Wilbur Wood, both Robinsons...didn't really follow the AL back then other than the A's/Royals/Yanks, so my friend had the advantage on which AL players to pick...
vtmet Jan 14 2006 07:18 PM |
by the way...that field is the old Cosmiskey Park, right?
DocTee Jan 14 2006 08:31 PM |
You wood think that a bunch of Johnsons and (Wilbur) Wood would be memorable.
TheOldMole Jan 15 2006 08:11 AM |
Foto-Electric Football was one of my favorites. The electriv part was a light bulb.
MFS62 Jan 15 2006 08:57 AM |
Looks like Wrigley Field to me. The old Comiskey's outfield stands were uniformly deep, and did not taper off in thickness (number of rows of seats) as you got toward the foul lines like the bleachers in Wrigley. Later
vtmet Jan 15 2006 12:30 PM |
Wrigley had that huge scoreboard structure in centerfield? Plus I don't see any rooftops, looks like it could be Wrigley, but for some reason, I thought that it was Cosminskey or another stadium that is no longer used...
Edgy DC Jan 15 2006 02:40 PM |
It's Wrigley. The surrounding buildings are cropped out.
MFS62 Jan 16 2006 10:01 AM |
Who "owns" the statistics?
Bret Sabermetric Jan 16 2006 10:28 AM |
This was a major consideration when I was thinking of marketing my baseball game, because Strat (I think I'm remembering this right, though it was over 10 years back and I don't always remember last week very well) paid MLB a hefty fee for the use of the player's stats. Actually, the numbers are free--but to market their stats under their names and their teams' name is what the fee is for.
Edgy DC Jan 30 2006 07:28 PM |
PatchyFogg Jan 30 2006 07:48 PM |
Yes, I had the dubious good fortune of being the mid 80's Padres in those games. Damn, that John Birch Society-loving Eric Show and all his poor outings for me. Damn him to hell*! *I have no idea if that is where he is now. And, if he is, I had nothing to do with it. I swear.
Rotblatt Jan 31 2006 05:45 AM |
Ah, baseball games. A friend of my dad's had what I thought was a homemade game, but sounds remarkably similar to strat. We were all Mets fans, so there was a lot of jockeying for Mets players.
seawolf17 Jan 31 2006 07:25 AM |
I was a big fan of Mattel's handheld Baseball game.
Benjamin Grimm Jan 31 2006 07:40 AM |
I don't think it quite works that way.
seawolf17 Jan 31 2006 08:02 AM |
It doesn't?!?! Crap. What do I do when the baby's sleeping? I figure that's Strat Time.
Benjamin Grimm Jan 31 2006 08:22 AM |
I liked to think of it as "nap" time. You'll be operating on short sleep; you'll probably want to nap when you can.
DocTee Jan 31 2006 08:32 AM |
Better that than running off to play with the nanny!
Benjamin Grimm Jan 31 2006 08:44 AM |
ScarletKnight41 Jan 31 2006 08:55 AM |
There will be naptime. And there will be feeding time. And there will be the times that the baby has fallen asleep but you don't want to put him down for fear of waking him. seawolf will get his playtime in, I'm sure.
Zvon Feb 01 2006 07:14 PM |
this was a neat game Rotblatt. Every baseball gamer had to have it that year. I used to take anything and everything and turn it into a baseball game. I had this small cheap round plastic hand held roulette wheel thing, where u pressed the button and it would make thing spin round until the ball fell by a number. On road trips we'd take this in the car, and play CAREER HOMERUNS Youd get 20 seasons and whatever number you landed on was how many homers you got that season. I even drew a lil pie like division thing on the plastic glass, with + bonus sections, so it was possible to hit over 60 homers. There was a real thin sliver for plus 26 homers. Lol. Wonder if my brothers remember that.
TheOldMole Feb 02 2006 04:32 AM |
And there'll be times when his grandparents have him.
Edgy DC Feb 06 2006 08:57 PM |
A cycle! 8/15/2004, KC80-NYN69, Shea Stadium
MFS62 Feb 07 2006 05:38 AM |
I always thought McAndrew was a wimp. The guy couldn't go 9 with a ten run lead?
MFS62 Feb 07 2006 07:24 AM |
This may be helpful the next time you have to figure out some stats.
Zvon Feb 07 2006 07:47 PM |
Boswell, of all people.
MFS62 Feb 15 2006 06:52 AM |
In case you haven't held your futures draft yet, here is the list of top prospects, by position, from Baseball America. Only Two Mets mentioned, Millege and Pelfrey. Interesting that while they mention another starter as "Maddux-type) (as in not great fastball), Petit doesn't make their list.
MFS62 Feb 28 2006 05:30 AM |
from s-o-m stratosphere
Edgy DC Mar 14 2006 06:25 PM |
I Don't Want the Responsibility, Part II 9/26/2004, Bos75-NYN69, Shea Stadium
Edgy DC Mar 14 2006 06:30 PM |
In my half of the seventh, Cleon Jones reached on an error, but Art Shamsky erased him on a double play. I'm sending Amos Otis out to left for defense and bringing Cleon in to play first. Ed Kranepool and Donn Clendenon have both been overused, and Jones has the same rating (Average) as they do.
Edgy DC Mar 14 2006 06:31 PM |
First pitch of the eighth, Rick Burleson drives a single over Bud Harrelson's head. @#$%!!
Edgy DC Mar 14 2006 06:39 PM |
End up with a two-hitter shared by Nolan Ryan and Jack DiLauro.