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People who shouldn't be driving
metsguyinmichigan Feb 23 2014 08:22 PM |
OK, I have to vent.
themetfairy Feb 23 2014 08:49 PM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
Sorry to hear that michigan.
metsguyinmichigan Feb 23 2014 08:55 PM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
Thanks, MF. I appreciate that. Michigan is a no-fault state, so I don't know about the deductible. But you are right about focusing on the important things!
Edgy MD Feb 23 2014 08:59 PM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
How much restraint it must take not to play the "I know the governor" card.
metsguyinmichigan Feb 23 2014 09:14 PM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
Honestly, I didn't exchange any information with these people. I didn't want them knowing where I live! I let the police take care of it.
Edgy MD Feb 23 2014 09:53 PM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
Oh, certainly. I mean to salute you for not using it to push for the most benevolent outcome out of the copz.
themetfairy Feb 24 2014 05:31 AM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
He didn't have to play that card. He was the concerned father of a beautiful and intelligent daughter and they were victimized by obvious lowlifes. He already had a royal flush as far as the cops were concerned.
metsguyinmichigan Feb 24 2014 05:48 AM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
My daughter, actually, played the "My grandfather is a retired policeman" card. Dad gets Superior Officers Association cards that he gives to the kids -- just in case we get pulled over. I've never pulled it out. But the policeman asked my daughter for ID, and she gave him her license -- and the card. The officer looked it at kind of funny and said, "I don't think I need that one." I sheepishly said, "Yeah, my Dad's a retired cop and tells us to show that." The officer understood and smiled.
d'Kong76 Feb 24 2014 06:27 AM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
Happy no one was hurt. I smoked when I was 15, cigarettes too. I turned out relatively normal.
themetfairy Feb 24 2014 06:53 AM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
As I said, she's intelligent!
MFS62 Feb 24 2014 07:05 AM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
Sucks about the car.
Edgy MD Feb 24 2014 07:41 AM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
Yeah, I got one of those --- a DEA card. Some use it more liberally than you do.
d'Kong76 Feb 24 2014 08:04 AM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
Nowadays, if you're gonna use a GOoJFC, best to whip it out right
Nymr83 Feb 25 2014 10:51 PM Re: People who shouldn't be driving |
Hopefully, its the only time you ever have to find out about it!