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Brokeback Mountain

One Cowboy Hat 1 votes

Two Cowboy Hats 0 votes

Three Cowboy Hats 0 votes

Four Cowboy Hats 0 votes

Five Cowboy Hats 0 votes

Six Cowboy Hats 0 votes

Seven Cowboy Hats 2 votes

Eight Cowboy Hats 3 votes

Nine Cowboy Hats 0 votes

Ten Cowboy Hats 0 votes

Jan 12 2006 08:25 PM

I just came back from seeing Brokeback Mountain. It was good, although I'm not on the bandwagon for calling it the best picture of the year.

Pros - It's groundbreaking for being a big budget, mainstream film whose lead characters are involved in a same-sex sexual relationship. It's very well acted, with special kudos to Heath Ledger, who was marvelous. It's beautifully filmed.

Cons - The story itself has a lot of holes and loose ends. A lot goes unexplained, which can be frustrating.

In some ways, the same-sex relationship is almost secondary. The main moral of the film is not to let circumstances get in the way of doing what you need to do in order to live the life you are meant to live.

I'd say that this is worth seeing, especially because it's up for the Golden Globes next week and will certainly be up for several Academy Awards. But, frankly, it didn't move me the way that Munich did.

Jan 17 2006 01:12 PM

I've not see it and will probably wait till it comes to DVD....stupid question for the men...would you go see this movie with a guy friend?....I mean peeps might think you are a gay couple.....not that there is anything wrong with that but you know what I mean.

Willets Point
Jan 17 2006 01:14 PM

Why do you care what people think about you? A boy's night out for a cowboy film would be fine if I knew someone who wanted to see it. Of course, I live in a place where I won't get beat up for people thinking I'm gay.

Jan 17 2006 01:47 PM

I did say it was a stupid question Willets......I'm bored.

Jan 17 2006 02:04 PM

My gay male friends totally love this film. The straight guys I know haven't seen it yet. Every woman in this township has either seen it with a female friend or is waiting for the opportunity to see it, but can't get their husbands to go with them.

Vic Sage
Jan 17 2006 02:30 PM

i don't want to see it... not because the characters are gay, but because it looks BORRRRRRRRING!

Jan 24 2006 12:31 PM

This would have been a laugh to see.....

You'd enjoy 'Brokeback,'
student gaily tells W


WASHINGTON - President Bush's audiences usually stick to the party line, but the President was clearly surprised yesterday when he was asked if he had seen "Brokeback Mountain," the movie about gay cowboys.
The majority of the questions posed after Bush's speech at Kansas State University were the easily fielded softballs he is used to from handpicked audiences. But the Kansas students threw him some curves about cuts to student financial aid and his crackdown on illegal immigration.

The capper, however, came when a student asked: "You're a rancher. A lot of us here in Kansas are ranchers. I was just wanting to get your opinion on 'Brokeback Mountain,' if you've seen it yet. You would love it. You should check it out."

The crowd erupted in laughter, and Bush momentarily flinched. But with a trademark smirk he fired back, "I haven't seen it. I'll be glad to talk about ranching, but I haven't seen the movie."

After the crowd roared, Bush added between chuckles, "I've heard about it. I hope you go ... you know, I hope you go back to the ranch and the farm is what I'm about to say. I haven't seen it."

Tickets for the event were handed out by the White House and the university, allowing a more diverse audience than usual for a Bush event.

It was a big change from the choreographed event earlier this month in Louisville, Ky., when a 7-year-old boy asked Bush: "How can people help on the war on terror?"

The President called it "the hardest question I've had all day," and then launched into a diatribe against politicians who, he said, provide comfort to the enemy with their criticism.

Despite the surprises yesterday, Bush deftly handled them.

When asked what he could do about legal aliens who are mistreated by prospective employers because they are Hispanic, he spoke instead about protecting the borders from illegal aliens and getting Congress to pass tougher immigration laws.

Bush dodged another when asked: "Recently, $12.7 billion was cut from [higher] education, and I was just wondering how that's supposed to help our futures?"

Bush said he preferred to call it "reform" of the student loan program.

Jan 26 2006 08:57 PM

Big movie splurge for me -- two in two nights. BBM tonight, and I liked it a lot, but after the incredible dramatic tightness of Match Point, the night before, it felt slack in comparison. Still, eight hats.

Feb 09 2006 08:09 PM

Saw it with my wife and another couple.

A truly good love story, never mind that its two men. It really doesn't matter.

Ledger and Gyllenhall were both very good although Ledger was really extroadinary.

I'd highly recommend it. A good film all around.

Mar 06 2006 01:31 PM

Saw it this past weekend. Liked it a lot more than I thought I would.

Purty scenery.