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The Good Doctor

Sep 01 2014 06:04 PM

Anyone watching or recording this tonight?
He was so goddamn electric!

Sep 01 2014 06:21 PM
Re: The Good Doctor

Cee. Dee Vee Arr.

Sep 01 2014 06:56 PM
Re: The Good Doctor

Planning on watching.

Sep 01 2014 08:30 PM
Re: The Good Doctor

I enjoyed the documentary but don't love the device of watching Gooden watching it.

Sep 02 2014 12:46 PM
Re: The Good Doctor

Effective storytelling and pretty good production for SNY, though the use of anachronistic footage and clips drives me crazy in documentaries like these. There's a picture of Doc from Spring Training 1993 passed off as 1984; an article from the Times in 1985 that was supposed to be from 1984; and Roger McDowell walking around with his 1987 road uniform on upside down in what is framed as 1986. Small stuff, and maybe not detectable to younger or less overly retentive viewers, but I find it sloppy.

There was also a reference in the script to how "24 Mets were happy in 1986," but one, Doc, was fighting demons, et al. The implication is the Mets had a 25-man roster in 1986. As many of you will remember, the 24-man roster was the norm in 1986 and for several years to come, per the CBA. Maybe it would have taken too long to spit out an explanation or saying "23 Mets were happy" would have sounded weird. "Most Mets were happy, but one wasn't" would have sufficed.

All of the above said, nice to see those montages of every hitter in creation (save maybe Chili Davis) succumbing to all that brilliance.

Sep 04 2014 07:20 PM
Re: The Good Doctor

I thoroughly, but sadly, enjoyed this. The him watching
with his back to the camera was weird, and once or twice
I laughed and thought it was really Obama.

I'm sure Klapisch is sincere, but his take towards the end
was a bit much. Little lamb you could see it coming a 100
miles away. Really, Klap?

I'll watch this again, glad I recorded it.