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Edgy MD Sep 16 2014 06:23 AM |
Subtle but important logo creep may be happening with the Mets.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 16 2014 06:52 AM Re: Sellout |
You're missing the best part of today's UniWatch:
Edgy MD Sep 16 2014 07:13 AM Re: Sellout |
It's certainly not so much the what but the why that gives the logo change the appearance of a meaningful betrayal.
Edgy MD Sep 16 2014 07:23 AM Re: Sellout |
Replacing an icon of the East Side that represents New York's claim as a capital of the world, fostering international cooperation, peace, development, and humanitarianism (putting aside for a minute how successful the UN is) with a building that is a symbol of the corporation for which the team's stadium has been named... smells just awful --- especially considering that the organization has been caught sneaking Citi Corp's corporate symbolism onto the team's kit in the past.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 16 2014 07:25 AM Re: Sellout |
Stupid Mets can't do anything right. Nothing.
Edgy MD Sep 16 2014 07:37 AM Re: Sellout |
They've got 52 years of equity in that logo and I've got about 1000. I'd rather see them re-sign Jason Bay and put him at shortstop for the next six years than see them fuck up the logo to advance a corporate relationship.
Ceetar Sep 16 2014 07:44 AM Re: Sellout |
Indeed and if Citi's not really associated with it anymore I'm not sure this can be chocked up to 'corporate relationships' or any such. I don't think I can be worked up about it, since it's hardly official, nor is much more than sloping a roof. But I agree, would like to see the Freedom Tower added. I'd like to see the whole skyline on the building above the Shea Bridge actually. (Where supposedly they're building a garden but I've seen no sign of it)
seawolf17 Sep 16 2014 07:47 AM Re: Sellout |
Edgy MD Sep 16 2014 07:49 AM Re: Sellout |
Citi is associated with it. "Chocked up"?
Zvon Sep 16 2014 08:28 AM Re: Sellout |
That's not officially new. It popped up from a Mets feed a while back. But the team says that was in error & there have been no official changes to the logo.
Ceetar Sep 16 2014 08:35 AM Re: Sellout |
chalked up. I don't speak so right. They _were_ associated with it. but no longer. Why would they push for an old building of theirs to be added? Why would they push at all, given how subtle the advertising would be? Why isn't this being chalked up to mere conspiracy theory? Wasn't another one of those buildings slowly changed over the years?
Edgy MD Sep 16 2014 09:01 AM Re: Sellout |
No, they are associated with it, just no longer the majority shareholders. Uni Watch says as much.
Edgy MD Sep 16 2014 12:21 PM Re: Sellout |
Rubino tweeting that the TV monitors throughout Citi Field have the UN building prominently displayed.
d'Kong76 Sep 16 2014 12:34 PM Re: Sellout |
Meaningful logo discussion in September!
Edgy MD Sep 16 2014 01:21 PM Re: Sellout |
I dunno. It's something that can stand out stylistically. Most of the buildings referenced in the logo have the gothic symmetry of pre-war New York. The UN Building, from 1952, would be the newest thing there. The late-20th-century, a-symmetrical silhouette of the building would have caught your eye eventually, I think.
G-Fafif Sep 16 2014 01:24 PM Re: Sellout |
Sports graphic designer and maven Todd Radom reimagines a 21st-century take on the classic Mets logo. It's both admirable in its meeting its goal and creepy as hell in a Rip Van Winkle way.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 16 2014 01:46 PM Re: Sellout |
I totally got the highline right away.
d'Kong76 Sep 16 2014 01:54 PM Re: Sellout |
Zvon Sep 16 2014 04:38 PM Re: Sellout |
I kinda like that. I was thinking of doing something familiar just to see how it would look. I would drop the Nordstrom Tower altogether and center the Freedom Tower, make it extend further up ( would have to make it skinnier I think). It has to have more of the pyramid shape to the arrangement of the buildings. The left side is too heavy. And I would not touch the bridge. I'd be okay if they used a special alt logo for a special occasion from time to time but the basic logo should never be changed. You don't mess with perfection. I wonder if that one with the slanted roof was released intentionally to see if there would be any negative chatter about it. I could see them doing that. OE: and yea, put the NY back in!
Edgy MD Sep 16 2014 05:51 PM Re: Sellout |
You can do a logo with an 1880s skyline, to represent the original Mets.
Lefty Specialist Sep 16 2014 06:04 PM Re: Sellout |
It's not the 'Freedom Tower', it's One World Trade Center.
Edgy MD Sep 16 2014 06:24 PM Re: Sellout |
Things have unofficial names, too. Colloquial names.
Frayed Knot Sep 16 2014 06:51 PM Re: Sellout |
Olbermann hit on this topic on his nightly show tonight - so it now has at least some degree of national exposure.
Nymr83 Sep 16 2014 08:24 PM Re: Sellout |
Anything that cuts out the UN makes me happy, but i seriously would have even known about this if not for dumb media and dont actually care
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Sep 17 2014 08:07 AM Re: Sellout |
Like, y'know, "Citigroup Center/Building." I like the Radom update lots, but as to actually making such a change, JCL hits it right on the head; any significant change to the brand will get dagger eyes and outcry beyond the usual talk-radio jabber, if only because of said brand's current custodians.
Edgy MD Sep 17 2014 08:20 AM Re: Sellout |
A really skilled and evil Met spinmeister could kill two PR birds with one stone and pin the logo tampering on Leigh Castergine, and that's why she got the axe. And have it leak out from sullen un-named sources, because the Mets are really too decent to say so officially.
Ceetar Sep 17 2014 08:48 AM Re: Sellout |
yeah, no reason not to have some fun with it. Of course, once you do that you'll inevitably get the sponsorship stuff. YOu'll get one with Spiderman swinging on one of the buildings, and whoever owns that giant residential building in midtown will want a logo and a sponsorship..
Zvon Sep 17 2014 03:33 PM Re: Sellout |
Allow me to change that to significant special occasions. That would be one superkool alt logo tho.
Zvon Sep 21 2014 12:18 PM Re: Sellout |
Zvon Sep 21 2014 12:59 PM Re: Sellout |
This might come out kool.
Edgy MD Sep 21 2014 01:30 PM Re: Sellout |
Great stuff. I think the bridge may need to contrast with the cityscape to a meaningful degree, maybe by placing the skyline in shade and the bridge in daylight.
Zvon Sep 21 2014 01:43 PM Re: Sellout |
Yes. Bridge needs to be lighter. Maybe sharper. Cityscape has to stand out more. Good eye. Another set of eyes is always helpful, thank you.
Zvon Sep 21 2014 02:04 PM Re: Sellout |
The work is based on Gallo's original contest winning entree. Still needs some work. I'll whip up some alts and even try a color version.
Edgy MD Sep 21 2014 02:33 PM Re: Sellout |
Wow, hard to argue with that.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 21 2014 02:51 PM Re: Sellout |
Looks great. I'd try it with a blue tint on the buildings and increased brightness on the sky behind them.
Zvon Sep 21 2014 02:59 PM Re: Sellout |
Agreed & ty. I'll test a few different ways to lay that out. A color version is a must. I'll post some alts later tonight.
Frayed Knot Sep 21 2014 03:05 PM Re: Sellout |
Y'know what's good on that one is that the UN building actually looks like the UN Building.
Zvon Sep 21 2014 05:14 PM Re: Sellout |
If you look on the first two versions I had the side view. But I also never liked the way that is, that extreme side view. It didn't represent IMO. I understand why it was done that way. Mostly for balance and the fact it's a silhouette type of deal. It works, but I did make an extra effort to show more of the UN building since you can see some dimension in the backdrop. Here's a bunch of different tests look-sees. The blue one has some additions to the cityscape and should be the final version. I made them first and then did the tint work. The last one kinda antiquates all the B&W ones. ![]()
themetfairy Sep 21 2014 05:24 PM Re: Sellout |
NICE work Zvon!
Edgy MD Sep 21 2014 05:49 PM Re: Sellout |
It also wasn't so nondescript in it's day. It may look like any other squarish structure now, but it was distinctive in it's time, before the glass/steel/concrete rectangular prism became the standard for the contemporary urban skyscraper.
Frayed Knot Sep 21 2014 05:57 PM Re: Sellout Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Sep 21 2014 06:09 PM |
Not knocking the building, only that the way it was portrayed on the logo wasn't distinctive. You wouldn't know it was the UN unless you were told so.
d'Kong76 Sep 21 2014 06:07 PM Re: Sellout |
They're all cool, except for the one with the black sky.
Centerfield Sep 21 2014 07:37 PM Re: Sellout |
Holy fucking wow zvon. The bottom two are my favorite. The bottom left is just amazing.
Edgy MD Sep 21 2014 07:47 PM Re: Sellout |
What I meant to say is that it's outline would have been more recognizable in 1962.
Fman99 Sep 21 2014 08:22 PM Re: Sellout |
If you could get that on a tee shirt I'd buy it in a second. I love the bottom two choices.
dinosaur jesus Sep 21 2014 10:43 PM Re: Sellout |
That's incredible. The bottom left is my favorite.
G-Fafif Sep 21 2014 10:48 PM Re: Sellout |
Bee-yoo-tee-ful, as the Ol' Perfesser himself would marvel.
Zvon Sep 21 2014 11:01 PM Re: Sellout |
Thanks guyz :)
I never knew that. A matte shot.
seawolf17 Sep 22 2014 07:17 AM Re: Sellout |
Z, those are fricking amazing.
Edgy MD Sep 22 2014 07:21 AM Re: Sellout |
I'm thinking we're so small nows, and probably fly under the radar enough that few would care. I mean, if we don't put any Crane Pool trademark on it. If somebody sees you in it, and asks where it came from, say, "I found it on that picnic table over there."
batmagadanleadoff Sep 22 2014 10:30 AM Re: Sellout |
I think that if you make shirts with Z's "Mets" logo in very small quantities, it might come under fair use. It would also help if no one's profiting from the shirts. Anyway, fair use determinations aren't merely checklists to meet, but are determined case by case. Also. your designated t-shirt manufacturer might slip into CYA mode and not be willing to produce the shirts, even in small quantities, no matter what the circumstances. ... _list.html ... cklist.pdf
seawolf17 Sep 22 2014 10:36 AM Re: Sellout |
Wonder if we could convince Darren Meenan to make a private batch for us. (Or, better, to produce them en masse and give Z a cut.)
d'Kong76 Sep 22 2014 10:40 AM Re: Sellout |
Anyone know how gets
Edgy MD Sep 22 2014 10:41 AM Re: Sellout |
7-Line tap-danced around infringement for a while and then eventually signed a deal with the Man, I think,
d'Kong76 Sep 22 2014 10:46 AM Re: Sellout |
From their FAQ's:
seawolf17 Sep 22 2014 10:55 AM Re: Sellout |
Darren sold out to the man a little while back, which is why he doesn't do anything blatantly offensive any more (like my old favorite, the "at least i'm not an a-hole" shirt). But it's great for him, because it looks like they give him largely free rein, and he can use official logos now.
Edgy MD Sep 22 2014 10:58 AM Re: Sellout |
Maybe we need to sign a side deal with Darren. Produce our designs under the protection of his license.
Ceetar Sep 22 2014 11:04 AM Re: Sellout |
He'd probably do it. go schmooze him at the Calendar Release party at the end of the year. (or more conventional methods) He's worked with others ideas before though I don't know the numbers behind it.
Zvon Sep 22 2014 02:59 PM Re: Sellout |
I ran into a problem on a T-shirt design I made- they axed it because it was a re-creation of the 1966 Batmobile. I was pissed off about that because it wasn't a picture of the car, but a graphic drawing I created (I'm sure I've shared it here, yrs ago when I made it). But they said no, the "image" of the car can't be used. Bastages. T-shirts would be kool if it can be done. I'll get a few done locally to see how they look. Under the logo, I want mine to say: " It's time to take back the city." Thanks for all the positive feedback on this. It's funny, I didn't expect this response. Just having fun with the logo.
Zvon Sep 22 2014 04:17 PM Re: Sellout |
I agree Edge. That was done for an early version where it needed to stand out more. Drop shadow on NY dropped. Make yourself comfortable. Once again, when you stare at a graphic for hours sometimes you look right thru things, so thnx for your eyes & comment. I hope to post the finished color one tonight. Adding details to make the cityscape more accurate to Gallos original. I can't believe there's no game tonight. WTF? Only a week left before no-mo Mets game at all. WAAAHHHH!
Edgy MD Sep 22 2014 04:52 PM Re: Sellout |
Loving the aura around the skyline in the blue night in the bottom left version. Hard not to love the cityscape reflected in the water as well, much as I doubt represents a phenomenon that's ever been experienced ever in New York City ever.
Zvon Sep 22 2014 09:12 PM Re: Sellout |
Slight delay of logo. I'm trying to cut the bridge out better and I made it worse. Gah.
Zvon Sep 22 2014 11:49 PM Re: Sellout |
Bridge still needs work. Looks good shrunk small. Full size, not so much.
Lefty Specialist Sep 23 2014 06:39 AM Re: Sellout |
Ironic thought.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 23 2014 07:04 AM Re: Sellout |
d'Kong76 Sep 23 2014 07:18 AM Re: Sellout |
You should really try to sell that to them somehow. I have
Edgy MD Sep 23 2014 07:36 AM Re: Sellout |
Yeah, that midnight blue sky in the lower lefthand sample gave the whole thing a life and depth that stood out for me among all the excellent samples, even if that meant keeping the buildings greyscale for contrast. The buildings are also more distinct from one another in that rendering.
seawolf17 Sep 23 2014 08:10 AM Re: Sellout |
On Darren's site:
Lefty Specialist Sep 23 2014 08:57 AM Re: Sellout |
Images of the Empire State Building need to be licensed and approved. Don't know about the others. Just saying.
Zvon Sep 23 2014 02:04 PM Re: Sellout |
I really wanted some blue up there too. I tested it with the B&W cityscape, but when I went blue tint I went all out for reproducing the logos correct colors (the initial sky was a white/blue but I changed that to pure white). I will create a sky blue layer see how the sky looks with different shades of blue.
Appreciate it. It's something I would need to know. If I wanted to market this there are so many factors that would have to be considered. I may approach The7line and Darren because they have more than a foot in the door these days. This logo work is a spinoff from another project which involves the 2015 Mets and my proposition for a 2015 team slogan. I started that before the Mets Realogo. I collected cityscape pictures for that project and found the B&W one that inspired using photo images of the buildings for the Mets logo. The slogan work also involves use of the Empire State Building, and I wasn't thinking of image rights or anything. Just creating something from a vision. Probably couldn't use it w/o proper licensing and allAdat. That sucks, but I just make the stuff. The marketing part has always been alien to me.
G-Fafif Sep 23 2014 02:16 PM Re: Sellout |
Thinking a Metsian-script take on "Ours" or something of that nature (as in Our City) might help you work around name issues.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 23 2014 02:21 PM Re: Sellout |
This is just a hypothetical question I'm about to ask, for which I don't have an answer. I wouldn't expect you to actually do it. But ... what if you used your own photographs of the Empire State Building and other landmarks? If you used photos you shot, wouldn't you be steering clear of copyright issues? I dunno and I don't feel like googling the answer just yet. I could see a rationale for fair use and also, against fair use.
Zvon Sep 25 2014 01:48 PM Re: Sellout |
Hey guyz, since the Citi building version surfaced I've been web surfing looking for more info and ran into a blog or a site that put a name on the unnamed building below. It might have just been speculation. I can't remember where I saw it or what the name was. Have any of you guyz seen a name for this building anywhere?
Fman99 Sep 30 2014 07:10 PM Re: Sellout |
For those of you into the whole "Facebook" scene, I Warhol'd the two best ones into some dandy cover art, feel free to use it if you like.
Zvon Sep 30 2014 07:31 PM Re: Sellout |
Wow. Looks kool. :)
Ashie62 Sep 30 2014 07:54 PM Re: Sellout |
The would make terrific coins.