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Ebola Thread

Oct 17 2014 07:09 AM

So, this medical expert was just on the local news. She
wide-eyed the interviewer and said that there are facilities
that are adequately prepared for an outbreak, there are
others that are working on getting prepared, and there
are still others that are not at all prepared.

I feel better informed, and wanted to share her insight.

Frayed Knot
Oct 17 2014 07:12 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

I don't have it.

Edgy MD
Oct 17 2014 07:56 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Syracuse gets ahead of the scare curve, disinviting a Pulitzer-winning photographer from appearing there, the photographer having been in Liberia 21 days ago and has been a-symptomatic.

The student body's parents, of course, would've had a cow. They would've simultaneously had 50,000 cows. Orange ones.

Oct 17 2014 08:10 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

I thought about getting it (like everyone else, it's sold out)

but decided on Beer & Bread Yeast instead.

Oct 17 2014 08:12 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

The people who told us that duct tape would protect us in case of an Anthrax attack are the same ones who are telling us that it is a weak virus and can be killed (outside the body) by common household disinfectants. (and, if you're old enough to remember, that hiding under our school desks could protect us in case of an Atomic attack)

Since the hospitals where patients are being treated must be using stuff stronger than common Lysol and there are press releases talking about how easily it spreads once someone is infected, I think this represents a real threat.

How big a threat do you think it is, and are you doing anything differently with this in the back of your mind?


Mets – Willets Point
Oct 17 2014 08:19 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Media hysteria and distraction, nothing more.

Edgy MD
Oct 17 2014 08:45 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

MFS62 wrote:
The people who told us that duct tape would protect us in case of an Anthrax attack are the same ones who are telling us that it is a weak virus and can be killed (outside the body) by common household disinfectants. (and, if you're old enough to remember, that hiding under our school desks could protect us in case of an Atomic attack)

These are definitely not the same people. Nor is this information really what we are being told. The CDC has certainly bungled their communications role so far, but come on.

I'm in Ebola Information Central here. At least, on the international side. You got Ebola questions, hit me. Some of what I got is classified, so there's a good chance I'll give you bungled non-answers. But that's good too.

Oct 17 2014 08:52 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

That is precisely what Doctors were telling us on various news shows in the NY area a few weeks ago, before the first case in the USA was reported. They were saying that Ebola was a weak virus outside a patient, and it can be killed on surfaces by standard household disinfectants. At that time they were downplaying the threat.


Edgy MD
Oct 17 2014 09:00 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Those are not the same people. Nor is that the sum total of what you have been told by the CDC.

If you want to say, "Doctors have been wrong, therefore never trust doctors," I don't know what to tell you.

Oct 17 2014 09:16 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Edgy MD wrote:
Some of what I got is classified

Spill it, bro ... vee have vays of making you tock!

Oct 17 2014 09:20 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

I keep thinking of that stupid profiler girl on CNN while the Boston bomber was still at large.

"He might be a ................. or maybe a ..............., very definitely a .................., blah blah blah"

She looked like a horse's ass the whole time and was totally wrong in the end. It was a couple of kids.

Anyway, I don't trust any media stories anymore. Edgy, if you've got real info, share it here, especially the disinfecting tricks.

Meanwhile, MSF62, in answer to your question, I guess the only thing I am really doing right now as far as preparation is just keeping my eyes and ears open. I might live in the middle of nowhere, but for that very fact, people come and go all the time.

I have a one year old granddaughter and I am already careful for her sake, but the fact that all four of us recently had pink eye (she, her parents, and myself) just shows how stuff happens no matter how careful you can be. If an epidemic is imminent it's going to happen, no matter how hard we try.

Edgy MD
Oct 17 2014 09:26 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Ebola has kilt one dude in the US, and he contracted it outside the country. The 2001 Anthrax attacks kilt how many? Five? Ninety-six Americans have died in the last 24 hours from traffic accidents.

What I can tell you is that misinformation and mistrust is killing as many people in West Africa now as the virus. So I think panicking and mistrusting all authorities because you conflate them with the people who told you to hide under your desk 30-50 years ago (US school children historically killed in air raids = 0, I think) is probably not the way to go. Use your own sense, yeah, but don't run with misinformation and distort the information you have.

The seal-the-borders crowd on Facebook is killing me. How exactly do we do that? Is our greatest public health concern really that infected and symptomatic Liberians are going to come pouring in through Canada?

Oct 17 2014 09:28 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Edgy MD wrote:
Is our greatest public health concern really that infected and symptomatic Liberians are going to come pouring in through Canada?

fucking canadians - always sticky with maple syrup.

Oct 17 2014 09:32 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

so don't lick anyone that's been to Liberia? got it.

Oct 17 2014 09:40 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Oct 17 2014 10:20 AM

Edgy MD wrote:
Ebola has kilt one dude in the US, and he contracted it outside the country.

Edgy, that may be so, but two of the health care workers that cared for him now have it. One of them is currently quarantined on a public cruise ship,* and the other one took two flights to Ohio and back.

Though I am praying that this is the end of it, we can't just pooh pooh it away. It is here in our country and people have a habit of moving around. And it takes three weeks to know you have it. That could spell some bad news.

Again, I'm hoping not.

*correction, she is so far clear :)

Oct 17 2014 09:41 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Ceetar wrote:
so don't lick anyone that's been to Liberia? got it.

Uh oh

Oct 17 2014 09:43 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

KC, no! Does your wife know?

Oct 17 2014 09:47 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Uh oh

Edgy MD
Oct 17 2014 09:58 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

cooby wrote:
Edgy MD wrote:
Ebola has kilt one dude in the US, and he contracted it outside the country.

Edgy, that may be so, but two of the health care workers that cared for him now have it. One of them is currently quarantined on a public cruise ship, and the other one took two flights to Ohio and back.

Sure. But in the great scheme, that's still not a plague on the loose. The CDC certainly did a terrible job giving the nurse an OK to fly.

Blessedly nobody's contracted it on those planes. Information has been clear for a long time --- bodily contact with somebody who is symptomatic is how it transferred. So, recognize that you don't want to be touching nobody who is feverish and vomiting on planes. Many West African airports have cancelled flights from affected countries, but many realize that only creates more hysteria and drives people to land travel which leads to less screening. Screeners are checking for symptoms among all passengers boarding flights in affected countries, and in nearby unaffected countries. Do we want that here? Maybe, but we're already miserable beyond consolation over our bags and persons being screened.

Meanwhile, a recent flight from Nigeria landed after a man died of an apparent heart attack. But he vomited and Rep. King insists that the heart attack diagnosis shouldn't be taken a face value. He's right to challenge CDC to be thorough and exacting, but does he really want to make a public stink about it?

To be sure, eroding public confidence in the government is a reflex action for a party out of power weeks before a national election. To be sure as well, defending the government is a reflex for the party in power. Be smart, but be cool.

Oct 17 2014 10:06 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

And that I absolutely agreed with. None of this is any government's fault.

Oct 17 2014 10:11 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Here's what you should do to avoid the Ebola virus:


Frayed Knot
Oct 17 2014 10:24 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Don't cruise ships usually lose a couple of people every time out under normal circumstances? (jumpers, newlyweds being thrown overboard, mysterious disappearances, kidnappings at stopovers points, over-eating, food poisoning, etc.)
An ebola outbreak on a ship might only up the average slightly.

Oct 17 2014 10:33 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Frayed Knot wrote:
Don't cruise ships usually lose a couple of people every time out under normal circumstances? (jumpers, newlyweds being thrown overboard, mysterious disappearances, kidnappings at stopovers points, over-eating, food poisoning, etc.)
An ebola outbreak on a ship might only up the average slightly.

you forgot PIRATES

Oct 17 2014 10:58 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

cooby wrote:
we can't just pooh pooh it away.

But if we stay away from the pooh pooh and vomit and other bodily sera of others, we should be in reasonably good shape.

Oct 17 2014 11:06 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Oh please. It's okay to say "snot" here, lol

Oct 17 2014 11:26 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Ceetar wrote:
Frayed Knot wrote:
Don't cruise ships usually lose a couple of people every time out under normal circumstances? (jumpers, newlyweds being thrown overboard, mysterious disappearances, kidnappings at stopovers points, over-eating, food poisoning, etc.)
An ebola outbreak on a ship might only up the average slightly.

you forgot PIRATES

A search for "Ike Davis Ebola" comes up empty.

Oct 17 2014 11:33 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

cooby wrote:
Oh please. It's okay to say "snot" here, lol

How 'bout booogies?

Oct 17 2014 01:16 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

cooby wrote:
Edgy MD wrote:
Ebola has kilt one dude in the US, and he contracted it outside the country.

Edgy, that may be so, but two of the health care workers that cared for him now have it.

Yes, two of the health-care workers who handled his bodily fluids have it. (Two nurses; the lab tech is the asymptomatic one floating off of Belize right now.)

High death rate, and as such, scary as hell to imagine (or have, natch). NOT airborne-contagious at all. As per all known information, not terribly contagious unless you're having direct fluid-to-fluid contact.

You want to freak out over a "hot" disease? Worry about enterovirus-- hardier on hands/surfaces, and transmissible when an infected person is asymptomatic.

Edgy MD
Oct 17 2014 02:46 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

The big story isn't what's happening here, of course, but what's happening there. The people suffering and the brave folks taking care of them despite the danger, and the hysteria slowing the availability of supplies and resources.

Have you heard of Fetu Kekula? She's my new heroine. She saved three-fourths of her family and stayed Ebola-free herself doing it, and now the sterilization protocols she came up with on her own are being used to train other healthcare workers.

The world has defeated this illness before, and despite our inability to get our collective shit together, we will again.

Oct 17 2014 04:15 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

Edgy MD
Oct 17 2014 07:10 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

To be certain, none can say with certainty how easy it will be to contain this virus, or how truly endangered we are. But it's become clear in the field that leaping after bad information and dividing into camps is helping kill more people faster where the disease is.

Edgy MD
Oct 20 2014 09:06 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Two months of "#Ebola" on Twitter.

Oct 20 2014 12:54 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

That is really neat to watch!

Frayed Knot
Oct 20 2014 12:57 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

I still don't have it.

Oct 23 2014 07:05 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

Ebola confirmed in NYC; Doctor from the DWB group in isolation at Bellevue right now.

Edgy MD
Oct 23 2014 07:15 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

My colleague is in Sierra Leone reporting on the situation on the ground. Here's his story in tweets so far. He's off to Liberia next.

Oct 24 2014 07:39 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

seawolf17 wrote:
Ebola confirmed in NYC; Doctor from the DWB group in isolation at Bellevue right now.

The name sounded familiar when I read the bulletins, but I couldn't immediately place it.

Turns out, I've met the guy; he's a friend of a friend. The fiancee-- Morgan-- is an ex-work-friend from the Red Cross, and she's one of the three currently in quarantine.

Oct 24 2014 08:00 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Good luck to them LWFS.

You know, it occurs to me that if people stopped going there and coming back, this would probably stop happening here.

Kinda simplistic, I know.

Though I realize, folks want to help.

Edgy MD
Oct 24 2014 03:27 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

Whoah. Wouldja lookit that?

Oct 24 2014 05:40 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

What are we looking at?

Edgy MD
Oct 24 2014 06:47 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

Guy on the left... that's the president. President of the United States of America.

Chick he's hugging... Nina Pham, Ebola-survivin' nurse.

Oct 24 2014 07:04 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

I know who the Prez is, didn't know what you were showing
us so I asked. Didn't think it was that obvious but maybe I'm
not as informed as everyone else.

Oct 24 2014 08:17 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

My hospital where I work, Westchester Medical Center, has been performing drills all week in prep for Ebola, meanwhile, get you and your loved ones flu shots.

Oct 24 2014 08:51 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

Edgy MD wrote:
Whoah. Wouldja lookit that?

I believe Obama to be holding his breath.

Oct 24 2014 08:52 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

Edgy MD wrote:
Chick he's hugging... Nina Pham, Ebola-survivin' nurse.

That would make a really great t-shirt.

Edgy MD
Oct 25 2014 11:22 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

I know you don't want to glean too much from a single frame in a moving event, but that looks like one awkward hug.

Oct 25 2014 01:03 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

What are we looking at?

Guy on the left... that's the president. President of the United States of America.

Chick he's hugging... Nina Pham, Ebola-survivin' nurse.


I am very happy she's better :) Still it does take a lot of courage to hug her....

Edgy MD
Oct 25 2014 01:23 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

Yup. But it takes even more to be her.

Hats off to Nina and the hundreds (or more) of healthcare workers doing what she does.

Nov 04 2014 06:40 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Obviously I don't want that broad in Maine to have Ebola but it would serve her right if she at least got the flu or something

Nov 04 2014 06:43 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Why? Because she did a tour of duty helping unfortunate souls in Africa only to come home to being treated like a pariah?

There's no valid reason that a non-contagious person should be placed under house arrest and no valid reason to spend tax dollars on guards to enforce it.

Nov 04 2014 06:50 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

I'd agree if she could prove she's not contagious. But my point is that she's acting selfish and self centered. She's coming off as entirely insensitive to whether she could spread the disease just because she wants to protect her 'rights'

Nov 04 2014 07:14 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

the thing is that she's not contagious until and unless she's symptomatic. monitoring her health should be sufficient, although a travel limitation might be a suitable compromise. not a hard quarrantine, just a "stay close to home, and off planes and trains for 21 days, please"

Nov 04 2014 07:52 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

What mm said. Ebola isn't an airborne disease, so she wasn't contagious. It served no purpose to quarantine her (except to drive the public hysteria and waste a lot of public resources that could have been put to much better use).

Frayed Knot
Nov 04 2014 09:59 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Have you people checked out where Fort Kent Maine is? ... Just by living in that town she's effectively already IN quarantine!!

Nov 04 2014 09:11 PM
Re: Ebola Thread

LWFS/Cooby similarity score: 74%

I agree fully on the scientific bid'ness. But the manner in which Ms. Hickox is handling things kinda leads one to wonder whether she went off to Africa to spite a well-meaning relative who expressed concern. Like, she's right. She's a hundred percent right. But she's a little bit of an asshole.

Nov 24 2014 09:29 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

this is a good tie-in to this forum lately

Nov 24 2014 10:54 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Ebola, shmebola. Apparently, the bubonic plague is back.

Bring out your dead. ... -1.2020682


Nov 25 2014 08:00 AM
Re: Ebola Thread

Are those pics real?