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Walking Dead 2014-15

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Nov 10 2014 09:33 AM

My homemade attempt at a "split" from the TV thread. I think there used to be one.

The Walking Dead, season premiere:

Tearful reunion.
Flashback to rape.
I was just relieved they didn't spend the whole season in a boxcar.

I don't think Tigers fan Guy is dead, he and the other wounded-but-not-dead Terminus Hipsters will regroup & attempt another revenge soon.

Carol is the baddest of asses.

Zombies on fire eating people's faces.

I streamed the show online and for some reason it started at the point where the men are being lined up by the tub to be butchered and I thought "This is some serious in media res shit!" I actually didn't realize I'd missed the first two minutes of the episode until I read a review later on. I think it was actually a better cold opening, although I did miss how Rick got the shiv.
Good Lord, that tub.

Leaving the badassery of the character aside, Melissa McBride is acting the sh*t out of Carol. The small moments-- the jaw-tensing when giving Tyreese the you've-got-to-get-over-this speech, that ever-so-little eye-roll when she saw the "shrine"-- are golden.
John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
I was just relieved they didn't spend the whole season in a boxcar.

Still, I'm surprised they were free from Terminus in a tidy 42 minutes. I'm sure some of the characters and situations will come back during the rest of the season, but I spent much of the off-season with visions of all of the possibilities for plots within the compound.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr wrote:
Good Lord, that tub.

They kind of overdid it with the "Glenn's about to get his head bashed in!" TWICE. Which I guess was a nod to how Glenn is killed by a baseball bat to the head in the comic book

LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr wrote:
Leaving the badassery of the character aside, Melissa McBride is acting the sh*t out of Carol. The small moments-- the jaw-tensing when giving Tyreese the you've-got-to-get-over-this speech, that ever-so-little eye-roll when she saw the "shrine"-- are golden.

This show can never let Carol or Daryl die, at least not before the series finale.

Great start to this season. This episode had it all. Also surprised they were out of that train car situation in no time. I loved that Carol pulled it off, and brought them down herself. And when Darrel see's Carol...pretty priceless :)
Walking Dead - "Strangers" - Oh drunk Bob, you just don't go wandering around on your own after dark on this show. Especially since a new African-American character was introduced earlier in the show.

Last week felt more like a series finale than a series premiere. This week felt more like an actual series premiere. Quieter, but some good character stuff.
Tigers fan, just like I warned.

The Terminus hipsters really freak me out. That Bob scene was quite disturbing.

They're zombies, only un-undead. Scary.
Mets – Willets Point wrote:
Especially since a new African-American character was introduced earlier in the show.

Trading one The Wire actor for another?

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
They're zombies, only un-undead. Scary.

Spot on.
Gareth is a deeply unsettling psychopath, for sure. That whole scene is a word-for-word recreation of a comic book scene, but with different characters. Robert Kirkman likes to switch things up so even the comic book readers don't know what's coming, but brilliantly was able to keep that dialogue and reveal for the tv show.
"I'm tainted meat!"
TransMonk wrote:
Mets – Willets Point wrote:
Especially since a new African-American character was introduced earlier in the show.

Trading one The Wire actor for another?

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
They're zombies, only un-undead. Scary.

Spot on.

Not surprised to see them taken out that way too. Gareth in the end was a little too monologuey for his own good but what a disturbing villain. Would have been cool to see whether Bob Meat had any effects.

"Slabtown" - starring Emily Kinney's enormous eyes.
Yeah, that was one creepy hospital. I hope we don't spend a whole lot more time there. Not sure I bought into the whole way of life there as fully as I did other bizarre survival strategies like Terminus or Woodbury.

I don't recall when Beth was taken whether she was injured by zombies or not. Was she?

Also, I guess the person emerging from the brush with Darryl will be Noah. New plan -- arrive at the hospital, waste a few cops, take the doctor and head to DC?

What I didn't get was, why the hell would the rapey, inclined-to-f*ck-the-rules boycops defer to bossy Dawn?

And do you want a doctor who murders other doctors to solidify his group-status to be in your traveling party?

Mets – Willets Point
Nov 10 2014 09:48 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

The Abraham backstory and Eugene is revealed as a voyeur and a liar who is good with a fire hose episode.

I'm actually surprised that they had Eugene reveal the truth so soon. It let's the air out of the "going to D.C." story arc.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Nov 10 2014 11:01 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Eugene's explanation much more believable than his knowing in the first place. They give a clear answer to why Abraham needs to believe his story, but would anyone else? The viewers at home were never fooled.

I guess I didn't know that Abraham was "getting ass" from Rosita.

Is Eugene dead? Do Maggie & Glenn wake up and take over? I suppose the canceled mission increases the plausibility of a link-up with the rest of the group.

Nov 10 2014 11:44 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Eugene's explanation much more believable than his knowing in the first place. They give a clear answer to why Abraham needs to believe his story, but would anyone else? The viewers at home were never fooled.

The best lies are those people want to believe, right? (And if they desperately want to believe something, anything-- say, they're at the eat-a-gun stage on the faith-in-humanity continuum-- all the more so.)

Is Eugene dead? Do Maggie & Glenn wake up and take over? I suppose the canceled mission increases the plausibility of a link-up with the rest of the group.

I like the increased narrative confidence this and last season; previously, there would be no way the writers/showrunners would stick with one subset of the group for an entire episode without doing a token check-in with the Rick circle/other goings-on (especially after the cliffhanger ending last time out).

Abraham's performance... given some potentially cartoony line-age, he sells it; he's pretty persistently moving and compelling to watch. (And, after he discovered his dead family, I only for a second imagined him popping some pain pills or bursting into wistful, cocaine-fueled poetry.)

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Nov 10 2014 11:54 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Grosse Point, which I only saw once, new in the theater, has been on my netflix queue for months, I just haven't gotten to it yet.

Mets – Willets Point
Nov 10 2014 12:19 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr wrote:

I like the increased narrative confidence this and last season; previously, there would be no way the writers/showrunners would stick with one subset of the group for an entire episode without doing a token check-in with the Rick circle/other goings-on (especially after the cliffhanger ending last time out).

I agree. This show works better when an episode focuses on a smaller group like it did in the second half of season 4 and the last two episodes (although "Slabtown" didn't work as well for me because I don't think Beth's character is interesting enough to anchor a whole episode with generic cop and doctor character's as support).

Nov 11 2014 07:33 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I had to roll my eyes at the weak fire hose ripping the flesh off of and ultimately destroying that group of walkers. I suppose after this many years, the writers are always looking for new ways of taking them down, but that was a tough one to swallow.

"It's kind of reached the point where everyone alive is strong now." Abraham speaks the truth. I guess that's why this show remains exciting for me.

Nov 11 2014 08:57 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

TransMonk wrote:
I had to roll my eyes at the weak fire hose ripping the flesh off of and ultimately destroying that group of walkers. I suppose after this many years, the writers are always looking for new ways of taking them down, but that was a tough one to swallow.

I'm thinking the low-ish water pressure had to be an extras-safety issue; blasting them at full strength with the hose would've actually taken out an extra or two.

Nov 11 2014 11:02 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Ouch Willets hide that spoiler a little better. I'm not sure if I will ever get around to reading the comic so not that big a deal. I hope they don't get around to putting that on the show.

Mets – Willets Point
Nov 11 2014 04:37 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Elster88 wrote:
Ouch Willets hide that spoiler a little better. I'm not sure if I will ever get around to reading the comic so not that big a deal. I hope they don't get around to putting that on the show.

I had the same color as the background in the original thread but that didn't copy when JCL pasted it in this thread. Sorry!

Mets – Willets Point
Nov 13 2014 09:25 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

It occurs to me that Rick's group is probably going to go to Atlanta to try to rescue Beth and Carol, and then will leave for DC from there. Abraham's group will probably go back to the church and see that Rick's group is gone and assume they missed one another on the road to DC and go after them. Maybe that's why Maggie & Glen are with Abraham's group because they'll have to convince the dejected Abraham that they have to catch up with Rick. Regardless, I guess the journey to DC will still be the plot for this season.

Mets – Willets Point
Nov 17 2014 08:32 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

You can't really go wrong with an episode built around Carol and Daryl, the two best actors on this show.

Some interesting/gruesome imagery:
* a child zombie behind the glass. They don't show many young children as walkers in this show, although you have to know that they exist.
* walkers trapped in sleeping bags looking like giant maggots.
* the walkers that rain down on the roof of the van after Daryl and Carol drive off the highway.

The only part that seemed unnecessary to me was Carol getting hit by a car. She was already injured, so they could have just had her separated from Daryl and picked up by the cops without being so ridiculously over-the-top.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Nov 17 2014 09:01 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I guess you have to credit Darrell for having the presence of mind to use a chance Noah encounter as an opportunity to heal Carol's wounded heart.

The forthcoming death of that bitchy [crossout:3chbbctr]nurse[/crossout:3chbbctr] cop is gonna be sweet.

Loved the sleeping bag/tented zombies, awful and creepy.

Nov 17 2014 10:38 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

This half-season has been my favorite so far. Forking the stories into episodes built around only a couple of characters has always been when this show is at its best.

Nov 17 2014 01:56 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Mets – Willets Point wrote:
You can't really go wrong with an episode built around Carol and Daryl, the two best actors on this show.

But are they? I know they have been great but then, who hasn't? Everyone's acted their part perfectly. I would say the same thing, but not that they are the two best actors on the show, but that Carol and Daryl are the two best characters.

Nov 17 2014 06:06 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Zvon wrote:
Mets – Willets Point wrote:
You can't really go wrong with an episode built around Carol and Daryl, the two best actors on this show.

But are they? I know they have been great but then, who hasn't? Everyone's acted their part perfectly. I would say the same thing, but not that they are the two best actors on the show, but that Carol and Daryl are the two best characters.

"Perfectly" might be overselling it. The Wire alums (the late Bob, Tyreese, Father Locks-'Em-Out)-- of course-- are pretty damn good*, but they've got less to do, character-wise. Some of the new additions have been surprisingly good and out-of-nowhere affecting (Cudlitz-as-Abraham, e.g.). Most of the OGs, Rick chief among them, are-- to be kind-- not the strongest in the acting department (although a few, like Carl, have gotten a little better).

*Chad Coleman's all-is-lost sadface is a sadface nonpareil; that said, it's, like, one of two or three moves he's allowed to do, given how he's written.

Nov 17 2014 10:50 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr wrote:
Zvon wrote:
Mets – Willets Point wrote:
You can't really go wrong with an episode built around Carol and Daryl, the two best actors on this show.

But are they? I know they have been great but then, who hasn't? Everyone's acted their part perfectly. I would say the same thing, but not that they are the two best actors on the show, but that Carol and Daryl are the two best characters.

"Perfectly" might be overselling it. The Wire alums (the late Bob, Tyreese, Father Locks-'Em-Out)-- of course-- are pretty damn good*, but they've got less to do, character-wise. Some of the new additions have been surprisingly good and out-of-nowhere affecting (Cudlitz-as-Abraham, e.g.). Most of the OGs, Rick chief among them, are-- to be kind-- not the strongest in the acting department (although a few, like Carl, have gotten a little better).

*Chad Coleman's all-is-lost sadface is a sadface nonpareil; that said, it's, like, one of two or three moves he's allowed to do, given how he's written.

I have to disagree about the guy playing Rick. You mention Chad and when I was trying to think of someones performance that was weak I thought of him right away. But, exactly like you say, that's the way he was written. I think Andrew Lincoln pwns the character Rick Grimes and is playing him just as the writers have written him up. And I think like Carl, Lincoln's gotten better as well.

I feel that they have given all these characters some pretty good depth and because of that they can get away with things like cliche lines and such. And that's all due to the performances. You gotta sell the writing and TWD ensemble do. They have put forth strong characters.

Nov 18 2014 07:03 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I admire Lincoln just for getting that hick accent right, which has to be hard for a Brit. I think he's done as good as he can with how the character has been written...especially in the prison season when it was SO over the top.

Now that Andrea and Lori have been dead for a while and The Governor got what was coming a year ago, I don't have too many problems with any of the characters/actors. And when I do, I just remember that this show is basically a glorified (gorified?) soap opera.

Mets – Willets Point
Nov 18 2014 08:24 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Gorified soap opera. I love it.

Andrew Lincoln does an acceptable Southern accent because it's understated, but Lauren Cohan's Southern accent sounds comical at times.

Nov 18 2014 10:52 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Lincoln's accent has gotten acceptable. T'aint was so great earlier on. (Cohan, though... she slips.)

Also, as to his competence as an actor... he's good at beard-growing, and at making that face he makes. But if you're telling me he's an objectively good actor who's done a better job with this than most anyone else could do, well, that ain't so. (By comparison, consider the range of emotions Reedus wrings-- unexpected humor, vulnerability, badass toughness, badass toughness in the face of vulnerability, confusion-- out of a similarly "intense" character with similar apparent acting limitations. And McBride's playing a different game than poor Andy Lincoln, honestly.)

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Nov 24 2014 12:50 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Dawn had to be setting up Beth, right? I don't really get it otherwise.

Eugene's grunt sounded awfully like he'd gone Z. I suppose it would be too neat a wrapup for him to kill Abe.

Where is Gabriel headed?

Did anyone get the impression even for a second that Glenn and Rosita were gonna, you know, start wildly humping one another?

Tara must kill a walker with a yoyo now.

Obviously, great escape for Darryl, but why are zombie skulls like 6 week old jackolanterns until you use one to bash another guys' head with? I've have figured it would all just have been a squishy soaking of grey matter.

Nov 24 2014 12:59 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Did anyone get the impression even for a second that Glenn and Rosita were gonna, you know, start wildly humping one another?


Also, just noticed this week that Dawn is the female lead from the HBO series Hello Ladies which was cancelled this season, but had enough footage to piece together a movie-length episode that premiered on Saturday. It was pretty bad...I can see why it was cancelled.

Mets – Willets Point
Nov 24 2014 01:02 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

This episode seemed like all set-up for the mid-season finale, but it had good character moments:

I think this is the first time they've ever given serious attention to Rosita. I think she's a lot more interesting than I had realized.

I like that Maggie took charge after Abraham went catatonic.

Tara making bad jokes and GREATM is both cringe-worthy and endearing.

Interesting that Darryl decided to back up Tyrese's plan and that Rick didn't argue.

I totally knew that "Good Cop" was plotting an escape the entire time, but I guess everyone but Sasha figured that out.

Mets – Willets Point
Nov 24 2014 01:06 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Dawn had to be setting up Beth, right? I don't really get it otherwise.

I don't think Dawn is as in charge of things as she would want people to believe. This is probably some Machiavellian scheme to assert her authority. I find it stranger that she was talking about Noah while Beth was mopping, like, five feet away.

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Eugene's grunt sounded awfully like he'd gone Z. I suppose it would be too neat a wrapup for him to kill Abe.

Maggie didn't seem all that concerned.

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Where is Gabriel headed?

I think he just wants to get away.

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Did anyone get the impression even for a second that Glenn and Rosita were gonna, you know, start wildly humping one another?

Hadn't crossed my mind.

Nov 24 2014 02:10 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Mets – Willets Point wrote:
This episode seemed like all set-up for the mid-season finale, but it had good character moments:

Yea, this was a filler, the calm before the storm.
Mets – Willets Point wrote:

I think this is the first time they've ever given serious attention to Rosita. I think she's a lot more interesting than I had realized.

And hotter than zombie roadkill melting on asphalt.
Mets – Willets Point wrote:

I like that Maggie took charge after Abraham went catatonic.

I really thought that Abe was gonna off himself.

Mets – Willets Point wrote:

I totally knew that "Good Cop" was plotting an escape the entire time, but I guess everyone but Sasha figured that out.

I suspected, but I had hoped not. When he made his move I thought it was going to be much worse for Sasha. He could have messed her up worse or killed her. Sasha got off easy.

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Dawn had to be setting up Beth, right? I don't really get it otherwise.

Everyone keeps saying that but I dunno. I think Dawn is crazier than anyone in that group.

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Eugene's grunt sounded awfully like he'd gone Z. I suppose it would be too neat a wrapup for him to kill Abe.

How dare they use a Z sound there. That's playing with our fuckin' heads. Unless he did turn, in which case Maggie really should be more concerned.

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Where is Gabriel headed?

Don't know for sure but wherever it is, he's gonna burn.

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Did anyone get the impression even for a second that Glenn and Rosita were gonna, you know, start wildly humping one another?

I think Maggie might put them both down.
But really, the lack of folks jumping each others bones is as chilling as the dead. Daryl had some opportunities with Beth (back when), and I was thinking go for it dude, but he didn't. And then when he was alone with Carol in the hospital and had that secure room and bed, come on Daryl, make a move. It's obvious that Daryl cares for these two women.

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Tara must kill a walker with a yoyo now.


John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Obviously, great escape for Darryl, but why are zombie skulls like 6 week old jackolanterns until you use one to bash another guys' head with? I've have figured it would all just have been a squishy soaking of grey matter.

And that was a street melted zombie. That should'a been like sticking your fingers in an omelet.
Meh, some people have thicker skulls than others.

Mets – Willets Point
Nov 24 2014 02:45 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I thought he was going to use the zombie head to bite the guy, not to hit him with it.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Dec 01 2014 10:10 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I'll say it again, I found the whole hospital angle way too bizzarre, and I never bought Dawn as a great villain. I mean, I also don't understand exactly what Gabriel was doing over at Bob-B-Q Elementary, but I at least am intrigued with him and was happy to see he came along at the end. I'm glad they are leaving that ridiculous hospital. Shocked that no cops or even pateints are coming with.

Rick is pretty hardcore, who else is left to do that work that needs to be done.

Dec 01 2014 10:20 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Disappointing, considering how far we'd come from the watchable-only-for-the-zombies-and-fun-house-shock-deaths dreck of the second season. That opening scene was great. As for the rest of it, with the tons of simmer and shock-for-shock's-sake (when it comes down to it)... well, the cop-on-cop fight was well-done, and the Mexican standoff was well-shot, and... well... how about that opening scene, huh?

Morgan re-meeting the group seems promising, as long as they don't tease all of the excitement out of it by the time the reunion actually happens.

Mets – Willets Point
Dec 01 2014 10:24 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I agree, the hospital plot was going nowhere and I'm glad it's sewn up so maybe they can go on to something better. I was never convinced that Dawn was in charge, and her parts felt a lot like the "tell not show" writing problems that happened a lot in Season 1 and 2 of "The Walking Dead."

Beth's death seemed random and pointless. There was a great reaction by Rick, Daryl, and Carol in how their hopes were high by getting Beth back with little fuss, only to have that shattered, but it didn't really feel earned. Also, Maggie hadn't even mentioned Beth in the last 16 episodes.

I like the scene at the church because it shows how competent and confident Michonne and Carl are in this new world, even when Gabriel leads a horde of zombies to their doorstep.

Dec 01 2014 12:04 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Mets – Willets Point wrote:
Beth's death seemed random and pointless.

Bingo Bongo.
In a world where there are great reasons to die, Beth is killed by accident for no reason at all. What did she think she was going to accomplish by making a little hole in Dawns shoulder? That was so stupid. And her death was senseless.

Well, everyone was calling for a cast member death. I suppose that was the point (even tho these eps were in the can for some time now). And they did set it up for a teary ending, which was something. I'll say this, I didn't expect we'd lose Beth, of all people.

Not very happy or satisfied with what they did there, but sometimes that's the way life is. People do stupid stuff.

Dec 01 2014 02:13 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I had a feeling Beth was going to be gone by the end of the episode after it was revealed to Maggie earlier that the others had gone to get her.

I honestly thought Dawn was going to shove Beth into the elevator shaft after the cop fight.

I'm glad their done with the hospital, too. The Dawn character was pretty shitty, IMO.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Dec 01 2014 02:18 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

TransMonk wrote:

I honestly thought Dawn was going to shove Beth into the elevator shaft after the cop fight.

Me too.

Dec 01 2014 03:42 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
TransMonk wrote:

I honestly thought Dawn was going to shove Beth into the elevator shaft after the cop fight.

Me too.

Me three.

Mets – Willets Point
Dec 01 2014 07:20 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Zvon wrote:
John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
TransMonk wrote:

I honestly thought Dawn was going to shove Beth into the elevator shaft after the cop fight.

Me too.

Me three.

I thought Beth was going to shove Dawn in the elevator shaft myself.

Dec 01 2014 07:25 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Mets – Willets Point wrote:
Zvon wrote:
John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
TransMonk wrote:

I honestly thought Dawn was going to shove Beth into the elevator shaft after the cop fight.

Me too.

Me three.

I thought Beth was going to shove Dawn in the elevator shaft myself.

Never even considered it but that woulda been way kool.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Feb 09 2015 06:48 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Bumping TM's comments onto the Dead-icated thread...

TransMonk wrote:
Walking Dead mid-season premiere? I thought there was a lot to like here. I've seen a lot on the inter-tubes calling it "meh", and I'm sure folks were ready for the blood and guts and the thrill of the chase, but I thought this week's offering was pretty good drama. Using a toy fighter jet as a kill weapon, though? C'mon, man.

Series premiere of Better Call Saul? It met my expectations, which, as an awaited spin-off to one of the better shows in television history, was a tall order.

I thought it was a creative way to handle a death, but was rooting for it to continue so we might get an idea of what if anything a zombie "thinks."

Wonder what we might make of the neatly severed torsos and 'X' forehead carvings on those corpses. Why does Glenn break a CD? What's up with Michonne being so desperate all of a sudden to nestle?

Mets – Willets Point
Feb 09 2015 10:45 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Was totally not expecting the shift into "Tyrese's farewell" about 1/3 of the way through the episode. Interesting that they brought back the cavalcade of for Walking Dead cast members, even David Morrisey, for the the hallucinations. I thought the trope of the radio playing disturbing news was really effective.

Mets – Willets Point
Feb 09 2015 11:07 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I'm not a nitpicker, but this is pretty funny.

Feb 10 2015 08:10 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Sorry...I forgot we had this special thread for TWD.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Feb 10 2015 10:12 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Mets – Willets Point wrote:
I'm not a nitpicker, but this is pretty funny.

I think if I'm in post-zombie apocolypse it's an advantage to stay away from big population centers with millions of potential walkers and stay in the sticks with less zombie-density. Actually what I think I'd do is head to the seas, take out a nice cruise ship or large fishing boat or something. No way zombies can swim, right?

Feb 10 2015 12:23 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I didn't see the show on airing and figured to watch it on demand ASAP. Got yesterdays NY Daily News- open it to the back (I go right for the sports) and the TV page is back there now and I see a big red SPOILERS! with a huge pic of Tyrese and I shut the paper real fast...but it was too late. I caught the nice big bold title that tells me that Tyrese was bitten by the big one. Or bit the big one. So thank you NY Post for ruining that.

The ep was great. The paper didn't really ruin it. I thought that was Beth's funeral at the start and I guess that's what they want us to think. So even though I was 99% sure Tyrese was gonna get his, I was surprised when he got bit. What a regular way to go. I didn't expect flashback cameos, esp the 2 little girls, and that was great. Hate to see Tyrese go but at least they gave him a fantastic sendoff episode. They gave him some excellent scenes for his resume.

Vic Sage
Feb 10 2015 03:01 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

i stopped watching after season 3. It is a great show but i just couldn't stand living in that world anymore. But the other day i saw one of the endless AMC promos for the mid-season premiere and i got curious, and the show's season 4 is on netflix, so i decided to try again.

I'm hooked again, goddammit. After finishing season 4, i couldn't find any way to watch season 5, so i went to their website and they have recaps of each of the episodes embellished with short video clips. Then i watched the mid-season finale featuring the death of Beth, and the mid-season premiere featuring the death of Tyreese. Awesome storytelling, and wonderfully cinematic.

Random thoughts:

* I still find the endless zombie slaughters tedious, but funny in the way they try to find new ways to kill them;
* Carol is a great character and Melissa McBride a phenomenal actress. Those scenes with the girls and Tyreese in their little house, where Carol realizes the little darling is a dangerous psychopath and Carol has to put her down like a mad dog, are just devastating;
* In fact, the whole post-prison odyssey really took the characters on new paths (literally and figuratively) and they grew or they died, or both. It was the best part of the series to date, i think.
* I'm sorry i could only get the conclusion of the Terminus storyline from the recap, but i'm glad i only had to gloss over the Hospital storyline; it seemed lame.
* The death of Beth was far more troubling to the group than it was to me. More disturbing by far were the losses of Hershel and Tyreese, even Bob. And while he was a fun character, i'm glad the Governor is finally dead. He is dead, isn't he?
* Rick's journey from humane dad, to group leader, to withdrawn farmer, to lethal bad-ass has been a satisfying one. The relationship between him and his son had seemed to be a reverse of Cormac McCarthy's book, THE ROAD, where the son was the only thing allowing the father to hold onto a thread of his humanity. Here it had been Rick trying to prevent Karl from losing his. But now, with Karl growing up a bit and realizing how much he needs his dad, and with Rick degenerating into savagery, the roles have reversed, making it more THE ROAD than ever. [p.s. - THE ROAD is one of the greatest books i've ever read];
* I'm not ashamed to say i have a man-crush on Darryl and a crush-crush on Tara, despite her sexual proclivities. In fact, since i'm getting tired of the whole Maggie-Glenn romance, a little Tara-Rosita girl-on-girl action wouldn't be bad. Not -- bad -- at -- all.
* I like that Michonne's humanity is shining through. She seems more like a woman than a killing machine now, but she can still go into beast mode when required.
* They really didn't do very much with that priest, so why bother?
* Who is Morgan again?

Mets – Willets Point
Feb 10 2015 03:56 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Mets – Willets Point wrote:
I'm not a nitpicker, but this is pretty funny.

I think if I'm in post-zombie apocolypse it's an advantage to stay away from big population centers with millions of potential walkers and stay in the sticks with less zombie-density. Actually what I think I'd do is head to the seas, take out a nice cruise ship or large fishing boat or something. No way zombies can swim, right?

The Shirewilt Estates were probably the shittiest place to make a secure enclosure. Don't know what Michonne was thinking.

Feb 10 2015 04:15 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Feb 10 2015 04:19 PM

Vic Sage wrote:
* The death of Beth was far more troubling to the group than it was to me. More disturbing by far were the losses of Hershel and Tyreese, even Bob. And while he was a fun character, i'm glad the Governor is finally dead. He is dead, isn't he?


* Rick's journey from humane dad, to group leader, to withdrawn farmer, to lethal bad-ass has been a satisfying one. The relationship between him and his son had seemed to be a reverse of Cormac McCarthy's book, THE ROAD, where the son was the only thing allowing the father to hold onto a thread of his humanity. Here it had been Rick trying to prevent Karl from losing his. But now, with Karl growing up a bit and realizing how much he needs his dad, and with Rick degenerating into savagery, the roles have reversed, making it more THE ROAD than ever. [p.s. - THE ROAD is one of the greatest books i've ever read];

I'll get out there and say that this show's writing-- as much as it's improved-- ain't got a third of the depth or scope of McCarthy's opus. (Although it kicks the living poo out of that McCarthy-penned movie from last year.)

* They really didn't do very much with that priest, so why bother?

Hey, he's still around. Also, with Cutty and D'Angelo Barksdale biting it in the last cluster of episodes, there's a "Wire" alum quota to fill, isn't there?

* Who is Morgan again?

Dude from the pilot with the son, who's the first living-breathing human-type Rick encounters, post-coma. (And he's stumbled upon later in his little suburban-Heart-of-Darkness enclave-- in Season 3?-- after his son has died.)

Benjamin Grimm
Feb 10 2015 04:16 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Morgan is the guy with the son who Rick met in the first episode, and he appeared again for one episode a couple of years later.

Feb 10 2015 05:25 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Didn't Morgan also end up in the final scenes of some of the Season 5 episodes? Seemed like he was tracking the group. It's setting us up for something...but those teasers were a while ago.

Mets – Willets Point
Feb 15 2015 11:56 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I know it's "The Walking Dead" but, man, that was bleak.

Feb 16 2015 01:04 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Yeah, seems to be a lot of peeps hitting their breaking point.

Walking dead, indeed.

Feb 16 2015 01:47 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

We don't watch this show, but when we were shopping for a new car in January, we saw this on the lot:

It was a 2014 leftover, and marked down so we politely looked at it, and when the salesman said those decals just peeled off, we suddenly became interested. It does have pretty cool floor mats, and this:

So we, got it.
A week or so later, my husband tuned in while I sat in the other room embroidering. I told him it sounded like someone choking on a hose, but he seemed to enjoy it.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Feb 17 2015 12:31 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Beginning of the episode had a wide shot at 2 of our heroes walking along the road (I think Maggie and Sasha) obviously meant to illustrate how much their gaits resembled those of walkers Walkers. I suppose the ongoing theme of this season has been how alike both groups are -- you had the terminus group who literally ate people just as the Zombies do and Rick's group which has to play dead to survive, or something.

I don;t know about a storm uprooting trees and killing dozens of Walkers but leaving a stupid barn standing in the middle of a wood, unmolested even by flying branches?

Now how about Clean Steve at the end? How does he know who Rick is? Were those his dogs? What's his deal?

-- My thought of the night: Why not find the closest Costco distribution center and move in there? Lots of TVs and DVDs, plenty of food and water, probably located not far from the highway but in lower population-density areas. Going to big urban centers is crazy-ass shit.

Benjamin Grimm
Feb 17 2015 12:53 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:

Now how about Clean Steve at the end? How does he know who Rick is?

My guess: Morgan had found a note in Father Gabriel's church (from Abraham, I think) mentioning that Rick was heading to Washington DC. He may have also headed up that way and fallen in with the new clean guy's group.

Benjamin Grimm
Feb 17 2015 12:56 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
-- My thought of the night: Why not find the closest Costco distribution center and move in there? Lots of TVs and DVDs, plenty of food and water, probably located not far from the highway but in lower population-density areas. Going to big urban centers is crazy-ass shit.

If the show was on ABC instead of AMC, they would have had an everyone-goes-to-Disney-World episode by now.

Mets – Willets Point
Feb 17 2015 01:51 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

-- My thought of the night: Why not find the closest Costco distribution center and move in there? Lots of TVs and DVDs, plenty of food and water, probably located not far from the highway but in lower population-density areas. Going to big urban centers is crazy-ass shit.

They went to a Costco type of place in one episode. It didn't work out too well.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Feb 17 2015 01:55 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Yeah that was a retail store in a busy shopping center: I'm talking about a 1 million square foot regional distribution hub that can supply a few dozen of those stores. They'd be loaded with food and medicine! And soap! and clothing! And forklifts!

Mets – Willets Point
Feb 17 2015 02:08 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Makes sense, although it would likely to be picked over and/or overrun by walkers at this point.

Visually, I like the idea of hordes of walkers gathered around the famed buildings and monuments of Washington. Maybe they can fortify themselves in the Lincoln Memorial.

Feb 17 2015 02:31 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

When those dogs popped out of the woods I thought: "KOOL! ZOMBIE DOGS!"

Feb 18 2015 10:36 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:
Yeah that was a retail store in a busy shopping center: I'm talking about a 1 million square foot regional distribution hub that can supply a few dozen of those stores. They'd be loaded with food and medicine! And soap! and clothing! And forklifts!

I'd imagine a LOT of Southerners had the idea to head over to Bentonville.

Plus, even if you won the sprint... well, how the hell would you DEFEND something like that?

Benjamin Grimm
Feb 19 2015 12:19 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I think a wise thing for the walking humans to do would be to find a library somewhere and find a book that says which wild plants and weeds are edible.

Feb 23 2015 12:45 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I want to trust the newbies and their community...but something tells me AMC is not going to air two and a half seasons of the gang living happily ever after safe and sound from the walkers.

Vic Sage
Feb 23 2015 03:50 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Rick is on the edge. Michonne keeps him balanced. The gay guys seem sincere, but you know our little group will get crushed again, it's just a matter of how and when. So I'm watching through parted fingers. Hope is alive, but its on life support.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Feb 23 2015 09:40 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Why else would they show Rick hiding a gun if it won't come in handy before long.

Rick sort of is a giant dick. I think if I'm an effective leader I delegate the "muscle" to someone like Abraham and instead work the long con on the gay guy.

Did like that Glenn stopped being a depressed emo guy and turned back into the lithe clever one they found originally.

Don't know what's on the other side of that fence.

Vic Sage
Feb 24 2015 03:01 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Rick sort of is a giant dick. I think if I'm an effective leader I delegate the "muscle" to someone like Abraham and instead work the long con on the gay guy.

i think that's unfair. Rick has been more traumatized than most and has given in to that most atavistic side of his nature, while still having 2 kids (including an infant) to protect. At this point he's going to shoot anything that even looks like it could hurt them. In fact, i think it's highly evolved of him (even unrealistically so) that he defers to the will of the group as much as he's doing. He's too principled to con anybody and is no more likely to avoid the wet work than Ned Stark was.

I think some folks just hate Rick (or the actor playing him) and will find fault with him no matter what choices he makes. Me, i'm all in with Rick. He's my guy, and he'll lead them thru the wasteland, both to safety and to rebuilding civilization, and so reclaim his fading humanity.

Feb 24 2015 05:26 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Color me anti-Rick, then, sorta. I just never really bought that Rick had qualities that made him the best-qualified leader; as played onscreen, anyway (perhaps it's different in the comic), he's never been particularly charismatic, strong-willed (at least at first), or decisive (hell, right up to and including the last episode). He's been a pretty good battlefield commander, granted, but elsewise, his judgement hasn't exactly been fantastic (see: handling of various farm and prison conflicts). Seems to me that in this iteration, he's just always been the leader because, well, the script says he is. Well, and now because he's the guy who's willing to punch people in the face unnecessarily and without provocation when nobody else has the balls to punch people in the face unnecessarily and without provocation.


John Cougar Lunchbucket
Feb 24 2015 08:57 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I'm no Rick hater like say, LWFS is. I like him sometimes. It's just, they spent a lot of time in past seasons showing how the zombie life was turning kids into maniacs and in this episode, Carl is totally an innocent again and Rick's all let's-kill-the-stranger. I was kinda exaggerating on the long con thing, but he was over the top and everyone knows it and its already dividing the group.

Mets – Willets Point
Feb 25 2015 10:11 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Judith is the best toddler to have in a zombie apocalypse. She's okay with being on her own a lot, doesn't fuss much, only cries when it's expedient to the plot.

Mar 02 2015 01:10 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

"F*ck your Stepford people jobs and 'sweet ass biscuits,' I'm getting some possum."

Mar 02 2015 01:16 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Slow episode last will be interesting to see where the twist is now. I surely don't trust the congress lady yet and there's little to like about her kid.

Mar 02 2015 01:22 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I liked it. Weirdly tense, seeing our guys reacclimating to people-life... and the hint of possible good-guys-as-bad-guys at episode's end?

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Mar 02 2015 02:11 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Darryl: Eating possum.
Carol: Playing possum.

Good stuff.

I guess the angle on Senator Slick is to employ Rick to carry out these "exiles." I can also see conflicts arising where he'll need to make decisions on disciplining guys like Darryl or Carl.

Although that the gang surrendered their guns so willingly is a little whacky considering how close Rick was to stabbing one in the head without provocation a few hours before.

Mar 03 2015 12:57 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I was surprised Rick took the baby inside when they first went thru the gate. I thought he would have left two or three of the group waiting outside with the baby while he and the others scoped the place out.

I didn't consider this a slow episode. I don't feel they always have to be fighting something (or losing a group member). Jeeze, give em a couple of weeks of peace & quiet.

I believe the townspeople are being totally truthful and open, and Rick's group won't be able to accept their honesty and adjust. They will rise up against Alexandria, they will take it over, but they will regret it big time when they find out they were wrong, and these folk had no ulterior motives.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 03 2015 03:33 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Zvon wrote:
I believe the townspeople are being totally truthful and open, and Rick's group won't be able to accept their honesty and adjust. They will rise up against Alexandria, they will take it over, but they will regret it big time when they find out they were wrong, and these folk had no ulterior motives.

That would be an interesting twist, and better than what happens in the comics.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 05 2015 08:54 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Nothing freaked me out more in this episode than Carol going suburban mom.

Benjamin Grimm
Mar 06 2015 07:17 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Rick said that he thought haircuts were a thing of the past, yet someone's been cutting Carol's hair.

And please, Darryl: take a shower! And shampoo your hair! I'm so sick of seeing his skanky greasy hair.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 06 2015 08:36 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Darryl trims Carols hair with with his crossbow.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 06 2015 10:57 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 06 2015 10:58 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

And please, Darryl: take a shower! And shampoo your hair! I'm so sick of seeing his skanky greasy hair.

Benjamin Grimm
Mar 06 2015 12:19 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I think Darryl would rather eat applesauce than was his hair!

Vic Sage
Mar 09 2015 09:59 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

it's official... Carol is now the scariest bitch alive after the apocalypse.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 09 2015 09:06 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Take the cookies. Lots of cookies.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 09 2015 09:23 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Meanwhile, Jessie and Rick show off their scarlet letter A's and hope that Pete has never read Hawthorne.

Vic Sage
Mar 11 2015 12:31 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

yeah, really. heavy handed much?

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Mar 11 2015 12:37 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

There's a lot to unravel still. What the letters are about -- as you recall they encountered zombies with symbols on them near there and in Noah's neighborhood, where they were also neatly chopped up. I'm sure that answer has something to do with why the townspeople are so paranoid about folks climbing the observation tower.

Did like Rick putting the moves on Milfy Mom.

And they look to be setting up that conflict with Darryl but not along the lines I'd expected.

I didn't know zombies ate horses.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 11 2015 03:40 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I thought the "A" was for Alexandria, but that is an interesting connection to the "W's" and the "Wolves" graffiti.

The walkers ate Rick's horse in Atlanta in the very first episode.

By the way, I know they do most of their on-location filming on back-country roads in Georgia, because it's cheaper to film there than in a place where there are lots of people around. In story, it makes sense that they've spent so much time on rural backroads the past few seasons because the main highways are blocked and the cities are full of walkers. But now that they're in Alexandria, it's driving me crazy that they're still somehow surrounded by rural forests because Alexandria is in reality a dense city surrounded by crazy sprawl.

Mar 12 2015 09:47 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I'm not sure how I feel about Rick as Crazy-Eyez-Killah. It's an interesting potential development. I just worry-- the previews don't help, there-- that they're setting up drunk-doctor-husband as a straw-man bad guy to make Rick/HaircutWife's eventual liaison a little more palatable to viewers. Which, y'know, more lazy character writing. (Like Sasha going all combat-weary when, frankly, they've given her little to work with/make us really care prior to this.)

Also... the Carol bedtime story, while effectively jolting television, didn't strike me as the smartest/most likely way for Carol to go, there. Fear's a powerful motivator and all... but it seems more consistent with her character/modus operandi to keep the kiddo close via cookie bribes/passive-aggro niceness at this point, doesn't it? (Especially considering that the kid didn't quite see anything he couldn't unsee, right?)

Benjamin Grimm
Mar 12 2015 09:59 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Fear the Walking Dead, a six-episode companion series set in L.A., will air this summer. The second season will air in 2016... I don't know if the episode count will remain the same.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 12 2015 10:16 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Benjamin Grimm wrote:
Fear the Walking Dead, a six-episode companion series set in L.A., will air this summer. The second season will air in 2016... I don't know if the episode count will remain the same.

Lots of skinny, blonde walkers in bikinis!

Mar 16 2015 01:38 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

That was a pretty intense last 15 minutes in the 3/15 episode. Should make for an interesting two final episodes of the season.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Mar 16 2015 06:51 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Well we can pretty much count on Rick and Drunken-Dad-With-Hotty-Wife getting into it more. Senator What's her name I'm sure will try and exile Abraham for insubordination and reward Gabriel for ratting. Glenn will get all emo again. Carole's mom instinct is back. not sure what happens to Michonne and Darryl story lines.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 16 2015 11:15 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

It's getting hard to believe that the Alexandrians are *that* incompetent. They have to be good at something to have lived this long.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 16 2015 11:38 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Walking Dead fans make the best memes.

Vic Sage
Mar 17 2015 08:27 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Mets – Willets Point wrote:
It's getting hard to believe that the Alexandrians are *that* incompetent. They have to be good at something to have lived this long.

They're good at building fences and being lucky.

And it's not so much a matter of incompetent as inexperienced with the necessities of survival in the zombie apocalypse. They also haven't been bonded under fire like our group has, so they cut and run and abandon their fellows at the first sight of a walker, while our gang tries to never leave a man behind. Hell, Glen even brought back the dickhead who abandoned his own friend, got Noah killed, and tried to steal the car and leave them all behind. You just KNOW that when that group gets back to Alexandria, Dickhead will blame the death of the Senator's son on Glen & Co, and the senator will turn against them, leading to a civil war of sorts.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 17 2015 08:37 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

By the way, Aiden and Noah's death scenes could've been trimmed back a bit. Like maybe 90-95% less gratuitous gore. I kept waiting for them to cut away.

Vic Sage
Mar 17 2015 08:49 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

yeah, they went all out on those, didn't they? With Aidan, i think there was a little bit of "he's an asshole, so lets kill him nasty" to that, but with Noah, i think it was to really traumatize Glen. Noah was his friend and having to watch that up close with no way out is going to have ramifications. If they didn't make it as horrible as they did, it would make any change in Glen a little less believable. I mean he's had people he's loved get eaten before, so why all the drama this time? Well, he's never had a friend die on his watch before, in his company, and so it sets up the possibility of more intense trauma. And Noah was a good kid that everybody liked... he was their future, in a lot of ways. He wanted to learn to BUILD things, for chrissakes. By the way, as soon as he said that to the architect, i knew Noah was fucked.

Mar 17 2015 10:10 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Vic Sage wrote:
And Noah was a good kid that everybody liked... he was their future, in a lot of ways. He wanted to learn to BUILD things, for chrissakes. By the way, as soon as he said that to the architect, i knew Noah was fucked.

Agreed. Although, I didn't think Noah would bite it so quickly after that conversation.

Mar 18 2015 11:25 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15


Setting aside the off-the-reservation dickishness of Father Gabe's blather, he's got a point.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 18 2015 12:07 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr wrote:
Setting aside the off-the-reservation dickishness of Father Gabe's blather, he's got a point.

Yet he fails to mention that he locked himself in a church with a full pantry of food while his congregation were outside begging to come in.

Actually, I wonder what he said in his interview.

Benjamin Grimm
Mar 18 2015 12:10 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I read something online (forget where) where someone wondered why, on these supply missions, the humans don't either wear body armor or cover themselves with zombie guts. It does seem needlessly risky to head into zombie danger wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

Mar 23 2015 11:20 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Waving a gun to punctuate your points is probably not the best way to win a debate, is it?

In the comics, was the leader of Alexandria a congressman? Because I feel like having the "Washingtonians" living inside the isolated bubble and having no idea how the world is around them is a pretty unsubtle metaphor, innit?

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Mar 23 2015 11:40 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I dunno about this episode.

Rick didn't need to go lose his mind again. He'd been keeping it together pretty well, AND had to be convinced by Carol to dish out some justice, so why do it so ham-fistedly? t's almost as though Carol were setting him up to be some kind of public fool, as righteous as he may be.

They are really holding back on divulging all there is to the chopped up, marked-up zombies, aren't they? Any (comic-spoiler free) theories? What about the chick tied to the tree? Speculated on the aftershow the W's could be M's for Morgan. They've run out of time for his premiere appearance to mean anything so I expect his plays some kind of role next week.

It would seem that zombies are being "sent" to Alexandria. To fight?

Vic Sage
Mar 23 2015 01:43 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

yeah, i don't like psycho Rick.

Mar 23 2015 02:38 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I can't believe TWD may have jumped my shark. I find the storyline with Rick (turns into a stalking dickhead) and Carol (she's just plain evil all of the sudden) ridiculous.

Oh yea, and suddenly the doctor has been beating his wife and locking up his kid forever? Contrived.

The storyline with Glenn and Carl, even Michonne, I am enjoying. Where they are taking Rick & Carol is very disappointing.

Mar 23 2015 05:36 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I could have cheered Michonne for knocking Rick out. Maybe this means he's gone mental one too many times.

I think if I was one of the group following Rick that this would be the last straw. I'd defect to this new community. Are they oblivious to the real terror of the world? Yes...but they're just as I alive as any in Rick's group. And they don't have to constantly wonder if he's going to lose it again.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 23 2015 08:55 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Best response to one of Rick's monologues ever. Thanks, Michonne.

Could Rick have been any creepier when he was talking to Jessie? And then Creepy Pete joined in. And they had a creep-off fist-fight.

Sadly this is one of the plots that they're adapting pretty much straight from the comics and it was just as hamfisted then.

I agree that Glenn, Michonne, Carl, Darryl & Aaron all have much more interesting (or at least promising) stories right now.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 23 2015 09:12 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr wrote:

In the comics, was the leader of Alexandria a congressman? Because I feel like having the "Washingtonians" living inside the isolated bubble and having no idea how the world is around them is a pretty unsubtle metaphor, innit?

Yes, an Ohio congressman named Douglas Monroe, who is kind of incompetent and kind of a letch, but basically friendly.

Oh, and the Alexandria Safe Zone was said to built by the government with it's own power grid as a safe place for government officials in case of a disaster, although most of the people who end up there weren't actually Feds. The tv show seems to have changed it to an upscale eco-community.

Benjamin Grimm
Mar 24 2015 08:27 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Sick of Rick. I'd like to see them take the bold move and kill him off.

Mar 24 2015 02:21 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Mets – Willets Point wrote:
Best response to one of Rick's monologues ever. Thanks, Michonne.

Could Rick have been any creepier when he was talking to Jessie? And then Creepy Pete joined in. And they had a creep-off fist-fight.

Sadly this is one of the plots that they're adapting pretty much straight from the comics and it was just as hamfisted then.

I agree that Glenn, Michonne, Carl, Darryl & Aaron all have much more interesting (or at least promising) stories right now.

Sometimes I forget the comics. So I guess I can't blame the writers for that. I always thought Ricks priority was his kids. He's like the only person in the world besides Mrs Big (scratch one) who has two children still alive with him.
All the sudden he's letting his other head do the thinking? And his most natural response is that he has to kill the guy? Weak & disturbing.

Mar 29 2015 11:09 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Even w/my griping I have to admit that was a pretty awesome season conluder.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 29 2015 11:30 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Zvon wrote:
Even w/my griping I have to admit that was a pretty awesome season conluder.

Ditto. Great comeback after a string of weak episodes.

Darryl and Aaron are really wondering why folks can't hold their shit together when they go away.

Also, Morgan for full-time cast, please.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Mar 30 2015 09:08 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

How about that Glenn? Survives a gunshot, a beating and what looked like 2 or more zombies without a weapon. Not that I wanted him to die, but man. Close calls for him, Gabriel, Rick, Darryl, Sasha and Morgan but only Mr. Deanna dies.

Carol and her casserole were pretty awesome again.

Intriguing that the Wolves have learned to train the walkers, looked as though Darryl gave us a hint of that earlier. Obviously these people will look to start a war next season, and Deanna's exiling will come back to bite them, literally.

Mets – Willets Point
Mar 30 2015 09:14 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Who is going to take care of all of these injuries now that the only doctor in town is dead? Also, had it been previously established that Rosita has medical skills?

Vic Sage
Mar 30 2015 12:19 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Awesome finale!


Finally, some good things happen to our intrepid band of travelers:

* Morgan returns as a zen master samurai;
* Rick is finally back to his senses and in control;
* Sasha and Glenn both hold onto their humanity by facing death and turning the other cheek to their enemies;
* Tara comes out of the coma;
* Abraham and Eugene reconcile;
* Maggie shows herself to be a solid mediator;
* Daryl and Aaron survive a zombie trap and continue to bond;
* Michonne takes her sword down off the wall; and
* Carol is still the scariest bitch alive after the apocalypse.

Meanwhile, shit comes pouring down on the assholes:

* Morgan beats up the wolfboys with his staff;
* Carol terrorizes Pete (the porch dick) with her knife, and then Rick shoots him in the head;
* Sasha pounds suicidal Gabriel to the ground;
* Glen beats the crap out of cowardly Nicholas; and
* Deanna watches her husband get his throat cut.

Oh, and of course, many zombies die.

And our gang takes over the town! Wahoo!

So I guess they're setting up the Wolfboys as the "big bad" for next season.

Vic Sage
Mar 30 2015 12:21 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Mets – Willets Point wrote:
Who is going to take care of all of these injuries now that the only doctor in town is dead? Also, had it been previously established that Rosita has medical skills?

They'll just have to do what my dad told me to do when i got hurt playing little league: rub some dirt on it and walk it off.

John Cougar Lunchbucket
Mar 30 2015 12:25 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I'm thinking a strong possibility that Glenn probably did get bitten in that zombie showdown but like with Bob, they didn't show it. His legacy is to redeem the cowardly lion-lookin Nicholas then get sick and die. He'll reveal that after Maggie becomes pregnant.

Mar 30 2015 12:53 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

I'm weary of these season-ending strings. All signs pointed to TERMINUS for several episodes at the end of last season and that plot line lasted for an episode and a half in the new season.

I think Carol is running the show now...and nobody really realizes it. She is now deliberately two-faced to nearly everyone.

Over/under for Rick freakouts next season: 2.5

Vic Sage
Mar 30 2015 03:11 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

i say he goes back to farming.

Mar 30 2015 03:47 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

John Cougar Lunchbucket wrote:

Carol and her casserole were pretty awesome again.

Ha! What a scene.
Who is going to take care of all of these injuries now that the only doctor in town is dead? Also, had it been previously established that Rosita has medical skills?

One of my first thoughts was that they would give him much extra rope b4 killing him because he was a real doctor. If I was the leader there I would have to factor that into my thinking.

I doubt that Rosita's med skills could replace the knowlege of a doctor.

One gripe: After the fight with Rick they move the doctor to another house, separating him from his wife. The house they move him to has an excellent view of his wifes house so he can see anyone who comes or goes as he sits at his front window. Pretty stupid move.

Benjamin Grimm
Mar 31 2015 06:54 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

It was also mighty convenient, plot-wise, for Pete to charge into that gathering and kill Deanna's husband, of all people.

Vic Sage
Apr 01 2015 09:06 AM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

Pete killing Deanna's husband was not a matter of plot convenience. Pete was a ticking time-bomb. It was only a matter of time before he went off in a way that would be intolerable and would require Deanna to have him put down. It was a plausible plot point, and not out of character or inconsistent with Pete's character. It also furthered the themes the storyline was mining... Deanna didn't fully appreciate the threat of the monsters without or within, so has lost a son and a husband. It was that kind of loss that led Rick and the others to the survival skills they now have. And so it has now for the congresswoman. Which is also totally plausible.

As for Pete's being put in a house facing his wife's... yeah, THAT was a too convenient plot contrivance. The community seems large enough that there'd be an empty house available somewhere that was more isolated from her. But its hard to get a sense of the total size of Alexandria... how many houses, how they're laid out, how many are occupied, etc., so it's at least possible that was the only (or best) place for him. Unlikely, though, which is why it rankles, plot-wise.

Apr 01 2015 12:17 PM
Re: Walking Dead 2014-15

The thing that makes it so damn frustrating is that the Pete setup isn't just contrived... it's completely unnecessary. I mean, it's not as if it's unbelievable that he'd suddenly go off at some perceived immediate slight, without much provocation but stewing and drinking. Hell, it's arguably more effective if he comes charging out of nowhere at the end, while lurking offscreen following the Carol business.