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Aggressive Omar
A Boy Named Seo Jan 26 2006 12:55 AM |
Seeing Piazza and Molina both without employment with pitchers and catchers just a few weeks away made me want to check out the "[url=]Catcher 2006[/url]" thread again. Can't fault Omar for striking quickly on Delgado or Wagner, but looking at the timeline of events as far as catchers go, the LoDuca choice looks even more peculiar to me as a little time's passed.
Bret Sabermetric Jan 26 2006 02:58 AM |
Hate being an Omar-apologist, but one meme offered is that you may be confusing cause with effect. I.e., snapping up Lo Duca when he did cut down on the number of bidders expected in the "Looking-for-catchers" market so sharply, no one is ready to bid at anything close to the rates everybody was expecting. So everyone's stuck in place.
Rotblatt Jan 26 2006 07:58 AM |
That's a good point, BS, but it's hard not to wonder what might have happened.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 26 2006 08:17 AM |
The Mets should at least think about signing Molina and dealing LoDuca.
seawolf17 Jan 26 2006 08:21 AM |
You know? I hadn't thought of that, Yancy, but that's not outside the realm of possibility. I know LoDuca's a nice player, but he's certainly expendable. I don't know that I love Molina, but if he'll come cheaply for a year...
Yancy Street Gang Jan 26 2006 08:23 AM |
And it would make the Mets more Hispanic!
Elster88 Jan 26 2006 09:26 AM |
I think this probably could've gone into the Catcher thread, at least my comments are the same as there. The LoDuca move is one I give Omar a ton of credit for. As BS said, he cut off the game free agents play. Molina and Hernandez had a week to consider the offer, and didn't say one way or the other. They obviously wanted to play the game of running to another team to get a slightly better offer, then running back to the Mets, etc. The availability of LoDuca helped Omar avoid all that crap.
Frayed Knot Jan 26 2006 09:34 AM |
Keep in mind also that Piazza never really was an option here unless he were to agree to a cut-rate deal for part-time action before all these other permutations played themselves out! The arbi-cutoff date forced that decision to be made early and, at that point, MP certainly wasn't going to give away all his other options to wind up with a deal (assuming the NYM actually offered him something) which is only now probably not looking so bad to him.
Elster88 Jan 26 2006 09:37 AM |
It made me crack up when Molina was complaining shortly after the Mets got LoDuca. He was talking about his lack of options and said something like he really thought he was coming to New York.
metirish Jan 26 2006 09:40 AM |
Yeah he really dropped the ball on this did Molina,with 3 weeks to ST and he's still not signed, and I 'm kinda happy that the Mets didn't get him, he's old and fatish, LoDuca will do the biz I think.
duan Jan 26 2006 09:58 AM |
seriously would anyone have a problem bringing Piazza back but only playing from May 1st. I wouldn't.
ScarletKnight41 Jan 26 2006 10:01 AM |
I'd be fine with that.
Frayed Knot Jan 26 2006 10:07 AM |
To do what ... pinch hit occasionally and DH 9 times a year?
Bret Sabermetric Jan 26 2006 10:07 AM |
Let's just make sure we show him the proper respect by paying him a lot of money for a really, really long time. He meant so much to this organization, he deserves at least that token of gratitude.
ScarletKnight41 Jan 26 2006 10:09 AM |
Pinch hit, DH, catch occasionally. If the price was right (a big if), I'd be comfortable with that.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 26 2006 10:10 AM |
He's not going to be available on May 1.
MFS62 Jan 26 2006 11:42 AM |
Maybe he thinks slower than he runs. Later
Vic Sage Jan 26 2006 12:07 PM |
I didn't like the LoDuca deal at the time, and i don't like it now.
Elster88 Jan 26 2006 03:10 PM |
Milledge, our right fielder of the future.
RealityChuck Jan 26 2006 03:34 PM |
seawolf17 Jan 26 2006 03:35 PM |
Why not? Ours does.
Yancy Street Gang Jan 26 2006 03:36 PM |
Cameron demanded a trade?
seawolf17 Jan 26 2006 03:39 PM |
Yeah, what Yancy said. I forgot to include those points in my thread.
rpackrat Jan 26 2006 04:31 PM |
Cameron didn't demand a trade, but he did let it be known that he wanted to play CF again. I don't like that trade, either, but I'll bet Cameron's happy about it.
Vic Sage Jan 27 2006 12:07 PM |
no, it didn't. first, we don't know that he did; secondly, if he did, he can demand whatever he wants but the gm doesn't have to do it; third, even if he demanded it, and even if the Mets were inclined to just give him what he wanted, the TIMING of the deal (with Damon still in play) practically guaranteed that the Mets wouldn't get back as much in value as they could've. What would the bosox give for cameron after losing damon? more than nady, i'd wager. no, we moved cameron, and moved him when we did, to make $ room for Wagner. period.
he wasn't ineffective. he was an adequate 3rd starter. we just have a cheaper option available in Heilman.
Because (1) Loduca is NOT just as good as Hernandez, and (2) even if they were equivalent, we had to give up top prospects (not just money) to get him. After LoDuca's first season (an excellent one), he's been a barely adequate receiver with a good BA and no power or run production. At age 34, he's at the stage where decline is imminent and ANY decline would take him from "barely adequate" to "totally suck" pretty damn quick. Ramon Hernandez has power and is defensively sound, and has a MUCH higher upside, and is significantly younger, still in his prime. and he may've cost $2m/yr more, but he would've improved the team more, and saved us valuable prospects.
Of course it does, but if they move him for a spare part or prospect, with the intent of turning the position over to Keppinger or Anderson (or god forbid, Boone), then its another $$ dumping move, because even Matsui's mediocre-to-crappy production last 2 years are at least equal to what Kepp or Anderson could reasonably be expected to produce this year as the Mets' 2Bman.
i didn't say it was his fault. i was simply suggesting the delgado deal is best understood in the category of Omar's "fa signings", rather than trades, because, though it is an atypical trade for him where we were taking on rather than dumping salary, it was a deal for a player that they had already made a significant FA bid to get, at the price they were willing to pay (now plus prospects) with a team that was in the process of dumping its entire roster. And once Omar wants a guy, once there is blood in the water, he seems to become single-minded. Which is sometimes good, sometimes not (if its the wrong player).
rpackrat Jan 27 2006 02:22 PM |
That's a pretty extreme overstatement in a number of ways. First, LoDuca is far better tha barely adequate. He ranked 8th among NL catchers in OPS last year (350 or more ABs), and managed that while playing his home games in the third-toughest hitter's park in the league. His defensive reputation is good. It's true that Hernandez would not have cost prospects, but he would have cost a draft pick. I'm not sure that there's that much difference in value between a well-regarded minor league pitcher and a high draft pick. I don't disagree that Hernandez is a better player but, at the time of the trade, it looked like Hernandez was going to get more $ per year, and a longer deal. He did, in fact, wind up getting a little more $, and a 4 year deal. There is something to be said for the flexibility that less $ and a shorter commitment bring.
Elster88 Jan 27 2006 02:52 PM |
8th out of 16 is pretty much the definition of adequate. I guess that's better than barely adequate.
Edgy DC Jan 27 2006 02:59 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jan 27 2006 03:15 PM |
Depending on whether he gets bumped up a notch or two if you buy packrat's claim that he's "good" defensively (rpackrat's word, and I assume he means that LoDuca is above average among those sixteen), and for playing in the "third-toughest hitter's park in the league."
KC Jan 27 2006 03:11 PM |
I think PloDuke is going to shock the crap out of some roto geeks in 2006.
Elster88 Jan 27 2006 03:39 PM |
Not too much of a bump. TORVO.
Edgy DC Jan 27 2006 03:47 PM |
Hey, I'm a member (and, as such, excited (in a deptessing sense) to think a National League team my actually be challenging the Mets noiton that Piazza can't catch anymore. (I'm surmising there. It's perfectly reasonable to assume that the Mets just weren't offering Piazza enough to find out, but perhaps offered him no less than the Pads are now offering.)