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Librarians, future librarians, married to librarians ...

Jan 27 2006 08:20 AM

Jan 27 2006 09:39 AM

Thanks Bro. Great article - I'm bookmarking it so that I can refer to it when I take Cataloging this summer.

Willets Point
Jan 27 2006 10:17 AM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jan 27 2006 02:19 PM

Melvil Dui (he had his name legally changed to this spelling) also looks freaky when carved as jack-o-lantern:

Willets Point
Jan 27 2006 02:19 PM
Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Jan 27 2006 02:24 PM

I really ought to take <a href="">this course</a>.

<hr />
On edit: Since the link apparently doesn't work, here's what it says:

"Introduction to METS
Description: This course will provide an overview of the METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard) metadata schema. Participants will have the opportunity to create METS records for several digital objects that incorporate a variety of descriptive metadata languages (MODS, DC, VRA) as well as technical and intellectual property metadata elements. A discussion of the role of METS in the digital library with some XSLT based solutions will be included. Participants should have a working knowledge of XML."

Jan 27 2006 02:21 PM

What course?

] Sorry, your request cannot be processed!

Jan 27 2006 04:01 PM

some Mets fan could sign up for that course without reading the description and be VERY upset.

Jan 27 2006 04:17 PM

Really makes you appreciate Dewey's accomplishment. I mean beyond saying "You may fire when ready, Gridley."

Jan 28 2006 07:47 AM

"Don't you know the Dewey Decimal system!?!"

Jan 28 2006 07:47 AM

hc - my kids LOVE UHF ;)

Feb 04 2006 01:07 PM

Speaking of librarians...

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

Willets Point
Feb 08 2006 02:35 PM

Librarian quote of the day:

"It is a librarian's duty to provide people with the information they
request, not to judge the uses to which that information will be put (short
of a serious imminent threat to another person, like a child's requesting
the Oxford English Dictionary to clobber a sibling). " Randy Cohen, The

Edgy DC
Feb 08 2006 02:42 PM

Annie's getting in her shopping for St. Valentine's Day.

Feb 08 2006 02:47 PM

No kidding! With the site down for a few days, that post went unnoticed. And that is a shame.

Giant Squidlike Creature
Mar 09 2006 12:57 PM

Bump for the librarians.

Bret Sabermetric
Mar 09 2006 06:18 PM

Are we non-librarians whose offices are in a library welcome here?

Also, do I get credit for not saying " non-librarians" which is poor grammar and just plain wrong? In addition, I have never pronounced it "liberry," even though I grew up in a neighborhood where that was standard usage.

Mar 09 2006 08:37 PM

How about if your ex was a librarian?

Willets Point
Mar 10 2006 06:37 AM

Now this is an even that should be on ESPN:

<a href="">Nuns vs. Librarians Spelling Bee Cage Match of Doom</a>.

Willets Point
Apr 04 2006 06:12 PM

Today is <a href="">National Library Workers Day</a> and I didn't even know about until now. :(

Apr 04 2006 06:22 PM

You must have one rotten boss

Apr 04 2006 07:47 PM

Librarians of the World - Unite!

Willets Point
May 10 2006 08:19 AM

<a href="">Some library humor</a>.

May 10 2006 08:21 AM

LOL - only a librarian or librarian-in-training can truly enjoy that <g>

Willets Point
May 10 2006 10:33 PM

<a href="">And some good library propaganda (which I'm happy to spread)</a>

May 11 2006 07:09 AM

Any of you librarians, teachers or professors have any thoughts about students using Wikipedia as a cited source?

May 11 2006 07:12 AM

We've actually discussed Wikipedia in school this year. It's a good jumping off point, and statistically it has been shown to be reliable. Nonetheless, because anyone can go in and update the entries, you cannot rely on Wikipedia as an authority.

If you use Wikipedia as one of your resources, then I think you should cite it. However, if you cite Wikipedia as a source, you had better also have several more reliable resources cited as well.

May 31 2006 10:48 AM

[url=]Conan The Librarian[/url:6n9my0ym]

Willets Point
May 31 2006 10:57 AM

That's from the Weird Al movie UHF, right?

May 31 2006 10:59 AM

Yes. A family favorite :)

Jun 14 2006 03:10 PM

[url=]Whatcha Gonna Do?[/url:rerqytpn]

Jun 22 2006 04:54 PM

Does the OCLC Connexion go down often?

I had the day set aside to work on my Cataloging assignment, only to have the friggin' system crash on me. When it came up, one of my four records had been nuked. Ugh!

The good news is that I have an extremely understanding teacher, so she would have understood if I needed extra time, etc. But it's a horrible feeling to be unable to access something that you spent a good deal of time developing.

Willets Point
Jun 22 2006 08:23 PM

="ScarletKnight41":mbmeeiia]Does the OCLC Connexion go down often? [/quote:mbmeeiia]

I use OCLC WRS for my job and it goes down periodically. And then everyone on the listserv floods the email with messages saying "WRS is down." It's a joy, let me tell you. Still preferable to NUCMC all thing considering.

Jun 27 2006 09:00 AM

What's the difference between WRS and Connexion?

And the spelling of Connexion makes me nuts!

Willets Point
Jun 27 2006 09:09 AM

WRS is for interlibrary loan. Connexion is for cataloging. They're all linked together though.

Jun 27 2006 09:13 AM

Thanks Willets.

Jun 27 2006 12:40 PM

So this is nice. I was in yoga class, talking to someone about my studies, when someone with whom I only have a nodding acquaintance took notice. After class, she asked me about my studies - where I was going, what classes I was taking, etc. Then she explains that she has her library degree, and that the company often has positions for part-time paid interns. She told me that she would keep me in mind and that I should talk to her around the time that I graduate.

It seems like I passed the interview, even though I didn't realize it was happening <g>

Jun 30 2006 06:53 PM

Is anyone going to ALA in DC next June? One of my classmates and I are planning to go down and room together, taking advantage of our student discounts.

Willets Point
Jul 04 2006 05:48 PM

<a href="">American Patriots</a>

(In answer to SK's question, I have no idea what I'll be doing in June 2007 but I'd like to attend ALA, so maybe).

Willets Point
Jul 06 2006 09:41 AM

<a href="">How to become a librarian</a>

Jul 07 2006 12:45 PM

[url=]Nice Article About ALA President Leslie Burger[/url:3nxsm15n]

Jul 07 2006 01:52 PM

="ScarletKnight41":jr5f07r6]Does the OCLC Connexion go down often? I had the day set aside to work on my Cataloging assignment, only to have the friggin' system crash on me. When it came up, one of my four records had been nuked. Ugh! The good news is that I have an extremely understanding teacher, so she would have understood if I needed extra time, etc. But it's a horrible feeling to be unable to access something that you spent a good deal of time developing.[/quote:jr5f07r6]

OCLC actually called me this afternoon. They have been troubleshooting why my classmates and I have been having so much trouble this semester. Apparently they think that if we validate a record too many times (i.e. more than four) it "corrupts" the record.

It seems like a pretty stupid system if that's all it takes to freeze it up. But it sounds like it's worth a try - I won't validate any of my records for my final project until I'm almost done with them (and I'll copy and paste them before validating them).

Willets Point
Aug 08 2006 01:20 PM

<a href="">Inventor of OCLC dies</a>.

Willets Point
Aug 14 2006 11:12 AM

<a href="">OCLC in the news</a>, well the <a>Onion</a> at least.

Aug 14 2006 11:44 AM

="Willets Point"]<a href="">OCLC in the news</a>, well the <a>Onion</a> at least.
ROFL - I loved that <g>
]Maybe it’s Fantasy Biography? I don’t even think there’s a code for that.

Aug 20 2006 09:15 PM

The Unshelved guys are going to be at next June's ALA convention :)

Sep 15 2006 09:13 AM

Do any of you librarians, future librarians, or married to librarians attend ALA midwinter, or the annual ALA show?

I ask because thanks to my new job, I'll be at both.

Sep 15 2006 10:15 AM

My classmate and I are planning to attend the June convention in DC, while we still qualify for the student discounts.

Willets Point
Sep 15 2006 10:22 AM

An Interlibrary Loan Poem

The book that came for you today is from a thousand miles away, a place that I have never seen except on a computer screen. The hands of one not known to me selected this book carefully and gladly sent it on demand to place it in a stranger's hand. Anonymous on either end, in sharing spirit we will send our books with care across the miles and know somewhere a stranger smiles.

Sep 27 2006 07:32 PM

Willets - what is the source of that poem? Did you make it up?

Sep 28 2006 05:34 AM


<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Oct 09 2006 07:46 AM

Library Aerobics Tape -

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Oct 18 2006 09:40 AM

[url=]Ms. Dewey[/url:d3swvl1w]

Frayed Knot
Oct 18 2006 02:21 PM

A book is a fragile creature. It suffers the wear of time, it fears rodents, the elements, and clumsy hands. So the librarian protects the books against nature and devotes his life to this war with the forces of oblivion ...
-- Umberto Eco; The Name of the Rose

Nov 05 2006 01:09 PM

[url=]Male Librarians Gone Wild[/url:11chnclk] (but for a good cause).

Willets Point
Nov 08 2006 01:24 PM

If I posed naked for a calendar people would pay to prevent it's printing.

Nov 08 2006 05:21 PM

The Chronicles of Libraria

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Nov 15 2006 11:59 AM

I MUST have one of these -

[url=]Card Catalog for CD Storage[/url]

Willets Point
Nov 15 2006 12:27 PM

That's damned expensive. I bet you could get a real discarded card catalog for less.

Nov 15 2006 01:00 PM

I haven't shopped around yet. I'll see whether it's less expensive elsewhere.

But I was just telling D-Dad the other day that I need more CD storage. And Bam! I find this. It seems like it's meant to be.

Nov 29 2006 07:26 PM

The Rutgers LISSA had two job listings today that had me drooling. One was a summer job as a paid intern at the photo archive of the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. The other was full time work at the library at Bermuda College.

Neither job is in the cards right now. But it's fun to think about having those kinds of opportunities down the line.

Nov 29 2006 08:40 PM

Is that Bermuda College as in Bermuda?

Nov 29 2006 08:47 PM

Yes - it is. And that's my favorite place in the world.

Nov 30 2006 06:55 AM

Helluva commute between Lake Otsego or Bermuda from
Oshkoshbegosh, New Jersey.

Dec 02 2006 12:27 PM

At the [url=]ALA website[/url:2ciugs4g] you can now register for the Annual Convention. They're offering some nice discounts if you register before January 5th.

Willets Point
Dec 03 2006 09:35 PM

Ooh we can stay with Edgy.

Dec 04 2006 08:01 AM

We might actually go; I know Ms. Wolf has been talking about it.

Willets Point
Dec 06 2006 10:07 PM

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Dec 07 2006 05:07 AM
Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Dec 07 2006 04:37 PM

By the AACRonisms!

Brilliant! <g>

Dec 07 2006 04:37 PM

[url=]The Librarian of Death![/url:5zufcbu1]

Edgy DC
Dec 07 2006 07:18 PM

Anybody going to the ALA convention, e-mail me first. My friend owns a cafe/bar/theater/gallery across the street from the convention center and I love to buy you a cuppa or drinka between sessions on contemporary shushing.

We can celebrate Elvis' birthday.

Dec 07 2006 08:04 PM

I'll take you up on that drink. Thanks :)

Dec 08 2006 09:34 AM

[url=]NY Times Librarian of the Year[/url:3n8se9ij]

I had the honor of meeting Ms. Baeckler last summer through my volunteer gig. She is an incredibly dynamic and energetic person, and I'm sure she's deserving of the honor.

Between Jinny Baeckler in Plainsboro and ALA President Leslie Burger in Princeton, Central NJ is a major power hub in the library world!

Willets Point
Dec 08 2006 09:41 AM

She looks like a sweetheart, congrats to her.

]The honor includes a $2,500 prize and plaque, which she will receive at a ceremony in the paper's Times Square office on Wednesday.

The <i>Times</i> still have offices in Times Square? I thought they were long gone.

Dec 08 2006 10:21 AM

They're building a new joint across from Port Authority but for now they're still in the old digs on 43rd Street.

Benjamin Grimm
Dec 12 2006 07:58 AM

Pardon my ignorance, but...

<img src=>

What exactly does a librarian do?

I haven't dealt with a librarian at all since I was in school. All I know is that they sit behind a desk and say "Shhhhh!"

Dec 12 2006 08:32 AM

Do you think that shhhing is easy? It's a learned skill!

Of course, there's also the research aspect (there's more to online research than Google and Wikipedia), readers advisory, cataloging, instruction, and knowing where and how to find things. In the 21st Century, librarians are information specialists.

And, of course, there's the [url=]shhhing[/url:3a6dsoiw].

Benjamin Grimm
Dec 12 2006 09:02 AM

Thanks, Scarlett. I figured that hadda be more to it than "Shhhh!"

I remember one manic librarian at my high school. She would do a SteveJRogers-style freak out if anyone spoke slightly above a whisper. Nobody would hear the offending party but her, but then she'd shout for about five minutes about how the person who spoke slightly above a whisper was distracting and disturbing everybody.

She probably should have looked into a less stressful job. Like air traffic control or something.

Dec 12 2006 09:05 AM

No problem :)

Willets Point
Dec 13 2006 08:58 PM

="Yancy Street Gang"]Pardon my ignorance, but... What exactly does a librarian do? "

<a href="">Why you should fall to your knees and worship a librarian</a>.

Willets Point
Dec 23 2006 11:10 AM

Reference gone bad.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Dec 23 2006 11:53 AM

Ouch! That was painful to watch :(

Jan 03 2007 04:51 PM

Gorilla Librarian -

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Willets Point
Jan 03 2007 06:55 PM

Scarlett Knight on her first day in her new library job:

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Jan 03 2007 07:58 PM

They PROMISED they were going to erase that! <hmph!>

Jan 04 2007 07:19 AM

Jan 05 2007 09:25 AM

Check out [url=]Zuula[/url:xrywwuo0]. It lets you easily compare and contrast search results from Google, Ask, MSN, Yahoo and Topix.

Edgy DC
Jan 05 2007 09:57 AM

Is there any way for a bare-assed antropomorphic beaver to read responsibly? Does he merely need to stop reading vertically or is he hopeless on several other counts?

In what order does the responsible librarian intercede in these horrendous acts? I imagine she or he starts with the the Evel Knieval kid, takes his skateboard and then uses it to whack the guy pushing over the case as he makes time with the 14-year-old girl.

Our heroine seems more concerned with the beaver and the motorized misanthrope though.

Jan 05 2007 10:29 AM

I'm not sure that Buddy the Beaver is reading, in the technical sense of the word.

You need to [url=]know your Unshelved characters[/url:k0jm3zu8] to truly appreciate the poster.

Jan 07 2007 08:42 AM

Better late than never -

]Man pays library $171, 47-year late fee Associated Press HANCOCK, Mich. - Robert Nuranen handed the local librarian a book he'd checked out for a ninth-grade assignment - along with a check for 47 years' worth of late fees. Nuranen said his mother misplaced the copy of "Prince of Egypt" while cleaning the house. The family came across it every so often, only to set it aside again. He found it last week while looking through a box in the attic. "I figured I'd better get it in before we waited another 10 years," he said after turning it in Friday with the $171.32 check. "Fifty-seven years would be embarrassing." The book, with its last due date stamped June 2, 1960, was part of the young Nuranen's fascination with Egypt. He went on to visit that country and 54 others, and all 50 states, he said, but he never did finish the book. Nuranen now lives in Los Angeles, where he teaches seventh-grade social studies and language arts. The library had long ago lost any record of the book, librarian Sue Zubiena said. "I'm going to use it as an example," she said. "It's never too late to return your books."

Jan 09 2007 02:38 PM

]Stolen Library Book Leads to Shooting? ANDERSON, S.C. (AP) - Police say a security guard at the Anderson County Library fired his gun at a car after the driver triggered a security alarm. Police say security guard James Turner asked the woman to stop after the alarm went off as she left around 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon. A police report states Turner chased the woman as she ran to her car and he said the bumper brushed his knee as she pulled away. Police say the guard then fired into the driver's door. Authorities say the woman kept going and they don't know if she was hurt. Library director Carl Stone says he's asked Cherokee Security Systems not to send Turner back to the library. Stone says no one should be hurt over a missing library book. (Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

Jan 17 2007 03:56 PM

[url=]The Blonde in the Library[/url:74wp4yfw]

Jan 18 2007 03:17 PM


The true librarian nerds among us will be amused by the link at the bottom of the page that says, "What does this page look like through a Librarian's Eyes?"[/url]

Jan 24 2007 04:32 PM

The Adventures of Super Librarian -

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Feb 03 2007 08:52 PM

Your Life Work: The Librarian -

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Willets Point
Feb 07 2007 10:44 AM

Some <a href="">perspective</a> for those bad days at the library. At least I don't work at the library in Baghdad.

Feb 11 2007 04:40 PM

March of the Librarians -

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Feb 24 2007 07:54 PM

Great t-shirt from [url=]Questionable Content[/url]

Mar 07 2007 04:40 PM

[url=]Peeps in the Library[/url:260y6t3e]

Willets Point
Apr 19 2007 01:24 PM


Willets Point
Apr 26 2007 09:05 PM

Sexy librarian music video. Features every librarian stereotype in less than 4 minutes.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Willets Point
May 29 2007 01:56 PM

<a href="">Have you ever SEEN a gaggle of drunken librarians?</a>

May 29 2007 06:17 PM

Zuula gets worse and worse as I go from left to right. Google has 15,500 hits on "Tad Richards," Yahoo has 7500, MSN about 3500.

Johnny Dickshot
Jul 05 2007 08:46 AM

Gee Gary, is it possible so many librarians live in the hood because they can't afford to live on the Upper West Side?

] For New-Look Librarians, Head to Brooklyn BY GARY SHAPIRO - Staff Reporter of the Sun July 5, 2007 URL: Williamsburg is known for cool bistros and trendy hangouts, but few realize that the neighborhood and its environs are a magnet for hip, young librarians. Although "hip" is not an adjective generally associated with librarians, a stack of archivists, publishers, illustrators, librarians, and other bibliophiles called the Desk Set is out to challenge their image as staid. The traditional idea of a librarian is "uptight in a bun," the group's co-founder, Maria Falgoust, said. "It would be nice if we could change that." To follow up on a well-attended Desk Set dance party Memorial Day weekend at Enid's in Greenpoint, Ms. Falgoust is planning a screening of "Desk Set," the 1957 Katharine Hepburn-Spencer Tracy romantic comedy from which the group took its name, for the end of this month. She is also considering a Labor Day weekend dance party. "Being smart and having fun are not opposites," a digital imaging specialist at the Brooklyn Museum, Sarah Gentile, who has a master's degree in library science, said at the Desk Set dance party. Ms. Gentile and others wore pins with such statements as "Withdrawn" or "She blinded me with Library Science." The mood was more merriment than Merriam-Webster. "Prepare to be shushed!" read the announcement for the event, at which the reference desk revelers downed cocktails with Dewey Decimal numbers instead of names. No one guessed the identity of a concoction of Champagne and raspberry vodka that had the call number of "The Joy of Sex." Lime Rickeys were served in honor of F. Scott Fitzgerald, as was gin and pineapple juice, said to be a favorite of Vladimir Nabokov. Ms. Falgoust and Sarah Murphy started the group, having met at Long Island University's Palmer School of Library and Information Science. The group held its first event last April. One librarian, Laura Bishop, said she first became aware of the high concentration of librarians in Brooklyn during the transit strike in 2005, when librarians had the option of going to work at their nearest branch. She recalled how about 10 headed to the Greenpoint Branch, and each knew of at least one additional librarian in the area. Ms. Bishop said one likely reason for the significant number of young librarians in Brooklyn is the relatively affordable rent. A sculptor who earned a degree in library science at the Pratt Institute, Julia Weist, said a number of Brooklyn librarians and bibliophiles met through a recent year-long gallery show at Proteus Gowanus that linked art and library science. Her own artwork includes a card catalog sliced open like a grand piano and a catalog of withdrawn public library books from across America. The Desk Set has its own MySpace page. Many of the Desk Set librarians are in their 20s and early 30s and adept at new technology. A coordinator of reference services and 'zine librarian at Barnard College Library, Jenna Freedman, said a lot of professional communication among librarians has migrated from journals to blogs. Recent attendees at Desk Set events have included an archivist at Unicef, a librarian at the Frick Art Reference Library, and the American Kennel Club librarian. At Enid's, the crowd was checking out each other rather than books. "I wore my glasses because I wanted to maximize my look," a children's librarian, Andrea Vaughn, said. "I already got hit on," she added. "It's working." Asked about trends in children's books, Ms. Vaughn said a growing area involves helping develop preliteracy. "Children need to have a listening vocabulary to prepare them for speaking and reading," she said. "Guybrarians" were also in evidence. A private tutor, Orion Taraban, confided that librarians were "reserved" but "secretly passionate." An archivist at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Jesse Cohen, said it was a good sign that the librarians were difficult to distinguish from the neighborhood denizens packing the bar. How badly does the image of librarians need updating? A private school librarian, Natasha Cane, recounted how she knew someone whose mother cried when her daughter told her that she wanted to become a librarian. Ms. Cane, who was wearing a pin that read "Can I help you find what you need?" said the Desk Set could help provide an "alternative vision" for being a librarian today. Ms. Cane, who grew up in New Jersey, recalled having had "too much fun" at her local library growing up, but now her job includes shushing kids behaving as she had. Asked how she can tell the archivists from the librarians, Ms. Cane said, "Different gang colors."

July 5, 2007 Edition > Section: New York > Printer-Friendly Version

Jan 02 2008 01:13 PM

The last few times I have ordered a book at the library they gave me them in paper back, not that I minded but did that always happen, onetime I got a paper back that I returned as soon as the Librarian gave it to me because it was in such bad shape.

Jan 02 2008 01:52 PM

Library Ninja -

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Mar 12 2008 02:52 PM

[url=]Steroid Scandal at Major League Libraries[/url:31nbxsyn]

Apr 22 2008 02:28 PM

May 30 2008 08:19 AM

I love this link and thought you might appreciate it. ... stores.htm

May 30 2008 08:24 AM

Very cool Irish - thanks :)

May 30 2008 08:56 AM

Cool ... raries.htm

Jul 11 2008 04:03 PM

Can any of you librarians find me sources of information about the Judge Crater case, other than the obvious books I can find on Amazon?

I have proQuested through the NY Times for 1930-31, and saved every article on the Crater case.

And now for something completely different -- where can I look for pictures of Brunner, Texas (which no longer exists) around the first decade of the 20th century?

Jul 11 2008 04:21 PM

Starting with the second question first - keep in mind that no one search engine covers the entire web, so it's good to run a search in several different ones. With any of these search engines I would do an advanced search for Brunner, Texas during the relevant time period (where such a search is available) -




[url=][/url:k455ts33] (note - Zuula includes the above search engines, but it doesn't have the same advanced search options)




For the first question, I would do similar searches under web for "Judge Crater" (use the quotation marks while searching) and also check out [url=]Google Scholar[/url:k455ts33]. I think that [url=]Lexis/Nexis[/url:k455ts33] is now available without a fee. Other legal websites include [url=]The Public Library of Law[/url:k455ts33] and the Internet resources listed on the [url=]New Jersey Law Librarians Association's website[/url:k455ts33].

Another thing you should do is check out your local library's website, as well as the website of your local high school or school district. These sources often have passwords or other instructions that would allow you access to subscription websites that you might not be able to find otherwise.

Jul 17 2008 05:05 AM

Not only is this cute, but it was filmed at my hometown's library!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Sep 08 2008 01:26 PM

Love Library Book Cart Drill Team footage -

<table><tr><td><font>Fredricksen Library Bookcart Drill Team</font></td></tr><tr><td>

<object width="470" height="402" align="middle" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="movie1220901425458">

<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff">

<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">

<embed allowscriptaccess="always" width="470" height="402" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" quality="high" name="movie1220901425458" src="" allowFullScreen="true"></embed>


Feb 17 2009 04:14 AM