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Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015
Fman99 Jan 01 2015 06:55 AM |
Off in a bit for Syracuse's annual "Resolution Run," a 4+ mile jaunt around the city. Includes a water/champagne stop and a post run meal of ziti, chili and beer.
themetfairy Jan 01 2015 07:11 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I have the Hamilton Hangover 5-miler this afternoon - one of my favorite races.
metsmarathon Jan 01 2015 12:05 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
i've got no races today, but did just get in a decent 3.5 miler.
themetfairy Jan 01 2015 01:00 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Best of luck mm!
Fman99 Jan 01 2015 06:38 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Very nice.
Fman99 Jan 10 2015 08:30 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
2015 spring race calendar is filling out nicely.
soupcan Jan 13 2015 08:27 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I've been running a pretty steady 15-20 miles a week for a while now and have gone from an average of 9:00+ per mile to about 8:50 per. I'm truly amazed by that as I don't feel as if I'm running faster.
themetfairy Jan 13 2015 01:55 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
The Best Marathon in Every State
metsmarathon Jan 14 2015 10:15 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
the story of my 2015 walt disney world half marathon is a story of failure and triumph, of strength and weakness, of preparation and procrastination, and of laziness and fatigue, or, well, maybe just the last one. really, it's probably just a boring story with an ironic detail or three. so, going into this race, as i'm sure you may be aware, i'm not teribly well prepared. sure, sure, i've run long distances, but december totally derailed most of my plans. i'd wanted to run abot twice as many miles in december as i actually ended up with. but i did get in a 13-miler and a bunch of 12's, so whatever. going into the race, i didn't really have an outright goal, more of an informal goal of 2 hours - anything over 2 hours is kindof disappointing for me, as i should be able to roll out of bed and run a half in that time, easy. at least, that's what i keep telling myself even though it may no lnoger be true. plus, a 2-hour time in a half marathon gets you into a better corralfor the next year; it would be nice to cross that off hte checklist so early in the year. starting too far back, especially in this race, gets you behind far too mnay walkers and n00bs. not new runners, but n00b runners. there's a marked difference. temperatures were in the low 40s for the start, and also for the hour and a half of walking, milling, and standing around that preceded the 5:30 am start. i was wearing shorts and a singlet, with a t-shirt under hte singlet. also long compression socks. i had briefly considered putting an additional compression sleeve on my calf under hte compression socks, but decided against it as overkill. plus, i'd never quite done that before, and worried about bunching, or it being uncomfortable. there was no specific concern, mind you, just conservative cautiousness, i think. i don't recall my calf givng me any real trouble in my training. maybe once a few weeks ago, it felt sore at the start of a run but it quickly subsided. at the start of the race, my legs felt fine; tired, sure, but that's what you get for putting 11-month old twins into beat-up hotel pack&plays with unconfortable mattresses in the same hotel room as you for a few days - they did not really sleep most of the time we were there, and knowing that we were in a bed, visible, right next to them each time they woke up in the middle of hte night did not help one bit. but, yeah, my legs felt fine and fairly fresh. my plan was to start out relatively relaxed and easy for the first half of the race, then try to accelerate for the second hald. if all goes well, maybe i'd hit the 2-hour mark. or come excruciatingly close - whichev's! my first mile took 10:30, though it also included a restroom break. but basically, i was on target with my plan. i had a watch and my phone keeping track of my time, but i wasn't paying much attention to either. i would try to run by feel. i guess i felt good; i ran mile 2 in 8:55, but by mile 3, i started to notice that my calf was a little tight. not a lot tight, but a little tight. maybe just sore. hard to say. i would have to manage it throughout hte race. change up my stride, not charge up what little is offered in the way of hills, keep it happy. mile 3 was about a 9:20. i know this only because i had my phone with me; i was not keeping my split times during hte race. mile 4 was again under 9 minutes, at 8:57. mile 5 features the first of the "hills", where the course dips under the bridge connecting bay lake to the seven seas lagoon. running underwater, as it were. but its a steep descent and a steep quick ascent. i took it easy; didn't walk, although i probably should have. shotly thereafter, as we started to turn towards the magic kingdom, i was thinking to myself that i needed to get a decent walk break in soon, and that i needed to keep myself under control until that happens. i should have taken the walk break when it occurred to me, in hindsight. after hte 5 mile mark (10:02 ish), you run along the front wall of the magic kingdom, enter through a service tunnel under the railroad track, and then, boom, you're on main street, and there's a crowd there to cheer you on. well, that's not really accurate. more and more, it seems as if the crowds are tehre to cheer on their runner, and save their energy until they seem him or her, as if wasting their well wishes on the random strangers ambling by would diminish their excitement for and the boost given to their desired cheeree. see all those other people struggling by, why not give them a shout, too?! so as a run down main street, i start clapping vigorously and loudly, hoping to whip up some energy out of hte crowd. and it works. they start to cheer, and it seems to sustain itself for a while. it also seems to boost me as well, as i forgot my prior thought of chilling out for a bit. not that i was suddenly sprinting, mind you, buit i was not holding back either. 2/3 of the way down mainstreet, my calf gave me a squeeze. i did my best not to yell an obscenity at it, and immediately shifted to a full heel-strike. i had already planned to stop and take a photo of the castle lit up in all its nightly wonder at the end of main street, and did. got a nice shot of it too. then mustered all my grimace-faced gumption, started running a bit until i was out of hte way of the crowds of runners, and stopped on the bridge to tomorrowland to stretch out my calf. and that helped a lot. all told, i lost about three minutes there. grumble. i was back to running - no limp - but i wasn't going to be able to actively push myself and would run the remainder of mile 6, and all of mile 7 at about a 10:minute pace. i guess i fell into a decent rhythm then, though, because i was faster in mile 8, ran mile 9 in 8:45, mile 10 in 8:30, and mile 11 again in 8:45. i slowed up again for mile 12 as this mile feature the last two of hte three overpasses that conclude the race. i took a needed walk break, for about 30 second or so, and just as i was starting to fall back into a good pace, i almost got tackled by some big dude. well, i'm bigger than he was, but he wasn't really small either. around the 12 mile marker, there was a first aid tent. as i pass it, i catch, out of the corner of my eye, a dude, green shirt, bald head, shoulder lowered, cutting across the course at an angle, coming right at me. he runs into me at about mid-arm height. he doesn't knock me down or over, and really just barely budged me; he probably would've creamed half the people around us at the time though; and that stopped him. he had apparently tripped coming in off the grass from the medical tent, or had just dipped onto the grass to get around someone, or whatever, but the dude was basically going to fall flat on his face or run somebody over if he didnt run into me. he was older than me, a little shorter, in good shape. i'd say he weighed about 180-190ish, and was about 5-10. he might've been able to right himself, but more llikely would've found a smaller runner to run into, or somebody's legs to get tripped up in. easily two or more people could've gone down in a heap. but instead he bounced off me and was able to recover. he apologized profusely, asking if i was okay. i laughed it off; he's the one who just ran into a wall. and continued on my way. i was fine, of course, but what little of my focus i had i had just lost. well, for a little bit anyways. it was mile 12 of a half marathon, afterall. and hte 13th mile has you running into epcot, passing underneath the big golfball, turning around, and running past it again for the finish. mile 13 went by in 8:21, my fastest mile of hte day. i did try to take it easy on the turnaround tehre, to not blow out my calf, and had more than enough energy that i really wanted to turn on the jets, but to what end? if somebody else was doing a sprint-finish, sure, i'd kick 'em on and give 'em a what-for, but nobody was playing that game, so neither was i. my official time was 2:05:55. if you do the math, there's a clear link between the time i spent managing my calf and hte time i missed my goal by. i'm not saying i would have run the last half as fast as i did if i didn't take that time to stretch my calf, but its frustrating all the same. and disappointing. but at the same time, i think i can convince myself that a 2-hour half was possible that day, so i shouldn't b too unhappy. the really nice thing about haivng ended up not pushing myself all that hard during hte race was that for the rest of my vacation, i wasn't really sore. well, my one calf was sore, and all the walking after the race, and that night, pissed off my foot, but my legs still felt fresh. if i'd had the time and a happy calf, i could definitely have run more. i didn't have either, mind you, but its a nice thought to have. so, yeah, i htink i'm pretty okay with my run. disappointed, but okay. trying to figure out what i did wrong to piss off my calf. the answer of course, is that i didn't stretch adequately before hte race. and by adequately, i mean not at all. its hard to find a spot to stretch in a race corral, but i should have. maybe more compression would've been helpful, but the lack of stretching was my downfall. i also could've done some more active stretching in the day s leading up to it, but yeah, not stretching before my race - something i know never to do - is what i did wrong. kids, learn from me. don't do the things you know you shouldn't do. do the things you know you should do, especially when doing them wouldn't've gotten in hte way of a damned thing. eventuall i may just learn the same damned thing. sigh. i'll probably be back to running htis weekend. maybe next. one takeaway from the weekend is the sheer number of people who ran goofy and dopey. nearly 50% the finishers of the half marathon (and over 50% of the marathoners) completed either goofy (half on saturday, full on sunday) or dopey (5k thursday, 10lk friday, then half then full). there were 22,000 half marathon finishers, and about 19,000 in the full marathon. there were about 6500 dopeys and 5000 goofys, at least those who completed their respective challenges. i'm curious to see the statistics of what their times were in the races, as it's difficult to tease out of hte posted results. but walking around afterwards, seeing all the people with their piles of medals (dopeys ended up with a total of 6 medals - one for each race, plus a goofy medal, plus a dopey medal), is both inspirational (wow, all these people did goofy and dopey! that's incredible!) and incredibly deflating (all i did was a half, and it broke me). but yeah, seeing all the poeple who did dopey has me thinking, damnit, i should be doing that. we'll see...
metsmarathon Jan 14 2015 10:18 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
wineglass must truly be one hell of a marathon to top new york! i wish that was less of a list and more of a discussion as to why these marathons rate as the tops in their respective states. the atlantic city marathon, though, does look interesting. i might have to consider that for future years. like if i ever want to add a third state to my list of states having run a marathon in. (wineglass does not help in that respect)
themetfairy Jan 14 2015 10:49 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
My best guess is that most of the Goofy and Dopey finishers don't have superlative race times - they're just in it for the bling. As always, I'd kill for your times. Even the times you complain about. Well done mm, and thanks for the detailed recap!
Fman99 Jan 14 2015 08:35 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Yes, agreed! Great recap, of which I always do enjoy.
metsmarathon Jan 15 2015 07:59 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
ya know, every time ido one of those race recaps, i think to myself, "this one's going to be a pretty short writeup. i don't have all that much to say this time"
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jan 15 2015 08:36 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I don't have much to add but don't mind reading them, just so you know.
metsmarathon Jan 15 2015 11:08 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
i figure. i also imagine that if i did write a quick one-liner about a race, y'all would be showing up to my door with a support group or something.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jan 15 2015 11:20 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
In running news I applied for NYC Marathon lottery, after losing out on the "free" lottery.
themetfairy Jan 25 2015 11:31 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
This looks like fun!
themetfairy Jan 30 2015 07:17 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Since tomorrow is supposed to be ridiculously cold (and probably icy to boot), this morning was my last run of January. I got in 59.7 miles, which is so much better than last January's 39.4. Last year at this time I was feeling like a caged animal; I feel so much better being able to get outside on a regular basis.
metsmarathon Jan 30 2015 01:58 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
i'm at 23 miles for january.
Fman99 Jan 30 2015 08:34 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Was going to do my weekly long run tomorrow and get 14 more miles in, but alas, windchills in the -10 F range means I shall not be running tomorrow. I will get up and hit my gym for an 8 AM spin class instead.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Feb 01 2015 07:14 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
You may have seen that big warehouse fire in Williamsburg on the news. That's just shy of Mile 1 on whatever route I run; I had forgotten all about it today until I turned the corner and nearly choked to death on the smoke. Like a carton of Camels at once, only not as smooth. No avoiding it on the way back either. Kawff
Fman99 Feb 01 2015 08:56 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
That's tough. I have trouble in my neighborhood when running by the homes with wood burning fireplaces.
TransMonk Feb 02 2015 11:37 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
20 measly miles in January, though those miles were ran around moving to a new house and finding a new route.
batmagadanleadoff Feb 03 2015 11:12 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Too much jogging 'as bad as no exercise at all'
metsmarathon Feb 03 2015 12:21 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
jogging = bad. duh. lets talk about running instead!
metsmarathon Feb 03 2015 12:23 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Fman99 Feb 03 2015 07:42 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Yeah, I don't use "the J word" either. Having said that, I've settled into a weekly routine that works for me -- three weeknight runs, after work, generally in the 30-40 minute range. I will stretch these out to upwards of an hour one the weather gets more pleasant. Then, topped off with a long run each weekend, of any distance between 6-7 miles upwards of 26.2, depending on a number of factors. On my non running days I will take a spin class (1-2 times per week) or take a rest day (usually either the day before and/or after the long weekend run). I tried, last January/February, to up my mileage to the 40-45 miles per week range and sustain it, but I could feel the wear and tear, and I started to enjoy it less, and that was that. Listen to your body! Maybe those runners most likely to die are getting hit by cars because they're out there running all the time. Not as safe as the couch, I reckon.
themetfairy Feb 04 2015 02:49 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I also find this study hard to believe. I can believe that overtaxing yourself isn't great, but it still has to be better than being a couch potato. Plus how do those who do not exercise at all control their weight?
metsmarathon Feb 04 2015 12:51 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
i think it's clear that sedentary is much much worse for you (31% chance of dying) whereas the worst any grouping of joggers did was 6% in hte >3 times jogging per week. i don't know how the conclusion could possibly come from this data that even combining the worst cases of each of these data sets (running more than three times a week, fast, but for less than an hour total) would put you in as bad a shape, mortality-wise, as the sedentary group.
Fman99 Feb 22 2015 08:11 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Half marathon #28 overall, and the first of 2015, in the books. The fourth annual "Lake Effect Half Marathon," two passes out and back of a 3.3-ish mile course along Onondaga Lake in Syracuse. My run club that I run with on Saturdays put this event on each year so I knew many of the runners and volunteers.
themetfairy Feb 22 2015 08:15 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Awesome, and best of luck with the next 26.2!
themetfairy Feb 27 2015 03:53 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
$10 races in Riverside Park. I did one last summer - it's a nice, relaxed kind of race (and I won a glass for coming in third in my age group!). Let me know if anyone is interested in running one of these with me.
Fman99 Feb 27 2015 06:34 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Those look super fun. I would love to try and shoehorn one into my schedule this year. Will have to look into the logistics of that.
themetfairy Feb 27 2015 08:55 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Awesome - let me know when!
themetfairy Feb 28 2015 08:21 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
52.5 miles for the month of February. Considering how freakin' cold it has been this month, I am very happy with that.
Fman99 Feb 28 2015 07:53 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I have made the same effort, after racking up 140-160 miles each month last winter, but 80% of it on my gym track, I've been doing almost all of my running outdoors this year. Over the first two months I've run on my track just twice -- once on a day where I had a long run on tap and it was cold and I split it into half indoors/half outdoors, and the other time on a day where I wanted to also take a spin class and just ran at my gym so I could go right from the track to the spin room.
Rockin' Doc Feb 28 2015 09:15 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Sad to say, but I haven't run at all (or lifted weights) since my gym closed on December 23rd. Luckily, I have only gained 4 pounds since the start of 2015. I just feel soft.
TransMonk Mar 01 2015 09:37 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
25 miles in February. Way too cold...I hate February.
themetfairy Mar 01 2015 10:41 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
This is a good week to join a gym. The New Years resolution folks are long gone, so you won't have to deal with horrible crowds. Good luck!
metsmarathon Mar 01 2015 12:30 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
10. sigh.
themetfairy Mar 05 2015 06:23 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Is anyone interested in this CPF Race on April 12th?
Fman99 Mar 05 2015 06:36 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Sorry that conflicts with the Skunk Cabbage Half Marathon in Ithaca. It will be my 30th half marathon.
metsmarathon Mar 11 2015 11:22 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
holy crap it feels good to run outside!
themetfairy Mar 26 2015 07:13 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I just signed up to race in Cuba this November.
Fman99 Mar 27 2015 10:59 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
That's cool!
themetfairy Mar 27 2015 11:09 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
A long taper isn't the worst thing in the world; you're used to the distance at this point, and giving your legs a little extra rest will probably help you with your marathon.
Fman99 Mar 27 2015 06:43 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Yeah, I am not worried about it, I did my long run 4 weeks out when I did my very first marathon and it was one of my fastest.
themetfairy Mar 27 2015 08:47 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
themetfairy Mar 31 2015 07:24 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I finished March with 69.8 miles.
TransMonk Mar 31 2015 07:44 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Better weather and a stronger commitment got me to 70 miles ran in March.
metsmarathon Mar 31 2015 12:34 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
i marched off about 36 miles this month, though i thought it would've been higher. winter-fatigue has set in. if it's close to freezing, lately, i just don't really feel like bothering some days. oh, it's actually snowing right now. i didn't run today but the snow had nothing to do with it - tuesday is volleyball day. but it's still a good 3.6x more than i ran in february, so i'm trending in the right direction!
John Cougar Lunchbucket Mar 31 2015 01:49 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I did 51 miles.
Fman99 Mar 31 2015 07:33 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Steady Eddie here, followed my 112 mile January and 115 mile February with a 116 mile March, topped with a 20 miler this past Sunday and an easy 5k tonight after work. Miles are bound to be down in April as I taper before the Gettysburg Marathon on the 26th.
themetfairy Apr 09 2015 03:49 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I will represent the CPF at its titular race on Sunday.
Fman99 Apr 10 2015 05:33 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Good luck! I am running the Skunk Cabbage Half Marathon this weekend in Ithaca, a beautiful 13.1 through rolling hills of upstate NY. I have done this race twice before, in 2012 (1:48) and 2014 (1:42). It's my last 13.1 tune up before the Gettysburg Marathon. It's also my 30th half marathon race.
themetfairy Apr 10 2015 06:08 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
That's awesome Fman - best of luck!
John Cougar Lunchbucket Apr 10 2015 09:28 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Getting new kicks today, almost certainly another GT2000 pair unless one of you convinces me to upgrade to the Kayano.
themetfairy Apr 12 2015 08:24 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
The City Parks Foundation Run for the Parks (or, the CPF run!) was a lot of fun. The weather was beautiful, and I ran the four miles in 45:21 (painfully slow for most of you, but I was happy with the time). It was my first Central Park run in close to two years, and I was happy that the hills didn't kick my ass the way I feared they would.
Fman99 Apr 12 2015 08:32 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Very nice!
themetfairy Apr 24 2015 11:01 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Tomorrow morning I'll be running the Columbia University Road Runners 5K for Charity. The race will take place in Riverside Park. If you've seen the news this week, there have been reports of a coyote in Riverside Park.
Fman99 Apr 27 2015 08:27 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Mararthon #6 in the books! I ran the Gettysburg Marathon in 3:48:43, good enough to finish 82nd out of 336 finishers and 19th of 53 in age. It was a hilly course, but beautiful and scenic and the weather was perfect.
themetfairy Apr 27 2015 08:29 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Great work!
metsmarathon Apr 29 2015 02:40 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
on sunday, ran the st. luke's half marathon in allentown pa.
Fman99 Apr 29 2015 07:41 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Wow you're spectating recap is many lines more than my marathon sum up! I am no wordsmith on this.
metsmarathon Apr 30 2015 07:34 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
stop running good, consistent, evenly paced and well-trained-for marathons, and you'll have more drama in your recaps!
TransMonk Apr 30 2015 07:36 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
35 miles in April...150 total in 2015.
themetfairy Apr 30 2015 08:18 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
86.3 miles in April, bringing me to 268.3 for the year so far.
Fman99 Apr 30 2015 07:56 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Down a bit from previous months, as I expected, due to tapering before my marathon. Finished April with 97 miles and that puts me at 440.2 miles for the year thus far. I suspect May will be a similar total, as I will spend much of it tapering again before the Buffalo Marathon on Memorial Day weekend.
Rockin' Doc May 01 2015 08:06 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Joined a gym. Worked out and ran today for the first time since December 20th. Pretty sore from lifting and expect to be much worse tomorrow. It will take a while for my body to get accustomed to working out again. Took it very easy on the treadmill after lifting. Ran a 30:12 for 5K and ended up doing 4.73 miles in 45 minutes. Not great, but not too bad for the first effort after over 4 months of being a total couch potato.
metsmarathon May 04 2015 07:41 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
40 miles in april. had to skip a number of midweek runs thanks to work, and fitting in longer runs on teh weekend was tough also. friggin' scheduling!
themetfairy May 10 2015 06:32 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I made it to the Black level on Nike+ this morning!
metsmarathon May 10 2015 07:59 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
so, um, yeah. guess what i've signed up for...
themetfairy May 10 2015 08:04 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
LOL - Best of luck!
themetfairy May 15 2015 01:04 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Three races in two days?
themetfairy May 16 2015 09:32 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
So look who won her age group this morning!
Fman99 May 16 2015 07:23 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
That is awesome!
themetfairy May 16 2015 08:50 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Thanks Fman :)
themetfairy May 17 2015 01:29 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I can't find my camera after this morning's 5K, but the third race of the weekend was definitely a success!
metsmarathon May 18 2015 06:41 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
nice work!
themetfairy May 18 2015 07:02 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Thanks mm :)
Fman99 May 25 2015 08:23 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Well, sometimes it all goes the way you'd hope, and then other times, not so much.
themetfairy May 25 2015 08:50 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I don't think that your "poor" showing (that I would gladly kill for, btw) was from a lack of training. My guess is that you just didn't have enough recovery time between the two races (and the heat didn't help, for sure).
metsmarathon May 25 2015 10:40 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
4 weeks apart is probably too close. still, just a hair slower than my fastest.
metsmarathon May 25 2015 10:43 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
after my marathons, i'm generally so cooked that the idea of getting back out there in a month seems really far-fetched. though i'm built a little bit differently. and, may not train as well either...
Fman99 May 26 2015 08:29 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Thanks for the feedback, guys. It's not really even a regular PR boost that I seek, as much as the ability to run as many marathons per year as possible at a pace I am satisfied with. If that's two, instead of four, per year, than so be it. But I wonder if maybe a bigger split between the two, say, 6-8 weeks apart each season, might work better than the four week split I attempted this past spring. I'd rather be able to do four per year just because there are so many interesting marathons out there that I'd like to try.
metsmarathon May 26 2015 01:55 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
in '08 i ran the hamptons marathon in late september, 4:05, and 5 weeks later, ran 4:12 in new york, bonking furiously.
Fman99 May 27 2015 09:02 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I think that is almost precisely what happened. It took me 3 1/2 weeks of the four weeks between races to feel any semblance of "bounce" in my regular runs. And I felt good enough at the start, but I think on some level, I suspected that the heat would get me. The big surprise was that it happened so early, I was taking walking breaks at mile 19, the earliest in any marathon I've done. With a seven week break, last fall, I didn't need a walk break until probably 24 miles in. The MCM being the last weekend of October, right in the middle of the fall marathon season, doesn't easily allow for a second fall race that's 6-8 weeks out from MCM. I don't want to train for an early September full, and there are not a ton of December choices in the Northeast (there's Rehoboth in Delaware, the first weekend of December, but it's a Saturday and a long 6+ hour drive for me). So I think it'll just be the MCM for the fall and a rethink for what I do next spring.
TransMonk May 31 2015 09:11 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
30 miles again in May. 180 miles so far for the year.
themetfairy May 31 2015 10:23 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
60.8 miles on the Nike+ watch, plus another 10.5 (give or take) between the untimed Color Run that was cut short and the jogging track on a cruise ship this week for a grand total of about 71 miles.
Fman99 May 31 2015 07:54 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Followed a 97 mile April with a 95 mile May, putting me at 535 miles for 2015 to date. The training for the Marine Corps marathon doesn't really ramp up until July, a month where i am already signed up for a half marathon trail run, a 15k and a ten miler on July 4th, so June will be a lighter month for me mileage wise, most likely.
metsmarathon May 31 2015 09:49 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
65 miles. in june i start training for a half, which dovetails into my training for dopey. so the mileage should start to ramp up soon....
Rockin' Doc Jun 01 2015 06:14 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
First month back in the gym after a little over 4 months of being a lazy, couch potato. I started out pretty slow and have worked throught the soreness from lifting and have worked my way back to a decent pace on the treadmill. My left knee is still balking even after the long layoff, but I managed to get in 64 miles in May.
metsmarathon Jun 04 2015 08:48 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
i celebrated national running day yesterday by opening my front door and picking up the box which contained these appropriately named running shoes:
Fman99 Jun 05 2015 04:19 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I've had the idea multiple times of getting a 2nd brand/model shoe, but then again, I've been blessed with good health and don't see it as an urgent need. I'm wearing the Mizuno Wave Rider 18s and my current pair has 434 miles on them including two marathons (Strava tracks the miles on each pair of shoe, it's a cool feature). I have the next pair ready to go but these are holding out all right so far.
themetfairy Jun 14 2015 05:22 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
On the one hand, I ran the New York Mini 10K yesterday. It wasn't nearly as hot or sticky a day as I had feared, and I had a really good time running what had been the world's first women's only race; the history always gives me goosebumps.
metsmarathon Jun 15 2015 07:37 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
you could always just track them afterwards using some mapping/logging website, like mapmyrun or dailymile. even though i run with my phone for pacing and timing and occasional photography, i still only consider my gps distance and pace unofficial until i log it into (currently) dailymile.
themetfairy Jun 15 2015 07:51 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I know, but I like the idea of going back to running without worrying about numbers, at least for a little while. I need to obsess a little less and enjoy a little more.
metsmarathon Jun 16 2015 08:48 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
fair point, though i was (with a decided lack of clarity) referring more to being able to track mileage on the website thingies, not necessarily time and pace. i was thoroughly unclear about that - sorry.
themetfairy Jun 16 2015 09:22 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
By this point I have a good sense of how far my local routes are. I figure that I'll use the watch if I need to carve out a specific training route (I know 10K by heart, but 8 miles will need some guidance) or if I'm on vacation and don't know the local routes. So long as I can manage to keep the watch charged I should be able to do that for a while, even if the data won't upload.
TransMonk Jul 01 2015 08:44 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
45 miles in June. I'm still not getting out as often as I'd like.
Fman99 Jul 01 2015 09:13 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Much as I expected, mileage down from my normal ~100-110 per month to just 75 in June and 610 for 2015 so far.
themetfairy Jul 01 2015 09:59 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I'm adjusting to running without a watch. I don't think my mileage has suffered substantially. I'm probably not pushing the speed as much as I did when I knew I'd have to upload my time, but since (at least in theory) we have the hot, sticky months ahead of us I don't mind taking things a little easy out there. It's working out for me so far.
cooby Jul 01 2015 04:40 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
oh god I hope so
themetfairy Jul 01 2015 06:36 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I know, right?
metsmarathon Jul 01 2015 09:49 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
70 miles for june, 249 for the year. july should come closer to 100, though not quite there.
Rockin' Doc Jul 02 2015 08:18 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
11 workouts. 57.3 miles.
Fman99 Jul 07 2015 07:44 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
For just $100, plus $20 worth of fabric that I picked out (Mets blue and orange, you may notice), my friend turned 25 of my race shirts into this bad ass quilt. It came out great, it's quite warm.
themetfairy Jul 07 2015 08:16 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Fman99 Jul 17 2015 08:54 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
For the fourth straight year, I raced the local Utica Boilermaker 15k, the nation's largest race at that distance (11,500 finishers). I ran a 1:15, a few minutes slower than last year's 1:12 under cloudier and cooler temps, but still good enough to finish 1788th overall and beat 3/4 of my age group. I basically ran 8 minute miles, which was my intent.
Fman99 Jul 30 2015 07:06 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Finished July with 98 miles, and 708 for the year thus far. I expect to ramp up into the 110-120 range for August as the weekend long runs get longer.
Rockin' Doc Jul 31 2015 09:19 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Just got back from the gym. Did an easy 6.5 miles today since I strained my left calf earlier in the week. Finished with a total of 74.6 miles for the month on 13 outings.
TransMonk Jul 31 2015 09:26 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
55 miles in July. I'm at 280 on the year.
metsmarathon Jul 31 2015 11:59 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
if i hadn't skipped a few workouts due to sick kids and otherwise scheduling difficulties, i'd've hit 100 miles easy this month. as it is, i stand at 89 for july, with today being an off day, and a much needed one at that. it's been fuckin' hot out lately, which reminds me of just how much i'd rather run in winter.
Fman99 Jul 31 2015 08:02 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I enjoy fall and spring the most, because they are more temperate and they serve as relief from long winters and humid summers. But, yeah, man, it's been goofy hot up here this past month. I've been sticking to shorter 30 minute runs on weeknights that end with a quick trip to the park pool for a 15 minute dip/cool down. I will be sad when the pool closes for the season, we have about three weeks left.
metsmarathon Jul 31 2015 08:25 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
i can pretty much only run at noon, either during the week and even on the weekends. so, yeah. summer sucks.
themetfairy Jul 31 2015 09:01 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I'd still rather run in the heat than deal with icy conditions.
metsmarathon Aug 03 2015 08:25 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
ice and lightning balance each other out.
themetfairy Aug 03 2015 10:20 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
And all of that winter clothing leads to extra laundry, which is also something I'm happy to avoid.
metsmarathon Aug 03 2015 11:09 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
in summer, i have to mow the lawn after i come back from my long run.
themetfairy Aug 08 2015 09:29 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
This was an up and down week for me.
Fman99 Aug 09 2015 08:41 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
That's funny, only because I also ran races on both Thursday night and Saturday morning, in my case, a half marathon on Thursday and a 4 mile race yesterday. I ran each of them about a minute slower than I did a year ago, though if I recall, we had warmer weather this year. I finished the half in 1:47 and the four miler in 32:34.
themetfairy Aug 09 2015 08:44 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Great job and sweet bling Fman!
Fman99 Sep 01 2015 04:13 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Finished August with 95 miles and now at 802.7 for 2015. Right on target for the Marine Corps Marathon, seven weeks from Sunday.
soupcan Sep 01 2015 07:03 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Finished August at 70.5.
metsmarathon Sep 01 2015 07:32 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
83 miles for august. missed a long run in there, and had to cut a long run short, plus some other miscellaneous difficulties squeezing all my runs in.
themetfairy Sep 01 2015 08:44 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
The Dopey - that's impressive!
TransMonk Sep 01 2015 08:45 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
65 miles in August and 345 for the year.
cooby Sep 01 2015 10:37 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
A lot of colleges provide beds for incoming freshman so you don't have to bring your own. Where on earth is he going?
soupcan Sep 01 2015 12:16 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Funny. He's at ![]()
Rockin' Doc Sep 01 2015 05:34 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I ran 70.2 miles for the month of August. That gave me 303.8 miles for the year. I get in between 65-75 miles a month, which I'm pretty comfortable with.
Fman99 Sep 01 2015 07:59 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
The return of Soup means one more runner in the fold. The CPFRC missed you man!
Fman99 Sep 01 2015 08:09 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Sep 02 2015 08:49 PM |
I'm still racking up the races, though I don't post them all here only due to the busyness of life. And the fact that most of them are training runs for the 3-4 marathons I aspire to run each year. But I ran another half marathon this past weekend, my 34th since I started running and also my fastest one in ten months, and fourth fastest ever.
metsmarathon Sep 02 2015 06:37 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
fucking incredible.
soupcan Sep 02 2015 06:41 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Thank you dude, nice to be missed!
soupcan Sep 02 2015 06:42 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Seriously man. I remember when you just started running and now you are a fucking machine. Ama-za-zing!
Fman99 Sep 02 2015 12:16 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Thanks dudes! Folks here in the CPF have been cheering me on since my first 5k all those years ago. It's built right into my identity now. I run; it's what I do.
themetfairy Sep 02 2015 01:01 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
As mm would say, that's the first step
Fman99 Sep 27 2015 09:07 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Hey, mm, how was the Beat the Blerch half?
soupcan Oct 01 2015 10:15 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Finished September with 60.5.
Fman99 Oct 01 2015 10:19 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Very nice. I logged 113 miles in September to put me at 915.5 for 2015. Right where I need to be as the Marine Corps Marathon looms in 24 days. I got in a 19 miler last week at a healthy 8:32 pace, no worse for wear, and will do 20 this weekend and then taper down.
metsmarathon Oct 02 2015 07:22 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
yes, right. i owe a race report. but first, i must build suspense!
TransMonk Oct 02 2015 08:34 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
60 miles in September and 405 for the year.
Fman99 Oct 02 2015 09:47 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Great recap as always.
Rockin' Doc Oct 02 2015 06:36 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I only got in 5 runs during September due to my left knee actoing up again. I ran 29.5 miles which puts me at 333.35 miles for the year.
themetfairy Oct 11 2015 08:51 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
It has been so long since I've used my Nike+ that I forgot what a fucking pain in the ass it can be to wait to connect to the satellite signal. But I need to carve out an 8 mile training route today, so I'm sitting and waiting for it. If I don't get it soon, I'll just approximate 8 miles - I know how to get there more or less.
Fman99 Oct 11 2015 08:14 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
That's the worst! I had to run my first marathon in "stopwatch" mode because my Garmin wouldn't sync up at any point during the first few miles. Very aggravating. I ran my first ever 18k today -- at 11.2 miles, it's a nice distance, like a half marathon that ends right around the time you'd hope it would end. I set out with the goal of running 8 minute miles, thinking that would put me at almost exactly 90 minutes. It was a tough, hilly course, the first five miles being all uphill and all into a headwind, but the rest of it was a coast back in and I was able to make up time on the last half to finish at 1:29:32, good enough for 34th overall out of 143 and 3rd in age, earning me a sweet coffee mug (the other mug was a raffle prize)! ![]() Marine Corps Marathon is in 14 days. One last tune up race next weekend, a hilly neighborhood five miler that I do every year and enjoy.
themetfairy Oct 11 2015 08:23 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Nice work Fman - best of luck on the MCM!
themetfairy Oct 24 2015 09:29 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Best of luck tomorrow Fman - everyone I know who has done the MCM loves it!
themetfairy Oct 25 2015 10:10 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I finished the Perfect 10 Miler in 2:04:55. It's a confidence boost that I'll be able to handle the Havana Half Marathon within its three hour time limit.
El Segundo Escupidor Oct 28 2015 06:34 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Anybody use a running light?
Fman99 Oct 28 2015 06:46 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I do! I'll have to get the brand/info on mine when I am at home tonight as I like the one I have, but don't recall the manufacturer. Also, MCM recap on my list of things to do...
metsmarathon Oct 28 2015 06:49 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
not here. i get spooked easily when its dark out, and think that any rustling deer nearby is a rabid raccoon, or a very hungry bear. also there's no streetlights and the residentially woodsy roads are fairly narrow. but mostly, i'm afraid of the dark and all the spooky things my imagination tells me are out there...
themetfairy Oct 28 2015 07:19 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I don't use one. I just hate running at night.
soupcan Oct 28 2015 07:34 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I use lights.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 28 2015 02:16 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Should have tripped that lil bastard.
Fman99 Oct 28 2015 07:30 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Nice recap, Soup. I wear this headlamp, which I recommend for comfort and brightness, in addition to all kinds of reflective vests/shoe clips/etc. I do a fair amount of running in the dark, on snowy roads, and I can't be too visible out here.
Fman99 Oct 28 2015 08:14 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
So, this past Sunday, I completed my 8th marathon, all since Memorial Day weekend of 2013. This one was the Marine Corps Marathon, annually one of the ten biggest marathons in the nation and prestige-wise, up there with Chicago, NYC, Boston, and the other big city races among those looking for "bucket list" marathons to run.
themetfairy Oct 28 2015 08:29 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Great picture, descriptions and accounts of the MCM - WTG on yet another great race!
Fman99 Oct 28 2015 08:39 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I hope to! I attempted to get in in 2013 and 2014 but did not get selected. This year I did not attempt to because the race is Nov 1st and I didn't want to leave the day prior and miss Halloween. I will attempt it again in 2016.
themetfairy Oct 28 2015 08:45 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
If you don't get in via the lottery, consider fundraising. Team McGraw could use all the runners it can get!
metsmarathon Oct 29 2015 09:36 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
nice work, and excellent recap. mcm is the one marathon that has done that i haven't, and i really, really want to add that medal to my collection! it is such a sweet medal.
metsmarathon Oct 29 2015 09:43 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
one thing i pride myself on, is never getting out-kicked. i try not to kick past kids and women, and people doing their best just to finish, but if i'm gunning for a time, i go for it. and if there's somebody else trying to out kick kids and women and people just trying to do their best, i make sure to finish just ahead of them.
soupcan Oct 30 2015 08:10 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Sounds like a great time Fman. Congrats! A marathon is still on my bucket list. Hopefully one day. It's the training thats the issue for me. My schedule is just not nearly conducive to it right now.
I hear ya and I whole-heartedly agree. I had no idea the kid was even there until he passed us.
Fman99 Oct 30 2015 10:18 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Thanks man! That last hill is so short that it didn't phase me. By then my "get to the finish" kick is working anyway. The hardest stretch was mile 21 back across the bridge from DC and then mile 25, out in Arlington in a fairly quiet stretch before the finish.
Fman99 Oct 30 2015 10:22 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
It's honestly not that different from my non-marathon running schedule. I run for about 30 minutes three nights per week, usually Monday/Wednesday/Thursday, at whatever pace I feel like. Sometimes it's 8:05/mile and other times 8:50/mile, also weather permitting. Then, each weekend, a long run, starting at 7-8 miles and gradually ramping up to a 20 miler over the course of 15-17 weeks or so, dialing it back a few miles every 3-4 weeks to give myself a break. The long runs are the only thing that separate this from my normal routine, as a rule, if I'm not training for a full marathon, I might run 7-8 miles as my typical Saturday long run.
soupcan Oct 30 2015 10:31 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Its the during the week stuff thats difficult - Usually I can only get in one run on Wednesday. The only other days I can normally run are Saturday & Sunday.
metsmarathon Oct 30 2015 11:46 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
if i didn't run at lunchtime, i would'nt be able to run at all during the week...
Fman99 Nov 01 2015 08:12 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Finished October with 111 miles on 17 runs, now at 1026.7 miles for 2015.
metsmarathon Nov 02 2015 06:51 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
damn! i finished october with 102 miles (and a somewhat cranky calf) - just a handful of missed workouts away from topping fman. sonofabiscuit!
soupcan Nov 02 2015 09:40 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Only 50 for me this month.
Fman99 Nov 02 2015 10:16 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
That's some good stuff right there. My normal weeknight pace is probably about an 8:30 also, give take 30 seconds per minute depending on weather and fatigue. We should go for a run together the next time you're up here for a basketball game.
soupcan Nov 02 2015 11:52 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I'd like to but anytime I'm up there it's a drunken-old-fraternity-boy-drunk-fest. I bring my running stuff with the best of intentions and the one or two times I actually made it out for a run, I was sweating alcohol out of my pores. I remember feeling proud that I got my ass running but honestly I think I was only able to crank out 2-3 miles. All that being said - I will try Fman, I will try.
Fman99 Nov 02 2015 03:41 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
There's no shame in a 90 proof sweat trail. I only drink on weekends, so nearly every long run I did in training for my marathon, I was sweating out the booze. I will be out there 3x per week, regardless, so, when you're in town, get a hold of me. I rarely run more than 3.5 miles on a weeknight anyway. I'll shoot you my phone number in a FB message so you have it.
TransMonk Nov 03 2015 10:05 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
65 miles in October...470 for the year.
Rockin' Doc Nov 03 2015 05:19 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I got 11 runs in for a total of 56.25 miles for the month. I had set my sights on 80 miles for the month and was well on my way to obtaining my goal, when I got sick with a terrible cold. It kept me out of the gym for a week, hell I even had to take a sick day (only my 7th one in over 30 years) and then it was vacation time. I didn't even take any running gear or my shoes, since running would have cut into my lounging on the beach with rum drinks.
bmfc1 Nov 08 2015 02:53 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I spent my birthday morning running the Across the Bay 10K, as in the Bay Bridge, Maryland. We cross the bridge several times a year and it's always beautiful so I wanted to experience running across the bridge. It did not disappoint. 21,000 runners, up 5,000 from last year. There were some inconveniences but they didn't matter because the race was so nice. You had to spend $10 on a parking pass, take a shuttle to the start, there were many, many walkers (how else can you be on the Bay Bridge, legally, on foot?), the food was poor (the bagels were moldy!), the shuttle back across the bridge took a half-hour... but it didn't matter. All the people stopping in the middle of the race to take selfies at the peak point were really annoying but again, I didn't care. It was a good experience and I recommend it as a destination race (of course, if you've run over the Verrazano, you might not be impressed). You can visit lovely Annapolis, tour the Naval Academy, have crabcakes, and run the Bay Bridge.
themetfairy Nov 08 2015 03:05 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
That's an awesome way to spend a birthday :)
Fman99 Nov 12 2015 07:16 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Good luck in Cuba MF!
themetfairy Nov 12 2015 07:59 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Feel better, my friend!
metsmarathon Nov 13 2015 06:39 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
get the plantar fascitis ankle sleeves, particularly the ones by feetures. they're sold singly or in a pair. when i was battling pf, i got them, wore them all the time for walking around (i couldn't run in them, but you could if you want - it was just a little too much pressure & stretch on my flat flat arches).
Fman99 Nov 13 2015 09:09 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Thanks for the advice. The pain is along the bottom of my heel, as opposed to the lower ankle, it feels more like a bone bruise than anything tendon-related. I do run in 'Feetures' socks exclusively so I am on board with the brand. I have been standing on top of the freezer packs we put in our lunch bags to ice the bottom of my heel, for 1-2 hours each night this week, and it's finally starting to ache less. I am going to run on it in the AM and see how it goes.
metsmarathon Nov 13 2015 09:45 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Could be a bone bruise, could be heel spurs - an early sign of and frequent complaint about pf.
Fman99 Nov 14 2015 05:34 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Feeling much more confident today, ran 5.8 miles with my run club buddies at a slightly slower than normal pace for me (I usually practice in the 8:30-45/mile, today we ran 9:05) and feeling very little in the way of soreness. Iced it multiple times today.
themetfairy Nov 17 2015 10:37 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I'm glad that you are on the mend Fman!
themetfairy Nov 22 2015 11:16 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I did not have a stellar performance at the Bacardi 8K in Bermuda this morning, but considering that I was in the hospital on Wednesday I'm happy that I was able to run it at all. Beautiful (albeit hilly) course, lovely people and a great time :)
Fman99 Nov 22 2015 07:08 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
With a free bib, courtesy of a coworker, and a free place to stay at my cousin's place, I drove to Philly and ran the Philadelphia Marathon's half marathon event this morning. I knew the course as it is the same as the first half of the full marathon, which I completed in 2014.
metsmarathon Nov 30 2015 02:33 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I finished November with 146 miles - way more than I've run in a month since probably 2009 - bringing my yearly total up to 749. I project to run about 100-110 in December, and should fall short of a grand for the year.
themetfairy Nov 30 2015 03:16 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
I'm glad that you were none the worse for wear after your near collision.
Fman99 Nov 30 2015 08:19 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 30 2015 08:23 PM |
Nice recap MM!
Fman99 Nov 30 2015 08:20 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Oh, and I could never run with just one earbud. That would drive me bats. I either run with two or none.
metsmarathon Nov 30 2015 08:31 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
i run with none.
Rockin' Doc Nov 30 2015 10:18 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Having been inspired by Fman, who cranks out 100+ mile months like a machine and marathon who still racks up high mileage totals while having 3 young sons at home, I set a goal of running 100 miles for the month of November. I reached my goal with 105.25 miles for November which upped my total for the year to 495 miles. My body endured the increased mileage without much problem other than my knees being a little tender at times. I don't anticipate doing 100 miles again any time soon. I plan to revert back to my usual 55-65 miles a month while concentrating more on the weight lifting portion of my workouts.
Fman99 Dec 01 2015 05:42 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
That's awesome, man. Nice month of miles. I was topped by two other CPF'ers this month, I wonder how long of a streak I had of being the high mileage guy in this thread per month.
TransMonk Dec 01 2015 07:01 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
60 miles in November, 530 miles for the year.
soupcan Dec 01 2015 09:04 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
60.5 miles for me in November, 527 for the year.
themetfairy Dec 12 2015 02:10 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
OMG - what an amazingly beautiful day for a race!
Fman99 Dec 12 2015 08:41 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Yes, I could not agree more! I ran my 30th and final race of 2015 today, and I ended on a high note.
metsmarathon Dec 12 2015 09:00 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Damn! Nice!
Fman99 Dec 13 2015 10:34 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
Oh, snap, I'm closer than I thought!
metsmarathon Dec 13 2015 11:03 AM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |
damnit. typo. 21:14. sorry for the false hope.
Fman99 Dec 13 2015 08:06 PM Re: Always on the Run - Running Thread 2015 |