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TV Alert!!
MFS62 Feb 02 2006 06:52 PM |
The Winter League playoffs are being broadcast on YES.
KC Feb 02 2006 07:08 PM |
Cool, thanks - someone give 62 a Nat Sherman cigar for finding baseball
metirish Feb 02 2006 08:42 PM |
Cool deal 62, I just tuned in and saw Anderson hit a triple and score on an infield hit, Josse Valentine just caught the last out in the top of the 7th.
Johnny Dickshot Feb 03 2006 07:15 AM |
They ugly up those unis with lotsa logos, no?
Yancy Street Gang Feb 03 2006 07:55 AM |
Wow. The ugliest thing is that bumper sticker on the back of the batting helmet.
MFS62 Feb 03 2006 08:01 AM |
Well, there was that attempt to put the logo for the Spiderman movie on the bases....... Later
MFS62 Feb 03 2006 09:47 AM |
The happy recap.
Zvon Feb 03 2006 03:30 PM |
He looks like a freakin billboard.>:( Or one a those paper plastered walls you see at construction sites.
MFS62 Feb 08 2006 01:53 PM |
Did anyone else see the game last night? Hostteam Venezuela won the series by beating the Dominican Republic in extra innings.
Edgy DC Feb 09 2006 09:09 AM |
Fred Willard, violent Met.
MFS62 Feb 09 2006 09:19 AM |
Edgy DC Feb 09 2006 09:26 AM |
It's a TV alert.
MFS62 Feb 09 2006 10:21 AM |
I read into the "met not being able to hit" line in the article you linked, and thought it was your way of restating what some have said about Hernandez.