Have you guys seen these little books at your local book and/or record store? Haven;t read any yet but saw a few. They're like, pocket sized books all about one album, sort of like ultimate liner notes.
I thought it was a great idea, almost as cool as that album-cover bubblegum I used to get (remember that? Reproduction of an album coveer containing round flattened bubblegum "album").
The one thing I miss about LPs is that they were so much more... substantial ... than CDs, and the one thing I miss about CDs now that I'd prefer to download is that they sort of killed liner notes (and it certyainly wounded the album itself, though I;m not certain that's really a bad thing).
A list of 33 1/3 tiles at Amazon:
Upcoming books: "If You're Feeling Sinister" by Scott Plagenhoef "Aja" by Don Breithaupt "Shoot Out the Lights" by Hayden Childs "Pretty Hate Machine" by Daphne Carr "Use Your Illusion" by Eric Weisbard "Horses" by Phil Shaw "Double Nickels on the Dime" by Mike Fournier "Pink Moon" by Amanda Petrusich "People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm" by Shawn Taylor "Achtung Baby" by Stephen Catanzarite "20 Jazz Funk Greats" by Drew Daniel "The Dreaming" by Ann Powers "Rid of Me" by Kate Schatz "Another Green World" by Geeta Dayal "Songs in the Key of Life" by Zeth Lundy "Trout Mask Replica" by Kevin Courrier "Let's Talk About Love" by Carl Wilson "Lucinda Williams" by Anders Smith Lindall "69 Love Songs" by LD Beghtol “Marquee Moon” by Peter Blauner “Swordfishtrombones” by David Smay