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Dick Cheney shoots an old man
OlerudOwned Feb 12 2006 04:23 PM |
Johnny Dickshot Feb 12 2006 04:43 PM |
This is going to be great.
Edgy DC Feb 12 2006 04:44 PM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Feb 12 2006 07:03 PM |
World gone mad.
KC Feb 12 2006 04:47 PM |
Spraying a shotgun shell at a quail just doesn't sound very sporting
MFS62 Feb 12 2006 05:05 PM |
And in a related story, it was announced today that Harry Whittington has been named to the Board of Directors of Haliburton.
Frayed Knot Feb 12 2006 05:10 PM |
Guns don't shoot people, Vice Presidents do.
Johnny Dickshot Feb 12 2006 05:12 PM |
(Jay Leno) Thank you, God (/Jay Leno)
Rockin' Doc Feb 12 2006 05:40 PM |
"This is something that happens from time to time. You know, I've been peppered pretty well myself," said Armstrong.
Frayed Knot Feb 12 2006 10:15 PM |
During Johnny Carson's monologue on his final show he mentioned how his run on 'The Tonight Show' spanned the terms of seven Presidents and "thank goodness" he added, eight Vice Presidents. His final week there was during the Dan Quayle/Murphy Brown flap and JC got a whole lotta closing days mileage out of that one.
Nymr83 Feb 12 2006 10:54 PM |
i'm getting tired of Leno, i can't wait for O'Brien to take over for him.
Valadius Feb 12 2006 11:39 PM |
Conan has become something of an icon in Finland.
Willets Point Feb 13 2006 08:19 AM |
Cheney joins Aaron Burr as "Vice Presidents who shot people."
MFS62 Feb 13 2006 09:36 AM |
S'plain please. Later
MFS62 Feb 13 2006 09:37 AM |
Wasn't he there through the Agnew days, too? Later
seawolf17 Feb 13 2006 09:44 AM |
Hey! That was on the Pyramid this weekend. ![]()
One of the candidates for Finland's top office bears a moderate resemblance to Conan O'Brien. So on his show, he talked about her -- yes, her -- a bit, and they showed some "commercials" advertising how great this candidate would be, largely because she looked like O'Brien, and how huge he is in Finland. Well, she won, and he's in Finland now on a [url=]goodwill tour[/url] of sorts. Turns out, he really has become quite a celeb there.
Edgy DC Feb 13 2006 09:57 AM |
Things not to say on a goodwill tour:
Centerfield Feb 13 2006 10:15 AM |
Lol seawolf.
Edgy DC Feb 13 2006 10:41 AM |
"Aaron Burr... Dick Cheney..."
Centerfield Feb 13 2006 10:53 AM |
CBS News ran this picture with its article:
Centerfield Feb 13 2006 10:56 AM |
Harry Whittington
Centerfield Feb 13 2006 10:59 AM |
The ranch owner, Katharine Armstrong, weighs in:
Frayed Knot Feb 13 2006 11:18 AM |
Hey, at least he shot a lawyer.
Edgy DC Feb 13 2006 11:24 AM |
OK, well it happened over the weekend, causing monologue joke-writers to have to wait two days to fire off their own rounds.
MFS62 Feb 13 2006 11:27 AM |
So far the best one-liner on this subject. But FK will have to work hard to hold that ranking as new entries come in. Later
seawolf17 Feb 13 2006 11:30 AM |
Not a one-liner, but why are we surprised that Cheney shot someone while hunting? The news last night said that (a) he has a Secret Service squad with him at all times, and (b) Cheney's "medical team" (their words) were also on the scene and treated Whittington immediately.
Johnny Dickshot Feb 13 2006 11:35 AM |
The quail got away, but not to worry. The administration said it would be wiretapping all suspicious birdcalls from now on.
Yancy Street Gang Feb 13 2006 11:37 AM |
Cheney apologized immediately. He said he didn't plan to shoot the guy; he actually meant to torture him.
Frayed Knot Feb 13 2006 11:40 AM |
The injured man had to wait a little while for assistance as the medivac crew immediately rushed to assist the Vice President just out of habit.
MFS62 Feb 13 2006 11:52 AM |
Because you're only supposed to be vewy, vewy quiet when hunting wabbits. Later
Johnny Dickshot Feb 13 2006 12:02 PM |
Cheney apologized profusely, then excused himself, saying he had a hunting date with Jack Abramhoff.
Johnny Dickshot Feb 13 2006 12:25 PM |
Al Franken:
OlerudOwned Feb 13 2006 01:26 PM |
I can see why he got shot, he looks kind of like a bird
Nymr83 Feb 13 2006 01:57 PM |
there are just so many uses for that muppet bird picture.
Nymr83 Feb 13 2006 01:57 PM |
there are just so many uses for that muppet bird picture.
A Boy Named Seo Feb 13 2006 02:43 PM |
The last thing I want to do is derail this thread again, but this cracked me up.
seawolf17 Feb 13 2006 04:36 PM |
Willets Point Feb 13 2006 05:30 PM |
A flashcard for Cheney:
Johnny Dickshot Feb 13 2006 05:40 PM |
Hey. That's late-night quality right there. I think the head writer would change "plan" to "mean" "shoot" to "hurt" and "actually to "only" Cheney apologized immediately. He said he didn't mean to hurt the guy; he only meant to torture him.
KC Feb 13 2006 05:56 PM |
This is turning into Cheneygate. I had the news on by accident at five and
Yancy Street Gang Feb 13 2006 06:03 PM |
Thanks! After twenty four years of watching David Letterman, I guess I've gotten a feel for how monologue jokes work. We'll have to compare what we come up with to what Dave and Jay actually say. I'll be TiVoing Letterman tonight.
ScarletKnight41 Feb 13 2006 08:38 PM |
Don't forget The Daily Show and The Colbert Report on Comedy Central. They're going to have fun with this one.
MFS62 Feb 13 2006 08:59 PM |
According to Steve Somers on WFAN, they're going to add Cheney to the US Olympic Biathlon team.
Edgy DC Feb 13 2006 09:07 PM |
The reason I suggested that we come up with their material is because I think they won't be funny but will be rather predictable.
metirish Feb 14 2006 12:26 AM |
Quote of 06 might go to Wyoming Gov. Dave Freudenthal, a Democrat.
TheOldMole Feb 14 2006 02:22 AM |
My daughter's theory is that Cheney really did kill the guy, and they left him buried out on the prairie and got someone else to volunteer to take a few pellets so they'd have a story for the media.
metirish Feb 14 2006 09:09 AM |
From Late Night.....
Centerfield Feb 14 2006 12:17 PM |
White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan on greeting the University of Texas football team, 2005 NCAA champions, on the South Lawn of the White House:
sharpie Feb 14 2006 02:18 PM |
This gets better. From CNN:
If he dies, this'll really be something.
Edgy DC Feb 14 2006 02:22 PM |
Not for him. Let's resist rooting for him to die in order to improve the story.
sharpie Feb 14 2006 02:38 PM |
Well, yes. Even a minor heart attack, however, in a man his age has long-term repercussions.
SwitchHitter Feb 14 2006 10:35 PM |
I heard the heart attack happened when Dick Cheney called him at the hospital to invite him deer hunting.
TheOldMole Feb 15 2006 11:49 AM |
Is "minor heart attack" a medical term? What makes a minor heart attack?
ScarletKnight41 Feb 15 2006 11:56 AM |
Well, as opposed to a massive heart attack, a minor heart attack isn't as serious.
Yancy Street Gang Feb 15 2006 12:17 PM |
Here's how I'd rank heart attacks, from worst to best:
seawolf17 Feb 15 2006 12:18 PM |
I disagree. I think we need to have a Heart Attack Ladder Competition.
Johnny Dickshot Feb 15 2006 12:18 PM |
Note also how he was "peppered" and not "shot."
Frayed Knot Feb 15 2006 12:24 PM |
Major Heart Attack = Yours
MFS62 Feb 15 2006 01:52 PM |
Another look at the incident:
metirish Feb 15 2006 02:01 PM |
Chaney is due on Fox News at 2PM for an interview.
sharpie Feb 15 2006 02:04 PM |
I'm sure it'll be hard-hitting if it's on Fox.
metirish Feb 15 2006 02:08 PM | says interview is at 6PM with Brit Hume, CNN has it for 2PM....
A Boy Named Seo Feb 15 2006 04:15 PM |
I shot a .22 at some cans once when I was in high school so that's my extent with guns, and I've never even heard of bird shot. It sounds like you find a whole crapload of birds (a covey) and then fire this gun that sprays a crapload of little bullets and maybe you miss or maybe you get like six in one shot. Is that about right? Very precise. Very sporting.
Edgy DC Feb 15 2006 04:24 PM Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Feb 15 2006 09:36 PM |
Supposedly that's how we wiped out the passenger pigeon. Bill Bryson (not always as perfectly reliable as he is perfectly engrossing) relayed an early colonial-era account of a hunter taking out 130 pigeons with a single shot from a blunderbuss.
A Boy Named Seo Feb 15 2006 04:55 PM |
130 birds, eh? How devilishly efficient. Thanks for the history lesson, Edge.
Zvon Feb 15 2006 06:26 PM |
TDS did have a ball with this, and will continue to do so. Last night they downgraded the story on thier color code chart. Since the guy had a heart attack it went from Competely Hysterical to =orange]Still Hysterical But With A Tinge Of Sadness. Looks like Colbert took the week off, and I bet he's kickin himself in the ass.
ScarletKnight41 Feb 15 2006 06:46 PM |
Colbert will make up for it next week.
Rockin' Doc Feb 15 2006 09:11 PM |
Obviously, most of you have never shot skeet. It is much like bird (grouse, quail, or pheasant) hunting only you shoot clay targets. It is much more difficult than most of you seem to believe.
soupcan Feb 15 2006 09:28 PM |
I spent a summer one year in Tampa working for my uncle who owned the Miller Beer distributorship there.
Edgy DC Feb 15 2006 09:42 PM |
Hey, I did relate that it was Bryson's account of another guy's historical account, and that I've caught out Bryson before for choosing the good story over the well fact-checked one. For what it's worth, this scholarly guy repeats the 130 figure. Every spring and fall, generations of European- and African-Americans witnessed literally billions of passenger pigeons migrating back and forth from the southern states to the northern ones — their flocks so vast in the 1600s that they blocked out the sun for whole days at a time. The passenger pigeons congregated so thickly that one shot from a blunderbuss could kill up to 130 of them, according to one colonial leader — and the weight of the roosting birds felled heavy branches throughout nesting grounds covering a thousand square miles. Considered to be the most numerous bird that ever existed, the species constituted 25 percent to 40 percent of the total bird population of the United States, according to the Smithsonian Institution. They were not like the pigeons now seen on city streets, but were related to mourning doves, though bigger (16 inches tall) and more brightly colored. Shot and netted by the billions, and with much of their forest habitat cut down, their numbers plummeted, until finally the last one died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914.
KC Feb 15 2006 10:01 PM |
I spoke out of turn on page one of this thread, bird shot is nothing I never
ScarletKnight41 Feb 15 2006 10:24 PM |
I'm willing to believe that this is not the result of alcohol inasmuch as it's the result of sheer carelessness.
metirish Feb 15 2006 11:22 PM |
Chaney did admit in the interview that he had one beer for lunch five hours before the hunt.Charlie Rose and three guests are talking about this whole thing right now, drinking and cover-ups are being talked about, the guests are David Gergen and the New York Times and Daily News Washington correspondents.
Frayed Knot Feb 16 2006 12:03 AM |
A shotgun differs from a regular gun in that there's no bullet as such. Instead, it's a small cylindrical cannister (size of a lipstick say, depending on the guage) loaded with many small (approx 1/10 inch) pellets. Obviously the load tends to spray out somewhat as they go which makes a target such as small game easier to hit at fairly short range but the shot tends to fan out too much and lose any steam they have at any kind of distance. Yeah, they'll make a mess of a stop sign or mailbox up close but they obviously don't have the earodynamics of a bullet and this guy was apparently about at the range where the gun will start to lose it effectiveness for birds, thus explaining how he could take one in the face and come out of it relatively OK. The "blunderbuss" that Edgy/Bryson talks about was a sort of crude version popular during Colonial times. There, you'd pour a load of gunpowder down its big barrel and follow that with just about anything you could find: buckshot, nails, hairpins, tacks, etc., and it would blast away in a wide pattern and take out anything in the immediate vicinity. That was often the gun they'd give to the wimmins to use if someone came around when no one else was at home. Crude but effective.
Zvon Feb 16 2006 11:31 PM |
TheOldMole Feb 17 2006 05:22 PM |
Today's AP headline:
MFS62 Feb 17 2006 05:31 PM |
As per Don Imus: Democrats are in a quandry. They're wishing the victim well, but they're secretly hoping he will die.
KC Feb 17 2006 05:41 PM |
I don't really see how a 70 something year old man accidently shot in a
ScarletKnight41 Feb 17 2006 05:47 PM |
Vice Presidents only shoot people at a rate of once every two centuries. A full week of joking is definitely in order when that happens.