I was on the 40, and then I was off the 40, and now I'm back on the 40 again. History tried to consign me to the dustbin, but my arm is HEALTHEEE! And that's good for the Mets, too, because if there's anything every team needs, it's a blond relief pitcher on the fringes of the 40 with a stringy Florida country boy mullet.
It's a good hockey look, you're thinking. Or maybe you're thinking I should be cutting a record with Jim Messina, or playfully harassing Dennis DeYoung for coming back to Desert Moon. But here's what you should be thinking: This guy has saved about a gajillion games at Binghamton. Sooner or later, we're going to need him to save one or two up in the big leagues. Maybe you should be thinking that there's a reason the Mets rostered me up, while leaving Matt Bowman to get swiped away. Maybe you should be thinking AT ALL!!
So what are you thinking?
[fimg=246:3sv0ozmg]http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1703926.1393522943!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/jeff-walters.jpg[/fimg:3sv0ozmg] [fimg=554:3sv0ozmg]https://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/zG1BDZfddhhsfSL5sKacDMwlfTY=/0x105:2159x1544/1310x873/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/49017521/usa-today-9124406.0.jpg[/fimg:3sv0ozmg] [fimg=368:3sv0ozmg]http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/jeff-walters-of-the-new-york-mets-pitches-during-the-spring-training-picture-id477408667[/fimg:3sv0ozmg] [fimg=432:3sv0ozmg]https://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/022314metsspringtraining100.jpg[/fimg:3sv0ozmg]