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What's next for Harvey?
Disabled list with vague symptoms | 2 votes |
Steve Trachsel Treatment: 2 weeks in Vegas | 7 votes |
Skip 1 start, work on mechanix | 6 votes |
Assigned to the bullpen indefinitely | 1 votes |
Cross fingers and go get 'em Tuesday | 10 votes |
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 20 2016 12:27 AM Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 20 2016 10:46 AM |
The other post was kind of a dumb joke. So I'm re-doing this very important poll
Zvon May 20 2016 12:35 AM Re: When will Matt Harvey Retire? |
I will after the post game interview sessions.
Edgy MD May 20 2016 12:36 AM Re: When will Matt Harvey Retire? |
When will he retire as many as 19 batters in an evening?
Edgy MD May 20 2016 12:37 AM Re: When will Matt Harvey Retire? |
Maybe he sees some time in the pen.
Zvon May 20 2016 12:45 AM Re: When will Matt Harvey Retire? |
lol, oh what a dolt.
Zvon May 20 2016 03:23 AM Re: When will Matt Harvey Retire? |
Maybe it's a simple thing....
Lefty Specialist May 20 2016 12:03 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I think skipping a start is in order. I wouldn't want him going out there against the Nats again in 4 days.
Edgy MD May 20 2016 12:32 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
In the old days, he'd
Ashie62 May 20 2016 12:41 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Status quo. He starts against the Nats and we shall see.
Frayed Knot May 20 2016 01:39 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
If Cabrera & Conforto make their plays last night would only have been a smaller disaster. Yeah their errors and/or non-plays (along with Wright making two questionable throws) contributed but let's not wallpaper over the line-drives being hit all over the field last night, even some of the outs were hard.
Edgy MD May 20 2016 01:47 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
It's funny, because there were twin ideas years ago, firstly, that a successful starter who was scuffling could work his problems with a temporary trip to the bullpen, and secondly, that a successful reliever who was scuffling could work his problems by getting a start or two. They were somewhat contradictory, but given a lack of options, managers tried them both, often enough.
Benjamin Grimm May 20 2016 01:50 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
"Scuffling" is my least favorite baseball euphemism, by the way.
Edgy MD May 20 2016 01:56 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I'm in a funk, posting wise.
Benjamin Grimm May 20 2016 02:09 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Ah, you're just scuffling.
d'Kong76 May 20 2016 02:16 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? Edited 2 time(s), most recently on May 20 2016 02:45 PM |
Tuesday=Harveyday! Big. Huge. Rinse, repeat.
MFS62 May 20 2016 02:19 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
He's been "working on stuff" between starts and any results haven't been too obvious. I think he needs to do it somewhere else.
Ceetar May 20 2016 02:25 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
He's too good not to work through it, and I think ultimately he'll be better for it. I don't know what to make of the velocity issues unless they're just mechanics that he's still working on. arm strength. something? Hope it's not a warning sign of injury but if he's truly got less movement too sounds like it's probably mechanics.
Frayed Knot May 20 2016 02:35 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
He's gone from a career of 7 H/9 to over 12 this season; from 0.6 HRs/9 to 0.9; a 4.78 K/BB ratio to 2.87; and a 2.53 ERA to 5.77
Benjamin Grimm May 20 2016 02:41 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I agree. I have no idea if it's physical, mechanical, mental, or what, but something is definitely very wrong.
TransMonk May 20 2016 02:43 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Give him a couple weeks in Vegas away from the city and the team. He needs to get right.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 20 2016 03:23 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I voted disabled list. His "rehab" in St. Lucie actually at a fat farm.
Edgy MD May 20 2016 03:32 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
It's pitching, and successful pitching is ephemeral. That list I occasionally refer to of starting pitcher rankings is filled with guys who were a revelation at one point. Now they're bouncing around the league trying to find out where it all went wrong, trying to get the pieces in place again. Dwight Gooden was the greatest pitcher anybody had ever seen for 2 1/2 years. For four years after that, he was just a good pitcher. For the rest of his career, he was just a pitcher. Tim Lincecum was a terror for a few years there. The last guy in the league you wanted to see. Now here he is at 31, so indifferently effective that he's just getting signed in late May. Hasn't even had arm surgery. Maybe he will work through it, but I don't think anybody is too good not to work through it. Sometimes, you never find it again. And that, in addition to injuries, is why long-term deals for pitchers are terrifying. And that's why you build as much redundancy into your staff as possible.
Ashie62 May 20 2016 04:15 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
He could see whoever inherited Dr. Lans job as the Mets behavorial health practioner. I'd hat to find out he is drinking two six packs a day. Might it be as simple as some people come back from Tommy John better or worse than others?
Edgy MD May 20 2016 04:22 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I believe the man you are looking for is Dr. Jonathan Fader.
Chad Ochoseis May 20 2016 05:02 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I turned on the game in the 4th and he was already gone, so I didn't actually see him, but the consensus seems to be that it's his head, not his arm. So he needs to spend a few weeks somewhere that he can get his head straight again. Somewhere quiet and peaceful, away from all the excitement, bright lights, and wild women. Where he can just focus on pitching, and not his image. Somewhere like Vegas.
d'Kong76 May 20 2016 05:09 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 20 2016 05:15 PM |
You funny man! Port St Lucie is probably a better idea (prescription) if it comes to demotion.
Lefty Specialist May 20 2016 05:12 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
You don't send someone to work on things in the PCL if you're trying to build up their cahnfidence. He should go to Port St Lucie or Binghamton if anywhere.
Frayed Knot May 20 2016 05:55 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
And then there’s this
Those are Harvey's 9 starts from this year as compared to Strasberg's first 9 starts in 2015. The bad news in that contrast is that Strasburg did require a trip to the DL a short time later -- two actually, I forget the official reason(s) -- as he started only 3 games between the end of May and early August. The good news is that Strasburg has essentially been the best pitcher in baseball (non-Kershaw division) since returning. In 19 starts covering the final 10 of last season plus his first 9 this year, he's racked up: 2.33 ERA; 0.91 WHiP; 167 K/24 BB; and the Nats are 17-2 in those games
Edgy MD May 20 2016 06:14 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Yeah, I was surprised to see that he was able to salvage his 2015 season, as poorly as it started. I guess I should be encouraged by that now.
Frayed Knot May 20 2016 06:25 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
That Strasberg signed long-term with the Nats when he did was, for a variety of reasons, surprising to most within baseball.
Benjamin Grimm May 20 2016 06:36 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I'm beginning to get a glimmer of an idea why Boras "let" Strasburg sign a contract before testing free agency.
cooby May 20 2016 07:43 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
how do you pronounce this?
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 20 2016 07:44 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Zvon May 20 2016 07:45 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I always pronounced it Trash-shhhhel
Lefty Specialist May 20 2016 08:01 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Benjamin Grimm May 20 2016 08:03 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I remember it as "Traxel"
Zvon May 20 2016 08:09 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 20 2016 09:26 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Mets say he makes his next go
bmfc1 May 20 2016 10:41 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Yeah, sounds like he pitches in DC next week, perhaps on a different day than planned (he's supposed to go Tuesday). I'd like to see Noah pushed back a day so he can face those miserable bastards again.
Zvon May 20 2016 11:11 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
A day earlier than usual? Maybe that's exactly what he needs.
cooby May 20 2016 11:23 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I forgot all about him. I think I called him Trash-el
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 23 2016 05:19 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Carig reports Mets feel Harvey's problem is 99% mental (the other half is physical, natch).
cooby May 24 2016 01:51 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
What a boring looking book
Edgy MD May 24 2016 02:05 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Maybe. I tend to think such books are developed and marketed to fly off the shelfs at conventions and industry meetings where the author is among the guest speakers.
Ceetar May 24 2016 02:34 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Thanks to things like Amazon and print on demand, not as much dust collecting!
Frayed Knot May 24 2016 02:36 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
There's an old joke about books like that: My book was a million seller, they printed a million copies and most of them are sitting in my cellar.
Edgy MD May 24 2016 02:41 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
There's dust in Amazon warehouses too.
seawolf17 May 25 2016 12:38 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Well, shit.
cooby May 25 2016 12:44 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
You know, they did it to Sid, in 1985, or whenever. Temporary demotion that is. Worked for him
Zvon May 25 2016 12:48 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I think he should re-think that mid body weight thing. That's something he can do when he get's older. It'll happen naturally. He should get back in 2013 shape, 2013 weight.
seawolf17 May 25 2016 12:50 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
In Binghamton.
Frayed Knot May 25 2016 12:52 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
24 batters faced, 14 retired, 8 hits including 4 for XB (1 2B + 2 HR) & 2 walks. 1 K
Edgy MD May 25 2016 01:05 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
He wasn't hurt?
Zvon May 25 2016 01:30 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
He shouldn't step back on a MLB field until he is in that shape. A couple of weeks of hard work. Remember when Matt had a choice of where and all dat? Those days are over.
Zvon May 25 2016 02:42 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
So immediate next was ducking the press after the game tonight. That's real bad. Matt could always own up.
TransMonk May 25 2016 03:11 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Vegas, baby. Vegas.
MFS62 May 25 2016 03:15 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
His head might be fixed by a trip to the minors, but he's been pitching like his arm is destined for Soylent Green.
d'Kong76 May 25 2016 03:19 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Not meeting with the press is never a good thing, especially
Nymr83 May 25 2016 03:23 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I'd send his big fat ego and big fat ERA to Vegas. enough is enough.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 25 2016 03:57 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Just read the Newsday account. They're not giving him the slightest break, seemingly upset that Harvey begged for this start only to choke and leave the clubhouse before answering for it. I mean, sounds like they were just dying for the chance to write this story. It sounds like they also think he's a douche, they just couldn't say that when he was a successful douche.
Edgy MD May 25 2016 04:53 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
What's next for Harvey? Well first, the models stop coming. I mean, you still get the models, but not the ones on the way up. You're starting to party with the ones on the way down. Then it's the ones whose career isn't really catching on at all, you know? You try and tell you it makes you a better person, but you're the same guy with less leverage and more denial.
Zvon May 25 2016 06:04 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
[fimg=400][/fimg] "IT'S PITCHING ARMS! IT'S MADE OF PITCHING ARMS!!" *sob*
batmagadanleadoff May 25 2016 08:27 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Harvey didn't even stay to talk about Qualcomm.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 25 2016 10:00 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I get the feeling the Beaters will do anything Terry gives the OK to.
Frayed Knot May 25 2016 12:41 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 25 2016 01:15 PM |
Y'know, I get all that. But the 'we've always known him to be this way it was only a matter of time till it showed' line of writing sounds awfully hollow when you're only trotting it out after he hits rock bottom. (at least we hope he has)
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 25 2016 01:14 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Francessa's been all over the Hovvey angle this spring. Good thing most of us with radios will have the game on against him today.
G-Fafif May 25 2016 01:30 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Matt Harvey has lost all confidence in himself. Not just as a pitcher; as a man. Inside that All-Star, there's a minor leaguer who needs to be cuddled and held just like the rest of us.
MFS62 May 25 2016 01:42 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
The best thing is that we can turn to another station when a game isn't on. Later
Lefty Specialist May 25 2016 01:44 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
All I know is that the Tuesday start against the White Sox should be made by someone other than Matt Harvey. Rest, go to the minors and work on things, whatever. But this isn't working.
Centerfield May 25 2016 01:44 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I thought Harvey actually looked better last night. Good life on his fastball, was mixing in his secondary pitches. Questionable throwing those changeups middle in to Zimmerman and Rendon though. Cripes. Throw that changeup low and away.
Centerfield May 25 2016 01:45 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Oh, and fuck these media guys who are piling on him right now. I get that Harvey is kinda douchey, but questioning a man's character because he's struggling is a dick move.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 25 2016 02:40 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Carig reporting Hovvey meeting with Warthen, Collins and John Ricco NOW!!!!
Benjamin Grimm May 25 2016 02:50 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Hopefully none of them are naked.
Centerfield May 25 2016 02:50 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
This is actually Mike Vaccaro. ... e-enabled/ You know what? Fuck you Mike Vaccaro. What exactly has Matt done to suggest he isn't taking responsibility? Or shouldering the load? His responsibility is to work on his craft and do what it takes to get better. Boo fucking hoo he didn't talk to the media. And it's shocking to me that anyone from the Post can call anyone unprofessional. The same paper that ran juvenile stories, covers and headlines mocking the man's medical situation. A situation that might have been more serious than we know now. Fuck you with a fucking streetlamp.
Edgy MD May 25 2016 03:02 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I think precedent suggests you can't force guys to answer questions if they don't want to. As for "stars," ask Steve Carlton, who spent half of his career shunning the media (and I think we were all better off for it).
G-Fafif May 25 2016 03:11 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Harvey on turn for his next start despite evidence that perhaps he should be winging his way to PSL.
Centerfield May 25 2016 03:12 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Seriously. I think Mike Vaccaro overestimates his role in defining a star player.
Frayed Knot May 25 2016 03:20 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Oh well, I hadn't had my morning vodka yet when I wrote that.
I get knocking Harvey for not being there while leaving his teammates to answer all the questions. It's bad form and, for a guy who covets the attention as much as he does, it leaves the impression that he'll bask in it when things are going well but then duck and run when they're not. I just don't like the tactic of using this (as far as I know) lone incident as a jumping off point to say that this is the real Matt Harvey that you knew him to be all long but somehow neglected to mention EVER until just now.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 25 2016 03:23 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I didn't mean to start a writing-basher thing.
Centerfield May 25 2016 03:25 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Exactly. I agree he should have stuck around. And you can even call him out on that. But like you said, to pretend that this is a character flaw that he knew about all along? Just infuriating.
Benjamin Grimm May 25 2016 03:40 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I don't know what most fans think, but I really don't care if a player talks to the press all of the time, part of the time, or none of the time.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 25 2016 03:48 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
This deal sounds a little like the Willie "Cowards in the Night" scandal, press felt betrayed by a story they were on breaking in a way they hadn't expected.
TransMonk May 25 2016 03:52 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
WHAT? So, he's going to make his next start? Crazy.
Ceetar May 25 2016 04:16 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
White Sox also aren't really a great hitting team, or a good one. That should help. Start after that is in giant Marlins park against the Marlins, so that should help too. I don't care that he didn't stick around to say the exact same thing he said after the last game. Harvey's douchiness or whatever you want to call it doesn't bother me, and that's irrelevant to his success on the field. I don't expect people to change based on the results of the game and I don't agree that players that are winning should 'get away with it'.
d'Kong76 May 25 2016 04:18 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Silent Knight is kinda funny. National disaster! Haha
Ashie62 May 25 2016 04:33 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Harvey has been humbled athletically for the first time in his life.. EASE UP! Tabloids suck.
Ceetar May 25 2016 04:40 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
The thing is, you know the media just wants him to go down to Vegas so he can come back so they can have some Dark Knight Rises references for later in the season. So transparent.
TransMonk May 25 2016 04:51 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I want Harvey to go down because he is costing the team wins.
d'Kong76 May 25 2016 04:53 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I disagree. You think they sit around in a conference room hoping that Player A does this or Player B does that so in August they can use a head- line that they've already conjured up? Dude, that's just mad! They report (or distort) the news on an hourly basis nowadays. They don't have a season-long plan for Harvey or even a team for that matter.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 25 2016 05:03 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Maybe they just should have burned his stuff, after all.
Edgy MD May 25 2016 05:15 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I'm guessing he talks to the press before his next start.
d'Kong76 May 25 2016 05:19 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Edgy refutes Einstein, details at 11!
themetfairy May 25 2016 05:21 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
This. The media has been ridiculous towards Harvey this season. In an ideal world he would have spoken to the media last night, but if he was so upset that he might have blown up and said something he would have regretted then IMO he was better off staying quiet.
Ceetar May 25 2016 05:42 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
There's a lot of downtime in the press box during games/approaching games. They already pre-write game stories in the 5th inning based on a narrative they see developing, they certainly see potential developing storylines down the road.
d'Kong76 May 25 2016 05:57 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Well, that's a pretty waffley response. It's not transparent to me
Ashie62 May 25 2016 11:53 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
We will hear it all, good,bad or indifferent.
Lefty Specialist May 26 2016 01:18 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Well, I'm just pissed because I have tickets for Monday's game.
TransMonk May 26 2016 01:29 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Then you'll get to witness the resurrection in person.
Zvon May 26 2016 02:29 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I'm not up on what's up. Do you mean Matt starts, Colon comes in? Or Colon starts and Matt comes in?
cooby May 26 2016 01:36 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
That's pretty rough (vacarro, not CF). Is he always that mean?
Ashie62 May 26 2016 04:28 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Colon starts and goes 5 then Harvey.
d'Kong76 May 26 2016 07:48 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Lefty Specialist May 26 2016 08:08 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Well, we already crossed our fingers and all we got for our trouble was sore fingers. Terry's of the mindset that you have play through it, but a couple more disasters and he'll have to change his tune. I got the feeling that the White Sox will shred what's left of his cape on Monday.
Zvon May 26 2016 08:11 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I most certainly would do it the other way around. Colon has done this before and it doesn't matter if you use him 1st or last. He'll adjust np. I do think it's important that Matt starts the game. Harvey to start, no limit written in stone, but plan on 4 full and any bumps in the 5th, pull him for Colon. The unspoken goal would be 6 innings, but he won't be told that (Colon should be made aware of everything). The working plan would be 5 full, if & when he hits that wall (usually the 5th), NEXT! I was surprised they didn't send him down.
Edgy MD May 26 2016 08:12 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I think a bullpen assignment for Harvey needs not necessarily pre-schedule his appearances.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 26 2016 08:21 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Makes no sense at all
Zvon May 26 2016 08:27 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I think he's saying put Matt in the pen and use him out of the pen like any other reliever.
Frayed Knot May 26 2016 08:31 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
As this points out, and as Ronnie said also the other night, the sin in not making oneself available to the press on those days when you are the biggest story is that it makes said player lose credibility with his teammates. That the press sometimes views issues like these as if a personal affront against them is annoying but it doesn't make them wrong in saying that it's a problem. And if the night is so bad that you feel you truly need a cooling off period then skipping the occasional time now or then wouldn't be so bad but Harvey was still pulling the silent act the next day too.
d'Kong76 May 26 2016 08:41 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 26 2016 09:31 PM |
This is less likely to happen than Joan Payson throwing a first pitch in 2016.
Right, a minute or two of 'sorry guys, I was a mess last night and couldn't talk and I know you have a job to do too try not to do it again' goes a long way. It's just good sense and professional courtesy? That's just me.
soupcan May 26 2016 08:44 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
This has gotten completely out of hand.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 26 2016 08:45 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
There's that extraordinary clip of Wright and Harvey encountering one another on the field following Harvey's bullshit drama that nearly cost us that 8-7 game last September that says more than a 1,000 Mike Vaccaro columns could. Looking...
d'Kong76 May 26 2016 08:50 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Sure has, but it's an off day. And, it's out of hand because he is a lightning rod. He created it with awesome pitching and off-field stories and you can't just 'dis' (I hate that term, but used it anyway) the NY media and not expect to get baked for it when your chips are down. If this was Verrett, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
cooby May 26 2016 08:59 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Yeah the off day has given the press to much time with this
Zvon May 26 2016 09:08 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Not my quote, thank you very much. :) I endorse the opposite.
Ceetar May 26 2016 09:12 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
if it was deGrom we wouldn't be having this conversation, but again, why does it matter? He doesn't deserve more or less praise/grief just because the way he choices to lead is life is a juicier story for the media. Those things are unrelated. And let's not forget it was the media that dubbed Harvey the Dark Knight to begin with. The media is tapping him on the shoulder and going "Made you look!" There was some talk about closing the clubhouse to the media permanently not to long ago, and only making some players available in a defined space. I'm all for that, and while the starting pitcher would probably be required to speak after his starts, maybe a little bit bigger buffer would help.
Zvon May 26 2016 09:17 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
d'Kong76 May 26 2016 09:38 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Sorry, fixed... In my effort to give Ash a ribbin' Wasn't mindful when submittin'
Zvon May 26 2016 09:49 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I agree with you and I'm a bit surprised that this Colon starting the game business is even being bandied about. We have used Colon many ways and it doesn't faze him. Nor phase him. So he should be the backup.
Frayed Knot May 27 2016 12:20 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? Edited 1 time(s), most recently on May 27 2016 03:17 AM |
No, but his teammates care and don't appreciate being left to talk about his bad night because he refused to. And when those guys who buy their ink by the barrel start writing about how Harvey is coping with this mess, not only are they going to be predisposed to knock him for how he's handled things and made their job a PitA but they just might also get some piling-on tidbits (even if anonymous ones) from some of those same disgruntled players.
Frayed Knot May 27 2016 12:25 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Remind me what the drama was involving that game. Harvey's final pitch that night was a bases-loaded single which wound up scoring four runs because of a tacked-on error which made the score 7-1 Nats. Minus context that brief clip, while not exactly warm & fuzzy, doesn't say much.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 27 2016 01:38 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I may already have my timing wrong but this was amid the drama of Harvey waffling on making his start. As I recall it, it was all hands on deck and balls to wall before he dropped the Diva Bomb. Will look up the exact time.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 27 2016 01:56 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
yeah this happened in waffletime, before that 8-7 win but while Harvey was "focused in Tuesday" Wright also made it a point to dress down Harvey when he missed a workout a few weeks later.
Edgy MD May 27 2016 12:06 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
So, if you want to see that narrative, you have to make the uncomfortable choice, either Wright is an overbearing hardass, or Harvey is a self-centered and disruptive diva.
seawolf17 May 27 2016 12:30 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Agree. So Wright and Harvey aren't friends. Who gives a frig? They just have to work together.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 27 2016 12:39 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
It's not about being friends, but co-workers, yes.
batmagadanleadoff May 27 2016 01:01 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Yes. All you have to do is to watch that Qualcomm fiasco of an interview with Dan Patrick. It"s an extraordinarily revealing exchange that singlehandedly demonstrates how oblivious Harvey is.
themetfairy May 27 2016 01:06 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
And this is where Scott Boras has really failed Harvey. Boras has a stud client who obviously doesn't know how to handle these situations, and he's totally dropped the ball in preparing him for them.
Edgy MD May 27 2016 01:10 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
And while the Mets certainly have a media staff that can train (or at least guide) him, Harvey has bullied his way through them too, seemingly caught up in the notion that until he gets the big payday, everybody associated with the organization is the enemy.
TransMonk May 27 2016 01:29 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
There's also the organization (media staff, manager, teammates, etc) that, at times, has allowed themselves to be bullied by Harvey.
Edgy MD May 27 2016 01:48 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
There's certainly that.
John Cougar Lunchbucket May 27 2016 01:52 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I wouldn't be so sure that Boras has neglected to reign in Harvey. No doubt Boras supports Harvey's Q rating, but for all we know he drives him nuts too.
d'Kong76 May 27 2016 02:05 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
He very well could be a hey-you-work-for-me-and-if-you-don't-like-it-
Ceetar May 27 2016 02:05 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
you don't _have_ to see that narrative. I think Wright likes Harvey just fine. I don't think Harvey is particularly bothered by the media being pissed with him, but occasionally Wright plays the Captain card and reminds him that his choices might be affecting the rest of the team. And I bet there's a difference between talking about Harvey's bad outing versus Harvey's innings limit. No one got asked questions the other day that they weren't going to be asked anyway. Especially Plawecki. But having the media maraud into the clubhouse asking Michael Conforto what he thinks about the organization and Harvey's plan for pitching the rest of the season is a little more of a burden. Though, not that much bigger, and in a lot of cases the media is going to go and ask those guys anyway, trying to dig up dirt or just not happy with Harvey's cultivated answers. It's also worth noting that it's a little contradictory to say Harvey's not a great under the spotlights interview and also criticize him for not speaking in the heat of the moment.
Lefty Specialist May 27 2016 02:09 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Don't get your hopes up. The White Sox are throwing Sale on Monday.
Edgy MD May 27 2016 02:26 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I don't, but we've specifically seen him bully his way past Horwitz and Collins. Horwitz is old. Shannon Forde was dying. Collins was — at least at the time of the World Series confrontation — short, old, and without a contract in the most important moment of his baseball life. The catchers are big-league babies fighting for their careers. All of these people, while nominally having some authority over Harvey, arin reality only have juice as long as they can be confident that Alderson has their backs. And with Alderson sick and perhaps not in general circulation (particularly this offseason), that authority seemingly defers to Jeff. And who can feel confident looking to Jeff Wilpon as the strong guy who has your back? So, really, through the last year, the best hope for standing up to Butch in the last year has been David Wright. And Wright spent a good deal of that time away from the team.
Centerfield May 27 2016 02:36 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Weighing in late here. Love David, but I don't agree with this at all. As a team captain, I think he should stick up for his teammates or say nothing at all. There is no reason to have your team captain pile on and vindicate the media. I especially don't like the part where it seems he's talking to the media before talking to Harvey. I know it's not David's style and he has a great relationship with the media, and that's fine. But if I'm on the Mets, I want my team captain standing behind me. "Hey Mike Vaccaro, what headline did you run when my teammate was in the hospital? Yeah, that's right. Go fuck yourself." This is the same criticism I had of Derek Jeter when ARod joined the Yankees and was getting booed for struggling at 3B. The team captain should have said "Look, he's a gold glove SS that unselfishly agreed to switch positions for the good of the team. The fans should recognize that and support him." But he didn't. Acting largely out of self-interest, Jeter didn't. He said something along the lines of "Alex Rodriguez is a professional and needs to deal with it." Gotta protect your player and address it internally. Now, I don't think David's acting out of self-interest, like Jeter (I also don't think David is an overrated dickhead fraud), but David has a duty to protect his teammates here. No matter what he or other teammates might think, the company line has to be "Harvey is our teammate. He's struggling but we believe in him. We are behind him 100%." Clearly David, and others, have issue with what Harvey did, and that's fine. Address it internally. Look, Harvey seems like he's kinda dumb. Needs a lot of hand-holding. Help him out David.
Ceetar May 27 2016 02:47 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Actually Wright's comments DO defend Harvey.
G-Fafif May 27 2016 04:01 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Don't worry, the columns can get dumber. Witness the perpetually sour Anthony Rieber in Newsday.
Use Sabathia's alcoholism and apparently more pleasant personality as a cudgel against the unnamed pitcher (ha, he won't identify Harvey specifically -- showed him). "Hi, I'm Anthony and I'm a fucking idiot." Dude also gets a plug in for MFY accountability.
Edgy MD May 27 2016 04:16 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
The other thing is that he's crediting Sabathia for being forthcoming in controlled and prepped interviews on his own terms. More power to him, but whatever you think of Harvey's cutting out, him sitting down right after the game is more like the equivalent of Sabathia talking about his alcoholism the morning after a bender.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 27 2016 04:38 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
To an extent, doesn't it make sense that someone who motivates himself on-field with a snarling-warrior mindset would have something of the same leak into his approach to other fields of play?
Edgy MD May 27 2016 04:43 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Perhaps, but he's, you know, supposed to be a grown-up.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr May 27 2016 04:45 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Zvon May 27 2016 07:43 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I agree with CF. Now if this was the 2nd or 3rd time he's done this (IIRC this was the first), okay, get a msg out. But after the last few outings and the way the media started circling like sharks, if I was The Captain my main concern would have been shielding/ deflecting for Matt at this time. I would have had his back and not gone the cliche or team route. I would have personally stood up for him.
batmagadanleadoff May 28 2016 04:15 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Eureka! ... tt-harvey/
Benjamin Grimm May 28 2016 11:33 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Enough with "scuffling" already! The word isn't nearly adequate to convey how awful he's been.
Edgy MD May 28 2016 01:05 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
You're fighting a one-man war on the word, there!
Centerfield May 28 2016 01:25 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
You could always just go with "terrible".
Edgy MD Jul 05 2016 04:55 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I hope we never get rid of Harvey. He just generates such lively discussions!
TransMonk Jul 05 2016 05:29 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
With three starters (Noah, Jacob and Bart) having ERAs sub-3.00 and Matz with an ERA sub-3.50...could Harvey be the odd man out if/when Wheeler returns?
G-Fafif Jul 06 2016 09:42 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Placed on the DL with shoulder discomfort. Lugo up.
themetfairy Jul 06 2016 09:43 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
From Mets Twitter -
d'Kong76 Jul 06 2016 11:21 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
15 day DL, shoulder discomfort.
Ashie62 Jul 06 2016 11:57 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Ashie62 Jul 07 2016 12:10 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
To be tested for arterial blockage. Same possible issue as Gee and Cone.
soupcan Jul 07 2016 12:19 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
And if it's blocked they unblock it and - PRESTO! - the Dark Knight Returns!
cooby Jul 07 2016 12:35 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Ya know, this wheeler dude is a complete intangible for me. Harvey seems a little young for these problems he's having but aren't we all.
Edgy MD Jul 07 2016 12:41 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Well, in Cone's case, it was the majority of the year missed.
d'Kong76 Jul 07 2016 01:32 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Sorry, in my haste I missed last scoop on previous page.
soupcan Jul 07 2016 01:41 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Cone had a 'clot', Harvey's got a 'block'. Totally different word.
Frayed Knot Jul 07 2016 02:00 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Oh good, For a second there I thought he might have had an obstruction or, even worse, a clog.
Lefty Specialist Jul 07 2016 11:45 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Benjamin Grimm Jul 07 2016 11:52 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
From this article, it looks like there's a good chance he's done for the year:
seawolf17 Jul 07 2016 12:43 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Shoulda traded him this offseason. Oh well.
Frayed Knot Jul 07 2016 01:08 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Elbow injuries -- and specifically TJ surgury -- have gotten all the publicity in recent years, but shoulders are a lot more complicated.
soupcan Jul 07 2016 01:47 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Exactly. So I was watching and listening to sports programs and sports radio and all these goons are saying that there's 'no way' the Mets can get back to the WS without a top-notch Harvey. Because, they rationalize, that last year the Mets had the luxury of of being able to put Colon and whoever else in the bullpen while their upper echelon guys were given the starts. Without Harvey, they are now short of a top-flight starter so they won't be in that position. Am I mistaken or is Zack Wheeler not expected back this month? And if healthy - no reason to believe he won't be - doesn't Wheeler sort of slot right in to Harvey's spot? And if so, doesn't that then allow the Mets to set up a possible postseason staff in a similar way to last year? Granted, there's a few assumptions but even so, not one of these supposed sports media 'professionals' even mentioned Wheeler. They all seem to be harping on the doom and gloom aspect of this. On SNY they even had a doctor (may have been the actual guy that they consulted on Harv, if not the guy thats seeing him today) and this guy even said that its a distinct possibility that this could be fixed with a relatively minor proceedure. He also said that it may be a more significant proceedure invloving the removal of a rib. But again - even if its that dire, the Doc said that he performed THAT proceedure on Josh Beckett and Beckett came back just fine. Kenny Rogers too! Why they gotta be so negative man? I'm looking at this as a good thing. If in fact the Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is causing Harvey numbness, it probably explains everything. His velocity is fine, its his feel for the ball which he says his resulting in his problems with location. Get the Roto-Rooter truck working and Lets Go!
d'Kong76 Jul 07 2016 01:59 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Edgy MD Jul 07 2016 02:01 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Yeah, I'm trying to see this as a blessing. Who needs a glum, miserable, and ineffective Harvey hanging over the team like a tobacco-spitting storm cloud?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 07 2016 02:09 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
NY Post's Kevin Kernan was interviewed on the FAN this morning and I thought shared a surprising amount of insight about Hovvey. Paraphrasing, he says he feels Harvey would continue to encounter issues physical or non-physical, until or unless he learns to stop taking himself so seriously and get into a frame of mind where he can enjoy the whole act of competing as a baseball player. He mentioned for instance that it isn't just a matter of communicating through the "Players Tribune" or refusing to take questions from writers, but not even saying hello to them. Kernan feels that this behavior has put Harvey in a bubble that has estranged him even from teammates, and that he is hyper sensitive to criticism and can't relax.
Vic Sage Jul 07 2016 02:20 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
i've never seen that type of surgery work before. I think it should be at the top of medical research's "to do" list.
Ceetar Jul 07 2016 02:26 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Personally I take nothing from Kernan's armchair psychiatrist act, especially when he mentions the media interactions. Maybe Harvey's wound too tight, wouldn't be the first guy, but plenty of guys actually thrive that way. Double-standard. I'd need to hear something beyond "I think he needs to loosen up" before I believed it was causing issues, especially in the wake of an actual medical issue that seems like it has a much larger chance of causing mental or physical harm.
cooby Jul 07 2016 02:29 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
soupcan Jul 07 2016 04:42 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Agreed. Whats Kiernan saying? That if Harvey were nicer to him he wouldnt get hurt so much? STFU.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 07 2016 04:54 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
No that he observes him every day and concluded that he's a tightly wound, alienated, unfriendly, unsuccessful fuckup
Ashie62 Jul 07 2016 04:59 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I thought maybe this was really a lifestyle issue. I believe he smokes and drinks some.
batmagadanleadoff Jul 07 2016 05:00 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
He's saying that Harvey's a douchebag. Which any real Mets follower already knows.
soupcan Jul 07 2016 05:07 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
And so was Steve Carlton and a million other douchebag players.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 07 2016 05:23 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Forget it. That's not what he said. He said his being a douchebag was a problem regardless of his health
soupcan Jul 07 2016 05:42 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
So clear it up. From what you wrote before it sounded like Kiernan made a connection from being a douche to being hurt. Is that wrong?
Benjamin Grimm Jul 07 2016 05:53 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
As for how this affects the Mets, it's a shame that they won't have the Matt Harvey of 2015, but they already didn't have that Matt Harvey. I don't think that whatever Logan Verrett provides will be much less than what Harvey was doing.
soupcan Jul 07 2016 06:16 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
What's Wheeler's status? Wasn't he supposed to be good to go following the All Star break?
G-Fafif Jul 07 2016 06:17 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Hope his burger-flipping doesn't suffer as a result of the discomfort.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 07 2016 06:17 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Yeah that's not what I meant to convey. Sorry. Just pretend I said he thinks Harvey is a douche and that his state of mind is wrong for baseball.
d'Kong76 Jul 07 2016 06:22 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
He's behind schedule with some setbacks.
TransMonk Jul 07 2016 06:47 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I would not expect to see Wheeler before August 1 at the earliest.
soupcan Jul 07 2016 06:48 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
August 1st is fine.
G-Fafif Jul 07 2016 07:32 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Sandy to address the media at 3:45. Go to a secure location.
bmfc1 Jul 07 2016 07:33 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Announcing a big trade for Nolan Arenado, I hope, rather than Harvey is out for the year.
G-Fafif Jul 07 2016 07:34 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Maybe the Rockies would take multitime All-Star shortstop, former stolen base champ in return.
Edgy MD Jul 07 2016 07:41 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Got a link?
soupcan Jul 07 2016 08:08 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Per Sandy: Symptoms are consistent with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Two options available. Temporary fix that includes use of nerve blocking meds. Second option is surgery. In Harvey's case surgery would mean no return to baseball activities for 4 months so basically we're talking about 2017.
TransMonk Jul 07 2016 08:16 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Also, the SNY guys are now talking like Wheeler is now "if" instead of "when" in 2016.
Ceetar Jul 07 2016 08:18 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Probably always was. People were way too 'sure' about that for someone that hadn't thrown yet. But the hope is still there for August it's just you can't really bank on no setbacks.
Edgy MD Jul 07 2016 08:21 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Oh, I think the team still has enviable depth. Brilliant move bringing Colón back though.
Frayed Knot Jul 07 2016 08:23 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Harvey at first seemed determined to 'work through' his partially torn UCL rather than go through surgery back when it was his elbow that betrayed him so I suspect his first instinct will be to try his gosh-darnedest to avoid the knife here too.
Ceetar Jul 07 2016 08:24 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
i imagine that'd be my response to people that want to cut me open too. Generally won't hurt any timetable to give it a month or two either.
metsmarathon Jul 07 2016 08:34 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
yeesh. this is not terribly good...
Mets Guy in Michigan Jul 07 2016 08:53 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
The Bartolo signing looks better and better and better...
Ashie62 Jul 07 2016 08:56 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
That could be 2 years away for Wheeler? Thats crazy.
Edgy MD Jul 07 2016 10:04 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Daddy always says, if Brant Rustich says so, it's the truth.
Ashie62 Jul 08 2016 12:12 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Thats actually pretty funny. albeit fot the Mets
RealityChuck Jul 08 2016 12:20 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
One of the fringe benefits of being a Mets fan is that you can learn all about unusual medical conditions: spinal stenosis, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome...
smg58 Jul 08 2016 12:24 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
This strikes me as the "don't fool around, just get the surgery done" type of injury. I get the sense he's been trying to pitch with the condition for too long already.
Edgy MD Jul 08 2016 12:30 AM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I glean that, in Rustich's case, the diagnosis didn't come until late. His condition was his normal.
seawolf17 Jul 08 2016 01:22 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Don't forget Ike Davis Disease or whatever he had.
Centerfield Jul 08 2016 02:02 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Well obviously this is not good news at all, but it's good to know that there is a reason (if only partially) for Harvey's struggles this season. The surgery seems like scary stuff, but it's encouraging that some of the recent guys have been able to bounce back successfully. Get the surgery Harv. It's a death sentence if you don't.
Benjamin Grimm Jul 08 2016 02:06 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I think that's fair.
bmfc1 Jul 08 2016 04:17 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Season-ending surgery, that's what's next for Harvey. Per Rubin: "Scott Boras tells ESPN that Matt Harvey will undergo surgery in St. Louis with Dr. Thompson to address thoracic outlet syndrome, ending his season. Boras says this is the reason Harvey underperformed this season."
themetfairy Jul 08 2016 04:21 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I agree.
d'Kong76 Jul 08 2016 04:33 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Best of luck to him. From what we've read, it's not going to be an easy road back.
soupcan Jul 08 2016 04:33 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Good on all counts. Get it done, fix the problem, plenty of rehab time, ready in the spring, the Dark Knight Returns in 2017.
d'Kong76 Jul 08 2016 04:36 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I read mid-2017 somewhere. Who knows.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 08 2016 04:40 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Sandy last night was clear its a 4 month recovery and that gettin 'er done today would allow for normal return next season, pending YMMV, etc et etc etc.
d'Kong76 Jul 08 2016 04:44 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Ceetar Jul 08 2016 04:49 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
4 months is the recovery time from the surgery in terms of his body, but in terms of baseball there are I guess plenty of wild cards to work through.
TransMonk Jul 08 2016 04:58 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Yeah, I took the timeline to mean four months before he could even pick up a baseball. But the recovery time after that is a true unknown.
Ceetar Jul 08 2016 05:05 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
I guess he figured if he could pitch like he has the last 40 innings or so (3 ERA or whatever) than he can play and pitch and participate in the postseason. Or even better if the shots could alleviate some of the problem and he could do better. Then he'd be participating in the postseason at the expense of early next year, but who knows what next year brings.
TransMonk Jul 08 2016 05:19 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
Matt Harvey to have surgery to address thoracic outlet syndrome
Centerfield Jul 08 2016 06:08 PM Re: What's next for Harvey? |
It's the right move. Get healthy Harvey. Come back strong in 2017 and give a big FU to all the haters from this season.