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Benjamin Grimm Jun 30 2016 12:48 PM |
Nate Silver's first projections have been posted: ... -forecast/
Lefty Specialist Jun 30 2016 02:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
metsmarathon Jun 30 2016 05:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
good god, 1 in 4 future alternative timelines are absolutely fucked.
Edgy MD Jun 30 2016 05:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And it's not like the whatever timeline we end up on is as safe as houses.
d'Kong76 Jun 30 2016 08:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
132 more days of it all. 132.
soupcan Jun 30 2016 11:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Don't kid yourself, no matter who wins this'll never end. Thanks Facebook!
Ceetar Jul 01 2016 01:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
well, in another month or two the 2020 election cycle starts, so.. My favorite part is the endless semantical debates about how Sanders will endorse Hillary and the wording around it. He said he'll vote for her but that apparently isn't the right wording and omg what's he waiting for?
soupcan Jul 01 2016 03:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So that poll has Clinton leading 80/20. Meanwhile, The New York Post (I know, I know...) has Trump leading 43/38. Agendas anyone? It's all so fucking stupid.
Edgy MD Jul 01 2016 03:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No, that poll (and it's not a poll, but a projection) has Secretary Clinton leading 48.8 to 42.0.
soupcan Jul 01 2016 04:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ah. Thanks. There's that pesky reading comprehension thing popping up again.
Edgy MD Jul 01 2016 04:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'd sure love to live in a world where he was down 80-20.
Benjamin Grimm Jul 01 2016 05:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
An interesting thing about that FiveThirtyEight map is that the black border around the "closest races" states includes Mississippi and South Carolina, which seems a little hard to believe unless, perhaps, they're thinking that Trump will motivate a large number of blacks to go to the polls to vote against him. But I'm skeptical of how likely that is.
Mets Guy in Michigan Jul 01 2016 05:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Jul 01 2016 06:05 PM |
He's negotiating. He's got leverage and is using it to get what he wants in the platform and at the convention. And when they strike a deal, they'll have a big event in a swing state, not just announce it in a press release or media interview. (They might do it in a a video, too.) If he REALLY gets what he wants, they'll do a whole series of events in swing states, hopping from Florida to Virginia to North Carolina to Ohio, probably all in the same day. Take all of the polls with a grain of salt. All of them. Trust me, you're not seeing the real, scientific and expensive polls. Many of the polls you see are intended to A) sell newspapers/ratings/web hits for news sites, B) generate attention for the pollsters, who want to be hired for the real, scientific and expensive polls, and C) Nudge coverage to make you think a candidate is doing better that he or she really is doing.
d'Kong76 Jul 01 2016 05:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hearing that from an insider just makes the whole process more
Mets Guy in Michigan Jul 01 2016 06:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:21 AM |
Lefty Specialist Jul 03 2016 09:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, that's how Drumpf got as far as he did. He's been saying outrageous stuff for a while and the media just covers 'The Controversy' instead of saying, "Hey, wait a minute, you're full of shit." The media doesn't want to do this because they're petrified that if they do, they'll be accused of bias and lose their access. Especially with ratings gold like The Donald.
Mets Guy in Michigan Jul 04 2016 03:08 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jul 04 2016 03:37 AM |
I guarantee you that this type of stuff didn't start in this election cycle. And I can point to examples on both sides of the aisle of this happening.
Nymr83 Jul 04 2016 03:26 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No, but Trump has perfected it
Lefty Specialist Jul 04 2016 12:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
False equivalence. The vast majority of the crazy and outrageous comes from one side only.
Mets Guy in Michigan Jul 04 2016 02:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Having dealt with it on a daily basis, I would disagree.
Lefty Specialist Jul 04 2016 05:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Appreciate that you have to deal with hostile incoming and most of that will be coming from one side.
Edgy MD Jul 04 2016 06:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The funny thing is that winks and nods to the truther crowd and his snide dismissals of our defense perimeter and international alliances, Mr. Trump seems more than willing to reach out to some of the lazier-minded left wing elements and try and unite them with his wall-buliders in a great alliance of the angry and indifferently educated.
Lefty Specialist Jul 04 2016 06:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, he's going after the 'Thurrr stealin' our jaaaaaabs' vote. Which is ironic since he's got no problem outsourcing himself and spends lots of money fighting unions.
Edgy MD Jul 04 2016 07:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh yeah, he's full of it, and he's got the lunatic right wrapped up tight, no doubt, despite his obvious hypocritical weaknesses on such topics. I just thought it worth noting that he's used more than a few Whoopie O'Donnell talking points during the campaign as well.
Mets Guy in Michigan Jul 04 2016 09:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think we're talking about different things. I was looking at it not that the candidates are saying outrageous stuff -- they are -- but that the media doesn't challenge them on it. The standard operating procedure today on behalf of many in the media is to just repeat the outrageous comment and call the other side for rebuttal. I've asked reporters, "Why aren't you challenging them, making them back up that statement?" and I've been told "Go ahead, That's why we're calling you." One reason for this is the 24-hour news cycle, where everyone is trying to post their stories as quickly as possible.
Nymr83 Jul 05 2016 05:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hillary Clinton is a liar, a thief, and exactly the type of rich white person who is immune to the law that your party base claims to hate... unless of course she's one of theirs. the shame is equally on the Democrats for giving us an election between TWO bad candidates - and Hillary isn't just a bad candidate but a BAD PERSON, something neither party has managed to field in a very long time.
Ceetar Jul 05 2016 01:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not really sure what you mean by thief, but I don't think she's a bad candidate and I don't actually know her so I won't pretend to know if she's a bad person. I mean, I'm not voting for her, but I don't think she'll be particularly bad. Not particularly good either of course. And the Republicans have certainly given us a lot of bad people over the recent elections, particularly as VPs.
Edgy MD Jul 05 2016 01:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Secretary Clinton's demerits are clear, though folks will disagree on the size and importance of them. I think they're pretty large.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jul 06 2016 07:56 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Mets Guy in Michigan Jul 06 2016 02:23 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You have to go with Mon Mothma, who has solid leadership skills. Oh, sure, she won't get the Bothan vote. But there's not too many of them left after the Death Star plan retrieval effort any way.
Lefty Specialist Jul 06 2016 03:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Donald Trump, excellent judge of character:
metsmarathon Jul 06 2016 06:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
so, when the email scandal first broke, i was very adamant that it was a bug huge motherfucking deal.
themetfairy Jul 06 2016 06:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Thank you mm for the awesome analysis.
Lefty Specialist Jul 06 2016 07:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ten points for the 'Elbonian Mud Armor' reference.
Edgy MD Jul 06 2016 07:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If Sandy Berger only got a misdemeanor, and was only stripped of his clearance for three years, I had little reason to believe Secretary Clinton was going down.
Frayed Knot Jul 06 2016 08:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And, in the end, the result is just oh so Clintonian.
metsmarathon Jul 06 2016 08:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i had read that there were no emails marked as classified, nor were the contents specifically indicated as containing classified info, but that in a handful of unmarked emails, classified information was present, either sent to (more likely) or from (less likely, but still plausible, and albeit improper, not explicitly damning) her.
Ceetar Jul 06 2016 08:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
All I see is a mess of a system, and Clinton's private email server is hardly the biggest or most important part of said mess. Of course, since no one really talking about this really understands email or digital security, you don't really get an accurate accounting.
Mets Guy in Michigan Jul 06 2016 08:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:21 AM |
Benjamin Grimm Jul 06 2016 08:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Who made that request? I would think that if Hillary was looking to hide something (which I don't discount at all) she'd want it to stay hidden until after 2020, because she's certainly hoping to be running for reelection that year.
Mets Guy in Michigan Jul 06 2016 08:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:22 AM |
Frayed Knot Jul 06 2016 09:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
'Marked' was maybe the wrong choice of words, perhaps he said 'identifiable' as classified or some similar such language. Whatever he said, he spoke specifically about how many emails in how many chains, among the ones he was able to review at least, qualified as such, even going so far as the use the phrase "at the time" as she so often did. In any case, when she said -- over and over* again -- that no emails on the Chappaqua Server were known to her to be classified, she was either a) full of shit ('at the time' and every time since) or b) going to the 'depends on what the definition of is is' playbook by claiming that the fact that there was no old-fashioned CLASSIFIED stamp across the top gives her license to claim that that they really and truly weren't (maybe even often enough to where she actually believes it now) or c) Both * and over and over and over and over ...
Ashie62 Jul 07 2016 12:21 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I have to believe the nature of all this is why Sanders won't capitulate. I don't believe she is quite out of the woods yet. It does not pass the "smell" test to me at this point.
Lefty Specialist Jul 07 2016 02:44 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Sanders probably was waiting; there's no other explanation for him not conceding in a race he'd lost pretty decisively. He's supposedly going to endorse her next Tuesday in New Hampshire.
Mets Guy in Michigan Jul 07 2016 01:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:22 AM |
Nymr83 Jul 07 2016 01:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
this is a misunderstanding of the relevant statutes, which require you to act either "knowingly" or with gross negligence - neither standard requires "purposeful-ness"
Ceetar Jul 07 2016 01:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Isn't Sanders officially withdrawing like the Mets officially conceding the 2015 World Series before Selig shows up with the trophy?
Edgy MD Jul 07 2016 01:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
In fairness, there were forced resignations in the IRS scandal, but yeah, the FBI recommended and DOJ pursued no charges. In the VA scandal, there were forced resignations and early retirements and firings. (Secretary McDonald said that 60 people had been fired and later backtracked and said it was eight. I don't tend to confuse 60 and eight, but there you have it. The New York Times would write later still that, at most, three employees had been fired.) No criminal charges in the VA scandal, last I checked.
metsmarathon Jul 07 2016 04:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
intent, and willfulness are all over the regulation. the only one where intent is not integral to the applicable statute is the gross negligence.
Lefty Specialist Jul 07 2016 05:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hey, remember that time they were investigating the hiring and firing of US Attorneys for political reasons and 5,000,000 e-mails were mysteriously 'lost' by the Bush Administration? Or that time Karl Rove outed an undercover CIA agent intentionally to punish her husband for speaking out about the Iraq War? I'm betting Ben Shapiro doesn't remember either.
TransMonk Jul 07 2016 06:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Meanwhile...while this week has given Trump a skyscraper-sized amount of material to go on the attack with, he's still playing defense.
metsmarathon Jul 07 2016 08:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
well, it's definitely not an actual shape that forrealsies snowflakes actually make, that's for certain.
Nymr83 Jul 15 2016 02:07 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm sure the clowns on the left are already readying their nonsensical attacks - but Gov. Pence is a damn good VP candidate (too bad he doesn't fix the top of the ticket - but he gives us hope that if Trump gets hit by a car we'll all be ok!)
Edgy MD Jul 15 2016 02:17 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, he was a damn good VP candidate. Associating with Mr. Trump's campaign will stain him the rest of his career.
Lefty Specialist Jul 15 2016 11:52 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I guess Pence didn't run away fast enough. :)
TransMonk Jul 15 2016 03:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Pence as the pick means that Trump was probably swayed by his "advisors" (his kids and Manafort). I have to think if the decision was totally up to Trump that Christie would have been the pick.
Lefty Specialist Jul 15 2016 07:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The new Trump-Pence logo.
Ceetar Jul 15 2016 07:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
trumpence. The amount of return on investment on a con job.
Edgy MD Jul 15 2016 07:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hey, America. Let's T-P our own country.
Ashie62 Jul 15 2016 08:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump and Pence will do well in November.
Mets Guy in Michigan Jul 15 2016 09:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:23 AM |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 15 2016 09:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Good luck with that.
Nymr83 Jul 15 2016 09:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Why are you being racist against Orange people?
themetfairy Jul 15 2016 09:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 16 2016 02:08 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If he's such a bright guy why is he aligning himself with the biggest joke of a presidential candidate ever?
Edgy MD Jul 16 2016 02:24 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yup. Ironically but absolutely true is that any credit he brings to the ticket ... is utterly lost the moment he comes to the ticket.
Lefty Specialist Jul 16 2016 12:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
lol. Midwestern balance? He probably just INCREASED his chances of losing Indiana. And that talk of him running for President died when he bollixed his 'OK to hate gays' bill. Supposedly even The Donald was having second thoughts at the last minute. I liked the description I saw of him as 'Sarah Palin without the charisma'.
Frayed Knot Jul 16 2016 02:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Plus the first thing Pence did after arriving in New York ... he headed to the Yanqui game with some Trump aide.
Lefty Specialist Jul 16 2016 03:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Safe territory. He was booed at the Indy 500.
TransMonk Jul 16 2016 03:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And this morning, the logo has been edited with the interlocking initials (that look like a hand job) image removed on new fundraising emails. This campaign is a trainwreck.
Chad Ochoseis Jul 17 2016 03:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If this
Ashie62 Jul 17 2016 09:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump will work the 1968 law and order playbook.
Lefty Specialist Jul 17 2016 11:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, 1968 is about where Trump is on women in general. And 1968 is about where Mike Pence is on gay rights and a woman's right to choose. So it fits.
Chad Ochoseis Jul 18 2016 03:13 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I would put the chances of a 1968-style riot in Cleveland as slightly lower than the chances that the Republicans will dump Trump and nominate Elizabeth Warren. One thing everyone here agrees on, left, right, and center, is that Cleveland has spent the last three quarters of a century getting its ass kicked in, and that this is yet another chance for Cleveland to take advantage of the improving publicity it's finally getting. Nobody wants to blow it. There will be anti-Trump protesters. I'll be one of them. The ones I know are making a point to not act like jagoffs and antagonize the police. There was already a Black Lives Matter march this afternoon, and it went smoothly. The cops have been pretty friendly, at least so far. We've seen a bunch riding by on horseback, and they've made a point of smiling and waving. I biked through downtown this afternoon, and although many streets were barricaded, the cops have been great about letting people know which streets are open. There's some worry about out of town protesters and out of town cops (Cleveland has sworn in a few thousand reinforcements). But that worry is limited. So far, the town looks pretty mellow. We'll see how things are when the convention starts for reals tomorrow.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 18 2016 02:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Lefty Specialist Jul 18 2016 02:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Chachi. That's where you go when Tim Tebow turns you down.
Edgy MD Jul 18 2016 04:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I got Manziel's agent on line two.
Vic Sage Jul 18 2016 05:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You and I are having very different conversations, MGIM. A Tea Party leader, Pence: * denies science (rejecting both evolution and climate change, and opposing stem cell research); * has stone-age economic policies (advocates a regressive flat tax and a constitutional amendment to cap federal spending and put us back on the gold standard, opposes increase in minimum wage, and supports privatization of social security); * opposes support for health and child care (opposed prescription drug plan and Obamacare, opposes "No Child Left Behind", opposed Tobacco lawsuit settlement and FDA regulation of tobacco industry); * is highly militaristic (supported Iraq War and surge, supports patriot act); and * opposes a wide range of civil rights (voted to defund planned parenthood and passed unconstitutional restrictions on abortion in his state; opposes the citizenship clause of the 14th amendment and immigration reform; passed and then backed off anti-gay "religious freedom" laws, including opposing both gay marriage and civil unions [as well as "don't ask, don't tell"], supports conversion therapy, and voted against hate crimes bills and employment non-descrimination bills). Pence even disagree with Trump on a few key issues, including his support of the Iraq War and Free Trade agreements, when Trump's trashing of all free trade agreements has been a cornerstone issue of the campaign... 2nd only to Trump's consistent appeals to nativist nationalism and racism. And did you see the way Trump kept talking over and talking for Pence on the 60 MINUTES interview, offering non-answers and contradictions while Pence sat there with a terrified smile and a nervous chuckle? Yeah, this is going to go great.
batmagadanleadoff Jul 18 2016 05:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Fuck Mike Pence.
Lefty Specialist Jul 18 2016 05:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That 60 Minutes interview was scary. Pence barely got a word in edgewise. Trump may not be the only one having second thoughts about the Vice-Presidential pick.
Edgy MD Jul 18 2016 07:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I like to think I'm patient and not a hitter, but those moments in interviews, when he's just babbling out nonsense, and the interviewer senses a pause, and attempts to interject a followup for clarification, and he snaps "Ex-CUSE me!" at the interviewer, I want to reach into the screen and throttle him. I don't know how they can keep their hands at their sides. What a horrible way to talk to somebody you're trying to make an impression on.
Edgy MD Jul 19 2016 01:45 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
With regard to Baio, it's always important to have Chachi present, to make the shark jumping official.
Frayed Knot Jul 19 2016 02:06 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
At this point I'm beyond annoyed with both candidates to the point where I can't even listen anymore, so I skipped the '60 Minutes' piece entirely just because I knew it would do little but cause me to bang my head against the wall and, yes, want to punch him through the TV set. And although Hillary obviously as obnoxious as Donald, there was a short interview with CBS's 'Face the Nation' chief John Dickerson in Sunday's NY Times where he derided a typical Hillary spiel to legitimate questions with phrases like "self-serving, freeze-dried, prepackaged, soft-focus, propaganda".
Nymr83 Jul 19 2016 03:38 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
too much work to watch the Trump Coronation pre-game ceremonies tonight - did Colbert really crash the stage or was that a planned act?
Lefty Specialist Jul 19 2016 11:57 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He did that early, while they were still setting up. "I know I don't belong here, but neither does Donald Trump!"
Lefty Specialist Jul 19 2016 11:59 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And the hits keep coming.
Edgy MD Jul 19 2016 12:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Whoever wrote the speech, her argument that you should "treat people with respect" is going to get her kicked off the campaign forthwith.
Ashie62 Jul 19 2016 11:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump goes over the top, congrats.
Edgy MD Jul 20 2016 12:29 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
... to Russia.
Lefty Specialist Jul 20 2016 01:06 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Big deal. Trump goes over the top constantly.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 20 2016 01:43 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hansel is the best.
Edgy MD Jul 20 2016 02:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
A HOLY SHIT! passage from The New York Times:
Lefty Specialist Jul 20 2016 03:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Donald doesn't want to do any of the hard work of governing. That's obvious from his lack of specificity on, well, just about anything. We're just going to make it 'the greatest' or 'unbelievable', but there's no plan to actually get there. And if there IS the vague outline of a plan, it shifts constantly anyway. So of course he's going to outsource governing to someone else.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 20 2016 03:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No doubt the Cons are desperately trying to convince themselves a know-nothing president would be what's best for their agenda. I guess the question becomes who would run the Shadow Government best.
Edgy MD Jul 20 2016 03:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, but it's the baldfaced open-ness about it all that's so eye-popping. Most guys in such a position at least pretend to be in charge. President Bush II called himself "The Decider."
metsmarathon Jul 20 2016 05:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
wouldn't subverting the whole electoral process by electing an absentee president tend to run against the whole notion of "what would the founding fathers do?" that is claimed to be the underpinning of their whole political philosophy?
Edgy MD Jul 20 2016 09:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Guys Who the GOP Somehow Missed Out on as Speakers:
TransMonk Jul 20 2016 09:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
MFS62 Jul 21 2016 01:49 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You have to cut her some slack. The degree she holds is from Trump University. (They gave it to her in order to prove they gave out at least one) I can't wait for this Bund meeting to be over. What night will David Duke speak? Later
d'Kong76 Jul 21 2016 02:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I wonder if Daniel Murphy owns a Make America Great Again cap.
Ashie62 Jul 21 2016 09:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ashie62 Jul 22 2016 02:40 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Geez Trump, you are plagarising me tonight.
metsmarathon Jul 22 2016 03:07 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
sweet mother-bleepin' jeezus, trump just backed out of NATO. literally, the only thing keeping russia from usurping the entire continent of europe is NATO, and the promise of american retaliation against any such aggression.
Nymr83 Jul 22 2016 04:13 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
NATO is like international welfare: Europe stays safe on the American taxpayer's dime. Trump is right that they don't pay enough or do enough for their own defense - sure they needed our help after WW2, but they've come to be too dependent on that help. Of course this doesn't make Trump any smarter - with all the darts he has thrown blindfolded, one was bound to be on target.
metsmarathon Jul 22 2016 04:52 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
america stays safe by using europe's land and people and armies as a buffer. we ain't doing it just for their benefit. it does not help us any little bit for russia to expand across europe, even if not a single one of our soldiers bloodies his nose in the effort.
Edgy MD Jul 22 2016 12:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That all should be obvious. I thank you for stating it nonetheless. And I'm happy NATO has re-asserted its presence in Eastern Europe in recent weeks.
metsmarathon Jul 22 2016 12:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Russia literally just annexed a significant portion of another sovereign nation, simply because there was no threat that anybody would stop them. Do you think Crimea would still be part of the Ukraine, if Ukraine had been part of NATO? We are the only check against Russian and Chinese expansion. And it is our treaties and our promise to defend other nations that keeps that check balanced.
Edgy MD Jul 22 2016 01:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Some friend of my brothers offered the pretty obvious and not particularly funny joke while watching the debate that it was "Springtime for Hitler and Germany!"
Lefty Specialist Jul 22 2016 01:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
NATO is one of the reasons there hasn't been a world war in 71 years. It's not like splitting the check at dinner. We pay the most and do the most because we set it up for our benefit as much as Europe's. For Trump to say we'll abandon alliance partners unless they pay more is mindbogglingly dangerous. He's scaring the hell out of JOHN BOLTON, fer chrissake. He's throwing darts blindfolded all right. What he's hitting is decades of American credibility. So let's review. He wants to 'negotiate better terms' on the US national debt (most of which we owe to ourselves, by the way). To undermine the full faith and credit of the US in this way would lead to a complete worldwide financial collapse. He wants to 'negotiate better terms' on our alliances. Not just NATO, but other places around the world like South Korea. This would embolden China, Russia, North Korea and would probably lead to conflict around the globe. It's really hard to overestimate the damage this guy could do.
Edgy MD Jul 22 2016 01:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And despite his fantasy of being the collections agent in chief, he himself has made a career of running up debt and not paying.
Ashie62 Jul 22 2016 02:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Most of you will feel better after the Dem convention in Philly.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Jul 22 2016 02:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Which they would, being stupid and all.
Ashie62 Jul 22 2016 04:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wouldn't you be more interested in the events in Turkey?
Edgy MD Jul 22 2016 08:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Mr. Trump just doubled down on Senator Cruz's father's link to Lee Harvey Oswald.
Nymr83 Jul 22 2016 09:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wikileaks just put out a bunch of emails showing how in bed the DNC was with Hillary - thinking up ways to attack Sanders. I would love to see the RNC's inboxes and what they were saying about Trump up until the moment they were stuck with him
Nymr83 Jul 23 2016 12:27 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
uh oh.. did Trump let the cat out of the bag that he expects to lose?
so he is admitting the Republicans will need a candidate in 4 years, not 8? or is he admitting that even if he wins he will be such a disaster that there will be serious primary challenges in 4 years? dope!
Frayed Knot Jul 23 2016 01:09 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump's already 70 y/o and would turn 71 less than 1/2 way through his first year in office (y'know, if and when).
Lefty Specialist Jul 23 2016 02:14 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hillary picks Tim Kaine for her VP. Safe, boring, competent choice that will excite nobody.
Nymr83 Jul 23 2016 02:35 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This was a very wise decision to show the moderate voters that she is not as bat-shit crazy as her opponent - if she had picked Elizabeth "Sarah-Palin-of-the-left" Warren she would have been sending the opposite message. Safe, Boring, and Competent is EXACTLY what someone like Hillary - and someone running against a nutjob - needs.
Edgy MD Jul 23 2016 04:53 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I imagine it didn't end after they realized they were stuck with him. The idea the Debbie Wasserman Shultz and her staff were in the bag for Secretary Clinton shouldn't surprise anybody. Here's another newsflash: I think likes Mr. Trump. Don't tell!
Nymr83 Jul 23 2016 05:32 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
well, lets not hold the DNC to standard of Breitbart.
Lefty Specialist Jul 23 2016 11:27 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He lets it go. He accused the DNC of being in the tank for her months ago, and everybody knew they were. DWS is already out as the head of the party anyway. Much ado about nothing. The Kaine pick isn't exciting, but it'll be one more enticement for non-crazy Republicans to cross over.
Frayed Knot Jul 23 2016 10:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So what does it say about Tim Kaine that Hillary announces her pick after the traditional news hours on a Friday night?
Lefty Specialist Jul 24 2016 01:13 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It was done on Friday because that was the day after the Trump convention ended.
MFS62 Jul 24 2016 11:55 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The heck with that. I want to see what was on the servers of Karl Rove and Dick Cheney. Later
apmorris Jul 24 2016 11:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Edgy MD Jul 24 2016 11:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wow, how long has it been, apmorris?
apmorris Jul 24 2016 11:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Jul 25 2016 12:54 AM |
Two years?
Edgy MD Jul 25 2016 12:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Welcome Backman.
Lefty Specialist Jul 25 2016 02:48 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ah, the Marla Maples years.
Frayed Knot Jul 25 2016 06:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So with Debbie Wasserman Schultz being forced to resign over this email leak (I thought she already HAD resigned - well maybe now she'll resign twice) she won't be the one to 'Open' the convention as it gets underway as she's obviously going to be (and already has been) the target of many boo birds within the party.
Ceetar Jul 25 2016 06:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
maybe they should've stored these emails on a private server.
Lefty Specialist Jul 25 2016 07:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She basically was installed by Obama. Hillary, as the nominee, gets to install her own head of the DNC. While the appointee technically has the job until the election is over, realistically the new nominee's person gets to call the shots from the convention onward. So DWS was already out in all but name anyway. One of her last official acts was to have been to gavel-in and gavel-out the convention.
d'Kong76 Jul 25 2016 07:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think that's not kosher, well I mean if you or I were to do it. So Bernie has to give a speech? Sheesh, wouldn't want to be him right now...
Ashie62 Jul 25 2016 08:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Speaking of gavel, its' about that time in Philadelphia.
Ashie62 Jul 25 2016 08:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Michael Moore. 5 reasons Trump will win.
Nymr83 Jul 26 2016 12:46 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Al Gore skipped the convention. I'm not sure how common this is - There were no Bushes to be found in Cleveland - but the dude spent 8 years in the White House with the nominee's husband - pretty big slap in the face there.
Lefty Specialist Jul 26 2016 01:43 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Pretty much everybody who could be is at the Democratic convention. Elected Republicans ran away from the Trump convention in droves.
Edgy MD Jul 26 2016 02:12 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nominally, but ... I could do without politicians leaning on actors to put a veneer of glamour on their policies.
Ceetar Jul 26 2016 02:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's a TV Show.
Edgy MD Jul 26 2016 02:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That I could do without.
Ceetar Jul 26 2016 02:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Edgy MD Jul 26 2016 02:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
One day, you're going to stop talking down to folks such as myself, right?
d'Kong76 Jul 26 2016 03:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I didn't watch the convention (I had some paint I had to monitor the drying
Edgy MD Jul 26 2016 03:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm sure that was FB spin. Patriotic symbolism mostly comes through the form of images being flashed on giant screens. Get contrasting shots of one convention while digital flags are being projected and another while ... something else is being projected, and you can pretend you drew distinctions. But it's cherry picking silliness. Flag shmag. If you isolate the part of the Republican convention where the RNC band played “Station to Station,” you can pretend that all Bowie fans should be backing Trump, but that would be doubly silly.
metsmarathon Jul 26 2016 03:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
it's a tv show, in that it's shown on tv, but it has a greater purpose than simply to entertain.
Ceetar Jul 26 2016 03:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Mostly symbolic and mostly internal to the party.
metsmarathon Jul 26 2016 03:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
so... i just saw an ad for trump, perhaps you've seen it too. "aspire for greatness", it says, with a picture of trump wearing one of his dumbass hats (he really just ran for president so he could sell an ass-ton of hats, didn't he?) and in the lower half, it has a photo of the space shuttle lifting off.
d'Kong76 Jul 26 2016 03:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The best commercial so far is Hillary's where the kids are sitting around watching
TransMonk Jul 26 2016 03:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The post above is a joke, right? ![]() ![]() ![]() I have seen no such endorsements of Trump from W. Bush or his daddy. In fact, quite the opposite.
d'Kong76 Jul 26 2016 06:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Lefty Specialist Jul 27 2016 12:16 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, but he asked the convention to nominate her by acclamation.
d'Kong76 Jul 27 2016 12:32 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't really care, and will likely stop clowning around soon. It's just another
Ashie62 Jul 27 2016 12:41 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'd rather watch reruns of the Big Bang Theory, no disrespect BBT!
Ceetar Jul 27 2016 02:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I watched reruns of Gilmore Girls myself.
Edgy MD Jul 27 2016 03:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Any faith in the idea that the hack was done on behalf of shadowy Russian interests with a stake in elevating Donald Trump to the presidency?
Ceetar Jul 27 2016 03:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I doubt it, I don't think there was anything super damning in there that I've seen. Not to get in Putin's head, but would he really want Trump? Seems like he'd have preferred a less wild and more calculating leader that he could better manipulate. Unless he's such a meglomaniac that he doesn't realize that all it'd take is one joke about Trump's hand size to get him to threaten to nuke Russia.
metsmarathon Jul 27 2016 04:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
bullies look up to bigger bullies, and big bullies like to string along littler bullies to tamp down the competition.
d'Kong76 Jul 27 2016 04:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The unabridged version (there's a shorter one airing too)...
metsmarathon Jul 27 2016 05:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
that is a terrific ad right there. also, the cover image looks eerily like the µmms...
d'Kong76 Jul 27 2016 05:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's brilliant, it really captures his assholishness!
Edgy MD Jul 27 2016 05:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Of course, it ironically exposes children to the terrible toxicity of his flaming anus rhetoric in its own way.
Edgy MD Jul 27 2016 06:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And today it's revealed that he apparently thought, up until this afternoon, that Secretary Clinton's running mate was former New Jersey Governor Tom Kean.
Lefty Specialist Jul 27 2016 07:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Gee, Trump thinks NATO's outdated. His people got just one plank in the Republican platform eliminated, the one that said we'd help Ukraine. His campaign manager used to work for one of Putin's cronies. Cyber experts already strongly suspect it was a hack from the Russian security services. Does Putin want an incompetent US president who's already conceded Eastern Europe to him? Da. You bet your babushka he does. I'm betting that we haven't seen the last of this mischief. We'll see more 'leaks'. I'd bet they've got some juicy Clinton foundation stuff that they're waiting to spill. And I'm sure there'll be some stuff from the official State Department e-mail that'll be embarrassing to her. But I doubt if you'll see any internal Trump Organization e-mails anytime soon. Or RNC e-mails saying "How do we stop this asshole?"
cooby Jul 27 2016 07:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Dumpster fires attract crowds :(
Ceetar Jul 27 2016 07:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Russian officials hacking Americans sounds like exactly the thing Trump would threaten to bomb Russia over if it was asked right or the hack touched him in some way.
Edgy MD Jul 27 2016 07:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think some current or former RNC staffers might volunteer to release those voluntarily. Another thing you might want to see but likely won't is Candidate Trump's tax returns.
Lefty Specialist Jul 27 2016 11:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Boy, must be fun to be this stupid and have people still cheer you on.
Nymr83 Jul 28 2016 02:11 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No wonder Trump thinks he's terrible - he confused him with the shmuck who let Trump "build his casino empire" haha
Edgy MD Jul 28 2016 01:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm starting to pick up some disappointment in my social media streams among Howard Stern aficionados, that the show is seemingly deliberately laying off Trump.
Ashie62 Jul 28 2016 09:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Tom Kean has a speech impediment!
Lefty Specialist Jul 29 2016 02:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hillary nailed it. I didn't think she had it in her; she's not the greatest speaker. But she pulled it off.
Ashie62 Jul 30 2016 02:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She did well. Her organization, money and ground game should easily carry the day.
RealityChuck Jul 30 2016 03:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She also has a much easier path to victory: she can count on over 200 electoral votes from the start.
MFS62 Jul 31 2016 01:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Crack a book. Hitler and Stalin entered into a pact, too, before they went to war. And I can't think of a better analogy for these two. And his insulting of the parents of the slain soldier and calling what he has done in his life "sacrifice" is beyond reprehensible. Later
Lefty Specialist Jul 31 2016 03:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Putin flatters Trump, and Trump loves people who flatter him. He's the easiest person in the world to manipulate.
Frayed Knot Jul 31 2016 04:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I finally realized that the guy Trump reminds me of is Howard Cosell; the egos; the thin-skinned reaction to criticisms; the idea that criticism can only result from personal hatred*; the lauding of everyone on his side as 'brilliant', 'classy', or 'smart', the put-down of everyone not as some form of dumb, past their time, or simply jealous of of his brilliance.
Lefty Specialist Jul 31 2016 05:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
While both Hillary and Trump may take criticism personally, only one lashes out like a seven-year-old.
Frayed Knot Jul 31 2016 06:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I doubt he read that one.
MFS62 Jul 31 2016 08:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Add bigot to that list and you've got Mike Francessa. Later
Edgy MD Jul 31 2016 10:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I never knew how much of Cosell was an act. But how much of Trump is an act that has gotten carried away. A child's like that's taken on a life of it's own that the kid can't cop too because they whole town believes him.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Jul 31 2016 11:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I mean, every day, it's fresh hell, but still, it bears noting: what kind of an unbelievably cruel moron picks a public fight with a grieving military family?
Lefty Specialist Jul 31 2016 11:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
An incredibly cruel moron who 1) knows that the Republican establishment won't condemn him (and they haven't). 2) has a hard-core of supporters who cheer him on anyway. 3) doesn't even understand the concept of shame, 4) knows that he dominated another news cycle, which in his mind equates to victory.
Edgy MD Aug 01 2016 12:50 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I really hate the "I'm not saying it but other people are" tactic in politics. That's cowardly and no reporter worth his or her salt should let a candidate get away with that.
Mets Guy in Michigan Aug 01 2016 12:56 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:24 AM |
Lefty Specialist Aug 01 2016 01:13 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And that would be...?
Mets Guy in Michigan Aug 01 2016 01:24 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:24 AM |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Aug 01 2016 01:40 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
not for nothing but the fact that a nation is considering electing a cruel racist foolish ignorant asshole matters very much.
Mets Guy in Michigan Aug 01 2016 01:43 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:25 AM |
Edgy MD Aug 01 2016 02:48 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Sure she has issues. A pile of them.
TransMonk Aug 01 2016 12:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, this is a two issue presidential race for me. The first issue is doing anything to keep Trump from being president. The second is about not nominating any more socially conservative Supreme Court Justices.
sharpie Aug 01 2016 01:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Neither of my kids would have anything to do with the likes of Gary Johnson.
Lefty Specialist Aug 01 2016 01:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The $20 trillion in national debt, for one.
Edgy MD Aug 01 2016 02:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, I was going to say this. The fact that Mr. Trump is proposing, to great applause from supporters, a blanket ban of Muslims from entering this country. And Mr. Khan's speech was in opposition to this, I have no problem saying this dispute is over a real issue.
seawolf17 Aug 01 2016 03:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Lefty Specialist Aug 01 2016 03:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Talk about a job I wouldn't want for all the tea in China. I'm not qualified, but at least I'm aware of that fact, which puts me one up on the Donald.
TransMonk Aug 01 2016 03:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think Hillary should set up a staff to fact-check Trump's lies (with cites and sources) in real-time during the debates. That way, instead of trying to combat his inaccuracies during debate time, she can simply direct viewers to a simple URL that they can visit once the debate is over to review the facts on Trump's claims.
Ceetar Aug 01 2016 04:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That wouldn't work anyway. The majority of his supporters aren't really looking for facts. They'll see that as Hillary dragging her feet on trying to actually fix problems or move forward. They'll just see it as "Well, if that doesn't work, he'll try something else. At least he's looking for solutions!" If there's anyone actually watching the debate undecided, she should probably just treat it as a platform to discuss what she wants to get done and talk about that. If there's any chance Trump gets elected, it'll be because Hillary fails to convince people that she'll be even a status quo president so that they don't desperately seek a third party or don't vote at all.
metsmarathon Aug 01 2016 05:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
having voted republican in every presidential election that i was able, i find every issue wherein donald trump displays himself to be categorically unfit to lead this nation to be an important issue.
Lefty Specialist Aug 01 2016 06:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, Hillary is about as right-wing a candidate as the Democrats could put up. She's more hawkish on defense than Obama, picked a running mate who's personally anti-choice, is cozy enough with the banks that Elizabeth Warren held off a long time before endorsing her, and is far from being a progressive's dream on a number of issues.
themetfairy Aug 01 2016 06:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Mets Guy in Michigan Aug 01 2016 07:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:25 AM |
Edgy MD Aug 01 2016 07:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I have no problem with saying worst ever. Worst ever for a major party, certainly. The idea that he won the primary, therefore he's qualified, is circular logic, and the kind Trump loves to use, always citing his polling, which he clearly delights over. I deserve your support because, look, people support me. I'm an important because I've been on the cover of Time.
Lefty Specialist Aug 01 2016 07:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The thing that disturbs me most is the 'normalization' of Trump. Like he's just another in a long line of candidates. He's not, and can't really be compared to them. Imagine if Mitt Romney or Barack Obama or George W. Bush or John McCain said and did the things he's said and done. They'd be toast, and deservedly so.
seawolf17 Aug 01 2016 08:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I've been saying that for months. Regardless of who wins in November, this disgusting underbelly of America isn't going anywhere. And THAT is almost as scary as President Trump.
Vic Sage Aug 01 2016 08:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You couldn't find that particular cap if it bit you on your ass. You've just compared a man who is (a) an attorney with an understanding of civil law, (b) who spent years working with non-profits to help underserved communities, (c) ran and won a state-wide senate campaign, and then (d) drafted, debated and voted on federal legislation, with a guy who was (a) born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple, (b) who has never done anything related to governmental service, except to lobby for his own corporate interests, or (c) done anything for society, other than line his own pockets, and (d) with fascist tendencies that are only modulated by his own ignorance of what that means. Anybody not getting the truly nonpartisan threat posed by a Trump candidacy (much less a Trump presidency) is either too stupid to engage in a conversation or is just willfully partisan, thinking this is just like any other election of Dems v GOP, as opposed to the existential threat it is to American democracy.
Mets Guy in Michigan Aug 01 2016 08:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:25 AM |
seawolf17 Aug 01 2016 08:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
But seriously. Vic has the best insults. The best. You see Mets Guy's insults up there? They're a disaster. Everybody loves Vic's insults. They're the best. Thousands of peo-- TENS of thousands of people line up to have Vic insult them.
Ceetar Aug 01 2016 08:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
_IF_ Trump is the downfall of American democracy he's a symptom, not the disease.
Edgy MD Aug 01 2016 08:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, I'm not sure why'd you'd note it. It's the only thing you've listed in his favor. And there absolutely is nothing else to list. He's an atomic fart in a rupturing space suit.
Maybe, but his candidacy is the clear and present danger to the health of the Republic. I say we avoid that crisis forthwith. I'm thinking long and hard about a new scenario. He gets elected, is sworn in, jumping the gun on Justice Roberts, saying "I do" three times before Roberts is done talking, turns to the nation to present his inaugural address, stares at it, decides to go off book, and just talks so batshit crazy that section four of the 25th amendment is immediately (and for the first time!) invoked. That would be great. But there's a problem. The cabinet hasn't been fully approved yet, so there aren't enough hands on deck to sign off on his removal. And there's this long, miserable slog as his few remaining loyal staff get wind of this potential palace coup and he refuses to nominate anybody until they've taken an oath of loyalty to him. So some departments go years without cabinet secretaries. And this crazy, powerless president has nobody willing to do his bidding, except for generals, who he fires on an almost daily basis.
metsmarathon Aug 01 2016 08:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That is very certainly the case. But while we're waiting to have our leg amputated, let's take a Tylenol to dull the pain.
Mets Guy in Michigan Aug 01 2016 08:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:26 AM |
Edgy MD Aug 01 2016 08:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I certainly understand you say you're not a Trump guy. And I don't think you'll get an argument with the notion that he has a real chance to win.
... as a statement that his qualifications are somehow underestimated. if you only mean that is chances of winning are underestimated, well, not around here they're not. Not in my house. We're scared shitless. Huddled up in the corner with blankets and protein pills.
Mets Guy in Michigan Aug 01 2016 09:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:26 AM |
Nymr83 Aug 02 2016 12:05 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't understand how your entirely correct point - that Trump did a much heavier job with far less than Hillary in the primaries, so don't underestimate him - gets attacked as if you were endorsing him or his views.
Edgy MD Aug 02 2016 12:27 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I didn't attack anything. I disagreed that "he's hardly the least qualified candidate ever."
Lefty Specialist Aug 02 2016 01:33 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hey ladies, don't worry, he's an equal opportunity offender.
Vic Sage Aug 02 2016 07:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nobody is arguing with the assertion that Trump had a tougher road. But Metsguy also said:
and then he said:
...on which i called "bullshit," and on which i continue to call bullshit. The only argument one can make against the self-evident fact that Trump is the least qualified candidate ever to be put forward by a major political party (and to then assert that Obama was even in the same universe of under-qualified as The Drumpf when he ran) is a thoroughly partisan one, or one made by a moron. I don't for a moment think MGiM is mentally deficient in any way, and i'm sure he's a wonderful person, but he doesn't get to sit there and call himself "non-partisan" under these circumstances without leaving himself open to a challenge on that point.
Edgy MD Aug 02 2016 08:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I have to admit that I can't objectively say how fundamentally bad John Beckenridge was as a presidential candidate in 1860—whether he was merely fundamentally wrong on the great issue of his time or whether he was wrong and crazy. I also don't know if his would be considered a "major party" candidacy in the modern sense, following the Democratic party's split at the convention, leaving the relatively new Republican Party as the only major team on the field.
Lefty Specialist Aug 02 2016 08:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump's less qualified than Wendell Willkie in 1940 (he was at least a lawyer, even though he'd never held political office).
Ceetar Aug 02 2016 08:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Qualified of course, does not equal 'good president'. and unqualified does not equal bad one. In fact, being unqualified is actually something that draws voters to Trump. Those that want to see government addressed with a fresh set of eyes instead of endless streams of politicians playing a chess game with each other. It's not just a promotion to the next level in a corporate ladder.
Edgy MD Aug 02 2016 09:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
When declaring his lack of qualifications, we mean to speak to those areas also, not merely relevant experience.
Mets Guy in Michigan Aug 02 2016 10:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Insults and personal attacks should be limited to the red light forum.
Lefty Specialist Aug 03 2016 12:25 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
My apologies to President Grant.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 03 2016 02:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Vic's said what I dropped in to say.
Edgy MD Aug 03 2016 03:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
My takeaway from that page was these two tweets:
Vic Sage Aug 03 2016 03:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i've said you are a nice person, with no mental deficiencies... how is that an insult? I've simply challenged your description of yourself as non-partisan. You are clearly partisan. That's not a personal attack; its an attack on your argument that you are somehow neutral when you create a false equivalency between Trump and Obama. and Ceetar, all those things you say of Elon Musk are indeed qualifications. You've confused "qualifications" with "experience".
Lefty Specialist Aug 03 2016 03:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, I don't want Trump bailing out too [u:ybmy4x1p]early[/u:ybmy4x1p]. It'd be like Godzilla stopping before he got to Tokyo.
Ceetar Aug 03 2016 03:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, yes, but there's a lot of overlap in those two within the political machine. And of course, they become subjective if you're speaking of qualifications not experience. Technically speaking, Trump is as qualified as Hillary from a "35 and born in the USA" standpoint. But then Trump is hardly even close to the least qualified candidate ever. I'd argue there's a lot more relevance to being rich and in the business world for decades to being a politician/president these days than promoting military leaders to the position.
Vic Sage Aug 03 2016 03:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Vic Sage Aug 03 2016 03:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
what's frustrating is how inept a candidate Clinton is, that she can't really capitalize on this dangerous baffoon's daily self-destruction. I don't like her much, either, but at least she's on the spectrum of basic human competence and decency. Still, she can't build a substantial lead on this nitwit.
sharpie Aug 03 2016 04:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think Clinton is putting him away.
Ceetar Aug 03 2016 04:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's a lot more to president today than being a strong leader, but when was the last time a general even ran? Like I said, we're quibbling over the definition of qualification. You just said that is IS for Musk and ISN'T for Trump? Leaving aside the actual quality of job they've done. (I bet the average Trump voter doesn't realize how much of a scammer he is) Running a business, while about the bottom line, is also about serving the people what they want. The President is about serving the people what they _need_. And most people aren't really voting for the 'best president' it's a mess of a whole lot of things, very few of which are "who will actually do the best job". The mess of a two-party system only exacerbates this. Once you've come to the conclusion that neither candidate with a real chance to win is a good candidate, you might as well pick another criteria to vote along.
Edgy MD Aug 03 2016 04:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, well, throw down any qualification you want. Mr. Trump is unqualified. Nobody likes fighting for the unjustly maligned more than I do. De Aza. Cuddyer. But Mr. Trump hasn't been unjustly maligned. He's been unambiguously malignant. For decades. No obscuritanist definition of "qualified" will redeem him.
Vic Sage Aug 03 2016 05:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not comforted by such data. I don't think everybody who will pull the lever for Trump will have told a pollster that they intend to. Many would be embarrassed about it, but are going to do it anyway. And i think the white rust-belt states hit hardest by trade agreements, like Ohio and Pennsylvania, are going to be exemplars of this, and could have a huge impact on electoral college outcome.
Yes, but its also possible that the GOP would gain back a lot of their ranks, perhaps even as many as they lose. But even if it was a net deficit, they'd also get the disaffected Democrats and Independents who are voting for Hilary only because they feel like they have no other choice, or were not going to vote at all. It would become a referendum on Hilary, and if the GOP could put forward some low profile professionals who seem sane and competent, it'd be such a relief to so many that they could crush her.
Vic Sage Aug 03 2016 05:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i do think, however, that if the GOP were to disqualify Trump at this point, the 2nd Amendment would take on a whole new meaning (or actually regain its original meaning), and i think some really horrible tragic shit would go down that even the NRA couldn't buy themselves out of.
Frayed Knot Aug 03 2016 05:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Indeed, Hillary's whole campaign is mostly going to come down to two things:
Ceetar Aug 03 2016 05:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
none of those things will get me to vote for her. Maybe if she does some of that "pushing left" thing that was supposedly going to happen by Bernie staying in the race. Tell me you're going to seriously push for affordable/cheap/free college for everyone, or improve Obamacare, or something.
TransMonk Aug 03 2016 05:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Mets Guy in Michigan Aug 03 2016 05:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:27 AM |
Vic Sage Aug 03 2016 06:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Aug 03 2016 06:21 PM |
Vic Sage Aug 03 2016 06:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
what she'll do is appoint a supreme court justice who'll preserve civil rights (and maybe even reverse CITIZENS UNITED). That's enough reason.
Lefty Specialist Aug 03 2016 06:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The problem with the Donald Trump campaign is Donald Trump. He's completely unable to resist taking the bait. The best thing he could do is delete his Twitter account, but he can't.
Ceetar Aug 03 2016 06:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's not for me. Maybe she will, maybe she won't. Of course, no matter who gets appointed the court will probably be better than it was last year. On the other hand, the appointment should've already happened, and still should, before January. But no, the government is a clusterfuck disaster and I'm supposed to believe Hillary is going to fix that? seems unlikely.
Lefty Specialist Aug 03 2016 06:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's a lot more likely with a strong Democratic Senate, one that can't obstruct Supreme Court nominees from even getting a hearing. So the clusterfuck can be solved. The only reason things are held up now is Republicans. Fewer Republicans, fewer problems. :)
TransMonk Aug 03 2016 06:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
A single President will never fix a clusterfuck government. Nor should we expect them to. It's not their sole job.
d'Kong76 Aug 03 2016 06:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Everybody! Grab a kool-aid and join hands!! Don't stop thinking about tomorrow Don't stop, it'll soon be here It'll be, better than before, Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone Eight more years! Eight more years! Eight more years!
d'Kong76 Aug 03 2016 07:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Everyone needs to be patient with Chump. There's no way he's not going to
Ashie62 Aug 03 2016 09:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I am expending my energy on our local politics where anyone can make a difference.
d'Kong76 Aug 03 2016 09:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
For your sake, hope you have some dough and connections because without both you
MFS62 Aug 04 2016 12:17 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
When Trump makes that petulant "O" with his lips, he looks like the front end of an orange Edsel.
Lefty Specialist Aug 04 2016 12:41 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nymr83 Aug 04 2016 01:30 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
metsmarathon Aug 04 2016 12:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i'm a little confused as to what you're actually looking for in a president, ceets... do you want a strong leader for president, and if so, how do you define that leadership? do you want someone who will do the best job, or just someone with whom you mostly agree? if you've decided that you don't mostly agree with either candidate, what other criteria are you personally looking to use? are there discriminating policies that you look to? or some other characteristic or quality? and finally, what do you think the job of the president truly is, if you could elaborate further than "giving the people what they _need_"?
Edgy MD Aug 04 2016 01:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, 2008 Republican standard bearer Senator John McCain retired from the military as a naval captain, which is no small thing. General Wesley Clark ran as a Democrat in 2004. Admiral James Stockdale famously ran for vice president with the Reform Party in 1992.
metsmarathon Aug 04 2016 02:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
for those unawares, naval captain is the equivalent rank to colonel, which is one step below (brigadier) general. and, yes, no small thing.
Ceetar Aug 04 2016 03:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not sure I truly know what I'm looking for either, but I know it's not being presented to me. I know I want someone that's a hell of a lot more progressive than either of these two. I want someone that's going to (try) to push the country forward in education, science, and civil liberties. Not incrementally. Seriously. The Affordable Care Act ultimately ended up as what's probably a nice incremental step, but that's the sort of thing I like to see. Granted, that shifts towards the legislative branch. Re-open borders with Cuba. Friendly relationships with foreign powers. these sorts of things. And friendly in the trade and communication sense, not in the "Sure, we'll give you arms and randomly bomb people for you" sense. I guess what I'm saying is I'd like someone a lot like Obama. The president has a lot of jobs. He's supposed to help make the government run smoothly* by being one branch of it. In that sense, what do I think the government is for? To protect us. To build a happy and healthy society. And to keep making that society better and better. To make sure everyone has a shot at a happy life without being run roughshod over by people that have inherited an advantage.
Edgy MD Aug 04 2016 05:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Among those who ran in this election cycle:
Lefty Specialist Aug 04 2016 05:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No one can do the leaps and bounds you want. A truly progressive candidate won't make it in this country, not yet anyway. Bernie had a nice run but he'd have lost to anyone but Trump (and maybe even him), and some of Bernie's ideas and his lack of focus on international affairs made me uncomfortable.
Ashie62 Aug 04 2016 09:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If Trump drops out of the race what happens?
Frayed Knot Aug 04 2016 10:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well first comes a big honking week-long party.
Lefty Specialist Aug 04 2016 11:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Chaos. But it won't happen. Do you seriously think he's going to give this all up because he's a few points behind with three months to go? He goes from adoring crowd to adoring crowd. Why would a narcissist like him give that up? Other narcissists are jealous of HIM. He's on the biggest high of his life. This is the validation he craves. He's not going anywhere.
Ashie62 Aug 04 2016 11:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I saw a poll on Politico showing Arizona and Georgia going blue.
Ceetar Aug 05 2016 03:17 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
yeah. Even if he isn't/wasn't serious about being president, he wants the attention and the headlines and the coverage. And now he's one of two instead of one of 30+ (not that the media covered anyone but these two with near the fervor) I still think this end with Trump doing a "If _I_ were president" reality type talk-show on Fox news bashing everything Hillary does.
Edgy MD Aug 05 2016 03:33 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I wouldn't rule it out. Like Roger Clemens bailing on Game Six in the 1986 World Series, there are any number of self-mythologizing jerks in this world who insist they are gamers/winners/champs, while constantly planning a strategy that allows them to exit at a point that allows them a plausible claim at winner status, while not actually winning. It happens all the time. Cowards who lie to themselves so loudly that they believe their own bullshit.
Ceetar Aug 05 2016 03:37 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
"I expect a rigged election"
Lefty Specialist Aug 05 2016 11:23 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The 'rigged election' stuff is perfect Trump. He either wins or the election is 'rigged'. He can't possibly lose.
seawolf17 Aug 05 2016 01:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This. There's no way he quits on his own accord, because that automatically brands him as a "loser," which in his world is the worst of all possible things. He'd rather lose and then blame it on someone else.
Edgy MD Aug 05 2016 01:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not sure how my post changed his name to "Drumpf" there.
seawolf17 Aug 05 2016 01:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
My bad. That was my browser.
Centerfield Aug 05 2016 01:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Food for thought. He is so outlandish now, that if he moderates himself in the next three months, it will be enough for moderate Republicans to rally around him ("Sure, he used to be crazy, but now that he's stopped attacking families of fallen veterans, we think he's going to be ok.")
Frayed Knot Aug 05 2016 01:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And if we bring this wild hyena into our suburban home maybe he'll start acting like a domesticated dog and all the neighborhood children will like and pet him.
Mets Guy in Michigan Aug 05 2016 01:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:28 AM |
cooby Aug 05 2016 02:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Cult is right. And stupidity. Last night my husband went so far as to post on his Facebook page that anyone voting for trump could unfriend him right now (Jr hi, I know but passions run deep here) and some dumb broad said ' oh but I could never vote for someone who should be a federal defendant' Really, dumbass? So trump to you is better than that? I told her that without calling her dumbass. I don't know her anyway so I should
Edgy MD Aug 05 2016 02:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's OK. I've tried to stay away from nicknames mice elf. I find that once you play that card, the opposition you are making your plea to will stop listening. And if I've got to use a nickname, I prefer Il Douche.
themetfairy Aug 05 2016 04:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Marist Poll rules! (Yes, I'm biased. My son worked for them while he was in school.)
Edgy MD Aug 05 2016 06:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Losing African-Americans by 91 points. I wonder what the pollsters said when they got one of those two percent. "Wait ... seriously? Did you understand the question? Is our connection good?"
John Cougar Lunchbucket Aug 05 2016 08:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Someone pointed out with the "margin or error" built into these polls, Trump could actually be -3% with that particular demographic.
Ashie62 Aug 05 2016 09:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump's response to sexual harrassment? 'Quit your job."
Lefty Specialist Aug 06 2016 09:55 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Polls are pretty consistent on this: WSJ/NBC News Poll: 1 percent (Clinton, 91 percent) Marist Poll: 2 percent (Clinton, 93 percent) Fox News Poll: 4 percent (Clinton, 87 percent) I think it's safe to say your FB friend is really lonely and probably shunned by the rest of their family. Even Mitt Romney got 6% of the black vote in 2012, and he was, you know, running against an actual black person.
Mets Guy in Michigan Aug 07 2016 01:03 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:28 AM |
Nymr83 Aug 07 2016 02:15 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Congratulations on matching up with the adult in the room!
TransMonk Aug 07 2016 02:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I always thought not being an adult was Johnson's biggest folly.
Lefty Specialist Aug 07 2016 02:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Why don't Republicans flock to Gary Johnson?
Benjamin Grimm Aug 07 2016 02:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not so sure about that. Sure, there are individual polls that may be biased or misleading, but the overall consensus of the polls has been pretty accurate. When was the last time we were surprised by the result of a presidential election? Maybe 1980? And in that case, it wasn't the winner who was was surprising, but the margin of victory.
Chad Ochoseis Aug 07 2016 11:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't think there are many true conservatives left, and it's too bad for all of us. I don't generally agree with the Johnsons, McCains, Doles, Kemps, and even Reagans of the world, but at least they offered up ideas that they believed were for the benefit of the country. The Republican Party of today isn't conservative; it's the party of rich white guys doing what they can to be sure that they stay rich and their country stays theirs.
I believe the polls, but I also believe that it's a long time between now and November. I remember spending the summer of 1988 in Europe guaranteeing a Dukakis victory to anyone who cared enough to listen to the opinion of some 23-year-old American grad student in philosophy. Hey, he was destroying Bush in the polls!
Benjamin Grimm Aug 08 2016 01:02 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I agree that the polls are accurate and that things can change, perhaps dramatically, over the next three months.
Nymr83 Aug 08 2016 01:27 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Also something to like for everyone - at least if you are convinced that the other options are a crook and a loon. remember also that, if we end up with a split between the House/Senate he probably gets to do almost none of the things he wants - but unlike Trump and Hillary he'd probably be willing to talk about compromise as opposed to using Executive power unconstitutionally to get his way. there is merit in that.
Mets Guy in Michigan Aug 08 2016 01:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:29 AM |
Benjamin Grimm Aug 08 2016 02:29 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, yeah, I don't think you need to be any kind of an insider to know that. But however the polls are used or spun, that doesn't mean that they're inaccurate. Again, some are inaccurate, but in aggregate they tend to get it right the vast majority of the time.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 08 2016 04:36 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
MFS62 Aug 08 2016 01:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I thought I was using hyperbole when I called Trump Rallies Bund meetings. But this is scary.
Nymr83 Aug 09 2016 02:18 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There are plenty of things Trump does to metaphorically hang himself, really no need to act like bad people liking him is such a big deal. I bet all the Arab Dictators love Clinton, they are the #1 contributors to her foundation after all.
Edgy MD Aug 09 2016 04:05 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So two things suggested recently are disturbingly compelling.
Nymr83 Aug 09 2016 04:54 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If the GOP had nominated Rubio or Kasich I feel they'd be running away with this thing right now.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 09 2016 05:03 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Thank god for the crazy Republican base. And I do mean crazy. They reap what they sow. Party of Lincoln, my ass. If Abe Lincoln were alive today, he'd be running away from the GOP farther and faster than anyone else. It's the party of the Southern Strategy and dog-whistle politics and Jim Crow and crazy science debunkers and other things I don't feel like mentioning so as not to make any more enemies than I need to have.
Nymr83 Aug 09 2016 05:07 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm crazy? you're an idiot.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 09 2016 05:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Maybe, but not so much of an idiot to have voted for Trump in the Primary. Can't say the same for the plurality of the GOP base. They voted for Trump and are therefore crazy idiots as far as I'm concerned.
Edgy MD Aug 09 2016 10:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not sure any bloc truly represented "the base" this election. Mr. Trump emerged from a truly divided field that refused to really coalesce around him, even as alternatives fell away.
Lefty Specialist Aug 09 2016 12:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Rubio or Kasich wouldn't be running away from Clinton, but they could be leading. Their campaigns wouldn't be the shitshow the Trump campaign has been. But then again, they lost to Trump, didn't they? Republicans aren't crazy. Most of them didn't vote for Trump and a large group of them are extremely uncomfortable with him. Die-hard Trumpsters, yes, they're crazy and impervious to facts. Probably half just hate Hillary so much they'd vote for Satan himself. Those people are beyond redemption and they're his base, the ones who show up to rallies with red hats. But there's not enough of them to win. Biden, who I like, has a tendency to, well, go off message at times. He was too old at 73 to make a run now anyway. Trump can't reform or reboot. You could see that having to stay on script at the Detroit Economic Club yesterday was killing him. The clock is ticking until the next weird offensive tweet. As for any blackmail info that the Russians have, remember that Hillary Clinton is the most heavily scrutinized person EVER. They've been after her for 25 years now. I doubt they can find anything new that hasn't already been found by generations of opposition researchers. The Russians aren't the only ones who know how to hack. That doesn't mean they're not going to try. The DNC hack was a warning shot, and Julian Assange of Wikileaks has come right out and stated that he hates Hillary and wants her defeated regardless of the cost to, like, the planet. So I'm expecting an 'October Surprise' of some sort. But the DNC hack in the final analysis was much ado about nothing. They hated Bernie? Gee, who knew? (An RNC hack would have been MUCH more entertaining) But with Trump, the adage applies to 'never get in the way when an opponent is punching themselves in the face'. Hillary can just let Trump be Trump. He can't resist. Meanwhile, she can work behind the scenes, cranking up a massive voter registration and get-out-the-vote operation which helps not only her but Democrats down-ticket. She has people to orchestrate things like 50 National Security experts writing that Trump is dangerous, or having noted Republican fundraiser Meg Whitman endorse her. All she has to be is the adult in the room. That's how she wins.
Edgy MD Aug 09 2016 08:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And ... Mr. Trump totally just hinted that gun owners should kill a future President Hillary Clinton in order to prevent her judicial appointments.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 09 2016 09:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Really? What did he say?
Edgy MD Aug 09 2016 09:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I guess I am.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 09 2016 09:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Maybe he's just suggesting that they kill the judges!
Lefty Specialist Aug 10 2016 12:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, Mature Donald' lasted for a whole day. Awesome.
TransMonk Aug 10 2016 12:22 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Meanwhile, HRC is up double digits in Pennsylvania.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 10 2016 12:26 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's not quite that simple. He could lose Pennsylvania and win the election if he gets Ohio and Florida. But that map on keeps getting bluer and bluer.
Nymr83 Aug 10 2016 12:46 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
that is not really true. one other way off the top of my head is to start with the 2012 electoral map and give Trump the following states: Ohio, Flotida, Virginia, Nevada he is closer in all of those states than he is in PA right now.
against Trump? neither of those concerns is a blip on the radar! certainly i was using a little hyperbole when i said "40 percent", but i certainly think he'd be doing better than Hillary - As a conservative I don't like the policy positions of most Democrats, but i don't mistrust Biden as I do Hillary. I doubt I'm even close to being alone in that.
TransMonk Aug 10 2016 01:12 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump holding all the Romney states is a tall order.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 10 2016 02:02 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nah. HRC'd just go ahead and nominate their replacements. Maybe Trump thinks the 2A is the Free Speech Amendment.
Chad Ochoseis Aug 10 2016 02:13 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He could win Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada instead of Pennsylvania (and, of course, flip Florida and Ohio and hang on to all the Romney states) and wind up at 269-269. And he could steal the electoral vote in northern Maine and win outright. Nate Silver has a nice diagram here - scroll down to the winding path section.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 10 2016 02:16 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
A repulsive take, but not unexpected. Anybody here in the mood for some Godwin's Law? Because I'll tell you, these GOP scumbags would back Adolf Hitler for President if only they were assured that Hitler would nominate their kind of Supreme Court justices.
Nymr83 Aug 10 2016 02:48 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump doesn't like free speech either. he wants to change the slander/libel laws so people cant say mean things about him. Fortunately, a Republican-controlled Congress would never allow that - they'd risk getting sued by Hillary if they couldnt say whatever they wanted about her anymore.
Lefty Specialist Aug 10 2016 12:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump just needs to be Trump and he'll take care of that. Like MGIM says, we need to take the polls with a grain of salt right now. I think they may actually be worse for Trump than it seems. There are a lot of people who say they're never going to vote for Hillary but won't have the guts to actually pull the lever for Trump. They'll stay home or will avoid voting for the top of the ticket. When people are mystified why there aren't more elected Republicans defecting from Trump, remember that the Paul Ryans of the world know that if Trump were to win, he wouldn't be interested in the hard work of governing. They could pass their wish list and he'd sign it. They're counting on his laziness and inattention. That being said, seeing places like Georgia and Arizona being in play warms the cockles of my heart. Utah would just be the cherry on top of the whipped cream. There are still blood-red states that'll vote for anyone with an (R) next to their name, but the demographics are beginning to take their toll. It's one of the reasons that the recent string of victories for voting rights in state after state is so important. Trump needs to be crushed, but he's performed a public service by exposing the nasty underbelly of the Republican party. They'll try to pretend it's not there, but 'the monster is out of his cage'. Any future Republican who wants the nomination is going to have to cater to the racist, xenophobic minority that's been unleashed. Whoever runs in 2020 will try to stitch back the old fabric of the coalition; rich white guys (tax cuts)and poor white guys (God, guns and foreigner hatred), but it'll be an uneasy fit. Trump let something loose that won't be easy to put back in the bottle. My fear is that someone else won't be such a narcissistic doofus and will find a better way to exploit it down the road.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 10 2016 01:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Here's one somewhat plausible way that Trump can win the election while losing Pennsylvania. It's a narrow path, especially since just about any of the states that are red on this map would flip the election to Clinton if they were switched to blue.
Nymr83 Aug 11 2016 04:32 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
More interestingly, if you flip New Mexico, which Trump might expect he will lose if the state has many brand-new Mexicans, you get a tie!
Lefty Specialist Aug 11 2016 12:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't see how Trump can win if he's up against the Founder and Co-founder of ISIS. Yes, it's the Stupid Trump Comment of the Day, the one that makes you forget all the previous Stupid Trump Comments of the Day.
MFS62 Aug 11 2016 12:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Same birther stuff, now being taken to the exponential level.
Lefty Specialist Aug 11 2016 01:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm still trying to figure out what the 'many respects they honor President Obama' are. Commemorative coins? A three-day weekend? Sales at Best Buy?
MFS62 Aug 11 2016 04:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Bobble Head Day. Later
batmagadanleadoff Aug 11 2016 11:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I love great magazine covers.
Edgy MD Aug 12 2016 04:18 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, I've been tracking him, and he's clearly reached an important goal of his.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 12 2016 04:26 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wow. That's how Junior High Schoolers talk, right?
metirish Aug 12 2016 12:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
American Experience on PBS this week had in depth looks at JFK and LBJ ,really excellent docs. Interesting to see how Kennedy being catholic was played out when he ran for President .
Frayed Knot Aug 12 2016 12:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The still immature ones, yeah.
Chad Ochoseis Aug 12 2016 03:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I liked his second album - the one with DIY on it - much better.
Edgy MD Aug 12 2016 03:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, if that's not the post of the month, I don't know what.
Lefty Specialist Aug 12 2016 03:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Okay, so you say something stupid. There are people that are willing to help you reframe it, try to put it in context, give you the opportunity to walk it back.
Fman99 Aug 12 2016 04:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Amazing to me is that 40% of the people polled in this country are still going to vote for this crackpot.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 12 2016 04:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He's been doing whatever the hell he wants to do his whole life. Since he was in grade school. With practically no boundaries. Even his parents couldn't control him. That's precisely why Trump's father sent DJT off to military school as a teen. He's never answered to anybody and has been getting his way forever. Not getting his way the way an ordinary citizen might get his or way, but getting his way like only a Master of the Universe could get his way. The only thing I can say for him is that he probably hasn't killed scores of people like Bob Durst probably did.
cooby Aug 12 2016 04:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Amazing, alarming, and confounding.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 12 2016 05:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think Trump is going to lose. I still have an underlying fear that he'll win somehow, but I don't think it will happen.
TransMonk Aug 12 2016 05:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I thin most of that 40% would actually be voting against Hillary...but as far as evils go, the mileage definitely varies, I guess.
Hillary doesn't need his concession to declare victory in a speech, especially if it is a blowout.
The chance of a DJT victory grows more microscopic by the day. But, theoretically, if I was Obama, I'd get a copy of my birth certificate, place it on my desk in the Oval Office and then take a massive shit on it and leave it for Trump.
metsmarathon Aug 12 2016 05:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
ISIS goes back to the Bush Administration, and even before then, i believe. before it was ISIS it was ISI, and only added the S after it added Syria to it's Iraq... does trump even know anything about [crossout]ISIS[/crossout] really, anything?
Edgy MD Aug 12 2016 05:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
ISIS goes back more or less to the nineties. Ask Bartolo Colón. He knows.
themetfairy Aug 12 2016 05:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Are you saying that Bartolo Colon is the founder of Isis?
TransMonk Aug 12 2016 08:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Agreed completely. I'm guessing Obama would be as gracious as possible in a theoretical transition. He is a better man than I would be.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 12 2016 08:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think so too. Me, I'd be very tempted to John Adams my way out of town.
Nymr83 Aug 12 2016 08:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
maybe he will even claim to be the real winner and give his own victory speech!
Edgy MD Aug 12 2016 08:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
DT trails Clinton 91% to 1% among blacks in the latest NBC/WSJ poll.
Lefty Specialist Aug 12 2016 09:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
ISIS is an offshoot of Al-Qaeda. It's been around since about 2006. But Obama did take time out of his duties as an Illinois state senator to found it. [/SARCASM!]
Frayed Knot Aug 12 2016 11:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The thing about these politicians' tax returns is that many are wary about revealing how much they earned, both from in-gov't and from outside sources, all while touting their 'sacrifice' of being nothing more than a humble public servant.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 13 2016 04:17 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
CNN devotes an entire post to the most provocative Trump magazine and tabloid covers and leads with Time's Trump Meltdown. Here are two: [fimg=444][/fimg] [fimg=555][/fimg] See the rest at: ... -election/
Ashie62 Aug 13 2016 08:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump tweeted that if Hillary won PA it would only be because she cheated. huh?
Lefty Specialist Aug 13 2016 10:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Friday said the only way he will lose Pennsylvania will be if “cheating goes on,” intensifying his claims that the election system is rigged and that it will work against him in November. At his second Pennsylvania rally of the day, Mr. Trump said he is concerned that he will be cheated out of a win in the crucial swing state, suggesting that the state’s lack of a voter-identification law will allow people to “come in and vote five times” and hand the election to his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. “We have to call up law enforcement, and we have to have the sheriffs and the police chiefs and everybody watching. Because if we get cheated out of this election, if we get cheated out of a win in Pennsylvania, which is such a vital state, especially when I know what’s happening here, folks…[Mrs. Clinton] can’t beat what’s happening here,” Mr. Trump said in Altoona, Pa. There have been 31 documented instances of in-person voter fraud in the US between 2000 and 2014, out of over one billion votes cast. Let that sink in for a bit. In-person voter fraud is virtually unheard of, and pretty hard to do even if you were willing. No one votes five times, anywhere. At least not in the United States. Even if you're right-wing professional asshole James O'Keefe, and you intentionally try to commit voter fraud to show how 'easy' it is, you can't pull it off. Helps that he's incompetent and a real jerk about it, but still. ... /87993508/ Hillary has a 9.2% lead in the polling averages in Pennsylvania. He's not winning it, but his talk about a 'stolen election' is only going to fire up the crazies. I want Hillary to run the score up on him so bad that he takes his name off his buildings and goes into exile in Kazakhstan.
Edgy MD Aug 14 2016 12:08 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
We had a lot of bogus folks on the voter rolls in DC. I guy down the block from me was a hotshot in the Statehood Party, and he had his dog registered to vote. I don't know if he actually voted under his dog's name, but everyone on the street knew about it, and eventually a reporter outed him. We also had a voter named "Hugh G. Rection."
batmagadanleadoff Aug 14 2016 12:32 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah but how come it's always Democrat voters that are supposed to be cheating on Election Day? This all coming from, you know, the party of [crossout]Lincoln[/crossout] Watergate and the Brooks Brothers Riots and the Acorn Scandal and who knows what the hell they've gotten away with Diebold that the general public doesn't know about?
Lefty Specialist Aug 14 2016 01:19 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm guessing a lot more that 31 people who were legally registered to vote have been prohibited from doing so by laws that have been described by judges as 'targeting minorities with surgical precision'. In North Carolina they literally did research on the types of ID white voters were more likely to have and which types of ID minority voters were more likely to have, then structured the law to allow the former and disallow the latter. Voter ID laws are a solution in search of a problem.
Edgy MD Aug 14 2016 02:54 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I understand. I'm just not sure at what point a legitimate standard for voter identification becomes voter suppression.
Lefty Specialist Aug 15 2016 02:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, this is pretty funny. A Breitbart-commisioned poll finds the REAL leader to, Hillary Clinton.
Nymr83 Aug 16 2016 01:36 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's how bad Trump is.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 16 2016 02:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Twelve more weeks.
Ceetar Aug 16 2016 02:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Baseball season ends first.
Edgy MD Aug 17 2016 01:54 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I just figured out a way for him to exit and hold on to his pride. He withdraws, claiming credible death threats have been made on his family members (specifically, his daughters) by leftist extremist terrorists.
Nymr83 Aug 17 2016 01:54 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Illegal Female Islamic Mexicans?
MFS62 Aug 17 2016 01:58 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Illegal Female Islamic Mexican Reporters. Later
Edgy MD Aug 17 2016 01:58 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Good God, yes. Anti-Constitution, pro-Sharia jihadists, also.
Edgy MD Aug 17 2016 02:03 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Basically, people will accept all sorts of bullshit rationalizing in the name of protecting one's blonde, white daughters.
metsmarathon Aug 17 2016 12:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
to be clear, these Illegal Female Islamic Anti-Constitution, pro-Sharia jihadist Mexicans want to rape his daughters and turn them lesbian, not simply kill them.
Lefty Specialist Aug 17 2016 12:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Or he could say that Ivanka was kidnapped by Putin's girlfriend.
Fman99 Aug 17 2016 12:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Dammit, they stole my movie idea! In my movie, though, it's not rape, it's just naughty time.
TransMonk Aug 17 2016 01:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Donald Trump Attempts To Salvage His Campaign With Leadership Shakeup
Lefty Specialist Aug 17 2016 02:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wow. If you thought things were ugly before, you ain't seen nothing yet. Bannon runs Breitbart 'News'. He's a master conspiracy theorist. And Kellyanne Conway is the person you get when you need a crazy Republican for balance on a talk show.
Edgy MD Aug 17 2016 06:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, this definitely puts Manny Ramirez on the list of people I'd sooner vote for as president over Trump.
MFS62 Aug 18 2016 12:31 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Speaking of evil slime, Karl Rove and the Swift Boaters were busy? Later
Lefty Specialist Aug 19 2016 07:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Naked Trump showed up in Union Square Park yesterday. Don't Google it. You've been warned.
Chad Ochoseis Aug 19 2016 10:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
BOC to Sam Biederman of the NYC Parks Department.
cooby Aug 19 2016 10:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Lol. And you know he said it with a twinkle in his eye
MFS62 Aug 20 2016 12:22 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No big thing. Later
Lefty Specialist Aug 20 2016 08:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So after the governor told him to stay away, Trump went to Louisiana to get in the way of relief efforts. He spent 49 seconds on a photo op unloading 6 boxes from a truck. Boxes of Play-Doh. (Yes, really)
Nymr83 Aug 22 2016 06:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Is Hillary really so bullet-proof that she doesnt feel the need to distance herself from Huma Abedin?
sharpie Aug 22 2016 06:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
...who has done nothing objectionable other than marry a guy with a sex-addiction problem.
Nymr83 Aug 22 2016 07:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
...and write for a Saudi Arabian publication that blames women for being raped and he US for 9/11 among other things?
Lefty Specialist Aug 23 2016 01:31 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wrong. Show one thing she wrote for them.
Nymr83 Aug 23 2016 03:53 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump is a dangerous egomaniac - and since nobody here disagrees with that, lets get back to Hillary being one too.
Lefty Specialist Aug 23 2016 11:05 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Being an egomaniac is practically a requirement for running for president. You're basically saying you can run the most powerful nation in the world better than anyone else. That requires a pretty robust ego.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 23 2016 12:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Eleven weeks!
Ceetar Aug 23 2016 02:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
until the start of the 2020 election cycle.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 23 2016 02:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No doubt. I'm sure that on November 9, Ted Cruz is going to wake up either in Iowa or New Hampshire.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 23 2016 03:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's great news. Let the crazy branch run another unelectable politician.
batmagadanleadoff Aug 23 2016 05:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
With that group, I bet Curt Schilling can make a strong showing in their 2020 Primaries.
themetfairy Aug 23 2016 07:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Seriously. If Cruz was at all likable he would have run away with the nomination. But everyone hates him!
Lefty Specialist Aug 23 2016 08:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
New Hampshire. He's already won Iowa once. He's The Thing That Wouldn't Leave, and he'll be back, smarmier than ever, in 2020. One possible savior, if you will, Rick Perry is making noises about running against Cruz in his Senate primary in 2018. A defeat there would probably kneecap Mr. Congeniality permanently, one would hope.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 23 2016 08:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Maybe. But losing a Senate seat hasn't stopped Rick Santorum from running for President.
themetfairy Aug 23 2016 08:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I just saw my first Trump television ad (on a Philly station). In a nutshell, if Hillary Clinton is elected America will be overrun with dangerous Syrian refugees who will skip the line to get Social Security and other benefits. Donald Trump, OTOH, will keep these people out.
Nymr83 Aug 24 2016 12:25 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
When a sitting US Senator fails to get the endorsement of any of his Senate colleagues until the only alternative is Donald Fucking Trump - "hate" is probably not an exaggeration.
Nymr83 Aug 24 2016 12:28 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I prefer Hillary over Trump too, because I think he might be genuinely nuts. Though of course I'd prefer a Republican Senate with her to keep liberals off the court. But why can't her flaws - and questionable associations - be called out too? the people she is friends with are a million times worse than that reverend Obama took so much flak for.
Lefty Specialist Aug 24 2016 01:01 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, we've had a conservative court for 30 years, so it's about time for a change.
Nymr83 Aug 24 2016 02:56 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hillary, on this board, does not get called out nearly enough for her flaws. this thread is a 16 page Trump-bash. Yes, Fox calls her out - but most of the media hasn't, at least since it became apparent who she was running against. Hannity? I don't really care what he thinks. It would certainly be nice if she was more forthcoming about her medical history (and many, many other things) - maybe when Trump releases his tax returns :)
Lefty Specialist Aug 24 2016 12:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Only 16 pages of Trump-bashing? We're obviously not working hard enough.
Edgy MD Aug 24 2016 12:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is what I'm mixing it up over with Trump supporters now — an obviously baseless campaign to suggest a vast conspiracy covering up the secretary's seizure disorder. Assemble a few out-of-context photos and video clips, add some wild speculation and junk science, and she's clearly very sick, and possibly dead. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has released a mysterious letter from a doctor that was obviously written by himself.
Nymr83 Aug 24 2016 01:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Edgy -
Ceetar Aug 24 2016 01:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I personally hope we DON'T here more about Hilary's medical history and I hope she protects the privacy of personal medical records especially as president. It's becoming a bigger and bigger issue and she's struck me as one of those "give up some privacy for illusion of security" people. Personal privacy is becoming a gray area in an increasingly data-connected age, but not protecting the privacy of medical and genetic information can easily be something that sets us back as a society.
Edgy MD Aug 24 2016 02:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
We have a long record of candidates' personal physicians releasing "fitness to serve" reports, and we've had the basic decency not to delve deeper. Let's stay there.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Aug 24 2016 03:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Edgy MD Aug 24 2016 03:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
"Tough news, Mr. Trump. While we've made some headway in our whispering campaign about Secretary Clinton's health, in our most recent poll, "Stroke-Addled Hillary Clinton still leads you by 34 points."
Ashie62 Aug 25 2016 03:45 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I like the idea of a medicare "buy in" at age 55. It would take a dem. congress to make it so.
Vic Sage Aug 25 2016 02:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i don't understand the big issue about the health of the candidate. President Bartlett hid his MS throughout his campaign and halfway through his presidency. And even as he declined he was still the best president this country ever had.
Ashie62 Aug 25 2016 02:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She just looks tired from flying around the country and world at age 67. It ain't easy.
Lefty Specialist Aug 26 2016 02:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ashie62 Aug 26 2016 04:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The healthcare system needs to be fixed. Marketplace subsidized polices are still pricey after the subsidy and offer limited coverage. The middle class simply waits until they get sick to by in. This is in addition to a flood of people rolling into the expanded medicaid programs in 38 states.
Lefty Specialist Aug 26 2016 07:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Aetna (who did this out of spite because the Obama administration wouldn't approve their mega-merger with Humana) is making the case for a public option at the very least, and single payer or Medicare for All at best.
Ashie62 Aug 26 2016 09:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
We are pretty close on this. Yes Aetna came out and said the "only way we will stay in the marketplace anywhere is if the DOJ approves our merger with Humana."
TransMonk Aug 26 2016 09:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Healthcare is a big deal for me as I work for a small company that does not offer group coverage. It is my choice to work for them and it is somewhat built into my compensation, but by going for health insurance on my own along with pre-existing conditions I have, health insurance for my three person family costs us as much as our mortgage each month. Our premiums have increased year after year and we are constantly moving to higher and higher deductibles to offset, which should not be the answer. Additionally, my plan through the ACA only offers full coverage if I am obtaining services in the southern portion of my state. If I need care on the road it will be a big deal.
Benjamin Grimm Aug 26 2016 09:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh, yeah, you definitely need to have health insurance. This year my healthy 19-year-old son suddenly had an illness that ran up over a quarter million dollars in medical charges. Our deductible is higher than I'd like it to have been, but the $6,000 this is going to end up costing us is a lot less than it would have been otherwise!
TransMonk Aug 26 2016 09:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Glad to hear he's doing well.
Ashie62 Aug 26 2016 11:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Grimm, I hope your son is on the mend. Be well.
Ashie62 Aug 27 2016 12:17 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ashie1 won total disability one year into Cancer.
Nymr83 Aug 28 2016 11:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
thats one place we strongly agree - it is criminal that Congress won't allow the taxpayer funded program to take advantage of its large buying power to negotiate in the free market. i'd go even further and appoint someone whose sole job it is to negotiate and who only gets paid based on how big a discount they get.
Lefty Specialist Aug 29 2016 01:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, that's illegal. :)
Edgy MD Aug 29 2016 01:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, there was that autopilot assertion that he would take down the lines between the states, to create competition.
Lefty Specialist Aug 29 2016 03:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ah, the Race to the Bottom plan. Of course insurance companies wouldn't race to the state that has the weakest regulation or anything.
Edgy MD Aug 29 2016 04:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It was almost as if he had an idea or something.
Ashie62 Aug 29 2016 08:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And Epipen has its' list price cut from $608 to $300.
Lefty Specialist Aug 30 2016 01:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's a generic version that they'll be producing next month. The regular Epipen price hasn't dropped, and the generic price is still triple what the non-generic version was a few years ago. Damage control.
Lefty Specialist Aug 31 2016 06:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Obama Pays Mexico Five Billion Dollars to Keep Donald Trump
MFS62 Sep 01 2016 01:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Comedian Lewis Black was just on Good Day New York. He said "Donald Trump wouldn't have to build a wall, he IS the wall. Who would want to come here if Donald Trump is President?"
Lefty Specialist Sep 01 2016 02:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Mexico might need to build the wall to keep AMERICANS out.
Edgy MD Sep 02 2016 02:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
As Donald Trump's Latino surrogates continue to quit, one of the last standing has gone on record to warn us that if Secretary Clinton wins, there'll be a "taco truck on every corner."
Vic Sage Sep 02 2016 02:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Lewis Black is doing 6 performances of his new show on Broadway in September-October... I'm sure it'll be primarily about the election.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 02 2016 02:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Really. Nothing makes sense anymore.
Ashie62 Sep 03 2016 03:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Anybody seem Hillary of late.
TransMonk Sep 03 2016 05:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Do you miss her?
MFS62 Sep 03 2016 05:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Its dicey. If she's not making any appearances, then the nightly news has only stories about him to run every night. Its a big edge in air time, and supports his contentions that she's hiding something and/or hiding from him. Later
TransMonk Sep 03 2016 05:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not sure ANY of those stories are making him look presidential and she is walloping him in advertising between them. If these were stories showing Donald in a positive light, I'd tend to agree. But are they?
MFS62 Sep 03 2016 05:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I hope you're right and that hearing his name so often doesn't lead to a Pavlovian reaction. Later
Ashie62 Sep 03 2016 10:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump is setting the pace and tone of the election.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 03 2016 11:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
yeah fucking retards love name recognition
metirish Sep 04 2016 01:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Was a pleasure being in Ireland and barely seeing anything about these two .......oh, some guy from White Plains got arrested in the pub at Trump Doon Beg golf course after getting in to a fight and pulling a knife court next morning , minor charge as he didn't open knife or something like that , ordered to pay 200 euro to the "poor kity"
Lefty Specialist Sep 04 2016 11:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hillary has been less visible because she's been going to series of big private fundraisers. That's what normal candidates do at this time. She's not sick, or tired, or too cocky that she doesn't have to work at it. She'll be attacking from the air and the ground; she'll blanket the airwaves with commercials he can't match and will unleash a ground game he simply doesn't have.
Ashie62 Sep 04 2016 08:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
keepin it classy.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 04 2016 10:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:31 AM |
Nymr83 Sep 04 2016 11:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I wonder who else Trump is taking advise from that we don't know - because the names you hear about are idiots - going to Mexico was both brilliant and ballsy - no way would Hillary voluntarily place herself unscripted on a podium before such a potentially hostile crowd.
that's right folks! - We need not one but TWO disclaimers in a post to assure the intolerant left-wing message board that we don't like Trump and are just interested in the campaign tactics!
batmagadanleadoff Sep 05 2016 12:03 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is classic. Someone who identifies with the GOP -- the party of intolerance and exclusion calling Democrats intolerant.
Nymr83 Sep 05 2016 02:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
you know what, i'm just deleting my post because its not worth it. you're an idiot, i cant change that.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 05 2016 05:44 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You left out intolerant. Of Donald trump, I guess.
Lefty Specialist Sep 05 2016 12:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No doubt Hillary's been playing it safe. But Labor Day is when people really start to focus. I expect her to start pounding him and I also want to see what she does in that first debate.
Nymr83 Sep 05 2016 01:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Want an appointment with the Secretary of State? Just donate here!
This is basically how Sanders stuck around so long too - the media wants news and doesnt care about the ethical issues of being the ones generating it rather than covering it.
Ashie62 Sep 05 2016 02:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Intolerance is rife in both parties. If not the government would not have been shut down.
Lefty Specialist Sep 05 2016 03:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, only one party was responsible for that. Starts with an 'R' and rhymes with 'Zeepublicans'. As for Hillary and 'pay for play' that gets thrown around. The pay was to a charity which gets an 'A' rating, from which they get no money whatsoever. And there was no 'play' at all. Nobody got anything. Secretaries of State have thousands of meetings in a year, and yet there's NO PROOF of any wrongdoing, no quid pro quo, nothing. If there was, somebody would have found it by now because there's been a cottage industry investigating the Clintons for 25 years. George Bush Sr had (and still has) the Thousand Points of Light Foundation. It operated all during the administration of George W Bush and nobody so much as lifted a finger to investigate it, ever. It doesn't have the same total transparence that the Clinton foundation has, so we're not sure who the donors are. The Clintons are presumed by the media to have done something wrong even when there's nothing there. Their transparence allows us to know that one Donald J. Trump once gave the Clinton Global Initiative $100,000, for one thing. So since they couldn't find anything real in the whole e-mail/Clinton Foundation business, the media decided, well, it LOOKS bad. Meanwhile Trump says he could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get elected, and they treat him like a normal candidate. With this kind of media coverage he might be right.
Ashie62 Sep 05 2016 04:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Just shows you how deeply the Clinton's are mistrusted.
TransMonk Sep 08 2016 03:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I can't tolerate Matt Lauer as a forum moderator. What a joke!
Ashie62 Sep 08 2016 04:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I thought Trump crushed her.
TransMonk Sep 08 2016 05:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, if she was crushed, Lauer crushed her.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 08 2016 05:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Even funnier, the New York Times, in its post about Johnson, needed to make two corrections:
[url] So, apparently, Johnson wasn't alone. I can't find the entire video, so I don't know if the previous question was about Syria or refugees, or whether Mike Barincle abruptly switched gears on him. For Barincle to say "You're kidding" was unprofessional. If he was switching topics, the way to ask the question is something like "What would you do about the refugee problems in Aleppo, Syria?" instead of "What would you do about Aleppo?" The goal is to get an answer on a policy question and not play Stump the Guest.
A Boy Named Seo Sep 08 2016 05:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
FYI - I watched the first video clip on the link below (Trump Says He Does Not Support Privatizing the VA) and then the entire hour-long forum played after.
Lefty Specialist Sep 08 2016 08:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Lauer was incredibly rude to Hillary, constantly interrupting her but just letting Trump blather on and on. I mean, the unequal treatment was so obvious even the media noticed. But as long as Trump doesn't spontaneously combust on the stage, he's declared the winner.
A Boy Named Seo Sep 08 2016 09:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You'd want Gary Johnson or any Prez-hopeful to answer stuff like that fairly easily, but the guy did ask the question like a HS teacher trying to see if the student read the homework, and not like a guy on a show trying to initiate discussion and see what Johnson thinks about shit. Just have the candidates participate in a "WTF is Aleppo?" 10th grade civics, kwiz show and be done with it.
Ceetar Sep 08 2016 09:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You can learn where/what Aleppo is a lot easier than you can stop being a garbage human being.
Edgy MD Sep 08 2016 09:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The question was asked strangely, to be fair. "What would you do, if you were elected, about Aleppo?" kind of robs the question of any context. It's not like Rome or Cairo or a city most folks had heard of before the crisis began. "What would you do about the staggering reports of violence coming out of Syria and the massive destabilizing effect the war there is having on the whole region and beyond?" would be more workable, and give the question some context.
Frayed Knot Sep 08 2016 10:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm with the Governor, I have no idea what a 'Leppo' is either.
Lefty Specialist Sep 08 2016 11:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, I prefer a president who knows stuff like this. I'm betting even Trump knew what Aleppo was if asked.
Fman99 Sep 09 2016 12:27 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'd have gotten that wrong too. I'd be better off with a question about Gabbo.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 10 2016 07:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:31 AM |
MFS62 Sep 10 2016 07:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It was an underestimate:
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 10 2016 07:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
To be fair, Think Progress is a left wing partisan blog, and the poll it quotes in the story was conducted by PPP, the Democratic polling firm.
TransMonk Sep 10 2016 07:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Sep 10 2016 08:08 PM |
But, on the scale of the dozens of self-damning things Trump has said over the past year, where would something like this land? Yes, it was dumb and she shouldn't have said it, but it's hard to believe any one quote is now suddenly going to tip any scales. Personally, I think her half-apologizing for it turns it into a bigger wound than it would have been. If she offened anyone with the statement, they were people that were likely never going to be voting for her anyway. Apologizing for it makes her look weaker...and there are still some that could possibly be swayed who are leaning Trump because they feel he looks like the "stronger" candidate.
MFS62 Sep 10 2016 08:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And to be equally fair, that doesn't mean they're wrong. Even if off by 10-20%, the numbers are comparable to what she said. Later
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 10 2016 08:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:32 AM |
TransMonk Sep 10 2016 08:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It seems like you are saying that there is a double standard for these two. Trump can say anything but Clinton has to stay above it. Is that fair? (Rhetorical...I believe you are trying to frame the electorate and not necessarily your personal views.) I believe that the conversation about the fact that racism, sexism, xenophobia, islamaphobia, etc. is involved in this election and whether or not those are truly American values needs to be had. It was stupid of her to bring up an "amount", but I'm glad she called it what it is...and would be even if it was only apparent in the smallest percentage.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 10 2016 08:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:32 AM |
TransMonk Sep 10 2016 08:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
From an analytical point of view, I tend to agree.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 10 2016 08:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:32 AM |
Nymr83 Sep 11 2016 04:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Clinton fainted this morning and needed to be helped into a van!
Benjamin Grimm Sep 11 2016 04:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Did she actually faint? The news stories I'm seeing say she "felt overheated" and "abruptly departed" but I'm not seeing anything about fainting.
Ashie62 Sep 11 2016 04:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Sep 11 2016 04:49 PM |
Didn't Hillary just caledl half of Trump supporters "Deplorable.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 11 2016 04:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's a video that shows her seeming to collapse into the arms of her staff just before getting into the black van. If this were the only incident, it probably wouldn't be a thing. But it doesn't help put aside the health issue questions.
Ashie62 Sep 11 2016 04:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She fell out on a hot hot day.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 11 2016 04:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not sure of the logic behind that. There are some deplorable people in America, and many of them are eligible to vote. And if a deplorable American votes, then isn't he or she a deplorable voter?
Lefty Specialist Sep 11 2016 09:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Please, let's not pretend that a lot of the fervor behind the Trump campaign isn't animated by white racial resentment. Hillary was awkward in how she said it, but she's not wrong. Only in her percentages was she incorrect.
d'Kong76 Sep 11 2016 09:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She has a pneumonia according to an email I just got on my used Blackberry
batmagadanleadoff Sep 11 2016 10:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 12 2016 01:01 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
How else to explain Trump? He's a deplorable man.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 12 2016 01:29 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:32 AM |
batmagadanleadoff Sep 12 2016 02:08 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yes, he could.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 12 2016 02:09 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
What's the argument here? That voters should vote for Trump because of Clinton's "deplorable" comment?
batmagadanleadoff Sep 12 2016 02:12 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If the two candidates were fairly punished in direct proportion to whatever terrible comments they've made during this Presidential campaign, Trump, in baseball terms, would have been mathematically eliminated from the Presidency about a year ago.
Nymr83 Sep 12 2016 02:31 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
not to me at least. to me the argument, if any, is "she says dumb and offensive things too. keep that in mind when criticizing his dumb and offensive things"
batmagadanleadoff Sep 12 2016 02:39 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It was a dumb thing to say, I'll grant you, but that's only because, unfortunately, telling the truth isn't always the wisest option.
Lefty Specialist Sep 12 2016 09:43 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And this, right here, is the crux of the problem. Trump says things more outrageous than 'basket of deplorables' on a nightly basis. Yet somehow he gets a pass.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 12 2016 12:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:33 AM |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 12 2016 01:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
As though racism and know-nothingness shouldn't be an issue?
Ceetar Sep 12 2016 01:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If anything, I think that comment helps her. If she needs anymore help (she probably doesn't) what she needs is the swath of voters who are frustrated with both candidates and either won't vote, or will vote third-party. That statement is pretty much on-message with the "If you let this guy and his supporters win, it's a win for racism and sets America back" and all that. She's campaigning on a vote against Trump platform instead of a vote for me one.
Fman99 Sep 12 2016 02:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'd prefer to have her take the high road and not stoop to this kind of slinging. It's pandering, at a fundraiser, trying to raise the blood levels of the $1000 a plate crowd. But it alienates her with people on the fence, who still have not decided.
Lefty Specialist Sep 12 2016 03:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's a sound strategy. She walked if back just a little, but left enough out there to remind people that one of the people offended by her statement was David Duke, former Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan. He's a basket of deplorables all by himself.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 12 2016 03:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:33 AM |
Benjamin Grimm Sep 12 2016 03:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I doubt that that's what happened. I think it's a flub that may turn out to benefit her, but probably won't.
TransMonk Sep 12 2016 03:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't know if the comment was vetted and prepared, but I'm guessing HRC does not riff all that often.
Frayed Knot Sep 12 2016 04:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's rarely if ever a good idea to insult the followers of your opponent. Insult the other candidate all you want but, not only is going after the voters themselves a bad idea in general, in her case it just furthers the already existing rep that she's an elitist who sees the opposition not just as against her but also beneath her as well: those who are against me aren't just advocating bad policy but it's bad policy being advocated by bad people therefore only I can save the country from those lesser fools.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 12 2016 04:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:33 AM |
TransMonk Sep 12 2016 05:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I agree, but doubt that this one comment will effect whether or not she wins this election. The more I think about it, the biggest deal about this comment is the hardening of the opposition for what she will need to face after 11/08/16. Based on the unfavorable numbers, when she does become President, it is likely she is going to have to have a perfect first term in order to be re-elected in 2020. What is the likelihood of that? Also, there has always been criticism of HRC from the left (case in point: the success of Bernie Sanders). Hell, I criticize her nearly every day and I'm voting for her. Again, I don't believe this one thing changes the race, but HRC has had a bad week. Luckily for her, Gary Johnson's Aleppo flub couldn't have come at a better time.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 12 2016 05:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think Gary Johnson and Aleppo are already forgotten.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 12 2016 06:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
One of my fb pals had a good take on this:
Lefty Specialist Sep 12 2016 07:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hillary's first term will feature the same scorched-earth Republican opposition that Obama had for 8 years. If she can squeak out a Senate majority, at least she'll have a Supreme Court as a legacy. It'll be very tough for her to get re-elected in 2020, because they'll block everything she wants to do, and then campaign on the fact that she didn't do anything. I'm betting that after four years of being a punching bag, even Ted Cruz will be able to beat her. If Trump gets in there won't be any 2020 elections so the point is moot.
sharpie Sep 12 2016 07:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I agree that re-election will be unlikely. Clinton-Bush-Obama is the first threepeat since Jefferson-Madison-Monroe. I do think that Hillary will end up filling the John Quincy Adams role here rather than blazing new ground for a 4-double term-streak.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 12 2016 09:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Charles Pierce also had a great take on HRC's "deplorable" comment. Excerpt:
read all of it at ... plorables/
Ashie62 Sep 12 2016 09:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not a good time for her to get pneumonia. Wrap her in cotton until the debate on the 26th where I guess trump will attempt to badger her into a coughing spell.
TransMonk Sep 12 2016 09:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I've now been thinking about this question all day. Thanks. :) I'm now starting to believe that, yes, this statement was vetted (still maybe not the word "half") and said with intention and strategy. It moves the narrative away from emails and transparency (big trouble ares for her with people she is trying to sway which she has trouble defending) and on to the areas of racism, sexism and islamophobia (big trouble areas for him for people he is trying to sway which he has trouble defending). I think the rest of the weekend bit her in the ass on this for two reasons, though. 1. The questions surrounding her transparency as it relates to the pneumonia put the subject right back there on that. 2. I think she was trying to bait Donald (she had been a master at this...get it? get it?) into going off script and saying something stupid like he's been known to do. But, amazingly, he's gone 72 hours without tripping over his own lips. Thanks, Kellyanne Conway.
MFS62 Sep 12 2016 10:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Did anyone notice what happened before Hillary took ill at the 9-11 Memorial Ceremonies? She was shown standing solely, paying proper tribute to those who died on 9/11/2001. And near her, Trump and Giuliani were chatting away like this was a less solemn event like a parade. And, at other times, Trump as shown chatting with the NJ Governor.
d'Kong76 Sep 12 2016 11:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Are we really gonna start breaking down how people stand and if they
MFS62 Sep 13 2016 12:34 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Tapping the heart is done at Jewish Religious services (usually Yom Kippur) to show deep emotion. The practice is certainly nothing to deride. Later
d'Kong76 Sep 13 2016 01:43 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm familiar with the gesture, I don't think in terms of singling it out as being a
MFS62 Sep 13 2016 01:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Schumer is Jewish. You were talking about what he did. So my comment was appropriate. I'm not sure your saying that he was tapping his wallet was. I've avoided mentioning religion here for a long time. But your comment needed a response. It was offensively stereotypical. Later
d'Kong76 Sep 13 2016 01:58 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I was thinking more he's crooked, and I'm sure he is...
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 13 2016 02:30 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:34 AM |
MFS62 Sep 13 2016 03:14 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I saw it similar to Trump's comment (Paraphrase?)"You guys know how to make deals". Maybe I was over sensitive. Let's get back to politics, because nothing can destroy a relationship faster than an argument over religion. Its a no-win situation. OK? The gist of my initial comment was that I didn't think Trump and Giuliani were showing proper respect during the reading of the names. I still don't. Later
d'Kong76 Sep 13 2016 04:14 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wasn't arguing, didn't bring up religion, not looking to win...
metsmarathon Sep 13 2016 12:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
no, they weren't showing proper respect, but i don't see it as a big yuge deal.
d'Kong76 Sep 13 2016 01:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Note to those I'm not fb friends with, he's not talking about me or what I post on fb.
Edgy MD Sep 13 2016 01:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I didn't watch the ceremony, which, I guess, makes me the most unpatriotic of all!
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 13 2016 01:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You fucking said it.
d'Kong76 Sep 13 2016 02:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Which different and/or marginalized people are we talking about here?
Benjamin Grimm Sep 13 2016 02:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Transgender people, for one. They're being portrayed as sexual predators who like to pretend to be women so they can see little girls' vaginas in public restrooms.
d'Kong76 Sep 13 2016 02:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ok, just felt it was about me and what I said but I guess I'm paranoid.
metsmarathon Sep 13 2016 02:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
yeah, sorry. i should've put in a broader disclaimer. i wanted it in there because mfs62 was the one who had claimed offense at the chattiness at the 9/11 memorial, an i wanted it to be clear that i was not lumping him in with those who claim that not being an asshole to anything other than employed, white collar, white skinned male cis-gendered red-blooded americans (how does that compare to the adjectival order archetype?) is an unreasonable burden being demanded by sissies and commies and communist sissies.
d'Kong76 Sep 13 2016 03:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Thanks for the further disclaimer. I know a lot of people here view me as the
TransMonk Sep 13 2016 05:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Mike Pence won't call David Duke deplorable for the second straight day.
TransMonk Sep 13 2016 05:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yet, HRC still got enough out of him for a new ad. [youtube]U-5GUPhwREE[/youtube]
Lefty Specialist Sep 13 2016 07:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not sure where the Deplorable Bar gets set:
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 13 2016 08:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:34 AM |
Benjamin Grimm Sep 13 2016 08:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yes, you certainly don't want to be tricked into denouncing the KKK.
TransMonk Sep 13 2016 08:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Exactly (though he did DENOUNCE, he would just not label DEPLORABLE). There isn't a trick or trap on this. Reasonable people should call Duke (or at least his racist views) deplorable.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 13 2016 09:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He's not going to use the word that Clinton used while they are criticizing her for using it. Trump and Pence have denounced Duke multiple times.
TransMonk Sep 13 2016 09:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nope. He's not going to. I wonder how many college educated white women think he should.
Ashie62 Sep 13 2016 09:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The race tightens making a better time for all!
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 13 2016 11:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:35 AM |
Edgy MD Sep 13 2016 11:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I rather enjoy the rise of doltish American Know Nothing fascism to be as far behind as possible.
TransMonk Sep 14 2016 12:15 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I get that it's a trap. And I get that Pence made the right move politically. But, it can (and likely will) be spun that if the Trump crew isn't going to call one specific Trump supporter (a KKK Grand Wizard!!!) deplorable then they aren't going to call ANY Trump supporters deplorable. And while "half" may not have been an accurate depiction, "zero" is definitely inaccurate. It still makes me think HRC's comment on Friday was intentional.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 14 2016 12:21 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:35 AM |
Lefty Specialist Sep 14 2016 01:19 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Almost as interesting a question as "What's he hiding in those tax returns?"
Fman99 Sep 14 2016 01:31 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I've been trying to find the words for it, but that phrase right there is I think the one I like best.
Nymr83 Sep 14 2016 01:43 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Tax Fraud. Or that he isn't as rich as he acts like he is. either one looks bad for him.
MFS62 Sep 14 2016 03:17 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
As just seen on TV, General Colin Powell, a Republican trusted by people on both sides of the aisle, today said that "Trump is a disgrace".
Ashie62 Sep 14 2016 02:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
In the Twitterverse Powell is pissed that the Clintons "outed" Powell's email use as a type of precedent for their own gain.
Lefty Specialist Sep 14 2016 03:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Speaking of things for their own gain.......
Ashie62 Sep 14 2016 05:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He will likely have a tax attorney do it in a backhanded way.
Ashie62 Sep 14 2016 06:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump by five in Ohio.
d'Kong76 Sep 14 2016 06:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
What happens to the 'war' chest money if it's not all spent?
Ceetar Sep 14 2016 06:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm no poll expert, but I believe a 802 sample size with a 3.6% margin of error means that that poll is completely worthless.
Edgy MD Sep 14 2016 07:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh, it's worth something, in that it lends credit to the candidate's viability, BS or not.
Nymr83 Sep 14 2016 08:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ashie "pulling a Trump" pointing out the one poll that helps him (and yes I know this isn't the only one) - there should really never be a reason at this stage of the game polling is done so frequently and by so many parties to cite the results of a single poll as meaningful. 538, realclearpolitics, and others aggregate polling results - you'd be better off looking there instead of the "click-bait" results of a single poll showing a good result for a candidate.
Ashie62 Sep 14 2016 09:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I find it interesting Nate Silver has no pick in Ohio and Florida.
d'Kong76 Sep 14 2016 09:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hillary will win big, said it 1½ years ago here and saying it again. The next
cooby Sep 14 2016 10:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Had to laugh the other day, watching "The Nanny"; Gracie had a playdate with Ivanka Trump
A Boy Named Seo Sep 14 2016 10:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nate Silver's "picks": Trump ahead in Ohio. Clinton ahead in Florida.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 15 2016 03:52 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Maybe Trump'll double his lead in Ohio by Election Day. If the State of Ohio was honest, they'd dispense with the pretext and the bullshit and just come out and say that if it was up to Ohio, minorities would be banned form voting altogether. Used to be that the strategy for a candidate for political office would be to try and convince voters that he or she is a better candidate than his or her opponent. Nowadays, the apparatus just Jim Crows the opposition voters right out of the voting booth and calls it something else. This, of course, applies only to GOP controlled States.
Chad Ochoseis Sep 15 2016 03:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
All true. But Joe Biden needs to memorize all of his "poor kid growing up in Scranton" stories and find a hotel room in Youngstown. It's not difficult, because nobody has voluntarily spent a night in Youngstown in forty years.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 15 2016 09:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Here's a columnist who agrees with you that it was intentional. I didn't realize she used the same line earlier in the week. Interesting column. [url]
TransMonk Sep 15 2016 09:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This election has been fascinating.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 19 2016 07:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Between Trump's latest bullshitting birtherism comments and then some more thinly velied attempts to inspire some nutjob to kill HRC, this GOP campaign hits new lows every single day. I hope the majority of voters are able to see through Trump's outright lies. Even his surrogate's are outright and shameless bullshitters.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 19 2016 07:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Sep 19 2016 08:01 PM |
"Donald Trump On New York Bombing: ‘I Called It Before The News’"
Ceetar Sep 19 2016 07:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
because the president is a democrat and she's a democrat and therefore responsible for everything that's happened over the last 8 years because this is all a two party battle more than it's an "election".
batmagadanleadoff Sep 19 2016 07:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, I know. Isn't that just about the dumbest thing?
Edgy MD Sep 19 2016 07:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
PLEASE! Offer him millions! BILLIONS!
Ashie62 Sep 19 2016 09:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Just plain bizarre.
Edgy MD Sep 19 2016 10:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I also predicted Jay Bruce would one day pop up, the IRT would once again stop in a tunnel, and the sun would rise in the East.
Nymr83 Sep 20 2016 01:50 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not true at all. Trump's criticism of Hillary (this same criticism was brought against Bloomberg many times) for travelling around with a pack of armed body guards while denying that other should have the right to similarly defend themselves is perfectly fair and on point. this is not a an attempt to call for anyone's assassination, it is pointing out the hypocrisy of many politcians who preacch gun control. Like a stopped clock, even The Donald is right some times.
Edgy MD Sep 20 2016 04:00 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The existence of armed members of local, state, and federal police agencies isn't contradictory to regulating gun ownership. That's certainly obvious.
Nymr83 Sep 20 2016 04:43 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Whether they are state-financed like Hillary's protection or his own personal hired guards like Bloomberg's isn't very relevant to the larger point that they feel only they deserve protection
Ashie62 Sep 20 2016 05:35 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Edgy MD Sep 20 2016 12:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
But there's no evidence to suggest they do feel that, any more than there is evidence to suggest they think they are the only ones entitled to education or medical care. It's an age old piece of empty political rhetoric to suggest they do, but it doesn't hold up, as demonstrated by our vast public policing apparatus.
Lefty Specialist Sep 20 2016 01:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
For Donald to be showing his true colors, he'd need to be wearing a Putin-red suit.
metsmarathon Sep 20 2016 01:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
you're right. lets have everyone who wants a gun for self-protection go through the same rigorous screening and training that hillary's bodyguards have been through.
TransMonk Sep 20 2016 02:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems
Nymr83 Sep 20 2016 04:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
George HW Bush reportedly voting for Clinton!
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 20 2016 04:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
As will lots of sensible people.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 20 2016 04:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, I know. That's just fucking nuts. What is NYMR saying? That HRC's gun control policies calls for law enforcement and secret service agents to go gunless? That HRC is like any other ordinary citizen? C'mon.
TransMonk Sep 20 2016 05:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Baskets, bowls, whatever.
Nymr83 Sep 20 2016 05:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nothing is offensive about the skittles metaphor unless you are a leftist partisan hack looking for something to be offended by.
Ceetar Sep 20 2016 05:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
well, maybe if he wasn't saying that the other skittles might as well rot away and suffer because, despite rigorous testing of all the skittles for poison, there's a chance three of them could kill you because of that one time once someone choked on an M&M.
TransMonk Sep 20 2016 06:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You and Don Jr. agree, then.
metsmarathon Sep 20 2016 06:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
if i filled a bowl with trump supporters, and only half of them turned out to be racists, misogynists, xenophiles, and other assorted whackadoodles, would i be comfortable allowing them to choose the next president of the united states of america?
Edgy MD Sep 20 2016 06:23 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, I'm not. I mean, I guess you can say I'm partisan because I care about people. Yeah, then, I'm partisan. And as a writer and editor, I'm offended by horrible metaphors. You got me, then. Partisan. Whether I'm a hack, I'm still trying to figure out.
sharpie Sep 20 2016 06:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Skittles are a terrible candy and three of them could well kill you.
Nymr83 Sep 20 2016 06:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You are all just proving my point - there are a dozen posts about skittles and no response to the one about Trump stealing money (a very Clinton-esque move!) if you want to defeat Trump, try discussing what matters.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 20 2016 06:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I only saw one Skittle thing here. And we all know the dumbest post in this entire thread was also on the last page.
Ceetar Sep 20 2016 06:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
oh, like Johnson isn't a whack job in his own way (I might though) Trump's been stealing money for years. His University is a scam. These are things that are known. But his mistreatment and racism against different-looking Americans matters a whole hell of a lot more. Plus I think half the countries assumes that all rich people cheat on their taxes, use charities to funnel money to themselves, and are generally scamming us so that sorta thing isn't really shocking or interesting.
Edgy MD Sep 20 2016 06:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I didn't post about Skittles. I posted about being called a leftist partisan hack.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 20 2016 06:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't think the Skittles thing is offensive (unless you're an executive in the Skittles Company). I just think it's overly simplistic.
sharpie Sep 20 2016 07:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump's tax evasions, hush money to politicians, fake university and charity scams are not run-of-the-mill politician stuff. Beyond his race baiting and his terrible positions, no one should just think "that's just the way things are and that's how rich people behave. I know a number of rich people and none of them behave that way.
metsmarathon Sep 20 2016 07:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i'm not offended by the analogizing refugees to candy.
metsmarathon Sep 20 2016 07:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
there's a difference between rolling through stop signs, and running red lights. advocating a 20% across the board cut is pretty much evidence that you don't know a dang thing about how anything actually works, and frankly don't care.
Ceetar Sep 20 2016 07:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You campaign on extremes though. It's not like policy nerds that want a detailed breakdown of everything are voting for Johnson or haven't decided by this point anyway. It seems unlikely he'd actually push for the 20% thing and it more serves as a proxy for the concept of cutting spending. But campaigning on "Let's cut government spending and work to improve efficiency of services so we don't have to tax citizens as much" isn't quite as sexy a goal. Not that you couldn't cut swaths of miltary spending over 4 years to make a large dent in spending with very little impact.
metsmarathon Sep 20 2016 07:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
you do know that the vast overwhelming majority of military spending is money that goes to americans and american companies that build things made by americans, right?
sharpie Sep 20 2016 07:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
His 20% spending cut is at the center of his campaign. It's what the whole Libertarian thing is about: he is considered a moderate in that party.
Ceetar Sep 20 2016 08:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
and the vast majority if it would be better spent elsewhere.
sharpie Sep 20 2016 08:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't disagree that military spending should be cut and it has been over the last eight years as a percentage of the total budget. Given a reasonable Commander in Chief it would be cut further as our wars are increasingly fought by unmanned drones and the need for vast numbers of troops on the ground diminishes. That isn't quite what Gary Johnson advocates, however: he wants a 20% cut in military spending and a 20% cut in everything else. He is opposed to Social Security, to the government helping out on student loans, to regulations on the environment, to regulations on "the free market" period. Don't fall for the "he's for legalized weed" argument to mean that he represents the left -- he represents top-down capitalism run amok.
metsmarathon Sep 20 2016 08:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
while i'm happy to agree that too much over the past 15 years has been spend on overseas deployment, i would not make the same case with regard to R&D, engineering, and purchasing, maintaining & upgrading our arsenal (of freedom)
Lefty Specialist Sep 20 2016 08:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's plenty that can be cut from the military budget that wouldn't affect our readiness one whit. The problem is that both Democrats and Republicans feed at that trough. Congress has passed programs and items that even the PENTAGON doesn't want.
sharpie Sep 20 2016 09:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not a great reason to vote for anyone.
TransMonk Sep 20 2016 09:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
What does this mean?
Nymr83 Sep 21 2016 01:12 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
you shouldn't vote for someone because the big babies won't want to work with a 3rd party? that is an absurd reason. if he is elected and they don't want to work with him because he isnt one of them (as opposed to because they have different ideas and cant agree) vote THEM out!
MFS62 Sep 21 2016 01:45 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Now you know how frustrating it has been for the last eight years, trying to get out the obstructionist members of Congress. Later
Nymr83 Sep 21 2016 03:42 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I just saw a Hillary advertisement on tv... Granted 1130 pm on a weeknight on cable is hardly an expensive commercial slot, but I can't remember presidential ads running in NY before. Her campaign can't actually think they are winning meaningful votes this way? Are they just hoping to fundraise more than the commmercial cost?
Frayed Knot Sep 21 2016 03:46 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I given this election a lot of thought. But, y'know, once I heard the news about Brad and Angelina breaking up, it just doesn't seem important anymore.
sharpie Sep 21 2016 12:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nymr83 wrote:
My point, which I should have elaborated on, is that if you agree with a candidate's views more than other candidates then by all means vote for him/her. What you shouldn't do is ignore what they say they want to do and figure that it won't get through Congress anyway so it doesn't matter. It does matter who the President is. You should listen to what they actually say and not project your own views onto them. The "oh he says he will build a wall but he won't get it through Congress" is wrongheaded. You have to assume that they will do everything they say they will do and go from there.
metsmarathon Sep 21 2016 12:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is almost certainly true. however, most frequently, military cuts come at the expense of development of new weapons, platforms and systems. we need to assure not only our present readiness but our future readiness. we are alone in the world in that we must be prepared to not only defend ourselves but our allies, against asymmetric threats such as ISIS, and a potential opponent in china with equivalent technological capability and a population advantage of a full billion people. it is our strength and military leadership that lends stability to the world (though we do fuck that up from time to time). we must be careful to maintain that edge. that said, i don't think that military budgets are too great of an issue in this election, though it is certainly possible that some would see hillary's hawkishness as a reason to equivalate her with trump and therefore not cast a vote in her favor. which would be a mistake. though both major party candidates seem to be in favor of military spending, trump's uh, "leadership" would run it into the ground. or into a third world war. whichev's. hey back to skittles. i just noticed that juniortrumps tweet actually says that any three skittles will kill you, not that within the bowl there are three skittles that would kill you. which is a very different take on the refugee problem - that each handful has enough poison to kill you several times over. which should be fairly hard to swallow for a reasonable person. but let's all move along. we already knew trumps campaign was built on racism and bigotry and an appeal to the worst of humanity. yeah, let's have that guy represent our country to the world! fuck, it's embarrassing enough that he represents a major political party...
metsmarathon Sep 21 2016 01:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
this eleventy-billion times over. a candidates platform should be what they consider the ideal state for the country, should it not. if that ideal state is something that you hope some other branch of hte government can stand in the way of, then you probably shouldn't be voting for that candidate.
Ceetar Sep 21 2016 01:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
But a candidates platform is NOT what they envision doing in office. It's framing a discussion to make you vote for them over the other party. It's a two party war and they're framing everything against each other, not FOR the American people. They're trying to get more people out to vote that skew similar to them, but even right now Hillary's using the tactic of "Trump is evil and you should vote to keep him out of office" not "Hey, I'd make a good leader!"
seawolf17 Sep 21 2016 01:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Both of these.
metsmarathon Sep 21 2016 03:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i think you're confusing credentials with platform, at least in hillary's case. her credentials are that she's a capable leader, with a fairly unique set of experiences. her credentials are also that she's not a moldy cheeto that's been wedged under the floor mats in the back seat of your car for six years, which spouts an ever-changing buffet of word salads of equal parts nonsense and bile, whose only thread of continuity is an underlying bigotry that runs counter to the ideals of the founding of our nation.
Ceetar Sep 21 2016 03:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No, I think you're giving him too much credit. He means a fucking wall when he says a wall, but he hasn't actually gone through the design phase and thought about it. Even when asked a little further about paying for it he just says the first thing that pops into his head. "oh, make the Mexicans pay for it". What I'm saying is campaigns and platforms are bluster in order to win battles against an opponent in a two party system. If you fast forward to February 2017 on that alternate timeline where Trump gets elected president and is sitting down in a room to actually discuss immigration he won't actually be able to form and execute a plan that even comes close to building a wall. And I don't mean he's going to come up with a lame plan to raise taxes that hits congress and gets porked and eventually never passes and nothing actually happens. I mean he's never going to be able to bring together all the moving parts needed to even get to the point where he can suggest raising taxes to fund a plan to hire workers or any of it. and that's something outside the normal job scope. I can see Gary Johnson sitting down when they're planning the budget and working hard to make cuts in government spending, but I don't see him demanding it be 20% less and refusing to budge. That's just not how things get done, anywhere.
Edgy MD Sep 21 2016 03:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Campaigns are rhetoric and marketing.
Fman99 Sep 21 2016 03:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is the paragon of stupidity. Sorry, Ceets, but it is. He's ineligible, you know. That is quite literally a throw away vote.
Ceetar Sep 21 2016 04:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not really. I could write myself in there (also ineligible) but my elector would still vote for Hillary.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 21 2016 04:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I read very recently, that a President typically accomplishes about 75% of whatever he promised during the election campaign. Even Obama, with all the obstruction and opposition he encountered. Dunno if this would apply to a minor party candidate.
Edgy MD Sep 21 2016 05:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'd like to apologize for my minimizing of Bridgegate back in the wayback. While Governor Christie's distance from this was ambiguous, it's wrongness, and his being responsible for (at minimum) a childishly vindictive staff indifferent to using the state's power to deliberately inflict inconvenience on citizens was not.
metsmarathon Sep 21 2016 05:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
executive order 15666 "The department of homeland security shall be required to build a wall along the southern border of the united states, adjacent to any territorial land or waters belonging to mexico." i'm not saying it will be done, but it could be done. probably with some different language. also, whose to say that a majority republican congress, having just had its whackadoodle nominee elected by a majority of the electorate, and seeing that same majority of the electorate demand a wall be built, would not think it in their best interest to get a wall built to show to their newfound whackadoodle constituency that they are serious about being whackadoodle wall builders?
TransMonk Sep 21 2016 06:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is important, IMO, because if Trump is elected, the Republican party as it was known before 2016 will likely be severely fractured - if not dead - (this could happen even if Trump loses) and we could see a situation where it will become every elected official for themselves. Lots of crazy things could happen within that chaos.
Lefty Specialist Sep 21 2016 08:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Republican Party won't fracture. Six months after a Trump loss they'll pretend he never existed, and they'll go back to conventional dog-whistling.
Ashie62 Sep 21 2016 09:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I will be sooo glad when this rhetoric is over.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 23 2016 02:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
batmagadanleadoff Sep 23 2016 03:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think that the most recent NYS poll (Siena?) had HRC up by 20+ points.
Edgy MD Sep 23 2016 08:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Donald Trump wins the endorsement of "Lyin' Ted," his former "utterly amoral" primary opponent.
TransMonk Sep 23 2016 08:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yea! Bullying, paranoia and fear win out! Again!
Lefty Specialist Sep 23 2016 08:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Pure calculation on Cruz's part. He did it under duress, did it half-heartedly, and won't do anything else for The Orange Skittle. The RNC wants all the opponents to fall in line, and this is a chit he'll call in in 2020.
seawolf17 Sep 23 2016 09:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's not entirely surprising. We're a largely red area because of the dangerous combination of money, stupidity, and segregation. Lee Zeldin is our fucking Congressman, for fuck's sake, and he's clinically insane.
seawolf17 Sep 23 2016 09:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's it. Priebus half-threatened anyone who doesn't fall in line with not getting any further support.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 23 2016 09:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Example #84,3890,349,399 in a never ending series demonstrating that politics is all mostly self-serving bullshit and that they'll all (all of them, the good, the bad and the ugly) say anything at any time and on any day, no matter how dishonest if it'll advance their interests. And that the majority of people out there are idiots,
Edgy MD Sep 24 2016 02:00 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is part of it, though. Why bank your chits with people like Priebus, as if his kingdom is never going to fall? Hey, Priebus. You lost your party to middle school Mussolini. You're done.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 24 2016 09:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Roger Angell, 96, has been reporting on Baseball and the New York Mets for The New Yorker since 1962. In his lifetime, Angell has voted in 18 Presidential elections and writes that this upcoming one will be the most important one of his life. Click on the link below to see who Angell intends to vote for, and why.
Nymr83 Sep 25 2016 12:52 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If you are sharing the link and not bashing the author in your post, then i don't think anyone needs to click on it to know he is voting for Clinton
batmagadanleadoff Sep 25 2016 01:58 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, but they might wanna know what Angell's reasoning is. Plus, you never know for sure without reading it because there's always a surprise. Now suddenly, Cruz is voting for Trump. Bush 41 is voting for Hillary. And the Cincinnati Enquirer is endorsing the Democrat's Presidential candidate for the first time in 100 years. But make no mistake, your response to my post is really all about me and nothing to do with Angell, isn't it? I mean, I get it when I post a whole article. And now I'm getting it when I post just the link. You wrote a contrived post just to stick it to me. Meanwhile, other people here have called the GOP base fucking retards without any backlash. Me, I'm an idiot because I disagree with you. Because I'm the only person in this country whose political views are inconsistent with yours. It appears that about 80% of this thread doesn't share your socio-political ideology, but you single me out for a personal attack by calling me an idiot. Here's Angell's whole piece. Now you don't have to click. Happy?
MFS62 Sep 26 2016 01:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
As for tonight's debate, I'll be working. But I'm sure our customers will be watching.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 26 2016 03:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:36 AM |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 26 2016 03:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Clinton didn't try and derail Obama or Sanders by intimating their wives were ugly in a crass show for sexist supporters. What Repubs other than the Bushes are sensible enough to stand up to this creep their voters foolishly nominated?
Ceetar Sep 26 2016 03:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I've got Christie and this Scott Garrett guy who the billboards all over the place tell me is basically mini-trump. Not that this is uncommon, but my town's local politics are all conducted in the Republican primary and they usually run unopposed in the real election (meaning I don't have a say) because there is no (organized) Democratic party.
Mets Guy in Michigan Sep 26 2016 03:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:37 AM |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 26 2016 03:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You can't pretend these are equal comparisons.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 26 2016 03:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So does this mean that Cruz's father didn't help kill JFK? On the one hand, Ted Cruz is a spineless opportunist. On the other hand, what are these endorsements even worth? I can't imagine any half sentient person voting for Trump mainly because he was swayed by Cruz's sudden reversal.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 26 2016 04:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So Cruz isn't a spineless opportunist because everybody else does it? That's the argument? Not that it matters. Even if Cruz ever becomes the GOP Presidential candidate in the future, he's unelectable. If he had his way, he'd abolish the separation of church and state and make the fucking bible the supreme law of the land instead of the Constitution. That may play well with the crazy Tea-Partying/let's nominate Trump GOP base, but it won't play in mainstream America.
Edgy MD Sep 26 2016 04:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
While I don't go for Cruz's agenda, I don't think that accurately describes it. He's far stronger with regard to Constitutional fealty than Trump (as low a bar as that is). And he's certainly a gross opportunist.
Zvon Sep 27 2016 03:16 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Frayed Knot Sep 27 2016 03:37 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Please tell me there were some attempted pile drivers and at least one flying elbow.
Edgy MD Sep 27 2016 03:40 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I had to bail. When he defending stiffing his architect by burping in there with "Well, maybe I wasn't SATISFIED with his work," I was all "Well you built the f***in' clubhouse according to his plans."
Lefty Specialist Sep 27 2016 03:52 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Sep 27 2016 03:54 AM |
Ha. He got his ass handed to him. By a girl.
Nymr83 Sep 27 2016 03:53 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
as someone who likes neither of them, i'll say there were highs and lows for both-
Lefty Specialist Sep 27 2016 03:56 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Clinton Foundation vs. Trump Foundation wouldn't go well for The Donald, I'm afraid. He's lucky it never came up.
Edgy MD Sep 27 2016 12:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Benjamin Grimm Sep 27 2016 12:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I like it, but you'd have to replace "damn" with "darn". Hillary can't get away with a mild swear word as easily as Trump can.
MFS62 Sep 27 2016 12:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There were four calls after 9 PM. One order and three questions. And I messed the debate. All around losing night. Later
metsmarathon Sep 27 2016 01:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
how does anyone watching trump last night come away with the thought "that's the guy i want repping my country, making all the big decisions"?
metsmarathon Sep 27 2016 01:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
the stamina thing towards the end was just... just surreal.
Edgy MD Sep 27 2016 01:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I saw that later. It seemed pointed, but over prepared and perhaps more than a little forced, and maybe underscored her problem of coming across as inauthentic. But I didn't get most of the context. Did he really criticize her for preparing?
Benjamin Grimm Sep 27 2016 01:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He just made a snarky comment about how he was visiting blighted inner cities like Detroit and Philadelphia the past few days, while she "stayed home."
John Cougar Lunchbucket Sep 27 2016 01:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Shocking, I know, but Trump came off as a bullying ignorant orange clown, and I'm sure the Rs will explain it all away.
Lefty Specialist Sep 27 2016 02:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hillary certainly over-prepared. She came across as a bit canned at times, but that's the way she's going to debate. She's not a gifted orator, and no amount of training is going to fix that.
metsmarathon Sep 27 2016 02:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i dunno - i kinda want my president to be over-prepared...
metsmarathon Sep 27 2016 02:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
yeah, that was pretty much what i would have expected...
TransMonk Sep 27 2016 02:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I thought Hillary was merely OK. She had the correct posture, body language and tone, but often came off as condescending and wonky. Her answers often went on too long even after it was clear that she should just shut up and let Donald dig his hole deeper.
A Boy Named Seo Sep 27 2016 02:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She got stuck in the mud with him the first 20 or 30 minutes and he "won" that arguing spell, as there was no debate, only snickering back and forth. It's not her game at all, and thankfully for her, she mostly steered away from it the rest of the way.
A Boy Named Seo Sep 27 2016 02:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Her answer on the emails was shockingly concise and apologetic with zero bullshit. I don't think Trump knew what to do with it.
A Boy Named Seo Sep 27 2016 03:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
More shit I wish she woulda pounced on: -Trump clamoring to expand 'stop and frisk'. HRC did ok on this (I think this might have even been when she first used the word 'racist' which I thought was about 45 minutes overdue), but it was Lester and not her who had to remind DJT that 'stop and frisk' is unconstitutional. -Trump again saying we should have "taken the oil". I so wanted HRC to talk to him and his supporters like the 2nd graders they are and say, "That's a war crime, it's illegal. Bad countries do that."
metsmarathon Sep 27 2016 03:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
regarding taking the oil, i would've liked a response more akin to "how, with a straw? you don't just 'take' oil. and where would you put it? even you don't have swimming pools big enough to fit it all."
Lefty Specialist Sep 27 2016 08:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh boy, this.... You can't just go and openly steal another nation's oil. I really wanted her to hammer him on this, but he was such a target-rich environment it almost seemed she didn't know where to begin at times. There were so many things; the attack ads will just write themselves.
MFS62 Sep 28 2016 12:03 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Toronto star's editorial today:
Nymr83 Sep 28 2016 01:37 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
yeah, he definitely flat out sucked on the attacks - how do you not mention the 'deplorables'? it is as bad or worse as Romney's "47%" comment but Trump doesnt even touch it?
Nymr83 Sep 28 2016 01:42 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is a fake news site, right?
Edgy MD Sep 28 2016 02:17 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Without clicking, I'll guess yeah.
Edgy MD Sep 28 2016 02:19 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
YAAAY!! Laggy cleared to swing!
Frayed Knot Sep 28 2016 02:25 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That should be the next debate topic.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 28 2016 03:08 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Now you're posting links! In light of admonishing me for linking, and then letting MSF62's link go by without losing it (a few posts above) maybe you could post a set of rules for what's acceptable linking and what isn't. I'd like to be in compliance but your actions, without any real guidance, are totally confusing to say the least. Meanwhile, I'll play it safe for now and just post the whole damn article: Trump Threatens to Skip Remaining Debates If Hillary Is There By Andy Borowitz , September 27, 2016
Nymr83 Sep 28 2016 04:21 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I really have to take issue with that article. until he releases his tax returns, it should say "the alleged billionaire"
Edgy MD Sep 28 2016 12:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Cheezus, I was all over the place.
Frayed Knot Sep 28 2016 12:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Maybe, but Lagares's status still should be the next debate topic.
MFS62 Sep 28 2016 01:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Gee. I didn't know there were any rules about posting links. I don't know who was messing with who in that exchange,but here is the whole article from the Toronto Star.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 28 2016 02:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There is no admonishment against linking. Let's nip this misconception in the bud right now.
He was simply saying that he was able to predict the tone of the article based on the context in which it was posted.
Ceetar Sep 28 2016 03:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Can I admonish linking? I like a headline and snippit before I willy nilly click any link someone sends me.
Benjamin Grimm Sep 28 2016 03:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, yeah, a description of what the link is should accompany the link. That's completely reasonable.
themetfairy Sep 28 2016 05:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I third the motion.
Lefty Specialist Sep 28 2016 05:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Arizona Republic has never ever endorsed a Democratic candidate for president.
Edgy MD Sep 28 2016 07:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That just proves how much the establishment is out to get me, because they know they can't buy me.
batmagadanleadoff Sep 28 2016 10:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No it didn't. It came about because Namor called me a fucking idiot and because he's been sticking it to me for just about this entire thread. I don't mind the disagreeing but Namor doesn't disagree with me in the same style and tone that he might disagree with you or anybody else. So I gave it back. So I'll give you the hyperbole but not the overly sensitive. And where were you when he called me an idiot in the first place, being that you wanna interpret my posts? And then you take MFS's side too? Because this needs to be explained to MFS? Because what? MFS forgot to take his sense of humor pills today and so really believes that there's a linking rule and these posts all of a sudden need to be explained to MSF in the first place, and in a way that sticks it to me? Not that I'm surprised. Like anyone is ever gonna lose any standing in this community by essentially telling me to go fuck myself.
Ashie62 Sep 28 2016 11:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
After a latino putting a gun on my forehead, you know who I'm voting for.
Nymr83 Sep 28 2016 11:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm sure The Donald is sending his latino-looking thugs out to swing states right now to see if this attitude prevails.
Lefty Specialist Sep 29 2016 12:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Gary Johnson has another 'Aleppo Moment' when he can't name a single foreign leader in a televised town hall meeting. Too many hash brownies perhaps.
Edgy MD Sep 29 2016 12:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, bad as it is, it's more true to say that he couldn't name any foreign leaders he admires.
Lefty Specialist Sep 29 2016 01:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Weld actually appears to be the smarter of the two. But even beyond the simple unpreparedness to deal with and try to understand the rest of the world, if you're toeing the Libertarian line there's always a moment like, "Wait, you want to do WHAT with Social Security???"
metsmarathon Sep 29 2016 01:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i mean, at the very least, an acceptable answer would be "there's no world leader courageous enough to follow the same libertarian ideals as i do." and then hope there's no followup question like, "well, ok, but who comes closest...? and surely there are other leadership qualities you might appreciate beyond adherence to libertarian policy"
Ceetar Sep 29 2016 02:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
unawareness aside, I think these questions miss the point in that the people voting for Gary Johnson are not voting for the "best qualified politician" that fits into the usual mold of studying the machinations of foreign countries, etc. There a lot of people that just want something different, and even though guys like Johnson or Roque De La Fuente or Alyson Kennedy seem more like ideologue than legitimate candidates it's easy to imagine that they'd be better than R/D when you're looking for something different.
Edgy MD Sep 29 2016 02:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
As a student, I could have named 80% of world leaders. I can't name more than a handful now. And I can't say I know enough to particularly admire any of them. But I'd probably be able to stumble through the question.
Frayed Knot Sep 29 2016 02:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
But [responding mostly to Ceetar here] if the Libertarians want to be taken seriously as a party -- and you'd think that would be their ultimate goal -- it might be a nice idea if they'd nominate someone idealistically in tune with their outlook AND up to snuff on a variety of issues at the same time. Without that you wind up poking your head above the 1-2% level only once every couple of decades or so and even then you limit your ceiling at attracting those who hate the main two candidates so much that they can't even bring themselves to vote for the one they hate least. So even in a year as fucked up as this one that's maybe 10% and then it's back to the 'Liber-what-ians? again for most people while you wait around for the next debacle before hoping to get noticed again.
Ceetar Sep 29 2016 02:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think it's a bit of a catch-22 though. You're not going to be taken seriously until you're 'up to snuff' and you're not going to get up to snuff until you're taken seriously.
sharpie Sep 29 2016 02:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I suppose because talented politicians are all parked in the two main parties, I always find it amazing how lame US third party politicians are.
Edgy MD Sep 29 2016 02:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If "up to snuff" is being aware of who the leaders of other countries are and what their general characteristics are, I'll happily get up to snuff before being taken seriously if I seek a party's nomination. It's the job of any every professional to be up to snuff before being taken seriously. The hegemony of cool is bad enough, but how and when we've made seriousness and preparedness and competence a vice, I don't know. But it's sociological suicide.
Edgy MD Sep 29 2016 02:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yup. Australia's is real, too.
Ceetar Sep 29 2016 02:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
sure, and we can't risk giving Jill Stein or Johnson or any of the others time at the debate because it might mean we have less time to hear what Donald Trump has to say. It's certainly the only time they have to communicate with the voting public after all.
sharpie Sep 29 2016 03:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Think back to the Democratic debates with Martin O'Malley or the two-part full stage Republican debates. There's good reason to exclude those who have no prayer of even coming in second in any state.
Ceetar Sep 29 2016 03:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't watch the early versions of the reality show either. Johnson was governor of New Mexico, you don't think he could win that state? here's a poll I'd like to see, though it's obviously too late right now. Replace Trump with Johnson in early polls so that he has the - R after his name and see how well he does. Do this before Trump really started getting coverage and put him on the Libertarian ticket. Would we be saying today that racist Donald Trump doesn't belong in the debates with Johnson and Clinton as a third party because he's super unqualified? I think so.
Edgy MD Sep 29 2016 03:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I like the notion giving folks debate airtime proportional to their polling support. If Johnson is polling at 7%, he gets 7% — 6.3 of the 90 minutes during the debate. He can use the bulk of that time to do a closing statement, or he can use it to do an opening statement when the ratings are perhaps highest, or he can use it to field questions and do rebuttals, just far fewer than the other folks.
TransMonk Sep 29 2016 04:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
100% agreed. Also on Johnson and Lefty's kid's friends: Yeah, I'm sure college aged kids would love to see legalized pot, and I support that issue wholly for several reasons, but does Johnson really offer millennials much else that polls say they support on issues? Global warming? Nope. College tuition relief? Nope. Help in expanding LBGTQ and minority rights? Barely. Johnson often advertises that he's socially liberal, but I'm not sure he understands exactly what being a true "social liberal" means...or how much it would cost.
A Boy Named Seo Sep 29 2016 04:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm truly sorry you got robbed, Ashie. Signed, A Latino guy who doesn't rob people (I can't speak for all of us, but I know hands-full more that don't rob people either).
Vic Sage Sep 29 2016 04:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Third parties are virtually irrelevant in "winner-take-all" presidential election systems. The reason they have power in parliamentary systems is because they often allow proportional representation, where parties get seats in the legislature on a proportional (rather than single-seat) basis, and so multiple parties are necessary partners in governmental coalitions and participate in the selection of prime ministers. We, however, are stuck with a 2-party system as long as we don't provide for any sort of proportional representation. And that would take a constitutional amendment. So the best a third party can do in the U.S. is draw enough attention to keep itself on the ballot each election and, in a close election, hope they can affect the positions and platforms of the candidates of the 2 parties. But they almost never do. Usually, a party is affected during its primaries, when the less centrist candidates push the more centrist ones in one direction or another, like Saunders driving the Democratic platform more to the left. But he was able to do that because he ran for the Democratic nomination, not as a 3rd party candidate. There was a serious 3rd party challenge in 1968, when George Wallace got a significant share of the vote, but that was because the 100-year old coalition between the South and the Democratic Party had fractured over the civil rights issue. From that election on, the southerners determined to fight integration left the Democratic Party and instead of maintaining a 3rd party identity, found there home among the Republicans. The party of Lincoln has had its racist dimension ever since. But even in `68, the Wallace nomination probably had little impact on the election. His supporters were not going to vote for Humphrey, the great integrator, under any circumstances, so Nixon would've just won by a larger margin, or those voters would've just stayed home. Throughout our history, the only time 3rd parties mattered is when one of the 2 parties were collapsing and a realignment occurred. The last time that happened, the Whigs were replaced by the Republicans. Teddy Roosevelt and the Progressives made a good show in 1908, but that’s because they had a former 2-term president as their candidate, and they were basically a splinter group off the Republicans. The party went away after that election and, in fact, the progressive faction of the Republican party was driven out, ceding control of the GOP to its more conservative elements. The progressives put forward Bob LaFollette in 1924, and he got some electoral votes because he carried his home state of Wisconsin, but even if every vote he got went to the Democrats, Calvin Coolidge still would’ve won by a landslide. The only other 3rd party in the 20th century to get some electoral votes was the Dixiecrats in 148, who splintered from the Democrats to run Strom Thurmond as an anti-integrationist candidate. It didn’t work; Truman won anyway. Ross Perot was the last 3rd party candidate of any significance, but he didn’t get any electoral votes either, and his “party” was basically just him financing it, and it didn’t really outlast his candidacies. And his voters came from both parties in pretty even proportion, so his candidacy had no affect either. Dems like to vilify Ralph Nader for the 2000 Bush v Gore election, but the reality is that there is no reliable evidence that those who voted for Nader would’ve voted for Gore instead, rather than either voting for Bush or staying home. They could’ve also have voted for the World Worker’s Party candidate, who would have been just as suitable as protest vote on the left, and who already had enough votes to change the outcome in Florida. The fact that Gore couldn’t carry his own home state was the most damning evidence of his candidacy. And even given all that, if the Supreme Court hadn’t intervened to declare the election for Bush, we might still have gotten a Gore presidency. So the demonization of Nader is misguided. The purpose of 3rd parties in our electoral process is to give voters a choice of “none of the above”. And that is sometimes the only choice that one’s conscience can allow. It’s the job of the candidates from the 2 parties to convince voters that they are better than “none of the above”. I certainly don’t think they’ve been successful at that this year, but the Trump candidacy is so uniquely horrific and dangerous to our republic, that he may have scared 3rd party voters away from following their instincts, for the sake of our country. I’d be surprised if Stein and/or Johnson got the votes that the polls show now; people often say one thing in a poll and do quite another when they go to the polls, particularly this year, with so much at stake.
Vic Sage Sep 29 2016 04:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And this is the essence of the Trump candidacy.
TransMonk Sep 29 2016 05:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I highly recommend the PBS FRONTLINE episode from this week, which chronicles the rise of both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, giving decent insight into the events that made them both who they are today.
metsmarathon Sep 29 2016 07:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
so, if i may ask a question of either the undecided or the 3rd-party preferrers...
Ceetar Sep 29 2016 08:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think she'd be a fine president, though maybe not a good one. My desire to vote for a third party is mainly stemmed from the belief that political parties prevent us from truly moving forward and bettering the country by leaps and bounds. Maybe this is pie in the sky stuff, but I don't believe the current political climate, or Hillary, allow for more than a sliver of pie of up there, if at all. I don't think any of the third party candidates are good ones either, but it's the only thing I can do to try to show support for a broader field of legitimate candidates to find great leaders and not a political system that often seems to be simply a war between Democrats and Republicans with beating the other side always the primary objective.
metsmarathon Sep 29 2016 08:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
so, you admit that you'd vote for an inferior candidate to allow a disatrous candidate a slightly better chance at winning?
Ceetar Sep 29 2016 08:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The whole point of voting is to choose the candidate you like right? I'm trying to find that person. I don't need the shaming about Trump, that's not my business. This ISN'T a war between Democrats and Republicans. I still believe that Sanders would've gotten a higher voter turnout, and therefore if it was just about stopping Trump they should've chosen him. (I wonder how many write-ins he'll get)
Nymr83 Sep 29 2016 09:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
"Let's discuss Water, and for the sake of discussion, lets set aside the Oxygen part"
metsmarathon Sep 30 2016 01:42 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's more like, "setting aside Any claims that bush did 9/11, what do you think of his presidency"
Ashie62 Sep 30 2016 04:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I am willing to take on all CPF members for one dollar each for our web expenses that Trump wins.
Lefty Specialist Sep 30 2016 04:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Vladimir, is that you?
A Boy Named Seo Sep 30 2016 06:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
On behalf of #Latinos4Clinton, I'll take you up on that 1 CPF buck bet.
Edgy MD Sep 30 2016 06:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Gambing on elections is illegal. You bastards are going to get us shut down. ALL FOR A BUCK!
Edgy MD Sep 30 2016 07:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Why haven't they changed his Twitter password without telling him yet?
Lefty Specialist Sep 30 2016 07:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hey, I'm in for a buck. Dude's going down.
d'Kong76 Sep 30 2016 08:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm in for 62.5 Russian rubles.
Ashie62 Oct 01 2016 12:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'll make a thread this weekend.
MFS62 Oct 01 2016 03:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Forget it.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Oct 01 2016 07:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh, I'm in.
Oh, calmate, bud. Gambling isn't in esse illegal. It's just that you can't have a central facilitator making money on bets between the interested parties. So as long as the money isn't going to the-- oh.
Ashie62 Oct 01 2016 10:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Cancelled on ANY chance this could hurt us.
Nymr83 Oct 02 2016 12:07 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is OVER - time for the Republican party to start focusing exclusively on the Senate races and plotting a way to make their nomination process in 2020 as outsider-proof as the Democrats have it with enough SuperDelegates to ensure they are picking the nominee.
Lefty Specialist Oct 02 2016 01:49 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well after the chaotic 2012 nominating process (remember Herbert Cain and Newt Gingrich leading the pack?), they decided to retool the process for 2016, and the result was Trump. So be careful what you wish for. And superdelegates didn't give Hillary her victory anyway- she led among pledged delegates, too. The mega-donors like the Koch brothers have been focusing on the Senate all along. But if The Donald discourages Republicans from voting, all their money won't help.
Nymr83 Oct 02 2016 02:36 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
they didn't give her the victory, though the sheer number of them that pledged to her before contests even started probably helped scare people away from even running. and that was more an example - she had plenty of other advantageous both above and below the board. the DNC did everything they could for her to stomp out the threat of their party getting hijacked by Sanders - the RNC laughed at the Trump joke until it was too late and the hijacker was on the plane with the gun out.
Edgy MD Oct 02 2016 03:59 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
ALL FOR A FILTHY BUCK! (Seriously, I would be HONORED if the Feds took the time to find this place.)
Valadius Oct 02 2016 05:07 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
But they did already, remember? Sorry!
seawolf17 Oct 02 2016 12:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
"Sir? He's logged into that baseball site again." "SHUT IT DOWN!"
Lefty Specialist Oct 03 2016 09:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
"Hi, I'm an awesome businessman who managed to lose $830 billion in 1990 and $916 million in 1995. I want the blue-collar vote in Pennsylvania and Ohio, but when I needed steel for my buildings I made sure to buy it in China. I probably havent paid federal taxes since the last time the Mets won a World Series. Oh, and for all you Miami folks, I explored doing business in Cuba in 1998, in violation of the embargo. I'm also obsessed with fat-shaming a Miss Universe from 20 years ago.
A Boy Named Seo Oct 03 2016 10:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
"Sounds great to me!" -60 million Americans
Edgy MD Oct 03 2016 10:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wait ... 830 billion?!
Ashie62 Oct 03 2016 11:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
830 million.
Lefty Specialist Oct 03 2016 11:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Whoops. It was 'only' $830 MILLION.
MFS62 Oct 03 2016 11:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
A million here. A million there. Sooner or later, you're talking real money. Later
MFS62 Oct 04 2016 01:46 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
"Trump's supporters don't want facts" or so says the Fact Checking organization.
metsmarathon Oct 04 2016 03:33 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Another day another reason to say, fuck you Donald trump.
Edgy MD Oct 04 2016 04:11 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No such group (and they'd be pretty remiss if they did exist). That was certainly satire.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 04 2016 11:45 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm more willing than usual to believe this was a sound bite captured out of context by a wannabe viral critic, but yeah, still don;t get why anyone supports him.
Edgy MD Oct 04 2016 12:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Because a good portion of us just feel righteous being a gross disappointment to everybody else, I guess.
Fman99 Oct 04 2016 01:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is the thing I keep coming back to. Do I really live in a country where nearly half of all of the folks who are voters look at this guy, and listen to him, and think, "Yeah, this is the guy to run this country." That fact scares me shitless.
Edgy MD Oct 04 2016 01:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Maybe this will move them.
A Boy Named Seo Oct 04 2016 04:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yup, this all the time for me. And that half are asking themselves the same about rest of us. This place is fucked, man.
Ceetar Oct 04 2016 04:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
half? Well, even if the election turns out to be hotly contested and 50/50 with similar turnouts to previous years that's only really like 30% of the _voting_ country that cast a vote for Trump.
A Boy Named Seo Oct 04 2016 04:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
60,000? Romney got like 60 million votes. Move that zero, bro.
Ceetar Oct 04 2016 04:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
you're right, missed the qualifier. I blame this sessionStorage bug that's pissing me off.. that's 18.8%. Not particularly high, though granted that counts people like my daughter, who's trying to decide between Dory and Dora right now.
Ashie62 Oct 04 2016 07:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This trainwreck is over. See ya in 2020. Good luck Hillary.
TransMonk Oct 04 2016 11:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The GOP is declaring Pence the clear winner of the VP debate...90 minutes before it begins.
Edgy MD Oct 04 2016 11:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's just fantastic. I think I'll join the movement.
Nymr83 Oct 05 2016 03:33 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Pence certainly seemed like the winner tonight (as "predicted" by the GOP website haha). of course, viewership was probably 1/50th of Trump sounding stupid and Trump still gets to sound stupid on National TV 2 more times. Sorry guys!
Benjamin Grimm Oct 05 2016 10:39 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I didn't watch, but I figured that Pence would come across with more "gravitas" than Kaine, who's rather pixie-like.
TransMonk Oct 05 2016 12:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Pence was probably the most reassuring thing that true conservatives have seen in months. That said, while he may have won the debate personally, I'm not sure how his performance helped DJT. Pence was definitely the better stylistic debater, but the HRC team still came away with more ammo for TV ads and web videos.
Frayed Knot Oct 05 2016 12:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Since they'll both be in town anyway, maybe they can continue their debate tonight: [fimg=75:2mkcav59][/fimg:2mkcav59] [fimg=75:2mkcav59][/fimg:2mkcav59]
Lefty Specialist Oct 05 2016 01:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Shorter Mike Pence: "Donald Trump didn't say all those things that he said."
Nymr83 Oct 05 2016 01:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
sounds good to me, can I start pretending now?
Lefty Specialist Oct 05 2016 01:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not until November 9. Until then, he's still a clear and present danger. But the amnesia is going to be fun to watch.
TransMonk Oct 06 2016 12:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I was willing to give Gary Johnson the benefit of the doubt the first two times he stumbled on foreign policy questions, but now it's just getting ridiculous.
Nymr83 Oct 06 2016 04:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He should really respond to the questions by answering "stop asking me about this crap, we have much bigger problems here at home and blah blah blah" - comes off better than not knowing things
Lefty Specialist Oct 06 2016 07:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Rumors are that Weld is pretty close to jumping ship. Johnson was the Libertarian candidate in 2012 and slid by unnoticed because he was never going to get much of the vote. As his numbers went up this year, though, so did the scrutiny. And he's proving to be fairly clueless about a lot of stuff.
Ceetar Oct 06 2016 08:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He's getting way more attention based off the clueless stuff than he would otherwise though. At his level, perhaps all press is good press.
Rockin' Doc Oct 07 2016 12:35 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump seems pretty clueless about a lot of issues, but somehow it hasn't hurt him too much. His continued success is as much due to the general unpopularity of Hillary Clinton to a large segment of the population as it is to the cluelessness of the general voting public. I think there is a large portion of the voting public (myself included) that is at a loss to understand how these two candidates are what our 2 party system left us to choose from.
Nymr83 Oct 07 2016 01:26 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I've said it before, Biden would be leading Trump by historically large margins
Fman99 Oct 07 2016 03:09 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think he should be going with the "Look, a bird!" followed by a mad dash out of the room. Very underrated move.
MFS62 Oct 07 2016 01:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I may have mentioned it before, but comedian Lewis Black had a routine about that. It's long, but bottom like was (I paraphrase) You could parachute a monkey out of a plane anywhere in the country and when it lands, the first two people it touches would be better candidates than the ones we have. (He tells it better than I do. Try to find it.) If the hurricane should come up in the next debate, Hillary should remind everyone about the help FEMA is providing and that their support is made possible by Americans coming together to help each other. That's done when everyone pays their fair share of taxes. Later
batmagadanleadoff Oct 07 2016 06:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh for flying fuck's sake! It says Faith Candor, for flying fuck's sake! You shoulda just linked instead of quoted. Read the rulebook.
TransMonk Oct 07 2016 07:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I agree with this. I also think that any of Cruz/Bush/Rubio and even Kasich would have a lead over Clinton right now.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 07 2016 07:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not so sure about Cruz, but any of the others would be faring a lot better.
Lefty Specialist Oct 07 2016 07:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Biden's prone to brain farts on occasion. Not on the Gary Johnson level, but still. And Trump beat 16 other candidates to get here, so they certainly had their chance to nominate someone more palatable/sane. Kasich/Cruz/Rubio had their shots like all the rest. But those damned primary voters got in the way. Was the fix in for Hillary from the jump? Yes. But it was also in for her in 2008 and we know how that turned out. I'm beginning to get the feeling that this will be more of a blowout than the polls are showing right now. If he tanks the Sunday debate, you're really going to see the gap open up. Now, the caveat is that outside factors can influence things- a terrorist attack, Hillary gets whooping cough, or Wikileaks gets hold of Bill's Ashley Madison profile. But absent some external game changer, I think her lead is going to open up. Trump just seems to be doing stupid shit on a daily basis, while Hillary's team concentrates on the minutiae of the election- banking votes in early-voting states (like North Carolina and Florida), cranking up their turnout operation, pouncing on every Trump gaffe, having surrogates like Sanders, Warren, both Obamas, Biden, Bill Clinton and others on the stump. They did an excellent job of turning Pence's win in the debate on Tuesday into commercials where every Pence denial was met with videotape of the proof. That's what a smoothly-running political operation does. There's nothing remotely comparable on the other side. If Mr.Tiny Hands makes a hash of the town-hall debate on Sunday, it'll be Katy-Bar-The-Door for every Republican in a tight race. Look at the crap Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire got for calling Trump a 'role model'. She reversed herself about 5 minutes after her debate ended, but the moment is out there in all its glory. She'll have to go hard anti-Trump if she wants to survive. Here's where the Koch Brothers money will come in handy. They've got to spend their billions somewhere, and Trump isn't getting a dime of it. Gary Johnson's support will also diminish as the election draws closer, and most of that will probably accrue to Hillary's benefit, either directly, or indirectly as Johnson's Republicans who couldn't stomach Trump just refuse to vote. So take it all together and I think there's a good chance things won't be as close as they look right now.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 07 2016 07:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Your keyboard to God's ears or whetever.
A Boy Named Seo Oct 07 2016 09:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
BREAKING NEWS: Trump is still a disgusting piece of shit.
TransMonk Oct 07 2016 10:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Jeez. If this doesn't doom him, we truly have become a fucked up society.
TransMonk Oct 07 2016 10:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Looks like Wikileaks are releasing more DNC emails today, too. Could see some of the Clinton paid speech transcripts.
MFS62 Oct 07 2016 10:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I thought the rulebook says its bad form to just post a link if you are able to post content. B'sides, the article itself was too good to hide. In fact, this has been addressed by Ben Grimm:
so, don't take your frustrations out on me. Later
Lefty Specialist Oct 08 2016 01:03 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Gee, I wonder what his polling numbers among women will be a week from now.....
Edgy MD Oct 08 2016 02:41 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Furniture shopping. That's pretty much what he's been doing to us all for a year. Taking us furniture shopping, hoping he can get into our national pants.
seawolf17 Oct 08 2016 10:53 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If we weren't living it, I wouldn't believe it.
Lefty Specialist Oct 08 2016 11:41 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wow, I just saw the "apology". I was afraid for a bit that he might drop out, but he's just getting more aggressive. Just wow. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if he unzipped his fly and waved Little Donald at Hillary on Sunday night.
Edgy MD Oct 08 2016 12:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I checked last night and Secretary Clinton had a 78.8 chance of winning to Mr. Trump's 21.2. The tab was still open this morning, so I hit refresh, and the spread was 81.8 to 18.2.
MFS62 Oct 08 2016 02:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Now we know what he does with his small hands.
seawolf17 Oct 08 2016 03:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
GOODNESS that's hysterical. The problem with Trump right now is that he's got literally nothing left to lose. And that's exceptionally dangerous for someone with his following.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 08 2016 05:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This just in: Ted Cruz announces that he's still voting for Donald Trump for President. Trump, Cruz adds, should say three hail marys and eat fish on Friday and Saturday to make everything better. Real fish. Not that Filet-of that Chris Christie ran out to get for Trump.
d'Kong76 Oct 08 2016 06:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hail Mary's and not eating meat on Fridays (kinda a dead custom to many, except
Edgy MD Oct 08 2016 07:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nymr83 Oct 09 2016 01:42 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Thank you John! care to take his place?
batmagadanleadoff Oct 09 2016 04:13 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You woulda figured that Ted Cruz woulda been the last person in America to screw that one up. This just in (revised): Ted Cruz says that if Donald Trump asks God for forgiveness, all will be forgiven and made better. To that end, Cruz extended Trump, whom God has chosen as the GOP Presidential candidate, according to Cruz, a dinner invitation at Cruz's residence this coming week. God will be there, and Trump could ask God for forgiveness in person.
Lefty Specialist Oct 09 2016 02:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
More likely, Trump would receive a mighty smiting.
Frayed Knot Oct 09 2016 09:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So, thanks to some recently released transcripts of past comments and speeches, we learned this week that Hillary is a disingenuous shape-shifter who plays both sides of the street depending on who she's talking to and what the polls of the moment say, and that Trump approximates the maturity of a particularly vulgar teenager who thinks his crass celebrity status renders him invulnerable to any semblance of decorum.
metsmarathon Oct 10 2016 01:11 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Edgy MD Oct 10 2016 01:24 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nymr83 Oct 10 2016 01:42 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
you're supposed to use #cokehead
Lefty Specialist Oct 10 2016 11:55 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So, Donald was good enough to keep him hanging around, which is perfect from the Democratic point of view. You don't want him dropping out and being replaced by Pence, who is a scary person but at least relatively competent and not given to fits of rage. He's more electable than The Donald.
Edgy MD Oct 10 2016 12:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I turned it off after he answered a question about fighting Islamaphobia by stoking Islamaphobia.
MFS62 Oct 10 2016 12:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
When he shadowed her around it was kind of creepy.
Lefty Specialist Oct 10 2016 12:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Make America Grope Again! His hard-cores would probably love it.
metsmarathon Oct 10 2016 02:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
yeah... there was nothing i saw on that stage out of him that i would want anywhere near the tippity-top of my country. and when he opened his mouth....! hillary was amazingly, astoundingly composed. based on their performances last night, which one would you rather have in a contentious standoff with russia? i mean, i't not even close, is it?
Centerfield Oct 10 2016 02:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You couldn't help but think that the woman who answered that question walked away thinking "So absolutely nothing then. Got it."
seawolf17 Oct 10 2016 02:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Lots of things were infuriating, but shit, that was awful. "As a Muslim, what are you going to do to make sure that I don't get wrongfully attacked?" "I'm going to say RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM over and over."
Lefty Specialist Oct 10 2016 05:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If you're 'Good Muslim' and spy on your friends, maybe we'll let you stay.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 10 2016 05:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Me, I'm expecting Trump instigated mayhem of historical proportions at the voting sites come Election Day.
d'Kong76 Oct 10 2016 05:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It truly is, the whole thing... had trouble falling asleep last night.
Lefty Specialist Oct 10 2016 07:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's depressing, because if he'd run anything resembling a real campaign he'd have a good shot of winning. What also concerns me is the next Fascist, who'll be a lot smoother and won't make as many mistakes.
d'Kong76 Oct 10 2016 07:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
What's depressing is we have to listen to these two for a good three more
Chad Ochoseis Oct 10 2016 07:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Certainly. But he'll be much easier to ignore.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 10 2016 07:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I hope Trump loses, and then runs again in 2020.
d'Kong76 Oct 10 2016 09:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
My guess is he gets a demented reality tv show out of this and maybe
Lefty Specialist Oct 11 2016 01:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
What's going to happen is that he's going to lose, but he's going to do what he can to maintain his cult of personality. It's why he won't withdraw even if more bad stuff comes out. He'll declare the election rigged even if he loses by 15 points. And he'll find himself a platform in the media somewhere that enables him to keep that adulation coming. It's a narcotic he won't be able to quit.
Lefty Specialist Oct 11 2016 04:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Boy, EVERYONE's abandoning Trump......
batmagadanleadoff Oct 11 2016 06:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This just in: Paul Ryan -R- Speaker of the House, says that he will continue to endorse Donald Trump, although Ryan will no longer campaign for or defend Trump.
TransMonk Oct 11 2016 08:23 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Having Al Gore come to FLORIDA to talk both about climate change AND the danger of close elections in the state was a smooth move by the HRC campaign today.
Ashie62 Oct 11 2016 11:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hoping Republicans keep control of congress... pleez!
batmagadanleadoff Oct 12 2016 12:11 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh, think of those poor fetuses. /rolls eyes
Lefty Specialist Oct 12 2016 12:24 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
They'll probably hang on to the House, but they'll lose some seats. If the bottom really falls out on Trump, there's an outside shot of the Democrats taking the majority. Better than even odds they'll lose the Senate, so we'll finally get a Supreme Court justice at least.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 12 2016 12:46 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
What'll piss me off to no end in the event that HRC wins and the Dems regain Senate control, is if Merrick Garland isn't replaced with a more liberal SCOTUS nominee. Otherwise, where's the punishment for that GOP sleaze tactic?
Lefty Specialist Oct 12 2016 01:30 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I want a 40-something non-smoker. :) I'm sure she'll nominate someone better if she gets a chance.
Ceetar Oct 12 2016 01:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Looks like there was some talk about Garland again yesterday, prepping for a pull-back if they don't get it together methinks. It's completely infuriating though. but it actually goes further than that. What types of judges does Trump know? You just know the republicans are going to select a guy for him to nominate if he was president. And given how much of a slog government/congress is, especially lately, even republicans that don't like Trump are probably still thinking "fuck it, he won't actually do anything, we'll get the judges we need, and it'll be a net-positive. Same garbage reason people tell me I have to vote for Hillary pretty much.
Edgy MD Oct 12 2016 02:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Donald Trump, unlike any candidate before him, has twice published lists of judges he will nominate if elected, clearly intending to show his fake conservative bona fides. (They were clearly lists prepared for him, as I'm certain the only judges he knows are the ones he's been forced to appear before over and over.)
Lefty Specialist Oct 12 2016 03:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Um, awkward.
Edgy MD Oct 12 2016 03:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Tim Conway?
TransMonk Oct 12 2016 03:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Lefty Specialist Oct 13 2016 12:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Keep handy
batmagadanleadoff Oct 13 2016 06:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
cooby Oct 13 2016 07:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nymr83 Oct 14 2016 12:34 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
538 describes the Republicans' million to one Dream Outcome, and its not Gary Johnson...
Ashie62 Oct 14 2016 06:00 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You are on to something.
Lefty Specialist Oct 14 2016 12:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
tRump's here to stay. Even when he loses the election he'll keep himself in the public eye. It could be an election where the loser refuses to give a concession speech and there'll be a cottage industry for years about how there were some voting irregularities in Ohio or Pennsylvania or Utah that 'stole' the election from him. That's why he needs to lose by such an overwhelming margin that even the Russians can't hack it.
Frayed Knot Oct 14 2016 01:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's often been said that Americans tend to wind up with the President they deserve. In this case I think it's safe to say that we at least wound up with the Presidential candidate that we deserve.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 14 2016 01:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I conjectured that earlier in this thread. His ego would likely refuse to allow him to accept the results as legitimate, and he'd also like to dick around with Hillary, since traditionally the winner doesn't give the acceptance speech until there's that concession phone call. She should give him about 15 minutes after the networks call it and then come out and speak to her supporters. And that will probably be a few minutes after the polls close on the West Coast.
MFS62 Oct 14 2016 01:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If (and I hope its when) he loses, and if he doesn't give a concession speech, Hilary should say "Donald. You're Fired!"
Ceetar Oct 14 2016 02:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
except he's not fired as he doesn't have a job.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 14 2016 02:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She should let Samantha Bee (and her staff) write her acceptance speech.
MFS62 Oct 14 2016 02:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Samantha Bee would use an "f" word other than fired. Later
seawolf17 Oct 14 2016 02:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
All of the second-tier late nighters are KILLING IT this election season. Samantha Bee, John Oliver, Seth Meyers. Great stuff.
cooby Oct 14 2016 03:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh just saying, since he called them liars, it'd be funny to see his reaction if from now on they act as if he doesn't exist. Totally impossible of course. I just can't handle how two faced he is. Every thing that comes out of that man's mouth about Bill Clinton could be said about him.
themetfairy Oct 14 2016 03:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I still don't understand why Comedy Central didn't extend Larry Wilmore's The Nightly Show through the elections - he was astute and added a different perspective to the conversation.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 14 2016 03:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I agree. I miss Larry.
Lefty Specialist Oct 14 2016 03:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And that's why him parading out the Clinton accusers after he's caught on tape bragging about committing sexual assault himself was just so surreal. It's like he didn't think that every reporter in the country would be looking for anyone ever groped by him.
Vic Sage Oct 14 2016 04:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
if they're the second-tier, who's first-tier? Jimmy fucking Fallon?
Ceetar Oct 14 2016 05:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oliver is great, though I like the show better when it didn't always have an election segment.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 14 2016 06:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Being that just about all of the so called battleground states are in the Eastern and Central Time Zones, we'll probably know who won with a very strong likelihood about two hours before California and the other west coast states close their polls.
Edgy MD Oct 14 2016 06:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Or, about three weeks before they open their polls, I think.
metsmarathon Oct 14 2016 08:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
just when you think he couldn't get any lower...
TransMonk Oct 14 2016 10:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I used the think the ratio of deplorables in the basket that HRC mentioned was high.
Frayed Knot Oct 14 2016 11:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Duh, because he's going to make American great again! Although to be fair, back when Bill was first running for Prez and there were those questioning his personal fitness for the job there were a number of the Clinton-ites who fought back by rallying behind the slogan that "Character Doesn't Matter" when choosing a President. Not to suggest that WJC & DJT are the same person here, but once you plant your flag in that ground you reduce yourself into arguing what degree of flaws is disqualifying which is a bit like the old joke where the woman reacts to the guy's advances by asking 'what kind of woman do you think I am?' and he answers that they've already established that and are now merely negotiating the price. I'd have much rather his campaign had fallen apart a year ago due to enough people listening to his so-called positions on things and deciding he was a fucking idiot whose knowledge of the Constitution is non-existent and probably doesn't even believe half the shit he himself says. Like we needed ten year old released tapes to discover that this guy is a crass sleaze ball. But, no, Rubio had to get down in the gutter with him while believing that a discussion of hand size was relevant, while Jeb ran in a corner and hid, and as the Republican base was too busy dismissing everyone else for any perceived flaw in doctrine that they failed to realize the guy they chose to back wasn't even a Republican twenty minutes earlier. But of course it's all too late to correct that now and so he's down to one opponent who so doesn't want to offend anyone that her main selling points are that it's her turn, that she has ovaries, that she's not him, and that all of the stuff she does isn't technically illegal and even if it is she's betting no one can prove it. So with little else to really sell (one of the just-released emails had some Obama supporter reluctant to sign on because he had no idea what her core beliefs are) she leaps on the pro-(Duh!) female side in these cases while hoping that everyone forgets when she was part of a campaign to squelch claims of women who complained about groping and/or harassment and that her statement about how women need to be believed in claims such as these is a bit of a moving target. Also if no more pictures surface from when the Clintons & Trumps were hobnobbing at fundraisers, weddings, and parties, that would be just swell also.
Nymr83 Oct 14 2016 11:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
when it comes to womanizing, Bill's history (that we know about) is worse.
pretty much. Ironically his primary campaign basically ran on the slogan "all attention is good attention"
Lefty Specialist Oct 15 2016 12:22 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The thing here is that Hillary's eminently qualified, has detailed plans on just about everything, has a history of bipartisan cooperation in the Senate, but all that gets drowned out by the latest Trump fiasco/tweet/meltdown/crotch grab.
cooby Oct 15 2016 02:15 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Proud to know youi
MFS62 Oct 15 2016 03:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The real truth about Hilary. (Open at your own risk of laughing too hard)
Nymr83 Oct 16 2016 12:18 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump wants Hillary drug tested - wow, can this guy get any more desperate?
Benjamin Grimm Oct 16 2016 11:48 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Politico has an article about Trump losing but not conceding, and the impact that might have.
The full article: Fears mount on Trump's 'rigged election' rhetoric
Ceetar Oct 16 2016 01:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's pretty self-serving of course. It's a way to still talk about the election/Trump and the ratings associated with that. If a different random 'billionaire' decided to say the election was rigged they'd barely give it two shakes, and that's all Trump will be on 11/9 and anything beyond is just gossip without facts and doesn't need to be 'covered' be responsible political journalists.
Lefty Specialist Oct 17 2016 12:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Is there a double standard for women in politics?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 17 2016 12:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That shit oughta go viral. I'd like to steal it and post it as a response to my sexism-denying email-scandal obsessed "friends" on facebook.
MFS62 Oct 17 2016 01:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Couldn't gree more. I'm asking your permission to use that. Later
sharpie Oct 17 2016 01:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's from Nicholas Kristof in the NY Times.
Edgy MD Oct 17 2016 01:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think a lot of that is blind and hateful rank partisanship more than blind and hateful rank sexism.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 17 2016 02:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I suppose they may have asked the "qualified" question in prior elections, but is 2016 the first year they're doing polling on "temperament"? (I've only recently learned how to spell "temperament", by the way. I wouldn't have guessed that the word included the letter A.)
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 17 2016 05:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:39 AM |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 17 2016 05:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I agree that's terrible ethics for a Journo to have any rooting interest in the topic they cover -- That'd be like me buying a bunch of Whole Foods stock or whatever.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 17 2016 06:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:39 AM |
TransMonk Oct 17 2016 07:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
What drives me nuts is that on cable news there has been a massive blur in the line between who the actual journalists are and those who are paid surrogates/operatives for either the campaign or the parties. Donna Brazile shared the town hall question with the Clinton campaign in advance of the debate, but Brazile is not a "reporter". She is (and has been for some time) deeply rooted in the DNC and the party. It is wrong and respectable news orgs should be able to better define those lines and not let the surrogates and campaign folks get so close to those type of things.
Ceetar Oct 17 2016 08:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
but the debate is a tv show and part of the 'battle' between Democrat and Republican. Maybe years and years ago there was a need to get the candidates direct voices to the people where the only exposure was through reporters. Now it's almost the opposite. The candidates try to get each other to break from their scripted responses and give a statement that they can twist and use against them. It's about NOT saying things directly to the people and reinforcing the campaign message you're paying millions to push on them in every other place. So of course they're going to plant as many questions as possible.
Lefty Specialist Oct 17 2016 08:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, all the behind-the-scenes stuff is from the Democratic party, because the Russians have no interest in hacking the Republican side of things. You think this doesn't go on with Fox News? And exhibit A of media/advocate blurring is Corey Lewandowski, who's on CNN while still being paid by Trump.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 17 2016 08:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:40 AM |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 17 2016 08:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I really don;t think it's that insidious, just that gullible R voters ate his act up.
TransMonk Oct 17 2016 09:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nope. I'm saying the (relatively) left-leaning media worked to promote an unelectable Republican candidate to pad their wallets. The absurdity of Trump helped the Dems.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 17 2016 10:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION | sez Dems have 74% of regaining Senate control. These odds have been steadily climbing in Dems favors for more than a week.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 17 2016 11:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Filibusters for everybody! When we said it should be left to the next President to nominate Supreme Court Justices, we really meant the next President after the next President. No. We really meant the next Republican President. ... 2c043d4c9a
Lefty Specialist Oct 18 2016 12:03 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
McCain backtracked on that pretty fast as soon as someone reminded him that would help elect a Democratic senate.
Edgy MD Oct 18 2016 12:09 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Just further proof that Senator McCain isn't at his sharpest and hasn't been for quite a while.
Edgy MD Oct 18 2016 12:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
With regard to the donations by journalist, those numbers represent, I believe 430 persons. Although the report mentions a few semi-high-profile folks, I don't know that we can surmise whether the bulk of them are are political correspondents for major media outlets or covering the lace beat for Des Plaines Footwear Monthly.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 18 2016 01:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:40 AM |
MFS62 Oct 18 2016 01:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
They're arch conservatives. (I think I beat Ben Grimm to that one) Later
Benjamin Grimm Oct 18 2016 01:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
They're arch conservatives.
MFS62 Oct 18 2016 01:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I knew it. :)
TransMonk Oct 18 2016 02:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Lefty Specialist Oct 18 2016 03:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
What bugs me about the Trump sexual abuse scandal is that it's distracting the media from other scandals such as not paying taxes or not releasing his returns to see if he's in hock to Vladimir and the Chinese, or his racism and religious bigotry.
Ashie62 Oct 18 2016 04:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ask Huma Abedin, she knows all. The Clinton Foundation may be in hock to a few also.
Edgy MD Oct 18 2016 04:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think you can say that about any Trump scandal. Each of them individually distract from the sum total of his awfulness as a candidate. I'd love to talk to you about his bullshit mocking of a disabled reporter, but hey, that's comparable to any number of lowlights to any number of politicians. Senator Elizabeth's Warren's Native American cosplay. Speaker Ryan's making up a fake marathon time. First Lady Michelle Obama's declaration that her husband's ascendency was the first time she felt proud of her country.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 18 2016 05:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:40 AM |
Lefty Specialist Oct 18 2016 05:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, there are 3 weeks left, I'm sure something will come up.
TransMonk Oct 18 2016 05:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
LOL I'll see your Project Veritas and raise you a Media Matters. There are links for all beliefs.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 18 2016 05:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I might ordinarily agree with you, but this election year, you can throw conventional rules out the window as far as I care. The GOP nominated a maniac. The threat of a Trump Presidency is so dangerous to the nation that I welcome any effort to defeat him, even if it's coming from the media in places where it's supposed to be objective and neutral. Personally though, I think that any GOP Presidential nominee is a maniac. I can barely contain my bile and loathing for that party. They'd set the country back 100 years socially, culturally, religiously and scientifically. if they had their way. And for what? To protect fetuses and to create an even greater oligarchy than the one that already exists.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Oct 18 2016 06:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The reason nobody has asked a debate question about the Clinton Foundation pay-for-play is that there has been no actual evidence that any pay produced any play, for either national or private donors. Any issue raised as yet with CF's-- with the whole Koch-y choler machine focused on the damn thing for years on end-- has been appearance-of-impropriety stuff... a judgement/tone-deafness issue, to be sure, but not one of bad acts. No improper spending. No questionable, donation-steered projects. No, y'know, nothing.
Ashie62 Oct 18 2016 06:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If Abedin, Hillary, Wikileaks and Putin know more about the daily doings of government articles of impeachment should be drawn up against Obama or Clinton in January.
Lefty Specialist Oct 18 2016 06:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Scholastic Student poll is out and Hillary won 52-35. The poll has only differed from the actual results twice in 76 years- in 1948 and 1960. Kids have a tendency to vote the way they hear their parents talking.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 18 2016 06:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's true. I would have totally voted for Richard Nixon in 1972.
Ceetar Oct 18 2016 06:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I was a big Dukakis fan but that's because he had my name.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 18 2016 07:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:41 AM |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 18 2016 07:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is completely anecdotal, and not meant to cast aspersions on either side of the debate here, but back when the Mets games were not being aired due to a big-money dispute between Time Warner Cable and SNY in... 2007? 2009? I wrote crying to a pantsload of local politicians and of all the responses then-Senator Hilary Clinton's was fast and thorough and seemed genuinely concerned and I didn't give her dick.
Lefty Specialist Oct 18 2016 08:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh my god. are you really using the AP story that's been completely debunked like a month ago? Completely debunked by the Washington Post: ... all-wrong/ Completely debunked by CNN: ... tml?iid=EL Completely debunked by Fortune Magazine: Completely debunked by Real Clear Politics: ... 90239.html Probably debunked by my local Pennysaver too, but I can't find the link. Not a pretty credible news source in this instance. It was a hit job that blatantly cooked the numbers trying to create a scandal that didn't exist.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 18 2016 09:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't believe the backtracking. I believe McCain meant what he said the first time he said what he said. If the GOP is truly worried about the fallout from their Supreme Court blockade, Garland would've been given a hearing in good faith months ago. I think that here is where the GOP draws a line in the sand given that the ideological balance of the Court is at stake. When the Dems regain Senate control three weeks from today, expect a lot of talk about filibusters, going nuclear and the value of a supermajority vote requirement for SCOTUS nominees.
Lefty Specialist Oct 18 2016 09:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If the Democrats get the Senate back, the first thing that goes will be the filibuster as it now exists. Otherwise nothing at all will get done. Republicans will do all they can to obstruct, just like they've done for the past 8 years. The difference this time Hillary won't be as naïve about it as Obama was.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 18 2016 10:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I hope so. I used to like the filibuster, but only as a check on the GOP, because those crazies are capable of putting a fucking lunatic on the bench. Too bad the Dems didn't filibuster Alito, because he's a nasty mean-spirited grinch who's on his way to carving out a legacy worse than Scalia's. But if there was ever a time to ditch the SCOTUS filibuster, it would be now, assuming the election plays out like the polls are indicating. There's no guarantee that the Dems will hold the Senate in 2018 and HRC bears a powerful resemblance to a one-term President. Might as well ditch it now, while the Dems can make a lasting difference. This opportunity presents itself once in a generation.
Lefty Specialist Oct 18 2016 10:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yes, the next two years will be absolutely critical. Things will get worse in 2018.
Frayed Knot Oct 18 2016 11:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ahh yes, the old benevolent dictator theory. Let's do away with those pesky checks and balances system when one side is in power then want them back again when the other side is.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 18 2016 11:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You may dislike the nuclear option, but it's a legitimate political exercise. It's certainly more legitimate than the current GOP manufactured Supreme Court blockade, which has no precedent and is based entirely on partisanship. And to boot, the GOP insults the intelligence of everyone with this delusion that a President can't nominate a Judge in the last year of his term. I wouldn't put it past the GOP to filibuster every HRC nominee straight through to the 2020 election. I have also mixed feelings about the nuclear option, but in these times, and given the nature of this version of the GOP, I have no qualms about using it to eliminate the SCOTUS filibuster in three weeks if this election plays out like the polls are indicating. Do it to them before they do it to you.
Edgy MD Oct 18 2016 11:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not much of a political philosophy, or a way to keep a fragile republic intact.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 19 2016 12:06 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Maybe HRC should give in to these GOP thugs with law degrees masquerading as politicians and let Mitch McConnell nominate the next Supreme Court Justice.
Lefty Specialist Oct 19 2016 12:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
First, there's no mention of a filibuster in the Constitution. It's not part of checks and balances. It's a rule each Senate class chooses at the outset and can amend any way they want. The only way we're going to get a 9th Supreme Court justice is to eliminate it. If it requires 60 votes to get any nomination through, things will grind to a halt.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 19 2016 12:25 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Plus, the Constitution requires a supermajority only to ratify treaties, not for judicial appointments. The filibuster undermines this, by effectively requiring 60 vote to confirm a nominee instead of a simple majority of 51. Plus, also, the Dems already went nuclear in 2013, eliminating the filibuster for lower court judicial nominees. Otherwise, the courts would be more backlogged than they already are.
Ashie62 Oct 19 2016 12:27 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm about ready for a military coup.
Edgy MD Oct 19 2016 12:44 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'll certainly mark "Do it to them before they do it to you" as a stronger political philosophy than wishing for a coup.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 19 2016 01:34 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That was kinda tongue in cheek off the cuff. I can't even take credit for it. It's from here, at the 1:04:00 mark: [youtube]LM392gACX5c[/youtube] ... which reminds me, I gotta get to the Carnegie Deli one last time ... it's closing for good at the end of this year.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 19 2016 03:21 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:41 AM |
batmagadanleadoff Oct 19 2016 04:57 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's truthful hyperbole.
Ceetar Oct 19 2016 01:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
A filibuster is a pitcher throwing over to first base 10 times and having 5 catcher visits while waiting for a bullpen guy to get ready.
Lefty Specialist Oct 19 2016 01:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Most Republicans are perfectly normal people. The problem is that extremists exist and they have taken hold of much of the party apparatus. Due to gerrymandering the typical Republican congressman doesn't worry about the general election, he worries about being primaried from the right. Therefore he needs to tack to the right if he wants to keep his job. Such pressure doesn't occur from the left on Democrats.
Edgy MD Oct 19 2016 01:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I will never put Mr. Smith Goes to Washington out of my head.
sharpie Oct 19 2016 01:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Have to figure that if (when) Hillary wins, Merrick Garland's name will be pulled. He is a candidate you put up when you need a compromise candidate that will get by a hostile Senate. I agree: pull the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees. If you want to shape the Supreme Court, win the Presidency.
d'Kong76 Oct 19 2016 01:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah! Some of my best friends are Republicans.
Frayed Knot Oct 19 2016 02:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I have no problem with this. I was merely commenting earlier on the idea that the filibuster is great when my side is not in power but needs to be gotten rid of when the other side is. It's the same reason why Democrats shouldn't be cheerleading (or at least silently sitting on the side) when Obama was taking a number of extra-constitutional liberties such as rewriting immigration laws or parts of the ACA, because if you're going to allow the executive to usurp congressional powers when it favors you it's tough to complain about it if and when the other side does the same thing. I mean, that's the really scary part about a Trump presidency. Legally he can't do at least 95% of the shit he claims he's going to. But, if he were elected, the idea that Congress should continue to look the other way when the Prez oversteps the proscribed boundaries whenever it suits him/her because the Legislature won't do what he wants suddenly takes on a whole new light.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 19 2016 07:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
But it's the truth and goes hand in hand with the nuclear option. That attitude is unavoidable when it comes to the nuclear option. It's the party that controls both the Senate and the Presidency that is going to go nuclear, if at all. And the party that goes nuclear will always carry that attitude that you have a problem with. I don't know how, but you managed to agree with sharpie yet disagree with me even though me and sharpie are saying and implying the exact same thing. Anyways, this would be, as they say in sports, an extremely high leverage situation where all the stars are aligned -- the Senate majority, the Presidency, and a Supreme Court shifting vacancy. It would be a shame to waste this opportunity. The Dems can undo the Bush duo of Alito and Roberts and that Clarence Thomas ... neuter them ... make them kinda impotent. Relegate them to the back of the Supreme Court decisions ... you know ... where they stick the dissents. Rescind the Garland nomination and nuke the SCOTUS filibuster.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 19 2016 07:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Supreme Court will be one of the topics of tonight's third and final Presidential debate. ... 40f54c6a8/
Frayed Knot Oct 19 2016 08:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No, he advocated for getting rid of the SCOTUS filibuster while you alternately like it or advocate for its banishment depending on which side is in power at that moment.
Edgy MD Oct 19 2016 08:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Merrick Garland is a GREAT name for a Supreme Court justice. If he is ultimately passed on, I hope who ever does get the appointment uses that name.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 19 2016 08:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
What does this have to do with me? I guarantee you that I'm simply echoing the sentiments of every US Senator that would ever vote to go nuclear, no matter what side of tbe aisle.
Frayed Knot Oct 19 2016 08:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You asked how I could agree with Sharpie but disagree with you. That's how.
Lefty Specialist Oct 19 2016 08:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, even if the Republicans decide to move forward on the Garland nomination, they probably can't get their act together to have a vote in the limited lame duck session.
Edgy MD Oct 20 2016 02:16 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wow, this Mosul answer is all over the map, figuratively and literally.
TransMonk Oct 20 2016 02:48 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Clinton is going to win and she knows she is going to win. She has been literally glowing all night.
Lefty Specialist Oct 20 2016 02:58 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He said he might not accept the results of the election.
Frayed Knot Oct 20 2016 03:04 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Fortunately it's not up to him to accept it or not.
Nymr83 Oct 20 2016 04:49 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
he had a few good moments tonight like calling Clinton out for her far-left abortion politics - this plays to people Trump needs to attract: Republicans who weren't going to vote for him. But he completely and utterly blew it by once again declining the opportunity to act like an adult and saying he might not accept the results of the election. He could have said "Of course I'll accept the results ...and I trust the American People will see through blahblah and media/polls biased blahblah and elect me!" but he is too freaking stupid to even answer the easy non-partisan questions that 95% of Americans agree on correctly.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Oct 20 2016 08:55 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
A vote for Trump is literally anti-American.
Lefty Specialist Oct 20 2016 12:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Exactly! You say something boilerplate like that and the moment passes, on to the next topic. Instead, he just opens a can of flying monkeys. I actually think this was Trump's best debate. A low bar to clear, to be sure, but he seemed to have it together at the beginning. Inevitably, though, he started taking the bait and making stupid comments. If there's one thing Hillary knows how to do, it's manipulate Trump. Wallace asked her about Wikileaks, and within a minute she had Trump declaring his love for Vladimir Putin. It was amazing to watch. Trump needed to score big here and he didn't. That means the trajectory won't be altered, and Hillary can spend her time hammering home her message and helping candidates down-ballot.
Nymr83 Oct 20 2016 01:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
an incredibly low bar.
a first grader could manipulate Trump.
Lefty Specialist Oct 20 2016 02:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He denied saying that Japan and South Korea, even Saudi Arabia should get their own nukes. But he's on tape actually saying that.
metsmarathon Oct 20 2016 02:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
if the democrats were so good at rigging elections that they could steal the presidency from herr donald, why aren't there more of them in congress?
Chad Ochoseis Oct 20 2016 03:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If I had to name a kid after a Long Island town, Merrick would definitely be my first choice. Great Neck would probably be second. I was listening to NPR in my car this morning; from time to time they've been interviewing Trump and Clinton supporters from swing states. This morning's Trump supporters had things to say like "If the race is like Bush-Gore in 2000, I hope Trump will challenge the results", conveniently ignoring the fact that Trump didn't say anything about challenging a close race. He said plainly that he wouldn't commit to accepting any result that favored Clinton.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 20 2016 03:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think I'd go with "Quogue".
Edgy MD Oct 20 2016 03:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Oct 20 2016 04:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Roslyn if its a daughter, or maybe Lynbrook.
Frayed Knot Oct 20 2016 04:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If your last name happens to be Konkoma you could go with Ronald for your son.
Ceetar Oct 20 2016 05:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'll keep this under advice but I don't think the wife is gonna like it. What about Mal Verne Donato? Lynn Brook?
Lefty Specialist Oct 20 2016 06:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Donald Trump: 'I will totally accept' election results 'if I win'
batmagadanleadoff Oct 20 2016 06:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Oct 20 2016 07:07 PM |
So when Trump's supporters go haywire after his inevitable Election Day loss, maybe HRC'll throw Trump in jail for inciting riots.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 20 2016 06:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Can't he do both at the same time?
Nymr83 Oct 20 2016 07:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He would be great at being a "scary clown"!
Benjamin Grimm Oct 20 2016 07:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Anyone wearing a Trump mask should get an Almond Joy, because obviously he feels like a nut.
Nymr83 Oct 21 2016 02:27 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Fucking Trump - Read this!
Lefty Specialist Oct 21 2016 12:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
George HW Bush was a classy guy, a genuine war hero, intelligent and experienced. There's a reason he can't bring himself to vote for Trump. He understood the gravity and responsibility of the office. Trump just looks at it as a way to embellish his 'brand'.
Ashie62 Oct 21 2016 01:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump's behavior at the Al Smith bordered on the psychotic.
Edgy MD Oct 21 2016 01:23 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
NOBODY messes up the Al Smith Dinner.
d'Kong76 Oct 21 2016 01:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I guess it depends on what footage you see or what reports you read but the
Lefty Specialist Oct 21 2016 01:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Like the debates, Trump started out well and then nosedived. He kind of poisoned the room for all that came after. The Melania line was actually pretty good, as was the line about Hillary's 'staff'- the major news channels. But then he got ugly in a place where that's not supposed to be done. There was an audible gasp in the room when he said Hillary pretended to like Catholics. There were even catcalls for him to get off the stage. Again, this is the hoi poloi we're talking about, not a bunch of steel workers.
themetfairy Oct 21 2016 01:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
What was the line about Melania?
metirish Oct 21 2016 01:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Per the Guardian In a riff on what he has dubbed bias within the media, Trump brought the house down by poking fun at his wife’s partly plagiarized speech during the Republican national convention in July. “Michelle Obama gives a speech and everyone loves it, it’s fantastic,” Trump said. “My wife Melania gives the exact same speech and people get on her case. I don’t get it.”
themetfairy Oct 21 2016 02:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Thanks. Yes, that's a cute line.
Vic Sage Oct 21 2016 05:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
it's a cute line at his wife's expense, not at his own. his narcissism does not allow him to be self-deprecating.
Lefty Specialist Oct 21 2016 07:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Terry Tate, Office Linebacker, has a solution.
Ashie62 Oct 21 2016 08:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Some events we all just have to behave.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 21 2016 10:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If the next and presumably Dem controlled Senate can't muster up the simple majority votes needed to confirm a nominee more liberal than Garland, then it probably won't be able to get enough votes to use the nuclear option in the first place, either.
Lefty Specialist Oct 22 2016 09:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump in Gettysburg today telling us how many people he's going to sue in the first 100 days of his administration.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 25 2016 07:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So if it's supposed to be so goddamn easy to commit voter fraud, why does no one suspect that Republicans and the party of voter suppression, Jim Crow and Watergate would engage in that stuff? Because, lemme tell you, I've seen what goes on at those Trump rallies. And if anyone is likely to cheat ....
Lefty Specialist Oct 25 2016 07:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Voter suppression is the only voter fraud going on.
Edgy MD Oct 25 2016 07:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
In fairness, Republicans certainly aren't the party of Jim Crow, though you might want to argue that they are the party of something like it's modern equivalent.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 25 2016 08:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It is too the party of Jim Crow. Modern present day Jim Crow, which came about almost immediately, as soon as the Roberts Court denuded LBJ's Voting Rights Act, ruling that pre-clearance was no longer needed -- thus pre-clearing the way for GOP controlled states all over the land to Jim Crow the shit out of minorities under the false pretext of practically universally debunked voter fraud theories. And old classic Jim Crow when the GOP adopted the Southern Strategy to play footsie with the apartheid region of the USA, vaguely wink winking at some imagined states right legislation that would come about to save the old South and allow it to continue to abuse and exploit its African-American non-citizen citizens, all in the name of votes that the GOP could care less where they come from. (And this year, the GOP finally received the bill for that frolic). It's the party of the old Confederacy for Christ's sake ... the Slavery Belt, euphemistically referred to as The Bible Belt, without which the GOP would by now, be about as extinct as the typewriter.
Edgy MD Oct 25 2016 08:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No, it's the party of the new Confederacy.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 25 2016 08:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That, too!
Ashie62 Oct 25 2016 09:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You've seen what goes on at Trump rallies? You went. Please don't say on TV.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 27 2016 06:15 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
________________ Cruz: GOP may block Supreme Court nominees indefinitely excerpt: ... ade-230363
Lefty Specialist Oct 27 2016 10:40 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Republicans have given up any pretense of governing. It's just pure oposition at this point.
TransMonk Oct 27 2016 03:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Rs already signalling that they are not going to play ball with Hillary or a Dem senate.
Benjamin Grimm Oct 27 2016 03:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If the Republicans are serious about blocking all Supreme Court appointments made by any Democratic president, forever, then yes, they'd have to. Otherwise Democrats will block all appointments by any future Republican presidents as well, and the Supreme Court will eventually get down to zero justices.
Edgy MD Oct 27 2016 03:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I have to believe Senator Ted Cruz doesn't own the future.
seawolf17 Oct 27 2016 03:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Because a future owned by Ted Cruz is fucking terrifying.
Edgy MD Oct 27 2016 03:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION | has Mr. Trump up to a 30% chance in Florida, upping his general election chance over 15% for the first time in quite a few moons, all the way up to 15.7%. Yikey and crikey.
Ashie62 Oct 27 2016 11:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nate Silver has independent ex-CIA guy Evan McMullin a 38% chance of winning Utah.
Nymr83 Oct 28 2016 01:05 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Biden runs his mouth off about fighting Trump and guess who takes the bait? - hey moron - he isn't in the race! what good does it do you to look immature with him?
d'Kong76 Oct 28 2016 01:50 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Oct 28 2016 02:20 PM |
I truly cannot stand to look at either of these two when they come
MFS62 Oct 28 2016 02:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence’s campaign plane slid off the runway at LaGuardia Airport yesterday There were between 45 and 50 staffers and reporters on board, and nobody got hurt.
Ashie62 Oct 28 2016 04:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ashie62 Oct 28 2016 05:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This may be a true October surprise for HRC and not in a good way.
themetfairy Oct 28 2016 06:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She's not going to lose any sleep over this.
Ceetar Oct 28 2016 06:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This seems to me like so much very much nothing and it's fairly disturbing how out of context it's being taken.
TransMonk Oct 28 2016 06:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Seems irresponsible of Comey not to provide more substance given the ambiguity and timing of this announcement.
Ashie62 Oct 28 2016 06:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
We will find out soon for sure. Comey botched this either way.
Lefty Specialist Oct 28 2016 06:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, the timing is certainly interesting.
Ashie62 Oct 28 2016 06:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Whatever it may be, orders for tuna sandwiches or something ethical Comey had never officially closed the investion which leads us to a convolution of law and politics.
Nymr83 Oct 28 2016 06:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
and if they are close to finding anything, the Clinton Justice Department won't charge her anyway and the administration will fire anyone they want at the FBI - nothing comes of this at this point no matter what.
Nymr83 Oct 28 2016 06:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Bus in Denmark sponsored by socialist party there, would love to see video of this bus moving to watch the eyes "roll"
Ashie62 Oct 28 2016 06:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Breitbart (Trump Tool) rumor is that Obama diverted money from Wall Street fines to the HRC defense and liberal PAC's.
themetfairy Oct 28 2016 07:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, that's a credible source
Nymr83 Oct 28 2016 07:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Anthony Weiner involved!
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 28 2016 07:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:42 AM |
Edgy MD Oct 28 2016 08:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There will be calls, and there will be foot dragging, and there will be Congressional committees, and even if there is a special prosecutor, by the time the findings are released, it'll be Friday afternoon in November of 2019 and we'll be well into the next cycle anyhow.
Lefty Specialist Oct 28 2016 08:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not so sure Wikileaks is saving the most damaging for last. Seems more of a fire hose. They're releasing 1000 per day, most of which are irrelevant or unimportant, like John Podesta's risotto recipes.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 28 2016 09:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:42 AM |
TransMonk Oct 28 2016 09:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't think any of this helps Trump get elected, but Rs running in close Senate races are likely dancing a jig tonight.
Edgy MD Oct 28 2016 10:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
His odds are certainly getting disturbingly higher over the last two days.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 29 2016 12:42 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:43 AM |
batmagadanleadoff Oct 29 2016 04:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Kaine predicts Supreme Court rule change by Senate Democrats ... ate-rules/
TransMonk Oct 29 2016 01:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And with all due respect to Carl, we don't even know that. According to Pete Williams at NBC, it is doubtful that the FBI yet has even read any of these emails and don't even know if they might be duplicates of ones they have already reviewed during the previous portion of their investigation. It could be absolutely nothing as much as we know it is a real bombshell. Comey's vagueness in his attempt to cover his ass with Rs is the reason for all of this baseless speculation...which is the real story.
Lefty Specialist Oct 29 2016 03:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Normally there's an actual investigation before you blurt out vague statements that are immediately twisted. In a rare show of bipartisan unity BOTH sides are demanding more information, for different reasons, of course.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 29 2016 03:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:43 AM |
batmagadanleadoff Oct 29 2016 04:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Gotta watch out dem Dems don't rig the election to steal it from Trump. ... e8c2a8870c
batmagadanleadoff Oct 29 2016 04:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Why would he suggest that absent any meaningful supporting evidence?
Edgy MD Oct 29 2016 05:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I guess because based on his experience, he considers the announcement to be evidence. Unless he's got a source that's given him facts that he can characterize as a bombshell, but he can't specifically reveal. He's still an investigative journalist, even if he is 100 years old.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 29 2016 05:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:43 AM |
TransMonk Oct 29 2016 06:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Why would Bernstein NOT reveal such evidence if he has it?
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 29 2016 06:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:43 AM |
batmagadanleadoff Oct 29 2016 07:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 29 2016 07:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:44 AM |
Lefty Specialist Oct 29 2016 08:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well the whole Republican Party is speculating based on nothing, so he may as well join them. At least Bernstein got to smack down Donald Trump's line that this is 'Bigger than Watergate'. Because, no. If I were Obama, I'd instruct my Attorney General to fire Comey's ass the day after the election. The FBI has had an informal policy of not releasing this kind of vague notice closer than 60 days from an election. If charges are being brought, that's different, but there may be absolutely nothing here at all. And if there's devastating stuff, well, they haven't read it and won't release it before the election anyway. So there was absolutely no need to do this at this time, unless you wanted to make up to people who were butt-hurt that you didn't send Hillary to prison the first time. He defied his superiors in doing so, as well. Still want to know how this makes Donald Trump a better President.
Ashie62 Oct 29 2016 10:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It doesn't. It reenergizes his base to show up to vote.
Lefty Specialist Oct 29 2016 11:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
His base was always energized. That gets him to 35-40%. There's nothing here that gets him over the top. There's no undecided voter who's going to say, "Gee, I guess Trump is better after all." And there's certainly nothing here that's going to make a Hillary supporter switch. The existential threat that Trump represents for women, for African-Americans and Latinos, for Muslims, and many others will motivate her voters to the polls. That hasn't changed.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 29 2016 11:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:44 AM |
Lefty Specialist Oct 30 2016 12:39 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump has his own legal issues-perhaps you've heard. Seriously doubt this will have criminal ramifications except for Anthony Weiner.
Edgy MD Oct 30 2016 12:41 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Sure he does. He's a disaster. But that doesn't explain why Director Comey should be vindictively fired.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Oct 30 2016 02:58 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yes, but WHAT information? The point is, Comey's made an announcement of... nothing. He's pulled the fire alarm to announce that they're looking into whether there's any fire, or smoke, or any earthly reason to pull the alarm. And of COURSE it would have been painted as a scandal. I mean, what hasn't been, as it relates to Hillary?
Lefty Specialist Oct 30 2016 11:23 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This kinda sums it up.
Frayed Knot Oct 30 2016 12:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Anyone besides me picturing Hillary getting all pissed off at Huma after this latest news broke and saying: 'How could you have been so stupid to marry that ridiculous, self-centered, philandering, sex-crazed man-child ...
Ashie62 Oct 30 2016 02:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'd say you hit the nail on the head.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 30 2016 03:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:44 AM |
Lefty Specialist Oct 30 2016 03:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, if I ever see Anthony Weiner I'll kick him in the nuts. But imagine if the FBI had issued something as vaguely worded about possible malfeasance by Mitt Romney two weeks before the 2012 election. A few months later you find out it was all about nothing. I'm sure Republicans would be calm and take it in stride, right?
Chad Ochoseis Oct 30 2016 04:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't know if Comey's announcement was politically motivated. But it does create a massive obligation - to both candidates - to provide more substance, like, now. If reading the e-mails requires a new warrant, the judge should have been called, and the issue should have been moved to the top of the docket, and signed off on a few hours after this was made public. If there are 10,000 e-mails to review, get 100 FBI attorneys to read 100 of them each and make informal assessments as to whether there's something material to investigate, and explain why. At 20 e-mails per day (which isn't much), that's five days' work.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 30 2016 11:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:44 AM |
MFS62 Oct 31 2016 01:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Its official - that warrant has been issued for the review of the emails.
Lefty Specialist Oct 31 2016 02:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Um, Republicans nominated Trump. Yes, I know what I'm getting with Hillary-someone who's actually competent to serve as president on Day 1, unlike.....Trump. And most of the 'scandals and baggage' don't hold up under scrutiny. Unless you think she had Vince Foster killed. If the primary was truly engineered, Bernie wouldn't have gotten as far as he did. Bernie didn't take his own campaign seriously for about the first 6 months, which hurt him badly. Yes, most potential candidates got out of the way, but if, for instance, Joe Biden had stepped in nobody would have tried to stop him, and he might have won. Frankly, the Democratic bench was a little thin in 2016. Democrats only hold 19 governorships, which is where most candidates come from. There are some people who'll bide their time until 2024. Martin O'Malley might have been a better candidate if his handpicked successor hadn't lost in 2014. There weren't a lot of 'qualified fresh faces' out there, to be honest. If Obama could have run for a third term, he'd have crushed Trump. Depth of the bench isn't always an asset though, as the 2016 Republican primaries showed. And I'd kick Antony Weiner in the nuts just on general principles.
TransMonk Oct 31 2016 02:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I can't fault Comey for disclosing what he did to Congress - I probably would have done the same in his shoes - however, I think he did it in an inappropriate way that certainly raises more innuendo than fact. Whether or not that was a political calculation is up for debate. It's hard for me to believe that Chaffetz and the other straw-grasping witch hunters haven't been aggressively twisting his nipples for a while now.
cooby Oct 31 2016 04:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I wish you had a way to vote for her a million times
Benjamin Grimm Oct 31 2016 04:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That would probably be voter fraud.
cooby Oct 31 2016 04:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I wouldn't tell on him
Vic Sage Oct 31 2016 04:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
this is almost funny, coming from a Republican shill like MGiM, whose party put up the single worst candidate in American history. And as for squeaky clean Romney, if the Democratic party had spent 30 years inspecting his jock strap, i'm sure there would be plenty of equally unsubstantiated bullshit accusations to have swamped him with when a foreign power intervened in our election by hacking his emails with the support (and perhaps instigation) of the Democratic nominee.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 31 2016 04:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:45 AM |
Lefty Specialist Oct 31 2016 05:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ha. The leadership TRIED to rig the 2016 Republican primaries, they just weren't any good at it. After the debacle of 2012 (Think '9-9-9') they tried to front-load the primary schedule so that a nominee would emerge quickly and not be subjected to the long slog that Romney underwent. What they didn't foresee was the fact that 17 guys would throw their hat in the ring, and some of their preferred guys (Walker, Perry, Christie, et al) never got any traction in a crowded field. The guy with the most money (Bush) was such a bad candidate he had to beg people to clap at his applause lines.
batmagadanleadoff Oct 31 2016 05:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't know how you could credibly separate the two. The GOP has been dog-whistling racists for some 40+ years now, ---and has also been misleading those voters dumb enough and gullible enough and uninformed enough to believe all of the crackpot wingnut and FOX TV theories that the GOP shamelessly advances. The GOP now has a crazy base that fortunately isn't big enough to swing the general election, but big enough to sway their Primaries and produce a disgraceful candidate like Trump. Eventually, the chickens come home to roost. And what do you mean by "for good"?
Edgy MD Oct 31 2016 06:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Criminy. FiveThirtyEight just put his odds of winning at at 24.2. Up 2% in the last hour.
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 31 2016 06:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:45 AM |
Benjamin Grimm Oct 31 2016 06:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Although I have more faith in FiveThirtyEight, you might take a tiny bit of comfort in Huffington Post's forecast: ... /president They have Trump at 1.8 per cent.
Edgy MD Oct 31 2016 06:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Down to 23.9.
Ashie62 Oct 31 2016 07:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Oct 31 2016 07:09 PM |
Can we all just relax?
Ashie62 Oct 31 2016 07:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Goodbye Donna Brazile
TransMonk Oct 31 2016 07:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Good. As I noted somewhere in this thread, news agencies giving a platform to a puppet that make them look like some sort of journalist or pundit is wrong.
Ashie62 Oct 31 2016 07:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
To keep Elizabeth Warren out of the oval office.
Ashie62 Oct 31 2016 07:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wishful thinking, the emails are Hillary and Huma's bane, not Trumps.
Edgy MD Oct 31 2016 07:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Donald Trump writes his embarrassing e-mails on Twitter. You can hack him just by following him.
Lefty Specialist Oct 31 2016 07:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's fair. Lots of rational Republicans. But we've gotten into territory that's never been explored before, and quite honestly, that's not on the Democrats. It's extreme to shut down the government because you don't like a law that was duly passed, signed, and passed Supreme Court muster. It's extreme to threaten to do it again over Planned Parenthood funding. It's extreme to not even meet with a President's nominee for the Supreme Court for over 8 months. It's even more extreme to say that NO Supreme Court nominees will be voted on for the NEXT presidency. Ever. What do all of these extreme positions have in common? Extremists exist in the Democratic Party. But extremists drive the agenda in the Republican party. That's a big difference. And that's not even getting to Trump. That's the institutional Republicans in Congress. Trump is just an extension of Tea Party extremism that was encouraged by the establishment, supposedly rational, Republican party until they realized too late that it was going to devour them. The Republican candidate in 2020 is going to have to deal with those folks and court them if he or she wants to win the nomination, because as John Stearns once said, 'The Monster is out of the cage'. And there's no putting him back.
TransMonk Oct 31 2016 07:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
FBI's Comey opposed naming Russians, citing election timing: Source
Mets Guy in Michigan Oct 31 2016 08:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:19 AM |
Benjamin Grimm Oct 31 2016 08:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yes, yes, both sides...
Lefty Specialist Oct 31 2016 11:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I just named four. Please give me four recent instances of similarly extreme behavior from Democrats. Or two. And no false equivalency. Mitch McConnell made it his mission to obstruct Obama from day one. There's been no compromise even considered. Obama's mistake was naively thinking that compromise was even possible.
Ashie62 Nov 01 2016 12:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Is it spring training yet?
Chad Ochoseis Nov 01 2016 12:42 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 01 2016 12:47 AM |
Some footage of anti-Trump street theatre at the Republican National Convention back in August. If you look real closely, you might see a Cranepooler.
Lefty Specialist Nov 01 2016 12:46 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
d'Kong76 Nov 01 2016 12:50 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's a World Series game tomorrow night, don't ya'll have internet?
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 01 2016 02:16 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't know if I can say that.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 01 2016 02:25 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't know of anyone who would consider Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan to be extremists. Harry Reid did just as much blocking when he ran the Senate in terms of bills coming over from the House. I think a person could say the immigration executive orders and the way the ACA was pushed through -- have to pass it before you can read it -- are comparable examples of gamesmanship. Both were unpopular enough to lead to historical losses in the House and the loss off the Senate. My point is that there are plenty of examples of misbehavior on both sides, which is why people are angry and why you get outsider candidates.
Nymr83 Nov 01 2016 02:30 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Since I don't like Trump, I'd clearly prefer to win the Senate and lose the presidency than the other way around.
Lefty Specialist Nov 01 2016 11:59 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, I want both and there's a pretty good chance of that happening.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 01 2016 12:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Maybe it's different at the state level than the federal level, but my experience has been that when an administration changes, the department leadership changes but the employees pretty much remain in place. There are all kinds of civil service and union rules in place. There's not a wholesale gutting. The bureaucracy is the most entrenched part of government.
Lefty Specialist Nov 01 2016 12:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Bush people gutted the EPA in 2001-2002. Two of my friends worked there at the time and the change was dramatic. The people they couldn't fire got reassigned and pressured to leave. A similar thing happened at the Justice Department. They were very thorough. They did less of it at State, where middle-level people tend to be apolitical.
Gwreck Nov 01 2016 01:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
"Misbehavior" is not the same thing as running an offensive incompetent bigot as a candidate for president, however. This election should be an opportunity for the Republican Party to realign. There are plenty of good people who are Republicans who reject misogyny, racism, and xenophobia. It's long past due for them to take control of their party and reject those elements (or, if necessary, start a new one). It may mean losing several more national elections in the process but it's absolutely necessary for Republicans to remain a viable party going forward.
Edgy MD Nov 01 2016 01:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm taking a long hard look at the nascent American Solidarity Party, and wondering if some disaffected Republicans might find a home there.
Frayed Knot Nov 01 2016 01:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Of course if it were up to the leadership elements of the Republican Party they wouldn't have nominated the blowhard idiot in the first place, especially one whose policies were often so out of line with theirs. But, regardless, the emergence of the orange one has exposed a rift in the party which leaves it not just leaderless but also without a coherent idea of what the party as a whole stands for.
Gwreck Nov 01 2016 02:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If they were really unhappy though, they'd have long ago rejected him. The failure to do so should be a great source of embarrassment. E.g., Paul Ryan: he's not going to lose his re-election bid as a nine-term incumbent if he rejects Trump. Want to be a credible candidate to lead the Republican party (and not the wackadoo party): find your spine and stand up for something.
seawolf17 Nov 01 2016 02:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
THIS HOLY SHIT ALL OF THIS. It is so goddamn WRONG to be equating what Donald Trump represents in this country right now with what Hillary Clinton may or may not have done. WRONG.
Edgy MD Nov 01 2016 02:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
They are certainly unhappy to the last. Most of the leadership and Congressional veterans have rejected Trumpism, even if some are too spineless to openly reject Trump and turn his base against him. He's certainly a terrible embodiment of Republican philosophy, even if he's an outstanding embodiment of the Republican stereotype. I mean, who endorsed him during the early and middle primaries while his candidacy was merely an abstraction? Sarah Palin? I think Bob Dole gave him a luke-warm "preferable to Cruz" sort-of endorsement, that he may or may not regret.
Lefty Specialist Nov 01 2016 02:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump caught them all with their pants down. He was treated as a joke initially. None of the others took him seriously, and when they saw that he was attracting voters, they didn't attack him because they figured that once he inevitably flamed out, they wanted that rich lode of voters for themselves.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 01 2016 03:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It is a huge issue in the Rust Belt states.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 01 2016 03:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Union membership has been in steady decline for years, and while individual members might feel Trump will save their jobs (right!) the labor unions themselves are well aware of how much faster their numbers will plummet with a "pro-business" deadbeat like Trump in charge.
Gwreck Nov 01 2016 03:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
They haven't rejected "Trumpism" if they aren't openly rejecting Trump.
Edgy MD Nov 01 2016 03:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, I guess we have different meanings, then.
Frayed Knot Nov 01 2016 03:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Union leadership is always going to be heavily, if not exclusively, Democratic. But the rank and file membership has recently been more like 60/40 (D/R) and in this election who knows as some of those who have traditionally voted left have latched onto Trump's "pro-worker" message.
Frayed Knot Nov 01 2016 04:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And in a lot of other places too. It's also an issue which is the source of a rift on the Democratic side as well. The split on that side isn't as big as the one the Republicans have right now, although it could be in the future and likely would have been a bigger deal this year if: a) the party leadership didn't proactively have its thumb on Hillary's side of the scale to the degree that they did and b) if her positions on issues such as trade weren't so ... 'malleable' might be a word some would use, others might opt for 'for sale'.
d'Kong76 Nov 01 2016 04:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Every union worker I know is a staunch Democrat through and through. They
Edgy MD Nov 01 2016 04:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
One problem is an increasing share of the shrinking union base is folks from government worker unions, which creates an ugly image of tit-for-tat when their contract time comes around in a Democratic controlled state where they gave handsomely to the winner, and an ugly image of vindictiveness when contract time comes around in a Republican-controlled state where they gave handsomely to the loser. Much of that is just optics, but it's optics that nonetheless make a lot of people a lot of angry. And enough of it is real.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 01 2016 05:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
They don't even Schaefer vote anymore!
Lefty Specialist Nov 01 2016 05:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's a huge issue that's been kind of dumbed-down by Trump. He promises to get all those old jobs back, but most of them wouldn't come back no matter what you do. And his proposal (one of the few he actually has) to charge a huge tariff on any goods manufactured in a plant that moved out of the US wouldn't work and would just cause economic harm to both sides.
Edgy MD Nov 01 2016 05:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Want something else to worry about? Skynet.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 01 2016 05:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 01 2016 05:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Got to disagree.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 01 2016 05:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yes, automation replaces some jobs with other jobs. But the problem is that the new jobs are fewer, and require more skills, than the old jobs. You may need one technician to maintain a machine that eliminated ten jobs (I'm making these numbers up) but it's possible, or even likely, that none of the ten whose obs were eliminated have the skills to become that technician.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 01 2016 06:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not to speak for Lefty but what I think he's saying is Trump promising to bring manufacturing jobs back overlooks the fact that many of these jobs that have gone away or evolved due to technological (and cost) advantages that aren;t coming back. Trump isn;t wooing these people with promises of high-skilled tech jobs designing self driving cars. He's trying to suggest that US Steel would surely re-establish itself if only he gets elected. And Lefty's not arguing against self-driving cars, just pointing out that drivers will need to find another line of work. DT would say "Let's make cars great again" and promise driving jobs.
Lefty Specialist Nov 01 2016 06:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Those Panera kiosks are supremely annoying. Not a fan of self-checkout at the supermarket, either.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 01 2016 06:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:19 AM |
Lefty Specialist Nov 01 2016 06:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hey! Donald Trump finally got another newspaper endorsement!
Edgy MD Nov 01 2016 07:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
"Make Bruce Jenner a Dude Again!
Fman99 Nov 01 2016 07:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'll get the super glue and a cuke.
seawolf17 Nov 01 2016 07:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And that's the problem. Sometimes progress changes things; that's one of the things I don't get. Giving people dead-end manufacturing jobs won't make anything great again.
I know you mean this ironically and with an intent to be funny, but it's not funny at all, and it's part of the problem as well.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 01 2016 08:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Nov 01 2016 08:26 PM |
This, I think, is the argument, in a nutshell. Even where manufacturing is making a comeback, and even where brand new factories are being built, they're modern and increasingly automated, and require a small fraction of the number of workers needed to operate an older factory. Those lost manufacturing jobs are very likely not ever coming back. The pols know it but are avoiding being so blunt about it because their internal research says it's bad for vote-getting. And while we're on the topic of progress, let's talk about embryonic stem-cell research so we can expose just how much progress the GOP really wants. Because I can assure you that that when some other nation that isn't so beholden to the so-called sanctity of embryos discovers how to cure diabetes or how to regenerate damaged limbs or damaged hearts through stem cell research, those sanctimonious GOP'ers will be on the first plane to get that cure.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 01 2016 08:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, yeah, then there's that. I was in Berlin in 2013, and took a tour of the Reichstag. The building has a lot of cutting edge technology to make it energy efficient. I remember thinking that it seems that more and more innovation is happening in Europe or Asia. The good news is that we can still ultimately benefit from it, but it would be better the United States was less adverse to science so that we could be participating more in this innovation, or even leading it. THAT'S the way to "make America great again."
Edgy MD Nov 01 2016 08:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, I meant to point out the hopelessly empty-headed editorial slant of the shitty, marginal, and absurd white nationalist paper. I don't actually subscribe to the paper or its tenets. We've had sex-re-assignment surgery for a long-time. I don't really think it's going to be outlawed, even if Donald Trump triumphs, though it will certainly be harder to obtain, once the economy collapses. Not funny? Probably not, as I hit and miss, and sometimes hit, and then miss twice, but I hope I'm not part of the problem. I agree, for what it's worth, that too much satire dulls hatefully concrete realities. It was, just that, well, it's the first white nationalist paper I've looked at in a long time, and it's just so hatefully stupid — and stupidly hateful. _________________________________ Embryonic stem cell harvesting is a non-issue in 2016, except as a wedge issue. Science has long since learned to produce the same cells by reprogramming adult cells, but the issue lives on in polling because it's so definitively divisive.
Nymr83 Nov 02 2016 01:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The ongoing investigation of Hillary's E-mails is her own fault as she and her staff fucked up and then covered up - if they'd disclosed what Huma had in her possession sooner it wouldn't have had to come out now.
Ceetar Nov 02 2016 01:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
But to rail against it is to rail against progress. And that's silly. Yes, things change, but it leads to a better world. It's not so much that we need less 'unskilled' workers but that the basic skills are different. sorting email, data, etc. data collection. Many of these things are not 'skilled' things, they're just in a different field. Automated cars for example, still need to be built. The roads and signs will likely be on a system that work with the cars, and it's going to be a damn slog to get those things in. And they'll need to be maintained. Sure, we don't need you to turn a cog on an assembly line anymore, but we need you to walk the streets and replace batteries, update firmware on e-signs, fix things that got damaged by weather, temp, and vandalism. Delivery. Delivery is going to be huge. Imagine being able to order delivery, easily, to whereever you are. Whether it's a bench on the sidewalk, your home, or walking home because the automated car is connected to your gps and knows where you are. Someone puts the food in the car and it drives to you. boom. Someone needs to pack that food, load it into the car. manage the orders. And more and more people are ordering food or eating out than cooking at home, which means more restaurant/prep type jobs than years past, and with the ease of delivery it'll only get better. Plus due to the easy available crowd-use cars, you wouldn't need one driver that just drives around, you could put one order in a small smartcar that drives right to you. You could get a restaurant meal from the place a mile away faster than it takes your lazy waiter to notice the order under the heat lamp and bring it to you.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 02 2016 01:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I agree. I'm definitely not railing against it. I welcome progress. But we do have to be aware of its downside.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 02 2016 01:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:17 AM |
Ceetar Nov 02 2016 01:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
SHOCKED that Michigan would think that. But yes, preparing for the future is always woefully under-funded. triple education funding. In terms of say Ford, they should probably be planning to have fleets of self-driving cars and think about how they're going to make that viable. It's not like the technology is going to be 'secret'. Like, there are many things that I barely see mentioned that are going to be common. Tiny cars, one person 'commuter' cars, refridgerated/insulated cars. entertainment limos. Remember, we no longer need windows, which means you can partner with Panasonic and make cars walls as full-screen televisions. I can almost guarentee in ..30? years there will be bachelor parties that take a car to a strip club that's displaying a very realistic 3d porn movie all around them while drinking from the built in bar that can mix any number of cocktails.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 02 2016 01:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
What a beautiful world this will be. What a glorious time to be free.
Ceetar Nov 02 2016 01:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Personally I look forward to the day I can take a car to the brewery that shows a very believable 'commute' through the Mushroom Kingdom while i'm driven.
Lefty Specialist Nov 02 2016 03:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, we don't spend enough on education and we're not gearing that education to the jobs of the future. We also aren't spending enough on infrastructure to help create those jobs. This costs money. Money means taxes. Those roads that the self-driving cars are going to travel on aren't getting built by Microsoft or Google.
Ceetar Nov 02 2016 04:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
NJ just lowered rich people taxes and raised the gas tax and now we're being asked if we want to dedicate ALL that money to the transportation trust. whatever that means. but yes, less money on destruction and more on construction and education.
Nymr83 Nov 02 2016 04:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
building roads is difficult - it involves expensive dealings with the EPA that you love so much.
d'Kong76 Nov 02 2016 05:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
NY is over-taxed on gas since Mario so no little violin-playing for the NJer's. Wealthy people buy more and better things so they make up for it in sales tax. The sales tax on my yacht last year could feed a family of ten for two years!
metsmarathon Nov 02 2016 05:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
you know one thing that increased automation and increased roboticization demands?
Lefty Specialist Nov 02 2016 05:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Thereby creating more jobs.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 02 2016 05:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:18 AM |
batmagadanleadoff Nov 02 2016 06:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I agree with you that this doesn't appear to be an issue in the 2016 Presidential Election. But whether or not adult stem cells are as effective as embryonic stem cells has not been resolved. ... BX20150803
Edgy MD Nov 02 2016 06:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That article is more about harvesting organs than about harvesting stem cells.
Nymr83 Nov 02 2016 07:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
that is like saying that we should hire someone to spay graffiti on our walls and then hire someone else to re-paint it.
metsmarathon Nov 02 2016 07:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
building roads affects the environment, to varying degrees and scale. it's a good thing to take a look at when you're building them.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 02 2016 08:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:18 AM |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 03 2016 12:18 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
They can start by getting freeloading orange frauds like Trump to pony up. Hey Moose! Rocco! Help the Donald find his checkbook!
Ceetar Nov 03 2016 12:32 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I"m not objecting to the gas tax if it's actually used for real purposes and not just money transferred around various state funds that never actually 'get' anywhere. It's the combined reduction, unrelated!, to the estate tax that really bothers me. We're asked to pay more and rich people get a tax break to sorta balance it out. a minute sales tax decrease doesn't even come close to covering it.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 03 2016 12:56 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Im ignorant, but my impression is that gas taxes are probably ow in NJ, as per gallon prices are typically much cheaper than in NY and PA where we also buy gas. And somehow they can afford low prices and pay pumpers. Never made any sense to me.
Nymr83 Nov 03 2016 01:14 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
before the change, NJ was 49th in the nation.
Ceetar Nov 03 2016 01:38 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
catching up now though. I'm okay with taxes. I'm okay with this increase in order to say, fix the bridges, roads, etc. (hopefully it does in fact do that) but I'm not okay with coupling it with eliminated the estate tax. Those are and should be different things.
Lefty Specialist Nov 03 2016 11:45 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's the only way they could get it past Christie. Otherwise he would have vetoed it.
MFS62 Nov 03 2016 01:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is interesting to me because I always thought the reason for the low gas prices in NJ was because the refineries are there and there were no FEDERAL taxes associated with transporting the gas across state lines.
Vic Sage Nov 03 2016 01:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Cubs win the series; apocalypse imminent. If Trump wins, it's Theo's fault.
MFS62 Nov 03 2016 02:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Can't argue with that logic. Later
Nymr83 Nov 03 2016 02:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not sure if thats true (it might be) - the federal tax is something like 18 cents a gallon, so if thats not being charged in NJ it makes up about half the difference between NJ and NY/PA prices As far as taxes go, I think the gas tax is one of the worst taxes there is - (generalizing here) poor people who take public transit don't pay it and richer people dont feel it as much - its a tax that takes the heaviest burden on exactly the people who should be taxed the least - the lower middle class who have jobs they need to drive to every day - it shouldn't be cheaper to sit home on your ass! the estate tax is bad for many reasons, the biggest of which is the burden it places on family-owned businesses whose assets are not liquid. i'd be fine with it if it could narrowly target only non-productive cash in the bank or the like.
Frayed Knot Nov 03 2016 02:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I always assumed that the federal part of the tax was on the sale of gasoline and therefore was applied evenly everywhere. The differences in price was mostly due to state and local taxes levied on top of the federal as well as miscellaneous stuff such as shipping costs, etc.
Lefty Specialist Nov 03 2016 02:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's a ballot initiative in NJ that the new tax money can ONLY be used for roads and bridges. If it passes than the money can't be taken to plug holes elsewhere. It'll probably pass.
d'Kong76 Nov 03 2016 05:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Million people trending on fb about the FBI and the Clinton Foundation again
Frayed Knot Nov 03 2016 06:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
New tax money but what about the old? It's like when states first sold their publics on the idea of lotteries and, to get around the objections to state-sponsored gambling, they peddled the notion of how all the money would go to schools. But in those cases education spending didn't suddenly rocket upward by the same amount taken in by the new lottery revenue source. You just divide things up differently and so some of the existing money that was already going to schools can be diverted to other projects because it's being replaced by lottery cash. So unless NJ is already in a situation where the only money that goes to roads & bridge repair comes from tolls & gas and so this new measure merely increases that fund which is totally fire-walled from the rest of the state budget, then they can say or even codify anything they want about where the new money is going but it doesn't mean that's going to be the actual outcome.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 03 2016 06:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She'd pardon herself.
Edgy MD Nov 03 2016 06:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Only four things that I can think of can remove the president, and an FBI indictment isn't one of them.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 03 2016 06:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
FiveThirtyEight's forecasts have been trending Republican over the last few days.
Nymr83 Nov 03 2016 06:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
exactly right. money in fungible, any promises to spend dollars from X on a certain item are meaningless as they can always lower funding from other sources.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 03 2016 06:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Meanwhile, the Huffington Post just upped Hillary's chances from 98.3% to 98.6%. They clearly see things differently than 538 does. I'm afraid that I think Trump's chances are quite a bit higher than the 1.3% that Huffington is giving him, but I sure hope they're right!
Lefty Specialist Nov 03 2016 06:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, if it's trending on Facebook, it must be true. There's no there there in the Clinton Foundation. The Trump foundation, however...... They're already dreaming up ways to impeach Hillary as we speak. This'll be the Obama era on steroids. They'll probably impeach her for once wearing a Cubs hat.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 03 2016 06:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's absurd. If anything they should impeach her for having worn a Yankees cap.
d'Kong76 Nov 03 2016 07:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Cute. There's a couple of stories on an national network with an X in it and not two N's. *shudder* I'm lazy, was curious as to what the procedure will/would be. Thanks, Edge.
TransMonk Nov 03 2016 07:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Here's a decent article on Silver's model vs. all the other aggregators. ... p-forecast
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 03 2016 08:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:16 AM |
Edgy MD Nov 03 2016 08:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And if Secretary Clinton wins, there's a strong likelihood the Senate is turned over with her, so impeachment and removal becomes all the more improbable.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 03 2016 08:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And it's not like President-elect Trump wouldn't potentially face the same difficulties.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 03 2016 08:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:16 AM |
Edgy MD Nov 03 2016 09:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Impeachment is in the House, but Removal is in the Senate.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 03 2016 09:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:17 AM |
Nymr83 Nov 03 2016 10:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
According to Silver himself, the biggest difference in his model is that he treats the states as being highly correlated - If Trump "beats" his polling in Florida by 3 points, he likely beats it in many other places as well.
Nymr83 Nov 03 2016 11:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
With the race tightening, If you're a Democrat, how worried are you about the Public Transit Workers on strike in Philadelphia? if turnout in Philly is down even 5% what does that do to the state?
TransMonk Nov 03 2016 11:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Probably not worried out enough to call the whole thing rigged and suggest HRC not accept the election results if she doesn't win.
Ashie62 Nov 04 2016 12:04 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I hope we know a winner on 11/9.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 04 2016 12:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's been talk that the strike might be suspended for one day for Election Day.
Nymr83 Nov 04 2016 12:16 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, the state might sue for an injunction to halt it for a day - its anyone's guess what a judge might say to that.
Lefty Specialist Nov 04 2016 01:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Or they might do it anyway just to be vengeful assholes, which is pretty much how the House operates these days.
Chad Ochoseis Nov 04 2016 02:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
2/3 vote is required in the Senate to convict on impeachment. There's no way they'd get the votes unless it can be demonstrated that there's some substance to the latest in a series of weekly investigations of Hillary that have been going on since before the Mets were paying Bobby Bonilla.
d'Kong76 Nov 04 2016 02:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
New Flash! Voters Express Disgust, details at eleven ...
Edgy MD Nov 04 2016 03:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I just noted this infographic that clarifies the situation a bit.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 04 2016 03:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nate Silver suggests the New Hampshire firewall may have been breached. [url] Michigan has been safe for Dems since 1988, but the candidates have been here and are coming here, along with most of the big surrogates, in the last week. Both sides must have internal polling showing that the state is in play.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 04 2016 03:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I've been watching that snake graphic for a while now. There was a time when the blue did take up one more curve, but there was also a time when there was a red state directly to the right of the blue state with the line through it. So it's not as good for Hillary as it had been, it's also not as bad as it was.
Edgy MD Nov 04 2016 03:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, I think that Nevada, close to the line as it is, is less vulnerable to Trump than some of the states to its left.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 04 2016 03:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:15 AM |
Benjamin Grimm Nov 04 2016 04:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It may be that 28 per cent of the state is Hispanic, compared to 4.7 per cent in North Carolina.
Edgy MD Nov 04 2016 04:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's that. I also think that Senator Reid is a vicious knife fighter, or perhaps more like Captain Kirk, he'd blow up the ship before letting it be taken.
TransMonk Nov 04 2016 04:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
With nothing left to lose on his way out the door, I also think this.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 04 2016 04:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I love that snake graphic. The closer we are to Election Day, the more frequently I check that out -- at least three or four times a day now. BTW, as of late last night, Florida and North Carolina were light red/pink. 538 had one of those states (FL, I think) in a dead 50-50 heat.
Edgy MD Nov 04 2016 04:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, I shot this a little over two hours ago, so the snake presumably thinks (or thought) they'd trended back.
Fman99 Nov 04 2016 05:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Did everyone forget about Trump confessing to forcibly grabbing vaginas? Did an email scandal make that something that never happened? What the hell is wrong with people? I wonder.
cooby Nov 04 2016 05:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I have been wondering the exact same thing. I'm almost to the point of making that claim myself just to roil it up
metsmarathon Nov 04 2016 05:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
look, i get it. people are afraid and they'er voting for the dude who they think is going to best fill their wallets.
d'Kong76 Nov 04 2016 06:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
A fb friend of mine posted this link. I've only paulied it so far, will read it better
Edgy MD Nov 04 2016 08:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The snake now has North Carolina and Florida painted pink again.
Ashie62 Nov 04 2016 08:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Those remarks would resemble your in in-season posts lol.
Fman99 Nov 05 2016 02:43 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I won't deny that there are many sides to Fman. I enjoy many a fine joke about the anatomy. Boobs and butts and vaginas are hysterical! And, you know, sensuous and aesthetic yyybbb. But I also respect a woman's right to not get grabbed by the curly fries. I'm cool like that.
Chad Ochoseis Nov 05 2016 03:21 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Fox News slanders Hillary five days before election. But it's OK. They said they're sorry.
Edgy MD Nov 05 2016 03:33 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, my source is a bunch of Macedonian teenagers, and according to them, his information was solid.
Nymr83 Nov 05 2016 04:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
As if our system wasnt screwed enough already, if this guy's vote ends up mattering it could finally be enough for a change:
batmagadanleadoff Nov 05 2016 05:14 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And now Nevada's gone red, according to the snake.
Lefty Specialist Nov 05 2016 11:34 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Two words: Ground Game.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 05 2016 04:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:14 AM |
Chad Ochoseis Nov 05 2016 07:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Voted this morning. Cuyahoga County Board of Election parking lots were full and traffic was jammed in the area by the time we left, which I'm taking as a good sign for Hillary. In Ohio, it's pretty simple; if Cuyahoga County turns out, Democrats win.
Something D's and R's can both agree on!
Lefty Specialist Nov 05 2016 08:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I did take a picture of my son filling out his absentee ballot in the first presidential election he ever voted in. He was annoyed, but it's a dad thing.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 05 2016 10:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I took a photo of the ballot when I was on it in 2014, but there weren't any lines that day.
Chad Ochoseis Nov 06 2016 12:56 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nevada announces early voting results as they happen. Hillary is currently winning by 46,000 votes statewide, and is up by 13.7% in Clark County (i.e. LV area), which Republicans say that Trump can't afford to lose by more than 7 percentage points.
Edgy MD Nov 06 2016 12:59 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's good news.
Edgy MD Nov 06 2016 01:52 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So, riddle me this, Nate — how does your model factor in every jive-ass poll taken by robo-callers at San Pueblo Community College, but you can't factor in Nevada's actual reported voting returns?
Nymr83 Nov 06 2016 02:53 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
People are stupid.
Nymr83 Nov 06 2016 02:57 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think this is a very bad idea. i also don't like that they "call" states on election day - including projecting the winner in a national election - while other states are still voting. i know the news networks love it, but i say no results until all the polls close.
Chad Ochoseis Nov 06 2016 04:18 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Something else I can apparently agree on with the folks on the right. I'd been hearing bits and pieces about Nevada and was assuming that they were just extrapolating from demographic info - maybe a higher than usual Latino turnout. I didn't think they were actually announcing vote counts, and I agree that they shouldn't be doing so.
Chad Ochoseis Nov 06 2016 04:28 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wait a second - I'm calling (partial) bullshit on my post about Nevada. That CNN article is tricky. What they actually say is this:
So they haven't actually counted any votes. What they've done is recorded the registration data of voters. So they can say that more registered Democrats have voted than registered Republicans. But they don't know yet whom anyone voted for, though it's a fairly good guess that the vast majority of Democrats voted Hillary and the vast majority of Republicans voted Trump.
Frayed Knot Nov 06 2016 01:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
1) states shouldn't announce in-progress voting results. I don't see the upside to it and the downside could be to encourage whatever degree voting fraud does exist by sending desperate campaigns into 'whatever it takes' mode if their candidate is doing worse than expected based off partial results
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 06 2016 03:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:15 AM |
Ashie62 Nov 06 2016 05:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump trying for a brexit in the midwestern blue. He ain't winning PA but FL and OH may be his.
Edgy MD Nov 06 2016 05:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Be careful out there.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 06 2016 07:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
GR is a safe place, and it's an indoor event that will be difficult for troublemakers to sneak into. I've met Hillary twice, both times when she was first lady. She was at a school in Flint, and then at the Million Mom March on the National Mall. But I've never had a chance to see Trump up close.
Lefty Specialist Nov 06 2016 08:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Comey sends another letter to Congress saying they've examined the new e-mails and 'nothing to see here' and no change to their original recommendations.
Edgy MD Nov 06 2016 10:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And... it's over.
Lefty Specialist Nov 06 2016 10:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
With the Hillary Persecution Industry, it's never over.
Edgy MD Nov 06 2016 10:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, I think the election is pretty much over.
Ashie62 Nov 06 2016 10:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Congrats President Clinton.
Lefty Specialist Nov 06 2016 11:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I never feared her losing. But she needs that Democratic Senate to come in with her.
d'Kong76 Nov 06 2016 11:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hillary. Persecuted! hahaha...
MFS62 Nov 07 2016 12:37 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yes, but you can't un-ring the bell. I have no doubt this caused damage, how much is still to be tallied. Later
themetfairy Nov 07 2016 02:48 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trumps Aides Reportedly Take Away His Twitter Account Access
batmagadanleadoff Nov 07 2016 02:59 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Uh, no. The GOP's crazy reaction, as per head shill Kellyeanne Conway is to blast the Dems for having disparaged Comey last week.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 07 2016 03:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Plus, Trump sez Comey's decision was rigged. Not to disparage Comey. ... 1.12568279
Fman99 Nov 07 2016 03:34 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Spoke to Fmom, who lives in FL. She's all set to go vote for Mrs. Clinton. So I've done my part.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 07 2016 04:35 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Our new sous chef, of Virginian upbringing and only recently relocated to NYC, missed the absentee-ballot deadline for his home state. He worked a six-day week this week to shift his weekend so that he can train it home for a quick kiss-and-fly family/voting visit.
Edgy MD Nov 07 2016 11:47 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The restaurant ought to bend over backwards to accommodate.
Lefty Specialist Nov 07 2016 01:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm letting the people who work for me work from home tomorrow so they can vote.
Edgy MD Nov 07 2016 03:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Nevada segment of the snake is back to blue.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 07 2016 04:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
As is, for the moment at least, North Carolina and Florida. Both a very pale shade of blue. 538 has Nevada at 53.5% for Clinton, Florida at 51.3%, and North Carolina at 50.5%. New Hampshire is at 65.4%.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 07 2016 04:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Meanwhile, their Senate forecast is looking more positive for the Republicans. New Hampshire has turned pink, and Indiana, which had been quite blue a while ago, is now a darker pink. 538 has the Democrats picking up Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Wisconsin, but they've lost the advantage they once had in flipping New Hampshire and Indiana. Nevada, which also has been close, is currently predicted to remain a Democratic seat.
Edgy MD Nov 07 2016 04:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Next goal: one third of Maine.
Fman99 Nov 07 2016 04:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not by me. He's never not been a shitbag, by my estimation.
Ashie62 Nov 07 2016 04:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wall Sr. rejoices. Yeah.
G-Fafif Nov 07 2016 05:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Leave Donne Wall's dad out of this.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 07 2016 05:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Huff Post's Senate forecast favors the Dems -- 92% chance of regaining the Senate, five likely seats gained --- including NH and Ind. ... ast/senate Also, Huff Post sez Nate Silver is improperly unskewing its polls and forecasts in Trump and GOP's favor. ... ce6fbc6f7f
TransMonk Nov 07 2016 06:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There is a lot riding on Tuesday's vote for Nate Silver.
Frayed Knot Nov 07 2016 06:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, if you follow the link to the Huff Post piece and then their link to Silver's page you'll see that Silver is claiming he's eliminating noise.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 07 2016 06:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And if Hillary wins, it's going to be hard to prove whether Silver was right or wrong. He's saying she has a 66% chance, and Huff Post is saying 98%. How can one or the other be proven right?
Ashie62 Nov 07 2016 07:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Independent Evan McMullin may win Utah.
metirish Nov 07 2016 11:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Squeaky bum time
Lefty Specialist Nov 08 2016 12:29 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm feeling decidedly un-squeaky. Call it faith in my fellow Americans, if you will.
themetfairy Nov 08 2016 12:42 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm squeaky. I'm not as trusting a soul as you are.
Edgy MD Nov 08 2016 01:21 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't know if it's a crash or a hack-job, but is offline.
themetfairy Nov 08 2016 01:48 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Email Leak Reveals Clinton Ignored Calls For Aid From Nigerian Prince
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 08 2016 01:50 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:12 AM |
Ashie62 Nov 08 2016 03:01 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I saw his speech in PA today. It wasn't half bad. Nate Silver may be smiling just a tad.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 08 2016 03:09 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:13 AM |
Nymr83 Nov 08 2016 03:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Clinton has gained a point maybe two nationally the last couple of days and that is probably enough.
Chad Ochoseis Nov 08 2016 04:10 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not worried about the presidential election, but I have near-zero cahnfidence that the Democrats are going to flip enough Senate seats to retake control. It'll be interesting to see how the Supreme Court nomination battles play out.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 08 2016 06:19 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:13 AM |
Lefty Specialist Nov 08 2016 01:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Huge lines at the polling places in NJ this morning, biggest I've ever seen.
MFS62 Nov 08 2016 01:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Why shouldn't there be? The fate of [crossout]America[/crossout] the world is at stake. Later
Lefty Specialist Nov 08 2016 01:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I deal with a lot of people internationally, and every single one of them who has ever broached the topic has basically said the same thing: "Americans aren't REALLY going to vote for him, are they?" The see the closeness of the polls and are terrified that this nation could hand the keys to someone so manifestly unfit.
HahnSolo Nov 08 2016 01:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
7:45 walked in and voted with no line at all.
sharpie Nov 08 2016 03:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Monsta lines at my polling place but went fairly quickly.
Lefty Specialist Nov 08 2016 03:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Today's Miami Herald has the shortest editorial ever.
Ceetar Nov 08 2016 04:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
even it was it, maybe because we spend billions of dollars on the campaign and you think they could hire enough retired grandmother's and stock enough voting stations that there wasn't a line. e-voting or bust.
metsmarathon Nov 08 2016 04:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
xkcd weighs in.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 08 2016 05:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:13 AM |
Vic Sage Nov 08 2016 06:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
my inherent misanthropy has always lead me think that the worst instincts of our society would eventually lead us to fascism.
metsmarathon Nov 08 2016 06:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
yeah, i hate to get all melodramatic over things, but this, all of this. every last bit of it.
Lefty Specialist Nov 08 2016 06:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I never felt before that if my candidate lost the election that America would become somehow less American, if that makes any sense. That the stuff I learned in history class would be turned on its head. Trump gave me that kind of dread for a bit.
metsmarathon Nov 08 2016 07:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i hope that if and when that happens, the guy who tries it will be a hell of a lot smoother than donald, so it will actually be easier for the majority to not hand wave the stink away with a "oh, he doesn't really mean that - he can't possibly mean that, he says so much... so i'm voting for him anyway"
Benjamin Grimm Nov 08 2016 07:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I know what you mean. My hope is that by the time the next facist racist demagogue gets nominated, the trend towards more brown and fewer white Americans will have continued to the point where he'd have a much harder time getting votes and would be able to win many fewer states.
Edgy MD Nov 08 2016 07:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Scarborough has been a strange bedfellow of Donald Trump on and off for a while now.
Nymr83 Nov 08 2016 07:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Eric Trump: Criminal?
Benjamin Grimm Nov 08 2016 07:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hillary Clinton has won Guam's zero electoral votes
Edgy MD Nov 08 2016 07:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Lefty Specialist Nov 08 2016 07:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Morning Joe has done their utmost to promote Trump from the beginning. I'm guessing they'll pretend he never happened in about a week or so while gearing up for 4 years of 'Hillary is Satan'. Mark Halperin, a MJ regular, will be crying when Trump loses tonight; he wanted so dearly for him to win and was the foremost proponent of 'normalizing' Trump, pretending that he was a candidate like any other, only sooooo much more interesting. Halperin is the speaker of one of the all-time classic lines. In 2008, when John McCain was revealed to have 8 different homes, a roundtable discussion debated how bad this looked, while Halperin stated with a straight face "This is good news for John McCain". He's been doing pretty much the same thing this year every time Trump said or did something stupid.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 08 2016 08:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:11 AM |
themetfairy Nov 08 2016 08:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Most Republicans are not White Supremacists.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 08 2016 09:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah I agree with this. And I think most non-hooded, otherwise reasonable Republicans just sat there hugging each other while this happened in front of them, trying to convince themselves it's somehow all for the greater good.
cooby Nov 08 2016 09:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Or that it was all a bad dream
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 08 2016 09:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:11 AM |
Benjamin Grimm Nov 08 2016 09:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think that these people pay a major role in the Republican party. I mean, look at who got nominated.
Edgy MD Nov 08 2016 09:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, it's easy enough to kid yourself that supporting him isn't a tacit endorsement of others who supported him.
Lefty Specialist Nov 08 2016 09:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yes, but one side needs to work a lot harder at it. Lots of Republicans are nice people. And if you're working to make lives better for people I salute you for it. But there's no Democratic Trump (and please don't say Bernie Sanders). Good Republicans need to take one for the team, and by the team I mean The United States of America. This candidacy has embodied hate and prejudice on a scale unmatched since the George Wallace days. He should have been denounced. Some good Republicans did, but most didn't, and silence indicates assent. I'm hoping your governor was one of the good ones, since I have no independent knowledge. If you expanded healthcare for 600,000 people with lower incomes, doesn't that just mean you took the Obamacare Medicaid expansion then? Just wondering.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 08 2016 09:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I have to say, this year I have developed a newfound admiration for Mitt Romney and how forcefully and consistently he's denounced Trump.
TransMonk Nov 08 2016 09:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Agreed on Halperin. He has at most times at least been rooting for Trump. Whether if it is because their views align or just that he simply wants to milk a tight race, it has been hard to say. I'm a fan of With All Due Respect on Bloomberg and The Circus on Showtime...both of which feature Halperin.
Edgy MD Nov 08 2016 09:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Indeed. They fought for their own skin, instead of for the brand that's going to outlive them. (Or for, you know, what's right.) And who knows how long that damage will outlive them. Along with the 2007-2008 fight on the immigration bill, Senator McCain has a couple of real capitulation doozies for a guy that has long styled himself as a maverick. I just don't think he's got it all anymore.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 08 2016 09:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:11 AM |
Vic Sage Nov 08 2016 10:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's nice. Here, have a cookie.
Except that your party nominated such a person, and gives voice to 40% of the American electorate voicing such views. So i'll take your word for it that your not a fascist, but if you voted for Trump, or otherwise endorsed his candidacy, then you've contributed to the rise of fascism in this country.
That's terrific. Have another cookie.
oh, so you mean you can stop funding your public schools, particularly in that city that's 80% black, so your white middle class can exercise their "choice" to abandon the public school system. That's terrific, too. But no cookie this time. Anyway, we could have a debate about vouchers and school choice and all that except the Republican Party's candidate for president isn't really that concerned about it.
Yea! Go, you Republicans of Michigan! Obamacare? Your welcome.
And there it is -- bullshit false equivalency rears up once again. The next time the Democratic Party nominates a fascist demagogue who undermines core principals of a democratic government, I'll take this "both sides" nonsense seriously. But they haven't. This is not about "positions". There were no issues actually debated in this campaign, so who knows what the Orange Vulgarian's views on the issues actually are (i don't really think he has any... he just says what he thinks his angry, older, low-income, under-educated white male fanbase from THE APPRENTICE wants to hear.) This is about those who rose above their narrow party platform issues to recognize a national threat to our society, as some outspoken Republicans have done, and the rest of you, who history will judge, and not well.
themetfairy Nov 08 2016 10:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 08 2016 10:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 4 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:12 AM |
Ashie62 Nov 08 2016 10:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Why pick on MGIM? He is part of the solution.
themetfairy Nov 08 2016 10:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Having an honest debate is not the same as picking on someone. I honestly disagree with MGIM's viewpoints, but he and I have always liked and respected each other. Liking a person does not preclude someone from raising a contrary opinion.
Vic Sage Nov 08 2016 10:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i didn't call you names. I disagreed with a position about education that is generally implicated when someone talks about "parents' choices". If you're not strip-mining your public school system, then great. wonderful. But as i said, that's a policy debate that has absolutely nothing to do with this election. And bringing up all the wonderful things your party is doing in Michigan is also besides the point. While the Republican nominee may not have been your choice, he is the choice of your party, and it wasn't even particularly close. And while some of you have risen up as a matter of principle to reject his candidacy, most have not and are either remaining silent or actively supporting him. I don't know which group you fall into and i don't particularly care. But talking about the Republican victories in Michigan regarding health care, jobs, education, whatever, while your state is THIS close to giving him your electoral votes is just misdirection. There's an orange elephant in the room and your party brought him. Stop with the false equivalencies. There is no equivalency to the Trump candidacy in the history of American politics.
Ceetar Nov 08 2016 10:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
fair bet there are still a large swath of republicans supporting Trump, or at least initially, because they figure even if he's a bad president it just means nothing gets done and they still get to nominate their supreme court guy.
MFS62 Nov 08 2016 11:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Exactly. I have seen political differences destroy two other "baseball" boards and was reluctant to enter those discussions here. But I'm happy that we have shown all due respect to members who hold differing opinions. Later
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 08 2016 11:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:12 AM |
Edgy MD Nov 09 2016 12:20 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I sure care about this. Republicans who've abandoned their party's ticket are the hope for all today.
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 12:39 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This election is closer than I expected.
Lefty Specialist Nov 09 2016 12:42 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, kinda like the rooster taking credit for the sunrise. Without Obama and the Democrats taking an incredible amount of heat and paying for it, you wouldn't have been able to do that.
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 12:54 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
SC and IN and VA go Trump.
Edgy MD Nov 09 2016 01:08 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not sure which thread to use. Who is calling Virginia?
Lefty Specialist Nov 09 2016 01:11 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
VA hasn't been called. It'll be called for Hillary later.
Edgy MD Nov 09 2016 01:13 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, I agree, but Ash seems to have a source we don't have.
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 01:28 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
My mistake, sorry.
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 01:30 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
VA too close to call MSNBC
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 01:39 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Broward county looks to decide FL again. One state where college whites are not following the national trend to HRC apparent in most states per Rachel Maddow.
Nymr83 Nov 09 2016 01:40 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i saw "too early to call" - there is a big difference in how those two terms are normally used. "too close to call" means the race is actually close while "too early to call" just means it would be irresponsible for a professional news organization to do so based on the returns so far.
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 02:17 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I said non global midwest brexit months ago.
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 02:20 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Jame Carville said if Trump wins FL and Fairfax doesnt come in for HRC in VA the election is Trump's. Carville's quote "we lose."
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 02:32 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Awfully quiet. I believe she blew it. Polls can equal astronomy and sometimes Political Science is an oxymoron.
Chad Ochoseis Nov 09 2016 02:37 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hold Me Now Love is on Your Side one other And the Detroit Free Press has called Michigan for Clinton, tho I'm not sure I believe them.
Nymr83 Nov 09 2016 02:40 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
people WANT divided government when they vote for Trump/Clinton!
Chad Ochoseis Nov 09 2016 03:27 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ohio has been called for Trump. Sorry, folks. I did all I could.
Edgy MD Nov 09 2016 03:30 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm flagging.
Chad Ochoseis Nov 09 2016 03:41 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Politico is providing really good stats:
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 03:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
NY Times calling a Trump win at 91%
Chad Ochoseis Nov 09 2016 03:56 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Major stock index futures down about 4%.
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 03:59 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That will come back in a few days. The uncertainty is soon to be gone.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 09 2016 11:35 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Okay, in the spirit of the IGT, we'll have to have someone else start the 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION thread.
Nymr83 Nov 09 2016 12:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Moratorium on politics? Please.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 09 2016 01:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The GOP will defend just eight Senate seats in 2018. Trump'll likely have the Senate for his entire first term. Plus, he'll get to fill all the lower Court judicial openings that Obama couldn't.By the time Trump's done, minorities won't be allowed to vote in half the states and corporations will practically be immune from civil suits.
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 01:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not time for panic or hyperbole.
TransMonk Nov 09 2016 01:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
My crow tastes like Nate Silver this morning. And fascism.
Lefty Specialist Nov 09 2016 02:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I know people with pre-existing conditions that would beg to differ with you. This is going to be a very dark four years.
Centerfield Nov 09 2016 02:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Thank you for voting.
Centerfield Nov 09 2016 02:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think we learned last night that the people of our country are a lot more racist, sexist, homophobic and tolerant of sexual abuse than they care to let on publicly. So disappointed in our people. Whatever your political leanings might be, I can't understand how any halfway decent person can vote for such a despicable human being.
themetfairy Nov 09 2016 02:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is going to be a particularly hard four years for the LGBT community....
Fman99 Nov 09 2016 02:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I thought this too. I think the reason the polls were all off was that so many people were embarrassed to admit to another human that they were going to vote for this guy, but, not ashamed enough to not fill in his circle behind a privacy screen.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 09 2016 02:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I hope not. I haven't picked up too much homophobia from Trump; he even said that he didn't think transgenders in public restrooms was a problem. Or perhaps I overlooked his homophobia because of his countless other faults? I expect that whatever Supreme Court justices he appoints will be bad for LGBT, but it will be a while before that has any real impact: justices have to be appointed and confirmed, a case has to come to their attention, and then a ruling has to be made.
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 02:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The whole thing reminds me of Albert Finney in Network. "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."
Centerfield Nov 09 2016 02:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I find myself hoping this morning that he just said a bunch of shit to get elected, and that now that he's in, he will preside with a sense of decency. Again, I have no reason to believe he will, but just hoping. I guess I am really having trouble coming to grips with the fact that anyone can vote for this terrible man. I would be honored to meet President Bush, either one. I have great respect for John McCain and Mitt Romney, and would be thrilled to introduce either man to my kids. I would not want my kids to be in the same building as Donald Trump. And would not shake his hand if he were standing in front of me.
Vic Sage Nov 09 2016 02:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I like my contempt for humanity to be challenged once in a while, but it rarely is, and it certainly wasn't today.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 09 2016 02:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Thank you, Vic. I'm terrified and thats no hyperbole. I couldn't sleep more than an hour last night.
Centerfield Nov 09 2016 02:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It took me about 4 hours of tossing turning and talking myself off the ledge to get there. And now you undid it.
Vic Sage Nov 09 2016 02:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
i literally threw up this morning, just from anxiety.
Centerfield Nov 09 2016 02:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And one thing you didn't mention Vic, for all the hate he spewed at Muslims and talked about fighting terrorism, we are so much more at risk for an attack today than we were yesterday.
Centerfield Nov 09 2016 02:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And for the record, I would make the same moral argument to any democrat thinking of voting for Anthony Weiner.
MFS62 Nov 09 2016 03:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And from the people advising him during the campaign (see the code words and people highlighted in his last 2 minute campaign ad) , there's Anti-Semitism in there as well. Later
Frayed Knot Nov 09 2016 03:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Peter Finch, not Finney.
metsmarathon Nov 09 2016 03:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
you know what they say.. be careful what you wish for - you just might get it.
metsmarathon Nov 09 2016 03:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
the problem isn't so much that trump himself has expressed homophobia, but rather the base which elected him exudes it. a democratic president would at least be a check against that, and a left-leaning supreme court would work to , ideally, improve things in hte long term. all of that appears lost, for the time being.
cooby Nov 09 2016 03:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You nailed that mm
batmagadanleadoff Nov 09 2016 03:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
For the time being? I fear now that I'll never ever live to see a left or liberal leaning U.S. Supreme Court. And Trump is just a (huge) part of the problem. The GOP's gone crazy years ago. And that's another (huge) part of the problem.
Lefty Specialist Nov 09 2016 04:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm sad and worried. My wife cried all night. I have three nieces in Pennsylvania, 12, 17 and 20, who are inconsolable.
Ashie62 Nov 09 2016 06:23 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I and many on this board are older in age. I have had my run and made my way. Someone I respect once said when you turn 50 "Get off of the Stage." My generation has grown up under the values of the time, be they good or bad.
sharpie Nov 09 2016 07:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Good one, Ashie. My son is 24 and is as down as I've ever seen him.
Centerfield Nov 09 2016 07:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It will be interesting to see how Trump's base reacts when their lives don't magically improve in 2017. Whether they will buy the excuses and finger pointing that will inevitably come, or whether they turn on him.
dinosaur jesus Nov 09 2016 07:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'd rather look on the bright side. His honeymoon is going to last about eight minutes. He's going to be all alone up there; he won't be able to play the "But Hillary is even worse game"; he'll have plenty of scapegoats, but anything that goes wrong--and a lot is going to go wrong--will go right to him, and he's not going to react well to all that blame; and his is going to have approval ratings that Nixon and Hoover would laugh their heads off at. It might be enough to turn Congress around in two years, or it might take four. The bigger question is how much damage he can do in the meantime. Yeah, that's the bright side.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 09 2016 07:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Another bright (sort of) sign is that I don't expect that the Republican Congress will necessarily be in lockstep with Trump. The Senate and House leaders are going to want to flex their muscles, as is their right. I find myself hoping that Paul Ryan will be a curb on Trump. I know it's a rather faint hope, but it's what we've got.
Frayed Knot Nov 09 2016 08:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is pretty much where I'm at as well. While some Repubs in the Congress supported Trump -- some enthusiastically, some more on the 'enemy of my enemy' theory -- that he "joined" the party about 20 minutes prior to deciding that he wanted to lead it gives him no history with his own party, more than a few opponents, and maybe not even much policy agreement. On top of that, Congress in general and on both sides of the aisle has been woefully weak in asserting themselves as a co-equal branch of gov't in recent years in fear that making noise might possibly upset someone which could in turn risk their lifetime incumbency plans. So Harry Reid's Senate never bothered to submit required budgets, House Republicans sat idly by while Obama unilaterally rewrote laws because to oppose him would force them to admit that ACA actually existed while they preferred to pretend it didn't, and imagine a scenario where Democrats didn't go along with W. Bush's Iraq adventures instead of being too afraid that opposing them would get them labeled as unpatriotic. Well Congress, maybe now would be a good time to get back in the game and not act as if the country is a top-down autocracy. Properly managed, there are many ways to make sure that even a massive ego with a bully pulpit can't ruin too much even if he were of a mind to.
themetfairy Nov 09 2016 08:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yes, but when Trump gets bored with the Presidency and Mike Pence takes over, the lockstep will be crazy frightening.
Vic Sage Nov 09 2016 08:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump’s first 100 days:
Fman99 Nov 09 2016 08:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So basically we're looking at the events that lead up to "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy, is what you're saying.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 09 2016 09:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think Barack Obama should issue a preemptive pardon of Hillary regarding her e-mails. The FBI already said there was nothing there that was criminal. I know this would be controversial, but jeez, the country needs to move beyond never-ending Hillary hearings.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 09 2016 09:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I must be the most hopeless dreamer here. Because I'm wishing for a mass revolt of faithless electors. It's about time we put this cockamamie electoral college to its intended purpose.
Lefty Specialist Nov 09 2016 09:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, they're going to own everything that happens. No excuses, even though I expect they'll make plenty.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 09 2016 10:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 09 2016 10:28 PM |
Even if the new Trump court gets the chance, this right has a fighting chance to survive at least one Trump term. Kennedy tends to favor abortion rights and was in the 5-3 majority that struck down the recent Texas law restricting abortions. The key is for Breyer and RBG to outlast Trump.
TransMonk Nov 09 2016 10:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's NOT the economy stupid.
Chad Ochoseis Nov 10 2016 02:16 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
From Wikipedia:
I don't want this. I want to see that orange asshole appoint that special prosecutor he promised to appoint. And I want to see that special prosecutor make an idiot of himself trying to prove that Hillary actually did something criminal and that this wasn't just a politically motivated gimmick that was instrumental in getting that orange asshole elected President.
Lefty Specialist Nov 10 2016 12:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I would hope that the harassment of Hillary Clinton would end at this point. She's no longer a threat.
seawolf17 Nov 10 2016 02:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I've wondered about this too, actually. Wouldn't surprise me.
Nymr83 Nov 10 2016 02:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
she is still a potential criminal - but given her age and the low likelihood that she ever becomes a serious candidate for anything again its is probably in everyone's best interest to just let it go. If Donald and those surrounding him are smart, they'll realize a fundamental truth: regardless of all the idiocy and protests and whatever, come january every president comes into office with a certain amount of political capital - the other side can't obstruct you as openly from day one, your own guys dont want to pick fights with you yet, etc. does he want to spend his capital advancing an agenda (Killing TPP, upping border security) or prosecuting Hillary? i think with the election behind us he is not going to choose Hillary.
Centerfield Nov 10 2016 02:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I was in a discussion about the disappointing support from white, suburban women. Some were offering that the latent racism of these women was so strong, it outweighed the offensive things Trump said and did. One of the women said she felt that there was some backlash against Hillary herself. A successful working woman is not always well received by stay at home women, who, incidentally, might be more inclined to have racist views.
Frayed Knot Nov 10 2016 02:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I have no problem if someone wants to consider pardoning Hillary I just think they should do so in true Clinton style -- see how large a donation she's willing to give first and then base the decision on that.
Centerfield Nov 10 2016 02:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It will be interesting to see who he is from here. His crowd clearly wants to "Lock her up". If he doesn't even try, how do they react? To get elected he had just enough support from moderate republicans who stuck with him, thinking he would never do the things he said he would, and also the radical right, who is hoping he does exactly what he said he would. Depending on what he does, he loses one of those groups. And with the control of the House and Senate, he has no built-in excuse. If he goes the moderate route, maybe he loses his radical base and picks up more moderate Republicans. But then he becomes exactly what he said he hates, a politician. If he does the things he said in his campaign, you have to think he will lose support eventually from the others in Washington. Or maybe I'm still being naive about this.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 10 2016 03:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't think this will happen, but I do think it's a possibility: Trump learns what he should have already known, that you can't run a country the way you can a business, by bossing everyone around. He'll get frustrated and resign after about two years, saying that he did what he could but the "rigged system" kept him from being able to "drain the swamp" and he'll go back to building fabulous hotels and golf courses.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 10 2016 03:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm still trying to unpack what happened while also fretting over the future as described by Ralph above (seems a reasonable take to me).
Frayed Knot Nov 10 2016 03:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I read an analysis a week or two prior to the election (so it wasn't merely part of the second guessing that's gone on concerning why everyone missed their predictions) that offered the opinion that while the mainstream press, and by extension many of those listening to them, were busy taking Trump literally but not seriously his followers were more likely to be taking him seriously but not necessarily literally. iow, while the press got hung up on the specific things he said and wondered how he could say them, why anyone could support someone who said such things, and therefore were convinced that he'd eventually fall by the wayside even as they tripped over themselves using him to fill up their airtime and column space, Trump-ites were more likely to dismiss the details of what he was saying while totally buying into the the Trump the person as someone who would in general have their better interests at heart even if the way he goes about it strays off the reservation. I suspect most of them don't see themselves as racists and probably don't see him as one either, they're just lining up behind the candidate that they think represents them the best while ignoring the flaws they choose to ignore.
Centerfield Nov 10 2016 03:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He fed into their hate, their insecurity, and their fear to galvanize them to get their vote. He justified their scapegoating, justified their prejudice. Told them it was ok to lash out at minorities. Told them it's completely acceptable to be a backwards thinking bigot. These guys were not looking for any solution. Trump's answer to any economic question could have been "When I am president, I will print more money, the best money, and give it to you." And they would have bought it. Like I said, I am curious to find out how these assholes will react when their lives don't get magically better.
Lefty Specialist Nov 10 2016 03:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, here's a question. What happens if charges are brought against him for fraud in the Trump University case? Talk about potential criminals. And that's one that everyone can understand. Of course if they stop investigating Hillary now, it would be an admission that their previous investigations were politically motivated.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 10 2016 03:23 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I saw an article that there's a California secession movement.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 10 2016 03:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I've been wondering that too. My ideal outcome would have involved Trump losing the election and then going to jail. Now, however, I think I read that he has the ability to pardon himself, although I'm skeptical of that. Anyone know for sure?
Centerfield Nov 10 2016 03:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I agree with that. I think these are the moderate Republicans who voted for him despite the things he said and did. But there is unquestionably a strong contingent of Trump voters, a lot of whom do not typically vote, and do not get polled, who literally want him to build a wall, lock her up, to deport Latinos, to ban Muslims from entering the country, and to cause the ones that are already here to register with the government.
Centerfield Nov 10 2016 03:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Californian Army would be pretty weak. I would move there with you. But I think we'd get invaded and taken over by the U.S. pretty quickly.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 10 2016 03:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
We'll have to agree to take turns doing the dishes and stuff.
themetfairy Nov 10 2016 03:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's moot - President Pence will pardon him. And then we'll all really be in the shitter, because unlike Trump, who has been making rhetoric up as he goes along, Pence has a radical right wing agenda and he's in a position to stick with it.
Centerfield Nov 10 2016 03:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's sad that our "bright side" is an incompetent bigot versus the calm, well spoken bigot who can pursue his agenda with calculated precision.
metsmarathon Nov 10 2016 04:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
this. all of this. so much this.
Edgy MD Nov 10 2016 04:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You think the system is set up to benefit the global elites? Good. 'Cuz it is. While you get squeezed dry by taxes, and can't keep your farm or business afloat, while being terrified you're going to get busted because you don't have the time or the resources to even comprehend the complexities of the tax code, you're responding to that by electing a guy who congratulates himself on paying no taxes and staying out of jail, born with the money to hire the lawyers to game the system for him, and make him that much richer while you get screwed. Fwhat?
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 10 2016 04:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And the other thing is... you hate the system? You hate Washington insiders? You hate it all so much, you want to elect a guy to burn it all down?
Lefty Specialist Nov 10 2016 04:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
California would be great, count me in.
Edgy MD Nov 10 2016 05:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It goes deeper than FOX. FOX helped make Trump viable, sure, but the true believers are gobbling up information from media sources that make FOX look like NPR.
Vic Sage Nov 10 2016 05:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
When the Republicans obstructed our government from functioning over much of the past 8 years, they controlled at least 1 house (and then both houses) and could stop the Executive pretty effectively. Yeah, the Democrats will be free to say "fuck you" all they like, and they can hold their collective breath and jump up and down like Rumplestilskin. It'll probably help their reelection bids. But they don't have the votes in either house of congress (and soon, the supreme court) to stop the radical right from doing ANYTHING it wants to do.
Vic Sage Nov 10 2016 05:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And if you think the great unwashed will realize 4 years from now that they were conned, you haven't been paying attention. The FACTS DON'T MATTER. They're buying a pre-packaged ideology from those other media sources Edgy is speaking about that will blame the Democrats, minorities, women, Muslims, Jews, immigrants and foreigners for their ongoing pain. The only thing that will protect America from their hateful blind stupid self-destruction will be strong candidates who can actually energize the growing coalition of all Americans who are not white, low educated males to rise up and stop them at the polls the next chance they get.
A Boy Named Seo Nov 10 2016 05:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'll move back to California with yall. I'll share my surfboard with everyone (socialism!), and if nothing else, we can all now be legally stoned for the next 4 years.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 10 2016 05:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Get her a Hispanic transgender running mate, and we're all set!
Lefty Specialist Nov 10 2016 06:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hmm. Kamala Harris.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 10 2016 06:23 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's also Cory Booker. There are rumors that he might be gay. That would make things interesting.
Nymr83 Nov 10 2016 07:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
she used her position as AG to target conservative groups by trying to force them to reveal their donor lists, much as the right once tried to do to attack the NAACP - the courts smacked her down, just as they did back then - perhaps you should learn one of the lessons of Clinton - you need a good candidate, not one who checks the demographic box of "not having a penis." Lefty is right that the bench looks short, because Republicans have been cleaning up on state races during the Obama years (a trend likely to reverse in 2018 but thats hardly time to create a 2020 candidate) If i was making a short list for 2020: John Hickenlooper, Michael Bennet, Kirsten Gillibrand, & Mark Warner come to mind - this all assumes you'll want a boring and mainstream politician who isn't tied deeply to the past administrations and has few if any scandals that can be written about endlessly, to defeat the dumpster fire that Trump is expected to be.
TransMonk Nov 10 2016 07:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, I have to think the Dems are starting to groom Booker like, TODAY!
Edgy MD Nov 10 2016 07:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, Mayor Booker is probably already being groomed.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 10 2016 07:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He's now Senator Booker.
A Boy Named Seo Nov 10 2016 07:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, Clinton wasn't necessarily my girl, but she definitely offered more than not having a peen. Obv being a minority isn't the only thing I'll look for in the next candidate I support, but I think it's damn important (esp. now) that we do have minorities in important positions in government. And now that I've been on the #Harris4Prez train all the way back since 11 minutes ago, it seems hers was a shakedown of the defenseless Koch Bros and their funneling of stacks of Tea Party cash into CA elections. Who doesn't want to lessen corporate scumbags' political influence? Exactly! #Kamala2020 Edit: I suppose I could also back #TeamBooker, even though he has a dick.
Chad Ochoseis Nov 10 2016 07:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
To paraphrase Leo Durocher on Jackie Robinson, I don't care if the next Democratic candidate is white, black, yellow, or has stripes up and down his back like a fuckin' zebra. I want someone who is up to the job and who will implement policies that will benefit the country.
We need some of the white, low educated males, too. They have indeed been screwed over during the last couple of decades, and one reason why we're looking at President Trump is that nobody put much effort into making the case that it wasn't Obama and his team doing the screwing, but an obstructionist Republican congress. Would they all have renounced the Donald? No, but if a few did, that might have been enough to swing Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin back to the blue side. And maybe North Carolina and even Ohio. Are some of them deplorable? Hell, yes. All of them? No, and during this campaign, Democrats treated them like they were all stereotypical toothless, cross-burning troglodytes out of "Deliverance". That didn't do much for winning hearts and minds. The next Democratic candidate should do a little bit of campaigning in Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia. They won't win there, but they'll make the case that could help them win back the Great Lakes. I don't want to give up on those guys (and girls, too) while building a coalition that includes women, non-whites, and hypereducated white males. It's bad politics and it's bad policy, too. I think Tammy Duckworth could get those votes.
Congress sucks, but my congressman is awesomesauce. That's the way it's always been...
cooby Nov 10 2016 07:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh my. This does not belong buried on the bottom of a page
Mets Willets Point Nov 10 2016 07:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm like Cassandra in that I make predictions that no one believes but they still come true. I fucking hate being a Cassandra.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 10 2016 08:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well there is a way... go by the popular vote!
TransMonk Nov 10 2016 08:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If we're grooming young Democrats for a 2020 run, I'd get Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on the list, too. Iraqi veteran and vocal Bernie supporter.
d'Kong76 Nov 10 2016 08:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I put the whammy on her 29 months ago... sorry, guys....
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 10 2016 09:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 3 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:09 AM |
TransMonk Nov 10 2016 10:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 10 2016 11:32 PM |
Trump can only go up? Man, that's an optimistic view...what are you, some sort of Republican? *
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 10 2016 11:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'd aggree you are willfully overlooking just how incompetent and hateful and dangerous Trump is, and how by running that great campaign you admire so much, how he's emboldened the worst in his followers and made a complete joke of the very office.
Lefty Specialist Nov 10 2016 11:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well of course he can only go up. Like he could win the debates by not shitting his pants, but he shit them anyway.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 10 2016 11:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I said in there that I admired him or his campaign? I don't think so. I explained why I thought he won, and how both parties need to take a hard look at how they've been doing things. And that goes double for the media.
d'Kong76 Nov 11 2016 12:08 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Pretty sure everyone here except Ashie and you think Trump is a total douche.
TransMonk Nov 11 2016 12:18 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It will take longer than a few weeks. I have no respect for the man. I'm glad the closeted racists love him, but he'll always be a joke to me.
A Boy Named Seo Nov 11 2016 12:18 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
MGIM- your post was mostly about why you think Hillary didn't win, and I don't know if you actually voted for Trump or not, but if you did, you don't just get to say "Hillary ran a poor campaign, her slogan was lame, and WikiLeaks", so Trump. You have to acknowledge the whole fuckin' enchilada that comes with that guy, and I don't recall you doing that. "Facebook warriors" aside, there have been shitloads of stories of minorities being harassed in the last 48 hours, their attackers emboldened by the elections results. He hasn't done it up until now anyway, but why hasn't the President-elect disavowed shit like this, and asked all citizens to peacefully co-exist? Wouldn't you expect at least that?
d'Kong76 Nov 11 2016 12:30 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I mean weeks for the speeches from the happy guy in Michigan. I don't expect my view (and certainly not the view of the majority here) to ever embrace Trump one iota. Ever.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 11 2016 12:37 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:07 AM |
TransMonk Nov 11 2016 12:40 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This we can agree on. I'm not sure what those are hoping to achieve.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 11 2016 12:52 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think we agree more than we disagree. I'm a moderate. My candidates flamed out in the primaries.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 11 2016 12:59 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It occurs to me that Donald Trump becoming the President of the United States may be the stupidest thing to ever actually come to fruition.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 11 2016 01:00 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ever, right? It's truly sickening.
A Boy Named Seo Nov 11 2016 01:06 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The protests seem a little late to the #NeverTrump cause (unless they're registering voters or some shit), but I guess it can also be cathartic to get out and loudly disavow this hatred that our democracy's just legitimized, and ultimately voicing opposition to that hatred is maybe better than sitting quietly by and bitching about it on the CPF and Facebook like I've been doing for the last 30 min.
Centerfield Nov 11 2016 01:16 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 11 2016 01:18 AM |
Are you fucking kidding me? Are you seriously comparing protests to fucking hate crimes? How fucked up in the head to you have to be to write such a statement. How about yes. He should absolutely fucking denounce such behavior. End of statement. Take a breath before you point the finger at something you think Hillary should do that is not even in the same fucking universe. Protests are part of the fabric of democracy. They are vehicles of change, and right now, after seeing their fellow citizens elect a monster to our highest office, they are a source of healing and catharsis. And they are providing comfort to our Muslim/Latino/disabled/women/you name it citizens who have been the victim of his attacks. They are hurting no one. And you are comparing this to hate crimes. Have you read about them? ... ears-trnd/ If you have, and you can compare this to peaceful protests then you are a fucking asshole. People are being assaulted. People feel unsafe because they are actually unsafe. And that monster you elected has told them it's ok to act this way. You don't think he's a monster? Then you're lying to yourself. You don't think people are afraid? Then you don't surround yourself with the people in the crosshairs. Every bit of your post screams of self-justification. You want to turn this into a strategy discussion, rationalize what you did. You claim he's not your candidate. Wrong. You don't get to do that. You voted for him. This is your doing. It's one thing for someone who is not educated to be fooled by his game. To tap into the feelings of insecurity and use them for his own agenda. You are intelligent, educated and you see what this for what it is. But you lie to yourself so you can vote while trying to keep a clean conscience. Whatever. At the end of the day I hope you can live with yourself.
Centerfield Nov 11 2016 01:17 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And I'm sorry. I know we were trying to be respectful in this thread. Redlight my post as you see fit.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 11 2016 01:30 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I agree that they have every right to protest, as long as it's peaceful, and nobody should tell them to stop. They'll stop soon enough, when they get it out of their system.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 11 2016 01:38 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
To be clear, I wasn't referring to the peaceful protests. I was referring to the violent protests where people are getting hurt. [url]
Centerfield Nov 11 2016 02:03 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Give me a fucking break. More self-justification. More spin. There were protests in 16 cities throughout the US last night and exactly one of them turned violent. I think your use of the plural is unwarranted. And you can pretend that you meant violence. If you meant violence, you would have said violence. You said she should call and end to protests. Keep lying to yourself. And you continue to demonstrate that you think protests and hate crimes are in the same ballpark make it ever so clear that for you, these hate crimes are someone else's problem. Someone else you don't care about.
Mets Willets Point Nov 11 2016 02:16 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
What do protests hope to achieve?
Centerfield Nov 11 2016 02:17 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
When people commit hate crimes in your name you tell them to stop. And you tell them right away.
Nymr83 Nov 11 2016 02:44 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I didn't want Trump to win, but now that he did it is being made worth it for me with the hate and vitriol from Liberals everywhere - showing their true colors like this statement that we should destroy democracy and "ensure" the duly elected president doesn't take office. the Left in this country is anti-democratic, they care about turning us in Venezuela or Cuba more than the rule of law. I'm so glad you are upset.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 11 2016 02:45 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I know. These protests are all over my news feeds and Google News pages and I haven't wasted a half of a second of my time reading about 'em or watching video of it on TV. Unless these protests can undo this election and put HRC in the White House, I could care less. And that attention whore Lady Gaga with her own personal protest with the attention all on her. Get the fuck outta here. And why is every other news link asking me to guess who Taylor Swift voted for? Doesn't she have enough money and fame and attention at such a young age that she doesn't have to insert herself into these things to make herself the center of attention? Did Lord Sutch ever tease the world by keeping his vote a secret?
Lefty Specialist Nov 11 2016 03:01 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, I'm not going to protest yet. He was duly elected, god help us. But if he does the things that he's said he's going to do, you're damn right I'll protest. It's my right. I promise I won't bash anybody's head in or throw bricks through windows to get attention.
Nymr83 Nov 11 2016 04:06 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
that is the right attitude. too bad more people dont share it.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 11 2016 04:46 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I mean, say what you will-- and I will, and I will-- but it appears the guy was legally elected president of the United States.
Centerfield Nov 11 2016 04:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It looks like Trump found the time to denounce the protestors on twitter.
Lefty Specialist Nov 11 2016 10:41 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Those who are protesting now are the usual suspects. I call them the "Free Mumia" crowd. They're professional agitators. You can tell by the signs they carry.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 11 2016 11:39 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Who were you quoting here? I disagree with that notion, too. The time to prevent Trump's presidency was on Election Day.
Lefty Specialist Nov 11 2016 01:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Rumors swirl that either Secretary of Energy or Interior Secretary could be......Sarah Palin.
Gwreck Nov 11 2016 02:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Classy. I will admit to not quite understanding the point of the protests myself. They seem a few days too late. That said, it's abundantly clear that our next president has a lot of work to do. This was a good summary, I thought, from an outgoing Senator: "If this is going to be a time of healing, we must first put the responsibility for healing where it belongs: at the feet of Donald Trump, a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and fueled his campaign with bigotry and hate."
Mets Willets Point Nov 11 2016 03:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Important read: ... -survival/
Vic Sage Nov 11 2016 03:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 3 time(s), most recently on Nov 11 2016 03:51 PM |
this. MGiM, I don't disagree with much of your analysis of Clinton. Many of us "Bernie Bros" saw the tragic miscalculation by the Democratic Party, when they put forth a stooge of the elites because it was her turn, and put their thumbs on the scale for her. A promise to competently manage the ongoing engorgement of the political and economic elites at the expense of everybody else was not going to get it done this year, even if the manager wore a pants suit and was perfumed with a gentler, kinder rhetoric of togetherness, rather than Trump's ugly orange shitdick message of hate. But Trump's victory can't be simply dismissed as a revolt of the revolting. I've tried to talk myself into that, but it isn't working for me. Blaming the voters for their choice only gets me so far. When a person is drowning, they will thrash in the water, out of desperation and panic, and drag down anyone trying to save them. But is that their fault? Is that unforseeable? More responsible, by far, is the captain of the rescue boat who, seeing the drowning man, throws him an anchor and keeps on sailing by. The fact is, the "Brexit" vote of the industrial mid-west was a scream from the heart of suffering, overlooked people. These same people voted for Obama... twice. So to simply chalk the Trump win up to racism alone seems counter-factual to me, despite his Klan endorsement. Those voters were abandoned by the Democratic Party they've supported, and so they turned away from it. Of course, they made exactly the WRONG choice to address their concerns. They're burning down the house while standing inside it, and now we'll all suffer the consequences. But what of Republicans who chose Donald, not out of hopeless desperation, but out of political calculation? Who thought to use the hate he's stirred up as an opportunity to push through a partisan legislative agenda? They are playing a dangerous game. A toxic worldview has been legitimized; hate crimes have started. And still The Donald says nothing, except to criticize protesters. Look, violent protest is never defensible. But the protests are mostly peaceful, comprised of people who've had a target painted on their backs as a result of this election, standing up and saying "fuck you". They'll get tired and go home eventually. And trying to de-legitimize the election and the office of the presidency is a Republican game they've played for the past 8 years and we shouldn't be engaging in it. Instead, the left needs to reclaim the Democratic Party and make it stand for something beyond the status quo, because until the Democrats give people a real choice on policies that go beyond the rhetoric of inclusion, the house will continue to burn down. Never mind a 3-party system; we need to have at least a 2-party system. And that second party needs to hold the Republican Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches accountable at every turn for every action they take, and be willing to lay their own bodies on the tracks when a train is bearing down on their constituencies. And make it clear to the the disenfranchised and dispossessed exactly WHO is responsible for their plight. Time to show some sack, yo. Elizabeth Warren, our nation turns its lonely eyes to you... Warren / Booker in 2020
TransMonk Nov 11 2016 03:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yup. My biggest fear is not what the full Republican control will do, but that Trump will become an autocrat. The media has begun normalizing him as Presidential after just 48 hours. He is NOT a normal President in any way. If the media does not take him to task for every un-American move he makes, then there will be no more American democracy as it stood for 240 years.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 11 2016 04:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:07 AM |
Vic Sage Nov 11 2016 04:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
while i think all that's true, and i think dismissing Trump voters as racist and sexist is an analysis without much depth (an analysis i myself have been guilty of), but it is also true that Trump voters overlooked the clearly documented sexism, racism and nativism of their candidate (not to mention his small, petty immaturity, his corrupt fraudulence, and mean-spirited bullying meanness) out of either blind desperation or cunning calculation to push forward a political ideology. And, what many are saying (in the press and in the public), is that this lack of a moral threshold is not excusable, regardless of ideology. If your candidate's endorsement by the KKK is not a deal-breaker for you, then you're going to have to accept scorn for that choice, even if you are not yourself a racist.
Lefty Specialist Nov 11 2016 05:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I thought this was an interesting analysis.
dinosaur jesus Nov 11 2016 05:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
But the voters were wrong. Why is it smug to say so? It's true that it's not helpful to say they voted for him because they're a bunch of racist idiots, and leave it at that. I'm sure the majority of the people who voted for him would have been willing to vote for an actual human being, and the Democrats should probably be asking themselves why they weren't able to pass Hillary off as one. (She seems pretty human to me, but I'm biased.) But I think it's perfectly accurate to say that without the racism, the macho bullying, the explicitly fascist appeal (I will fix all your problems; I will defend you from the international bankers and the foreign elements in this country), he wouldn't have won this election. He struck an almost impossible balance between engaging the worst instincts in American society and not completely alienating the rest of the party. So here you are. I hope all of you non-deplorables who voted for him enjoy the golden age you've brought about.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 11 2016 06:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Do we know who the despicable group endorsed in prior elections? I've been trying to find an historical record of that, other than a mention of Reagan, who clearly was not a racist, and the Democrats or Democrats who ran as third parties in the 1960s, I've been unable to do so.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 11 2016 06:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's something I've been wondering too. I can only guess that they were less motivated to vote, since the rural turnout was much higher this year than in 2012. But if racism is their motivation, then you'd think they would have been eager to unseat Barack Obama, unless they also have a fear and distrust of Mormons that acted as a counterweight. I really don't know.
themetfairy Nov 11 2016 06:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is the kind of racist, bullying behavior that unfortunately is only going to get worse because our President-elect apparently sees no need to speak out against it -
Lefty Specialist Nov 11 2016 06:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Wellesley is Hillary's alma mater. So they were dancing in the end zone.
Centerfield Nov 11 2016 06:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He's busy metfairy. He first has to tweet about the evils of protesting. And it's not just him. It's everyone in his inner circle. Rudy Guiliani is the worst. And all of his supporters. Nice to see they have been so public about denouncing these actions and saying this is not what they stand for.
Vic Sage Nov 11 2016 07:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 11 2016 07:24 PM |
really? that's your response... to wonder who else they may have endorsed? What possible difference can that make? If your candidate is literally a KKK poster boy, don't you have to at least PAUSE and wonder why? Does your tax policy take a back seat to NOTHING? Can Trump have actually shot somebody in the middle of NYC and still not caused you to blink? I guess, at the end of the day, what so many people are frightened and upset about is not just Trump as president (although that surely will cause many sleepless nights), but what his election says about our fellow countrymen who voted for him (some of whom have already started to celebrate their liberated hate) and the apparent absence of any moral threshold to their political agenda. At what point do you put simple human decency above ideology? This election says that, for some of you, there is no such point. And that is terrifying.
Centerfield Nov 11 2016 07:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I know I am too close to this now to see it rationally, but I hope that someday soon, this event will be recognized for what it is.
Centerfield Nov 11 2016 07:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Vic, you ask that question when your objective is not really self-reflection, but a constant attempt to justify what you have done. He was hoping to find that the KKK had endorsed Reagan or Bush, or someone else that is an actual human being, so he could justify voting for Trump. Ignoring the fact that even if the KKK had endorsed Reagan, anything Reagan may have said or done doesn't fall in the same universe as the despicable things Trump has condoned.
TransMonk Nov 11 2016 07:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Red Flag: Trump did not allow a press pool for his trip to Washington yesterday.
Lefty Specialist Nov 11 2016 07:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Just the beginning of the norms that will be swept away. Presidents normally release their taxes every year, too.
themetfairy Nov 11 2016 08:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is one of the many things that's just killing me. Last weekend Hillary should have been running an "What Is He Hiding?" ad campaign? WHY didn't he release his taxes? It is the norm - what is Trump hiding? She brought it up in debate, but didn't hammer it home the way she should have. She left this ball sitting on the tee.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 11 2016 08:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I doubt it would have made any difference.
Vic Sage Nov 11 2016 08:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
you still think that would have mattered? You think our midwestern Brexit would've been prevented if Hilary was just more strategic? There is literally nothing anyone could've said or done to make Trump more hateful than he already was. Those that voted for him DID NOT CARE. Just ask MGiM. For some, he was the vessel for their hate, their frustration and their resentment, and for others a trojan horse for their ideological agenda. They didn't care what he was hiding... what he WAS NOT hiding would've been enough to destroy any normal political candidate.
Centerfield Nov 11 2016 08:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And they didn't care what consequences other suffered as a result of their actions, so long as they got what they were looking for.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 11 2016 08:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The whole "I could shoot someone on 5th avenue" remark was true, and I think by saying it helped at some level to make his supporters ignore or overlook their complicity.
Centerfield Nov 11 2016 08:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Confederate flag at Le Moyne College in Syracuse. My parents report that the whole mood in upstate New York is very tense.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 11 2016 08:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, well a lot of his voters probably don't care about anyone on Fifth Avenue getting shot. If he shot someone in Nebraska or Kentucky, that would be a whole different story.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 11 2016 08:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Jeez, only a matter of time until American Muslims or Latinos suffer a Kristallnacht.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 11 2016 09:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Deus ex Machina. You mean like Bush v. Gore?
A Boy Named Seo Nov 11 2016 09:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Asshole tries to take hijab off of Muslim woman's head here in Albuquerque. It's gonna be hard to un-ring this bell.
Lefty Specialist Nov 11 2016 09:23 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Confederate flag business is going to be booming for the next four years. It's a lot of pent-up racism coming out; for the past 40 years or so it's been socially unacceptable to be overtly racist in public. There's a lot of steam that's been building up. Racism never went away, it just went under cover. The good ole boys drinking their beers at the bar would talk about goddamn n*ggers, but they knew enough to keep that among themselves. There's been a kind of release of that steam since the election. Their racism got validated. Bullying got validated too; 85 million people saw Trump behave badly in the debates and he won. Hillary supporters bought Nasty Woman shirts, but millions of guys (and plenty of women) said, "Yeah! He took it to that b*tch!"
dinosaur jesus Nov 11 2016 09:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Okay, then. Let them be explicit about it. The more they label themselves as what they are, the more they make it obvious what this is really about, the sooner the tide can turn against them. And I hope we keep seeing those Nasty Woman shirts.
themetfairy Nov 11 2016 09:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Or American Jews. Good old fashioned Antisemitism is never out of style with this crowd.
Vic Sage Nov 11 2016 09:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
even if they weren't part of the transition team, having your kids run your company is not a "blind trust".
TransMonk Nov 11 2016 10:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
A red flag inside a red flag.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 12 2016 12:40 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I take this back. By the time Trump's done, minorities won't be allowed to vote in any state instead of just GOP controlled states. The GOP will pass Federal Nation-Wide Voter Suppression legislation and the newly reconstituted Conservative leaning Supreme Court will eventually affirm its constitutionality. As the voting and exit polling data is scrutinized and released to the public over the next few months, I'd like to know how much these new Voter ID/suppresssion laws impacted this election, particularly in NC, Ohio and Wisconsin.
Lefty Specialist Nov 12 2016 01:32 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If there's no law specifically prohibiting it (I'm not sure there is), then he'll try to get away with it.
Nymr83 Nov 12 2016 01:34 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nate Silver takes his victory lap
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 12 2016 01:52 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:06 AM |
Rockin' Doc Nov 12 2016 03:24 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hillary and the Democratic Party lost the election, but I doubt that "voter suppression" due to voter ID laws are to blame for it. It definitely wasn't a factor in North Carolina. She seemed to often be sitting back and waiting for Trump to lose the election, rather than trying to go out and win it. Trump did his part to sabotage his candidacy by frequently making inflammatory and stupid remarks, but HRC never fully seized the opportunities that he presented. I suspect that Clinton and the Democratic leadership may have suffered from overconfidence.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 12 2016 04:08 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I disagree and I don't even know what the data's gonna reveal. This was a very close election. I'm not about to equate the magnitude of the shock or stunningness of this election with the narrow margin of victory -- a small margin that gave Trump the Presidency only because of our quirky and perhaps obsolete electoral college. Trump won by a small number of votes in his favor in just the right states. I think 538 and Nate Silver nailed it when they gave HRC about a 65% chance of winning. What that meant was that HRC won in about 65% of their simulations. That sounds about right given the margin of victory. But unfortunately, we don't get to replay the actual election nine more times to see if HRC would've won more times than Trump overall. FWIW, and it's not worth much today, HRC looks like she'll have won the popular vote by close to two million voters when it's all counted up. So what does this have to with voter suppression? In an election that was so close, everything probably mattered. The jobs going overseas. Scalia's seat. Islamic terrorism. Comey's October surprise. And voter suppression. A little bit of this and a little bit of that and more of from there and it all adds up. So I really doubt that voter suppression didn't matter. It's just a matter of how much. If every vote is supposed to matter, then voter suppression has to impact the election. Not a factor in North Carolina? Do you know that up until the passage of the Voting Rights Act with its pre-clearance provision, North Carolina had just about the worst record in this country when it came to disenfranchising its African-American citizens?
batmagadanleadoff Nov 12 2016 04:30 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This makes Trump so much better now. Let me ask you this: Instead of posting about how terrible and flawed HRC was, what do you think Trump is going to do for all of those disenchanted Rust Belters that voted for Trump because they want their old jobs back or their old "buying power" back?
Rockin' Doc Nov 12 2016 04:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I am quite aware of the widespread voter suppression and intimidation of minorities that occurred in North Carolina and throughout the south in the past. However, the Voter Rights Act was passed in the mid 1960's. Unfortunately, 50 years later, prejudice still exists throughout our country, however I do not believe that voter suppression played a part in Hillary's losing in North Carolina. I have never quite understood how requiring a voter present a photo ID (drivers license, military ID, or non-operators ID card) is discriminatory or restricting the ability of people to vote. A photo ID card can be obtained for free from any local DMV office or through their website. Whether requiring a photo ID to receive a ballot to cast a vote favors one party or candidate over another is debatable, but it did not play a part HRC's loss in North Carolina. In order to vote in NC, one simply gives their name and states their address to receive their ballot. I see far greater potential for voter fraud when there are no real measures to insure that a person is actually who they claim to be when casting their vote.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 12 2016 05:15 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's true that the Voting Rights Act was passed 50 years ago. But the whole Act, before it was denuded by the Supreme Court in [u:1z6fxpxe]Shelby[/u:1z6fxpxe], was also in effect for about 50 years thereafter. Who the hell knows what North Carolina's voting laws would be like without all those years of oversight? The trend wasn't very promising. And what happened right after the Supremes decided Shelby County? I mean like about three seconds after. North Carolina went about to craft the worst voter suppression law post Shelby in the USA. It was so egregious, so flagrant --- and so inept -- as if it was researched and drafted by the Keystone Cops -- that the 4th Circuit was able to strike it down on the plaintiff's first challenges without even having to rule on any of the plaintiff's other charges.
Nymr83 Nov 12 2016 06:32 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
and that case was rightly decided - but it is blatantly unconstitutional to subject all the southern states to "pre-clearance" requirements - if pre-clearance is constitutional at all then apply it to everyone. but that wont happen even under a dem congress because the liberals dont want to subject the states they run to such things.
Lefty Specialist Nov 12 2016 10:58 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Because you don't arrest everybody who was in the bank when it was robbed.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 12 2016 01:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I expect somebody will emerge. It's only been four days since the election and everyone is probably still reeling.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 12 2016 02:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 12 2016 05:15 PM |
What was Doc's question? What's the reason in general for knocking down Voter ID laws -- beyond the one in NC? I avoided that question because the answer is complex and extremely nuanced, with branches going out in all directions. And I wasn't in the mood to write a 25 paragraph post and I figgered that if I tried to give a condensed or simplified answer, I'd get unfairly nitpicked on account of my brevity even though my short post would essentially be accurate. But despite my better instincts, here's the short answer. Because a Voter ID law is unconstitutional if it yields a discriminatory impact or result. A court need not find discriminatory intent because it is recognized and understood that legislators are, for the most part, reasonably intelligent persons who in most cases are not dumb enough to announce their discriminatory intentions -- instead, they'll conceal them with pretexts and misleading though somewhat plausible reasons for passing the legislation in question. Another factor to consider is that these laws are deemed to disenfranchise voters because prior to the enactment of the laws in question, those voters were permitted to vote without the newly created requirements. Voting laws that impact minorities voting rights also trigger the Equal Protection clauses of the Constitution. Accordingly, there must be a reasonable connection between the remedy and the problem it was designed to cure. A state isn't allowed to burn down the entire house just to catch one mosquito. This is where states run into trouble because voter fraud is virtually non-existent. I read somewhere that a person is likelier to get struck by lightning than to commit voter fraud. States can go on Fox News all they want to complain about voter fraud, but in a Federal court, they're gonna need real evidence that's gonna have to withstand the scrutiny of election experts. BTW, I don't see much, if any, partisanship politics at play here with respect to those recent court decisions striking down Voter ID laws. They were issued, by and large, by very conservative courts and the lead decisions were written by Republican judges appointed by Republican Presidents.
A Boy Named Seo Nov 12 2016 04:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
As for the ID, thing, I don't have a problem showing my DL to an election volunteer. Neither do most of us probably, it's not an inconvenience. As Doc mentioned, you can get an ID card for free, or a small fee ($10 bucks in my state).
d'Kong76 Nov 12 2016 05:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't have mine in front of me, but in NY (at least in Westchester County) we
A Boy Named Seo Nov 12 2016 06:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Same in Los Angeles County. I would show up with or without that mail-in card and give them my name, sign the paper voter roll, then vote.
Edgy MD Nov 12 2016 09:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I showed up once in Albuquerque and gave them Seo's name first once. It was awesome. HA!
d'Kong76 Nov 12 2016 09:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I can't hear Albuquerque without thinking of this...
Lefty Specialist Nov 12 2016 10:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I can't hear Albuquerque without thinking of this....
d'Kong76 Nov 12 2016 10:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yup©, that too!
Edgy MD Nov 12 2016 11:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I dig that song fiercely. The producers had that song in the stable at the start of the show, and on one of the early episodes, guest star Ray Bolger, playing Shirley's father, butchers it. Later in the season they build a whole episode around it. Written by Tony Romeo, who also penned "I Think I Love You" and "Indian Lake," which means he had big hit records for both The Cowsills and The Fake Cowsills. Learn more on my only-exists-in-my-mind Partridge Family blog,
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 13 2016 01:37 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:02 AM |
d'Kong76 Nov 13 2016 01:42 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's four or five good songs on that first album. I'd post which ones
themetfairy Nov 13 2016 02:23 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
When you say Albuquerque in our household, you're talking about Weird Al -
batmagadanleadoff Nov 13 2016 04:07 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's only a matter of time now before Donald Trump learns whether or not we have indisputable evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial beings.
Edgy MD Nov 13 2016 04:58 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's one of my favorite sub-categories of pop songs: plaintive and evocative ballads referencing a mid-sized Western city, recorded circa 1968-1971. There must be dozens.
Frayed Knot Nov 13 2016 01:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I believe I've mentioned this here before, but there was a subset of the UFO-believing crowd who were all in on a Hillary victory. John Podesta, as it turns out, is a big believer so, to them, a victory for her meant that finally one of their guys would be inside the halls of power. And when Hillary herself once responded to a quickie question on the topic she claimed she'd 'do what she can' to get existing information out, many in the tinfoil hat community interpreted that casual comment as some sort of guarantee that electing her was an assurance the vast hidden gov't files were to be released to the public so that soon everyone else would discover the details about what they themselves already "know".
A Boy Named Seo Nov 13 2016 03:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The well's not too deep, I don't think, but we've got this one:
batmagadanleadoff Nov 13 2016 07:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
When I was a kid, my favorite Partridge Family song was Who Hijacked this Thread? Fuck Albuquerque. Let's Instead Have Someone Explain to Me how the Fuck Trump is Gonna Bring Back those Blue Collar Jobs That are Gone Forever. It's a Technology World.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 13 2016 07:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 13 2016 07:47 PM |
My second most favorite Partridge Family song was: I Voted for Trump Because I Think He'll Personally Give Me --batmagadanleadoff -- an Interest Free Ten Million Dollar Loan that he then Won't Bother to Collect. Then He'll Forgive the Loan and then pass a special batmagadanleadoff Bill so that I won't have to pay any taxes on the loan.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 13 2016 07:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
OK. I'll answer my own question since no one else wants to take a crack at it. You wanna know what Trump's gonna do for all those Rust Belters who want their $30.00 an hour jobs back? Answer: He's gonna tell them to go and work for McDonald's or Burger King. It ain't $30/hour but it's a job. Minimum wage, which Trump ain't raising, is better than nothing. Or they can move to Mexico. Carrier's gonna be hiring real soon.
Centerfield Nov 13 2016 08:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
They can't get hired at Carrier Mexico. They would be illegal immigrants.
MFS62 Nov 13 2016 10:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Mitch McConnell was asked how those new mining and other rust belt jobs will be created, he said (I paraphrase) "Oh, that is for private industry to do". The fuckers are bailing out before the plane takes off. But at least when Trump throws the illegal immigrants out of the country, those fast food job slots will be open. Later
d'Kong76 Nov 13 2016 11:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Chris Rock throws his hat into the 2020 presidential ring.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 13 2016 11:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:03 AM |
batmagadanleadoff Nov 13 2016 11:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And Trump -- the guy who spent his whole life screwing the shit out of these kind of people -- is now gonna do exactly what for them?
batmagadanleadoff Nov 13 2016 11:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Is that why you voted for Trump? Because Michigan is making those kind of investments you mention?
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 13 2016 11:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:03 AM |
batmagadanleadoff Nov 13 2016 11:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Some gratitude. If I had a magic wand right now, I'd put the auto industry in Oregon. Or Washington.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 13 2016 11:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 13 2016 11:22 PM |
Because HRC would've thwarted that. Instead she's gotta pay the price as well as the majority of the country because the ditch diggers of America are angry that they aren't making Mark Zuckerburg money. Which I don't believe anyway. I think it was all about Scalia's seat. Guns and embryos. What a fucking country.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 13 2016 11:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 03:40 AM |
batmagadanleadoff Nov 13 2016 11:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No. The original question was why would disenchanted Rust Belters vote for Trump. What the hell do they think he's gonna do for them? What the hell is anybody gonna do for them?
batmagadanleadoff Nov 14 2016 04:20 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 14 2016 04:36 AM |
I'm gonna, as the politicians like to say, walk this one back a little bit. There's hope for a liberal Supreme Court in my lifetime. It might not happen but the likelihood of a liberal Supreme happening is not so overwhelmingly unreasonable, either. Here's how it'll probably happen if it happens at all and here's hoping that it will: Trump's gonna replace Scalia with a like-minded arch conservative justice. There's not a thing that can be done about that if that's what Trump and the GOP want to do. So in a few months -- maybe a little more than a few months -- depending on how long it takes for the GOP to kill the Supreme Court filibuster, the Supreme Court will be restored to its pre-"Scalia's dead" ideological balance, which leaned to the right. But here's the thing that's easy to overlook even if you like to follow the Supreme Court. You tend to think that conservatives, with Scalia, had a 5-4 majority that will be restored soon enough. But conservatives didn't have a 5-4 majority. Their advantage was more like four and three fourths to four and one fourth. Justice Kennedy, the man at the center of the court, often a swing voter -- voted with the four conservatives on some issues and with the four liberals on others. He's 78 years old. If the Dems could regain the White House and the Senate in 2020 with no Justice having left the Court during Trump's one term, the Dems might get a chance to replace Kennedy with a strong left leaning liberal Justice. And then voila -- a 5-4 liberal Supreme Court majority. Which of course, given that I went to all this trouble to write this post, probably won't happen now. I'm such a jinx, I think. I promised myself when I was new here, that I'd never post in any politics threads. And I kept that promise through both of Obama's wins. But I broke that promise this year and look what happened to poor Hillary. The main problem I see here is that Kennedy tends to vote more often with the right than with the left. This might be an indication that, to the extent that Kennedy can control the circumstances of his eventual retirement, he might prefer to retire when the GOP controls the White House and the Senate. TBD
Nymr83 Nov 14 2016 04:24 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump says he won't take the $400,000 salary as president, he'll take $1.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 14 2016 07:26 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I wonder if he'll donate it to a particular charity.
Lefty Specialist Nov 14 2016 12:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's all right, he'll make it up with all those new opportunities for the 'family business'. And how much you want to be he's lying and takes the $400,000 anyway?
Frayed Knot Nov 14 2016 01:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Kennedy, and I believe Hoover, both refused their presidential salaries.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 14 2016 02:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
First, Captain Alt-Right gets a White House office, while Priebus, various lobbyists, and varied Washington insiders fill other seats for "the ultimate outsider" president-elect.
This craven, lying motherfucker.
Lefty Specialist Nov 14 2016 04:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh, yes, this'll go well.
TransMonk Nov 14 2016 04:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm certain that Vlad Putin will fill Trump in on whatever Obama doesn't have time to cover.
Ceetar Nov 14 2016 04:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
well sure, if he takes money it'd be harder for him to hide his tax returns right?
batmagadanleadoff Nov 14 2016 06:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Nov 14 2016 06:56 PM |
The sentient wing of the press has been warning the country about the danger of an unfettered Paul Ryan all year long. The zombie eyed granny starver from Wisconsin would shred the social safety net if he could And now, thanks to disenchanted Rust Belters from the mitten shaped state who think they're gonna get their old $35 an hour jobs back, Ryan actually could. It looks like Part I of Ryan's plan is to shred medicare and blame Obama for it. I wonder who those disenchanted mitten staters are gonna vote for when they have to choose between insulin and cat food? By then, the damage will have been done, because they'll have gotten their arch conservative Scalia replacement, which is what they really wanted all along more than anything else and what, I think, this election was really all about more than anything else. ... are-obama/
TransMonk Nov 14 2016 06:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I did not watch Colbert's special on election night, but Halperin's show The Circus aired it's final episode last night, and featured a clip of him as a guest on Colbert's special. As the Trump victory was becoming imminent, Halperin said:
Maybe Halperin was not a Trump backer after all.
Edgy MD Nov 14 2016 06:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He wasn't, according to what I saw, though I'm sure I've missed plenty. He just seemed to infuriate folks by treating Trump's campaign as viable, and complimenting him as an outstanding political talent, which I guess he is. But I've missed a lot.
Lefty Specialist Nov 14 2016 07:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ryan sees this as his chance to gut Medicare. But don't worry, Granny, we're not going to cut YOUR Medicare, just anybody who hasn't gotten it yet. Don't want to lose the senior vote.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 14 2016 08:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Nov 23 2016 03:20 AM |
Lefty Specialist Nov 14 2016 08:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Great. You know nice Republicans. So do I. Too bad the ones in charge are not so nice.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 14 2016 08:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 14 2016 10:35 PM |
Next thing, you'll be telling us what a Great American Steve Bannon is. Unabashed White Supremacist and anti-Semite. Would you support David Duke getting a cabinet post?
themetfairy Nov 14 2016 08:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The false equivalency is mind blowing. I'm not going to unclench my fists over the spike in hate crimes we have witnessed over the past week. I have every right to be outraged over that. Those who had vowed an armed insurrection if Hillary was elected and are now going on a bullying spree because she wasn't don't have the same right to outrage.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 14 2016 08:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 01:04 AM |
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 14 2016 08:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Tone-policing is hardly the biggest concern here, in a world where climate-change deniers are the only contenders for EPA czar, and half the transition team is full of people who full-throatedly endorse conversion therapy for homosexuals. But hey, while you're noting the tone of my words, let me explain their content. Ryan's craven because he's gone back and forth a dozen times on supporting Trump, and now he's simultaneously tap-dancing to save his job and pouncing on the opportunity to get rid of a stably-funded, half-century-old, essential safety net for the elderly. He's telling blatant mistruths (re: the Obamacare-Medicare connection, e.g.) to get there. Read his comments, and tell me that's not what he's feinting toward. I mean, Christ, it's on his web site as a policy goal, man.
themetfairy Nov 14 2016 08:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yes. My fists are clenched because people are doing horrific things against those who are Black, Muslim, Jewish, Gay, or otherwise different from those whom the alt-right consider "Real Americans." As opposed to those whose fists against those who have the audacity to be Black, Muslim, Jewish, Gay or otherwise different from them. If you think that all clenched fists are equal, then we have a serious difference of opinion.
Centerfield Nov 14 2016 08:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Come on metfairy. There's blame on both sides. One side is engaging in hate crimes, racial graffiti, threatening and intimidating minorities, gays, Jews and Muslims. Is that terrible? Sure. But on the other side, you have protestors. Protestors! People who live in a democratic republic thinking they have the right to have their voices heard in a time of injustice. Just sickening! Why? Just because their safety and well-being are being threatened due to their way of life? Big fucking deal. I mean, so one side has swastikas, the other side has sit-ins. Seriously. Both sides should be ashamed. These things are totally the same.
Vic Sage Nov 14 2016 09:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The false equivalencies engaged in by the Alt Right, and by MGiM repeatedly in this thread, seem to me premised on the notion that in a fair and tolerant society, acts of intolerance are morally equivalent to "intolerance of the intolerant". Presumably, this equivalence is necessary in order to avoid "the paradox of tolerance", wherein a tolerant society that is intolerant of intolerance has itself become, by definition, intolerant.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 14 2016 09:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 02:08 AM |
Vic Sage Nov 14 2016 10:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
and to talk about "clenched fists on both sides" is to equate intolerance with a rejection of intolerance, and these things are most assuredly NOT equivalent at all.
d'Kong76 Nov 14 2016 10:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
MGiM, where do you and your nice Republican friends stand on Mr. Bannon?
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 14 2016 10:05 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 03:41 AM |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 14 2016 10:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
How about denouncing the fucking idiot they just elected for stoking an environment where this threatens to become the new normal?
themetfairy Nov 14 2016 10:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nobody has said anything about the people you work with. I'm sure they are lovely people. But you can't use the lovely people you work with to shield you from acknowledging what is going on by others in your party who are not so nice and are using this election as a springboard for terrorizing any religious or minority group whom they dislike.
Edgy MD Nov 14 2016 10:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, I have no problem with the idea that there are agents of destruction on both sides. There are. They use political positions as a cover for a malicious spirit.
themetfairy Nov 14 2016 10:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The fact that you work with lovely people does not mean that the President Elect shouldn't be denouncing the people who are terrorizing others in his name.
Lefty Specialist Nov 14 2016 10:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I saw a lot of clenched fists when Obama was elected. I saw clenched fists when they wouldn't even give his SC nominee the courtesy of a hearing. Republicans have clenched their fists for 8 years, and now that they won, somehow we're supposed to be nice?
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 14 2016 10:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 2 time(s), most recently on Nov 15 2016 03:42 AM |
batmagadanleadoff Nov 14 2016 10:23 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is why strongmen and fascists prosper. Because they exploit the decency and goodwill in all of the rest of us to give them a chance, to give them the benefit of the doubt. It's usually only after they've committed the most horrible and unthinkable of things many times over that the rest of us finally reach our breaking points and engage in whatever's necessary to stop them.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 14 2016 10:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh c'mon. You voted for Trump. Which is your right to do and I truly and sincerely respect it. But you voted for him.
themetfairy Nov 14 2016 10:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
One 60 Minutes interview is insufficient.
seawolf17 Nov 14 2016 10:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That wasn't a denouncement. It was Gene Wilder saying "no, don't, stop" while Mike Teevee jumps up to get zapped by the Wonkavision cameras.
TransMonk Nov 14 2016 10:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump = Republicans Again, you guys have to own this now.
seawolf17 Nov 14 2016 10:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Centerfield Nov 14 2016 10:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He did denounce it. But not nearly as he should have. Five days after the fact only when directly confronted on the topic. After he blasted protestors and the NY Times.
Really if it helps? Really Donald. Don't pull a muscle.
What's one or two hate crimes among friends? What's the big deal? Come on. Swastikas are kind of cute in their own little way. Fuck that. Like I said in the beginning. Keep lying to yourself.
A Boy Named Seo Nov 14 2016 11:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yah I watched that 60 minutes, and while he reprimanded those carrying out hate crimes the same way I get my dog to stop picking on the cat, both he and Donnie Jr. made sure to point out that the media is really blowing shit outta proportion. If i wasn't crazy, I'd say it sounded right outta Breitbart.
Centerfield Nov 14 2016 11:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He promised to be a president for everyone, and deliberately looks the other way while hate crimes are taking place.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 14 2016 11:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
And which nice Republicans would those be that he knows? The nice republicans that balanced the Michigan budget by knowingly overcharging Flint, Michigan residents for water that looked like vomit in a racketeering scam that led all the way to a nice Republican's nice Governor's mansion, never mind what that vomit water did for the health of Flint's residents? The nice Republicans in Michigan who implemented a mean-spirited and inept computer program linked to a criminal database and then looked the other way when that malicious program improperly and without justification removed thousands of innocent Michiganers from the food stamp rolls? Or the nice Republicans who are all for foisting onto the taxpayers of Flint, Gov. Rick Snyder's multimillion dollar legal fees that he'll accumulate as a defendant in the water scandal case, talk about adding insult to injury.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 15 2016 12:16 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You want to go into areas that would be inappropriate for me.
d'Kong76 Nov 15 2016 12:25 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Is it inappropriate to discuss Bannon too? I asked earlier but it fell on
A Boy Named Seo Nov 15 2016 12:43 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yah, I kinda wanted to hear what you thought about that, too.
MFS62 Nov 15 2016 01:36 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
AP is reporting it looks like the Nosferatu doppelganger Rudy Giuliani is the favorite to be named Secretary of State.
Nymr83 Nov 15 2016 02:02 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I had him pegged as AG for sure, thought Bolton would get Secretary of State, I guess we'll see.
Ceetar Nov 15 2016 02:08 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If Trump was going to give all this idiots positions, why couldn't he give Christie one? Then at least I'd be rid of him locally.
MFS62 Nov 15 2016 02:12 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Good point. I have walked in similar shoes to mgim. I work for a company that advertises to a very Conservative clientele, and has two famous Conservatives prominently mentioned in those ads. And that is far from my own political leanings. When customers call and want to talk politics, I change the subject. Later
themetfairy Nov 15 2016 02:13 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No Fatties in the Cabinet.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 15 2016 02:38 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No I don't understand that he can't talk about the Michigan GOP. He's a journalist, isn't he? And if I'm mistaken, and he can't talk about them, why does he constantly bring them up in what is now clearly a sword/shield kinda move to make his insulting leap of logic that Trump is a swell guy because MGIM, according to MGIM, knows nice Republicans? And let me tell you about flipping burgers. There's no shame in it. In fact, there's more nobility in flipping burgers then there ever will be in voting for Trump. Of course, you don't know what I do for a living but that wasn't your point. Not a month goes by without this kind of shit aimed at me. People that disagree with me here don't tell me that their opinion of, say, Jacob deGrom, differs from mine. They tell me to go fuck myself, more or less. And nobody here, it's not even fucking close, has been on the receiving end of these nasty personal insults as much as I have.
seawolf17 Nov 15 2016 02:42 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
MGIM works for the governor, so I'm sure he has to be very careful about what he says publicly. I have great respect for MGIM and I'm sure this hasn't been easy for him.
Edgy MD Nov 15 2016 02:47 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
C'mon. Please don't start.
d'Kong76 Nov 15 2016 02:50 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He could comment on the Bannon thing, I promise to never quote him
batmagadanleadoff Nov 15 2016 02:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Really? That's the best you can do? "start"? #notmymod
Nymr83 Nov 15 2016 02:54 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
you get it because you ask for it
batmagadanleadoff Nov 15 2016 03:02 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Because of the old Me against Kong wars? He was abusing me non-stop for about eight years, beginning with my second or third post here ever. I ignored most of it. And you pull up a thread from when I finally had enough and gave it back (granted, with vehemence)? And that's why you just insulted me a few posts ago?
Edgy MD Nov 15 2016 03:05 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nobody needs to see the martyr act again. We've all seen it. Zero percent of us have bought it. Ever.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 15 2016 03:49 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You're the one, with your stupid posts, that won't let this end. First of all, it's not an act. Second of all, I guess NMYR gets a pass because of how I would respond to his post after the fact. Just like your buddy Kong got an eight year pass because after eight years, I decided to stand up for myself. Why don't you just stay the hell out of this since it's clear as day that to the extent that you want to involve yourself in this, you're totally clueless as to how to go about involving yourself in a fair manner. It's just incredible. There's about two Republican/conservatives posting on this thread and about (it seems like) 800 Democrats, including me. And at the end of the day, who do you think gets the "go fuck yourself". One guy here even managed to stick it to me and agree with some other guy at the same time even though me and the other guy wrote the same thing more or less. At least that wasn't a personal attack.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 15 2016 04:05 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's no insult here, much less a personal one. An admonition-- if a slightly haughty one-- maybe. But no insult. I don't know, but if I had to guess, I'd say that's probably why Namor gets a pass.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 15 2016 04:46 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This thread was the only fun thing about this election let's not ruin it!
Lefty Specialist Nov 15 2016 12:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I respect that MGiM has a job that puts him in an awkward position. The mistake was in engaging. You can't go halfway with the 'Nice Republican' stuff though and not expect blowback.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 15 2016 12:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Is there any talk in Canada about building a wall along their southern border?
Lefty Specialist Nov 15 2016 01:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
No, but everyone is treating me like a close relative just died.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 15 2016 02:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Globe and Mail the other day ripped the old USA a new one.
Lefty Specialist Nov 15 2016 02:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump has requested top security clearance for his kids. Except for Tiffany apparently, because even Donald has to draw the line somewhere.....
Nymr83 Nov 15 2016 03:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Secure information will be safer with Ivanka than it ever was with Hillary!
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 15 2016 03:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Getting back to the "republican nice guy" discussion, some of my righty friends on Facebook are taking a novel -- yet predictable -- approach to absolving themselves for the disaster their party created:
seawolf17 Nov 15 2016 03:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's when people say shit like that that I get stabby.
Lefty Specialist Nov 15 2016 03:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, the security clearance story is being debunked. I imagine Bannon will get clearance, though.
d'Kong76 Nov 15 2016 03:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Is it me, or does this Bannon look likes he been on a seven month drunk?
Ceetar Nov 15 2016 04:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Because Trump is a misogynist and won't share anything with her. Though it's still probably not true since Hillary probably didn't even have an email account as first lady.
Edgy MD Nov 15 2016 04:16 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh, yeah. Gin blossoms in bloom. He also looks like his farts work overtime.
Lefty Specialist Nov 15 2016 05:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm sure all the 'Nice Republicans' will be denouncing him soon.
A Boy Named Seo Nov 15 2016 06:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Truly does. It looks like the man sweats corn liquor (but I bet he doesn't touch dark spirits).
batmagadanleadoff Nov 15 2016 06:40 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Good. I'll defer to you and so if you don't think that was an insult, I won't act insulted anymore. Not that you know the history with this guy. It precedes your arrival here. Back when Namor had a frog avatar and I was brand new and as polite as a British butler. And that guy came after me every day for no reason. But whatever. I like this thread too much. Frankly, it's the only one that interests me these days. If the Veterans Committee took a special vote today and inducted Keith Hernandez into the HOF, I don't think I'd be motivated to post a single word. This country's in real danger. Who the hell could think of baseball? I can't.
d'Kong76 Nov 15 2016 07:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Dude, don't use this thread to do this to me. Again. It's sick behavior and
cooby Nov 15 2016 08:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not to change the subject but did you guys ever see the ad for Poopouri?
A Boy Named Seo Nov 15 2016 09:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Coob is the next one to Albuquerque this thread. :)
d'Kong76 Nov 15 2016 09:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
cooby Nov 15 2016 09:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
A Boy Named Seo Nov 15 2016 09:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Emoji re-enactment of me watching that video:
Frayed Knot Nov 15 2016 09:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
By the time I reach Albuquerque, she'll be pooping
A Boy Named Seo Nov 15 2016 09:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You left out batmags getting pissed.
Vic Sage Nov 16 2016 03:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
bad jokes, personal agendas, martyrdom, poop videos... posts about posting... i guess this thread is officially exhausted.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 16 2016 04:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nooooooooo. Don't kill this thread. It's en fuego and we like that. But lemme get some things straight. So MGIM works for his Governor now? So that would explain why he can't talk specifically about Mich GOP'ers, and instead refers to them generically as the oxymoronic "Nice Republicans". OK. What about national GOP'ers? Like Bannon. Or Drumpf? Can he talk about them?
Vic Sage Nov 16 2016 10:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
why there is no such thing as a good trump voter...
batmagadanleadoff Nov 17 2016 01:59 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Republican shill. Hah! I thought that was a joke.
The GOP is telegraphing its intent to privatize Medicare. But not to worry. Nice Republicans advise cash strapped Americans to go with the cat food. It's high protein and low carb, and if they can stick to a cat food diet, eventually they won't need insulin anymore.
Lefty Specialist Nov 17 2016 01:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hey, they'll phase out Medicare, but don't worry rich white guys, Donnie has your back:
Chad Ochoseis Nov 17 2016 04:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The big story there is that the 21 Club still exists. I would have guessed that it closed thirty years ago.
Edgy MD Nov 17 2016 04:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, how about that? Wait 'til I tell the gang at Toots Shor's.
Lefty Specialist Nov 17 2016 06:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The big story is that Trump is going to ditch the press every chance he gets. Let them eat tweets.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 17 2016 06:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I see that Duck Dynasty is going off the air. I guess they feel that their goal to redden the collective neck of America has been achieved.
Centerfield Nov 17 2016 06:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump aid says there is precedent for Muslim registry. References the Japanese American Internment Camps.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 17 2016 06:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's unreal. History is definitely teaching him the wrong lesson.
Edgy MD Nov 17 2016 07:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well then-Candidate Trump used the same historical precedent, and he was elected, so it's sadly unsurprising that it's being cited by his supporters.
Lefty Specialist Nov 17 2016 07:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's a real danger of Trump Outrage Fatigue. That he does SO MANY outrageous things that people just stop paying attention. The media will be off chasing the next shiny object.
Centerfield Nov 17 2016 08:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Right? If you threaten genocide, then have a change of heart, people will applaud you.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 17 2016 08:04 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Could it really get Senate approval? I know that'll fly through the House. But Dems won't be able to flip three nice Republicans? I guess anything's possible after last week, but someone like Rubio -- he'd vote for it? It seems that half of all Floridians are retirees according to my lazy eye test.
Lefty Specialist Nov 17 2016 08:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Not if you call it Medicare 'Reform'. And lie about it. Because everybody loves 'reform'. And they'll bundle it with something else, like middle class tax cuts.
Centerfield Nov 17 2016 08:23 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I saw clips of her speech last night. I have to say, I have been tough on Hillary before, but she is nearly regal in her grace after her defeat.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 17 2016 08:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Barack Obama sez:
Benjamin Grimm Nov 17 2016 08:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Reports say that Trump is considering Mitt Romney for Secretary of State.
d'Kong76 Nov 17 2016 08:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm just about there. I am the king of things will work themselves out, they always do. Where I am right about now is taking a few weeks hiatus from it all. It's a selfish mental health issue with me but I am utterly saturated with it all that I really can't take much more right now.
themetfairy Nov 17 2016 09:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's hard to imagine a worse choice. Although with Trump, I guess it could just as easily be the Duck Dynasty guy....
Benjamin Grimm Nov 17 2016 09:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Don't give him any ideas!
Edgy MD Nov 17 2016 09:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
In an article about who was on which shortlists, The New York Times wrote something surprising that I did not know.
I'm not sure if that position is controversial or not, but they they proceeded to list two of three potential secretaries with a background in energy and energy policy, rather than security.
Lefty Specialist Nov 18 2016 12:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
In the universe of bad options, Mitt Romney is less bad than Rudy Giuliani or John Bolton. Doesn't make him a good option.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 18 2016 01:19 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm not really expecting good. I'm willing to settle for "not terrible."
TransMonk Nov 18 2016 01:45 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I know no one wanted to say this, but it needed to be said. It may be an unpopular notion, but that toothpaste isn't going back into the tube.
Lefty Specialist Nov 18 2016 01:46 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Shh- don't tell the Trump voters. Let it come as a surprise.
Edgy MD Nov 18 2016 01:49 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So, you're Mitt Romney, and you've spent months arguing (presumably, in all earnest) that a potential Trump presidency is a clear and present danger. Is your obligation to your country to take the job, hoping that you can be a part of the small army of better angels fighting through the void of darkness in Trump's soul and in Trump's cabinet? Or do you tell him to stick it, because there's no conscionable way you can act as an agent of Trump's government. His foreign policy agenda, such as it is, is not something you can pursue, and so you'd have to tell him flat out that you'll be disobeying him from day one.
Nymr83 Nov 18 2016 01:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
everyone Obama appointed to anything was unqualified because i dont like their political views. <--- that is the same position you are taking if you don't think Romney is qualified.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 18 2016 01:55 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I agree. Romney is qualified. And I do think it's a patriotic duty to accept a position in a Trump administration. You have to mitigate the badness wherever you can.
TransMonk Nov 18 2016 02:52 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I never thought I would be hoping for Mitt Romney to be Secretary of State...but *fingers crossed*! I'm pretty sure Trump is going to make Mitt "drop to his knees" first, though. It will be interesting to see if Mitt does it.
Centerfield Nov 18 2016 03:45 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Giuliani is disgusting.
Lefty Specialist Nov 18 2016 10:45 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Bolton stated he wanted to blow up 10 floors of the United Nations building. Not exactly the attitude you want in a SOS.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 18 2016 12:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Because Kanye's a jackass and everybody knows it:
Lefty Specialist Nov 18 2016 01:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm betting that Trump just wants to see if Mitt will come to Trump Tower and get on his knees now that he's President-elect. Then he'll tell him to go f himself, just like he did to Chris Christie.
Edgy MD Nov 18 2016 01:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, that's certainly an outcome I considered.
Lefty Specialist Nov 18 2016 02:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If he did do that, it'd be some metaphysical trolling. Trump like to assert his dominance, so it'll be interesting to see what transpires. He enjoys dominating and demeaning men even more than he enjoys dominating and demeaning women.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 18 2016 02:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's because nobody respects women more than he does.
MFS62 Nov 18 2016 02:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm waiting for Trump to say he's considering the man who did more for his campaign than anyone else - Anthony Weiner.
Centerfield Nov 18 2016 02:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Donald Trump, American Hero, saves a Ford Factory that never intended to close.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Nov 18 2016 03:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump wanted Christie in. He likes Christie. By all reports, the primary reason Christie's been frozen out is because he put Jared Kushner's dad in jail.
TransMonk Nov 18 2016 03:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, Romney and Donald seem to be polar opposites when it comes to Russia, so I'm not sure how they mend that fence if Mitt becomes SoS.
Frayed Knot Nov 18 2016 03:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ahh yes, yet another wonderful side aspect of this whole election -- either winner was going to mean a Presidential in-law who was a financial crook. Chelsea Clinton's father-in-law, Edward Mezvinski, had that minor problem of being found guilty of 31 counts of fraud.
Lefty Specialist Nov 18 2016 04:23 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Of course, Chelsea's husband was probably never in the running to be a top presidential advisor.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 18 2016 04:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
OK. No David Duke but Jeff Sessions for Attorney General. Pretty close, eh?
Nymr83 Nov 18 2016 04:58 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
only in your twisted mind is that "close"
batmagadanleadoff Nov 18 2016 05:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Even money that this Administration passes a law that uses the word "mongrelization".
Lefty Specialist Nov 18 2016 05:59 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Sessions' confirmation as a district judge was voted down in 1986 because he was too racist. Bear in mind that Republicans controlled the Senate at the time. That he can now be nominated as Attorney General just shows you how far the goalposts have moved.
G-Fafif Nov 18 2016 06:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The President (the one in office) on the protests, from Politico.
seawolf17 Nov 18 2016 06:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I am thoroughly excited for Barack Obama, Pissed Off Private Citizen, starting January 21, 2017.
Ashie62 Nov 18 2016 06:34 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's the 1980's again. Wheres Boy George?
Ashie62 Nov 18 2016 06:35 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Goodbye Dodd-Frank.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 18 2016 06:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's an effort to sway the electors in Pennsylvania to give their votes to Hillary instead of Trump. And I see that there's a similar effort underway in Arizona. I have to assume that they're working other states as well.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 18 2016 07:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If that happens, the GOP won't be so reluctant to ditch the Electoral College going forward.
Lefty Specialist Nov 18 2016 07:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Imagine the lawsuits! It won't happen, nor should it. He won fairly under the rules. I have issues with the rules themselves, but that's another discussion.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 18 2016 07:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Also, I read that HRC wouldn't accept tbe Presidency under those conditions.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 19 2016 07:43 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You left out the twisted mind of Amy Davidson, twist-minded staff writer at The New Yorker: excerpt from "The Total Trumpism of Jeff Sessions, Attorney General Nominee": ... al-nominee It's terrifying to think of what this Nice Republican might do with the power, authority and resources that he's about to acquire.
Lefty Specialist Nov 19 2016 12:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This is going to be a cabinet full of cartoon villains. I wonder who the token woman will be (Sarah perhaps?). Won't be any African-Americans since Ben Carson already turned him down.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 19 2016 12:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ben Carson turned him down because he doesn't have any government experience and therefore feels that he isn't qualified to be in the Cabinet.
Ashie62 Nov 19 2016 03:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Centerfield Nov 19 2016 05:53 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hamilton cast has a message of tolerance for Mike Pence.
Chad Ochoseis Nov 19 2016 06:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
In the meantime, 25 million apologies from Trump for ripping people off via his fraudulent university.
TransMonk Nov 19 2016 07:28 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I don't necessarily agree with what the HAMILTON cast did, but a US President publicly demanding an apology from artists using their right to free speech is unacceptable.
themetfairy Nov 19 2016 08:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
For most shows I'd agree with you. But Hamilton is inherently political in nature - it would have been out of character for them to have said nothing.
TransMonk Nov 19 2016 09:18 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I just read the transcript of what they said and it was fully appropriate and respectful.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 19 2016 09:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yup. What a fucking disgrace of a president we have.
Lefty Specialist Nov 19 2016 10:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ah, that whole pesky 'freedom of speech' thing. It was put into the Bill of Rights because they wanted the people to be able to criticize their leaders without being punished for it. Hope it survives the next four years.
Edgy MD Nov 19 2016 11:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Easy there, man. What a fucking disgrace of a president-elect we have. He's not the asshole-in-chief yet.
Ashie62 Nov 20 2016 12:25 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The Democratic party forgot to talk to a large component of their historical base this election, middle america.
Lefty Specialist Nov 20 2016 12:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, he'll make sure not to ignore them now. Getting rid of their insurance and taking away their Medicare will be a good start.
Edgy MD Nov 20 2016 03:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think we're graduating out of the "2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION" thread into the "2017-2021 TRUMP ADMINISTRATION" thread.
Ashie62 Nov 20 2016 04:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Have an open mind and give him a chance to lead. If the Sanders people voted you would likely be very happy.
Lefty Specialist Nov 20 2016 07:46 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, this is not a normal presidency and I can't treat it as one. Having an open mind doesn't mean surrendering. If he has a good four years I'll kiss his ass in Macy's window; but I'm smart enough to know these next four years will be a nightmare of varying intensity.
G-Fafif Nov 20 2016 10:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Edgy MD Nov 20 2016 11:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, it's my open mind that's working against him. It's open enough to consider what I heard, what the ramifications are of what I heard, and why people responded to it.
seawolf17 Nov 20 2016 11:48 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I refuse to have an "open mind" about any of this. This administration is going to be a colossal terror for way too many people, and there has been NOTHING in the first two weeks to make me think any different.
d'Kong76 Nov 21 2016 12:09 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Dude's a dick, hope he'll shoot himself in the foot soon and bleed to death
batmagadanleadoff Nov 21 2016 12:28 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well ... that's all settled.
Nymr83 Nov 21 2016 12:46 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump's ego is apparently so big that his wife and son won't be joining him int he White House right away - he needs it all to himself.
Edgy MD Nov 21 2016 12:56 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I can't imagine any DC-area school, private, public, or parochial, where that child would find a worthy welcome.
Fman99 Nov 21 2016 03:12 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The real joke here is his stupid, fifth grade overreaction to everything on Twitter. Seriously, put your phone down. Be a grown up.
d'Kong76 Nov 21 2016 03:15 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
One more reason of three dozen to hope Twitter goes belly up soon.
Chad Ochoseis Nov 21 2016 02:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You know what has something to do with leading a country? This.
This is scary. A person is prosecuted because there is suspicion that he or she committed a crime, not because the President thinks that person is not "good" or "wants to hurt them". Is Trump going to enforce the laws of the United States, or is he just planning to do whatever the hell he feels like doing for as long as he's President? Somewhere in Hell, Richard Nixon is laughing his ass off.
Edgy MD Nov 21 2016 02:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Presidents are almost always arbitrary when put in a prosecutorial position, though. I remember at a press conference when President Bush was asked about a pair of British citizens being held at Guantanamo, he answered that these were "very bad men," and I remember thinking "That may be so, but it's not for you to decide."
batmagadanleadoff Nov 21 2016 04:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If Republicans Repeal Obamacare, Ryan Has Replacement Blueprint ... -blueprint This sounds like snake oil. Under Obamacare, persons with per-existing conditions were able to get coverage at about the same rates as healthy people. This was made possible because of the ACA's requirement that all people obtain health insurance -- the young as well as the old, the healthy as well as the sick. Insurers were then able to offset the higher costs of insuring those with pre-existing conditions because so many young and healthy were now buying insurance. Without this mandate, it's true that those with pre-existing conditions will still be able to get insurance. But it won't be affordable. It may cost them a couple of thousand dollars per week to have insurance. For all purposes, they'll be priced out. Ryan's plans states that it will protect people with existing illnesses and medical conditions from being dropped by their health plans. Let's see the details. And let's see what Ryan's plan would for those uninsured people with pre-existing conditions.
Lefty Specialist Nov 21 2016 05:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Insurance costs will skyrocket. The point of Obamacare was to get everyone into the system so that costs could be controlled. Insurance companies won't cover pre-existing conditions out of the goodness of their heart.
d'Kong76 Nov 22 2016 02:05 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Lmao, I just saw an ad for VIPoo on TVLand.
Lefty Specialist Nov 22 2016 04:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Speaking of VIPoo, Trump summoned all the major networks to Trump Tower to berate them for an hour about their coverage. Then they meekly slunk away. Watch how favorable their coverage gets now so they don't get yelled at again. Don't rely on the media to keep Trump honest.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 22 2016 04:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The douchebag in chief meeting with the Times today. Meeting includes a off-the-record pow-wow with publisher and an on-the-record interview with who I hope are the Times' most viciousn questioners.
Edgy MD Nov 22 2016 04:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I wouldn't attack the media as a monolith. That's his game.
cooby Nov 22 2016 04:41 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah but what good would it do :(
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 22 2016 04:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Can't give up until he resigns in humiliation.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 22 2016 05:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's a definite possibility, but if he does resign in humiliation he'll do it defiantly.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 22 2016 05:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump apparently tried canceling the Times meeting by twitter, wrongly asserting the Times changed the parameters of its meeting, then I guess relented. But he still gets a shot off in that exchange.
Edgy MD Nov 22 2016 05:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Spunk up, cooby. America needs you more than ever.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 22 2016 05:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
But Trump has no shame.
Edgy MD Nov 22 2016 06:00 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Talk about his hands. He has shame.
A Boy Named Seo Nov 22 2016 06:01 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Nov 22 2016 06:54 PM |
Back to some good ol' fashioned hatred. A close friend of mine went to drop his daughter off at school today in Atlanta and they were greeted with this. Man, Trump was right. If this is winning, we are winning so much that I am completely sick of it.
cooby Nov 22 2016 06:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Actually I've been invited to join a local 'quiet protest' group, inspired by a NYT article. Milling it over
Edgy MD Nov 22 2016 06:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
ABNS, those image lynx are broken. I'm not completely sure that isn't for the best, though.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 22 2016 06:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Paul Krugman gets right to the point and tells it like it is. Because, really, how many chances should we give Trump after the Bannon appointment? Isn't that enough? ... -wont.html
batmagadanleadoff Nov 22 2016 06:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Charles Pierce ponders why the State of Kentucky, which includes some of the poorest and sickest counties in America would vote against its own self-interest by electing a Tea-Party hooligan for Governor who's intent on helping to dismantle Kentucky's state health care -- "Kynect", --- and then Trump for President: ... are-trump/
A Boy Named Seo Nov 22 2016 06:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Take 2. Here's the shit my friend and his family encountered this AM. NSFW or humanity. ![]() ![]()
seawolf17 Nov 22 2016 07:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Remind me again, right-wing assholes, how this election WASN'T about racism and sexism and misogyny and empowering the worst elements of human society. FUCK THIS BULLSHIT.
Benjamin Grimm Nov 22 2016 07:23 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You act as if that stuff you listed is more important than how you store your e-mails.
Lefty Specialist Nov 22 2016 08:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Hillary met with someone who donated to the Clinton Foundation. That's much worse than not=so-subtly hinting that it's only a conflict of interest if HE decides it is.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Nov 22 2016 08:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She can march with My Wifey
cooby Nov 22 2016 09:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Look, the election is already bringing ours wives together!
d'Kong76 Nov 22 2016 11:06 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
The tv/internet video of his message regarding the first 100 days was
Lefty Specialist Nov 23 2016 12:50 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Mike Pence and Paul Ryan were heard snapping their gloves off after the video. Of course he's overwhelmed, which is why those two will get so much done so fast come January. They're going to be pedal to the metal from Day One, and Democrats better be ready for it. There was a chance they'd cave on an infrastructure plan, but now that that's been exposed as a scam (it's only tax breaks for the rich), they can vote against everything they bring up with a clear conscience. Poor assholes who voted for Trump won't know what hit them, because they'll take the brunt of it. The missus will be taking a bus with a bunch of nasty women. Link, for those inclined:
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 23 2016 03:33 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
d'Kong76 Nov 23 2016 03:51 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I always miss the good stuff.
Mets Guy in Michigan Nov 23 2016 04:00 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I was noting that the second Partridge Family album, "Up to Date," with the hit "Doesn't Somebody Want to Be Wanted" is underrated.
Lefty Specialist Nov 23 2016 12:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Appropriate, as women will be marching to prevent Trump from dragging us back to the '60s on a number of issues.
Ashie62 Nov 23 2016 07:39 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You've been watching to much "Mad Men."
Lefty Specialist Nov 23 2016 10:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump and Pence's training manual, you mean?
Ashie62 Nov 24 2016 12:53 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ashie62 Nov 26 2016 03:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Never thought it would take Jill Stein & HRC to turn Trump into a sympathetic character.
MFS62 Nov 26 2016 04:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Nobody has or can do that. You can't make chicken salad out of chicken poop. Later
Ashie62 Nov 26 2016 04:42 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Give it time.
Lefty Specialist Nov 26 2016 09:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
To his dying day Donald Trump will never be a sympathetic character. Ever. It'd take a lot more than Jill Stein entirely legally asking for (and paying for) recounts.
Ashie62 Nov 26 2016 10:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Dow Jones 17.250 > 19.038
Lefty Specialist Nov 27 2016 12:57 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So the stock market makes him a sympathetic character?
batmagadanleadoff Nov 27 2016 11:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
From the Ministry of Truth:
Lefty Specialist Nov 28 2016 01:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Sheesh. Four years of this shit.
Centerfield Nov 28 2016 02:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Forget everything else, we have elected a man who has no regard for the truth of his statements.
Edgy MD Nov 28 2016 02:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I agree with him. Comprehensive national recounts NOW!!!!
d'Kong76 Nov 28 2016 02:51 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I dunno, I forget what it was called but when I was little in the 60's my Mom used to make some kind of canned chicken salad and it was pretty damn close to chicken poop.
TransMonk Nov 28 2016 02:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'll take "Things Aspiring Dictators Say" for $400, Alex.
Lefty Specialist Nov 28 2016 03:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Since there was obviously massive fraud, I think we need to have a do-over.
batmagadanleadoff Nov 30 2016 08:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Welcome to the New South. Same as the Old South.
Lefty Specialist Dec 01 2016 03:58 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, once the Republicans get finished remaking the Federal bench, we'll have separate bathrooms for whites and colored, too.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 01 2016 04:56 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It turns out I was more right about this than I could've imagined. From The New Yorker: excerpt: Ivanka Trump’s Terrible Book Helps Explain the Trump-Family Ethos ... mily-ethos When do the peasants revolt and bring out the guillotines?
Nymr83 Dec 01 2016 05:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Lefty Specialist Dec 01 2016 06:03 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Duck? :)
Benjamin Grimm Dec 01 2016 06:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Just watch what you tweet and you should be fine.
Nymr83 Dec 01 2016 06:52 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Could Congress pass a law to keep Trump off Twitter? if they do it today he can't veto...
MFS62 Dec 04 2016 03:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This thread is up to almost 70 pages and I admit I haven't read every page. So I don't know if anyone else has posted this.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 04 2016 05:32 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's not silly. That's remarkable!
Chad Ochoseis Dec 04 2016 07:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I would happily endure four years of Metly mediocrity in exchange for zero years of Trump.
Benjamin Grimm Dec 04 2016 07:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Me too.
Mets Guy in Michigan Dec 04 2016 09:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Let's Go Mets!!! Believe me, the victory parade is gonna he huge!
Ashie62 Dec 04 2016 09:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
My favorite combo would be to eliminate Trump and have Twitter disappear..
Lefty Specialist Dec 04 2016 10:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I would gladly prefer four Met last-place finishes and four consecutive Yankee world championships to what's coming.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 06 2016 04:11 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Michigan is the next scumbag state to join the Neo Jim Crow Revolution. It's proposed voter suppression laws are being fast tracked, no less, because the integrity of the vote is under threat according to the Nice Republicans in charge there, even though "there have been only a handful of voter fraud cases brought in Michigan in the last several decades, according to the Secretary of State."
batmagadanleadoff Dec 06 2016 04:21 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
When African-Americans and domestic Muslims are blamed for the mysterious fire that will burn down the Reichstag Building iin a few months ... watch out, folks.
Edgy MD Dec 06 2016 04:45 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I disagree with the attorney general.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 06 2016 04:50 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
But if you happen to be passing through Flint, don't drink the tap water.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 06 2016 05:50 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
You still awake? Ever been to the Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria? It's in your neck of the woods. How's the pizza, if you know?
Edgy MD Dec 06 2016 06:06 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
batmagadanleadoff Dec 06 2016 06:08 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
So why do you keep on going there if the pizza sucks?
Edgy MD Dec 06 2016 06:23 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Well, I don't keep on going there, so much as I occasionally end up there. But the short answer is that choices are thin in DC. Plus, there's ping-pong. Sport of kings.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Dec 06 2016 09:03 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ugh. Love the Mets fandom, but cornmeal-dusted crusts? Oh, HELL no, Two Boots.
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 06 2016 12:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I use cornmeal to prevent crust stickiness in my home pizza experiments. Does the trick. Now only if I could spin the dough into a shape resembling a circle.
Edgy MD Dec 06 2016 01:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Choices, as I say, are thin. I frankly got more pizza quality and consistency in the town of 24,000 where I grew up than in Baltimore and DC and seemingly everything in between. What are you gonna do? Two Boots is a slice of Heaven compared to the pizzagatory that I now dwell in.
Benjamin Grimm Dec 06 2016 02:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Joe Biden has been publicly musing about running for President in 2020.
Mets Guy in Michigan Dec 06 2016 02:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I use cornmeal, too. We go for the rectangle-shaped pies because I have a pan shaped like that.
Centerfield Dec 06 2016 02:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He's 74 years old already.
MFS62 Dec 06 2016 02:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Dec 06 2016 02:21 PM |
With some of the groups who supported him whispering in Trump's ear, that could be followed by Kristallnacht II. Later
Lefty Specialist Dec 06 2016 02:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Fixed that for you.
Centerfield Dec 06 2016 03:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Flynn Jr. tweed his support on the child porn ring even after this incident. Just shocking.
Centerfield Dec 06 2016 03:13 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Fake news almost got innocent people killed. If it keeps happening, it will inevitably happen.
Ceetar Dec 06 2016 04:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
it's been happening since news has existed and i'm sure people have already died as a result.
Lefty Specialist Dec 06 2016 05:31 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
He'll be 77. Not happening.
A Boy Named Seo Dec 06 2016 07:12 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Oh, well cool then.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 06 2016 08:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I called NC the crazy state. Charles Pierce calls it the insane state: This Is What All Elections Will Look Like Going Forward Lessons from Pat McCrory in North Carolina. ... -carolina/
batmagadanleadoff Dec 06 2016 08:47 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Jeez, this article I just posted gives me the willys because with the GOP controlling everything, I wonder if they might try and increase the number of Supreme Court justices to give the Court a powerful conservative majority. Something like FDR's failed court-packing plan? This is the administration that would try that.
Lefty Specialist Dec 07 2016 12:02 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
These people play to win, always, everywhere.
Chad Ochoseis Dec 07 2016 03:45 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Meantime, here in Ohio, the R-team is pushing the Roe v. Wade envelope to its limit and counting on an enduring conservative majority in the Supreme Court.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 11 2016 04:05 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I came across a tactical maneuver on the web to get Merrick Garland confirmed to the SCOTUS. Anybody here know for sure whether or not the move is constitutionally permissible? I'm not particularly interested in the ethics or cutthroatiness of the tactic, although I'm not discouraging those thoughts either. Mainly wanna know if it's constitutional. Here's the stratagem: ... anuary-3rd
batmagadanleadoff Dec 11 2016 04:13 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Still like to know if it's theoretically do-able, but with a 36-30 Dem advantage, even if everyone were to vote along party lines and the Indies voted with the Dems, wouldn't give the Dems the 60% needed to kill a filibuster.
Lefty Specialist Dec 11 2016 01:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Also not happening. If the situations were reversed, Democrats would scream bloody murder if Republicans pulled this kind of a stunt. This kind of stretches parliamentary procedure to the breaking point. And it would all have to happen within about 15 minutes. Like I said, not happening.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 11 2016 08:14 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Kellyanne Conway calls CIA report on Russian election meddling ‘laughable and ridiculous
Edgy MD Dec 11 2016 09:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She's not going anywhere anytime soon. She's got you re-posting her bullshit for her. It's the only kind of fame that matters any longer. The Washington Post has allowed her to play an intelligence analyst, FFS.
Nymr83 Dec 12 2016 02:02 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If Dems control the Senate, yes. I'd expect the same thing to happen in 2020 with Trump hypothetically trying to replace Ginsburg, because the precedent has been set. As for the trick to appoint Garland that is suggested above, I don't know if it would work or not - but do you know what would happen immediately afterwards? the new Republican majority would get to make the rules for the upcoming 2 years - 60 votes for closure? nah! the risks outweigh the benefits i would think - especially since you are in uncharted territory and the attempt might even fail and you get all the consequences without the benefit
batmagadanleadoff Dec 12 2016 06:07 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
There's no doubt that the Dems would make their own Garland stlye blockade, if, down the line, the roles were reversed. What pisses me off is that if the roles were reversed this past year, the Dems would never have done what McConnell did. They're pussies. And they can cry foul from here to eternity about the ethics and outrageousness of it all, but the GOP will reap the benefits of that blockade for perhaps longer than anyone here on this forum will remain alive. As to the rest of your post, that consideration about let's not do it to them lest they do it to us down the line carries less and less weight with me, especially with this version of the GOP. They'll do it to us even if we don't do it to them so we might as well do it to them first makes more sense to me. Playing nice with the party that would shut down the whole government when they don't get their way on anything, the party of 21st Century Jim Crow and now Donald Trump? Please. I can barely imagine the kinds of political abuses and outrages that are in store for the nation in the immediate years to come.
Lefty Specialist Dec 12 2016 01:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Odds of the Democrats controlling the Senate in 2020 are slim to none. They had an incredibly favorable map this year and could only pick up 3 seats. The map in 2018 is extremely UNfavorable.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 12 2016 05:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Trump wants to know why the Russian Election Hacking wasn't brought up before the election. Which, if intelligence had that info before the election, is a reasonable question to ask, I say. The answer is -- because the Democrats are big pussies who worried that the GOP would think it partisan to reveal that info. Unlike, say, the Garland blockade, which wasn't partisan.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 12 2016 05:43 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think the Dems picked up only two seats, not three, but yes, the 2018 Senate Map looks brutal for the Dems. Even with the mid-term effect, it's unlikely, at least from today's perspective, that that the Dems will regain control in 2020. If anything, the GOP will probably pick up seats and strengthen its control of the chamber. Trump's gonna have to piss off the Red states in some bigly bigly way for this perspective to change, which shouldn't be ruled out.
Lefty Specialist Dec 12 2016 06:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I stand corrected. They only picked up NH and IL. With the Louisiana election finished it's now 52-48 Republicans.
Nymr83 Dec 13 2016 05:02 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
does that take into account the fact that BOTH candidates in the CA general election were Democrats, or is that race excluded?
Lefty Specialist Dec 13 2016 12:07 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Ha! Never thought of that. Well there's your discrepancy right there; 12 million people voted in the California Senate election. California's so blue it makes your eyes hurt.
Ceetar Dec 13 2016 12:29 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Didn't Hillary bring it up in one of the debates? Of course, Hillary merely called some racists deplorable and got attacked for it. Way to go media on that. And I saw plenty of democrat type posts up in arms about Trump questioning the election results a month before like the system is some holy entity and not a dysfunctional mess stuck together with duct tape. And the republicans know where all the holes are because they're the ones that put on the duct tape. Few people seem to really care enough to to anything about racist and illegal voter suppression, gerrymandering, or russian hacking because it might tarnish The Great System. Democrats may be pissy they lost, but they don't dare disrupt it because they enjoy too much power even as the second party
Edgy MD Dec 13 2016 12:44 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah, this isn't about "big pussies" so much as what America chose to believe and celebrate. It was the most memorably disastrous part of the third debate. Of any of them, probably.
Ceetar Dec 13 2016 01:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
it's almost like the debates are actually a television show and not civilized discourse that anyone uses to decide who to vote for.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 13 2016 06:15 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yes, the Russian Hacking was out there before Election Day. But the idea, and coming from intelligence agencies no less, that Russia had its thumb on the scale for Trump was not. Of course, people assumed that anyway, but there was no official confirmation of that theory until this past week. Another revelation that was disclosed for the first time this past week was that Russia also hacked the GOP emails, but withheld the contents from the public.
Lefty Specialist Dec 13 2016 10:36 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
It's like we're living in a Robert Ludlum novel.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 15 2016 08:19 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
More insanity from the insanest state in America.
Lefty Specialist Dec 15 2016 02:26 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
This after they yelled 'Fraud' for a month after the election, with no basis in fact. Republicans are relentless. When they lose, they just change the rules.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 17 2016 06:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 20 2016 06:25 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Drunken white asshole standing behind a construction fence on 44th 6/7th screaming "Ni**a, Ni**a ni**a! Donald F**cin Trump!" Cops won't arrest him. It's not illegal to be an asshole. MAGA
Ceetar Dec 20 2016 06:49 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
if he was black they'd find something to arrest him for.
Mets Willets Point Dec 20 2016 06:54 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Or shoot him.
Edgy MD Dec 21 2016 03:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Man, drunk and disorderly isn't a crime anymore? Trespassing drunk in a construction zone?
John Cougar Lunchbucket Dec 21 2016 04:10 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I'm only assuming he was drunk. He wasn;t really trespassing but on a sidewalk beneath a large construction scaffolding and separated from the south side of the street by a chain link fence.
Edgy MD Dec 21 2016 04:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Man, nut up, New York's Finest.
Ceetar Dec 21 2016 05:08 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I know having cops and laws are a relatively new thing, but I wonder if perhaps the police academy should put some thought into have a few "laws of the land" courses as part of the curriculum.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 23 2016 03:55 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Tragedy plus time equals comedy gold.
Ashie62 Dec 24 2016 02:27 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Joe Biden, the painful democratic truth, coastal elitism blew it.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 27 2016 07:50 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland to return to hearing appeals court cases
batmagadanleadoff Dec 29 2016 05:23 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Why North Carolina matters.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Dec 29 2016 05:09 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Why NC's Fucked Up, Reason #37: They elect their Supreme Court Justices????
Edgy MD Dec 29 2016 05:57 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Election of any judges, to my thinking, is an unhealthy element in a democratic system.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 29 2016 07:11 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Here's Trump's comments on the Russian hacking scandal: ... -hack.html I think that Trump's remarks, if sincere, once again reveal a bewildering level of stupidity onhis part. Also, his comments are telling in that they reflect a total disregard for the concerns of the nation. Trump must think so little of us, and probably regards us as sheep.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 29 2016 07:17 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Which reminds me -- going back a few posts to that discussion here on the USA's low score on that global election study. Another area where the USA did poorly in that study, I would imagine, in addition to the shameless gerrymandering that goes on in this country and the absurd relic that is the Electoral College is in the extreme difficulties parties have in demanding recounts. Some of Jill Stein's attempts were rebuffed in part, because she didn't have any evidence of computer hacking. This is a huge Catch-22 because a properly executed hacking won't leave any outward traces of a hack. The only way to discover the hack would be to dig deep underneath the surface.
Nymr83 Dec 29 2016 07:19 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
she also didnt have a shot in hell of winning and i think its perfectly valid to say that we aren't going to waste taxpayer time and money on her. If Hillary had challenged the results, it would have been a different story.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 29 2016 07:37 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Edited 1 time(s), most recently on Dec 29 2016 07:41 PM |
Stein may not have won, but in Michigan, her recount petition was ultimately denied because she lacked evidence of hacking --- the big Catch-22. Even though there was evidence of about 75,000 uncounted ballots, mostly from Detroit and Flint. As you know, Detroit and Flint are bankrupt and are now under GOP control as the GOP Governor there appointed "emergency managers" to rule those cities. Michigan's emergency manager law allows the governor to bypass entirely the electoral process. The law was repealed but then snuck back in by Snyder's administration. If they're capable of poisoning an entire population, they can surely run a voting scam that benefits them without losing a wink of sleep.
Nymr83 Dec 29 2016 07:38 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Today's sanctions against Russian entities was a good thing as it puts Trump in a position of strength to negotiate them away - or Blame Obama if he secretly wants to keep them in place. It would be nice to think they (Obama and Trump) planned this, but more likely its just another example of post-election Obama vindictively going after those he doesnt like.
LeiterWagnerFasterStrongr Dec 29 2016 08:45 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
As opposed to, y'know, foreign entities that actively interfered in our elections. You're right. It's probably yet another revenge-against-enemies thing from Ol' Classless Barry.
Ceetar Dec 29 2016 10:22 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Because it's truly just a battle between republicans and democrats and because no one can see how Stein's challenge matters to that battle (fairness? what?) it just gets basically ignore?
Nymr83 Dec 29 2016 10:33 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
it a battle between viable candidates whoever they might be, if the 2nd place finisher isn't complaining we shouldn't be forced to spend time and money indulging the conspiracy theories of lesser finishers.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 29 2016 11:21 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I can only hope that your comment about recounts being a waste of time doesn't reflect the attitudes of the state and federal governments of the USA. Because otherwise, that would be one of the scariest things that this country has to contend with. Your other comment about recounts being a waste of money, I also don't get because it's my understanding that the proponent of a recount is required to foot the bill. I don't see how any open-minded non-partisan person can claim that recounts are bad. Also, I don't see why someone like Jill Stein wouldn't have standing to ask for a recount. In Michigan, a candidate has to be an aggrieved party to be able to ask for a recount. But the state of Michigan has never defined what the term "aggrieved party" even means within the context of an election. Of course, being that their highest court is GOP dominated, I have no doubt how that decision would've turned out in Michigan had its highest court ruled on the issue. Also, granted that I'm not familiar with the quirks of each of the various state laws, but I don't understand why HRC wouldn't be permitted to reap the benefits of any Jill Stein requested recount, and I'm pretty sure that whatever argument you'd advance againt HRC being able to benefit from the findings of a Stein recount would just be more narrow-minded GOP partisan condescending bullshit. I guess what you really mean to say is that recounts are bad unless the Democrats won the particular election in question.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 29 2016 11:24 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Yeah. It's a nice start. Too bad that the sanctions aren't even remotely as strong as they ought to be in proportion to what the Russians did, which is essentially to commit an act of war against the USA.
Lefty Specialist Dec 30 2016 12:41 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Sanctions are pretty weak, will be reversed by Trump, and the 35 people they kicked out will be replaced by 350 new 'cultural attaches' as soon as he takes office and Makes America Gag Again.
Ceetar Dec 30 2016 02:16 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's like saying the NFL should ignore complaints and evidence from the Jets about the Patriots cheating because they had no shot at winning the Super Bowl anyway.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 30 2016 02:58 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
His "waste of time" comment is about as ridiculous as his past comment that HRC doesn't deserve armed guard protection.
Edgy MD Dec 30 2016 03:13 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
She has the right to challenge and saying her challenge doesn't deserve a fair hearing because she didn't have a chance of winning is arbitrary.
batmagadanleadoff Dec 30 2016 03:39 AM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
That's right. Besides, otherwise, the next cheater won't cheat to win by a tiny margin. It'll cheat to win by a landslide because the margin of victory insulates it from inquiry.
MFS62 Dec 30 2016 02:20 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
If my tax dollars aren't going to pay for her armed guard protection, then I don't want my tax dollars paying for batteries for Dick Cheney's pacemaker. Later
cooby Dec 30 2016 11:02 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
Benjamin Grimm Jan 10 2017 03:30 PM Re: 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION |
I think it's probably time to close this thread.